The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 22, 1905, Image 5

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Kg ' The Press and Banne I* ! '< 1 . M 1 . . J fflr~Pub!!?h?d oyery MTadnasday at <3 Mr lm idr?w. Wednesday, March 22,190 Colon Service. Union cer-TlcM Will be held In tha Bapt Church next Sunday night at 8 o'clock, i Rev. B H. GMer will preach the sermon. March SO, 1905. Children's Day. Children's da/ will be observed at Lsban on Kat>baib th?28'h lnat., a*r*l?e* beglnnl \ at II o'clock a. m. Rev. Mr. Neville Pre dent of Clinton Colleges and J. M.Hardin this city will d*ilv*r addresses. For Sale. 1 'I H. P. Taylor engine on truck* and i fixtures pertaining to same. Can be boug ry cbeap for casb. Apply to B. care l*ie?s and Banner. .... .. . / . 1 a P. IfrrlCfi. Rev. B. H. Grler vrlll preach In the A. R., Church on next Sunday t(ie 36th of March. " /hearty Invitation le extended to all. i*lano Becltali Miss Stella Simpson'* piano class will gl a riHtal at.the Court House. Friday evenli t .at 6:15. Admission free. livery one lnvlt -to aitand. i ' s-- - - I^elsare. i- -.t On Friday night the 24th of March, Hon. \ ? P. Wtdeman will deliver oneof hie beat l< tures at Sharon. Mr. Wldewan will epn . . on a lively toploand an enjoyable occaalt may De expected by Iboae who attend. Mlae Elian iHttbry Injured. Ml<? Ellsa Mnbry daughter of Mm E \ M?"ry, who le a student at the Wlnibro College, .'ell through tbe College elevator yt Ustday. She waa not seriously lujured. Abbeville Boj Wins Medal. . Id the debate uj on the question, " the tariff beneficial t6 labor," Mr.] ' W. Perrin, Jr., wou the ?lesbi*iou an M was awarded a 'medal. We congrati late our young fellow townsman, fc may he win ail his battles. Dltuoluliou Notice. Having told my lnl?r??t Id Calhpun " Gr.ocsry Oo. to Mr. J. B. G. Campbell, be wl ontinu? tbe butloes* ai p'ace. He wl olleetall accouotM due tal'd firm, and pe all claim* and d?bt? a^* Inst ?ald firm. February l?t 1905. T J Foruon. it. Freah Palnt. If you need any first c)ai> painting done, ? a?< tjniir hnnwp nr vnur ftirri tare"bruabed up," W T.Edwards will ,do 'for you n an arlsilc manner aud at a tea*able price. *; \V. T Edwards, Painter. _.Headqanrter?.lD tbe Hardware Store. Have Ton a Tflfphwf? ; * If-' Inconvlenlenre bo'.h your ban dm* and ptir?onal friend* who wish to con muDleale with you. ?. Tba Ladlae' Frlani. , - Wbitt Nauralglna. WtoyT For It ?nr their Hvadaobe* when all otbar* fall. Whe they one* try It,you cannot *ay, I have aom thing luat aa good, for tiey know better. Ti .It and ?ee If they are not rlgbt. Cure? In , . . mlnutaa and la harmlsu. Hold evarywhe by drug dealera. 4 do* 3* 10c. Manutactun by, ltm. tfauralglua Co..A.ugu*ta, Qa. Always Liberal * Ohurchea. Xvery church will be given a liberal quai Ity of L. A U. pilot. Call for It. 4 gallonc LontmiD a,Uarllurs L A V. Pair raized wlln iuree gallon* llutetd'oil. wl patnt a bonaa. ? c . W. B. Barr, Cbarleatcn. W. V*, write "Palntad Frar-.kauburg block with L. & i .Standi oat tboogb Tarnished." *' ' Vwri aod eoTtrt Ilk* gold. i Don't pay ti ? a gallon for llnaaed oil, whlc 70a do In {eady-Xor u*? pain*.. Bay oil freab from tb^barral at 90 cenla pi gallon and miru with with L. A M. ?*->' .. It mtkaa paint ooataboat fl 30 per gallon. Bold by 8peed Drag Co. Refflalr&tlon Xnllcr. v, , City, rtglatratloo book a are now open. It neceaaary for all votera to regleter. . James Chalmers, .!; C. Ji . Ulty Clerk. Jan. 9, WW. * rt IJTjl .v > watermelon Heed. 190 lbf. Ado Watermelon and Cantaloui M?d now on band- Come and get your sei % " from J. W. RYKARD. . Prof. L. W. Dick went to Colombia la waek to attend a Committee meeting of t Btate Teaebera Association. Prof. D'ck b bean Secretary of tbe Association for quite nnm bar of vearn and is at borne In edo< lloDql, circle*. Cieroaon College wa* select as lb* nut place ol meeting of tbs Assoc] I \ t'onA >.>?? i i. . Dr. K. A. White of Colombia was in tbe o) Saturday and 8nnday the guest or Mr. A. Morse. Dr. White Is a Professor in tbe Tt j, ...ologle-al, Seniloary Id Columbia, be Is an fib . preacher and bis sernoms In tbe Prexbyterli ' , Church Sabbtvlh iwrijInu and evening wo ~ listened to wltb marked attention. Says tbe Abbeville Press and Banne "We see by tbe newspapers that tbe probl . ltlonlstp aod tbe moonshiner* of PlcKe bare pooled their usurps and are dow fl'gl log in solid phalanx agalDSt tbe borr dispensary, which forbids tbe sale of llqu ... Jar twelve hours oat of every, twenty-four "it Isnatorxl tbat tbe moonshiners kl on loin the prohibitionists Id Ibe fl^bt. Wh better than prohibition could tbe moooibl era of PlckeDS desire"??Newberry Hera and News. NothlDg at all. Tbe mooi r -abiners may be depended on to know wh Is beat for their trade.?Orangeburg Patriot. r "V^ANTED?Lady or gentleman ( fair education to collect for large buV jaess Ann. Salary $15.00 per wetk ac board. Address B., care of this office. Last Hope Vanlnhed. Wheh leaditiR physicians said th? W. M. Smithart, of Pekin, la., bad ii curable consumption, hi9 last hope v, Dished; but Dr. Kiog's New Diacovei for Consumption, Coughs aod Cold jkept him. out of his grave. He says j , "This great specitic completely cure _ Bite,- audsaved my life. Since then, . have used it for over 10 years, and coi tiider It a marvelous throat and lur , .cure." Strictly scientific cure f< jCougbs, Sore Throats or Colds ; su - t^-?|?rweDt?ve of Pneumonia. Guarai u teed, 50c and $1.00 bottles at P. J Speed's drug store. Trial bottle fre iff " , T . ^ "Democratic Primary Klfir.tion A primary Election will be held Abbeville Cgurt House on Tuesday tl 28th day of March 1905, for. the pu po*e of nominating one Warden fro each of the four Wards in the City Abbeville to be voted for at the ele ,tiou to be held for said Warden Candidates muht tile tbeir pledg witb the Secretary of the Democrat - .Executive Committee, aud pay to hi . *v $2.50, by 12 o'clock on March 27tl otherwise they cauuot be voted, for. The following pernous will act managers of said election: J. A. Al wiue, John Clark aud H. T. War . ' law. , , 1 Incase a second Primary is nect Bary, it will be held op the lltb day * " April 1905, aud the same manage will act. , M. P. Z)eBrubl, ., . Secretary. . Frank B. Gary, .Chairman. Democratic Executive Com. DoBtt P*K Ave centa for a?ae&a cigar wh i ' you can gat 8peed'a Clncoe for the yame orl They alw*y? Btrlk* apot.?Speed's Drag a to k, | I - 5. iat 'bfc siYou'll do what in ht ? of A "Mens' Spring Hat ve A SlaD^s headgear is the .most imp< bk tant part of his "get-up" E whole attire depends upon thesha of his Hat. Our line of Spring D< b\ s, Soft Felts and Straw Hats eli >'r'. it praise from all who see tnei ** The designs are remarkably bandsom All colors, xhapna ami styles niodera'e price-. ? Boys' Suits. You'll be looking for tbeni soou. We' ready to nhow you a bigger and be >n ter as-rinient ibau we've evert *' . fend you before and our pric 5 will certainly pleate you. rt* d . ' I COME AND I D- , ib ?r Master's Sale. Is STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, STA County of Abbeville. * i . . Court of Common Pleas. r m J. L. Perrin against Maria Smith. ' aI ?Foreclosure. . X pe x* By authority of a Decree of Sale by . te the Court of C'ommou Pleas for Abbe- . By ville 'County, iu said State, made in the C< the above stated case, I will offer for ville < sale, at Puplic Outcry, at Abbeville C. above * H., S. C., on Saleday in APRIL 3rd, at Pul a: A. D. 1905, within the legal hours of S. C. ^ salje the following described land, to a. d. wit: All that tract or parcel of land sale t ?y situate, lying and being in'Abbeville wit: H county, in the State aforesaid, situat frouting on Stand Pipe Street by lot count ?d of 'C.t E. -McKay and others iu the Shanl '? city of Abbeville. . HUN r, ( Terms of sale?On?, half cash and the bouuc h'. balance on a credit of twelve mouths the n ns secured by bonds of the purchaser lands id interest from day of sale, and west 1 or .mitftgage of the premises, with leave Ter: " I to the purchaser te^pay all cash. Pur- chase chaser "to pay for papers. . v on a n- w. Per rin, ...equal 'd au. 14, 1905. " Master, A. C. S. C. , the di ?" ifUan5 , /^take's t"S\ S f /. PLACE OF \ tberec ;t I f CALOMEL --.1 fSSSS ?- : purely. I Pj&J *> k vege|able^lfia|^contain8 B chattel % V no jopiate, mercury or, J fc W ' mineral of any kind It V n" is a prompt and positive' V ig;- ^ cure for biliousness, .tor- g re pm liver, ay^gepsia ana oi aj i- constipation.^ It act,? ' without Tntating the , bpwels; dispels colds and By i \ sicfc headaches. v1Ue'< ' ^ r F^rice 85 cents per bottle. \ jjj,eeal; * * M*nnfactured by I " U 'fi ' I -THE LAXO CO., I *r"'n ir J Dorham, Bf, C. \ at -Eor Bale by1 C. A. MiLFORD. 16 I ? COUUl r"i V , , taiuii mf . Overworked i less, a o?.j - kidneys . |2;ec; ?-1 . Ituchi llfi^hvt tfJIii nnd .1 uni. i /4f a u ic per l?pre?crlbed and endorsed by eminent ^|s ni , physicians. -It cure* when all else fulls. ju I.,1 Prevents Kidney Disease, Dropsy, Urlgbt's 'and I Disease, etc. At all drug stores. ? l more ?V $1.00 a Bottle. Het/r d" uew j OrDlrcct from tweei ?s- ; . ' ' Ter Of THE MURRAY DRIT. C O., ance , ,l,f? Columbia, 8. C. est fri ! ^fet" 8 I Dargan's 5 and 10 cent store has Just gotten |?a^e in a big lot of extra size glass covered dishes? tlOD t you have paid a* high as 25 cents for the cbuse burnt) UJIUK, uur pi itc iv tcuw. Willi I Trail cards for sale at Speed's Drag Store. ]gctec . j NojUme for'Jhotalr," juid "soaring above,'' purcj en oar mladta'ODionr >bHtMw atd Ave sure ce. have what you want and can treat you right ra. ?Speed'i Drug Store. 14 Ml S 1/JJM J. Put i a great many days, S }r[is pe The Banner $10 oo Suits jrlc" We've made a record of quality at thi: 11 price, and this season have don< ie" better than ever before. Any mar at? ' who is} a judge of value will not< the superiority of these over th? ~ u^ual grades. Unfinished Worsted, Plain Worsteds, Blue Serges anc Fancy Worsteds help to make up an assortment that has no duplicat< ^ anywhere else in town at the price i ;:s The Best $5 00 Suit. You ever saw, well made, of good serviceable material in Plain and Fancy Cassi meres, Fancy Cheviots tind Black Thibets. If you are at ali SUIT HUNGRY you wont pasthem by. I' re >t * * ( 1 ".* I sFP WHAT IVP, HAVW 1 ? V A WW JL-M XAXX V JLi J " K.nt.rt, Sals. ! ;,fS5 TE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County, of. Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. Kidney ,N Harmon, et als, as Executors but by cl 3d in their own right against E. H. W orfleet Hunter and Milton Hun- cheated d r.?Foreclosure. ago I,ha authority of a Decree of Sale by caused tn ourt of Common Pleas for Abbe- y' \ jouuty, in said State, made in the whicn/ ai ', I will offer for sale, have also hli? Ontnrv. at Ahheville C. H.. general ' , on'Saleday in APRIL (3rdji 4itnd kteP 1905, within the legal hours of pD2f' *s ^ -he following described. land, to ?Pe All that tractor parcel of land at 50c. e, lying and being, in Abbeville ? y, ip the. State aforesaid,' on No pain klin creek, containing THREE a man de DRED ACRES, more or less, wife's rels led by lands of J. S. Harmon on orth and east, on the south by of Wijliam Harmon and on the by the Savannah river. - often endf ms of Sale?One-third of the pur- accidenta money in cash, and the balance ?ica Salv credit and two,years in foot, fron payments, with interest; from doreSchu ite of sale, or for all cash at the great ^ asers option, the credit portion, Jess, but B 1, to be secured by the bond of ly healed i urchaser and a mortgage of the Jibe magi( ses sold, paid bond And mortgage gistling for the payment of ten per attorney'* fee^, in 'he event said M and mortgage shoulu be collected ib besT * ny of the purchasers at such sale meeting v 1 foil fn nAmnlir nrith tho formQ 4 mil IV wui pj j nxtu vuv vviu?w >f, within one hour from the time Friet i sale, or should fail to give sat- ^ K jry evidence of intention to com- Sufferin he master shall resell the^aid lent poiso ses at the risk of former pur- Grayson^ r. or puichasers on thtf same or King's N< subsequent day. Purchaser to suit," he >r papers. All stoma L. W. Perrin, way to tb Master A. CM S. C. 2.5c at P.] rr : ; teed. Master's Sale. . yE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ; County of Abbeville. STATE Perrin against Sampson Rapley ( and others.?Foreclosure. ^ authority of a decree of sale by >urtof Common Pleas for Abbe- L. T. Har bounty, in said State, made in again: >ove stated case, I will otter for others at Public outcry, at Abbeville C. . C.,bn salesday in April third, thp^olirt ,1905, within the legal hours of .i, p Lbe following d'.scribed land, to .. V All that tract or parcel of laud, t j? e, lyiug aua Deing id Auoeviiie h ' S ( ty, in the State aforesaid, con- A*'r> inn: ig Two Acres, more or j *. ,ud bounded by the land*of Miss ' . ' An Perriu, Mrs. J. 8. Cochran, Es- jt * ' , jf Hobin Farrow, kuowu as the 1 ,?? !;? el Kapley home place, in the city otate ^ beville. wTT'vni? o all that other lot of laud located I ? city of Abbeville, in said State j.,rmi1|irjj Dounty, containing two acres ,. f?;.' or lea*, bounded by lau.ds of J. C. ' m * h on three sides, aud lota of y Titus aud Rebecca Titus, the t , f road to Mosley's Ferry lying be- Ciigh" at t cob of tale?One half cash, baldu a credit of one year with inter- r,, oni day of sale at eiuht per cent. " illiHiin. The purchaser baviiig j*?. to pay all cash. The credit por- *Pi?"|,yJ ,o be bond of the pur- "vfr? r, and a mortgage of the premises P " P ten per cout. attorney fees if col1 by an attorney after default. baser to pay. for papers. j. .. mi. .1 lZ. w. Benin, 11 . jjf.c. b. ?rch, 1905. Master A. C-, S. C. Jf.^oo^pS ' . ' ; IS THE K a n am ^1T i #n J* 5 JQ id UJLL ^yuur m?t i EZWGSf other shrewd men ] and you'll profit ^BAUIMORE. ' m.WY6BK. . [N STORE FOR YOU AT PRIC] -? v ^am . IE eiLorrtii r ? - .. ... i ,.... .. ^ e is the only kind that does- Charleston and Western [d f#et. ' Schedule la effect Janoa _ ,, . f#' No. a Cheated Death. v ^ ~ " trouble often ends fatally, ScSrmlS,~ S tu p? loosing the right medicine, Ar Augusta &20pm 'olfej, of Bear Grove, Iowa, No. 10 eath. Ho says :r "Two years Daily d Kidney Trouble which Lv Augnata.....-.....-io so pm e great pain, (suffering and Ar Aliendaie..:.._...-12 27 am aut I took Electric Bitters, ArFairfex iected-a complete cure. I ArGbar^Sufn 140?m found them of great benefit in debility and nerve trouble, Ar Port Roy^Z'.'.'."'Z them constantly on hand, arSavannah 2 50 am ! find they have no equal." Ar WaycroM............ 6 05 am ed, druetiist, guarantee them Ar JacgBonvwe 8 40am No. X .Dally Iter can portray tbe pleasure J;gjSSJCJirfl S pS rives, from entortaming his Ar Spartanburg 8 90 pm tti ves lor a week. Lv Spartanburg S. Ry4 00 pm Ar Hendersonvlile.-6 47 put a nido ArAsbvllle 7 40 pm A. Dttr u ViljRI(l0 ?- - ami f_ijj"" Lv Laurens O A. W.tJ.S 09 pm in a sad accident. To heal Ar Greenville,.....-...,.; 8 26 pm 1 injuries, use Bucklen's Ar- t.v Greenwood.. ,.U48pm p A rfppn wound in mv Laurens 1 pm e. >A aeep vv ouua in my Ar Clinton:..:..:......... 9 23 pm a an accident'," writes Theo- Ar Newberry ...: ... 8 10 pm ele, t>f Columbus, O., "caused Ar Columbia pain .Physicians were help- ^gSar&n"~ ? 85 pS ucklen's Aruica Salve quick- ~Tbroogb Pullman ciFservU it." Boothes and heals burns usta and Jacksonville. ? 25c at P B SDeed drue- Arrivals at Greenwood: Tra at r. a. opeeu, urug frQm AngQgt. B'nd ,nWroa?i,a, p. m? Train No. 9, dally, t , , , Spartanburg,. Greenville, Coli termedlate stations 3 40 p. m.; man has accidentally lost daily exoept Sunday, from umbrella by an unexpected Lwtw. aaa tewmwiiate w.' nth the owner. J E_ Crynea, Tkt. Agt.,Greenv Geo. T. Bryan, Gen't Agt~ Gr? """" Erneat Williams, Gen. Paas, itful Suffering Relieved. ? ? ? , A. n. Xiiuorvuui g frightfully froth the viru ds of undigested food, C. G. A handl lok h of Lula, Miss., took Dr. and forks at Glenn'i. jw -Life'Fills, "witn the re- . .. ... writes, ''that I was cured." ?????mmmmm?? ch and bowel disorders give eir tonic, laxative properties. 3. Speed's drug store, guaran Master's Sale,OF SOUTH CAROLINA. * ] bounty of Abbeville. urt of Common Pleas. ? . . 67 mon, et al. as Executors eto. Daily, st Amanda Edmunds and 1726pmii2 6) Foreclosure. i 65pm 8 2 , _ . _ 1 , 5 07pm 8 2i lority of a Decree of Sale by 7 25pm of Common Pleas for Abbe- 11 00pm - - - . '. 11 innm )ty, in said state, made in -j ffi? stated case, I will offer for iblic outcry, at Abbeville C. . _ 88... X, ton Saleday in April 3rd, Dally. 5, within the legal hours of 9 30pm following described land to 1002pm that tract or parcel of land 1 20am ing and being in Calhoun 1 6i7m in Abbeville county, in the 1 25am bresaid, containing ONE : 900am ED Acres, more or less and oy lands of rA. McCord, C. C. * Little river and known as 2 e Harmon tract. )f Sale?Ooe-half cash bal- TMam credit of one year, with in- g-jg n the date of sale, or for all L 10 3o?m he purchaser's option. The 2 53pm 1147am tion, if any, to be secured by } gg g [>f the purchaser and a rnort- 4 45pm 1 25pm le premises, said bond and 5 28om l 52pm , providing for ten per cent, 7 ajpm 3 26pm i fees in the event, the same 7 55pm 8 5Cpm ted by suit. Purchaser to 9 20pm - 4 B5pm "!erB- L. W. Ferric. ^ Master A. C., S. C. Phone No. 50, Abbivi McMurray, a first honor graduate ilst at Speed's Drag Store, bring scrlptlons, ho knows his bualnws, ? O mm we .' litis Tf JLI I or jour v'.'j | i ? *: 1 r5( i' SB have been doing F -W* " ,i,!t!?J .' '. 5': M ii?> V CI ?'. Li'.? firHen's $15 to $18 Suits.1 ) ' ' .. !! 11 Here's where we match' the Tailor- ' madee. We match them in Fkbrics, in Linings and Workmanship and in most cases surpasa them in . '' fit. ..' ,. , ; . . -t The Spring Patterns * .j are all here- Hundreds of good dressers in will endorse these suits. tei i . I BUSINESS iSUITS. ' . I oeuBioie ousiness suits, piaiaiy maae, ? but with service iu every line. ' Good trimmings apd careful finish, v just the kind for businesii purpose. Fancy Cassimere and Worsteds, ^ Blue Serges in single and double.; breasted Sacks. Prices $7.50, $8.50, $10.00,112.60. GS THAT WILL TOUCH YC WPUKrfy ifflh JHi :krs : Carolina Ky.l"', ' il I !.7. rra.?6. REPORT OF TI ' . No.? ; ,V; R it at* ' : { . ? " THE NATIONAL Bi 9 81 am - ? ' 11 15am * ' a/ -> ^ Naia ,A.t th.e close of bru ', D?lly % t .. a 80 pm Resources. . , . 4 41pm 1 !* ' ' 0 40 pm Loans and Discount^.... $146,42 7 40 Pm Overdrafts.... - r 9,81 5 2% SS U/8. Bonds...;......; >18,7C ?iK^sr" Other- Bond?and Stocks. 1 1,5C io oo pm Banking House & Real Est \ 9,9* Expense ahd Taxes 1,64 No 16? Redemption Fnnch.....*.....L' 93 Ex. Sunday Cash '18,91 4fi0am I>ae from Banks 130,02 : ??am \ "" ' ' 6 4f? am v., l,v. u-'r :3s,w $$?8,30 Interest Allowed on D< . . .. . . i i t vi, ." . i ; rvi tv . *1 le between Aug- 1A pj[|A V AC| jr&un 1 llu 1 W ilvkJ rom Aahevllle, "s&'ss.'a jsttrxs: abbe\ unIi?s??OL OfFICEBS. Agt., Augusta, . - ? Qa> 8. G. THOMSON, President rrafflo Manager Q. A, NEUJfFER, Vice-Presidei rakea, ahoveia R. E. COX, Cashier. 8 EA B OA air line kaii.wj Setween Few York, Washington, Richmond,Pdr Schedule in Effect January 8th,11 IS 56 ~ Dally. Dally. 5pm 12 10 am 9 25 pm Lt ...?New York,. 3pm 7 28 am 12 12 am " West Philadelphia 5pm 9 42 am 2 87 am " ......Baltimore......, 10 60 am 4 SO am " -.. Washington...., 2 20 pm 9 10 am " Richmond ' 2 67 pm 10 02 am " Peterabur*...... : 6 10 pm 12 46 pm Lv Norllna 41 .. _ . ^ , v Dally. 9 25 am Lv....... ?Fortamoatb...., 9 54 am Suffolk - 1 20 pm Ar Norllna o i ) pm i iu pm lit - 0 37 pm ,2 10 pm " HeDdereon.. 4 10 pm Ar Durham. 7 0) pm 4 00 pm Lv..' Raleigh 8Mpm 6 1flpm " .So Pine* (Plnehnrst J.).... 9 63 pm 7 30 pm Ar .*. Hamlet .. 10 16 pm Lt....a .Hamlet - 11 65 pm Ar Monroe 12 01 am Lv Monroe 120 am Vr -Chester 9 45 am " ........ Clinton 3 85 am " Greenwood......^,..... ' 4 02 am Lv.. ....Abbeville 4 32 am " Calhoun Fall a 6 05 am " Elberton 6 08 am " Athens 6 46 am " Winder 7 20 am u Lawrenoevllle i, 8 40 am Ar.. Atlanta.. Drmation regard Ids: rates. Pullman reservation! em, lie, 8. C, W. fl. ChristLau, A. G. P. A. ? ltt PMobtreo SUMt, Atlanta, Oa. ... . ^ ...... I. <t ".4 j " ' '<J < "l l|l till ' in tM pSst few 'A M' ?V? C .X* O*? V* . ? " *? Men'i Spring Shoes. \ rhere isn't a pair of feetfor-wblch we haven't a pair o< good* Storo. We ,y ' carry full lines of the- Btttfcto $6.00 and the W. L. Douglas $8i00 and -| $3.60? JL -?|k 1 3HOE8 in both high cot and low cot, Blacks and Tans. You cant boy Jbet MEN? trousers, rhe Spring Styles are very mat, and the tailoring la perfects Trbuaera In / Cassimeres,'Worsteds and Chevlpt*. tVe've Troubere for $1, and TrodserBfor ' r $7.50 and at all pricea between. )U LIGHTLY. c;'r-T:", :'i ?E GONipi^IiQ^^OF m INK -OF ABBEVILLE, ?. C. ! 5> 1 ' ? ' ) *}* ...f -4. ~r A -W H miess u anuary iwuo. \ -I. Vir/UL/V),,* . : 18 91 Capital Stobk..;...^..;/;:;.;^!| ^,000 00 J .7 99 Sorpltw andProftta..........:.3. 21,690 87 V i0 00 National Bank Notes......... -18,760 00 10 00 Dividends unpaid... l?-56 00 3 84 Deposits 122,806 08 1 15 88 v -4 -fMo t7 5o ... -- i :rfl| 6 17 r_ ?9p .. . ... ? 1288,802 90 ^posits in Sarlnifs Department. ILLE, S.'c. j r., DIRECTORS. , B. (3. Thomson, H. G. Anderson, GL A. Neufifer, C. C. Gambrell, f$-'| it . ' W. B. Owens* -;' <? & Jones, J. $. Stalk, V " Kd. Reiser, __ _ Jonn A. Hajrrlj. : R ?) '11 kY. ;]'! kamouth & Atlanta. % 83 M 00 ... ! , Dally.. . Daily. Dally. ; i ....At 7 23 am 6 30 am >416 pta 4 21 am 2 85 am 1 4S pm .... " 1 48 am 11 17 pnr 11 SO am " 11 50 pm >8 18paii [9 Warn ? R Qil nm A M nm 1AM am " 4 42 pm 4 09 pm 5 49 am ....At 2 10 pm 1 40 pm . 0 34 am 88 ' 82 Dally. Dally. Zlr esop.m M .... " 4 54 pm T 13 am ....Lv 1 40 pm 8 80 am I . -i 1 | ....Ar 115 pm 185 pm 8 81am .... " 12 87 pm .1.10. pm 9 86 am ._ 10 06 am ? 00 pm , . J. " 11 00 am 11 50 am 1 25 am ... " 8 80am 9 45 am 11 20pm ... Ar 7 80 am 8 50 am 1Q 80 pm ....Ar TToam 10 oofcm ?< . 5 40 am . 8 35 pm 8* . ....Ar , 8 85 am 8 80 pm Dally. ??Lv 4 06am . 714pm-?- . ... ? 14S am 6 00 pm >2133 pm " . 1 66 am 5 15 pm 1 82 pm , ".Ar 188 am 4 60 pm' 103 pm ? i.ioo am 4 21pm 1> 30 pm "" < ia 28 am 8 56 pm 13 00 m ? j, "" 11 88 pm 9 57 pm 10 88 am "\ 10 43 pm 3 28 pm 10 15 am 10 10 Dm 1 57 pm 9 48 am ....Lv| 9 00 pm 1 1 00 pm I 8 40 am | i, etc., apply to the undersigned. Fred Gelapler, Traveling Puaenger Agent, 116 Peachtrp? Street, Atlanta, Ga.