The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 22, 1905, Image 4

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JgfErrSv * * ?. . gy i " 1 1.' _ .. is The Press and Banner, Bv W. W. and W, B. Bradley, - , , HUGH WILSON, Editor. ABBEVILLE, S. C. JVPabllshed every Wednesd? at $2 i yearlo advance. Wednesday, March 22,1905. Holding Cotton. While we bave do doubt tbat Harvle Jor dan and his associates bave kept np tbe prlci of cotton to this time, yet we are afraid tba farmers .themselves will break tbe best o efforts. In some oonntlse the formers are agonlaec and seem very determined on both boldlni their cotton and In redaolng their aoreage to the coming orop, yet there are other oonntle Where the feellnir Is not in nmnnnniwrt anr where the action of the termors la not unanl mom. Speaking for the Frew and Banner we are sorry tor the existing conditions In Abbevllli Connty. For two weeks cotton has been com lng on the market pretty freely, and the aalei of fertilisers has been about as mnoh as here to fore at this season. Tbe few termers tha we have spoken to on tbesobjeot ofreduc tlon of aoreagedo not give evidence of lnten tlon to rednoe. Borne of them "redaeed theli acreage" years ago. And from the report from other markets, we are Inclined to be lleve that there Is danger of breaking dowt tbe force of Harvle Jordan's efforts. Tb< mills are getting ootton, and the amoant 01 cotton that Is going to market would seem V be sufficient for present purposes. Texas li reported to have sold a quarter million las week. This la one effort In which tbe termers ba< the hearty aympathy and tbe active help o the banks, the merohants, and the oottoi: mill men. With all thla power and influence at ibel! back It would be a matter of regret to seo tb< ^ planters fall In a moet laudable and patriotic effort. The outlook at thla time Indicates the peril of tbe situation, and tbe apparent wll llngnees to put cotton on the market, 'maj V*nan ita U??0 IW |V|IIIUI?VO cuwuu Let no man be seared at talk of developing tbe cQltlvatlon of ootton In otbar oountriee Wo have beard tbat talk for flay yean. , We are unable to give advice to anybody, but we tblnk we oan atate as a faot tbat If tb? farmers sell tbelr eotton Harvle Jordan might Just as well sbatap his oflloe and go borne. Even If the farmers stick to him, they may still have to sell tbelr ootton at a' low Hoi, And there yon are. , ? > Salt* for Libel. fefc ? . A oltlaen of Charleston bas entered suit for tio^ob damages again st^be News and Ooorler and tbe Evening Poet of tbat olty because be was referred to as "oolored". Tbe attorney tor tbe defense erred In oltlng tbe 18tb, tbe 14tb and tbe 15th amendments as justification or excuse mr me error, ine rigoi way iu I have done woi tor the defendants to admit the mistake, and then make all the necessary correction*. Nobody woold believe that either of the newspapers Intentionally or. mallelooaly pnbllahed a white man aa"colored." For this reason suitable apollglee or explanation* should have been sufflelent. There certainly was no malloe in this publication. Th? other suit Is Instituted by, H. EL Evans against "the (Barnwell Sentinel. While It seems strange that a little paper down In Barnwell should have been the subject of Mr. Evans resentment, and while we would be '* sorry to see a judgment against the * Barnwell Sentinel!, yet we are glad indeed that this thing of making reckless oharges against character will likely reoelve a oheck. Slnoe the obrogatlon of the duel too many nuwil UB1V UII[C|1IUCU IQO norWDIH U1 character, and no gentleman'! good name vsi safe from colnmny. We are glad that an offloer of the dispensary has the ooorage and 'Che decency to demand that be be treated with at leaat the semblance of respect. Nothing has appeared In the newspapers for , a long time that has been more gratifying to ns than this aotlon of Mr. Evans. It shows tbat 4 more bealthty public sentiment may oome about. Detainers of character should be made to have some regard for the proprieties *nd the eqaalltles. If Mr. Evans will, strike at bigger fish than the little out of the way country printing oflloes he will have set a good example in doing the oonntry a ^ ynbllc servloe. Ha that seeks to assassinate cbaraoter should be required to account for bis deed In the courts of his oonntry. Nothing Is so sacred as obaraoter, and be tbat maliciously assalla It deserves punishment. And now slnoe Mr. Evans has taken aotlon, we hope that others may do the same when ;;., their names are mallned. , . _ anrl Wnnar C(V We occasionally see statements to the eflect that Russia may be compelled to atop the war on aocount of tbe lack of money. The 6ooth?rn Confederacy carried on a war for foar years. Instead of going In debt by borrowing money, tbe Government simply made contract wltb printers to print all tbe money that was needed. Neither Russia nor any other natlqn will ever stop a war as long as money may be printed at almost no oost at all. lsaplaeable. After all of Roosevelt's efforts to placate the 8oatb, tbere is not a Southern man in the Senate wbo does not oppose blm In his proposition to take charge of Santa Domingo. Bpepriclng for this editor Individually we do | pot care how soon the Democratic representation In Washington la reduced. Southern representatives seem to oppose all prof ress. They opposed tbe retention of tbe Philippine Islands. Tbey opposed tbe Panama Canal. Tney oppose tbe BtsU Domingo proposition. They oppose the strengthening of lb* navy. In teet they teem to oppose every thing. Torch Pine Wanted. It having been generally ooneeded by visitors that tbe apartments under Pytblan Hall which are now being fitted op for tba print* log ofloe ol ths Press and Banner will be toe dark, It la deelrsd to award a contract toi furnishing a large qnanlty of torch light pins, Tsn CD fifteen boys will be oonstsntly employed to hold torches by which ths oom post tors may set type. Tboee friends' in tbe country who have a large stock "deh" pine" or "lightwood knots" may apply to tbe Janitor lor specifications before entering upon the work of preparing tbe torch timber. I AN ICE FACTORY, Oae To Bo Established In Newberry? Work to Baffin Soon. Herald and Newa. Newberry Is to bave an loe factory and It li to be Id operation for tbe oomlng season. Mr Tbos.E. Mitchell, who baa been Id Newberrj for -ome time and who la a practical and i thorough going baaloesa man baa the enter prlaeln band and will manage tbe plant. I! will be located near tbe freight depot of tb< Southern railway and tbe lc? will be mad< from onr pur* artesian water. Some of the progressive business men o Newberry will be Interested In tbe plant wilt u? Mit?hAii ind t horn ia no reason why tbt enterprise should not suoceed. The Herald and News Is delighted to se< this and all otber smaller enterprises oom< to Newberry and wishes tbls one mnob sue o?m. The people will give their patronage tc the loe from the Newberry plant, It la qnlM certain, and they shoold. i b The Water Snpply. / Tne town auinoriues nave long ueen ^ at work on this momentous question as the water supply was not adequate after the introduction of the sewerage ; system. There is an ample supply of water near the pumping station but it was not considered pure enough to be 1 be peed for the city's water supply. * The coudcII went elsewhere to find it 7 and found it in abundance. The pres' ent supply comes from near the Ancrum place, about one mile above the ^ pumpiDg station. At this place there 0j r are a number of springs of pure water, with nothiDg to contaminate the water or render it unfit for use. From this q j place a six inch pipe has been laid to t the pump to conduct the water to the t reservoir. This work was not done by j a contractor, but was planned by the t city council and executed by Mr. J. L. r Johnson of the city police force, conses quently at a minimum cost to the town, i 1 The work was just as efficiently done, Jt however, as it was possible to be done, i The pipe will fill the reservoir in twen e ty-four hours, which means about 250, (Htft r?11nni nf nrafa r ru?r rln v 9.V1 000 vw ^anvuo wi fT?vu * | ??.j?.. _?, I. gallons of clear, clean, sparkling, whole 1 i some water per day, what a boon. Wbii* this water is as pure as any * spring water the council ha9 decided , to make assurance doubly sure by put. ting in a filter, and when this is done ? our water supply will be eecond to ' none in this country. There will be , no more of that "What's the matter ci i with the water?" we have heard so of- ^ 1 ten bf late, and provided the author!- rj ties will put in meters where the con- . f sumers expect to raise beans with the i water supply, there will always be enough and to spare. Some seem to look on It more as an irrigation plant CI , than a oity water supply. The city is . to be congratulated upon having this vexed question so satisfactorily settled, j*. PRIMABY ELECTION FOE SO- u LIOITOR. The primary _ election m: > for Solicitor of the4 8th ? j ( Circuit passed off quiet- 01 ly. i. ^Returns through- I out the Circuit indicate the election of Mr. R. A. i Cooper,-by a large majority. Twelve boxes out of twenty give Cooper 476, Shumpert, 124. Vote very small. ?? r 3421. Report of the Condition of ? Tie National Bail of It i at Abbeville, In tbe State of Booth Carolina, at.the dose of basiness, March 14, 1000. RESOURCES. | Loans and dlaoonnta ...5152,9C2 00 Overdrafts, secured and an sec a red? 5,582 00 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation-... 18,760 00 Bonds, securities, etc.. '? 1,500 00 Banking house,' fnrnitnre and fixtores. ...... 5,000 00 Other real estate owned .. 4,983 84 Dqe from National Banks (not Re ' *erve Agents) 6,640 94 One from State Banks and Bankers- T.109 08 Da & fro en approved reserve agents... 12.48T 19 ~1 Cheeks and otber cash items 1,153 40 I Notes of otber National Banks 9,120 00 J Fractional paper currency, nickels, and oenta...^ 427 82 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, vie: Specie. ' is,648 00 Legal-tender notes.. 11,044 00? 17,192 00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas'r (5 per cent, of circulation),- ? #37 50 Doe from U. 8. Treasure*, otber than 5 per oent. redemption Fund GOO 00 Total ....1286,355 06 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 75,000 00 Surplus fund 15,000 00 Undivided profits, leu expenses and taxes wild.- ... u. 6,988 07 National Bank notes outstanding-... 18,750 00 Individual deposits subject to check 98,641 89 Demand certificates of deposit ? 11,996 00 M Bills payable, Including certificates or deposit for money borrowed.. 10,000 00 Total .8236,355 W5 State of South Carolina, I . .. County of Abbeville, f * I, BenJ. S. Barnwell, Cashier of the above- _ named bank,do solemnly sweartbat the above ^ statement is true to the bestor my knowledge and belief. BepJ. S. Barnwell, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tbls 50th day of March, 1905. Julius H. DnPre, mg Notary Fublio. Corbbct?Attest: W. JOEL 8MITH, ) J.^L GIiENN. > Directors. Wm.N. GRAYDON) Stock-holders lSeeting. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stook-holders of Tbe Peoples ^ savings JBKDK 111 lia UUIUC 1U bue UII./ Ul Auuc Ills on Taesdey, April 4tb, 1906. Abbeville, 8. C., R. E. Oox, March 18th 1905. Casber. The State of Soath Carolina, - ABBEVILLE COUNTY. Probate Court.?Citation for Letters of Ad ministration. By R. E. Hill. E?q? Judge of Probate. TTTHEREAS, Mrs. Ada Ware baa made suit to me, to grant to blm Letters of ' ministration of tbe Estate and effeots of John Ware, late of Abbeville County, deceased. t, These are tbarefore. to olte and admonish ' all and singular tbe kindred and creditors of r me saia jonn ware, deceased, luuw iuoj be and appear before me, In the Court of Pro' bate to be held at Abbeville C. H., on Batorday, tbe 1st day of April, 1906, after publlca tloo hereof, at 11 o'clock Id tbe forenoon, to bow cause If any tbey have, why tbe said , Administration should not be granted* > Given .under my band and seal of lb? Court, tblb lTtb day of March in tbe year ' , [Seal.] of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four and In tbe 129th year of American Independence. Published on the 22d day of Marob 1905. In the Abbeville Press and Banner and on tbe Court House door fur the time required by law. R. E. HILL, Judge of Probate. KILLTHIOOUCH I and CURE THS LUNGS I w Dr. King's New Discovery r*n /Consumption Pries FORI OUGHIasd 50c & $1.00 w ISOLDS Fres Trial. I Sorest and Quickest Cure for all I THBOAT and LUNG TROUBLES, or MONET BACK. -"jTv, .-?* * v t ^ " > ' .v , v - r-v. , . jitj Election City Election will be held In the Court House ' "nesjlay, April 11th, 1905 om 8 o'clock a. m., till 4 p. m., for ie election of an Alderman from each ' the four wards. MANAGERS : G. H. Moore, John Clark, Govan raydon. J. L. McMillan, Mayor. James Chalmers, Clerk. Reduced Rates to \TLANTA account of 'ABEBNACLE BIBLE C0NFE1ENCE, March 21 to April 3. On account of the above ocasion the Seaboard Air Line ill Bell tickets to Atlanta at ite of One and one-third ires, plus 25 cents for the rnnd trip. Tickets will be on sale on srtificate plan at all stations, ad full information will be [yen by agent upon applica on. Fred Geiseler, T. F. A. 6 Peachtree St, Atlanta, Oa. Largo oo. 8 Mammoutb lamp chlmDey*, ado by Mscbetb. 'JO oenta eaob at Dargan'a md 10 oant ator*. 60 cent* will boy 8. Nice large one balfgallon pitchers at Dare's 5 and 10 cent store lor only 15 oenta, two r 25. The Farmers' Ba: President: Vice-Prei r. B. HABEI80*. P. B. 8] Board of * F. E. Harrison, P. B, G. A. Vleanska, John A. K. Watson, Lewli We solicit your business an It safely and c We are in position to make you loa when placed in Our Sayings iiil A I A D. POLL t Our line of Men's and bo Trunks and Valises, Ladles and G< (thia season than ever before. Men's Buita from $3 50 to $12 00 I Men's Pants from 75c to 4 00 ] Men's shoes from $1,25 to 2 75 | Men and Boys Negligee Shirts froi All of our goods are made right you money on every dollar's wortl YOURS FOB D. Pol THE CHAT COTTON F The Planter for whioh you hi A Disc Planter with the addil and feed regulator, steel frame, This, planter has been exan farmerB, who pronounoe it perfe oome and let us show it to you, Abbeville He " Everything in Fa \\ ; v '/ ? r. log Ordinance. > Be it Oidained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Abbeville, and bv authority of the same : I. 'That it shall be unlawful for any person to erect or maintain within the corporate limits of the City of Abbeville, any hog pen or pig pen, or pen in which hogs or pigs are kept, or are intended to be kept, when the same is within one hundred feet of a residence; or within one hundred feet of any street, and it shall be unlawful for any person to keep or place any hog or pig in a pen located and erected as above described. II., It shall be unlawful for any person to tie out any hog or pig; or to keep the same tied out, withiu the corporate limits of the City of Abbeville, within one hundred feet of any residence, or within one hundred feet of any street, and unless the chain or rope, or the fastening, be of such length as to allow such hog or pig to move from place to place within a radius of at least twenty feet. III. That all hog or pig pens shall enclose a space of twelve hundred square feet for one hog or pig therein ; for each additional hog or pig, five hundred square feet more is required. IV. Any person convicted of violating any of the prbvisions of this ordi nance sbail be ttnen not more tnan one hundred dollars, and not less than one dollar, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, nor less than two dayp. Done and ratified in council this 14th day of March, 1905. J. L. McMillan, Mayor. James Chalmers, Clerk. Estate of J1 Hemp, Dec'i. Notice of Settlement and Application for Pinal Discharge. rfAKE NOTICE that, on the 17th day of April, 1806, wo will render a final account of our actings and doings as Exeoulort of the EBtate of J. O. Hemmingv. deceased, In the office of Judge of Probate for Abbeville County at lOo'olock a. m., and on the same day will apply lor a final discharge from onr trust as such Executors. All persons having demands against said estate will present them for payment on or before that day, proven and authenticated or be forever barred. Mrs. Corrle J. Hemmtneer. Marcb 15,1905. Administratrix. nk of Abbeville. jldent: Cashier: PEED. J. H. DuPREDirectors : Spped, John R. Blake, A. Harris, B. M. Haddcn, 9 VV. Parker, W. P. Greene. id are prepared to handle oiiservatlYely. I ns, and to pay interest on deposits, DeDartment. I1EI) Ml I X \KOFF. ys Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, ' eut's Furnishing Goods are larger Children's suits 3 to 16 $1 25 co $3 50 Ladies' shoes from 72c to $2 00 ii 25c to - -- -- - - J 75 and bought right and we'll save l you buy of us. I ^ BUSINESS, iakoff. TAIJOOGA JLANTER 3 m Lve been writing and watching. Sional advantages of a hopper and shorter conpled. lined by numbers of our best ict. If you have not Been it, Get in your order early. irdware Co., rm Implements." I .-mm r*nr- ?< - - ; . -7 ?' . *, ?#- *r ; ; : ; / :V . I A Crack* -A J A common ae4a eraoto mofphericcbanfa as a crackeri bougfcf in * bi than another tbmfm n Tt*\\y jpd& woAk im Biaeufc Cnfiiy wim4 protected tfceea wttfc dr makaa no difference w dry or moiafc warm a their beat, the beatxrael H I baked, by iinflHWktoj I Urn I BIS) ll 111 V NATIONAL BIS % >^g=g a i 'igwRowi Jf New Spring Goods at Hj WE ARE RECEIVING DAILY A NEW BEAUTIFUL LINE OF Ladies Fine Dress Good in Fancy Mohairs, Colored Voiles and Eo also have the largest assortment.of Black Changeable 8ilks that we have evef earriei we carry the largest line of Black Mourn In per Carolina. % Mr. Haddori has spent quite a while in the K ets where he has been buying one of the i stocks of SPRI2VG GOODS we have Abbeville. , " We invite the public to call and see t attractions we have to offer. Very respectfully, R. M. Haddon d IcOTTONGMWI \V/ is the most interesting topic these days, a yjjjf to get the best results all planters should i | ANDERSON FERTILE yjjf Ask your dealer for them,' and If he has Wu got them, make him get them,' and Write A'* us for our book on cotton. W Anderson Phosphate and <0 jfj ANDERSON, S. C. MMHBaMMBMHHaaiHHMaHHHaBHBBBnaii -' - , || Cabbage Plant? I have for eale Succession, Wakefield aiid Earty Spi Plants, grown In open air on sea coast froth seed from tbe best and most reliable Seedsmen li ' United States at the following prices f.'o. Lots 1000 to 5000 $1.50 pt " 5000 to 10,000 L25 * Lota over 10,000 special prices oh applicati Special Inducements to De Any information as to the cultivation of Cabbage w 1 fully given on application. S- J. RUMPH, Adams Run WANTED! muhom to know the great merits of Alabeustiiw. th# Sanitary Wall Coating?Not a hot or cold Office with W. N. Gri water disease-breeding >kalsomin?^ bearing a fanciful name. ' LET US HEtP YOD. Champion Llnlau Write for onr artists' fro? color plan?~diff?r*?? Cbas. Drake, a mall effeeta for different rooraa-la-wtolu, a*a?atfc r nn iaVB. "Obam' grv* green*, pink* blu.* end j^kb. M g|?&;?fe orjffii a i'mal 1 sum. Odo j fl nAA|. A.mfinl Deitrdyu aiseaa? relief and luoontioue M nUCR U?inOH I germs and Y?r- will produce a permac TT,??. drwa Tint m h or Rcafe. NoWashinsrof all druggist* In Abbt walls after once applied. Y,ou can brush West. It on?mix W-th cold water. Other finish ea, mixed with either hot of ooid water, Ttre reontAiiou of I do not have the cementing proper- n#ver he?ped a man a ty of Alabaatina They are stuck on seii by taking Vlnol frith (?lne, or other animal matter Ciuco cigar*. which rota, feeding disease germs, 3S3UQR& '?&Ot?S *<*-7 be washed oft every year-coitly,fllthy work. t,OB tu Chan*1 Boy Alabantine only In 5 lb. p'k'gm ?ro?? Ken erly labeled. Pretty waH and celljna dMlgn, ?i cftn heartilv aud "Hints on Deooratlng" and tint card,-frts* mend Uiucuberlaln'a ALABASTJNE CO., t, ??! Orand Rapids, Mich., or 10S WaUr V.? ^D0 ySehaer? J** d^rl J, For aale in Abbeville by. 'rMtated'myfbr^atnn C. A. MILFORD. c.ou,h.' my extremity ? frle Chamberlain's Cough doses that afternoon i my seniles wben J fouc To my Fi-lends. lbflamatlon bad lari ? . .. several doses that day, HavlDg severed my connection with the lbrouKh the campaign, Abbeville Lumber Company, I have opened nine that I won mv sea a Building Material Supply House on Trinity reme(jv j8 f0r Ba]e uy ^ St., woere I will keep a full and complete H w vniim. t)MP wh stock of dressed lumber*, shingle*, laths, lime, u' IOUUK- wue cement, hair, doors, sash, blinds, etc. Come In to see me and get my prloes. . _ _ hi Reiipectfully, A 8afe Cough M?dJ Jan. 81,1905. A.O.Faulkner. In buying a cough Pbone 166. never be afraid to buy m , m Remedy. There la no i lief is always sure to fo "? ? ? uvvnH at Miirnrd'a valuable for colds, croi ir ran o ruuiLry muu . .. Hrunori8i I Drug Store. Phone 107. | tyiu . < ,? m.jii . . 1 Urometer j fl r M MMeptfbie to at- w W <Wn?tir. ^Tbafi whjr ' / vQf If luta worM one lime ' A XSl (fcj^/xxtcbaM Mrerfccta (_ jflj National g R KllUl >1??lltand HI tifkt paahagae. Maw, k if r coM( jrmt can enjoy at fl| cere, Um beat bake** ever IJIJ' ?*? i 11 M (Wf i6ua 1 ' MM4 cult | curr coMPAwr /? s d.' Remember' TWI HMI LOO ftUM ^. g goddd1 in op- SAW Mil*U r ,L aVu WfTH ortbero Mark- HUOOOC-KIMQ PIU ?NH I nost attractive - he new I * Co I ? I A ole? aaaortment of freib flower seed J cut I _ J ^ _ received ?t Speed's Drug Btorv, w Hemember 8 (Seed when yon go to paint., He B vlv In the paint man. H -m y yf Tbere are many milUona of twinkling staxa-fl Rl m J, kii And preclona few real good Cigars. 111 T ' - wr . Bal ibe cigar tb'at pleas^a rich and poor, XI Vrt- UA ^ 5 la e61d by Speed, 1U called "C1N CO." TlT Lots of iDrngglet have come to grief. *6 nd Hf From boylng a aorry' NATURAL LEAF;" JY*. Bnt after giving nil ntbera a te?t, 3S6 \li Speed aaya "HAEVET'8 la abe BEST'' Bg I- For nervoni people. KT2KS- W Columbni, In fourteen hundred and nlnty MMnwNPI kAi tWO M I \ Mf ptacpvgrM'lMir&nd Where- Rich and Ripe" to ^ , |3jf ' Be^Qie'Ue^'altea ttf*$e tho tags. *** I drco., w I I rrr,t<r"'1 't .JnnI,rB?r&.iiiiiJWJDT?fH 5 J" @ umimimu* 11 19 ln'g Cabbage j . ' ^m s bought . * , a' ' ' 9? i the . -;-r am ' now'i tfti&iiig'a stock ofH >rM. . D00RS, 1 . ? ; i ".'SASHES, : | on. ; "BiawDs, 1 ialers.' FClMM, I 111 V, cHeer- CElEING, V fl ; g O "'hdiwiw ' * * ari<# FftflBtflNt}' ttfMfiER, also | rnxrT "bo '"v: 'SHINGLES,' l/AKHBi LiME.S LUIlLi.k?, CEDENT arid tfXlR. , gl at Tjslrw> I le, S. O. " ^ome in abd letrile'givlsydtl plricefi. m lydon. Hi ~t7~T A. AtJJpiER, I " ' 'TBUHTY 8P. I bM\ainr,8apaiDBIalm U Opposite A. fe. Aft)RSE. M alments. The pail year Bj . deal with rheumatism ... r trying several cores . ecom mended tt^la rem- . V cured me These 1? do ? g from that painful all- ? tr. .*yT. n, entcan be oblalced for M lIRitAY S >plicatlon give* prompt '" __ _ _ d uae for a short time IKON a3B ient en'#. For sale by ?N ivlll? H. M Young, Due MXXTTJKE. jw . i . i , i . . ; . SmI I . Now Ja the. time to take a spring ton- j pi? being a "good fellow' ,[c- ?y r.fyj1.0 l,l,te I H i a bank. Keep yOor ' 'Mnp?a)'? Iron Mixture. It.makes P B| and smoking Spied's pure blood and gets rid of that tired j H| feeling. "At'ail'druggists. I SBa lan Owes His Klee- .v .... ? ?. >.. h| lerlaln'fe Cough OUC ft JoOttiG ' H M-dy. - , couhclentlously recom Or Direct from >. 90 Cough Ksmedy fofaf- ?t : u * - - ?? , BH ai.d lungs," aays Hon THE Xl'RRAY DRUC COM ttfig j. Pwrla 81., Cbloago. ' ' CdWWMli, S. C., (a political campaign, >; BM el ng overheated, which Mb d I was finally compeluot speak alohd. In The Panama Canal Commission recom? Hi ?e ."if? meDd a sea level canal. k , H| aud"could cot "beIleva 0nr Prescription f^panmen^ n aecocu vj dthenext morning the .?*?? SfaterSend them ton.. Mil- H| iely aubalded. I took *-["J ' ^hon^107v .. . ffifl kept right on talking WILEY'S Candy alway. freih at Milford'i. I? ,and I lhank thUmedJ Wblte Lead and Gil In ahy onantlty on KB tin the Council. This hand all the time at Mllford'.T)rug Store. SSi il druggist. Abbeville, Many bargains fn^ctfy goods, yard wid? Ha good sheeting 6 cents at Qlenp'& Leather for half ioIm and tacks at Glenn'? Icine for Children, when yon waint int flowei* call up phon* BH medicine for children 188. BH jang bfrom?t"andUffr Would you ilk* to add to- yxmr aiock of llow It is esDeclaliv bog? ?ome thoroughbred ,?bort no?ed Berk. HR ip and whoopKouLh ?>?? ? ? Thoroughbred, alwrtf pay-R A. H sin Abbeville H. M Rlchey baa them lor tale and at reasonably prices. JM