.. 'v. " - EAST END, i Wh?t "M" Bees and Hear* on Kin RoundH in Country and in Town. DELI#HTFULLT EXTIKTAIMD. The reception given lait Saturday afternoon in Rosenberg's ball by the National Biscuit Company, ofNew York, was a nnlque ana delightful affair, ana was fully appreciated by the ladles of Abbeville, us they turned out "en masse" like butterflies on a summtr day. The ball was crowded despite the inclement ~ afternoon. The gentlemen of the National Biscuit Compa iy did wall the honors of the occasion ana everything went off In tip top style and "It goes without saying" that the crackers and biscuits made by tble celebrated and world renowned firm are the "finest In America" and no people know this better than the ladles of Abbeville. These gooaa may be found at all times fresh and nice at tbe wide awake Arm of JL. T. TV M. Miller, city grocers?so said the neat little card handed ont at the reception. Delightful music was rendered by the Abbeville Orohestra, Prof, and Mrs Fred Link and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hill which livened op things generally and was enjoyed by every one p esent. Beautiful little souvenirs in the shape of daggers were given Jto every guest. '? (.apt Seavy.R. F. D. inspector is Id the city. He Is putting on some routes about Hodges bat runs up to Abbev lie every few days to see his friends who are always glad to nee him Mr. W. E. CaRon, of Anderson, spent last 8unday in the city with bis family mod bomefolks. Mrs. G. H Fuller and children expect to leave next Monday for Atlanta, where tbe> will make tbelr borne, at least for tbe present. Many friends regret to see tbl? family leave Abbeville, and wish for them health, happiness and success In their new borne. Mr. C. P. Hammond was In the cty several days of last week looking after the interest of bill employers. Mr, C. W. Kendall accompanied by one of his sales ladles, Ml?a Monle Sign, left for Northern Markets last Saturday. Miss Sign will assist In buying and selecting goods. ? Mr. R. M. Haddon was expected in the city yesterday from New York where be has Just purchased a most elegant and up-to-date stock of "everything" for tbe ladles ail ol whom know exootly what tbat means. Mr. and Mrs. W. D Wilson have Just returned from New York wbere they purchased a large and beautiful stock of goods embracing everything In "new styles," latest fads, shades etc. This new firm are wide awake and will be prepared to exhibit to tbe ladlet of Abbeville and vicinity a magnificent line of lad lea goods. Mr. Fred Mlnsball is the proud father of a bouncing baby boy. Mlas Vivian Caldwell la in tbe city tbe gneat of her brother, Mr. L. D. Caldwtll and family. The Daugbteri of the Confederacy held a most Interesting and pleasant meeting last Friday, afternoon at tbe residence of Mrs. Fannie J. Marshall on Magazine hill. After bnainesg delightful refreshments were served. Mr. J. 8. Coohren and family will move from thnHlenn Ethel Inn this week to the home of his father Ur the present. Mrs. Young, of Winder, Georgia, will take poew Orleans platform. Major Arthur Parker has the finest field of grain e see along route No. 3. Miss Daisy Thomas, oneof thelfalr daughters of Alabama spent several days of the phki week at W&rrenton with ber friend Mlw IClna Wilson, and Is now spending a while with her aunt Mrs. J. A.8mith in the LebanK v oa section. Mrs. 8. B. Nelson and little daughter MIsf Annie, returned last week from a pleasant stat with relatives in Florida. Mrs. Wm, Douglass and Mies Calais were guests In the city last week. Mr. Edwin Parker and family returned home last Monday after a day or two most pleasantly speat at the borne of Mr. and Mrs Gill Cade. Mr. A. J. Woodhurst haR tb? finest Jersey and calf on routa No. 3. He called us Id ?o see it and we bad to acknowledge It a 'beauty." Seed! Seed! Is tbe one cry among the colored patrons along route No. 3. and they come running with tbe cry have you got any seed? Please bring me some tomorrow. Is all tbe seed done give out? And many such interrogatories. Now in all candor we do think the governmentseed this season have been unusually scarce up to this time hardly enough to go round to the white patrons and none at all for tbe colored people who as citizens, and patrons, are, we think Justly entitled to their bare in the free distribution of government eed. Let us have some for '.hem what say* tbe president and congressman ? Mr. J. J. Link was planting some tine "Rib bon Cane" last Saturday. Joe is like hi* father who knows a good tblng wben be see* it So be plants Ribbon Cane and has line syrup to use and sell. Mr. R. E. Bruce and bis handsome little son Robert, returned last week to their home In Warrior, Alabama, after a pleasant stay oi several weeds with bomefolks and friends in and aronnd Abbeville. "M" acknowledges another basket of tbose fine buncp yams last week from Bass brothers. Big as your brad, and sound aa a dollar, and Just as good as they looked. Mr. Bam Carlisle made so much cotton las' year that he Is Just finishing picking In March, 1905. This indicates that he Is a farmer wbo understands making cotton at least. Mr. J. D. McGaw wa?ln tbe city last Mooday with a "top load" of floe fodder. He oarrled back fertilizer to make 5 cent cotton. Mr. A. J. Woodhurst and Samuel Williams. Jr. were in the city Monday. i| Mr. George W. Wilson Is a little under tbe weather. Abont to close Id with the grippe. Mr. John A. Wilson, of Uralnrldge, was in the city last Monday on business. The recent rain put a stop to farming operations for a dsy or so. that Is scS far as ploughing Is coDeerned. Not a pl".. Into their traasury 85.20. THE DISPENSARY IDEA SPREADING. A Bill to Establish DeMpennaries in Connecticut by Local Option. (From the Hartford Courant) A bill has been introduced at mis session for a local option "State dispensary" system It opens three opportunities to the voter lu each town?to vote license, no license or lor a dispensary. The dispensary is to rnn noml nally at State expense, although It Is expected that It will prove a paying establishment and not be a drain on any public treasury. If atown votes for a dispensary, there shall be no license granted there but the dispensary commissioner shall proceed to establish a dispensary there. There shall be only one to a town ol less than 5,000 persons unless by reason of namerous villages more are considered advisable, and they shall beat least a mile apart. All liquor sold shall tlrst be analyzed and when sold it shall be for cash at uniform prices In proportionate rates Irrespective of quantity. No liquor is to be drunk on the premises. The dispensary commissioners is to have 82100 salary and I iiO/.h OOrt Tho IiUU IWOi uiaua^cio cnvu vi?^w| a uo jv/uu are to be sold at prices that will pay cost and an additional amount sufficient to pay sal arles, rents and all other expenses and 10 per cent on the money invented. Those advocation the scheme ofler as an argument in Its favor the following letter from the dispensary manager at Raleigh. N. C.: Raleigh, N. C., March 4. Dear 81r: The dispensary law under which we act is cap 288, laws of 1903. The system does not stop the sale of liquor*. But tbe amount of money spent for liquor has been decreased by 50 per cent. Drunkness has decreased 40 per cent. Revenue has Increased COO per cent. This is not a elerlcal error; It is 600 per cent, not 00 per cent. There are a great many good people, some cranks and ail whiskey people still opposed to the dispensary Everyoody but ' those Interested in the sale by private license ' prefers the dispensary to tbe saloons. Yours truly, 1 W. P. Batcnelor, Mansger. < The scheme has unquestioned tnerll, but it I is scarcely possible that so conservative a State as ours will go into tbe liquor busl- , ?m> ftnp iinftnthorlmfl forecast would be , that tbe "temperance'' advocates would [' be tbe first to cry out against such a project nd tbe liquor dealers a clofe second. Those two Interests working together .would make ( a mighty strong opposition'. " ? "V' ! I? ; r.j V ' " ' I *; THE KITCHEN RANGE. How 1o Economize on the Cue o Coal?Building: Fires. One of tlia most fruitful sources o: household waste anil extravagance i: the coal bin, and tons of fuel are use< n oinrrlA nnft ttauM rrlra +Vw V* UC4.XJ a S1U51C vuv, uvum t?* ? w tame resnlts. Open drafts and a rang< full to the covers of glowing coals no only burn a needless amount of coal but burn out .the range at the sami time. A shovelful of coal or sufficien to lightly cover the fire will accom plish as much as a half scuttleful, ex cepting in the increase of the coa man's trade. For a small range nut coal is best for a large one, small egg coal. Re< ash coal makes a hotter lire, witl fewer cinders, than the white ash, ant the latter burns more slowly. Foi these reasons an equal mixture of tb< two is a wise economy. The ashei taken from the fire should never b< thrown into the can until they ar< sifted. The cinders thiis obtained cai be used on the fire at times when th< greatest heat is not needed. But the: should always be added after the fresl coal is well aglow. A third of a cupful of kerosene witl which to saturate the kindling anc coal before putting it in the rang* will facilitate the housemaid's, morn ing work, whether or not the fire hni been kept overnight. Kerosene sboulc never, however, be poured directly int< a stove, either from the cup or can The best way is to lay the wood 01 ? An/1 /WVTTAW If fV?A1*A Tr?fVl fill ?. bxiuvtri ojiu ivvu ib caluv niui *_?-? oil, and then add a sprinkling to t shovelful of coal. Many housekeeper Insure their kitchens against acciden from this cause by leaving a part of i cupful of oil for the servant's use ant locking the rest in the storeroom. A handful of sugar will revise ai expiring fire as quickly as will kero ene, but happy the housewife whos< maid is ignorant of the fact This ac counts in many cases for the rapid dis appearance of the kitchen sugar sup ply. How to Slake Buckwheat Shortcake Take two cupfuls of nice sour mill (freshly churned buttermilk is tb< best), add half a level teaspoonl'ul o soda (more if the milk is very sour and a level teaspoonful of salt Adi sufficient buckwheat flour to make ? very stiff batter. Pour this into a but tered ,tin and bake immediately fo; about 30 minutes. Serve with buttei and maple sirup. How to Mal^e Guinea Hen Pie. Bone the guinea hen and" rub wel with pounded mace, allspice and pep per and salt (use a teaspoonful of sal and half a teaspoonful of mixed spices) wn?? ^ ? 1 nrnr nf fAP/>omnO' J. UtU Bureau UIC1 a iu;n vt w>vvu tempt to wreocu it off; simply in vert tbejar and place the top In bot water for a nunui'. Tdeu try It and you will find it turns'out ea*i il>. - B ains of varnish on the bands ore some? times very difficult to remove. Ah soon ax t possible, rob with a little alcohol on a soft r rag; afterwards wash thoroughly lasoapaud water. B The wise young woman not only baa j shoe trees on wblob to keep her best boots (as our English cousins say) but she hasawoud en httnd with detachable thumbs on which to 3 cleau ber light gloves. When a broom becomes shorter on one side and the end of the straws become as sharp aa needles, dip in hot water, trim it evenly with the shears, and you will have a broom nearly as good as new. 1 Judge the housekeeper, not by the front parlor, bot by the bacK yard. 3 Strong, hot vinegar will remove paint and a mortar/rom glass. Hub urease on the seams of new tinware, - keep In a warm place for a day the article will 1 not rust Id the seams. q Starch and iron wide lamp wicks for oil ] stoves. They will not then cause trouble In ] fitting tbem into the burners. Do bot wash the wooden breadplate In hot water and It will not lurn black. Wash with soap and warm water, and rinse a clean cold water. a ?? < ?? * More Money for the Public Schools. 3 1 Lowndeavllle No. 1 S 14 04 3 2 Kldge 22 36 3 Lowndet-vllle No. 2 54 34 4 Lowndesvllle No. 8 20 02 ^ 5 LowDdeavllle No. 4 20 04 ? 6 Lowndesvllle No. 5 21 58 7 Mognolla No. 1 54 53 * 8 Magnolia No. 2 53 56 S 9 Magnolia No. 3 79 30 \ 10 Mt. Carrael 7S 00 11 Wllllngton 78 00 3 12 Bordeaux No. 1 53 80 13 McCormlc 104 05 14 Bordeaux No. 2 39 00 j 15 Bellevlew 41 08 16 Long Can* 11 70 ' 17 Calhoun No. 1 40 28 18 B<-tbla 42 01 19 Calhoun No. 2 43 16 20 Sharon 64 22 f 21 Bethel 07 60 - 22 Abbeville 838 20 2.3 Warrentou 34 58 24 Reld 35 30 a 25 Pine Urovr 28 88 20 Lone Foreai 35 10 1 27 Antrevllie 64 18 a 28 Unnlon 25 48 . 29 Sunny Slope 89 78 30 Cold Spring* 32 50 81 Long Cane No. 2 47 32 Q-> Uinllknlllo CI II) 83 Promise Laud 37 90 31 Central 39 26 i 35 HHRiin.. 14 30 38 Park's creeK 27 82 J 37 Keowce 44 40 88 Due West IK) 22 u 39 Donalds 53 82 l 40 Pineville 31 20 , 41 Vermillion 28 92 42 Groves 25 48 J 43 Oiik Grove 35 88 , 44 Broad Mouib 2fi 00 ' 45 Honea Patb 14 30 46 Hoy 13 00 47 WIdouh 28 08 " 48 Young 18 20 3 49 Hall 18 98 4 51 Omega 38 54 1 52 Indlau Hill 30 10 8 53 Drake 1 4 16 F. C. DuPre, County Superintendent of Education. December 12.19(>4. ] illard. Mrs. T. J. (res ).No, 158. Kicble, H. A. (-lore) No. 165. 1 Shannon, C. Al. (res.) No. 94. a Wilson, JJr. J. Li. (res.) No. 110. y Locals. k At Dar?iin's5 and lOcents store you find all the ln.itichimneys made. They Ii:i\eocents chimneys and them the Mocbette goods You know Mocbette on a chimney meat:s hoct Ivorosene Oil at Dargan'a 5 a"d 10 cts. store. 18 els. a gallon. 5 gallon loin 17 cts. Gallon oil cans at Dargan's 5 aDd 10 cenls j store. 1 gallon size lor oniy 1!) cents. ? When you want an umbrella remember ' J th it at Daryan's 5 and 10 cents store you get j a good ouu for 3U ceu ts. ? Glass oil cams at Dargau's 5 aiid 10 cenlB " store, '2b cents. ' A splendid linf> of brooms ?it Dargan's f? and I 10 cents store. The prices are way down, j! We are selling lots of hosiery. The kind we 1 sell at 10 ceuts a pair Is the kind you usually I puy jo ceuin iwr. i i"\> ??c nuku ?uu " some have white ltet, They are for bojs. 5 .girls, ladies and men. All JO cents a'pair j Durban's 5 and 10 ceatti store; 5 i Over 200 pouuds fresh Huyler's candy Jus | received at Mllford's Drugstore. i TWO "SPOOKY" STORIES. A Cruh That Broke Nothing ul Vanished Dinner. When Spiritualism was comparatively new and w? were youngsters, we used It hear delightful spooky stories about mysterious actions of furniture and things rKinK Ar\a nATTAW aAAWftfl tn Voni* nwa A e VC - BOOKS Pencils lk looI Supplies. rug Store. J PAINT. ?hat Wears. d pounds of this famous mixed o be second to no paint on :e. r +/\ x/ru i kn+ orlv/o lie a rhanrp I LU JfWWj MML ^ ? W fc* w.iv.,.w^ Yours to Paint, ILFORD. THE PAINT MAN. I Abbeville-Greenwood MUTUAL rnmrn ASSOCIATION. ^xoperty Insured, $925,000 January 1st, 1904. WRITE TO OR CALL.on the undernlgried ** or to the Director of yoar Townablp ?*nM <4Aalwa oVt'rvn jin oji?v iuiurmt>bjuu /?;u ?vv? onr plan of Insurance.* Wf Insure your property against dostmc tlon by to, mmu n libsth:ms, i and do bo oheaper than any insurance Com puny In existence. Remember we are prepared to prove to yon tliat ours 1b tbe eafeat and cbc&pMt plan o* lneuranoe known. | j J. R. BLAKE, Jr., Gen. Agent Abbeville, 8. C. J, JBASEE LYON, Pres. j Abbeville, S.;C. | BOARD DIRECTORS. i 8. G. Major ^...?....Greenwood J.T. Mabry CokeBbury i W. B. Acker Donalds W. B. Cllnkscales Due Weat T. L. Haddon ?Long Cane I, A. Keller..; ?...J3mltbville A. K. Watson Cedar Spring A. M. Reld Abbeville Township W. W. Bradley .. Abbeville City. Dr. J. A. Anderson Antrevllle H. A. Tennent,....?..Lowndeavllle A. 0. Grant > Magnolia J. R. Tarrant Calhoun Mills 8. h. Edmonds Bordeaux 8.0. Harvey Walnut Grove W. C. Martin ... -Hodges J. D. Coleman Coronao* J. Add. Calboun ?.^Nlnety-ftix J. M. Payne Klnards . i J. B.Taylor .. Fellowship Joseph Lake Phconlx Rov. J. B. Muse.. Verdery J. H. Chiles, Jr Bradley .1 J. W. Lyon .. Troy W. A. Cheatham Yeldell P. B. Calllson Calllson W. M. Outz Klrkse-s Caleb Walton Brooks Abbeville. S 0., Jan. 18, 1904. NOTICE. THE AB B EVILLE Ml-1 \MMV nimiii) is now preparing for SPRING HE { I " I We have added to our ; already large stock, j New Bottles, Extracts I andLables. \ ==NEW CASES== . - < we will start anotner t wagon in a few days. \ |LOOK|: for our i Steel Signs, i .'.We Mean Business.'. ABBEVILLE BOTTLING WKS. J C. C. Nabers, Prop. " ai If Ice white pllchers at Dnrgan's 5 and 10 ^ ceut store, lOcis. 01 A telephone in your office and residence rj lighten? labor, saves Journeys, dlBpels worries C( reduces work. II you want a nice line ol pictures, go to j Mlllord's Drus: Store. r. Call or send for one of my descriptive hlHtiks and list your real estate with me j> Robt. 8. Link. " es . Trunks, Salt Cases, Grips, Tele scores, a ow prices. P. Rosenberg & Co. TT muu uuv uc w ?i vouu^a UMU UV n immij m. I remember one about come pe?ple who had guerta invited to a grand dinner. The table waa spread with allthe dishes, but the meal had not yet been served. The family had a great store' of beautiful glass and china, and it was all on the table. v.. - M.. I .1-1 .1 I . ? .11 mi ju vi a iiiULUCJbi* aoic ?tu toum au wuiui the dining room, and Just at that moment til the people in the rest of the house heard a deafening crash of falling dishes. From the dining room there came the Bound of glassware precipitated upon the floor and crushing into fragments, and in the midst of the roar of this wreck there roao to the terrified ears of the host and hostess the high, clear note of the smashing of much thin china. Everybody in the house?family, guests, servants?rushed to the dining room door at the same moment, expecting to see nothing lees than the table overthrown and every precious dish on it broken. And what did they behold? The table set la perfect order, with not a thing on it disturbed. "What had made the awful crash? Nobody ever'knew. Not a dlah was even nicked in that house that day. The spirits, bo the story ran to us, had just made a terrible ghostly crash for the fun of it and the alarm of the household. I remember that this story impressed mc a great deal more than it would have impressed me if the dishes had really been found smashed, though it could have been proved that no human being had been In the room at the time. I had never befon heard of a ghost that was a crash and nothing more. I fancy the astonishment of those alleged people was not greatei than that of a friend of mine over an eplgbde not at all similar. This gentleman'! wrlfA and daughter were out shown in it ona afternoon, and he reached home ahead oi them. So far from feeling grieved and outraged at not finding them thera to make him welcome, he set to work pleasantly to give them a surprise by getting them their supper. He hadn't much in the house, but he set out what he had and placed on each of three plates a nice lot oi sardines and then went out to make them tea. He got it mado and came back and looked at his table in astonishment. Hii supper was gone I Ti e plates were thew just where he had placed them, but they were as clean as when he put them on. He knew that there was not another human being in the house. What sprite had wafted away those sardines? This is a true story. There was not an other human being In the house, but thi gentleman owned two delightful oookei spaniels, and they were in the house. Whs can doubt that, as they licked the plate! which had contained the sardines, they had said to themselves: "Go to. We will make it unnecessary for our dear master to wash these plates?"?Boston Transcript. Anthony Trollope'a Put. Mr. Trollope's big voice drowned everj one else as he chaffed my father down thl length of tho dinner table. Ho had jested over golf (John Blackwood was a devote! and attained to being captain of the St Andrew's club). What would he not da next? He used to inake daring assault! upon the most cherished articles of th! Blackwood faith. Blind, unswerving devotion to the sovereign was one of his favorite points of attack. "Now, Blackwood, how could Jrtie death of the sovereign possibly affect youf" ha would ray. ' 'If you heard of It tomorrow morning, /ou know perfectly well you would eat just as good a breakfast?yon would not even deny yourself that second kidney." It was in vain to protest that In face of such a calamity the very thought of teoiled kidneys would be distasteful. Mr. Trollope bore everything before him and prepared for another attack. The Conservative party and Dizzy were a tempting subject for a tit. "Youknow, Blackwood?you know you think exaotly about Dizzy as I do. You know you would be very glad to hear he had been had up for?for shoplifting." Tableau, all holding up their hands and Mr. Trollope do* Lighted with the sensation hs had pro* duced.?"Annals of a PublishingHoum," by Mrs. G. Porter. Egrptlon Moralities. Here are some extracts from the advtos that Ani, an Egyptian scribe, gave his soc In the thirteenth contury before Christ: "If a mancometh to thee for counsel, let this drive thee to books for information." "Consider what hath been; set bafoit bhee a correct rule of life as an example to follow. The messenger of death will oomc iAJ iuco us w oil UUUCi d iAJ vkux/ itugg anuj , yea, he standeth ready." "Take heed with all diligence that thou roundest no man with thy words." "The man who, having received much, giveth little, is as ono who committath as Injury." " Whosoever apeaketh evil ncelveth no good." "When thou hast arrived at years d maturity and art married and hasti a house, forget never the pains which thou hast oost thy mother, no* the care which she hath bestowed upon thee. Never give tier cause to complain of thee, lest she lift ap her hands to God in heaven^ and h? Listen to her complaint" "Be watchful to keep silenc*"?Westminster Review. Fine People In 1789. My lady was as reckless as my lord and rattled the dicebox and shuffled the cards !rom dusk till morning, going home with mined fortunes in her sedan chair when workmen were going home from laths and oom to breakfast. Family diamonds and jewels and plate were staked when the guineas were exhausted, and when theea jossesslons had gone farms and estates vero sacrificed. The amusements, too, of veal thy people were of a coarse and cruel lescription. Rat worrying, eoekfighting ind badger baiting were favorite diver lions. Prizefighting was regarded as essential to keep up the courage of Englishnen.?Chambers' Journal. Mexican Fnnerala. The Mexicans have a queer way of bury ng the dead. The corpse is tightly wrap>ed in century plant matting and placed n a coffin hired for about a shilling. One tr two natives, as the case may be, place < he Tiffin on their heads and go at a trot o the grave, where the body Is interred, 1 md the coffin is then returned. I il. In rnvna Certain caves have been reported ai , naintaining a uniform temperature, sum* l Qer and winter, of 54 degrees F. They J nay be said to breathe twice a year?intaling during the winter and exhaling I urine the summer. 1 That fine assortment of yel'ow ware ai argan's 5 and 10 cents store Is selllne. The rlct-sareln accordance with the policy ol le store. Do you buy your tinware at Darcran's 5 I nd 10 cents store? Ask your frleDd who e as done so and you wttl become a cuxtomer * f ours at once. Blueing. blacking, stove polish, etc., all st ? arjtan'h 5 and 10 cents store. Prices right of r )urse. A fire line of odd Dlenes in china at t irKfii'* 5 and 10 c?nts atora. The prloeH are wer tban y< n a re accustomed t paying. E TJuless a woman is capable of earnlg at least $1 a day she has no busiu- C is marrying a man to reform him. g We are 8ole Agents here for | ISSKl V II1U11 The most famous Cod Liver Oil preparation known to medicine. Contains ALL the medicinal ele- J ments of cod liver oil, actually taken JL from fresh cod's livers, but not a drop of oil. ^ Delicious to the taste and recognized m{ throughout the world as the greatest ta{ STRENGTH J CREATOR Ju for old people, weak, sickly women and children, nursing mothers and after a severe sickness. Cures Hacking Coughs, Chronic un Colds, Bronchitis and all Throat and no Lung Troubles. Unequaled to create wl an appetite and to make those who tra are too thin, fat, rosy and healthy. led Try it on our guarantee to return ref your money If you are not satisfied. wo Speed's Drug Store. <: OF 0 r .. I G ' '' . t ' * ' ij ' 4 i VALUABLE . * ;. ffl PROPKRTI S FOR SALE! ~ ^ # I offer for sale in the City of Abbeville, in a good section of the city, several desirable building lots^ Prices J reasonable. Robt. S. Link. Z 0 . V 1 t' I * 0 K Si a 3 ; - c F DR. J. A. DICKSON, ? SDRGEON DENTIST. GOLD FILLING8; CROWN AND BRIDGE L? WORK A SPECIALTY. A GOOD PLATE $8.00 AMALGAM FILLINGS 76C and. 1.00 OFFICE OVER BARKSDa.LE'8 STORE. : tb S si 3 1 . . -n-^ 1 wa -7 Vflfi Up. ? vie dSS5 Cmmmmi W wh mSfZZ H P?' ,f ? *4 ,hc ^^5 ber w ^ lb? - > "7 J S i 8 ^ > sen g?rK 100 ^ ^ G^SJ w w ? Q C3S9 PQ an r?.-?S j ?33 kad Pa# i vu* ( ^ 3 * bar ~ '? ? < oo'i asa* i .* p? 5s 5 I tra'i ? & @S^ ?h p pd 2 S2ZZ2 3 lb0 u? ^mC2 ^S ' ma STSZ Q mSv ' tba 53C5I o 3^35 fT ' ? tagg^ '" pro ? __23'" ,b*k Oyi i al I About ten years ago a brand of Clears cnown as Clnco's, was Introduced in AbbeMile by Speed's Drug Store, as the years have *?* tODe by tbey have grown In favor, ?Dd to-day ?. rou can scarcely Bear of any other Cigar. " Bverythltig baa gone down before It about as 1,68 lulckly as Ibey appeared. All pet opposing ?e' jrandp bave been laid aside and ihey acknow- l?ei edge "we can't do business wltnout the Clnco ?r' ve are not In It." Agency /or the factory, at Speed's Drug Store. 0 t | . bea: THE CROSSES OF HONOR. . and Veterans Who Have Not Recelv? |?e'd losslble In order that the crosses of honor * "" 1" raa/llnoDo ft\m f Via nn?? WlatvlkntlAn Kf be tenth of May. *|7? Certificates can be obtained at Farmers { tiir aeni >aIiKl , plea Cbrlstmas, six oclock dinners, and Speed's iluco cigars go band In band, tbeyleavea ood taste In yonr moutb. Pa An Old reliable Grlers Almanac for etery e, as usual at Speed's Drag Store. "j Sttt . -i:. rl >R. J. R. NICKtES,^l Surgeon Dentist. I lee oyer C. A. Milford's Drag Store. B 1 < r r*X" LET BS GO TO EUROPE I ?Vould you like a, superb tour at a (derate cost to all, the brilliant;capib of Europe ? v V \ special party of Iadie?,ljmitebicb . 4ncloded!'%?'<\de6? dtfels rafaflonea, dth?r' trtompOT'or thS^Era er's art"'*uch an Butler Thin BlacalU,^H8 nerettPK, ZD Zl> Ginger Huaps aud Qthjar* of which have ibelr purity end zooonaoa M ran teed by the trademark of the ff$itlOOAl :uit Oompany op etysb H wo mostdeHcloas confertlon< wer? serpen! .fl deeiart. Nablscd 8u^?r W a/era *ud tlvo Almonde. * The?e deserve special H itlon, forming aa they do, a class by Iraf mielvea. The omumlttee. having*, flhawpr be reofptfoD, expressed tbeqp#elvea aa fa- W led by the enthusiastic lalw&at manlleatrj MW y the ladles or the ctty, and wit)) to*} ! rty cooperation of the nrvoa and Bunacontrlbutlng to the eucoesa. 'o(: Um enter BW menu M waa a complete auceeaa aa a social event, as an Illustration ot the merit of tbfc, flH (acta of the National Biscuit Company. Biscuits. . te 1b hardly prepared to believe that It ^R( 1 M J ?0 fUV\ /Wft /Wk ? iu ytmj iu d^cuu fj,wv,wv,w per JMT KQ* ^H| lslng biscuit*. ibat, however, la Juit H .1 the National Biscuit Company la doing. BW te Company waa represented In Abbeville BBM Saturday by a oorpa of young men who a receptlon In tbe name of the company be ladles of tbe city. JgMM ifreshmenu were served and aoavenlM IBQ away. The young men In charge of the ,'lH ptlon were kind and courteous and eml-Jftffl' tly successful In making tbe occaalonj WMI ant. jhb raflne wax for sealing frolt Jars for aatf^r^H j-ou are thinking of Investing in < Sffl e, give me a call. Robt. 8. Link, Era]