m r m'Ti ' " ?* m ? The Press and Banner. Bv W, W. and W. E,' Bradley. ^ HUGH WILSON, Editor. ? ABBEVILLE, S. C. a . A *#-Publl8bed every Wednesd? ??. 82 n c yew eace and are using tbelr influence to avert lisorder, or words to that effect. That exression Is on a par with another expression r,uU1, illfn ?Klri ' A'rim mnK troc ruitu IB DUUJCIU1UK Il&o lUlO . AUU ?uvv hub inlet and orderly" In lynching a poor deenaeless prisoner. End or nil Houorable Career. A few days ago, Henry Harper, who has 0 long waited on the Hon. W. H. Parker, ran called to Greenville because of tbe Illness f Abbeville's honored citizen who Is now at be homeiof his sou Mr. L. W. Parker. A rumor was current on the Btreets yesteray afternoon that Mr. Parker was dying. On January fiist he left the house wherein e bad lived all of bis imarried life to live rlth bis son In Qreenv llle. New Warehouses. We believe that three new warehouses are 1 contemplation, one on the Seaboard; and p?o on the Southern. Whether any of them 111 materialize we do not know, but we do now tbat there Is a disposition on tbepartot few olilzens to make the veDture. Farmers rill always keep cotton for better prices, and imeofthem will want to borrow money on aelr warehouse receipts. The warehouses of ie.county afford a safe and cheap storage, be storage enables farmers to draw money Hi heir warehouse receipts. The plan of x>ring, and drawing money on ootton makes ie planter master of the situation. When e draws money he can afford to hold his cot- a >n. Take Murray's Horehound lullein and Tar and' stop oughing. 25c. for large botle. Your druggist or Muray Drug Co., Columbia, S. C. WEST END. lapiieulDffM and Incidents of a We?k About tbe City. Feb. 7.1905 Miss Mazie Cason is here spending some me with ber grandmother, j^rs. Fannie lien. Mr. B. E. Cox was In Athens some days Kt week on business. Mr. A. Mcl. Henry has been in the city for le past fet? days tbe guest of bis parent*, r. and Mrs. Francis Henry. Mr. Henry has >en in St. Lonis for tbe past live months >d Is now In business in Atlanta. Miss Antoinette Russell is In Columbia, tbe test of friends. Miss Bassell will visit lends In Augusta before returning to Abbe? lie. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Cary of Lockbart were >re last week, tbe guests of Mrs. Llla Mabry. Mrs. W. P. Ferguson spent part of last week ith Mrs. Willtam Leslie aL ber country >me. Mr. James Bradley was In tbe city Sunday LADIES EUCHEE CLUB. Friday afternoon the Eucbre Ciub was en? rtained by Mrs. 8. G. Thompson. Tbe In? rlor of this lovely bome waB never more lauiifal and cbeerful as on tbie stormy ternoon. Brlgbt fires in ball and dining om and lovely pot plants gave no taste of e weather outside. Alter a number oT Inresting games a most tempting menu was rved. Miss Alma Gambrell basaccepted a post? >d wit b tbe firm of Robert Lewis & Com? my in Belton. Miss Gambrell will leave in abort time for New Yoik where she will as it Mr. Lewis n buying his goods. Mrs. Frank NIcbieB was in Greenwood last sok for a few days, tbe guest of ber sister, r?. J. C. Burns. Mr. Frank Robertson of Honea Path bas cepted the position as Inspector of tbe city, r. Robertson bas been on the police force in >non and Honea Path iora number of years d Is faithful in every duty. Mr. and Mrs. joertson have already come to the city and e staying wltb Mr. and Mrs. Lorton Robert ? for tbe present Sllss Nell Edwards leaves for Atlanta Thurs y, wbere sbe goes to take a position wltb jtz. Mies Edwards Has been witb tnenrm P. Rosenberg 4 Co., lor the past few aatbs. Her friends here are sorry to see r leave but wlsb her every success In bef w home. , CLARK ALLEN CHAPTER. rbe Clark Allen Chapter of the D. of Cs. id tbelr regular monthly meeting Monday ternoon at tbe bome Mrs. J. E. Moldavia, i only a small number attended tbe election officers was postponed for tbe next meets' Mir. G.T. Fuller who for a number of years s bad charge of the Seaboard depot here has en transferred to Atlanta where he will vecharge of the freight depot. He will ive about twenij-Ave men under his dl? < ction. Mr. Fuller Is always kind and ohllg g and it Will be difficult to till his place, ri. Fuller takes an active part In tbe Wo? aa's Club and the D. of Cs. and is ever ready a tend a helping band In any work. Their ends regret to see them leave our city. Mrs. Mark Qantt of Anderson is here spend g a while with her mother, Mrs. 11. D. ese. Mrs. Eugene Fant of Andersorf la spending while with her mother, Mrs. L. J. Leslie at rhome near tbe city. 1'he out?of?town Invitations have been is ed to the marriage of Miss Florlde Resse to r. Earle C. Page of Florence. Tbe marriage 111 occnr on February the twebt.v?second. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Long of Pittsburg, nn., are here visiting their parents, Mr. id Mrs. W. H. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Long ill remain in Abbeville some time. Miss lone Allen smun was me cnarnnug steBS of the Auf Weldersheln Club Friday (ernoon. After a few Interesting games of uchre In tbe parlor, tbe guests were ushered ito tbe dining room where a beautiful table is laid foriwelve. A delicious salad course ith entrees was served. MIbs Eugenia Rob tM>n received the first prize, a pretty hrlsty picture. Dr. Charley Cason was In tbe city Monday tbe bedside of his father, Mr. Henry CaBon no Is quite sick. Mrs. J. R. Kerr of Greenwood and Mrs. e guest at the Eureka. Mrs. James Evnns of Florence arrived in >e city Tuesday and will be the guest of her nughter, Mrs. Frank Gary, for some time, i That lovely Bassett china t Darean's 5 and 10c Store is lie prettiest thing in Abbe* ille. The ladies know the alue of having their china rom an open stock pattern. Vhy ? Because when a careess servant breaks a piece he set is not ruined. We arry the pieces in stock all he time. Make up your wn set. New Barber Shop in Abbeville. ^ I will open up a FIRST CLASS TONSAL' RTIST'S APARTMENTS In Abbeville /or rionnlo in f-lonlt'u /\1H utunri nnfl rft uPStR your patronage. All furnlsblugu new nd UP-TO PATE. THOMAS J. TOWERS, PROP. ' vt ' - : .. t" '; '-v. Men Plan. Men Dream Dreams. Men See Visions. And? You known how plans are punctnred by providence, how rudely dreams are shocked into hard, tread-mill realities, aud how swiftly the visionary's picturings fade. The * most brilliant promise frequently varnishes in general frustration ; and the nicest scheme of economics tumbles into domestic chaos. While there is yet time take out an Equitable Life Insurance Policy*? it will prove a helpful assest in the hour of need. W. J. Roddey, Mgr. Rock Hill, 8. C. J. P. Quarles, Special Agent, Abbeville.S.C. I SPECIA I ' WASStil Account of INAUGU OVE SEABOARD AIR Leaving Atlanta twelve o'clock i Washington early the following ** M.'lUn.., rnmnonia XVcllCS XVI lUiliiai J Wliipnuic forms, \ Lawrenceville $ 12 95 Winder ^12 95 Athena 12 45 Elberton 12 10 ) Tickets will be on sale for thiB March the 8th. Extension of flna ded for, and all tickets may beext itidg with the General Agent at $l!00 fees. In addition to this the Seaboard by its regular trains, at rases name limit March 8th. Tickets may be ing with General Agent at Washi fees. For full information write or < W. E. Christian, A. G. P. A. 116 Peachtree I TL Dnnr\1nn ' lue i cup i ABBEVIL OFFICERS. S. G. THOMSON, President. 3L A. NEUFFER, Vice-President. R. E. COX, Cashier. 4GOOD A .Ly. THIS 1 Famous "Ch Midi 3 P1* , Plow Stocks. Plow Steels. Plow Gears. Plow Cultivator! Ve want you to examine the "Chatt us what yoi Abbeville H; GOOD SHOW AT OPERA HIHI Tbe Famous Crescent Comedy Co., opened a weeks engagement at tbe Opera House Monday nlgbt to a large and Appreciative audience The opening bill was "UTAH," a comedy drama of more than ordinary Interest, eacb ??? hilnn nlarfrf hv An ftftlflt. Ml". ClaUd JJCII V Wt U p, ? Lewis as tbe Incarcerated young lawer was very good, while Clara Lewis, as Faith Farnum, bis sweetheart, was fine, playing her part In a natural, conscientious manner. Miss May Clinton and Mr. Theo. M. Bixler, as MA and PA. Coldwell were lifelike and refreshing. Mr. Bixler 1b an exceptional clever character actor. W. H. Everstlne, as Farnum, tbe up right son of a bad father, did full Justice to tbe part. Miss Kittle Hawtborne, as Grace Coldwell, was very sweet and dainty, and proved herself a clever Actress. Edgar L. Benn, as Jno. Farnum, was a typical villlan. A special fealure of tbe performance was the musical act and Illustrated songs by tbe HAWTHORNE SISTERS, which were applauded to the echo. For Coughs?Murray's flore hound, Mullein and Tar. 25 cents for. large bottle. ] Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar will cure your cough. Large bottle for 25c. Is It right ? I? It right tbat a property-owner should lose 84.20 to l?*t a dealer make 50 cents ? A dealer makes 50 cents more on fourteen gallons of ready-for-use paint, at $1 50 per gallon, than our pigent does on eight gallons of L>. & M. paint and six gallons or linseed oil, which makx fourteen gallons of the best paint In the world, at $120 per gallon ; the property-owner lopes just S4.20. Is It right? It ocly requires 4 gallons of L. a M. and 3 gallons linseed oil to paint a moderate Blzed houF-e. Ten Thousand Churches painted with Longman & Martinez L. t., Atlanta, Ga. Savings Haul, ?- ^ A iijJbJ, s. u. DIRECTORS. S. G. Thomson, H. G. Anderson, G. A. Neuffer, C. C. Gambrell, q W. E. Owens. C. 8. Jones, J. S. Stark; Ed. Reiser, Jonn A. .Harris. 8 GOLD! ? v \ S THE attanooga die Breaker" >ws in 1 a <79 anooga-Gviffin" cotton planter and tell j think of it. ardware Co. 'It1. . " t # i. .i i n r>. OailKTU * rhe entire stock of goods 1 t . r / Tremendoi Rarely such an opportu buying goods at ha] going and going fas these bargains before can buy, at present as the stock is full i v , Crockery, Tinwar ' f " V ' ; Clothing, Hats, Staj in fact anything and i D. POL Not! SUILD1NG MATERIAL Forth?] lie ic B I am now receiving a Btocb of DOORS, SASHES, 1 ALL BE1 BLINDS, FLOORING, CEILING, ?? Triton ship aod Coun SIDING meetiDg of tb< this 50 percei Dd FINISHING LUMBER, also, Employer I and eelting a 1 SHINGLES, LATHS, LIMJhi, Returns w CEMENT and HAIR. . proper officer. i All impnr County Audits omo in and let me give you prices. ? i < My App< A. G. FAULKNER, Lowndesv TRINITY ST. Jin/?"?" pposite A. B. MORSE.' Bordeaux! McCormic Donalds, 2 Due West, Office opei SJE A.I AIR LIN Between New York, Washing Schedule in ? 67 1 43 85 Dally. Dally. Dally. 12 25pm112 55pm 12 10 am 6 29 pm Lv? 2 55pm i 8 28pm 7 28 am 12 12 am " 6 07pm | 6 25pm 9 42 am 2 87 am " , 7 25pm 10 50 am 4 30 am " 1100pm 2 20 pm 9 10 am " 11 40pm 2 57 pm 10 02 am " 1 45am 5 10 pm 12 45 pm Lv 38 41 Dally. j Dally. 9 80pm 9 25 am Lv 10 02pm 9 54 am " 1 20am 1 20 pm Ar i t7om I a IS nm i 40 Dm Lv 2 25am 5 37 pm 2 10 pm " 9 00dm 4 10 pm Ar .... 4 15am 7 00 pm 4 00 pm Lv 0 20am 8 66 pm 6 16 pm " ? T 15am 9 55 pm 7 30 pm Ar 7 35am 10 16 pm Lv 58 9 10am 1155 pm Ar ~ Dally. 9 15am 12 01 am Lv 10 30am 1 20 am Vr 2 53pm 11 47am 2 45 am " 3 41pm 12 33pm 3 85 am 4 08pm 12 57pm 4 02 am Lv_ 4 45pm 125pm 4 32 am 5 28pm 152pm 5 05 am 8 86pm 2 50pm 6 08 am 7 20nm 8 26Dm 6 46 am 7 55pm 3 50pm I 7 20 am I " 9 20pm 4 65pm I 8 40 am [Ar For further Information regarding rates, P G. H. Fuller, Agent, Phone No. 50, Abbeville, S. C. WE A. 116 Peaohtn / ipt Sale! ' "v: * " r--v/r '* '" ^ ' ' y.'i- . ; , v'.'^ :.' 4' v ' vA'Vtfm''-- ^y4P ??* 'ft " 'i>*t ^ ' "'/t , i of L. Alewine will be sold at a' i S ' -! '' - tlif us Sacrifice. ""ff ' ' .< ' ?;3H ' nity is offered the public of .f price. Of course things are 3t. Come and get a share of 1 . . >*.aiftmrnm 3 the stock is depleted. Ton almost anything you want and complete. :: :^1 . | . e, Dry Goods, Shoes, , . ' , . >' 'KM . pie and Fancy Groceries Ty |jWS everything you may want. ' . ,, IAKOFF. ' 'it? ice to Tax-Payers. Purpose of Accommodating 1he Pub l the matter of making Their Tax leturns, OVill Visit the Places Mentioned Below on the Dates Indicated in Schedule. , [TJRNS MUST BE MADE UNDER OATH, AND ALL PERreturned at its true market value. ' >t making their returns between January 1st, 1905, and February liable to a penalty of 50 per cent. This penalty will be enforced uents ; for the failure to enforce it heretofore has put a premium he law. / is of those who conform to the law are placed before the Town- ty Boards, while those who disregard the law oome in after the } Boards and return to suit themselves. The enforcement ofit. penalty will correct this evil. i 3 are requested to return all their employees after notifying them statement of their property. - - 1- C-i_. ' ill not be taken by mail unless tney are sworn to uciunj aumo % This does not apply, however, to persons returning o'nly land, omenta on or transfers of real estate must be reported to the :>r. >intments Are as follows: alls, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 10 and 11. ille, Thursday and Friday, January 12 and 18. il, Monday and Tuesday, January 16 and 17r i, Wednesday, January 18. Thursday, January 19. k, Friday and Saturday, January 20 and 21. donday and Tuesday,. January & and 24.. -V; Wednesday and Thursday, January 25 and 26. l from January 1st to February 20th inclusive. RICHARD SONDLEY, County Auditor. BOARD I E RAILWAY. 1 I ;toD, Richmond, Portsmouth & Atlanta. 9 Effect January 8th, 1906. . f g "Ifl (36 00 Dally. Dally. Dally. ....New York Ar 7 23 am 6 SO am 4 15 pm H West Pbllsdelpala " 4 21 am 2 85 am 1 45 pm *K Baltimore " l 48 am 11 17 pm 11 80 am m Washington... " 1160 pm 8 86 pm 9 60 am B Richmond " 5 80 pm 4 55 pm 0 28 am HE Petersburg " 4 42 pm 4 09 pm 5 49 am SB " ,n * KM o Q I AM g Norlina at Z 1U ptu 1 1 *V piu I V (It QUI | ii 82 a Dally. Ealiy. | Portsmouth ....Ar 5 30 pm 7 00 am H Suffolk 4 84 pm 7 13 am H ~ Norlina Lv 1 40 pm 8 30 am H Norlina Ar 115 pm 185 pm 8 31am H Henderson- " 12 37 pm 110 pm 2 06 am H Durham " 10 05 am 6 00 pm 8 Hwlelgb " 1100 am 11 GO am 185 am . 9 i> Pme? (Plnehurst J.) " 8 80 am 9 45 am 11 20 pm 19 Hamlet Ar 7 80 am 8 50 am 10 80 pm SB Hamlet- Ar 7 10 am lOOOpml H Monroe ....Lv 5 40 am 8 35 pm 52 Ml Monroe Ar 6 85 am 8 80 pm Daily. fl - Cheater ....Lv 4 06 am T 14 pm Clinton " 2 40 am 6 00 pm 2 28 pm M Greenwood " 166am 5 10pm 182 pm Bfl Abbeville.. Ar 188 am 4 50 pm 103 pm n .. Calhoun Falls - 100 am 4 21pm 12 30 pm H - " 12 28am 8 55pm 12 00 m J Athens " 1123 pm 2 .>7 pm iu,o?am jr b Winder " 10 43 pm 2 23 pm 10 >16 am H ... Lawrencevllie " 10 10 pm \ 6T pm 9.45 am H Atlanta Lv - 6 00pm 100pm 8 40am H ullman reservations, etc., apply to the undersigned. H Fred Gelssler, Eg Traveling Passenger Agent, 116 Peaohtree Street, Atlanta, Qa. I. Christian, BH U. P. A. #1 I