Vfhe Press and Banner lift j3P~Publlshed every Wednesday at 12 i M ear In advanoe. H Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1904. gS Mr. and Hri. H. T. Tuft ten Celebrate their Golden Weildlng. One of the most notable society events in Rg^BAbbevllle for a number of yearn, wrh tbe S^loelebratton. by Mr. and Mrs. Hiram TIlmaD JfeMTnsten, of tbe flflletb anniversary ot tbelr ?|Bioarrlag??, on last evening. sgj I Hearty congratulations and handsome BSHgifm bespoke tbe kindly esteen In wblob H the bride and groom of fifty years are beld, EgjHby tboee amongst wnom they have botn iS^Breslded all their lives. BflSW Tbe bouse was most tastily decorated. ibe refreshments were deilKbtrul. in a wora, he occasion was a happy event lor those ntertalnlng and those entertained. A fuller account will be given In next ssue of the paper. Greatly Improved Service. Effective Dec. 15tb, the Seaboard Air Line lallway placed on train No. 38, between At?nta, Ga., and Portsmouth,Va.,through Pullaan drawing room sleeplog care. Beelnnlng January 9th, the date on whicb be New York and florlJa Limited trains, ompoMiflof Pullman Sleepers,Dining and Obervatlon cars are put on, the New York leeplng car now operated on train No. 32. etween Atlanta and New York, will be and led north of Hamlet. N. C., on the New 'ork and Florida Limited. This affords its patrons service to EasterD nd Virginian cities superior to any that has ver been accorded. Ifear&Hnaa Holiday Excursion* via Charleston A Western Carolina Ry. Bound trip rate, one and one-tblrd first last fares, between all BtatlonsC. A W. C. Ry. .lfoloall points south of the Ohio and PoXbac and east of the Mississippi Rivers, Inludlag 8t. Louis, Mo. lockets on sale December 28, 24, 25, 81,1904, Dd January 1, 1900, with final return limit an. 4.1905. *?? teachers and students of schools and alleges, on presentation and surrender o; Htlflcates signed by Superintendents, PrlniMda or Presidents of the various Instltam of learning, tickets will be sold Decern?r lTth to 24th. Inclusive, with final return mil January 8 1905. 2' { Dr. H. D. Reese in Town. Dr. H. D. Reete, optician, will be In AbbeIll* for one week, wltb headquarters In Dr. IllUngswortb's dental rooms. Eyes examM free, glasses fitted at moderate prloe. UAlfactlon guaranteed. j? The annual meeting of policyholders of the S3 Abbeville-Greenwood Mutual Insurance Abbs aoolatlon will be held at Abbeville, 11 o'clock a. at., Tuesday, January 8,1905. rig J. R. Biake, Secretary. K Wanted. A while teacher for school district No. 49. Salary S25 per month. Apply to <5. H. Hall, $[ or L. M. Patterson. ?, Antreyllle, 8. C. B At Betbel Choreh. f Ther* will be a Christmas tree at Bethel l Chorob Monday afternoon Dec. 26, 19C4. For > the benefit of the school and Sunday school, r The public Is cordially Invited. 'i Snleaday Tuesday Jan. 3rd. As Monday January 1906, Is a legal holeday saieeday will De Tuesday January 3rd, In stead. To Bent. A bouse on Main Street five rooms and a kitchen. Ayy ly to Mrs. L. W. Mabry. Beea for Sale. } Eleven hives of bees would prefer to sell all to one buyer?W. H. Parker. Straight Facts. A whole lot of fancy phrases can be wrltteD oKrtnl ramodloB hnl ft ffltron for*fa fn nrnve anything?good straight facta. And the strongest fact you ever beard la that TaDDopI line 1b the best care for plies od the market. It cures absolutely. Has a healing, sootblDg effect from tbe start. All druggists have It for $1 00 a Jar. Ask for Tannoplllue and doo't dare take a substitute. Say "Murray's". When yoq've got a bad cough Just say "'MURRAY'S." If a druggists gives yon anything but Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar you're not getting the bent and surest oough remedy. Make blm glveyou Murray's. , Acts quicker and you gel a 60c. size bottle for 1 26c. . Every druggist has It. Notice. Notice hereby given tbat the health of tb people of tbls county Is in Imminent danger and must be taken care of. It has been dec'd ed tbat every precaution be taken to prevent prolonged cases of pneumonia, grippe, etc The best thing to do Is to give a good cough mixture as soon as tbe coughs starts. Gel MURRAY'8 _ JKOREHOUND. MULLEN AND TAR. only 25c. a Dome. At an druggist*. Money to Loan. I have elgbt thousand (88 000) dollars to Iobd on real estate. K. A. Kichey, If Abbeville, S. C. Clerkablp Examination. One cletksblp In the Engrossing Depart ment for tbeStb. circuit will be awarded b\ competitive examination to be held at Beiton, 8. C. on Friday Deo. 16th beginning a1 o'olock. Respectfully. Julius F. Boggs, Solicitor. Notice. Bnllders and contractors should write the Cook-Pormony Co., Fitzgerald, Ga., lor Lumber and Shingles. PLEASE YOUR FAMILY and preserve four bouse by painting with L. & M. Paint. ts lead with zlno. Non-cbalkable. Money saver. Fullest measure. Takes least. Call on P. B. Speed Druggist. THAT L. a M. PAINT, and le only requires 4 gaHons of L. & M. Hnd 3 gallons linseed oil to paint a moderate sized house. It lead with zinc. Non-ohalkable. Call on P. B. Speed druggist. Dr. O. P. Hawthorn, the Sage of Chickasaw, was in town last Monday, reviewing predictions Hbout bi-annual sessions. Mtss Laurie Johnston of Macon, Oa. left last week for New York where she will remain for some time to complete her course Id vocal raunlc. A Certain Core for Croup. When a child show* symptoms of croap there 1b no time to experiment wlth?new remedies, do matter bow highly they may be reeommeoded. There Is one preparation that can always be depended upon, it has been lo use for issd; yearn and ban never been known to fall, viz: Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. Mr M. F. Compton of Market. Texas Bays or It, "I have used ChamberlalD'sCough Remedy In severe cases of croap wltb my children, and can trntbfally say U always gives prompt relief." For sale by C. A. Milford. Abbeville. H. M. Young, Due West. J. W. Morrah, Mt. Carmel. If you waDt Christmas cards go to Speed's Drug Store. If you waut to find out "what lo a Dame" try to Ball your customers a cigar by any other name than Speed's Glnoo. An old reliable driers Almanac for every one, as usual at Speed's Drug Store. Christmas, six oclock dinners, and Speed's Claco cigars go baud Id hand, they leave a good taste In your mouth. Tbe girls prefer Huyler's Candy. So don't risk giving tbem any otber kind or tbe other nilahl. a?t. fihAfld nf VA11. Ynil PAD CTGt It fresh and from odc lo five pound boxes"at Speed's Drug Store, Speed's CIdoo Cigars, like great men since tbey have become great ibere Is no trouble to find people wbo are ready to claim kin wltb tbem and claim some of tbe credit for tbelr great ness. Pood for tbe angels, Huylers Candy at Speed's Drug store. Christmas goods are going fast at Speed's, hurry !f you want to get what you want. If you waDt a nice Christmas book for your friend, go to Milford's Drug Store. A nice line of children's books at Mllford. We always have Lewis' sea flakes, fresh. H. P. Mcllwain. APPOINTMENT. 1 CHARLESTON DISTRICT. H. "VV. Bays, Presiding Elder. Allendale, w. C. Kirkland. Beaufort, G. P. Watson. Bethel circuit, W. H. Thrower. Black Swamp, G. F. Clarkson. > Charleston, Trinity, C. B. Smith. Bethel, M. L. Carlisle. Spring Street, P. L. Kirkton. i Cumberland, J. W. Speake. Mt. Pleasant, I. C. Carson. Cordesville, W. R. Buchanan. Cypress, C. \V. Rurgess. Dorchester, W. T. Bedenbaugh. Ehrhardt, T. L. Belvin. Grover, S. C. Morris. Hampton, G. R. Shaffer. Harleyville and Indian Fields, W. S. Goodwin. Henderson ville, J. E. Peeler. McClellanville, VV. T. Patrick. Pinopolis, W. E. Barre. Port Royal, L. D. Gillespie. Ridgeland, W. H. Murray, Ridgeville, H. C. Mouzon. Rouud 0, E. P. Hutson. St. George, VV. S. Stokes. Summerville, J. L. Daniel. Walterboro, Henry Stokes. Youngs Island, VV. A. Wimberly. Charleston Port Society, P. A. Murray, chaplain. Student at Vanderbilt University, P. C. Garris. COKESBURY DISTRICT. T ^ PfnciH i n (r Plrlop U JJil VOI IIOI^ JL lVOIV4>ilg du Crout, J. M. Gasque. Gullivant, T. D. Moody. Latta/J. H. Thacker. Latta Circuit, J. W. Ariail. Little Rock, G. C. Leonard. Loris, S. J. McConnell. Marion, R. E. Stackhouse. Marion Circuir, G. P. Penney. McColl, W. H. McLaurin. Mullins, T. C. O'Deli. Mullins Circuit, W. A. Betts, W. C. Power, supernumerary. Marlboro, J. Is. Wright. North MullinB, J. E. Rushton, J. M. Rogers. "SVaccamaw, Allan Macfarlane. ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. Marion Dargan, Presiding Elder. Bamberg, W. T. Duncan. Barnwell, J. L. Harley. tsrancnvme, o. a. iseiues. Cameron, N. L. Wiggins. Denmark, E. H. Beckham, W. H. Wroton, supernumerary. Edisto, G. W. Davis. Elloree, J. T. Macfarlane. Langley, J. W. Neeley. Norway, J. R. Sojourner. Orangeburg, St. Paul's, J. *A. Clifton. Orangeburg Mills to be supplied. Orangeburg Circuit, A. B. Watson. Orange, M. F. Dukes. Providence, W. A. Pitts. Kowe^ville' A. C. Walker. Smoaks, J. L. Tyler. Springfield, R. A. Yongue. F vansea, G. W. Dukes. Wagener, J. C. Holley. . .. r \ / spa , r,. , KOCK HILL DISTRICT. W. P. Meadors, Presiding Elder. Blacksburg, C. C. Derrick. Blackstock, J. H. Noland. Chester, Bethel, M. L. Banks, Graoe and New Bethel, to be supplied. Chester Circuit, J. M. Fridy. East Chester, C. P. Carter. East Loncaster, P. B. Ingrahm. ] Fort Mills, J. C. Chandler. Hickory Grove, W. H. Ariail. Heath Springs, David Hucks. ^ Kershaw, O. A. Jeffcoat. Lancaster, R. E. Turnipseed. Lancaster Circuit, J. C. Counts. ' North Rock Hill, W. C. Winn. c Richburg, W. A. Faircy. 2 Rock Hill, St. John's, "Watson B. J Duncan, A. E. Holler, supernumer- c ary. t Laurel and Manchester, C. E. j Poole. a Hock Hill Circuit, E. A. . Wilkes, r Van Wych, R. E: Sharp. ' Yorkville, J. L. Stokes, S. A. ( Weber, supernumerary. i York MSlls and Tirzah, C. M. e Peeler. a York Circuit?R. A. Rouse.. t t SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. a J. W. Kilgo, Presiding Elder. Belmont, E. Z. James. Buffalo and East Union, L. E. 1 Wiggins. I Clifton and Glendale, J. W. El- * kins. 1 Cherokee, B. M. Robertson. Clinton, W. H. Hodges. Campobello, J. T. Fowler. _ Enoree, C. B. Burns. [ Enoree, C. B. Burns. t Gaflfney, Bvford Street, J. M. Steadman, Limestone Street, J. i B. Kilgore. . r I naffnpv Cimnif. J. R. Wilson. t Jonesville. D. E. Camak. c Kelton, A. H. Best. Laurens, First Church, M. \V. a Hook. Laurens Mills, C. L. McCain. . t North Laurens, J. F. Anderson, c Pacolet to be supplied. r Pacolet Circuit, E. W. Mason. * i Reidville. T. J. NVhjte. ' Santuc, T. B. Owen. Spartangurg, Central, E. 0. Wat- r son. Duncan and Saxon, S. B. Harper. Bethel, J. \V. Shell. c Union, Grace Church. D. M. Mc- j Leod, W. H. Miller, supernu- c merary. g Union Mills, W. M. Owens. t Southern Christian Advocate, W. ^ R. Richardson, editor, G. H. \ Waddell, assistant editor. c Conference Secretary of Education, e J. W. Kilgore. Financial Agent for Wofford Col- ( lege, R. A. Child. a . Sumter District. | H. R. Rrowne. nresidinsr elder. Bethany, E. F. Scoggins; t Bishopville, D. Arthur Philips; t Camden, C. C. Herbert; c Chesterfield, J. J. Stevenson; c Jordan, S. D. Bailey; ? Jefferson, S. M. Jones; Lynchburg, S. O. Cantey; Manning, A. N. Brunson; 0 New Zion, B. J. Guess; Oswego, E. K. Moore; n Pinewood, L. L. Bedenbaugh; * Providence, C. S. Elder; c Rembert and St. John, S. H. ^ Booth; Richland, Walter P. Way; Santee, J. C. Yongue; Sumter, First church, P. F. Kngo, Magnolia Street, J. P. Inabinet; W&teree, W. D. Patrick. Conference missiouary secretary,P. F. Kilgo; Assistant Sunday school editor, L. F. Beaty; Transferred, K. S. Enochs to Alabama conference: Superannuated, G. N. Boyd, J. M. t Carlisie, A. M. Chreitzberg, W. A. Clarke, D. D. Dantzler, R. L. Duflle, ft J. W. Humbert, A. W. Jackson, W. W. Jones, C. D. Mann, N. K. Mel- t ton, D. M. Merritt, J. J. Newberry, J. A. Porter, T. P. Phillips, B. H. Rawls, W. A. Rogers, J. L. Sifly, ' A. J. Stafford, T. E. Wannamaker, J. E. Way, J. A. Wood, J. J. Work- c man. c Greenville District. . R. Herbert Jones, presiding elder. } Anderson, St. John's, M. 15. Kel- ? ^Orrville.S. T.Creech; f West End, D. W. Keller; Easly and Bethesda, R. M. Dubose; c Fountain Inn, D. P. Boyd; Greenville, Buncombe Street, W. D M. Duncan. t Hampton Avenue, W. E. Wiggins; i, Sampson and Poe, A. E. Driggers; D St. Paul's, T. G. Herbert; West Greenville, G. T. Harmon, e Greenville circuit, N. G. Ballinger ? Greers, G. T. Harmon; Liberty, J. P. Attaway; McClure, A. A. Merritt; North Pickens, Wm. Roof; g Pelzer, G. E. Edwards; Pendleton, S. W. Henry; S Pickens, O. M. Abney; Piedmont, S. T. Blackmfan. e Seneca and Walhalla, E. S. Jones; Star and Iva, J. W. Baily; b Townville, D. A. Lewis; Travelers' Rest, W. L. Gault; f, Victor and Batesville, J. C. Hug- p gin; Walhalla circuit, W. M. Harden; c Westminster, J. I. Spinks; r Williamston and Belton, R. L. Holroyd; Williamston circuit, W. A. Beck- s ham. c ? ... t t Commandments of the Home Sfnber. t 1. Make your household one harm- I onious whole, no matter how small the t scale. 2. Use ooly what you can comfoitably afford in good quality and ample ? quantity. , 3. Let your home appear bright and sunny. It is not easy to be unpleasant t in a cheerful room. t 4. Treat your servants wisely and * kindly, and it will be impossible for them impose or oppose. < s A /?orfnin fnrmalitv in necessary ! to save every-day life "from triviality ' and freedom from looseness. 7. Do not forget that "society" is the death of home life?hospitality its flowers. 1 8. Know how to talk aDd how to * listen, how to entertain and how to ] , amuse. 9. Have many intended and no studies. 10. Do not forget?your home should notonly bea well-conducted dormitory . and boarding place, but truly a bom- ( the centre and focus of all interests j pleasure and happiness for every-body connected with it.?Harper's Bazaar. I ^"TVI 1 * " ' WAR CLAIMS ? Letter from Quartermaster'General lo Hon. Wymt Aiken. Washington, D. G , December 16, 1904. War Department, Office of the Quarter master General. Hon. Wyatt .Aiken, M. C., (92789) U. 8. House of Representatives. iir:Referring to the letter herewith rom Mr: E. H. Barton. Adjutant, 3amp Jasper Hawthorne, Easicy, S. C. lated December 12, 1904., brought by rou personally to this office, I have ^ he honor to inform you that I know if only one existing law under which laims can be paid by the Governnent for property by U. 8. troops durng or subsequently to the Oivii War, ind this law is the Act of Congress apjroved February 27, 1902, (expiring \_pril 27, 1906) which au horiz^a the Quartermaster General of the Army to nvestigate and pay claims of paroled x-Con federate soldiers for their own krmy horses, mules and equipment aken from them after the surrender iy Federal troops acting or preaum ibly acting under orders. For the investigation and adjustnent Of these claims, certain regulaions were,promulgated by the Quarter naster General and approved by the Secretary of War. Under these reguations the following is required: 1. Each claimant must state his iwd claim under oath (the Departcent furnishes no blank forms for the >urpose), mailing it to the Quartermas er General, U. 8. A., Washington, " X C. 2. In his affidavit he shouH state lis name, rank, company and theregi nent in which he was serving at the ime of the surrender, and by whom ifficered. 3. The date and place of surrender, md to whom surrendered. Z 4. That he was paroled at or after he surrender, naming the paroling ifflcer, time and place. Written paoles, if in existence, should be filed yith claims : otherwise, the sworn estimony of two credible persons (preorably soldiers), knowing the facts, nust be submitted as proof. 5. That he was required to be mount id for the performance of his military lutioa ?nd thnt f ho nrnnortv tabpr) vas his own and that it was being used n the Confederate service at the time >f tbe surrender and was taken by U. 5. troops acting.or presumably acting inder orders, stating how, when and vhere (and by whom if it is known) it vas taken. State value of each horse >r mule, saddle, bridle, blanket and ide arms. . 9. At least two credible persons soldiers preferred) must corroborate ill the claimant's statements in essenial particulars, stating how their cnowledge thereof was obtained. 7. If the soldier be dead, his widow nay make tbe claim. If both be dead, lis child, or children jointly ; or if no hildren survive the soldier, a parent ay make the claim. Allowance for inly one horse and equipment is made o a private soldier and two herses, quipment and side arms to a commisioned officer. 8. All statements by the claimant ,ud witnesses must be under oath. Phe credibility of each must be certiied to by the offioial before whom they oake oath and his official seal must >e affixed to each affidavit. Eespectfull.y C. F. Humphrey,. Quartermaster General, U. 8. Army, By Geo. E. Pond, Assistant Quartermaster General, U. 8. A. Pointed Paragraphs. The auicker tbe lunch the slower the Ilgesiion. When a man's down he chinks It's .11 up to him. A thoughtless man loses a lot of ime when he hurries. A girl thinks she's a flrst-class cook f she can make fudge. ' Diplomacy is often a knife in the land of the underhanded. It takes a swift man to pursue a suc?ess career nowadays. Age brings a man knowledge of nany things be would rather not mow. Lazy men like to fish and hunt? ish for suckers and bunt for snaps. As a rule, a girl who is self-possessed an be induced to transfer the title. Many a man who thinks he's ready Qoney resembles a dollor minus sevens' cents. A good neighbor is one who lacks nterest in affairs that are none of his usiness. While the average man isn't bad nough to need reforming he is not ood enough sometimes to make a esirable husband. Kindness thrives on kindness. Charity begins at home, but soon ets avyay. Money is often best invested when _ iven away. vvueua mail wauw iu ue cau geurally concoct an excuse. Envy is always looking for empty leads wherein to lodge and grow. Whenever we hear a boy calling his ither "the old man" we yearn for a laddie. The best times are those which per- , nits us to look back' at them without 1 egrets. We feel sorry for the man who is alvays too busy to remember he was nee a boy. Did you ever think that perhaps the leavenly music we read about is only be laughter ofslittle children ? There are business men who scorn to urn a dishonest trick in their iu their jusiness who act on the theory that sverything is fair in politics. & To lift all the burdens you can form ^ ihoulders that have grown stooped in a waiting upon and working for you. 0 Never to intimate by word or deed g hat your world and hers are different, n >r that your feel in any way superior t ;o her. To treat her with the unvarying a jourtesy and defereuce you accord to hose who are above jou in rank or p position. ? . C Something new. Fur top bed ^ oom slippers for the babies and ihildren?warm and cozy?only a imited number left, Come quick, P. Rosenberg & Co. See our Bed room slippers, for lalies and gents. A splendid stook ;o selectlfrom. P. Rosenberg & Do. -,. r : .-;' " V/^v 'V^ry^ tfj - . "; ': . i-1 ?'. I JJ 1 , I ! ' ' . ' . i i STT,*, ** w- > . . "At Christmas play, and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year," And when yonr Christmas gifts you buy* Remember Johnson can supply? EVERYTHING ! In the Gold and Silver line. Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, t I i Fine China ware, Etc. Everything in his line is up-to-date in style and workmanship. Guaranteed goods always satisfy. Johnson fixes watches, mends jewelry. Johnson satisfies his customers. W. E. JOHNSON, THE JEWELRYMAN.' SSiiii" SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. \ I % A 1 FARES A 1 13" Round Trip -13 " Announces Holiday Bates on and one-third fares for the round trip, tickets to be sold to Teachers and Students of School and Colleges on presentation of certificate signed by Superintendent Principal, or President thereof. Tickets to be sold December 17th and 24th inclusive. Final limit January 8, 1905. In addition to students' rates as above regular Holiday Tickets will be on sale to the public, at same rate, on December 23, 24, 25 and 31st, 1904, and January 1, 1905, good to return until January 4th. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Information cheerfully furnished. FRED GEISSLEB, T. P. A., G. H. FULLER, Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Abbeville, 8. C. W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A., C. B. RYAN, G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Portsmouth, Va. SCHOOL BOOKS Tablets Pencils Ink General School Supplies. Speed's Drug Store. i NrttiM tA TflY.Pawrc LwliVlf IV IUA 1UJV1U. ?orthe Purpose of Accommodating1 the Public in the matter of making Their Tax Returns, I Will Visit the Places Mentioned Below on the Dates Indicated in Schedule. ALL RETU RNS MUST BE MADE UNDER OATH, AND ALL PERonal property returned at its true market value. Persons not making their returns between January 1st, 1905, and February 0th, 1905, are liable to a penalty of 50 per cent. This penalty will be enforced gainst delinquents ; for the failure to enforce it heretofore has put a premium n neglect of the law. The returns of those who conform to the law are placed before the Townhip and County Boards, while those who disregard the law come in after the oeeting of the Boards and return to suit themselves. The enforcement of his 50 percent, penalty will correct this evil. Employers are requested to return all their employees after notifying them >nd getting a statement of their property. , Returns will not be taken bvmail unless thev are sworn to before some roper officer. This does not apply, however, to persons returning only land. All improvements on or transfers of real estate must be reported to the Jounty Auditor. Appointments Are as follows: Calhoun Falls, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 10 and 11. Lowndesville, Thursday and Friday, January 12 and 13. Mt. Carmel, Monday and Tuesday, January 16 and 17. Willington, Wednesday, January 18. Bordeaux, Thursday, January 19. X McCormick, Friday and Saturday, January 20 and pi. Donalds, Monday and Tuesday, January 23 and 24. Due West, Wednesday and Thursday, January 25 and 26. HflRno Anan fi?Am Tonnoftr 1 of t a 1?hKi*muP(t Ofif V* innliuiitm vliiyc w?/\-u 1 * wuj uauuaij j.ou \,\j xvuiuuij ?vwu iuuiucivci RICHARD SO^TDLEY, Comity Auditor. v.u'.^a 7" . we want all interested in MACHINERY TO HAVE OUR NAM! BEFORE THEM DURING 1905 Write us stating what kind of M AC HINERY you use or will Install, and we will mail you Free of All Cost A HANDSOME AND USEFUL pocket diary and atlas OR A LARGE Commercial calendar . i ; Olbbes Machinery Company, columbia, S. c. A STOOK OP HORSE POWER HAY PRESSES TO BE OLOSED OUT AT SPECIAL PRICES Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. L. T. Harmon, et als, as Executors and in their own right against Norfleet Hunter and Milton Hunter.?Foreclosure. By Authority of a Decree of Sale by : ^ the Court of Common Pleas for Abbeville couuty, in said Sute, made in the above stated case, I will offer for sale, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. H.f S. C., on Saleday in January (3rd), A. D., 1905, within the legal hours of sale the following described land, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Abbeville county, in the State aforesaid, on Sbanklin creek, containing THREE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of J. S. Harmon on the north and east, on the south by lands of William Harmon and on the west by the Savannah river. Also all that tract or parcel of land located in ADbeville county ifa said State containing ONE HUNDRED Acres, more or less bounded on the north by lands of Guilford Cade, on the east by Little river and on the west and south by lands of Mary Haf mon. Terms of Sale?One-third of the purchase money Id cash, and the balance on a credit of one and two yean in equal peyments, with interest from the date of sale, or for all cash at the purchasers option, the credit portion, if any, to be secured by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the . premised sold, said bond and mortgage providing for the payment of ten per cent, attorney's fees, in the event said bond and mqrtgage Bhould be collected by suit. If aDy of the purchaeers at such sale >, should fail td comply with the terms thereof, within one hour from the time of said sale, or should fail to give satisfactory evidence of intention to comply, the master shall resell the said premises at the risk of former purchaser or purchasiers on the same or any subsequent day. Purchaser to pay for papers. . i L. W. Perrin, Master A. C., S. C. k . yvj I If an overcoat is what you want *.;$ we can please your fanoy, and npt $ rob yon either. P 17 Afl Atlk A??V At HA X I XIUBOUUDIg VXl WW , ? * Master's Sale* STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. L. T. Harmon, et al, as Executors etc. / against Amanda Edmunds and others.?Foreclosure. By authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of Common Pleas for Abbe- , : j ville County, in said State, made in the above stated case, I will offer for sale, at Puplic Outcry, at Abbeville C. H.,.S. C., on Saleday in January 3rd A. D. 1905, within the legal hours of sale the following described land, to: .4 wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Calhoun township in Abbeville county, in the State aforesaid, containtng ONE HUNDRED Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Z McCord, C. C. Jennings, Little river and known as part of the Harmon tract. Terms of Sale?One-half cash, balance on a credit of one year, with interest from the date ot sale, or for all cash at the purchaser's option.* The credit portion, if any, to be secured by ' the bond of the purchaser and a mort- ' nramloao naisl Knn/1 on/I gage \J 1 bUO pciuiogo) t??u i/wuu muv mortgage providing for ten per cent, attorney's fees in the event the same are collected' by salt. Purchaser to pay for papers. L. W. Perrin, Master A. C., 8. C. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Court of Common Pleas. James Edgar Smith against J. Altheus Johnson and others.?Foreclosure. Bv authority of a Decree of Sale by the Court of. Common Pleas for Abbeville County, in said State, made in the above stated case, I will offer for . sale, at public outcry, at Abbeville C. ' H., S. CM on salesday in January (3fd) A. D. 1905, within the legal hours of sale the following described land to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Abbeville County, in the. State ^ aforesaid, containing ONE HUNDRED and Thirty-five and fifty-nine one hundredths Acres, more or less, and bounded hy lands of John W. Morroh, Joseph I. Eritt and others In fifteenth township. Also all that other tract of land in aoirJ Sf-nfp fl.nrl'CInnnt'.v fiontaJnc SRV ENTY-f ,VE and eight-tenths Acres, more 01 jtss, in sixteenth township and bounded by lands of P. Rosenberg & Co., Albert Ciibert and others. Terms of Sale?One-third of the purn^oan fMAnntT in />Qoh ftfl HoU f\f QOtfi V/UOOC LLIWLI^J v.?j v* and the balance on a credit of one and two years in equal instalments, with interest thereon from the day of sale, to be secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold. If purchaser fails to comply, nremisea i to be resold on same or sol a subse- "M quent salesday, at risk of former pur- m chaser. Purchaser to pay for papers fl and recording. m L. W. Perrin, : T? Master A. C., S. C. V , u9 The "Crawford" Shoe for m men?Price $3.00 and $3.50. B Also the "Just Wright" for ? $3.50. This pairibeats them fj all. We can suit you in high ? grade, medium priced or the | more solid hard service shoes, 1 F. Rosenbergs & Co, V .