The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, June 19, 1901, Image 1

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The Abbeville Press and Banner. I BY HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE. 8. Cv WEDNESDAY. JUNE 19, 1901. ESTABLISHED 1844 8 A" i "~4j" Wt 1/^ ? Those wh< !AVk Those who ct Sun iHH ^re jjave> than our comp undertaken, return with m< All Cloth i CONTRIBUTED LOCALS Wbnl "M" Ree? and Henrw on His Ruundi Abont the City. Abbeville, S. C., June 19,1901. AT HYMEN'S ALTAR. Tbe marriage of Mr. W. E. Shebee aod Mian Mattie Lou Knox will be solemnized at 8 o'clock tbis evening (Wednesday) tbe 19tb at tbe borne of the bride. Rev. W. P. Mouzon officiating. A reception will be given; :Tbe house will be decorated for tbe happy event and a few friends will be present. Among thoee Invited trom the city will be: Messrs. Henry Gilliam, Fred Hill, Morris Lee, W. J. Bryson, Miss Prule Penney and Miss Gertrude Moore. Tbe bride elect Is a daughter of Mr. J. W. Knox of Sharon neighborhood and Is a charming young lady possessing accomplishments that well tit her to adorn, beautify and make happy the borne of blm who was sofortuuate as to win her beart and hand. Tbe happy groom is from Maryland and has been In our midst about a year, In wnlcb time he has woo the respect and esteem of all who know him. He has many friends here who extend congratulations and best wlsbet for Lhe inture hannlnftna or hlmcolf onH hiu lovely bride. Mr. aad Mrs. Shebee will re-1 tarn to Abbeville and will occupy one of the pretty eottages on Wardlaw Street wbere tbey will be at bome to their friends. M'ALLISTER?MAXWELL. Invitations are oat announcing the mar- i rl?ge of MIhr Sadie McAllister to Mr. T. H. Maxwell Wednesday tbe 26th Inst. i M'KENZIE?NICKLES. Invitations are out announcing the mar- ! rlage of Mies Essie McKeu/.le to Mr. Luther i Nlckles of this city at Sharon church, Wed-| nesday tbe 20th lust., at 7:30 o'clock. < FRIENDS CX)MING AND GOING. Miss Marlon Thomas left last week for j Huroerton, wbere sbe will spend sometime 1 with ber sister. Mrs. James A. Hill and babe are visiting friends lu Walballa. i Mr. W. E. Bell, of Manning, Is In this his old bome wbere be receives a most cordial 1 welcome from hosts of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. White of Texas, are expected to arrive In the State where tbey i will visit friends and relatives In and around Abbeville. Mr. Tom White is the son of M?J. Jim White and 1b recollected by many friends in Abbeville where be was engaged lu tbe mercantile business for several years. Mr. Eustace Stevens, of Elberton, spent last < Sunday In the city enroute for Newberry, where be goes to take a situation with a drag i firm. Ml. iin J * ... mi.nii uuuiu inuru?a itwi Monday from Columbia whither be wa* oalled by telegram on account of the "'extreme illness of bis brother, wbo Is better. < Mr. Lewis Blount, Sr., came bone last week from tiulfport, Mississippi, wbere be bag been \ engaged In business. He will leave next , week for Montgomery, Alabama, wbere be ( has a position. Mrs. Jobn Oambrell returned last week from an extended visit to her sister at Batesburg. Her daughter Miss Virginia remaining for a longer stay. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. R. Nance, ol Lowndes- 1 vllle, spent the first few days of this week in { the city with relatives. They are at home In 1 Abbeville and are always welcome guests. Miss Mary. DuPre left laBt Monday on a 1 visit to lrlends and relatives at Ciemson. Our geDlal friend Mr. Fed Nance, of Due J West, was circulating among bis city friends 1 lust Monday. Prof. Ed Edwards of the Graded School of Marlon. Is home for the Summer vacation. He speaks In the highest terms ot Marlon. ] and bis pleasant stay among her people, and t said bis coming away was like parting with I loved ones at home. The school had a most suocesslul term, and every teaoher except those who resigned, were unanimously reelected. ] Mr. M. T. Coleman spent several days of the j past week with his family, leaving on bis trip yesterday. I Mr. Gus Lee returned bome last Monday from the South Carolina College for bia Sum- , m?r vacation. , Miss Fannie Morrow spent several days of | the past week with relatives and friends In \ the city. Miss Fannie has hosts of friends In , Abbetllle who are alwavs renciv in ..i - J " I hearty welcome. "Big A." once Abbeville's "Prince Clothier," t wan in the city several days of this week ex? ( blbltlng the finest line of clothing ever brought to this market. Mr. Cohen Is travellng for a large aud well known Arm, and Is perfectly at home in the clothing business. , While Id the city he wbh the guest of bis irlend, Mr. J. L. McMillan. Mrs. J.C. Ellis is visiting relatives in her old home?Cokesburj*. < [ID-5 I A' o have two dim< THE mnot keep step may >ck before buying: our ? imer ( by doing what we ad etitors, but during th Husbands and fathers or? goods than you ng, Millinery, omo to KENLl ; >*' : Prof. Guy PltDer Is ivisiting Mends and attending the Commeofcement at Athens, Ga. Mr. Perrlo- Quarles Is home from. VyiriOsbqro where he is engaged as assistant teacher in' ?ie Graded School^, His vacation will be ?pent'with his family'liid friends here. Mrs. S. P. Killingsworth le visiting relatives at.Antreviile. ' Mra. F. E. Young, of Winder Georgia, is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Miiford Of Fort Platens. . - I'--, Mr. Ellis G. Graydon,-of Greenwood; is in attendance npon the Court now. convened in this ci ty.'( >' . Mr. Albert Gilbert, of Bordeaux, was la the city lstat Monday on business. v Mr. A. M. Irvin one of the slannch and successful business men ol the county was in the city Monday on business. Mr. Irvin is one of the leading spirits of Antrevllle, which is nowon a boom. . VDr. Haw, of Elbertou, is In the oUy. on special business. ; INDEFINITELY POSTPONED. The lecture to have been given in the Couii House last Monday night Is indefinitely postponed on account ot the illness of Rev. Sbimmon.of Persia, wno Is the guest of Mr. R. M. Haddon, during bl8'stay:lh the city. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. M ?' ? Mr. W. F. Stubbs, .of this city bad bis right loot almost entirely cut ofi'wblle crossing tbe railroad track near tbe S. A. L. Shops, last Monday morning. Drs. Neufler, Harrison and Gambrell were called and found amputation necessary, which tbey did at once, leaving tbelr patient doing as well as could be expected. ON THE HIGHWAY. Mr. P. D. Klugb and Mr. Arthur Syfan have accepted a position with Supervisor O. A. Nick leu, and will enter upon tbelr dutleH at once, looking after tbe road scrapers tend county machinery. Two good practical men In the right place. PERSONAL MENTION. Id the abnence of Prof. Pltner Miss Daisy Wilson presided at tbe organ In the Method 1st Church last Sunday morning and evening. Miss Daisy is an accomplished musician and although almost blind, plays beautifully with muoh grace and ease. Rev. R. J. Wlllingham, of Richmond Virginia, delivered a tine sermon in the Baptist Church last Tuesday night, to a large and appreciative congregation. Prof. Gilliam left last Monday for Spartan, burg, to attend tbe State Teachers Association. .Prof. Gilliam bus been appointed principal of tbe Abbeville Summer School, but owing to previous engagements may not be able to take charge of this Important work. THE CITY KESTUKANT Kept by Mr. Henry Gilliam Is doing a rushing buslnes during Court. Mr. Gilliam Is an enterprising young man. Up-to-date In business and is building up a line trade lu his line. His tables are neatly kept and always supplied with tbe best the market affords, ind served by polite and attractive servants, ill under bis personal supervlson. KKKUKNINO HOME. On last Monday Miss Whltmore. the pretty tud Btylish milliner of C. W. Kendall, having served her spring engagement lett for her aome in Baltimore. Miss Staunton, tbe popular and- fashionable irtiste milliner ol K. M. Haddon & Co., left yesterday for ber home In New York. Mr*. Haddon and Miss Nannie Seal will give this department their personal attention. CHANGING HANDS. Messrs Hunter Brotherfi have sold their large flonr mill, known as "Calhouns Mills." Lo Mr. W. It. Parks of Edgefield, who will Lake charge the 1st of July next. OL'K SICK KOLKS. Otir venerable and esteemed oltlzen, Mr. Ed Koache Is quite Kick, being confined to nls bed for the past few days. Mr. (J. W. Ktbrldge Is quite sick at bis borne on Thomson Avenue, Factory Hill. The present crop Is being made at considerable expense and under the most adverse jircumstances. should the staple bring lOcts next tall, most 01 our farmers would be Just where they started one year previous. They ire now rushing the "grass crops" which at present seems to have the finest and foremost growth. Heavy rains have fallen In all iectlons of the county this week, doing much iamage to crops, bridges and lands. STORED AWAY. There are already stored In the Abbeville Ware-house over 100 bales of cotton. cotton shipment. Messrs. A. M. HU1 & Sons shipped last Modlay about 30 bales of cottou to New York? T Kl es or more to s -that 1< B US come amy way, bee; Fall Merchandise. ri we will offie joods wmmmmammammmmm Ivertlse. the reontatif] is SPECIAL SALE i erive your wives and rer saw for the same ; Hats and Trui HXIv'S where ' ...... r. I home markets being loo low?at least hoping they would realize a better price by shipping. B^Q FIGURES. , It in estimated that 810,000,000 dollars per month will be necessary to keep up the expenses or the governments engaged In the Chinese war, should the Empire not oonolude terms by the letof July next. Little Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Du? Pre is quite sick. deaths. i The remalnB of Mr. John Darrougb; were hurled in Upper Long Cane Cemetery last Friday. The deceased had attained to the ripe old age of 84 years, and was respected and highly esteemed by every one, and recognized by all as an honest and For many years he was Section Master on the Abbevlle Branch. - Keeping the road-bed In good fix lor his friend, Mr. Qeorge W. 8yfan, who passed over the river only t? feW days In advance. Lucile, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wosmansky died at their home In this city last Taesday evening, June 11th. Funeral services were oonduoted at the home by Rev, R. H. Jones. Interment tn Upper I<ong Cane Cemetery. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends; "Another little lamb has gone To dwell with Him who gave ; ' Another little darling babe . Is sheltered in the grave." On last Saturday morning Ethel, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. Ernest Wilson breathed Its last. The funeral services were conductedby R?v. R. H. Jones at the home. Interment Tn Upper Long Cane Cemetery. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of many friends In this community. "Call not back our precious darling. Anchored safe where storms are o'er, On the border land we leave her , Soon to meet and part no more." i Summer School. THE COUNTY SUMMER SCHOOL FOR Teachers will be held at Abbeville from July 22nd to August 17th. The principal will be appointed later on. Miss S. C. Thurston will be assistant. Teachers are required 10 attend and will for* felt their certificates to teach if they lall to do so. Subjects for instruction will be Buehler's Grammar, Frye's Advanced Geography, Freehand Drawing and Mathematics. J. S. GIBERT, SuDt. of Edu. Abbeville Co. Estate of Jennie Kellar, Deceased Notice of Settlement and Appli oation for Final Discharge. TAKE NOTICE tbat on the 20th day of June, 1901, I will render a final account of my actings and doings as Administrator of the Estate of Jennie Kellar, deceased, In the office of Judge of Probate for Abbeville County at 10 o'clock a. m., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as such Executon All persons having demands against said estate will present them for payment on or before that day, proven and authenticated or be forever barred. Joel W. Fisher, M ay 20,1901. Administrator. nfVT A T vrnmTnT* VJUHaaju nuixvxi. Dr. S. 0. Thomson, OFFICE UP-MTAIRS ON MoILWAIN Corner, Abbeville. 8. 0. WM. H. PARKER. WM. P. GREENE PARKER & GREENE, Mtorneys aad Counsellors at Law. Office on LAW RANGE. ABBEVILLE 80UTH CAROLINA. May 4, 1898. U < >, . . . .-' (' in mi\ a JJL.1 II pend should fall eads the push t 5>Y C ause we are offering ? L'o do this to the satisl )r our entire assortme At anc ?n of selling MORE GOI we will use our en< daughters a few dolla amount. iks will be thro ) Quality is A "gr^*^*!TT^TT*^rTr^" THE COMMENCEMENT, ' t Notes of the Bloat Interesting Occanlon at Dne West?Newspaper' Men and Other Distinguished Guests. Dae West, S. C., Jane ?, 1901. Commencement festivities began with tbe entertainment given by tbe Oraiorto Society Thursday'nlgbt. It la greatly to be regretted that so small an audience w/as present to bear tbe splendid singing. Fifteen soloists delighted tbe a'udlence, while forty-live voices Joined In the choruses wblch were many and beautiful. Tbe singing was Indeed grand, snob as Is not often beard by a Dae West audlenoe. "Tbe Prince of Peace," by Jobo Spencer anAn *Ka A?.n*yv.lA nnr>? am <Uln V^aujpi WRB IUO uiaiunu ?uu| uu tum VUWIIUM The best talent Id the town and colleges win engaged la the oratorio. Among tbose wbo took part in tbe solos were Rev. James Boyoe, Miss Watklns, Miss Jennie Edwards, Mrs. C. E. Todd, Miss Nelle Stack, Mls? Lois Moffatt. MIbs Jennie Galloway, Mlsa Ellen Edwards, Mr. JJ.' W. Edwards. Mr. D. 8. Edwards, Mr. George Hauna, Prof, J. B. Kennedy, Mr. Grler Presaly. Miss Minnie PresMy was tbe acoompanlst. ' -j Friday nlgbt was given np to tbe Expression and Stringed Instrument Recital, In Ersklne's auditorium. The( audience was large and appreciative. Tbe recital was under tbe i direction of Miss Stack and Miss Matthews, the teaobers Ih the respective departments mentioned. There were twenty numbers on tbe program, consisting of recitations, tableaux, solos, trios, quartettes and music by tbe /fcollan Club. Special prominence, of course was given to tbe nnmbers by tbe three graduates In tbe department of Expression, Miss Do lite Hardeman and MIssEdltn Little, of Louisville, Ga? and Miss Lois Moffatt, of Troy, Tenn. Tbe; young ladles here labored bard and unceasingly In this work and tbey are to be congratulated upon tbelr successlm efforts on the evening of tbe recital. They richly deserve th? success they have attained. The program was'rlob in variety and tbe Interest o( tbe audience was sustained to tbe end. Tbe departments of Expression and Stringed Instruments are now popular features of tbe College course and justly so, and deserve a liberal patronage. Toe marshals or tbe evening were Miss Belle Bittlok, MIbb Lizzie Dunlap, MIbb Lizzie Nichols and MIbb Ellen Sberard. They were attentive and courteous and deserve to be oommended for tbe way in wblcb tbey discharged their delicate and dlfiloult duties. TbecloslDg exercises of Ersklne Theological Seminary were held In the Associate Relormed church Saturday night, June8ih, and were attended by a magnificent audience. The exercises were presided over by tbe president of tbe Seminary, tbe Key. W. L. Prpssly, D. D. Two young gentlemen, had completed the prescribed course and read essays. Mr. E. P. Lindsay, of Fayetteville, Tenn., on tbe Catholicity of Christianity, and Mr. J. R. Mlllen.ol Chester, S. C., on tbe Hague Peaoe Conference. Both essays showed careful preparation, and reflected redR upon tbe graduatesVnd the lnsutc tbey represented. These young gentleu were educated at Ersklne College, and have for two years past been engaged In the Seminary course, which they have Just completed. Tbey bave been faithful students and now give promise of doing faithful service In tbe Master's vineyard. Tbe President then gave certificates to t,be young men and addressed them on this subject, "The Preacher's Weapon." He empbsHzed the Importance of studying the Bibr Tid of a thorough familiarity with its tei >gs. A. \y morning there were said to be more vlsl. > town from abroad than bave been here Alike stage of tbe Commencement exero wsfs twenty years. Coni -Asman Ffnley, from Yorkville, Is here to atteod the meeting ol the Board of Trustees, of Ersklne College. Mlrs. W. W. Orr, of Corsloana, Texas, bas Commencement. Kentucky ban cent two attraotlve representatives to Commencement Id the perwoDH of M1?r Elvira Wallace and Miss Anna Marshall. Mrs. Marv Maxcy Moflatt who graduated from the Female College twelve years ago la visiting Due Weil for tbe first time since her graduation. MIps Leila Russell, who taught school here with Buoh success a lew years since, Is expected In town with tbe Anderson orchestra. Mr. Witherspoon, editor of tbe Granltevllle News, Is attending the Commencement exerolses. Mr. Ed Bryant, of tbe Charlotte Observer, will report tbe Commencement exercises for that dally. Mr. Rob't Lathan will write up Commencement for tbe dally State. Senator Mower, Rev. E. P. MoCUntock, Dr. R. Q. Miller, Mr. J. Watt Klrkpatrlck, Rev. C. B. Belts, Rev. J. P. Knox, are attending tbe meeting of tbe Board o( Trustees of Ersklne College. Prof. j. U. Balrd, ol Charlotte, Is an lntereated attendent upon tbe week's festivities. - : - - . . . ADAUn HIIHI1U! Ii7s in line and ke 0 R N ivery possible induce faction of onr custom nt of , 1 Rpln m mmammmmmmmmm DDS FOR SHE I0MEY i 5Tgy to make thi$ e rs, send them to KEN wn in this Whi bove and. I*ri I ' ,? DIED AT TWENTI-EraiEE. George Tbomu Wilson Gone to Hi Reward Beyond tbe River. "BI eased are the pare Id heart, for they shal see God.," Died on Tuesday. May 7th; 190U at on o'clock, George Thomas, bod of Mr J. H. Wll boo, aged 23 years. 9 months and9 day*. He bad been afflicted for Dine-years wlti epilepsy, and during'the weary years of bl suffering, bis outstretching bands were eve wllllogand waiting to assist bis father In an; kind or work be ooald do. His tender ao< childlike disposition to his mother?It wa always bla deJIgbl to have her plenty of woo< and water. He was a dutiful boo, and hi raiherand mother's pride. He wsh unconscloub about live days pre vious to his deatb, except a few hours b?or be passed away. He seemed to notlce/am I called "Papa" and "Mama.*' and I thoueht 1 the saddest event I ever witnessed. During bis Illness bis relatives, neighbor and friend* were very kind and faithful li visiting blm. I do not think I ever witness^ an occasion when the neighbors were so will Ing to lend a helping band, and It was all ap predated. He has loagbt the good flgbt an< wears tbe orown, and now dwells among tha grtatarmy of saints beyond tbe River wher no ills can follow; and we live In the bop< mat at the general resurrection we will Joli blm and all tbe saints in glory everlasting His gentle spirit Is free from tbetrialaan< cares ol life, and Is now basking in the glorl ous sunllgnt of heaven, where he is unite* with loved ones gone before, and where h now stands "waiting and watching ait th beautiful gate" for loved ones on earth. At three o'clock Wednesday afternoon tb remains were Interred in Rebobotb cemeterj in tbe presence of a large oonoourse of relc tl ves and friends or tbe bereaved {amlly. Tb pall-bearers were: Messrs. T. T. Cromer, E. 2 Seymour, E. W.Hunt, H. W. Wortblngton, J C. Corley and J. R. Jones. The funeral set vices were conducted by Rev. Mr. Way, of th Methodist cbnroh. We mlu thee from our home, Tommie, Wa mloo f.hoA fpnm thv rtlarva* A shadow o'er our life la oast?' We miss the sunshine of thy face. We miss thy kind and willing hand, Thy food and earnest care; Our home 1b dark without thee? We miss thee every where. "Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding, O'er the spoils that death baa won, We would at this solemn meeting Calmly say, "Thy will be done.'" Though oast down, we're not forsaken, ! ' Though afflicted, not alone; Thou dld'stgive and thou bast taken, Blessed Lord, Thy will be done.'' "CodbId." Aiz, S. C., June 7,1601, Prise Offered for Souvenir Design. The Women's Department of the Soutl Carolina Interstate and West Indian Expo slilon, will give a prize of 810.00 for the bes original design for Souvenir* to be sold In thi Women's Building, during the Exposition. This competition is open only to women o South Carolina Each design must be sent u the undersigned by July 1, 1901, and must b< accompanied by specifications for Its con< structlon, and the real name ofoompetltor In a sealed envelope, and not appearing else where, 6o that the name ofoompetltor wll not he known until the award Is made. Rejected designs will be returned upon ap plication (with postage enclosed,) made with In 30 days after the close of the competition The Executive Committee of the women'i Department will be the Judges of the compo lltlon. Mrs. R. Withers Memmlnger, Jr., Chairman Committee on Souvenir, 41 Pitt Street, Charleston, S. C. 6t. Call ami let us show you tbe prettiest line o stationery In Abbeville county. Mllford'i Drug Store. Remember we are wholesale agents for to bacco and cigars. A complete stock at al times. Mllford's Drug Store. Phone 107, My stock of paper back novels must be re duced. Come and get my prices on quantl ties. DuPre's Drug and Book Store. Fly time Is bere; and I have tbe remedy U catcb and kill ibem. DuPre's Drug auc Book Store. Stop at DuPre's Drug and Book Store an( get a glass of delicious soda water. You will tlnd something good to read at Du Pre's Drug and Book Store. Just received a car load of Ice. Plione No. 1. Maxwell's Market. Ring phone No. one tor Ice In any quantity f #. ; ' : c Cai L DuPHL HnMHpnMHHMI ep step to the r ^ I^P 59 ment to reduce our iu ers and ourselves w Cos ID SINE 8911$ FOR LESS cups? anyimng w? nai BALL'S and you will se rlwind of Barg; ces Below. :r ' j you wrfnt the beat drink for five cents to j be [had in South Carolina, go to Mllford's . Drugstore. < People will tell yooeo and ao's drloks are as good as Mllford'a, .bat lr a'aob was tbe cafie, MUford would not be taken as tbe standard. 11 / - - . . a IlklAJ^yAiLULMtAUJU Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending * sketch and description of any invention will f promptly receive our opinion free concerning 1 thi patentability of same. " How to Obtain a 8 Patent" sent upon request. Patents. secured 1 through os advertised for sale at our expense. 8 PatenU taken.out through ns rticeive special notice, without charge, in the Patent Record, y an illustrated and widely circulated journal, e coosukfcd by Manufacturers and Investors. a .Send fofjample.copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. . a (Patent Attorneys,) j Evans Building, WASHINGTON, 0. C k : iliiltitS! e e I The Abbeville Steam Laundry e f; ... can handle your ... 6 CUIDT Vl/AICTC w r i r% ww ni w w , WHITE DRESSES, P. K. SKIRTS, IN FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRY STYLE I HAVE SECURED THE SERVICES OF AN EXPERT SHIRT WAISTE IRONER AND WE CAN PLEASE YOU. /' Gentleman's Shirt Waists j And Fancy Sblrta laundered in fine shape. Hot weather 1b here and we want your t laundry work. Send me your Collars and 9 Buffs. . Respectfully, f C. P. HAMMOND. i IWith the A( 1 Of the New Century ] JK New Goods for old 1 JK When in need of Gan : Jj? and Tools, Groceries, Shoes, Clothing, Hat i W thine else, eive me a ] ^ See locals for specii .1 . iV * yi!j' . * * LI & I nusic |H umense i MONEY I! re ever Eg e them Sj 5? ains. |g There ia nothing bnt the very beat extract money will buy used in our ayrupa. Pore fruit Julcea and fruit. Give us a call. The Speed Drag Co. Lfecea ! - You should aee those pretty new . laces Juat opened, at Haddon'a. . <-> t - COLORED TEACHERS' SUMMER SCHOOL . 'ir . ?i? ? ^ a ' * ;! . rpHE SUMMER SCHOOL FOB THE COL- . A ored Teachers of Abbeville County will . be held at Abbeville Court House, la the Ferguson and Williams College. All teaohers in tbe colored schools of Abbeville County are , required to attend tbls school. Certificates from other Summer Schools will not be recognized fn Abbeville Courity; and no Teachers' Certificate will be renewed who does not pro- ' duce a certificate from tbq faculty ol tbe Summer School at Abbeville. Each teacher ^111 bfe required to pay one ($1) dollar. The school will open July 22, and will oontlnue one month, closing August 17. By order of Board. J. S. GIBERT, Chrm'n. J. FRASER LYON. June 11,1901. tf of ? ~ s =? ? hiS QfiS ^ O ??i Mil o ? $ ? ivent " " I [ am at the old stand with $ and new friends alike. JK len Seeds, Farming Seeds, JK ( Hardware, Dry Goods, Jjf s, Flower Pots, or any- W call. W B. Morse. I " ^ Tjjjfi -.1