tttf: i/imp I flE fS.Ii\VJ fit V^HONE j|U -dLiU' & & a NOVEL OF AMERICAN LIFE .. ? BY MAURICE Y< ' V Copyright, 1892 and 1893 b it" $' s . . CHAPTER 3^. , : ' CONTINUED. 4 ; Mr. Yernon laid a heavy hand on *"^ihe! young man's shoulder, and tbey t. Stood in silence, "while the excited Jf people went past them to and fro. i The rain had oeased and thff we*ter$ \Buh flashed ont fitfully between *qttdfling olouda. / "Where were you going?" Mr^Ver|r. / non presently asked. mfe,,.. f * "To General Jackson's headquarBkT'-w ters,vihe answered. "The ariny is moving." I "We will go together." And arm ih arm they went. I - CHAPTER XXI. | Kjf; . - ax COGNITION ST AND GJTNKf IXASH. ' V ' 3 It \ras the Afternoon of ,the 23d of Deoember, 1814. Lieutenant Bal1^. Unohe and Mr. Yernon were not the l^nlv friends of the AmericA^owjs^ IfflKAho had, ^B^^KKS^^^SNESBSmBKI^XgnBaKl^^^^^K0 ^J^H^^Rnfl^M^BMHBfl^9jHH9HHH^^H|BEEfifi^9^K)s ?H;d wa^alrcacly BB|Hb Rodrigues CaS^Rroop bad passed, ^Vto Da^ezac, another ^pids. and said, while Kandiced face glowed rtartling passion: nvinoible, sir, absolutely We wiM drive these red ^^the {Jblf!" BUnDnHow be] signaled to all the ^M9SNE|Html said: BSMKme on! Gome on! We will HHHHHca^h them!". ^IT And away they went at a gallop, following the well-beaten road taken by thv troops. Mi, Vernon reached tbe neighborfKt hood of the Villere plantation before tinnaowa, auu uy 1110 umti ium ueu- | ? eral Jackson and his ptaft-^act arrived, 1 . * jae hkd formed n plan of reconnou*&. ?3ei?? x- I - v * " t OF,:... :Y ISLAND DURING THE WAR OF 1812. tfTT THOMPSON# .*> - . v; t \ ' ' *. , . y Eofcert Bonner'? Son*. uV: ^ . ' men, .some of them well acqaalntdd with thd coantry, and make a bold ride right down through the British pickets. v > A?vtkA?HliA nrnno aP fViA iiiomuiDi. vuo ? tuw guuw v? VMw Carolina. Good; Jnok,' sir. " It was a ghastly Jiight. The moon had risen, Dut it oould not shine tbrongb the fog that momentarily thickened after' the sun went down. Some troubfc w&s had in forming the line, owing- to the ' awkwardness^nd nervousness of the' undisciplined [J i?nnno-,oni1 tW? haf.f.(? inVn?3'oiik!ta - ??.^ -1 ??r :?C? ? ! be, as every, ope knowB, j? wild conL fusion of han.d-tD;Jbanrd combats tie* tween straggling bshds of both armies., L f;;'A signal-ahot/ and tb.ea- iy Vilpid ) broadside from vthet Caromuvsefc the I little, ill-formed line1^iom juafc I ay a flight of flaming rookets lit up \ the whole Briljsh fronts i ?.. Mr.,Yern6nvhadjreport^t^e ground ,. aa quite unfavorAbie fo-cftTalt^ opera, tions, and' BQr'all the >;dls^ , mounted. JCveh _tho officers s01> $aft( - upon that strange night -attack on foot; t flashing through the "mice and'tnnib^ ling waist-deep into ditcho^ leadiS^, i th6ir men amid th? darkness *nd fog, i often' utterly ignora-ft of the points of 3 direotjoUand unable to distinguish 1 friend frpni fae^\'.It~^as anfnthusiass tic, hrtrum-eearum rnBh from' the out , set. ^acn juue umaiuii uujuyus^.u ue r the first to fire at the i Qqnerat Coffee took Fairfja&gM i him, rannpp nHnBBH^VHe. rb'tro&d nvnitt trarmlklid<&?At W&mk ^led; toon^pridkly clatkjg^ W eB an^totfriiB.ejtot^;^ the of fallen tree-tops. ' V: 8fev?. Sto*a* a$-;ii# clumsy iffaifji; whi j iiow his'ouly^ weapon; Thjalie eop^a 0 naked^m^^.^ipfi, ninHkpfrv Tnndrtr Uui lipArv flun^A!1 [ of the .yesaelV gttns\tp Iub left-oj^ . lique, and all around the keen "pan? [f. pang," of the well-known ^oodsmewl . jifles. ' z ; ./? v .% I K ) (to bj: coimilruEt).) ' 1 g?.. ' 'j | g tyreattPhilippine*. 81- Bnt it ib to '.the' fors.rtts of tlfo Philip. pin^i.that w6 ara V^olly un&Ie fojdo; * jafltwiei. ilSmber exists in variety andititoii^fexcellent qnjUity. ' There are to^ound; kind^wo^suitable J- -to eyeij purpose, J&D^^?f;donae ' a^d toogb fiber j suseegfciblp of tlie highest' poK?h;:'i^^bo ireaVy that water yill jttaK float ithem, '* jnor ,catt .they ordinary 1 9QWAV'; One variety' js '^^bright emerald green, and another ri$i yellow, and they retain ft^coIpTS-tfrJien poliehed,'Anothi^,:^^a^,r'pe^ip^ the prettiest;, and ifcucai u^eit lil^flrfe ,. f urn iture*. varies in1' cplor Jr oia^?3ght Laps the very^ heavy ^w^hrov^ a aid .the carvings'are ^^aster ^ind&l ' and^fi surpassing bean ;y. jESduy Sr abundant. There ajre the caoao tree, j tui? tibcoannt p^I?HrehdM^?a'mboot j . dl'mvalaaWe-toJ?) n^f^s,%ad alsoa tree which yieldjTf kiad of cotton. | A pitoher plantTi^found with receptacles that hpld^us- mnch as a q)iarfc of water. There is a very curfipna ': plant witlL lpng pendent feelers ifhat ; bang near -t^e. ground and have|re-^ innrkable preHensible properties, &k-j iug the stfpSgest hold on anytlrotg that happen^t to touch them. XC.isv witla the ^iatesB^flBfficnlty thdE a passerby can erfai'o*(te himself, from. !one of tbeee ^ r>?f?ritna si fmnrTnfflira for-fiio! . Transvaal ffregjgoncy?an' office the' holding of ,wbi|l^ii7oiye3 the necesJv.v An Infallible SIq;nv ^WTjiTeraKO wpmati will think auaan -wants tp'&iarry hefnf he tells*he* sh$ seems so different from other girls,? [^?2121121 THE NEW #A1 J '" .j ' ' ' f ; ' fhXX^f.' ^ la by a (frawbrid&e Crossing ;ia ,^pCoyr ,'moat, and th^ppad liead^. ' V directly to the colannades 'wbicb for&i ?&?? front of the. mansion. -The''iafifl* ...* iMBAbJ., *: . . j - > -. . SO Pby'fovo colossal busts,.!" belonged to the Oasttef. ;1 IDENTICAL PLANS AND FOR WHIC tcted with this", gift Catholic, monks lilt .the chateau three rchtrirtSsago, ; what a suWerfam;an dwelling ougbt ^ b^evgn out and er^ at?a' ion^ A1 n alr^ jmmlssicner. 'Moser, tie jlletin of the United S^feir' F!sh : jmmiesion for' 1898,-give dsp history 4 the salmon fisheries c<" Atftshfl. ^ ost of the enormous catch I ade in the past fey years. (.Th6wj? \ it of the Alaska canneries,',for eiraiw? 2, in the year 1897 was about 48;60pji j It is not- to be wondered,#! reams bt Alaska are hprnrri1pg.7lp. eted of their salmon. ?le- l'act is caused not by ov^EMmtng , orifei but 6y "bairfcading/'.'.iF^icii^ i hereby ths fish are actually preveSlit-i * from ascending the stjteams /*$.' \ awn. They are thus compelled to r main !a the lower watei^&waltingi ' e pleasure of the.padc^ivVUiiiougb. tirfeading Is punishable by heavy N be and Imprisomne^pf the ,iaw? have ' k yet been odgjmtely enforced^ and if^gdustry . ujow .yieldiug $3,000,000 J in^^ts'th^atengd with extinction. A Queer Neighbor. Only in London and Paris do we find queer a juxtaposition as that of ashington square north and Washgt'on square south. In a limltedv iall, narrow way the former Is the : rnbourg St. Germain of New York ty, containing-the mansions of the- , Istocracy of blood, a? distingutehed our Faubourg St. Honore and our ?amps Elysees?Madison avenue and ; IQionaires' Row (upper Fifth avenue) ! while tuu latter, taking in, as It is o^aphteally bound to do, Bleecker , :eet,~'aojd parts of fjiouth Broadway, . eetfe','Sullivan, Thompson, Wooster, acdpugal and Third streets, is a rare . mbinatlon of the Latin- Quarter of iris and the Whitechapel district of ] ndon. An aristocrat on the north ] le of tlie square can pitch a stone al- ; >st into one of the most squalid quar- , s of this city.?New York Press. j Motors For Market Gardens. ["he Idea of utilizing a motor haulLin connection witii the market gar- j kiaoi, ?? motrrmnlis hns hpf?n Ril*'- . Rof late. Motor vehicles would l some of the difficulties that j gardeners have now to encoun- j In getting* their produce to market j d it would certainly pay some en- j nrfaine- carrier to make the venture. American and English Flonr. ?even pounds of American flour * lal eight pounds of English in bread- 1 i' seconie a smooth arti - - v-'v insyLvania. . - VV'-; . . ' ' ; . v ; r;*%* . & ; ./.i * 'U, v-' . .... \. V ; r,. i ' . ; ' IH BEDS H WBSEN ASKED; ' j ? ; j "?^ ' >?.-? DISTRICTOFCOLUMB/A CENTENNIAL . Description, of the JKenmato Fabricated bj the United States Mint In F.hiliadelpliia. . ,The metiar to be struck in commemoration or the > hundredth anniversary: of Jt&e i day upon which the. District of Cohintbtya became .the seat of the.ITilIjjtiat^ Governmeht'^wafll'rece^w^, inj ^Ta^hington December -V. ..iviituf niflrfw at the United' States Mint In J^ilftdelphia; did in point of vroikmanfihlk as well as excellence of de? , sign, Cb one 'of .the most expensive Of poS&d; coffin or casket containing, ofgoorsiii the corpse of some departed Celestial, ' without any/ covering of eaartii" or Inclosing' tomb. -T.' The first and highest ambition of every Chinaman is to JiaVe- a splendid coffin, and he will half starve himself and family for'years in or^er to acquire' the coveted casket. Tlie buying of It does not depend at all upon the state of his health', but of his finances, and irinthis connection many spill recall thfc; statement -.that Li Hung Chang. When' he' made his tour of the United States, took his coffin with him. When the' coffin-is,purchased, it is given tne place 01 aonor in iije nouse i and is looked upon as 'the most valuable piece of furniture in' it. As no Chinese lamlly f any pretensions would seem lacking in respect fo^ its head, dead or alive, the Chinese son ivill deprive himself of Comforts for half his life that he may be able to present his father with a fine coffin on his sixty-first birthday, and when his revered parent dies he will give a gorgeous "send off" at the fuueral, even if he has to wait many moons to do so. Newspaper*'of Hegiznentc. 0 Most of the Eritish regiments have heir own newspapers, published onc-e l month. The news consists chiefly oi natters pertaining to the officers add nen of the regiment and their, fainiics, but rhe papers also devote regular columns to sporting news, humor, )oetry or other departments. All coniibutions are from members of tht eciment. These papers are much in 'avor among the officers and soldiers, ind ihany of them are .yer/'well editWs&kJi lE^feargest ranch in !the world Is to ; '-:A bj^Wad m Texas. This immense do- , -|1 nJPRj is known as the X. I. T. ranch,/, and is owned by Ch^ago> Capitalists. ^ , || This ranch is so "extensive that som^L^^j Stated could not contain It. Connectt^|&|s cut, fd'r example, cooWinot hold it'kzwM several thousand'. ^crey. The States of Rhode Inland and Delaw&M^H combined could not pontain this greggM j ranch, which consists of over S,QOO,O00|jl M acres, or alrtfost 5000 square miles. About twelve years ago, when Texas.-', needed a new State capltol, the lature adopted..a. novel plan toi jjet ljLj A premise was held, forth. thii a vaatt'cS t tract.of unappropriated-land wouldtwijfflfej given In exchange for a saitable ite bonding at Austin. Among tempted by this offer vrere ex-Senatorj cate in Chicago, and tookvnpoa^^^M.M fiolvpa thp rpRnnnaihiUtv rif ^o^^eBt corner di^t^ tuj JO 4JIU *uau o juauui , a the Territory of Oklahoma, andjHjK?>4j western 'limit Is th^ line1 betwewj Texas and New Mexico*. ^ Jn wiA >32 (from1 east to west) it ayeratofjiliMl^^B twenty-five mile3. In lerig^'lt^B^? about 200 miles. The land liea|H^| is tno-wn as the Staked Plains.* plateau, .me sou ta mely or or chocolate color?very f"I'til*? covered with-a'thick coat mesquite, grama and other-. w^icli ^ure on the ground they inclosed it with a jOarbed-'wl.e fence,.jyheqe rainfall,, ;a?&' ' in, yarious oth^r made the-p^tee suitable for a sjucees^j1! M ful ranch on a large scale. Thtypli&BSfl cattle upon It as fast lb Ijt. tie* herd from time chase and breeding until they,-$a$SwS present about 120,000. property ETerytl^oy.M?yioi?Iti?h.Peat ? A large1 Dublin ipanufacturer hqj|B| A room entirely furnished /with ' ItflSPiM peat The carpets on tte flo^rs^yfiJ^| curtains at the windows and th(']iqw^ on the wall are made .from thiEnjtijg^ stance. For years he he.% exppriil^m^ >* with the xnat^tl,: which 1p noV/ffljp Aj largely exported a? "?fuell 'and H n-.i-'a?i u *ii. i_ jLiaaSHH oiscovereu inatuvut, it " ^88 9 which are strong aiid ioagfcu JH tracted and woven like cotton 2he fabrics have the tonghiwte linen and the warmth of wool.: BhHB|9 ets made of them are'found to'excjO^^J warmth and lightness anything ye? V;J Cat Rode 120 Miles on r FJywh#feI, ' A Maltese cat jumped into a flywheel of the Plymouth Refrl^Mpr^ Company's engine, at Sheyboyjptnv Wis., the other day. As the en^jie^l^a could not very well, stop and Bhut lights to release the animal, he wait<^h?W until the usual time of shutting dowflc. % On stopping the engine he found cat alive ana clinging to me nyim/nagm The wheel is twelve feet In dlametci*^ and makes eighty-seven revolutions o*:^ minute. Consequently, during two and half hours the cat covered a distance of about 120 miles. The cat lives, an with the exception of lameness apv. pears to be none the worse for the exi perience.?New York Times. ? A number of Scottish grouse have been imported by The Canadian Go^v .fl ernment from the highlands of Scot*;*;' land for'the purpose of stocking tip.njB provincial parks. CM1A1D,