The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 01, 1897, Image 8

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ih gpre mawa Yea it seems to be getting F'le neei* l^e help. Cotton at 1 /&r?k and let the people have the pr gCrjg ing. Our motto? 11 "Undei LOWNDESVILLE LACONICS. Barn Bnrneit-Dreary TbniikHKlvIn ?Ahead on flogi ? Demand fo Seed Wheat?Pergonals. Lowndesvllle. Nov. 29,1897. Messrs. R. E. Moseley and J. L. Fennel, o Abbeville, came up Wednesday night, an* spent Thanksgiving day. Senator 1. H. McCalla bad tbe mlsfortun to lose his barn and'contents by fire abou dark Wednesday evening. It was perbap the most costly and well arranged building o the kind In tbe county. He carried inBuranc upon It, but nothing like Its value. In It wen about 800 bushels of peafi, about 100 bushets o corn, a quantity of cotton seed bulls, hay 10,000 feet or lumber stored In the building &c. It was with great difficulty that 85,00 pounds of seed cotton, stored In bis gin bous near by, was saved. The bouse took fire sev eral times. Tbe fire is supposed to have beei started bv an enemy. Thanksgiving day was a daII, dreary, dam] cold day, which kept almost every one It doors. Someof the little boys got up a Sort o bant in the morning, but it was well mgl barren of results as to game, fun and frolic. Bo far Mr. R. H. Smith is ahead on tbe boj question. He killed one a few days agi which weighed gross 560 pounds. He got Iron it 25 gallons of lard and 60 pounds sausag meat. **? ^ won rfntrn f n Wlfif lUre*. 1 . D. bliuao^aico nwufc man's Monday to visit ber bomefolk. Miss Etolle Watson, of Anderson, In wltl tbe family of ber uncle, Mr. B. Bolin Allen. Mrs. M. A. Hunnlcutt, of Tallulab Falls came In a few days ago to 6pend a while wltl ber daughter, Mrs. W. H. Hughe*. The Lowndesville Dramatic Club left her Friday noon to fill an engagement at Leba non. It was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J T. Latimer, the first to look after tbe boye tbe last to cbaperone tbe girls. Tbe weathe was anything but desirable when they lei tbe town, but such difficulties bad to be me and overcome. Tbey arrived at their destl nation a short while before nlgbt, aud fount a few persons at tbe school bouse, where 1 was proposed to give the entertainment Those of the neighborhood kindly invited thi visitors to their homes, but while deepl] grateful for tbe Invitations declined them, a thev had eone well prepared for the wants o the"lnner man." As the weather was so ba< there was do play. With a good comfortabl house to 8tay in, a plenty to eat, and wood t< b< rn, they speut the night In the sohoo b lildlng In the highest enjoyment, the hour tiling whiled away In social converse, musi and fun. There is and has been an unusual demam this fall for seed wheat. Many of our plan ters who have not done so (or several year are sowing wheat. This is a hopeful move ii that when this very strong class of our cltl zens of their own free will determine to b? come more Gelf-sustalnlng?raise all of thel supplies?it will do more toward the lessen ing of the cotton crop than all of the cottoi grower's conventions that can be had. Yesterday was the first Sunday forsevera months that the weather was bad enough t< give any one a good excuse to stay at home and not go to preaching, but we were glad t note a decided Improvement. A good crowi were in attendance at the Methodist church and the same favorable report comes fror tbe Presbyterian church. Mr. O. Johnson Is now travelling for a hous In Richmond, Va. Miss Reedy Harper, of Elberton, Ga., beln on a visit to her brother, Prof. J. F. Harper, c Barnes, was in our town yesterday and th day before. Mr. T. Miller, of Abbeville, came up Wee nesday with hts friend, Mr. J. L. Fennel, an stayed till Friday. Miss Nannie Johnson went to Anderso Wednesday evening to spend some time. Mr. A. L. Latimer was in Anderson Thuri day. > Troupe. Annnal DAnllnn ikf nanirhtAHl tfl Confederacy of Sonth Carolina. The Convention will meet In Abbeville o J Wednesday, December 1st, and the Abbevlll County Chapter anticipate the arrival of tb delegates with much pleasure. The guests will be entertained In the horn* of the members. x After tbe business meeting in the Corn House on Wednesday morning the Abbevll County Chapter will bold a reception In hoi or of the delegates. The affairs will be undt the efficient management of Miss M. 1 Smith, and the reception held in tbe beaut ful home of her father, Mr. W. Joel Smith. At night in the Court House General Yoi mans, of Columbia, will deliver an addrei and a choir of thirty voices will sing the f miliar refrains of which Southern hearts ne' er weary. All who are not members of the Assocl tion will be charged 25 cents admission ft the benefit of tbe monument fund. It is to be hoped that every member of tb Abbeville County Chapter will assist by tbe presence at all the meetings to make tbe o caslon a success. Men's and boy's top shirts 25 cents up i B. HUlman's. . A new line of Drew Selby's ladies' fli shoes. Come and get a pair before your si: Is gone. Cobb & McDavia. HARD' m.m jr\ . , I n A PC* uuttiery, vjuns, rtmmi li ists Tools. 0^ Machinery Supplies?-I Paints, Oils and Varnis Barb Wire, Nails, Hors 1"$ Wagon Material?Hul Si 'ron' ' ; Stoves, Cooking and H ?3* House Furnishing Gooc H MUdl H U Li Hill uUlililJ fr* . ,. f _ i T<! Ol i line. i rather warm in our old town. Let the ive cents, they need close prices. Cut *ei ofits. We came here to stay and don't y< buy then Un< Spot cash does the wc heavily, others bought Sr Bought? All in knowing bow. our prices wont move 'e EpV /Jt" forget it. W e are in tb< our store and get OUR SMKi We Lead, < ?J- D* JPhone JS . 'Mill 1W111I r E. D. REESE, SURGEON. >i i b HPHE place to carry your RICK WATCHES t -* and BROKEN CLOCKS, where tbey wll 8 be looked after and attended to at all hours o ,f the day with skill and experience. No turn e Ing you away or sending Patients off to havt b them treated elsewhere, but I will put them f going at prices to suit the times. j ffefliii Presents, Clocis, 3 and JEWELRY. I Prices Down. 3 I H. D. REESE, g THE PEOPLE'S JEWELER. . ? : OUR DEAD. i' rpHE NATURAL PROMPHNOS OF THE r *- human heart goes oat In tenderness for t, the dead, and we show respeot for ourselves by t giving a decern burial to our friends as they [. go out from amongst us. j J. W. SIGN, UNDERTAKER, ? has two FINE HEARSES, one for the white r people, and one for the colored people. He j embalmes bodies, and keeps on band 5 ALL LINDS OF COFFINS, from the cheapest to the finest. * He takes orders for all kinds of MONUc MENTS and HEADSTONES. 1 When the services of an Undertaker Is needed, or monuments are wanted, call on j , J. W. SIGN, I- Telephone No. 46, Shop. Kesldenc, No. 55. >- July 15, 1896, tf r 3 ,1 ?*%%%%%%%< %%%%%%*? ^Clearance *j :j * Safe! n 5 XTAVING JUBt closed my store at J le W -"-A Green wood, have no room for all 0 e A the goods aud will, therefore, sell great d J maDy lines at J ;; 7 Reduced Prices. J at 5 Breast pins, regular price, FOc, go at 35c J ,T A " gold front S1.25* " 95c Z J Chains gold plated guar.5yrs8195, 81 20 T ^ Sliver plated butter dishes, syrup f ii # pitchers, fruit stands, pickle dishes, J J etc , worth 88.00, sell (or 81.40. ? W 15 dozen solid gold rings at greatly I m reduced prices. | v Solid nlckle silver tea spoons 40c set. J W Silver plated spoons from 75c set up. # ' m 81.00 small eye spectacles for 25c. d \ Biggest bargain out. ^ i R. C^BERNAD, | 11 f Thft JAWftlftiv \ < wareTI j jnition, Carpenter and Machin- M Belting, Pipe and Fittings. 11 hes. k3 e Shoes. ft bs, Spokes, Rims, Shafts, Tire leating. ^ w ft jj good work continue. The pec- gffiayf tn low, slash the knife in 'em j 3U forget it. "But" we are stayiersell." 8 >rk. Some say they bought too r too heavily, but we j ust icignt. m ' All our stock i.s new and if m, another will and don't you i! race and if you will look at PRICES you will believe it. Others Follow. ^?jjp for furniture, rBjGj KERR, I o. 80. |ig| ; 'college against college, i . I J 1 1 Ail IntereNtliiK NprlllnK Bee In < Which the Yoddk Ladies tire Vic- ( torioua. < i The evening of Nov. 24th, 1897, will long be t remembered Id tbe classic little village of < Due West. The senior class of Erskine College?twen| ty-flve strong?met the senior class of the \ Due West Female College?twenty-four ' strong?In a spelling contest. Tbe entire village, that is, Its inhabitants, i 1 turned out to witness tbe combat, and all, ex- t 1 cept tbe boys, felt amply repaid. c Prof. P. L. Grler was chosen school master, t Revs. 0. Y. Bonner and J. A. Brown and Mrs. g H. P. McGee Judges. Tbe text books selected t were: Reed'8 and Swinton's word books and b "Webster's blue back speller." The young men entered the contest Jubi- ? ' lant?confident of victory; tbe girls presented ratber a calm bat determined appearaooe. Tbe interest, wblcb seemed Intense from tbe first, Increased every moment as the boys ? went dowD and the girls stood up. After two bours of unlnterrapted spelling n one solitary young man, Mr. James Pressly, a of Troy, Tenn., was left to battle with ten or * twelve young ladles. All eyes were turned to ? him, for all tell that be was already the hero l' of a lost CAuse. And so be was. Right well dld'he spell, but not well enougb to contend with tbe glrlB of the Due West Female College. u The scene which followed Mr. Pressly's sit- p tlnsr down beesars desc-rlntlon. It. mlcht. not. n be wise to describe it If we could. President t Todd felt so good that, Id spite of tbe lateness ii of the boar, be offered tbe young men tbe a privilege of talklDg to tbe girls, but tbe boys fi were too disconsolate to em brace tbe opportu- b nlty, and the soiree was by common consent r 1 postponed till tbe next afternoon. t o . C. P. Hammond's Locals. s Have your Bicycle enameled now while c you can't use it. C. P. Hammond can do it. c C. P- Hammond can put a new rim on your J i wheel, " 1 C P. Hammond cau make any duplicate l part for your Bloycle. c C. P. Hammond repairs Rubber Hose and d Hose Bibbs. ' Tbe best woman's shoe on earth for $1.25 at i Cobb.A McDavld's. ' v ! ? f a Master's Sale. ? r The State of South Carolina, [ COUNTY OK ABBEVILLE. E COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. r Guilford Cade, Plaintiff, against Thomas P. g ThomFon, Defendant.?Foreclosure. * By VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE ? made in the above stated case, I will offer for t sale at public outcry at Abbeville C. H., 8. C., ? on Saleday in December, 1897, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of t land, lying, situated and being in Abbeville e County, in the State aforesaid, containing f o Four Hundred and Eight Acres, I morecr less, and bounded by lands of Enoch ? Nelson, James Wharton, estate of Mrs. e Vance, Kennedy, Long Cane Creek and Hun- | ter Bros., Known as the "Uannon Place." v Also a tract containing One Hundred and Twelve Acres, known as the "Little Mountain Place" and bounded by lands of Mrs. Mllwee, Hunter Brothers, Mrs. Watson and the Wilson Spring Tract. TERMS OF SALE.?One-balf cash, balance on a credit of twelve months with interest from day of sale, to be secured by bond and mortgage. purchaser to pay for papers. WALTER L. MILLER, Nov. 13, 1807, 3t. Master. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, k ABBEVILLE COUNTY. S COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Jane Y. Frather, et. al. against S. E. Grler ^ et. al.?Partition. by virtue of an order of sale made In the above stated case, I will ofler for sale at public outcry at Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Saleday In DECEMBER. 1807, within tbe legal hours of sale, tbe following described property, situate In said State and County, to-wll: All that tractor parcel of land,containing Two Hundred and Sixty-One (261) Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Thomas McAllister, Mrs. S. E. Qrler, Baker aDd others. ftDa ijingou Mine Kiver. ' TERMS OF SALE?One-half cash, balance on credit of twelve months with Interest from date ol sale, to be secured by bond and mortgage. Purchaser to have leave to pay all cash Purchaser to pay for papers. WALTER L. MILLER. Nov. 13,1S97, 8t Master. Tvnno Va4i/ia HUNTING or PUSHING, dny or nlcht, itprohibited on our lands. Trespasser!will be prosecuted. Please do not ask lor privilege. John A. Devlin. I*. Rouen berg & Co. J. Allen SraltU. F. E. Harrison. Lewis A. Jackson. It. Hondley. C. H. Sondley. VV. H. Long for Mrs. F. E. Allen. L. C. Haskell. J.C. Miller. F. B. Gary, for Oct. 15,1W7, tf A. J. Salinas & Sons. - vIII MI in. fHE SALOON PARTY AGAINST THE ANTI-SALOON PARTY. friends of Liquor to Make War on the Dispensary Bestrictions in the Sale of Intoxicants. Flie Governor's Manly Stand. lie Announce* a Platform on Which All Friends or Temperance May Unite for Battle Against the Whiskey Evil. Governor Ellerbe last night gave to the srekr hi) Interview In whlcli he declare!) bis mention of running for governor to succeed almself, and presents his views on the dispensary questions and other matters. His statements are as follows: "I see in the News and Courier of Tuesday in editorial commenting on the report from Its Chester correspondent, which, while not ilrectly doing so, may by insinuation lead people to believe that tbe governor advised STewbold not to surrender, Tbe language used by the Chester correspondent is: 'He whb Instructed by tbe slate authorities not to surrenner uoin ucuaj, ui uuui iuo tcui? u> general sessions of Spartanburg county bad adjourned.' THE GOVERNOR TIRED OF DIRTY FUNGS. "I wish to denounce the statement as absolutely nnd unqualifiedly false. I sent Mr. Newbold no message, gave blm no advice una made no terms with any one for bis surrender. I am getting heartily slcfc and tired Df such dirty flings and insinuations. "I have also been handily criticized for pardoning May and Bulce for killing Sims. 31ms was a desperate moonshiner who was openly vtolatlog tbe laws of tbe state, and when May and Bulce attempted to seize the liquor Sims started to Are on the officers, and had tbey not killed blm, men in tbe discharge :>f their duty would have been killed. Moreaver, Mr. Crawford, who was present, testified that tbe killing was In self-defense. This l? entirely aside from tbe petitions and the enioasement of seven of tbe jurors. There were In addition to other petitions one signed )y many of tbe very beet of Spartanburg's sftlzens. THE GOVERNOR WILL TAKE A MANLY STAND. "There seems to be a common understand ng on tbe part of certain people to destroy be dispensary law, and tbey take advantage if all these unfortunate occurrences to use hem against tbe law. Slnoe 1 have been lovernor I have tried fearlessly to perform ny official dutief, and will not be swerved iy Idle clamor or senseless criticism. VILL PLOW BEFORE SURRENDERING TO THE LIQUOR ELEMENT.. "SavArnl rinvn atrr* an interview was printed rom Rev. Carroll, la which I was reported to iave said that 'rather tbao Join the liquor oen. I would go to?A great many have sked me to fill out that blank. What I said ras: 'Before I would turn this state ov?r to he liquor element, I would go home and go o plowing.' MORE VIGOROUS LAW NEEDED. "The most difficult problem that confronts s today Is that of the liquor traffic. The d'.slensary, I think, Is the best solution of the uestlon, bat as the courts have deolded ibat be dispensary is not a police regulation, I am n favor of amending the law so as to make It , police regulation by eliminating the profit mature, and, if necessary, not to sell it as a everage, but only lor medicinal and B&cranental purposes. he state cannot control liquor under high license. "Those who advocate high license have rely Dot read c?yefully the decisions of the nurts, for Id the case of Scott vs. Donald tbe ourt advanced the view that the slate could roblblt, ihey could Inspect, but tbey could o no more. If the dispensary Is not a police emulation and the state cannot control tbe Iquor under tbe dispensary law, tt certainly annot do so ooder high license. Besides, unlerablgb license system It would In a few nontbs degenerate Into tbe open barroom. the kind of men to buy license. As a rule, men who buy a license to sell rblskey would bave no more character aDd rould be altogether Irresponsible and perectly Indifferent to the welfare of tbe state ,nd of the people. Their only object would te to make money and tbe constitutional retrlctlons would be disregarded. Tbls liquor Igbt is not factional Issue It Is a fight beween the moral elements of our people and be liquor men." "Do you propose to make a tight on this lext year?" "I propose to go before tbe people on my ecord and If necessary to advocate the policy ust outlined. Some of my enemies bave aid I might be re-elected because of tbe unwritten law to give a governor two terms. I rant It understood that no one need keep iut of the race on this account, and I would lot have It as a mere matter of precedent If ny efforts did not warrant an endorsement. iefore the governor will sacrifice his manhood he will suffer defeat. "If I cannot refute the numerous charges hat have been made against me, and cannot how to the peoule that I have honestly and althfully tried to discharge the duties of the itflce, I do not care to be re-elected. 8ome leople may think It Is a very fine thing to be overnor, but there are other things I value nore highly, and before I would sacrifice my anllness or any principle I would be defeatid a thousand times. While I like to please, bad rather have the consciousness of bavng done my duty than the applause of the vorld." R. 0. BERNAU. Something of Interest to Yon. Read Mr. Bernau's new advertisement In mother column. He has closed his braDCh itore at Greenwood, and is closing out a few Ines "way low down" to get room. It will jay you to buy these goods now. Even If you lo not wish to buy come and look over our jretty goods. We will be glad to show you /rhat we have. Our flue china, vases and oth?r fancy goods are worth coming to see, lave still a few Domestic sewing machines vblch we are closing out at cost. If your jyes trouble you, we will examine them free >f charge. When your watch gets out of order you aave choice of two things to do: throw It In Ihe Are, or take It to the watck tinker. Tbt former Is tbe quickest.?Mark Twain. The wisest tblng would be to bring It to me and have It properly repaired. R. C. Bernnu. ? ~ yt r.s. Tncif art's Locals. Mrs. Taggart has moved for the present above Barksdale's store, and has tbe nlcesi line of Millinery she has ever carried. Una nAAesA hoi> ctAAlr PArOflf O Prtllori and Cuffs, Ladles Ties, Glauseand all kinds o stylish Neck Wear. A'so a pretty line of Dress Silks In Blacfe and Brocades, In lovely quality Changeabli and Drocade Silk in waist patterns, nes shades and designs. Also Mourning Silki Dress Braids. Jet and Dress Findings. My Infant Caps and Sacks are pretty ant cheap. Fascinators In White Pink and Blue with and without Pearl Trimmings. I asl especial attention to my Capes. I got then from the factory and they can't be bought an: cheaper. The latest patterns In Trimmings C,'nts and Styles. I sell a pretty flush Cape fo 53.50, a plush braided Cape lor ?3."5. Tbej have never been sold at these figures before ("all and see, and I will save you money Mrs. Mary Taggart, Waul <mI. Five or six cords of pine wood eight fee long. Apply at the Press and Banner office. , 1 low Rates West, TEXAS, MEXICO, CALIFORNIA, ALASKA, or any other points, with FREE MAPS, write to FRED D. BUSH District Passenger Agent, I Louisville & Nashville R. R,, SOy. Wall SI.. Atlanta, Gtt. | A \ ... 1897! j ^ nUR LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY G U hug h?>nn carefully selected and every de on the markets of the world. ^ Canned Goods Department. . T In this department you i ^ and suited to the wauts c 5 Fruits and Confectioneries. . TL. These are "Our Speclalt tempted to buy. Fruits 1 ported confectionery. J Attention, Ladies. . ^ We can supply your tabl ^ be both templing and pal _ . i r?i o \ ' Our Carriage and Puggy nepc Here you And all kinds o of Harness, Whips, Lap I - make prices cheaper thai ^ Abbeville County for the J Our Sales, Livery and Feed S Id our handwome new stab the lime. Also all modern i stock of Horses, Moles an< i outs furnished on short do ^ Our City Buss will meet ev ^ Coal I Coal ! . Wood ! W We handle the best Coal, ^ short notice delivered at y< Believing we can please you we cordially 1 W Sept. 8,1897. I ?? ???? ? ! For Sale.. I m A VALUABLE tract of laDd containing ^ Sixty-Seven (67) Acres, Jnst outside of I J tbe corporate limits of the city of Abbeville, m i Apply to RLLIS G. GRAYDON. T DENTAL NOTICE. t S. F. Killingsworth, 4 No. 4 Seal Blook, Abbeville, 8. C. ^ | DENTAL NOTICE. J Dr. S. 6. Thomson, T OFFICE CP-STAIRS ON MoILWAIN W Corner, Abbeville, 8. C. ^ For Sale or Rent, j I THE ABBEVILLE INN 19 FOB SALE or rent. Terras easy. ADply to S MRS. M. M. MILLER, at tb'e Inn. ^ : MISS RACHEL HEMPHILL, I Typewriter and Stenographer. ? ' Legal papers prepared and all ? kinds of copy log done on short notice. J Prices reasonable. - # Office?No. 3, National Bank Building, 4 upstairs. x Fetoto nf Thnmas T Mflhnr Hfifi'd $ J3IHUIU U1 111UWUU u. iiiuuij) ?u? ?. x Notice of Settlement and Appli- ? cation for Final Discharge. S HTAKE NOTICE that on tbe 3rd day of De- __ cember, 1897, 1 wilt render a final Account of my accounts and doings as Executor ot the Estate of Thos. J. Mabry, deceased, In the tji office of Judge of Probate for Abbeville Coun- X < ty at 10 o'clock a. no., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge Irom my trust as such. All persons having demands against said estate will present them for payment on or before that day, proven and authenticated or be forever barred. J. T. CHEATHAM, Nov. 3,1897, tf Executor. Estate of Dr. J. G. Meson, Dec'fl * A Notice of Settlement and Application for Final Discharge. 'PAKE NOTICE tb&t on the 9lh day of De- ?r cember, 1897,1 will render account of my actings and doings as Administrator of tbe Estate of Dr. J. O. Johnson, deceased, in office of Judge of Probate for Abbeville County at 10 o'clock a. m., and on tbe same day Hp will apply for a final dlsharge from my srust I as such. All persons having demands against said estate will present tbem for payment ou or before that day, proven and autentlcated or be forever harred. J. J. JOHNSON, Nov. 9,1897, tf Administrator. ^ A Complete and Full STOCK OF THE CELEBRATED ^ Mc Metropolitan brao? of Miiei Faints ; ' OF JOHN LUCAS & CO. i always on band at tbe City Drug Store. PRICES IN ONE GALLON 0AN8 by the single can 91.25. A liberal dUcount to f painters using large quantities. Oot. 26. 1898, tf I GLEN-JONES HARDWARE CO. Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries. + LAMPS, BELLS, SPOKES, RIMS, TIRES CEMENTS, etc. a ! tlr HONEST VALUE lME ^unyoaiv uu^f . We have the best B level e Pumps made \ Kepalrs promptly attended to. ^ Mr. Bernau, the Jeweler, while In New York had plenty or time to hunt lor bargains. < lie Iiuh bought a nice line of china, silvi-r J watchea and Jewelry goods. Watch his t special bargain udvortlsmeutb. : ^ f kVl WWV* V J. Hill ROCERIES Ibis Beacon surpasses any Btocb part men t Is "brim full" of tbe "best goods" *111 find a great Variety of all the leading bri if the most fastidious. les" and "we" are "Headquarters." Call an n great variety, from the leading markets < es'for Breakfast, Dinner and Tea with a bout latable. isistory. . . f vehicles In all the newest designs, both In i lobes and Buggy Umbrella*. This depart roe ) ever. 8TIJTEBAKER nud MILBU se celebrated wagons. You know what they tables. . . les we have a complete system of "Water W i conveniences for the comfort and nlenmre 1 Brood Marea to be found In upper Carolloa tlce, day or nlgbt, with carefut.and polite dr ecy train on both roads day and nlgbt. rood ! . . ' Hard and Soft. Also Green and Dry Wood our door. nvlte an Inspection of our stock and solicit i A. M. > Buist's Qj A Harrison We have bought the See<l and Co. and OFFER BARGAINS. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% W. S. COTHBAN, Proprietor. ?i mm We are prepared to- fill Bough Lumber, Doors, Sasl Brick. Lime. Cement. In construction of a House. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PURE, FRE . Call at l Full Line of Glas P. B. g M. fi. PARKER, President. JULIUS H. Di 'he Fanners' Bai DEPOSITS ! Capital kOES GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ' Hodb. A Savings Department bas been rds. interest at 4 per cent, payable qnarterl irease rapidly. Oireotors?W. H. Parker, A, Gee, P. B. Speed, R. M. Haddon, Dr. F. ?. Hi *y* y* *y* *\Jr *y* "y" "y" *w* *y* *v|r *y* m i Bargain I i HARD II IS ^ Gentlemen :?I have succ< arrangemeuts with ready-cash ' 1 J i. i i f i... ts ' i laueu overaiocKeu manumuiuit DEItWEAR that no where on can you buy | tl as cheap as here. Bargains tha r^T can be turned out for so litt] further increases when you see ! you there is satisfaction aud mc CCTi n C ! 1~ gf wapes, ^mgic ^rl Your opportunity is at haud. i where at a uniform price is not ways find values rare and unex] -V-,v, seasonable. Hats, Cap and Sho Next door to Dispensary. yz\LZ ,u J. mUMMM a sahs I vi k/viiui mm heretofore kept by on. Onr Fall Stock of the latest and neweat brands placed ^ ands. Everything will be fresh and new T d see oar ? Fall DlBplay" aod yon will be ' - / >f tbe world. Low reys <fc Blanker* lmitlfal spread of "Good Things" that will design and flnl<b. Also a splendid line " int is well stocked and we can and will, BS WAGONS. We are sole sgent* for a",. f orbs" furnlsblog fresh running water all of our patrons. We carry the largest . Saddle Horses and *11 Kind*of Tourn- r'-J*lvers. DAT and NIGHT TRAJIf8. ^ ,and can furnish you In any quantity on i fall share of your patronage. ^ HILL & SONS. S irden ^eed ? & Game's | Stationery Boaloew of H. W. Lawaon >?%%%% %%%%v5 ' ... A. G. FAULKNER, \ Manager. | all orders for Dressed and <' V 1, Blinds, Frames, Shingles, short anything needed in the \ ( -V- > ' ' SH DRUGS ? '. j y , * i''. V *|J| Speed's . . . s and Putty Just in 5PEED. . A. W. SMITH, YIee President ^ iPRE, Cashier. ik of Abbeville. SOLICITED. $75,000 6,500 . -wfc Bays and sells Exchange and makea Coleoeatabllsbed. Amounts received of fl and up* ly.?Jan nary. April. July, October. Small aav . W. Smith. W. C. MoGowan, J. B. Blake, H. P irrlBon, G. A. Vlsanskl. Seekers If' ? frg, i EASILY HEARD! 1 ;eded id New York in making MS* i, crossing the path of debtrs in CLOTHING and UNthe face of this broad earth ,t make you wonder how they | j^) o mnn?v?r wondes that still I Sxv them. A trial will convince >ney saved. and Double, jfj* Goods that you can buy else- J a bargain, but here you al- \ pected, as well as timely and S^r e prices cut to the bone. B. HILLMAN. _ ^ t '