The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, September 29, 1897, Image 5

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pr ^ The Press and Banner. BY HUGH WILSON, Twelve Pages. ABBEVILLE, S. C. {?" Published every Wednesday al a year iu advauce. ( Wednesday, Sept. 29,1897. I.ociiIm?J. S. Bowie. A rbuckle's colFee, 8 lbs. SI. I>~o. /.nlloo U IKli Fancy cream cheese, 15 cts. lb. Picnic aud boneless hams, 10 c Is. lb. Best Oolong tea, 10 cts. lb. Full line of tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. Try Luctce's Harvard Cheroots, (! for 10 cts. Fresh mackerel, large size, 3 for 10 cts. Good salmon, 10 cts. a can. A good broom, 9 cts. A full lineot everything good to eat. Get my prices on Flour belore buying. Yours to please, J.S.Bowie. TROUP'S INTERESTING TALK Important Meeting"Woman's Foreign Missionary Society?Vlsltors?Good Rain. Lowndesville, S. C. Sept. 2T, 97. Mr. J. C. Thomas was called to Abbeville Monday. Mr. G. W. Spear went to Anderson Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. R. Nance, of Abbeville ytnuc up cuuunj. Mr. Enoch Nance, of Monterey, was In town Tuesday. ' A very welcome day's rain came Wednesj day. It was badly needed and will do a r- great deal of good. / Miss Bertha sharp, ot Anderson, spent sevi eral days with friends here in the early part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barnes and their pretty little babe, of Prattville, Ala., reached here Friday and will remain for some time. , Rev. G. T. Harmon. P. E? came in Friday evening, and held the 4th and last quarterly meeting, lor this charge, this year. Saturday alter delivering an Interesting sermon at 11 a. m., another at 11 a. m. Sunday, and still another at 8 p. m. the same day. Mr. Will Moore, of Greenwood, came in Friday and will enter our Hlub School Monday. Our school is on a boom. The outlook is brighter, mo e scholars, enrolled, than for over forty years, infact the school is larger than ever belore known. About lorty years ago Mr. James L. Lesley, perhaps one of the best educators the slate ever produced, had cbarge of the school in this place, and he had auwut w rn/uvia?n. AUC PUUUWI uun 10 twu* slderabiy larger with n number yet to come. Frank Debose, colore'!, who is employed al the depot, in his rounds a few days ago pclked up a fi ve dollar note. He at once deliver ed It to Mr. J. W. Jones, the depot agent. who upon lnqulrl.ig, delivered it to Mr. B. C. Kay the owner. Frank deserves much praise lor hK honesty. Our good friends at the RIdee church are due an apology from somebody. In, the report sent to the Pie-* and Banner for publication the week belore last. In regard to the meeting held at that place, th<* "Devil" or some one else, or p s lbly through the oirelessne^s of this writer, the word''revised" was used Instead of -revlv*!", when it was not so Intended. While If It could well r>e doue, some of our cnurches would be benefitted if their membership were revised, I re gret that the word was used In counectlon with the Ridge people. Messrs. J. J. Johnsou and R. E. Mosley. of Abbeville, came up yesterday for a short stay and worshiped wtih the Methodists. Messrs Henry and Earle Allen went to Anderson yesterday, the former to go on to Wofford for another term. An^nrHlntr to nnnnlntmpnt thp Wnmnn'w Foreign Missionary Society of the Colkesbury District, of the South Carolina Conference, held Its annual meeting, at this Dlace in Smyrna church, beginning last Frlda'y, week ago, at 8 p. in. After beautiful and well rendered music by the choir, Miss Zula Brock, organist, devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. E. W. Mason, pastor of the church. / Alter which Mrs. M. C. Owen, the district J secretary, in the chair, called the meeting to jjv order. The first business before the meeting ? was the election of a Secretary. Miss Maggie Hadgens, of Honea Path, was bouered with the position. Rev. E. \V. Mason then rose and la a short but very appropriate address, in behalf of tbe Lowndsviiie Auxiliary, wel' comed the conference to our town and community. Mrs. Cblpiey, the adult delegate from Greenwood, made an appropriate response. To Miss Llla Bell, was given the t?'6k of welcoming the Juveni e delegates, which sbe did Inn happy and graceful style. Miss Lou Vass, the one selet te 1 for the response being absent, this duty was assignfd to Mrs. E. A. Herbert. This closed the night session. 6aturduy mori-lng the conference again cs sembled at. and an hour and a half was consumen id the reading of a report from each adult society represented. At 11 a.m. Mrs. Herbert was given the floor, who gav^ quite an interesting and comprehensive talk on tbe Missionary subject. At 4 p.m. a session was held in tbe Interest of the Juveniles, and to this class of the missionary workers aud especia'iy to the children of the town and community, Mrs. Herbert gave a good motherly talk. Tbe Conference then adjourned with a benediction R-v. E. \V. Mason. Tnus ended one of tbe most irn portant gatherings ever held in this place. Its Importance Is to be measured more by the Interest involved than by Its size. Q ute a liumuci wi uuAinai :c> wcic uui ir^icicuiru, but a sufficient number of delegates were present lo show thai t he good ladles of this part of our own dear south land, show a zeal and determination in this great work that no opposition can overcome. The officers of the conference showed a fitness for their tespective position rarely equalled and uever excelled. Our peop'e, as usual, with one accord opened their do >rs to all delegates and visitors, doing their best to make tbeir stay among us pleasant, on Sunday at ten a.m. a love feast was held in the Methodist church, presided over by Mrs. Herbert. Which savorored somewhat of the love feasts of the days gone by. They, perhaps, as every one knows, were peculiar and destlnctlve features of this branch of the Christian church. At 11 a. m. Dr. J. A. Cllfron.of Abbeville, occupied the pulpit, and after the preliminary exercises were over gave as his text tlie 14th verse of the 21th chapter of St. Matthew. "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preachcd in all the world, f"r a witness to all nations." The readers will readily see that it was a subject well suited to the occasion, and the preacher handled it in iiIs usual masterly manner, enchaining the attention of the au dience from start to flulsh. At S p.m. the same populor divine. Id the same place In k his fine style gave a talk especially to the boys and girls, young men and maidens. The V sermon and talk were both hard to beat. In f a late Press and Hanner a writer w?s taken to task, for using the expression, "We were all carried away with the speaker," kj this writer will not use the same words, bnt will say. we were wonderfully pleased, and would be glad to have him with us indefinitely. Dr. Cllllon has a magnetism about him. which attracts all who see, or hear him. Kvery one is glad to see and shake hand* with him. Troup. TWO COTTON MILLS. In Which Stockholders May Lowe Money. On complaint of the D. A. Tompkins company, application was made on Tuesday last, in the United States, Court before Judge Kimonton, for a receiver for the Catawba and Chester Cotton mills, of Chester, says a Charlotte N. C., dispatch of Monday. The mills wert built some years before the panic. Kufflcieni capital was never raised in either case to pul the companies in good financial condition One of them lost heavily hy fire about foui years ago. Roth were reorganized J ust befort the nanic. Judge Slmonton appointed Mr. H T. Fewell, of Rock Hill, temporary receiver ?YorKville Enquirer. PonulAtiu IV ill ?ld\ Ait Commissioner of Pensions It. Clay Evans says: "I think Cougress should take prompt action in preventing a multiplication of pen Bions through the marrlaeeofold soldiers. A good many people that the prospective pen elon as a widow of a soldier is enough tc cause many youDg girls to marry aged met: for whom they care nothing, except to have a pension for the balance of their lives. Ii seems to me that the practice is a had one and I hope Congress will lake this matter In band and puss leislHtlon to prevent a pengj? sion being given widows of soldiers in the JuHt ture. Instances have been reported to the bureau of pensions which show that women have married pensioners on their deahbede in ord?-r that a widow's pension might be se cured." Mrs. Mary Taggart will have ail of her pat< tern hats on exhibition Thursday, Friday ant Uutnrflav Tin. nnhllft ?rfi pnrdlftllv Invited ti come and inspect her gooda. t / > jWhereSk 5 You should buy | bought, with o * -Nga fr> Dme? ( ^ ^grmJL JLJL JL \y w w > $ 25c goods at 21c. 20c goods at 15c and f yards Canton Flannel Remnants at 5c I Shoes * We have just received the greatest lin | J We have a bargain for you in every de f A T" I W? A L I sswssswwwwsw# 1 Klonkyke, Klondike, j| Plondyke or Colndike. jSj No matter how you spell it, it is all the I go. Everybody up North is going, has ||| gone or may go there?someiime. We Hi have only been North and have eeIected a large stock of Jewelry of latest styles made of gold as good as any from Klondyke. We have bought bargains ?big values for little money. Tbisweek ^ will only show you one | SOLID GOLD LADIES' WATCH (Elgin movement.) I Only $15.65. Biggest bargain. Only arranged to get J|[| a few. | R. C. Bernau, & THE JEWELER. OPENING OF COURT, SS Gray don & Grayi ? Mitchell, were rea< clleut, but Judge Bt Inilirn KnfliniiHn n 11 fhp Itpnrh?The nil itns chnrppahlfi i Hunters on Their Second Trial- '8?"eged to buve years ago on groun< Some Old Cases Go to Greenwood- Some of the abovi Hold-Over lu the Grand Jury?The Ending. Turuaifes Go Free. AN i: The Court of General Sessions for Abbeville ,In accordance wit Countv convened at 10o'clock Monday morn- the General Assem lug In the time-honored way. Judge Os- ttie annual grand Ju uiund W. Buchanan, Judge of the Filth Cir- the fall term to seri cuit, presides. Solicitor Ansel with his for- following members midable indiciments, Stenogranher Aiken were drawn?In the with his fascinating art, Sheriff N'ance, Clerk ar??to nerve next j Bullock and the other functionaries appeared T.J.Robinson, iu due and ancient form. w. C. Agnew, The attendance upon the opening of court M.A.Simpson, was far below what fall court torroerly Implied. Much of the old-time dignity was l'Roi lost. No cases of general interest being T, , iii,?,jv , ?obooduUrt!d ?Uly ,h0Se Wh? baVC bU8l?eSS COm? Anal presentment t! Judge Buchanan's charge to the grand Jury tlo^reouirelTo f th had considerable ginger In It. He made a "J lucid, uumlstakablp statement ol the duties ,"J1 5 and prerogatives of the grand Inquest. It to be trled Th* was a very Incisive charge. been tried The tlrst case was that against Wm. Scott for assault and battery with Intent ;to kill. He was found guilty and sentenced to six months on the chaingang. Gray don A Graydon defended him. J. B. Holloway was loreman of thejury. The Joe Pressly and George Thomas were tried metropolitan for gambling at McCormick. Graydon & constables are now Gray don for defense. W. O. Cromer foreman have all been d^c Jury. Not guilty. The town aulhor, I Ahorivo r\f t Wo on ft GUILTY, THEY SAY. lu"'kv "*w v"" law. James Williams, housebreaking and grand larceny. The grand jury returned a true bill ? iu ihiscise. Williams entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to two years at hard Amos B ! labor on the public works ol tbecounty. He sioleja few weeks ago two pistols from umni,Pr(!i Tomr the residence of Mr. J. W. Norwood. Iu senteucing Wllllrtins Judge Buchanan made wiHh a rpal pnnri snsome severe observations on the idleness and r.? H?rnt?ht depraved habits of the clan the prisoner rep- two-for-^. eil? o resented?those who will not work, but prefer roo(H riu/irpt ipr am 10 loaf about with pUtols In their pockets. roT?1"' cigarettes an Bailey Wallace entered a plea of guilty to I have the finest the charge of housebreaking aud larceny, saw, and they are His sentence was elghteeu months in the multiplying onion county cbalugaug. Every good farme W. B. Groves entered a plea of guilty to the rat traps to putln h chargeof selling liquor. He formerly kept a his corn. store near the railroad shops, this city. To arrlve tb|fi we( INSUBSTANTIAL CHARGES. be"1 8Uf>ar ?Ured ha Fine fresh macke The grand Juj? returned no bill in the case I have as hands of Henry E. Turnage, charged with rape, robes as was ever si Turnage Is tho thirteen-year-old white boy ,f . accused of assaultlug a Negro girl at McCor- nn Lnn|V vnn mlckinJuly. can supply you. No bill was found in the case of James W. Look at my line c Turnage, assisting prisoner to escape. He is you good whether j . the lather of Menry fe,. rurnage. lie was ac- A new lot of m^tf . cused of helping the boy get away from Con- fee pots, strainers a stable Sharpton on July 10. An ewan. in? nf I No bill against John Burns, assault and flef>aDl 101 ?r ; battery with intent to kill. Shot guns of all h ' shells, primers 100 the latimer killing. caps and reloading r ' Seed barley, rye Ed. and Asbury Hnnter were arraigned late grades now ready f . Monday afiern<H>u for murder They were As HOOU B8 lt rttlu . Implicated In the killing of Bob Glover at and If you want the Latimer last April. The jury made a mistrial sou 0r lucerne from in their case at tlie summer term of court. ... , . , There are about 75 witnesses?nearly all col- Virginia winter g ored. W. C. McGowan and \V. N. Graydon bow In the tall. II appeared for the defense. The following jury You should call o was etnpanneled after nineteen objections? lemons, &c. t ,ua'n'y by the defense; Ladies by all mea M-V-Kay, Foreman, David Gilliam. calicos, black salt H. Taggart, G. A. Smith, "Vienass" before o 1 J, L. Buruett, John N. McDlll. ? , , L.D.Caldwell. J. K. Glenn, Born & Co. s sam > J. C. Martin. J. \V. Itykard, are prettier and Jus 1 Jas. A Black, J.N. Dendy. 5 and see them. N< 1 This case was given to the jury about t 'nent made to ordei 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The Jury was ou' respect guaranteed, a short while. The verdict war "not guil ty.' A big lot of baggi Jim Hubbard, murdor. J. F. Ciinkscales Fresh crackers a ' foreman Jury. D. H. Magill for deteuse. Not dies just opened. ! guilty. Try a box of Sara , TBANSKEBBED TROUBLES. * reBl1 CreaUl cbee Ttie best hue of b The following ca*es were ordered transferred -iw mv *?. to Greenwood County: 1 ? uew JC' C1 John Mitchell, murder. Wade Adklns, murder. Mary Donnuld, maintaining a nuisance? i keeping place where liquors are sold. Remnants of bla< a Andrew Jackson, selling liquor. r, , on "arSaln Co James Davis, assault en a woman. won s. i ill I Buy Mj f*.Ti pm win pvp f.Vi PTT w TV XJLVJk V ww . . a nice piece of FXJ m anything in the ! Sooc/vS we are si 18c. 40c goods at 28c and 29c. A beautifi j; you will be surprised at the quality ; it woi 3! Shoes ! e of Ladies Fine Shoes that we have ever s]io\ a will try a pair of them we guarantee that y< 3ur "Security" Scho partment. If you will give us a look we ai ra w t|r Time . . | #| Is floney. j| flf you are on time you are alt right. If ^ not, I want your ^ J Watch Repairing. J ffw\ If you have a fine watch it ought to J keep close time. If you have a cheaper . p !^P grade watch I guarantee I can make it ""! keep time as close as the quality of H movement will permit. ^ Remember fly Prices J are not higher than any one else's for vAy| the same class of work. We will do the job thoroughly at prioes below, accordi^P lo the quality of the watch : ^ mil Mainsprings 75c to $2.50 ^ i^p Cleaning. 75 " 1.50 ^ ^ % Jewels . za z.ou & > Pivots 50 " 2.00 ^ All work warranted for one year. ^ Don't have your watch made inferior by lower class of work. The best is ^ ^ none too good. j^j I R. C. BERNAU, ^ THE JEWELER. I NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTI! iy for the trial of their icbanaa ruled Uiat Mitch- g< o Hrnpnwnnd Hiinnlv Ha I dti im B. W. Cowan, W. P. Kurgusoa, For 3peclal Election to be Holden Nov< T.J. Mann. ber 2nd, 1897, to All the Unexpi (ABILITIES.] _ . .. _ Tenn In the House of Representiitl ?rand Jury will make Us r>day. The members were Made Vacant by the Resignation of In the various lnvestlga- . _ ^ ? em. A. Graham, Esq. ^era?nersonsotfton'bond AN ELECTION WILL BE HELD ATT s Jail cases have nearly all 1897, for the following officer, to wit: ( Member of the House of Representatives. 'I DG pons will open at y o ciock, a. uj., t close at 4 o'clock, p. m charged. At tbe close or tbe election the manag , . .. 8h*il immediately proceed to publicly co police aud tbe whiskey the ballots. WltblD three days thereafter a thing of the past. They Chairman of tbe Board of Managers, or i iharged by tbe Governor of them-t0 be designated in writing by ? , . Board, shall deliver to the Commissioners ties will now have sole Election the poll list, the boxes contain >rcement of tbe whiskey tbe ballots, and a written statement of tbe suit of tbe election at his precinct. Tbe Managers of Election shall require _ _ every elector offering to vote at such electl *" before allowing hi ii to vote, In addition the production of bis registration certifla Horse's Locnl?i. proof of the payment of poll tax six mon before said election of any poll tax then < laying more attention this and payable. trade. Call on me if you The Managers shall administer to the j loke. I have an excellent son offering to vote, an oath that he Is qu , and also six for 25c. My fled to vote at said election, according to re extra good. Also che- constitution of the State, and that he has d smoking tobaccos. already voted In said election. , pearl onion sets you ever The following named persons have been selling fast Also white I p?'ui?u iviauutfurn ui ajetiiuii w v-uuuu^i, > HeiK election, to wit: .' .. . n, , Abbeville-Henry Moore, H. T. Wardli .r should have of my genton Jones. is crib as soon as he houses | Mt carmel?John Tarrant, W. L. Miller, A. Boyd. : A fresh lot of the very \Vi;llngton?J. H. Hemmlnger, S. S. ins and breakfast bacon. Brldf', Jo. Link. rel In barrels and kits. Donalds?John McDIll, Will Donald, C. ome and cheap llneoflap Mart!n. * lown In this market. Duu West-M. E. Holllngsworth, G. N. M . . ., , T les, Koyce Ellis. d saddle, or a cheap one, I Ani.revllle?Sam Knox, S. J. Wakefl" Pink McCarter. if ">c. outings. It will do Lowndesvllle?S. S. Boles, B. A. Bell, J. 'ou buy or not. Thomas. il bath and wash tubs, cof- Magnolia?A. A. Edwards, R. O. Bell, T. nd spiders Just In. Cater. ? , , . Long Cane?J. F. Calvert, II. W. Bowie, 1 fine razors Just opened. tow Crawford. ;lndH, loaded shells, empty Clai.worthys Cross Roads?A If Lyon, A. i In a box, shot, powder, Brown, James Crawford. Implements. McCormlck?T. A. Box, Walter Harmon and oats?the very best k-Edmunds. , ,, ? .. r or sa.le Troy ?J. W. Lyon, J. C. Kennedy, J. ,, , Franklin. s you should sow clover, JoneR?Willie Algary, W. H. Hughep, C. i beHLHfied bav red op orim- u.?uu?.. 1 me- Oue of the above named Managers at e razing oats are the best to box will call upon the Board of Commissi tiave very best seed. ere at Abbeville Saturday, October 30th, to n me for potatoes, onions, cei*e ballot boxes,, poll list, and Instructk and to be qualified. , F.A.COOK, ins should see my outings, w A LANlEtt Jens, cheap plaids and R.H.' HUGHES uy'DK* Commissioners of Election for Abbev pies for tailor made goods County. Sept. 28, 1897 ii as cheap as ever. Come > fit. no pay. Every garland satisfaction in every Ilnddon'H Full Opening a <Jrautl S ng and ties. ind French and stick can- cenn. The finest display of Fall and winter go logo flakes, only 15c, ever made in Abbeville. Such Is the verdlc >k? ??t trwinv almost every one present. The display 1 UHJ. mlllnary was unusually attractive and evi rooms in town. ed a high order of talent, gars. They are extra good. Dry goods were never cheaper. For lowest price on first grade goods call at H don's. For first cifiss milinery and ladle's good* !k and colored dreRS mate- every description, call at Haddon's. unier at half price at Had- Ifyou wish freBh new goods up to date every respect, go to Haddon's. , n n. ' m y ui ill be sold as RNITURE as HIDv rLnrvna LSJLl* JL U UVl/jJ lowing a ve il line of Plaids, double width, aid be cheap at 8c. A lot of Bi The Ris vn. It is the celebrated Krij ou will be pleased in every res] ol Shoe Has I e satisfied we will sell you son r. SI I Tis Mr': Mi I, -? | BIS OFFICE WILL BE OPI I FROM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th UNTIL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31st. S I i The Rate of State. Countv. Schc M 7 U I | and Special Tax, Including 0 Dollar Poll Tax, One Doll Commutation Road Tax. IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT raise supplies for the fiscal yearcomme log January 1, 1S97, notice is hereby glv that the office of County Treasurer of Ab vllle County will be open for tbe collection taxes for said fiscal year from Friday, Octol 15th until Friday, December 31al, without p alty. Rates per cent, of taxation are as 1 lows: State Tax 5 mills. \ Ordinary County Tax 2% " 7 scnooi > Special Road and Bridge % " J Total 11% ? Id addition to the above a special tax v | be collected for sobool purposes as follows: ? Town of ML Carmel 3 mills. | McCormick 2 " j Lebanan 4 " | Town of Abbeville: ^ Retiring Railroad Bonds and ^ payiue Interest on same 2 mills. & Special School, retiring bonds ^ and paying Interest on same 6% " ? A poll tax of One Dollar per capiu on male citizens between the age of 21 and 1U years, except such as are exempt by law, v 111 be collected. A commutation road tax of One Dollar v, be collected the same time as other tax from all male citizens between the age ol and 50 years, except such as are exempted law. Unless said lax is paid by first of Ji uary, 1698, four days work upon the pub highways will be require^ under a contract Taxes are payable only in gold and sll' coin, United States currency, National Ba notes, and Coupons of State Bonds which I come payable during the year 1898. rl Ian flaaivlnrr In fni<mollnn hn mall In i ai lico uvoii tu? iuiwi lunituu wj ujoii iu gard to their taxes will please write bef< December 15tb and will please state tbe lo Mod of tbelr property, and Include posU for reply, and those paying taxes by che must include the charge for collection. J. R. BLAKE, JR., red 7es Treasurer. TeB Sept. 25,1897, tf T. "Were there cats In the ark ?" is H|n question that i9 troubling thereligo nd. editor of an exchange. Certain )ne there were; and the first thing th< md said after leaving the ancient crt was: "If there's Ararat round bere, v :ers want to gopher it." nt i the i :>ne i the 1 \ of ing re?to K'X:X ite, iue , ,er. ^ # LONG p. H ARB! his * IN ^ KEffiSBBBa n a n z 1 H P -| * I g Wl ild, y W ,: | Stai > 1.1 B/v , s. P ? w. 3 ^ onb N( Potatoes, Ct ,nS" H ^ i | Fresh I I | q S 101-2 odfl M ^ Z'Z'Z'ZZ'X-X-Z s H BUTT "i! H * 8 P0Ui> lods and CHEAP as a gift. Thi LINE. iry attractr 20c at 15c. Single width Plai lussells carpeting in remnant* *ht Kind pendorf, Dittman & Co.'s mak ject. Rember we handle ch< 'To Equal.= lethinsr. \\ ITI] ? 3 Few men get their life's labor complished without some sore hei I aches. No fewer than 21 persons a centi old and upwards are reported by i registrar-general for Scotland to hi died last year in that country. F UU were men and 16 were women. Do not mend a kid glove with s< , ing silk, for the silk cuts the kid a shows the mend more plainly, wt fine cotton thread gives a much m satisfactory result. If a glove is t< put a piece of silk of correspondi shade under the torn part, baste ca fully, so as not to reveal the stiches the right side, and then draw up i rent with cotton thread. ioI 118 ar YYYyyyy yy"y 73^ TO ? g ^4r?" "" !i|f *?ff THIS SPAC1 lliB. HI! s ^ or. IV i t V ^11- ?. V fiATr A1 ? . ? ADVERTISEMI 4>H U9 iy *77T % /lv? /ls^ ^ly A* A* *^ls? Ve xxg-xx-XX-XXSKXXl HORN TOBACCO, 35c JCRLES COFFEE, 8 lb X-2ZX2XXXXZXXXXXXXXXXZXXXXXX S. BOW )lo, Green ^ A TVF> . ^Fancy Groc ibbage, Apples, Onions and Lemons a iot of Fancy Candies Jus lbs. Granulated Si XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ER and EGGS, A SPE JDS GOOD COFFEE, (I iX'X-X;:X'XXs?Xt^lfc?sE;X-X^ i Shoes?!! they can be mm .s we do . 1 ve line.&S?~- ii j ds 32 inch at 12 cents. 1000 < [ J 3 for ruga with fringe for $1. J > 1 ^ (! 1 ;? e, noted for their style, fit, j! ' eapergraaeg- ||gj '? .1 ;; ;l ac- A women of 97, now living in the irt- south, recently had a proposal of marriage. She is western by birth, is ^ jry said to be wonderfully attractive, and . the looks 30 years younger than she is. ive The city of Chicago, so far as its su;w. perflcial area is concerned, covers \s 'n(j more ground than any other city in iile this country, having by the addition of ^ ore numerous suburbs raised its area to 89 . -fl )rn square miles. Philadelphia comes ing next, with 129J, while St. Louis and kre. New York, or rather, that portion of ; ,|j on New York situated on Manhattan island, have the same area, 61 and a fraction . " M S*w '$ m -$& m 1 ^ i I . $ Sxv ' -to ^ ' #1 E BELONGS TO j# SSS4 *:;|g LLMAN.ll | JT FOR 4^* *8- .:'i igZ, . 1 2NT NEXT WEEK. ^ 4#- I 'vT W J ^ > >| 4^ . ;:l : -*# | 8 ~ 1 rYYXXZXXHX*CT ! POUND. # | | s. $1.00. | J IE, 1 II I series. < j| lways on hand. O t Received. g M s | igar, ?2. $ gj SWIWRHRRfHS/IBB II CI ALT Y. * ^ *4 Jest) $1.00. # H ' - }M ..... .' .'4s