The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 18, 1896, Image 9

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The Abbeville Press and Banner. J % BY HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1896. ESTABLISHED 1844 tjj _ ?????? Lathan, A States) make 2240 replies f Cohen believes Cot1 WATCH *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*%* 1 < Q-EO. WHITE, Pr< I 1896. J We are ready to show our 1 J th J Dresi A For good wear Serges lead. We have tbi \ styles. A splendid yard wide, all wool, I P heavy storm serge 5'J loches hi 50c?a corker, A all colors at 25u yard. AII wool Tricot'J7-lnc \ While In KaMiies. black, figured and colored ^ 2iK; yard. Waist and Plaids at luc, a beauty m yard. Novelties In Poodle Cloth, F*ncy Mo v nred cloth In different styles, Liu Inns. Trim W Braids, and Just lots ol things we can't r m Outings at 8c, Teazle downs at oc yard. ~ I > iVilc lino # Wp cannot be touched, and will show a sp 4 15,16%, 20Hiid 25e that will sell th-inselves. 5 we have. Canton Flannels were never so cli 0 have lu Ihls line. All colors and away und? 4 goods at 7 and 8c. worth 10c auy day. 2 Come and see us, - Wanted Agents. Reliabik men in evkhy city in the Ntate to handle Telephone Tablet. Address with stamp. W. C. PAKKEH, Slate Agent. Nov. 4, 1890. Abbeville,S. C. NOTICE. WE PROHIBIT HUNTING OKKIsHIMi ! on our land" either in the dxy or night. { Trespassers will surely be prosecuted. All | cards and Invitations heretofore extended are recalled, l'lease do not ask for privilege. Arthur Parker. t a i cs r ur ito/vrt J. n. tiuu n. Li. h llnuil, William Wlllson, A. K. Watson, J. E. Taggart, J. H. U HtKon, G. B. Morrah. f Oct 14. 1890. * NOTICE. \17E PROHIBIT HUNTING OH FISHING " on our lands either in the day or night. Any one disregarding this notice will be prosecuted to tbe full extent of the law. P. A. Cheatham, M. B. Cheat ham, S. E. Cheatham, M. C. Thomas, J. W. Thomas, G. S. Wilson, I) K. Penney. Mrs. E. M. Vaughn, * Nov. 4,189C. Strayed or Stolen. A BAY HORSE-MULK, about six years old, broke loose from hltchlue rack and strayed ofT. or was stolen last Monday, Salesday. Said mule Is about 15 bands high. Any In formation concerning same will be thankfully received. W .C. IRBY. Laurens, S. C., Oct. 6,18'JC? tf. Surveying and Platting Land and Town Lots. Also Terracing, Lev ellng and Grading. Accurate work done where local Httrnntion makes a Compass un reliable. T. C. ANDERSON, Feb. 5,1890, ly Ninety-Six, S. C. The prettist lot of neck ware at P. Kosenburg & Oo. Llexander & C the following rom correspor that the recen f* Expec ;on Mark The clo Sales Sales COHEN' Lbbev jprietor. arge and splendid stock of Dry Goo a Trorrr nlioon -proirrlif rata vja pan an O VOiJ vuuu^; AI u xuivu HU vu/^ WAJ $ Goods,e^~t- | em in great variety of kinds, colors and *j blue and black a 12oc yard has the I pad. A W . Another leader Is lu yard wide Flannels, M h at 20c per yard Is anotber trade maker. M . Caxhtneres,all color*.a splendid goods at M line lSJ^c. splendid at 25c, a fine one 50c per fchairs in'dress patterns. Sicilian rioth. Fig- M mines. Velvets, Braids, Beading, Finishing M nention but can show. Outings at 5c yard, M No stock in the city cau compare with our H ;; lendld red twilled goods at 12Uc yard. Also N In White Flannels come and see what all H ieap. All we want Is to show just what we |ft| >r the market?nice for oc yard. Will show M N , whether a buyer or no nru a 1 11W I ^tAL Who Knows Wi A**/v rni%in/f C. P. Hammond & 1 One Tiling, ?^h,t0ur 8tu CALL AND S Very H . p. mm H. V. Wilson A Co. IjWChIk. R. C. Wilson <fc Co, asks the ladies of Abbeville ami surrounding country to call and see their line of Hein/.s pickles and canned meats. Crackers, Soda and Sweet of all kinds. R. C. Wilson & Co. deliver all goods fur nlshed by them to people living lu the city. .Stop R.C. Wilson .V Co 'h delivery and send to them tor your groceries. N, O. Syrup at R. C. Wilson & Co. 1J I' VVIIcnn * Cn. fu>ll kprosene. Uet their prices before buying. It. licrmtii'N IjOCttlM. Ifyou need a sewing machine and want a good one, It. (\ liernau the Jeweler will make you a very low cash price ou Ills flue Domestic. The handsome china set is what you'll have to have soon. New sets on the road. Come and get Bernnu's new prices, It will pay you to buy a whole set. The lalk of the town Is Herniu's new watch offer, Waltham movements and a genuine 15year case, no humbug, see what he has to say in tils new ad. I Jo. (one of the estimate of tl Ldents makes t %%%%%% t drop in the p its a rise in pri :et here 1 ising was 8 points 1 for JMovembe] i for Novembe 0 DTTT T I ODUliUI ille J FALL S ds, with bargains all through the en id are selling goods cheaper than ev< ^>IjX BLA We "get thero" with a nice one for ?1 pair. # HOMES Hompspnnes will soon be higher, but we'vt Island 5c. 7 S heavy shirting 5c. I bomesp Checked homespun and Riversides are Iho bi vlots al 7 aud 8 are bang up for shirt body, bo Iu knit goods a bea xVIllL UUUU3) for ?r>. Our hosiery In woolen and kid. See our line of kid glove WllistOkC! We are whooplntr up things 1 ^IlvF\30? ful in Ladles', Misses' and the little oneR. Parson's "calf skln"cannol guarantee every pair sold. A nice line of old line nf inriipu' nunes. at nrlees wav down. j cloth, plusb and rough cloth capes, fur trlmn t we'll be glad to see yo 60 Days! iat Will Happen. will ofler Rig Bargains in Shoes and ck complete, and prices down to the EE US SURE. espectfully, j Estate of M. E. Slierofl, M Notice of Settlement and Applii cation for Final Discharge. np.VKK NOTICK that on the !Sih dny of I -* December, lS!i(i, I will render a final ac! count of my acting and doings as Kxpcutorof the Estate of Martha K Sherod, dec'd. In the otliee of .Judge of Probate for Abbeville Connj t.v at 10 o'clock a. in., and on the mme day will apply for a final discharge Irom my trust as such Executor. I All persons having demands against said i estate must present them lor payment on or I before that day, proven and authenticated or j be forever debarred. J AS. F. CLINK SO A LIC9, Nov. 18,18tlfi, If Executor, j A new lot of shoes and boots at less valure j than ever sold before at 1*. Rosen burg & Co. 1 lie III)eni line 01 penumery uver uiuugui to Abbeville at Speed'H. m most reliable te cotton crop ;he crop 8,022 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% rice of Cotton ce within a fei Opened "3 ligher, with the fee r 16th, r 17th, >%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%< iTIN for Supp] 'jE A.SOIST tire lot. Our goods were bought n before. We ask a comparison, NKETS.<T i Splendid large sllze, part wool, at 81.50 pr. ^ ;piL\s. $ ; > "gol em" at o'd prices. Yard wide Sea ? uu 4o. Very best yard wide homeopun 6 % x pst. while we have a good one for 5c. Che- f dies, etc. Hickory stripes, Tickings, Jcc. g utlfully wool undervest for 503, n nice one * line 1h complete?all kinds. Also Gloves It s at SI pair?all colors. K n Shoes, and can show something; heautl- E Children's goods. See our school shoe for ? be touched for wear and comfort, and we ? ladles'shoes. Something new for us. A ? from 82 up. We want to show this line of f led, braded, etc. Come aud see them. a, and have you make < WEST END. Happening" nn*l ui n wecH Around (lie City. Mr. Foster McMillan came In Hilurday for a few days stay with bis home lolks. Foster bus beeu in the msii service bet ween Columbia nixl Abbeville, N. C. Mr. F. M Beckham was over from Cirleton Ga., Sunday, ami spent the d ly with friends Uaion s rvlces were held In the Presbyterian church Suud.iy night. Dr. Clifton preached the sermon. Mrs. A. M. Sho^n Is at borne agilu, after a month's stay In the''Uato City." Already the boys are planning their Thanksgiving Day bunting,<uiil getting game, dog and aiuunlllon for that day. lu some parts ol the county, partldages are reported more plentiful than u*uaI. This we suppose is due to two reasons, (irst the extremely dry Summer just past, and secoud to ibe fact that many of our farmer friends have posted their lands, and lu that way preserved tue game of all kinds. Mr. John Ciilton came up fro-n Columbia, Saturday to visit bis parents, Ho returned yesterday. MVS MKItCII AN fS. The Gleu-.Joues Hardware C.)., In the short time they have been here, have built up a good trade, and one that Is growing every day. This firm composed of live go-ahead, hustling young men, thoroughly acquainted witii their business have a beautiful store, one wortli a visit. Their stock of hardware is complete In every detail, and you can get any thing in their line Irom a carpet tack to (we were about to say steam-engine, they have none In stock. but can furnish one in short order,) a cross cut saw, from trase chanes to full set of harness, all kinds of hardware, and and house furnishings roechatnics tools,guns, amunltlun, and sporting goods. Go and see Abbeville's first hardware store. Mr. Joe Hlrreue spent Sunday and Monday With Ills parents. Mr. K. C. Ddl're went up to Ciemson College last we^k to see his mother who w is quite sick. Weareglal to say that she Is much better at this writing. Mrs. It. \V. Cannon speni several days last cc??ir in (Columbia, visiting her son Harry. Mr. McCaw left Monday for Greenville, S. 0., where he goes to take a poslllou la cue of the drug stores of that city. Miss Lucia McGowan, Miss Grace Smith and Miss Lucia Parker went over to Atlanta, on Monday, and will spend a few days with friends In the city. LLE1 firms in the cc for the currer ,000 bales." %%%%%% has been cause v days at furtl Z esterday >1i no? orinH for hfit.tfir 'O oww~ 261 m *%%%%%%% further It ,C< W. D. BAKh early in the season before any advar and give a partial list of our Stock, t ^lioafinrrc! Our llneof Sheellngt j OlI\5t3U.JLI$90? ble8ched homespun, i nmnoriac Fu" aH U8Ual ,n oure 3 VJJL A JL\^C3 ~|am8, canned goods, i j the best for the price. Try a barrel. I * nniltlPIYlPll We want your trac I UvIltlvIXlvll eood ii shoe In evp j f \ Style, quality, fit and finish the same. \ I half wool white undershirt lor 50c, only thlnl 1 81.00, worth more money. While In Clothln | with good goods, anil prices to Hull. i Rubber Goods? < a pretty lot of scarfs, bows, four-ln-hunds of tl I Crockery and Glassy Dur place headquarters i HUMtNATINii OS TUB MONEY QUESTION. The election is a thing of the past, and s'lll the sun rises and sets as usua'l money seems just about as hard to get as It has always been, and we suppose that it will ever be the sume old story. That men must work, and ? 11 '- ? r.?? ot.ilil li'a liiaf. the Fame with the most of us, we must work for what we get. An election once in tec years would be often enough. Don't you think ? Miss Annie Watkins, a charming young lady of Washington, D. C., Is expected today. She will be the guest of Miss May Kobertson while iu the city. MARKIAGES. Married Friday, November, 13lh. Prof. J. F. Knlgbtand Miss Nettie Hartt of Tallehasaee, Fla. The marriage took place at Lhe home of the bride. Only relatives and a few intimate friends were present, on Saturday morning the happy pair left fo>* Abbeville,; I via. Atlanta, (?a.. where they spent Sunday, arriving here Monday afternoon. Prof, i Knight and bride will make their home at Mr. W. A. Templeton's for the present. On the evening of their arrival Mr. and Mrs. Templeton most delightfully entertained a number of friends in their honor. We ex-| tend to Mr. and Mrs. Knight a hearty welcome to Abbeville,and wish for them every happiness, and In so doing only voice the sentiment of Prof. Knight's host of friends here. Married?At. the Abbeville Circuit, Nov. 15. txoii Mr I). Krskine t'resslev to Miss Mamie) I. Knox, both of this county. I>r. J. i). Neal was in town yesterday. Representative !elect Kluard was up from Ninety .Six. Tuesday. ^Mr.?. Blake (mother of our townsman Mr. J. K. lilak Jr ) went to Chester, Monday for a short etay with friends. Miss Louise Mcintosh is visiting her cousin I Miss Mamie Lee. THE COTTON FACTORY. A visit to the cotton factory will show the immense amount of work that has already j been done, and the money that has beeu spent. The building proper is about complete and work Is being done in the engine room, | where the foundations of the engines are he in^pllLJU. AU 1 III IIICUNt? IWC! ?UII 10 uviti^ dug near the engine room, ind when complete will hold thousands of gallons of water. The H. A. L. R. R. is putting lu a trestle on which to run their track to the very doors of the boilers, thereby saving the handling of the coal used, as it will be unloaded right at the furnace doors. Go down and take a look at "East Knd" and see what a big improve riN! )tton business it year: "Tj id by the heav; lerest. % at 6? to 1 prices. 2,620. >,400. INF0R1 ISDALE, Manager. S 1896. \ ice whatever, and together with i !, both bleached and brown, pillow casing, W muslin, cambric, Is full In all lines. 4 :rocery part. Some new goods In preserves, > dried fruits, cracfcers, etc. Excelsior flour ^ le. Wbat'H the use when we are selllnz as x rv way for S3 and 83.50 as others want $4 to w Ve can say same In underwear. A one- 4 k of that and see It. An all wool shirt for x g, Hats, Overcoats we are there "to stay" # ?f Mclntosbes Is complete. A fine one $4, 5 I. Our Cravat Rhow case for 25c each holds # ne laietii myies, ihii cuiuio. ouic iu inmc, 0 ril*** r'ot8 of Crockery and Glass- \ <*>*- ^*" ware, table and pocket cutlery. # ^hen in the city. ? > ment there Is In that part of the city, It al* most looks liken new town. Miss Marlon Thomas will In the future make her home here with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Bailey. Miss Thomas Is a noble christian young lady, who has by her sweet disposition mode many friends who will be more than delighted to learu that Abbeville will now be "home sweet home" for | her. There were two shows In town last week. | l.ast Tuesday night the Armstrong family showed In the Court House, and Friday night James H. Denck in the public school auditorium. Abbeville is coming. A White BtirKlur. l'ollceman C. D.Allen caughtn young white man, Arthur Carpenter, last Thursday who had burglarized a store in Klberton, Gu.,and | had come tills far 011 a freight train. This young burglar, not over twenty years of age, had gone into the business 011 a large scale, aim Iiau u milieu iiiiuocn nw.n uotu | and then tilled two valises wllh razors, knives, jewelry and a general assortment o^ small artic'es. He took his arrest very cooly. : [and promised to gel even with Conductor! I Capehart who assisted It) taking him In. | Having helped himself to the above named articles he boarded the through freight to beat his way. Near here he was discovered and his actions aroused the suspicion of the Conductor who, the Instant the traiu came to a staud-stlll at the shops, sent one of his train hands for Policemuu Allen. In the meantime Carpenter had gotten on the top of one of the cars of another train, and when ills-, covered refused at fin-t to come down, and when he did so, at the first chance, made a break for liberty. A pistol shot from the officer brought him to a stop, and he was again ' taken In low for Hie lockup, when about! half of the jourfley was over, with a sudden ' movement, the grips were drooped and lie j faced his captors with a gleaming ra/.or in i each hand, threatening "death to any one who touched him." A little persuasion and' a good view into the muzzle of Policemen Al- j len's pistol, and a stern "Drop them" from a ( man who meant II, down they went. With no further trouble the prisoner was i landed In jail, from whence he was taken the! next night by officers from Klherton.and will { uo doubt serve the State of Georgia forsev-! eral years before being a freeman. Our own syrup tolu tar and wild cherry 'n- ? Aw*. never ihiiw iu cuio wwugu^ ^nun, ??v, , Try it and let it speak for 1 IhoIf. P. It. Speed. | ^ ' p r ^ H :>i 4 in the United J lie average of ^J* y receipts, an 71 4? WATION "Testimonials." Asa rule we do not prolong a controversy - but in recognition of tbe courtesy and good o|si<ib wi uui onicciucu auu uiuuii xcapcuicu contemporary tbe Associate Reformed Presbyterian we copy tbe answer of that paper to what we said recently of "testimonials." Whether we were right or wrong 1b neither here nor there, and makes no sort of difference one way or tbe other. But we may appreciate civility from a brother, while still contending that "a stick,'1 In Itself, is not a testimonial. It may be given "as a testimoI nlal M The rMpIt In lloolf la n/\#hlr?<r - Even supposing a stick to be a testimonial, we doubt whether a purchased testimonial Is "a suliable testimonial." The testimonial as a thing of commercial value Is nothing when compared to klodly and sincere words. Kind words are more than carouets. The heart's recognition, and the utterance of heartfelt expressions for kindness shown are treasuers. We do not admit?even If It were possible for a slick to be transformed Into a testimonial? that a thing which is bought with money can be a "suitable testimonial" to "give expression and appreciation of unremitting attention" from a railroad magnate* We hand tbe porter a quarter, whioh, for him. Is a suitable testimonial, and settle off with him, but tbe idea of giving a railroad magnate a stick is not, according to our way of thinking, "a suitable testimonial." We have In our office, the Standard Dietlonery, also Webster's and Worcester's. Be. lore writing our article we looked up the I word "testimonial" in nil of them. We bas ) ed our remarks upon Webster's, the standard dictionary of the world. *'V*9? Tlic Clerk of The Ncnate. Si In last week's Hampton Gardian Lieutenant Governor-elect M. B. McSweeney baa the lollowing to say of Gen. K. R. Hemphill who - ./ was the efficient Clerk of the Senate last year, and whom the Lieutenant Governor wishes * - * - - IXt? fey m lllorltv | eiecieu ui iue nejLi sramuu. mo iuuan.ui.., | with parllauientiary rules Is one of the many j resaons why be may be useful to tbe officers of | tbe Senate: j Gen. It. It. Hemphill, of Abbeville, will | stand for re election to the office of Clerk of I the Senate. General Hemphill has already i served most efficiently iu this position, and | has thufi become pertectly familiar with all jits duties. He has made a courteous and sat/, isfactory otiiclal throughout. General Hemphill always acted well his ! part in life. Hewasabrave soldier throughout the war, enjoying the confidence of his comrades ol every rank. Iu his connection 1 with the Abbeville Medium he has done excellent work for the cause he has always espoused?tbe cause of tbe people. He has * ' been a most active worker In the Democratic ranks The confidence and appreciation of his people have been shown in bis repeated election to the Legislature from Abbeville ... !? i,?(h Iha Sionufo nnri the House CUUinjr, 111 ...V be served them most acceptably. General Hemphill's the Clerkship of the Senate would be only a proper reeognttlon of the merits of an Incumbent whose service has been altogether satisfactory. Friends of the Abbeville Cotton Mill. Yesterday Colonel Masou and Mr. H. Bent, of Taunton, Mass., came to town to look at the Abbeville Cotton Mill, and thesegentle < i.omioiuoc as hpine hiehlv II11* II CAJUrrovu .... _ 0 ? pleased with our plant, and said it is equal to the best. Tliey were introduced to us by Mr. _I_ (ireene of tbe (irra of Lockwood, Greene & Co., of Hoston, aud through his influence they have subscribed j2S,00u to our mill. The city of Abbeville always welcomes ^ such solid men. The friends of the factory were especially pleased to greet them. ^ They came on the one o'clock train over 1 ?? ol ?ho Honnt KIT i the souiliero, una were mci Ill 1UB UV|.V<I . President Bailey in a carriage, and weredrlv- J en immediately to tlio factory. After going through the mill, they dined with President ^ Bailey, and departed for Atlanta on the three I o'cliH-k train. 1 H J ] '/J: