The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 18, 1896, Image 8

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Ijl J As that C t- THERE'S HARDLY I m understand that when we a ? we intend to dispose of at ( 1= to purchase : | Fall 01 I 0 . . Sj can best serve their inter* i Offer. Men's and ! |jj and finish, bought so that i y S&ve the JPur Prices never so low as wil and CHILDREN'S SHOE Get our prices before pro^ on your bill. Quite a nice s Always glad to ser I 1 P. F vk. m I Jjij Full stock of Groceries al f Home. The prince rides up to the palace gate. j And his eyes with tears are dim, For he thinks of the lowly maiden sweet Who may never wed with him, For home is where the heart Is, In dwelling great or small, And there's many a slendid palace 1 That's never a home at all. I I THa runman rnmPR to his little COt With a Bong when the day Is lone. For his dearie Is standing at the door. And his children to meet him run. For home is where the heart is, In dwelling great or email. And there's many a stalely mansion That's never a home at all. Could I but live with my own sweettteart In a but with a sanded floor, ! I'd be richer far than a loveless man J With fame and a golden store. For home is where the heart Is, In dwelling great or small, ] And a cottage lighted by lovellght Is the dearest home of all. 8 Noah was the first man to advertise. He advertised the flood, and it came through all . right. Tbe fellows wtto laughed at the ad- I vertlsement got downed, and It served tbe-m " right. Ever since Noah's time the advertiser has been prospering, while the other fellows ( have been swallowed up in the flood of disaster. ^ ? Don't Be a Fool. ^ Why will you pay from 10 to 15 dollars for a A Dalr of srold spectacles to some traveling " spectacle vender when you can get fitted at A R. C. Bernau's for one-half the money. f Mr. Bernau and Mr. Johnson are graduate opticians and know how to fit glasses, hav- | lng each taken a course in optics. They are always at their stand to correct any mistake a and to make good their guarantee. We do f not profess to be eye doctors but opticians , and know we can tit and if your eye needs d treatment send your glasses to some one ~ who knows how to do so. We will not give a yon blue glasses either and promise that f they will cure your eye troubles, we believe they were made only for lancy price doctors f and do no good and we have statement from ^ eminent oculists affirming our belief. If you g need glasses come to see us and we guarantee f we can suit you or will refund your money. R. C. Bernau. Look Out, Delinquents. a Astronomers say that there are at this mo- ^ ment three comets racing towards the earth ^ at the fearful speed of 1,000,000 miles per hour. W The smallest of these comets, or planets, is m estimated to be larger than this little globe 4 , upon which we exist, land the largest one, K which is headed directly for the earth is near- ^ ly three times as large. Should it continue in A its present course it will strike us In about \ three weeks, and should such a t hing occur 0 this world would be torn to small fragments A which would lall through space for ages to x come. We publish the above so as all delin- # quent subscribers can pay up and thus be A ready for the crash. v Harrison A Game's Locals. A Use rose almond cream for chapped hands m and lips. Harrison & Game. \ Tbmol dentiflce whlttens and preserves the 5 teeth. Made by Harrison & Game. ^ For fine perfumery go to Harrison & Game. ^ Violets of Sclclly, the latest thing in per- a fumes. Harrison & Game. Violet, Heliotrope, Jockey club, white rose, _ crab apple blossom sachet powders at Harrison & Game's. You can buy a box of Japanese tooth picks m for 5c at Harrison <t Game's. \ When you need stationery call on Harrison A & Game. ^ IJr. Harrison's headache powders reduced A from 40c to 25c per box. Harrison & Game. Syrup of Hypobosphiter compound will 2 make you feel like a new person. Made by V Harrison & Game. J Compound podophylin is the beRt liver V medicine. Prepared by Harrison <& Game. 1 Take wild cherry compound for cough, ^ colds, Ac. Harrison & Game. j Try Harrison & Game's headache powders, m I'ure Mountain buckwheat and different T brands and size packages of prepared buck- A wheat at 10c, 15c, aud 25 cents. Fine syrups ^ to eat the cakes with. Amos B, Morse. J To Cnttle Hen. A Beef Cattle for sale. Apply to I). H J Howard, White Hall. M New crop cleaned currants just received at > A . M. Hill & Sons. A Charleston and Western Carolina R. R ^ Augusta and Asheville Short Line. 4 In eiiect Oct. 1.1S9G. ss Lv Augufttu 9 40 am 7~iopm Ar Greenwood 12 17 pin 11 30 pin Ar Anderson 7 30 pin ] Ar Laurens 1 15 pm 7 00 pin pe Ar Greenville 2 55 pin 0 45 pm yo Ar Glonn Springs - 4 80 pin an Ar Spartanburg 3 00 pm 10 20 pm 25 Ar Saluda 5 28 pm Ar Hendersonvllle & 51 pm 1 Ar Asheville ......^.......6 ^pm C. Lv Asheville if 20 am Lv Spartanburg 11 45 am 4 00 pm 1 Lv Glenn Springs 10 00 am ..., ch Lv Greenville 11 55 am 4 00 pm Lv Laurens 1 19 pm 7 00 pin Lv Anderson ?> 10 25 am Lv Greenwood 2 28 pm 5 00 am A r Augusta 5 05 pm ' 9 35 am Close connections at Greenwood for all points on n Q A I n *_ n u.n_?- u ?v 1 * iXA. JU. ouu v/, oc vr. xwiiwaj'o, u;iu ui oyuruiijuurg /%l.1 with Southern Railway. cul For any information relative to tickets, rates, i'ched- (j nle, etc., address ' p]e W. J. OKA 10, Gen. Pass. Agent, Augusta, Of lis rained by Ex] \ MAN IN ABBEVILLE < nnounce the arrival of an unusi jcreat Bargains, it mean: Lothing, Shoes ssts by getting a look at the ? Boys' Suits and Overc ?re can chaser Fully II be found in our immense st< :s. /iding your winter needs. Tli um we assure you. ve our friends with rel ^osenberj ways on hand. National Banl Abbevi Ca-nital, Surplus, OfflLf I. ALLEN SMITH, President. BENJ. S. BARN 3>Jjpe< (. G. EDWARDS, Abbeville, S. Q? Li. W. WHITE, Abbeville, S. C., ItENJ. S. BARNWELL, Abbeville, S. J. ALLEN SMITI Du-fcis a uenerai isanxing ouhiuuhb, piuviucr Depositors. Is reatly at any and all times is oar county affords. ?%%%%%%%%%< * - vr J Fine Fresh ! I GC { Harrison F UNDER NE ; W. S. COTHEAN, Proprietor, wwrnmrn-mm m V\?\m*Tf* 1 ii mm We are prepared to fill Rough Lumber, Doors, Sash Brick, lime, Cement,' In construction of a House. ^vvm v* w 1 > > n ' i' r i ^ I V -m -m ~m r\i m I J ~mr\ A r\i l \ mm toii -SOLI H. W. LA"W We have just received a larg All kinds that are usee H. W. Law LocalH, K. C. Be num. ^rec silver ]C to 1 would mean a rise of 100 r cent, in sterling silver goods, Mip.oly ur tlPPily ut nnou Unmn., 2 startlers in low prices and will be worth per cent, if Mr. Bryan be elected. if you need anything in dishes call on R. Bernau, the Jeweler, and get his prices on shes and tea sets. landsonae vase, bric-a-brac aud decorrted ] ma iu imge variety. ? . Speed's IiUC?/N. Pry JotanBon'H chill and Jever tonic. No re no pay. At Speed's. ur lino of Boap and toile t la o'tnte. Call and see before bui 'InK. I*. ti.Bpf'ert. i' ,v t aerience! J L V( fe I COUNTY who does not ? aally attractive stock which ? ^ that every one intending ? ' r I J ? . ? > or Hats, |j| b Splendid Values we 1jj Oats of the best style, fit ! fi Cfi Is, 25 Per Cent Jffl t J a Dck of LADIES', MEN'S K ij 1 a jl ai ? w W 8( fimira lin wliot tmil CflVP il HI IC11 nguiv- ur a '< ? ?' . la iable goods only. 11 f & Co. ! J (to i b g| r< a ______________________________ fl i of Abbeville, ! 11?, s. c. j - - - - $75,000 b 15,00C } ;ex*? s l r. \V. WHITE. Vice-President. ? WELL, Cashier. c t ctox*? X [ J. C. KLUGH, Abbeville, S. C., W. JOEL SMITH, Abbeville, 8. C.. ? C., A. B. MORSE, Abbeville, S. C. i, I, Abbeville, S. C. p (? i the greatest security and convenience foritf e i to make loanB based upon such safe collaters e L< Fancy Physic J ^ > TO A & Game, i \W HOTEL. # i , A. G. FAULKNER, ' * f Manager. J ; um I : all orders for Dressed and ? i, Blinds, Frames, Shingles, J short anything needed in the 4 k A Garden Seed | i 3 BY~ $ rSON & CO. 5 g ^ ;e stock of SCHOOL BOOKS. ^ ? I in the public schools. Q m rson & Co. j Uiiiin null AiiiiminllIon. The Law allows no man to hunt before November the 11 ret. We have a complete line of Guns aud Am-: T munition for the sporting season* * Guus hired by the day. Glen-Jones Hardware Co ? ^ A fresh line of "Huyler's" and "Nunnallys" candies just in at Speed's. A nice line of stationery and blank books ' always on hand. I'. li. Speed i cl Prescriptions accurately compounded day or night at Speed'6. An elegant line of pocket books at Speed's ? < Axes and bandies as well as a great many 1 other goods can be bought to best advantage S) of Amos 15, Morse. | lie i & iimriV >ld Certificates of Registration are Void?Everybody Must Register. be Books of Registration will be Opened on the First Monday in December next and kept Open for Three Successive Days for the Registration of Voters Entitled to Registration unter the Con SDllUlion?tor uw iiuui mabiuu u? ?uc People Attention Is Called to the Folfoling Provisions of the New Law, Ap- ' proved the Fifth Day of March, 1896. pHE BOOKS OF REGISTRATION SHALL L be opened by tbe Boards on tbe first londay In April, 1S9G, at tbe Court House In ich County, and kept open for at leant six msecutive weeks: They shall be opened jalu at the Court House on the first Mondays i June, July, Augustand September, A. ?>., >90, and kept open continually for at least e week In each of said raonthB. They shall b closed thirty days before the general elecon In 1S90. After general election In 1S96, the ooks of Registration shall be opened on the rst Monday of each month at the Court touse and kept open for three successive days 1 each month until thirty days before the action In 1896, when they shall be closed un1 the said general election shall have taken lace. The offices and books must be kept pen from 9 o'clock In the forenoon until 3 clock in the afternoon. The Board ot Registration is the Judge of le qualifications of all applicants lor regis atlon up to January 1st, 1898. Up to Janu ry itsi/t lsva. every itiuitj unison \jl kuiq Dd of the United Slates, twenty-one years of je, who is not an Idiot, Is not Insane. In not pauper supported at the public expense. . nd Is not confined In any public prison, and ho has not been convicted of burglary, ar) , obtaining goods or money under false retenses, perjury, forgery, robbery, bribery, Jultery, wife beating, housebreaking, receivig stolen goods, breach of trust with fraudu;nt, Intent, sornication, sodomy, incest, aslult with intent to ravish, miscegenation, irceny, or crimes against the election laws, ad who shall have been a resident In this tate two years, (except ministers in charge f organized churches and teachers of public :hools, and they after six months residence 1 the State,) a resident in the County lor six lontbs, and in the polling precinct four iontb8, and who can read any Section in the onstitutlon of 1805, or can understand and xplain any section of said Constitution 'hen read to him by the registration officer r officers shall be entitled to registration and ecome a elector upon application lor such jgistratlon. If any person has been convlctcl of any pf the crimes above-mentioned, a ardon of the Governor removes the dlsqual1 cation. In case any minor who will become twentyne years of age after the closing of the Books f Itegistratration and before the election, nd is otherwise qualified to register, makes ppllcation under oath showing be is quailled to register, the Boards shall register such pplicant before the closing of the books. Any person whose qualifications as an elecor will be completed after the closing of the leglstratlon Books but before the next elec* "U"" ?h/t fl/rht f\ QnnltT ff\V flflH BP. iuu, uuaii uavo tuc n^uu w ? , .v? ?.?? ~~ ure a registration certificate at any time rltbio sixty days immediately preceding the losing of the Registration Books, upon an ippllcatlon under oath to the facts entitling dm tofeuob registration. The registration of voters must be by poling precincts. There must be a Book of Regstration for each polling precinct, that is for ach township, or parish, or city, or twon of ess than five thousand ihbabltants, or ward if cities of more than five thousand inhablants. Each elector must vote in the polling ireclnct in which be resides. If there is more ban one voting place in the polling precinct, he elector may vote at any voting place desgnated on the registration certificate. The toards must designate in the registration ertiflcate the voting place In the polling prelnctat which the elector is to vote. If there 3 more than one voting place In the polling irecincts, the Boards shall designate on the ertiflcate the votiDg place selected by the lector. Old certificates of registration are void. Evry man who may desire to exercise the right a vole must apply for Registration. J. D. CAR WILE, S. a. BOLEy, J. T. ELLIS. Board of Supervisors of HeKlstratlon. Pjf^^LIMjTED DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Route of tbo "Atlanta Special" between ew York, Washington, Norfolk and Atlanta, New rleans Southwest. Also the "S. A, Express." chedulc in effect April 5th, 1S9G. SOUTHBOUND. No. 403. No. 4U_ v. New York, viaPenn. K. K. *3 20 p m *9 00 pm ' Philadelphia, " " 5 15 p ill 12 06 ngt ' Baltimore, " " 7 31 p m 2 55 am 1 Washington, u " 8 40 p m 4 80 aw 1 Eichtnond, " " 12 8(j p m 9 05 am v. Norfolk, via S. A. L *11 80 a m *9 00 am Portsmouth, " 12 01 n'gt 9 15 am vTWeldon, vial). A. L *3 05 a m *11 55 am r. Henderson, via * 4 32 a m *1 89 pm r Durham via b. A. L t7 32 ara il 09 pm v Durham 41 ^5 20 ^11 OOjun FTRaleigh, via STXX. *5 55 a m ?3 3* pin 1 Sanford, ' to I t <<> ? Southern Pines, " 8 00 ' 5 49 ' Hamlet, " 8 50 ' fl to' ' ft'adesboro, " 9 53 8 01 Monroe, " 10 40 " 8 56 " v. Charlotte, via 8. A. L *10 3ft " 10 30 pm vTCbesteT,"viaS. a7l7..T7. 12 03 p m 10 32 pm Clinton, " 1 20 " 11 58 " Greenwood, " 2 33 " 1 00 am ABBEVILLE " 3 00 1 32 " Eiherton, " 4 010 2 8o Athens, 14 5 10 " 3 88 Winder, " 5 53 4 21 Atlanta, (Union D. Cent T) 6 4a " 5 20 " "" KOR'f HBO UN PT No. 402.' "No/aT" FTXtIftnta,vlaS.A.L.(Cent. T.)*ll 45 am ?S 10 ptn ' Athens, " 2 55pm 11 40 ' Elherton. " 4 00 " 12 45 am ' ABBEVILLE" 5 00 ' 147" Greenwood, " 5 30 2 15 1 Clinton, " 6 2j> " 8 13 Chester, " ,L 7 39 4 48 r. Charlotte, via A. L * 8 20 p in * 5 2o " v. Monroe, via 9. A. L. 9 15 p in 6 13 am ' Hamlet " 10 3> " 8 lo ' 1 Southern Pines, " 11 21 9 lo ' Raleigh, " ......... ?1 20 a m ?ll 31 r Durham via S. A. L +4 09 am t 20 pin v Dnrhatn " _ fll 00 nm f5 20 I?tn T't?K7":r - *12 ? *H an " mcuiiiuiiu, v Washington, via Pcnn.KK 10 45 " 11 10 pin ' ISaltiinore, u 12 00 M. 12 48 ngt ' 'Philadelphia, " 2 20 p in 3 45 am ' Skv York. " ?4 58 " (! 53 r. Portsmouth, " 7 HO atn 5 50 pm 1 Norfolk. ? *7 50 " 6 00 " *l)aily. f Dully, except Sunday. Ni>s. 403 and 102, "The Atlanta Special," Solid Veshiiluri Train, with Bulfett Sleepers and Day Coaches tween Washington an<l Atlanta, l'arior and Din- ' iir Curs, Now York to Washington), Pullman copers between Portsmouth ani Charlotte (open at urtsmouth 1) p. in.) Connection at Atlanta for and ?m Macon, Kloridu, Chattanooga, Nashville, Memlis, Texas, California and the West. Nob 41 and .'18, "The S. A. L. Express," Solid rain of Pullman Sleepers and Day Coaches between urtsmouth, Woldon and Atlanta, also New York to roldon and Cape Charles. Connecting at Atlanta lor ill from Montgomery, New Orleans, TVxes, Mexico, < aeon, Kloridu; at Portsmouth with Iiay Line and ' laatwisc steamers and l'ail routes to the north and I ist. NO E&TKA FAKE ON ANY TlJAIN. Kor Tickets, tJlecpi-.-s, uinl Information, apply to Icket Agents, or to 11. A. NEW LAND. (ien. Agt., Pass. Dept. Wm 11. CLEMENTS. Trav. I'ass. Agent. 6 Kimball House, Atlanta, Oa. K. St. JOHN. Vice-Pres. and (Jen'l, Mgr. V. E. McUEE, Oen'l. Superintendent. H. W. 11. GLOVEK, Tri.llic Manager T. .1. ANHKltSON. Oeii'l. Pns?. Agent. General Olllceg: Portsmouth, Va 'he State of South Carolina. | POT'NTY OK AUBKVII.MO. t'Uu H 4Tp rouitT. i the matter of the Ratate of Thomas .f, Mubry, deeeaued. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. t l,L persons indebted to Bald estate must settle without deiuy, una uiose noiuiu? niins against the estate must present lliein operly uttested lo. JOHN T. CHEATH AM,* Nov. 10,18!)C. Kxecutor. Have yon Heeu that JohuHons candy at )eed'H. II Ih very lir.o, mid you xfyould try a IX . ? . . . 2 \ fi f 1 1 < THE, TTT AlTTVTin w m m \ i OF THE AGE I HSR 6111 IN ? GENTS' WATCHES. ELGIN MAKE. SEVEN JEWELED MOVEMENT IN SOLID NICKEL CASE. STEM WIND. PENDANT SET. S3-25 If yoa need a Watch aDd can't pay mncb for same, here Is your chance. ,afc' Wfttfli. jub w ui v ii v*/ v v . DAT n FILLED CASE. GUAR\JTL/1JU ANTEED 15 YEARS, -w-?ELGIN MAKE MOVEMENT. ONLY . . . $9.75 rum in BARGAINS. Sterling Silver Sugar Spoon. Sterling Silver Cream Ladles. 98 Cts. These goods are guaranteed Sterling Silver. 925-1000 line, and made by the largest manufacturers In the United States. ( Every Housekeeper Wants One. ffe Now Have a Lane Stock of Bric-a-Brac Vases aofl Fine China. REPAIRING DONE AT LOWEST PRICKS AND FI RST-UL ASS WO Kit UUARAXTEED. Spectacles Fitted Free of Charge l r. ' < THE JEWELER. , ? I \ ir r: } ??O???M??? Anion B. Home Local*. Cottolene Is a fine shortening. I have It in !0 lb. pails in tierces. < A first class axe at 50 cents and the best handles for 10 cents thatyou ever saw, atsoold ] tteel axes extra good. A new lot of bagging and ties Just in. Quaker oats, rolled oats, rolled wheat and tell raising buckwheat very flue. The biggest stock of brooms and lowest Ices In the city. Wheat, barley, oats, ryo and clover seed, low is the time to sow. A beauilful line of plalde outings, blankets fee. Red twilled flannel wide and good weigni ooiy viyl% ^vlam Daily Getting Fall and Winter Goods, ^ Shoes, Clothi r HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF LOW PRICE1 1 ir I 1 ho onlH thp sump vcnv. Mv ?tnntr of -^SStSHC ivlll soon be In, and then yon can get Just what ready my samples for taking orders for tailor-madi Come and make Special attention Is given to nlc* groceries, io you good. ' Amo New and I MILLI i MRS. TAGGi Is openiDg a beautiful stock attention of the ladies. The stock of goods is as pi rSggg and her prices are as low as < In her store in Mre. Rus formed as to the styles and 1 of her taste, skill and exper and trimmiog bonnets. You Will Need a Pi For yourself, or a loved one which is offered by RUBIN Calls your attention to the fa -gag 1st of Regardless Call aud see us before you buy. Next door-to the Court House. RUBI B. K. Be Proprietor A vif " AJ 1 BROKER IS ** ?! COOTTJ Abbeville, y LEA >& r j ' ? JK ; V - I MAT5T5TT I . J' V J- -UXXLAbUiAJJ i vSj |vV' J M te- ? We a B"y *L */r~'??. ?L, J(>.. class 1 4?$ | W" North vv:."C-^~ r./^' ll IE! \f Y HOUSE ANI) LOT In the cily of AH- ,1 lTA. httvilip hnnrwlnd hv Inncirf of A. W. I Jones, Lewis Parker, Trluliy Church lot and | >lhers. Further Information given ou appll:atlon. Also, h M rhree Hundred and Forty-One (341) Acres, 1 nore or less, in the County of Abbeville, ! uowndesvllle township, bounded North by ands of Jacob Martin, South by laods of G. 1 kV. Speer, East by estate of Thomas Cunningmm. West by lands of William Cook. Arthur Parker. 3 Abbeville, S. C? April 22,1S90, tf Bitecloe and Ties for everybody at! A'. Joel Smltb und Son. " * |I Five gallons Fire Proof oil for So eta. ati J. \V. r,omnx'K. (1 i I'VE PROHIBIT HUNTING ON OUR 4f. ' ?? lands cither In the day or night. Tre? passers will snrelv be prosecuted. Z. Haddon. Dr. J. W. Wldeman, .r. M. Haddon, J. C. Hnddon. . ' J. Q. McDavld, J. K. Todd. ' -jA A. 8. Drake. . " , <? Oct. 27,18DC. j: vig f in my Stock of>? x' | Groceries, Dry Goods, 1 ng, Hats, &c. . ;| D CLOTHING, especially bought cheap and you want, and at llvlrg prices. I have now 2 GARMENTS. : your selection. Bring me your trade and cotton, and I wll s B. Morse. fashionable NERY! . :l; v 1^:1 IRT : of Millioer, to which she iavltefl the etty as the Northern Markets affords, the lowest. is, of Baltimore, who is thoroughly inrashioos, is in the store, and the benefit mav hfi had in the art of selecting etty Bonnet j i, and should be sure to see tbe stock ~ 1 Mrs. TAGGART. , ' ct that this stock must Be closed out by Tl lNUARY, Bg^ of Prices. * vJIh ' m N'S CHEAP STORE. . 'M vjj jacham, bbeville | FRUIT*** # ilY PRODUCE.' ? . ifg - - s. o. ? . \ 'll ? VELL & GAGE, reenwood, - S. C.' !, GRANITE & IRON FENCING. re home folks . . . direct from the Quarries, do first vork and sell as cheap as any firm or South. ' * Yours very truly, 4J LEAVELL & GAGE. J ? '^| !?g OUR DEAD. | The natural promptings of the luinmn heart goes out in tenderness for the dead.and wesbow respect forourselve* by giving h decent, burial to our friends as they l;o out from amongst us. J. W. SIGN, UNDERTAKER, ; has two fine hearses, one for th6 white . people.and one for the colored people. He \ tmhnlmou hnHiPu anrl Ifppris nn hRnri 1 ALL LINDS OF COFFINS, rrom the cheapest to the finest. Hp takes orders for all kinds of MONUMENTS and HEADSTONES. When the services of an Undertaker In. leeded, or monuments are wanted, call on J. W. SIGN, telephone No. -10, Shop. Uesldeno, No. 55. ruly 13.189G, tt If you want a nice cool drink, try celery ihivintmLe for 5 cent a pIrss nr Snpnrl'u At Speed's fountain yon can get any kind ol" Irlnk you want. .1