HUNTER'S HUNTING. Wl?i?I Pretty Blue Kyes Saw aneed are required jWSfisgi to the acre. ? Alsike resembles in growth, 4lJ duration, etc., the red clover. It w thrives well in s/x&\ sL 20W, wet and II of >6iff soils. The % rule in seeding is 8 il; ten pounds to the * ^ Kidney vetch, j? ar sand clover, ia .' i deep rooted, w aerbacoous. #j so lardy perennial |W 3 lan t, valnable ffl bi ;'or dry sands and ?'1 S( nferior soils, tb ? . V ,ml CRIMSON" CLOVER. lpon which red to lover will not tiirive. It is useful in c'(1 uixture for dry soil. Red clover is a perennial but of very vv ew years' duration. It is nutritious and j" oluble in moist locations. The large ^ ed or pea vine clover, also known ;is English cow grass, is a reliable sort for do wing under. White clover is espe- be :iallv prized for Lawns and pastures. Crimson clover, a sketch of which is i n lere reproduced from James M. Thor- P' >nrn & Co.'s annual descriptive cata- ol ogue for 1891, is an annual with crimson fS lowers, about which many reports were ^ nade last season, some exceedingly com- m neodatory, while others were not favor- <>] ible. Thor burn says that "sown late in kj he summer it furnishes an early green K odder the following season; u is aaso j ixcellent for Boiling." Beal says, "It at >elongs to a warm climate, and is not so x>pular at the north as is red clover." A Japan clover is a perennial, volnble >nly in sonthern localities, where it j hrives in any soil. It makes a fair hay, ind stock eat it readily when green. Potato Experiments. Of 122 varieties and seedlings of the m >otato tested the past season at the Wis- ^ wnsin station, the following ten were er nost productive, yielding in the order ^ u-nned: Seedling from C. E. Angell, si( lose Beauty, Monarch, Duplex, Late be ieauty of Hebron, Mullaly, Alexander's fa Prolific, Seneca Red Jacket, White Beau- lo y of Hebron and Wisconsin Beauty. _ 3laced in the order of their table quality, hese varieties would rank as follows: T Alexander's Prolific, White Beauty of ? lebron, Lato Beauty of Hebron, Duplex, Jonarch. Wisconsin Beauty, Seneca Bed Facket, Rose Beauty, Mullaly, seeding rom C. E. Angell. Both with cuttings ? md whole tubers, the largest merchant- sni Kia tHoiH from this heaviest seed- !!e| ng, thoagh the increase of merchantable -ield was by no means in proportion to re? he increase of seed. The proportion of mall potatoes increased with the increase A tfseed. The smaller whole potatoes gave ^ nferior results to the smaller cuttings. Cwo single eyes in a hill yielded decidedy more than one, without a correspond- i? ng increase in small potatoes. No loss |f| n yield followed planting in hills as cornered with drills. The resulfcrwere clearly >pposed to cutting off the "seed end'' of he potato before planting. No advan- J age followed sprinklingthecuttings with and plaster before planting. An Ingenious Contrivance. P A Wisconsin farmer, A. K. M. Pomeroy ^ >y name, sent to The Farm Journal not mer aco the drawine. here reproduced, n f a reel for use in braiding or moving f arb or plain wire fence. It takes two p* 0 operate it?one to guide and one to &KBL TO USE nr NHLMNG WIRE PEfiC*. Iil1 am the reel. The cafe is so plainit needs hoi' ttle explanation. The uprights are raced by iron rods, and a peg put 1 ? a w.. a? _ UTKi^il one 01 uxu bNtmntrua provtsnva oth the wheel and the reel from revolv- RK ig- SA Mr. Pomeroy facetiously remarks: "If ou do not want it yourself you can rod it to the neighbors. Mine goes all j~ round the neighborhood." 1 J Oats 'Worthy of Trial. Of the large number of varieties of -w ate tried at the niinoiB agricultural ex- i crimen t station, the so-called "rust | roof red or dun adored varieties from B !exas gave the largest yield in 1890, but I no smallest yield in 1889. Among the ^ ririte varieties the Early Dakota and 'Tingle's Progress gave the largest yields, if the black varietie&Black Russian and lew Dakota Gray stood first, with Back Highlander next in order. A Word at Timothy Seed. From careful germiaatiou tests made y Professor (ioff, of the Wisconsin staton, it-has been found thai the hulled y rains of timothy seed neither germinate o well nor retain their vitality so long Ms those not hulled; also that timothy sed, when properly stored, is fairly w V able up to live years old. ^ W. Jo?'I Sinitli Go to W. Joel Sini'h Sons for handled'^ oes. i ^ We have a good stock ol hoes, both with and ; 5 ithout handles. \V. Joel Smltb & Sons. Don't buy new furniture. Get our furniture i [>lisb?looks good as new. Harrison a Game The next time you are in town call at lty- J ard's uud get a Hue pair of spectacles cheap, j y Our pharmacist rooms over Farmer* ISauk i r night calls. Harrison A Game. j 1 lion't fail lo go toSpe.U'H when you want i ire ftUlltiy. I ) About UeoKritpbicnL Xame.s. We have become so accustome< tiling the proper names in our raphies over our tongues as glit e do our own. that few of us op to think how much of his! ditioal, natural, and rehgiou rapped up in a few syllables. How mauy towns do you know id in "burg," or "borough?" r r the first one Edinburgh, for ice; how came it by that nam ead ofStumptown or Hardscrab Let us take "burgh" out of une lirst. "Burgh" means in atid and Scotland a corporate t< II the English towns that em berry" "burrow," bury," "born c., have that ending from "bur; 1 the German it means a castl rtified town. So much for Mirgb." Then, in Edinburgt eaus the castle or town of?whoi hat? Here "Edin" is only "J lortened, and Edinburgh, the t ' Edin. Taking this one as a model, the ; becomes ea9y aud interest ugsburg is in the town of Augu ^urzburg is the town of herbs,or E wn. Aalborg is the town of eel el-town. Canterbury is the tow ty of Kent. If you want to k hat .Marborougn means, aig inu il and turn up the marl. So far we are getting on farnou it suppose you take next the tow ;h\varzeuberg; if the front par lis name means black, then mus \vn lie Blacktown? No; for iuies au exception. The "b wns are named from a Uermau \ hich means mountain, iustea \vn or castle, and so Schwarzenl "Black Mountain town" and lacklown. How many others >u think of ending with "bei ewberg.New Mountain town ; A< rtr, Noble's bill There is auother word that has to a great many of our name aces, which, when you have foui it, really constitutes a part of clesiastical history of the w< ike the name Dunkirk, for instai ere is a Scotch word "dun#," w eans a hill or a fort on a virche" or "kirk" is church. I rk. then, becomes a church on a irby is auother name thus deri By" is another Scotch word for t< Kl "kir" is an abbreviation of "ki ;nce Kirby becomes ChOrchtc ny name in which you can fiud liable "kir" is likely to point e location of an ancient church.cted. ? ? m m ? itiiKluesH hi nonic. What does kindness do at home; akes the mother's lullaby sw< ian the song of the lark, the care i brows of the father and the mii isiuess less severe in their ex] )n, and the children joyous wit iug riotous. Abroad, it assists lien, encourages the virtous, uks with charity on the unfortur I. F. GILLIAH: .'.TAILOE,: [AS moved, and occupies the room re ly occupied by J. L. Clark, the lith. and la now prepared to do all kin jairlngand cleaning of gentlemen's cl< short notice. iamples of suits always on hand. Chi isonable , Complete and F STOCK OF THE CELEBRATED etropolitan Branfi of MixedPa ? ok ? OHN LUCAS & C always on hand at the iity Drug Stor (RICES IN ONE GALLON CANS by single can 81.25. A liberal dlscoui Intorc nclncr lunro niinnllf IpB >Ct?25, 1898,"tf KTE3"W Grocery Stor } liave opened op In the HOTEL BL< a full stock of me& fancy grocer: TO BE SOLO AT THE Dwest Prices for CAS all on uk when In need of anything; in e and we GUARANTEE to sell you \ > want as LOW as first class goods cai tl. Fresh Fish ;CEIVEO EVERY WEDNESDAY J TURDAY. Yours to Please, r r a L. W . JUA VV dUJ an. 10,1Swn, for delegates to said Convention, rk;" The polls shall be open at elf >wn. o'clock in the forenoon and closed I the four o'clock in the afternoon and ki out open continuously without intern; -Se- sion or adjournment, and the mauag shall administer to each person ofl ing to vote an oath that he is qualif to vote at this election according to I constitution and laws of this Sta > and that he has not voted at this el >e(er tioo. -laii- At each precinct a space or enclosi Ln nf such as the managers shall deem pr pres- er and sufficient sliail be railed on hout otherwise provided with uu openi the for the entrance of the voter at c aQ(j end or side and an opening at the o iate. er f?r exit. as a polling place. I one voter 9hall be allowed to enter a ?? polling place atone time, and not D except the managers shall be allow to speak to the-voter while in the p< J ing place casting his vote. Any neglect or refusal to perfo the duties imposed upon manager; punishable by fine of not more th cent- one thousand dollars or imprisoutm Jg for not more than one year. 3thee In case of the failure of any of I managers to attend, any one or m( arges managerg are authorized to appo other persons to fill and complete t Board of Managers. i ill The following is a list of the resp UM tive polling places and managers the respective polling places, to-wit ABBEVILLE. jut?! J. L. McMillan. J. S. Cochrane. J no. L. Hill. .... MT. V ARM EL. >0. i w. L. Miller. t -n rn *. j. it. larruni. S. C. Riley. e BltAI)L,EY. - ! A. J. Pounds. G. P. Hughes, the J no. Young. it to TROY. F. A. Cook. R. A. Crawford. R. R. Puckett. m'cormick. Thos. A. Box. A j J. F. Edmunds, j Wess Jeunings. CLATWORTHY'S X ROADS. Alf. Lyon. Juo. Brown. OCR | Jim Crawford. I . . IIODuKS, [PQ J. D. Pace. L?lO (J. W. Rainwater. W. R. Mundy. I CO KKSBUKY. HO. B. Riley. S. C. Merriman. E. C. Connor. louri HREENWOOD. vhiit! a be p. X). Klugb. J. W. Fife. J. M. Majors. NINETY-SIX. VND T.C.Thomas. \V. T. Huff. A. VV. Hill. fl1 i DONALDS. L. A. Shannon. J no. Austin. 10. S. Waldrop. ^ DUE WEST. . M. S. Ashley. K Jno. Magill. I | A. R. Ellis. ^ ANTRKVILLE. J. ff. Power. Lamar Clinkscales. S. B. Knox. LONVXDKSVILLK. _ i J. (J. Thomas. DE. C. L. Dreunan. T. B. Clinkscales. MAGNOLIA. rHKi Robert Hester. B. O. Bell. J no. Sprouss. loxcj cam:. J I). C. Calvert. , I). J'. Haiuiuli. ! W. K. Morrison. fl WILMXOT.iN, $ .1. F. Bradlev. \ 8. S. McBrule. 9 f\ J. II. Heuiminger. ?\ The managers should deliver th< ^' boxes, books, poll lists, &c., to the co missiouers at the Court House at A : beville the day following the electic J. E. JONES, Chairman. T. J. ELLIS, W. A. LANIEIi. I Commissioners of Election for A hi I vilie county. j Abbeville, S. C., July lil, 1SU5. I When.. tiiQ. Sokool - Commissioner si \ will be in his Office. I TWILL BE IN THE SCHOOL Commlsslonera office on Saturdays, except the 1st Sat- _ I urday in each month, and also on Saledays P yl and other public days during the present fiscal year, for the purpose of transacting the business of the ofnce. W. T. MILFORD, Jan. 25,1895. School Commissioner A. C. House and Lot for Sale. ? 1 OFFER MY HOUSE AND LOT In the 1 town of Abbeville for sale. The lot contains two acres, the house eight rooms,and al - the premises in perfect repair. Every im- J provement and easy terms. w Apply to W. C. McGOWAN, j, Dec. 12,1894, if Abbeville, S. C. nNTIOE! 1 " PHOTOGRAPHS! LD All Sizes ^ c be" All Prices. TN LATEST STYLES OF FINISH. Also J 1 N -> 1 nnnnnhlfl " n I * cup^lljg auu cumigju^ uuuc ai icaovuauig ' rates. I have GALLAGHER'S negatives and will make photographs from them. N M. V. LOMAX. V @T"Over HADDON'S store. j 5 mm ira inn SEiiL i e?1 Honea Path, S. C. eir ' * ble CESSION FOR SCHOLASTIC YEAR 1805-%, foiA >3 begins September 2d, with the following , corps of teachers: > of J. c. HARPER, Principal. ler MISS NANNIE HARKNESS, Assistant. tu_ MISS LUCY GAMBRELL, Assistant. . " Unusual advantage lor study and Improve- . 1 to ment. Well furnished school building. Two the literary societies and splendid library conr? nected with school. Board In private families "| at 89.(X) to 810.00 per month. Tuition, Hleh SO- School department, $2.50; Intermediate, 82.00; J me Primary,81.50 per month. nrtJ Further information will becheerlully given urs by any one Q{ lhe lenchers, or by T. J. Clat' Ol worthy. Secretary of the Board of Directors, \ -ed Honea Path. S. C. ae JulySJ, 1895, tl S" ALL "3 led mi in ml' ii*8- J er- Will Warn Out Hands, on Roads led the Assigned to Them, ite, . ec- And do six days work, twelve If necessary, to put them In good condition, jre (Including days all ready worked) by 1st day of September. r'P" Township Commissioners will see tbat this or notice is strictly complied with. ,)e Any road reported to this otllce afler the >tie (*Hte uame(' wl" rec0ive prompt attention. lut JNO LYON, Supervisor, ny >ne J? Li McMILLAN, Secretary, _ July 24,1805, Gt. j Port Royal and Western Carolina R. R. au Augusta aud Asheville Short Line. !Ut J. B. CLEVELAND, Receiver. " Schedule In Effect June 22,1S95. Eastern Time. .he Lv Augusta 9 40 am 8 00 pm , re Ar Greenwood 12 10 pin 12 80 am lOt Ar Anderson 8 00 pm Ar Laurens 1 3.3 pm Ar Greenville 2 30 pin Ar Glenn Springs 4 05 pin PC- Ar Spartanburg *3 00 piu n at Ar Saluda 4 38 pin L Ar llendersonvlllc J> 10 pm ArAshevllIe 6 20 pm LV Ashevllle 8 00 am Lv Hendersonville 9 03 am Lv Saluda 10 01 am Lv Spartanburg 11 45 am Lv Greenville 11 53 am Lv Laurens 1 15 pin Lv Anderson 9 20 am Lv Greenwood 2 lo pm o DO am ^ A r Augusta & C5 pm 3 35 am f Lv Greenwood 5 23 pm Ar Kalelgh 1 26 urn 1 Ar Petersburg U 00 am Ar Richmond 6 40 am Ar Norfolk 7 10 am To Athens, Atlar.ta and Points West. I Lv Greenwood 12 43 am 2 31 pm Ar Elberton 2 04 pm 4 01 pm Ar Athens .'. 8 03 pm 5 06 pm Ar Atlanta 4 09 pm 6 30 pm Close connections at Greenwood for all points o,n S. A. L. and C. Washington, through sleepers between Monroe aid Portsmouth. Va.; Pullman Bullet parlor cars between Washington and New York; sleeping cars between Charlotte and Wilmington. Trains Nos. 38 and 41. solid between Atlanta and Norfold, carrying Pullman sleeninc aitacl ed. making direct connection j p. ut Weldon with Atiniitic Const Lint* fur Washington ** nnd New York, nml till points north ami oast; at Nor-1 folk with a'ram its for Washington, Bay Linn of bal-1 .lf , tlmore, Old Dominion for New York. Trains and ! "lr 45, solid trains between Atlanta and Columbia, with',.,, ill- through coaches for Charleston. Tickets for sale at | ' l>. union depot or at the company's ticket oJllce, at No. 0 mi ' Kimball House. I J-' " JOHN 11. WINDKK, Oeii. Manpr. T. J. ANDKKSON, Gun. Pass. Aut. E. J. WALK.KD, City I'ass. and Ticket Act. Fresh lot cottolene in to-day. All sizes. Abbeville Supply Co. it- Everything for the baby?nipples, rattles j rings, .te. Harrison Jc (Jame. Turuln seed. Come an<1 yet rula liaga seed now. Tiiiie to cn\t'. Abbeville Supply Co. j 'I -' " ; 'v UL JL.PARKEB, President. 1 JULIUS H. DuPRF, Ca rhe Fanners' Bank DEPOSITS SOT.,: Pirofltn ~\OES GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Buys and J lions. A Savings Department has been establisbe ards. Interest at 4 per cent, payable quarterly,?Januai lcrease rapidly. National Bank of Abbeville, Da-nital, Surplus, OflLcevi . ALLEN SMITH, President. W. C. BENJ. S. BARNWELL, < JWJjpectoi m. II. PARKER, Abbeville, S. C.f J. C. I ,. W. WHITE, Abbeville, S. C., W. JOI tENJ. S. BARNWELL, Abbeville,S.C., W. C, J. ALLEN SMITH, Abbevi \0E8 a General Banking business, provides the greatc J Depositors. Is ready at any and all times to make lo 3 our county affords. IITIM SOLD BY? EI. W. LAWSC Ve have just received a large stoc! All kinds that are used in the g. V. LAWSC " pTr7m Is the Place to Get Anything DRH IBffl Orders by Mail attende . ALLEN SMITH, President. WE ARE PREPARED TO DERS WE ARE FAVORI Rough and Dvesse loors. Sash, Blinds, Turned and Scroll Sningles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Build thing needed in the Constructs Tirm ?1?? fntt OT1TT OlrTO Vl All OO YV ill UiJ.SU UUUblCbUli lUl aujr oiau uuuuu Very Kespectfully, The Abbeville I ALWAYS IN TE THIS TIME WITH ] BEST DRUGS! LOW Prescriptions u Sj HARRISON & THE SOUTH AND NOR'; mt'W vnBK A1VI) (}HIC OJ I t JL VXVAJk ? FEED CLAY, General County Agi 1HE LLOYDS sytem, established in 1088, (over two - made now more thorough and perlect through regula JMPANY HAS NEVER FAILED. MANY PROMINf cause, as business people, they are bound to accent the 8) Ith equal, if not greater reliability tban'ls offered by any oyds offer a uniform cut of fifteen percent, on the old tes having been made, they give even greater relief tha Abbeville, we name a few: Mr. L. W. White, Messrs. P, r. Kdward Roach, Agent for D. O'Neil&Sons, Mi. R. r. Wade Cothran and many others. The most promlni rns, well known in the South, are in the Lloyis, such as awford Si Simpson, Postal. Cable & Telegraph Co. of Ne' u Electric Light Co. of Boston,Spreckles Sugar Refining elphia. P. Lorrilard ., Henry Swinborn it Co., Daniel Miler it Co. of Baltlmc rgest concerns are in it. Agencies for Abbevil Home office for the County in Daly & Co.'s store in the meral Agent, and W. F. Cross, Special Agent in cliarue, 1 Abbeville C. H., office at J. (i. Edwerd's store. Mr. cCormick. Troy, Bradley, Verdery and C'oronacfl, office ii {eut for Lowndesville, Mt. Carrnel and Cooks. Mr. Joel >naldsvllle. Capt. James Rogers, Agent at Ninety-Six. J. I CHIPLET BICYCLE BMP Agents frr nifii AGLE $100, CENTURY $75, RA1 And many other popular wheels. Many Improvement IMS New Bicycle fully guaranteed for J.iO. A large lot of ittom Prices. Bicycles always on hand for rent. AGE tTAl-OCJ UK. tie Celebrated Morgan & Wright Tires an Pistols, Cartridges, and Sewing ] Headquarters for Base Ball and ] st and Cheapest, line of Razors and Clippers on the mark Urailes and Prices. Bicycle, l'lstol and Hun Repair! artistic style. Mall orders will have prompt alt us and you will he convinced that the "half In Kespec-tfn I ly, J. r. CHTPJ.EY & BKO. ????mm U. TC. SttlTjH, Vice. Presldej^ shier. of Abbeville. [OITEIX $70,750 6,500 sells Exchange and mates Colecd. Amounts received of fl and upry, April, July. October. Small sav[March 1,1893,12m ' Abbeville, , s. c. - $75,000 15,000 I X McGOWAN, Vice-President. Cashier. pais [LUGII, Abbeville, S. C., SL< SMITH, Abbcyille, S. 0? . McGOWAN, Abbeville, S.C. lie, S. C. )6t necnrlty and convenience for Its ans based upon such safe collatera Sept. 11. 1892. ly in )N & CO. k of SCHOOL BOOKS, public schools. )N & COED'S in the Line of Kill id to at once. H, J. BURDETT, Manager. FILL ALL OR2D WITH FOR d Lumber. Work, Frames, Mantles, ers Hardware or An^m of a House. from Cabin to Mansion, ; .amber Co. [E LEAD! FRESII LOT I mm* *-?/-ecialty. ; GAME. m AMERICAN AGO LLOYDS. Bnt for Abbeville. centuries ago) by Edward Hoyd. Is r business progression. A LLOYDS INT BUSINESS MEN ARE IN IT, ivlng feature of the Lloyds, coupled other insurance in existence. The line prices, and In case of excessive n this. Anion* our policy holders . Rosenberg-