1 v The Press and Banner ABBEVILLE, S.C. (^Published every Wednesday hi ?'2 a >??ir la advance. Twelve Images. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 18S4. Dispensary Sales. For August SI.80S <3 Cost J ,(113.01 Orass profit 290,7' j For September 82,077 l.r> . Cost J .005.14 Crass profit 472.01 i They Ntill Lend. Messrs. McDIli & Tolly have made several shipment* in the furniture business in the pMm ten dayp. Today they are sending good* ttf Walhalia. It Is not altogether their energy aud git up and Kit," hut the very'low prices which they give. The purchaser made hi? expenses by going to them, and it will pay you to do likewise. Welcome Bnck. Mr. and Mm. H. \V. Kirsey returneil to tiie houie of Mr. Ktrsey'a mother. Mia. MHrtin, on Monddy evening. Mr*. Kirsey has many friends In Abbeville who are always glad to welcome her and her beloved husband to her old horaeati al. <(nlch Trip. Mr. H. R. Turner came up from Ninty-Six one day last, we-k in his boggy. He lef'i home at six o'clock In 1 lie morning, and by e?even o'clock lie hud transacted lit.s business, and was ready tor the roid again. Jewelry at (' Ul ..... n?..ln In .. fa.? TJ.. ? OCC UliU uuv hkiiu u n irw unj o. in1 nan nil api ointment in Louisville, Ga., for next Sabbath and will till It If be Improves and Ib able to go. Miss Moore, from Bartow, Fla., entered the Female College last week. MIbs Coral Muse, ot Verdery, Is nt the Kennedy House. Sbe 1m lite guest of her aunt, Mra. E. P. Kennedy. Mr. J. K. Hood, of Anderson, Is In Due West for a few days. Mrs.utewart. of Bartow, Fla., who came to oar town a few weeks since seeking health, has been very sick at Prof. P. L. O'ler slno last week. Mr. Stewart was dispatched lot and arrived Friday evening. She Is an excel lent lady and t>he and tier husband have the sympathy of our people ' ' Aseriesot meetingsat the A. R. P. church closed last Sabbath af ernoon. The pusioi conducted the service each time with the exception or one setnion by Kev. D. G. Phillips Jr. The audience at every service was good and enjoyed the excellent sermons and w?ti u*t tbat mucii good was done. Tbere were ?even accessions to tbe church. PEA VINES AND CBAB GEASS. 1 Baseball nnd Con*(ltntlon?? Pei tunnl ParaK r?pl?H?1.1 vely Tiiuea. Lowudesville. S C., Oct. 15,185H. Mrs. E. W. Brown, or Anderson, spent several days In town last week. Mrs. Jobn F. Harper, or Middlelon, Ga., wkd In town a lew days last week on business. Miss Emma Cllnkscales left Thursday for Mxcon, Ga., where she will attend school. Mid Maude Loo ax spent several days In town last week vtalking friends and relatives. TbeLowndcsvllle correspondent ot the An demon Intelligencer says; "We have u handsome addition to our m c nl realm in the person of a yountf, gallant and interesting Mr Tooeep< is*. lu some rcspects a novice, in others a novel, be swings a^loaded cane and talks to ?cIrlM by the hour. We glniily wel welcome Mr. Toosepeg-. and hope to have blm ^ rueet the young Isriies before he leaves the city. Hhdunces well but prefers 10 do It on the Ice." Mr. Chas.T. Raker one of mi' d-isbinij younv boys, was shaking hands with his many irteinli id Augusta a le* days wjjo. Mr. Tho8. D Cooly was In Abbeville a few davs ago on buMness. Miss Ida Bowman one of our charming young girls spent se\erul dajs In At>bevllle las; week. Prol. J ('. Harper has Just leiurned from several dsjs stay In Antreville. Corn Is being gathered nod housed, some oi It Is reported lu very tine condition being hgrd aud dry. sojneor the late (odder in this section was somewhat Injured hy the storm. "Home large quantities oi pea vine snd crab Krass hay hits been gathered In the past two weeks butalxrite quunlty of It remains uncut, the high winds made some of it very difficult to cut. Carolina wants a new constitution. She has certainly undergone enough to prefer any ordinary constitution. Baseball must now give place to footha'l and broken Augers. K'a-s arms will be oveishadowed by broken legs and blackheads. Records are being broken so last these dajs that there will soon not be a whole recoid left In sporting circles. Jim Crow. Rosenberg's Locals. When you go all over town and can't get what you want, go to Rosenberg's. They've got It. If you want to save about 92 or S3 on a suit of ciotbes, go to P, Rosenberg / in. Covert Cloth all New Shades, wl) Only 25 cts. In. Covert Cloths. 75 cts. up. KQ in. Broad Cloth, Tan, Navj*, Myrtle, & Brown aud Black. Hi in. all Wool Serge, Navy. Brown. Myr tie, Uarnei ana BiaicK. uniywcis. /I/"| in. all Wool Serve, Navy, Brown, Myrtie, Tan and Black. Af\ In. all Wool Flannel Sacking, Thd, Navy. Brown, Garnet, Myrtle, Brown, Mixture Grey and Black, at less than same goods cost last season. O/* in. Imperial Fancies?the cheapest norelty Dress Goods out this season. iA in. Wool Face Henrietta^?under the old Tariff they would be worth % cts., n der the new 25 cut. ' - CAPES ANI Over 250 of ' Just in from the Manufacturt idea of the pre Capes all Wool 95c, $1.00 up $10.00. A Stylish Jacket for Young I _ j _ I riHuy. 3Pauau Black Homespun at prices vyttiWv/!^ which will Interest close buyers. GINGHAMS. New Kail Styles In Boucely effects, make up pretty and colors fast. DRESSES COT AND FIT Or made to order In Latest Styles. All work guaranteed. Prices moderate. Our Store is filled wil THEY ARE ' TARIFF OR R. M. HAD 4 I st Place illinery! black - AND rnr n qii i^q VjVJJUU UiJUiVofJ We do not claim to have the Largest Stock (in the Slate, hut we do claim to sell Firsts I Class Silks as low as any house In this secj t.lon. A good line Black and Cold to select j from. iBlack Dress Goods, j f/t n,wl I K In. Silk Wrap Henrlot"ivf tlllu ~k*J tasat prices within reach I ot economical buyers. | ?>o I ft In. all Wool Silk Finish Henrlet, tasat. prices which we could not j mention under the old tariff. tt i 111 Fancy Weaves -HJ <(>1111. " * Black Dress (Jo'ids just the thing it you are tired of plain cloth. I t /;n In. Orevette' In Black only. One of the """ most durable fabrlques on the market. Cotton Dress Goods nO PlecPS Essex and Danish Down f'lanvv nelettes, all new Colors, 8 and 10 eta. SATINES. 12V?cts. quality now 10cts. For every day wear, street, house, or anywhere. Its hard to find anything prettier or more duroble than Satlnes. ( iff oir LARGEST^ Assortment AND ? Lowest Prices Ever offered in this Locality. ) JACKETS. rhese Garments , js. Cuts below give you an vailing Styles. Medium Length Jackets, Tan |( and Black $2.50 up to $8. I C I - ? > ) Tnolrnf f ft IMTafrtVl ' cia3 auu oai&ci vw *uwu| t made of Serge, Covert, ? Cheviot or Broad Cloth. i TRIMMINGS. In FlslispalP Jet--?V? Inch to 2 inches Black, ' White and Cold Kur Trimmings. Silks Braids lb0 New VELVELS AND VELVETEENS Cheaper than ever before. Shoes! Shoes! Nothing adds ho much to a well dressed | lady as a neat titling shoe. If yon wish a good j j wearing shoe and a perfect tilting shoe see j our line. tli Choice New Goods. ro BE SOLD, I NO TARIFF. Respectfully, DON & CO. i ,V ; - * ~~nI LC Extra I] T)13 T/^T7 WeW Our Store is I If you are looking* for Our Trade in Clothing for the past f we can sell you a suit cheaper than any! Our $2.50 Our ftoek of Hats is complete. P Now is the time to buy your Jeans. Below we give you a schedule of pric A 3-4 all wool flannel 9c per yard. An all wool Twilled Flannel at 15c ] Ladies Undervests Plain or Ribbed, A lot of those Home-made Blankets >n these goods were $5 and $6.o0. A Double Cotton Blanket for ooc. Srogans 9">c. Bay State Brogan Shoe All Don't forget we sell only the Krippe Chas Heisers Men's fine shoes at cos V litg Stock of Harness, Saddles, &c, I Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. COURT OK COMMON PLEAS. Jhas. G. Matthews trading under the business style of C. G. Matthews & Co. against Rev. E. Toland Hodges. By VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE made In the above slated case, I will offer for lale at public outcry at Abbeville C. H., 9. c., inSaledayln NOVEMBER, 1894, within the legal hours of sale, the following described properly, situated in said Slate and County elng an undivided oue-nlnlh interest in all .hat tract or parcel of land, known as the Jary Plantation, containing Four Hundred and Fifteen (415) Acres, nore or less, bounded by lands of tbe estate )f \V. A. Moore, the Old Beacham Place, the )ld Wiiilfl Pluoe, the White House Place and ?"'i? -*r itio patatft of B. '/. Herndon; And also, ilso, the lot or parcel of land situate, lying ind being In the Town of Cokesbury aDd c now 11 an the "Gary Household," ind bounded by lands or Methodist Church, Urs. Watson and others; Also, i small tract situate, lying and being In or lear the Town of Cokesbury, known an "New irouud," containing Eight (8) Acres, noreorlcx*. i TEHMS OK HALE?One-half cash, balance n a credit of twelve months, with interest rom day of sale, secured by bond of purhaser and mortgage 01 premises, with leave o pay all Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. C. KLUGH, , Oct. 10, 1S?I. It Master. Master's Sale. itate of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Couitr ok Common Pi.kas. j I. H. Judson as Treasurer against John T. ' Duncan.?Foreclosure. ( By VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE I oaile in tusaoove siaieu case, 1 win uuci wi ale at pnbllc outcry at Abbeville C. H., K. C., ' n Saleday In NOVEMBER, lS'Jl, wltbin the egal taou.s of nale, the following described irope^ty,situated in said State and County o-wit: All that tract or parcel of land, con aiuing , Phree Hundred and Seventy-Three , (373) Acres, nore or less, bounded by lands of S. B. Marhall, estate of Martin Hacbett or Mike Kill- , ird, Thomas and Charles Waller, estate of ['hotnas Chatham, deceased, and Mrs. Ellen- ( >erg, Bald lauds may be divided Into two or nore tracts, and if so divided the tracts will >e sold separately and plats exhibited at the lale. TERMS OF HALE?One-half cash, balance >n a credit of twelve month, with interest rom day or sale, secured by bond of purchasjrand mortgage of premises. Purchaser to say for papers. .1. C. KLUGH. Master. Oct. 10,1S!U. It A Complete and Full STOCK OK THK t'fcijKliKArbu Metropolitan Brand of Mi:ed Faints ? OK ? JOHN LUCAS & CO. alwaya on baud at the City Drug Store. PLUCES IN ONE GALLON CANS by the single can 81.25. A liberal discount to painters using large quantities. Oct. 25, 1898, tf Aug. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Emma Black et. al. against Oscar D. Black et. al.?Partition. By virtue of an order of sale made In the above stated case, I will offer for sale at public outcry at Abbeville C. H., 8. C., on SALEDAY IN NOVEMBER, ISM, within tbe legal hours of sale, the following described property, situate in said State and County to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land, known as 'the J. W. Black Tract No. 1, containing One Hundred and Twenty-Eight (128) Acres, more or less. Also, tract No. 2 known as the J. R. Black Tract, containing One Hundred and Sixty-Fuor [164] Acres, more or le?s. Also,Tract No. .1, known as the Flemmlng Tract,containing One Hundred and Six (106) Acres, more or loss, above lands are bounded by lands of W. P. McCajter. J. D. Alewlne, Samuel Shaw. Estate of W. A. Black, and others. Plats of the several tracts will be exhibited on day of sale. TERMS OF SALE?One-third cash, balance on a credit of one and two years, with inter est from day of dale, secured by bond of pur. chaser and mortgage of premises, with leave lo paj all Casb. l'urchaser lo pay for papers. J. C. KLUGH. Oct. 13,18M. !it Master. Master's Sale. The State of South [Carolina, - COUNTY OF AHBKV1I,LE. COURT OK COMMON PI.KAS. W. A. McCracken et. al. against James M. Hughes et. al.?Partition. By VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE made in tlieanove stated case, I will otter for WER WE PROPOSE TO < aducemen :s TO 8IJ] anf / miv Tra/ Mint Ji VUA JkAUI\ 'acked with Cfi bargains, be sure and the goods a ifteen days was far ahead of what we a jody, all we ask is for you to give un a 1< Men's Suits Knocks T rices are low. Prices range from 10c t It is cheap. Prices from 9c to 40c jes in all the different lines. per yard. from 25c to $4.00 per pair. i to come this week. Strictly all wool Cotton Flannel from 5c up. Ladle s whole stock $1. 36 inch Sea Island wool 54 inch Flannel f< ndorf, Ditttman & (Jo's. Ladies Shoes ic t. ALWAYS COM /HEX YOU WANT ANY THING I] FLOUR VE] ihat must he sold. Prices lower than i Yo } ' ' prk pric: OFFER THE TRADI lis m ur T THE 1 le and Must 1 Dods and They L give us a look?pric nd they must go. nticipaied. We have a nice line, ail >ok and we will convince you. ' heni all out. Only i o $4.00, We offer as a leader a real g per yard. every thread. 10-4 sizes for $300. is Button and Lace Shoes 7oc. Chil fic. We have made hie reduction in i or 47 l-2c it is worth i fine goods $2 to 14.50. E TO SEE US, N" GROCERIES. WE STILL OFFE &Y CHEAP. ever. We are always glad to quote y lire in earnest, W. S] Proprietor. | NEW (Successors to ABBEVILLE SU GROCERIES! GROC] OUK LEADERS ] :-! . SCTGAB, COFFEE, LA Our best one-half patent at unheard of prlci yuu. emendous stock of L Harness. sell you if needing anyN SHOES. ds and are sell them !: Our line of Drew, fine shoes will arrive see the stvles for Fall uttomed Shoes, Ladies A full line of Chas. e week. ^ctfully, VALUABLE Lands for Sale I WILL SELL YCU THE FOLLOWING lauds at rock bottom figures if taken at once. Now is your chance to buy good lands for little money and on EASY TERMS : 7/i Jest In front of the late * ^ home of Mrs. Sarah M. Calboun, fronting tbe Vienna road. t?? ] <pc At Hester Station 'JfJ" CO) same road. 440 RCrCSj Same place. Oti nniia^ Near Mt. Carmet that *d5c. :r ou prices. Come and see us. nith. 1 FIRM. | w-D-EARKSS??e, > J. H. Latimer.) PPLY COMPANY. ERIES! GROCERIES! TOR THIS WEEK : RD MEAT and FLOUE. :-s es to Introduce. Ask for EXCELSIOR. ND FURNACES. ! FLANNELS! 1 Mill Drills RTH YARD GOODS-LOW DOWN. ?T/CT^ AT f \fnnonrmt moA/nuuj iuaiiagcx* rt Week! j "CMBDNG ?:-: i ires of the SHOES you imily this Winter, and