The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 17, 1894, Image 5

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' ' ' . 3 - ' ' ' , > >/^g The Abbeville Press and Banner. I - ij$eM BY HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1894. ESTABLISHED 1844 Jj JAMES DALY & CO. HERE'S A STRIDENT HURRAH! NEW ENTERPRISE! NEW ENERGY! NEW ENCOURAGEMENT! rn fill "TV " 1 I The Sixth of October will he memorable in Abbeville as the date that witnessed the I A I La ll||L||/\ I al>ove advent of the most masterful merchandise movement that ever challenged I || I llll- | lllllll" J the universal admiration of this goodly community.?Matchless plans and purposes l|| J 111) I II III I!/ he dai]y unfolded that cannot fail to win and hold with intense and permanent J- v J. 11V J. II nJ II v grasp the prudent and painstaking buyers in our new field of industry and success. We are brimming with the bounding blood of enthusiasm, and our well-balauced machinery of trade will thrill and absorb the scientific and practical student of economy. ...... A Splendid Culmination! There is a certain victory of circumstances. Applying this to our business, it is illustrated by such facts as these: 1?Resolutely meeting losses on Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats, affected by the Tariff' changes. 2?Placing ouyers at ease by promptly and ungrudgingly fixing the new scale of prices. 3?Taking for cash down large lots from manufacturers who suffered from legislative agitation and tight times. - .. ... ?i- ci nrinuo nnnoiotonf ivifh tho reran t governmental ratings. 4?fuelling ury UUUUS, OUUCS nuu xiaic^ai pnwa WUOKIVUV .. . a~ . w No amount of kicking, dodging, grumbling or arguing alters the fact that tbe country is now under a new financial system. When it was clear auother Tariff wiuld be launched upon the country we began to prepare for it. To jump off at once is easier than to shiver on the edge. It is no use shutting one's eyes to hard facts. Poop-poohing the littleness of there bates or speculating about how it will ultimately affect things is not the question of the hour with us. We propose to do today the work of today. No squirming, squealing or evading here. Success is in doiug the right thing at the right time. hi wmmw mm n&uu r And it would be silly and suicidal for us to flop and flutter and postpone action. We cannot drowse, laze and creep along as if nothing had happened when an entire change arises in the business conditions of the country. We go in for common sense and have shaped our course to meet this new situation. Last year's fret and fever of the makers resulted in tremendous sacrifices. Here the proof of what we assert: $25,000,00 WOBTtit OF * I T-kT-kTT nAAnrt* riTTAnn a irn TT A to LHtl iiuuua, anuria AWU ihiio ; To be Sold at about Half what you have been in the Habit of Faying for the same Ooods. That shows how the Senate bill operates in favor of the consumers. Read the appended list. The quotations are overwhelmingly and powerfully persuasive. The values we offer are startling and sensational, and there's noqueer, fakisli or fraudulent scheme about them. We are here to benefit and enrich the people, not to deceive or sham them. PONDER ON THE PERSUASIVE POWER OF OUR PANIC PRICES! Lovely Wool Dress Fabrics, all shades and blacks, starting at 10 cents. Beautiful line of Taffeta Suitings, 36 inches wide, blacks and colors, armure, serges and swivel designs, worth 35c., at only 19(>. Two-toued Diagonals, English Homespuns, Burleigh Suitings, Cashmeres, Henriettas, etc., worth 50c., at only 20c. All-wool Flanuels, Camels' Hair, Bourettes, Melanges, Tweeds, Diagonals, Boucles, Armures, Checks, Stripes, etc-, etc., worth up to 50 and 65c. per yard, at only 39c. %* ' /~| *A ~ ?*5 ?1_ T"r ? ? tt?mw!au?n oo 'a !?>a! ? fr\ Q 'n f K la 7o pieces OUlimgs, r^ngusn noiueepuus, oergea, ncuneutis, cwM oo w uv iuww nmc nuuu, .^ ?M.o only 49c. Covert Cloths, all grades, from 39c. up to the finest made. These are the swell goods this season for tailor-made gowns. Novelty Wool Dress Patterns, a recherche selection par excellence in quality and variety, exclusive in design, minute in cost; come, see tiiem. | Black Goods Department replete with all of the latest weaves and textures known?Crapes, Veils and Veilings, all grades. SILKS AND VELVETS?Too many varieties to name here. We have any and everything that you want in I his line for street or evening wear. HOSIERY AND L'XDERWEAR?Don't put off supplying yourself and family with these goods, for winter will be upon you ere you know it. We have every grade and size at infinitesimal prices. Special lines in Hosiery and Underwear for the children. White Goods, Linens. Flannels and Domestics?In trench 3d behind the largest stock of these goods we [have ever shown, we defy competition. Prices lower than ever known in this city. Domestics by the Yard at Factory Prices* Standard Calicoes at ouly 5 cents. Best Yard Wide Sea Island Homespun at 5 cents, worth 8c. Carefully Peruse our Bulletin of Shoes and Hats. Men's Solid Kip Brogans, for 90 cents Boys' Fine Lace Shoes $1.00, 1.25,1.50 and 2.0(1 Men's all solid High Cut Plow $1 00 Women's I Kip all solid Polkas 75c Men's High Cut all solid Ties 1 00 Misses Polkas 60c Men's High Cut all solid Kip Ties 1 25 Cnildreu's Copper Tip 50c Meu's High Cut VVattr Proof Graiu Ties 1 25 Women's A Calf Line Polkas 1.00 Boys' best Kip Solid Brogans 75c Misses's A Calf Lined Polka9 75c Men's B Calf $2 Lace Shoes 1 25 Women's Oil Grain and Glove Grain Shoes 1.00 Men's B Calf $2 Elastic Shoes 1 25 Ladies' Buft' Sewed Shoee 75c Meu's B Calf High Cut Shoes $1 00 aud 1 25 Ladies G Calf Sewed all solid Shoes 1.00 Men's Bay State High Cut Shoes $1 15 Women's Calf, Dongola aud Goat, Lace and Button Gents' Satin Calf $2 25 Lace aud Elastic Shoes 1 50 . $1.00, 1.50 and 2.00 Gents' Fiue Calf Lace and Elastic Shoes 2 00 Ladies Fine Dongola Kid $2.50 Shoes for 2.00 Gents' Fine Calf Hand-Sewed Shoes 3 00 Children's, Boys'and Men's Hats 10c,25c,50c,75c,up to $3 MEN'S DERBY & ALPINE HATS, WORTH UP TO $3.50, OUR PRICE $1,25. ^_CONCERNING OUR FACILITIES. We have the two all-portant essentials for buying cheap : Capital and outlet. We have the money to command big lots and the means to distribute ihem. With a great store in Augusta, Ga., and another in Abbeville, South Carolina, no quantity is too large for us to handle if we succeed in getting the price down to a rock-bottom basis. These advantages appeal to the thoughtful. How thoroughly alert we have been can be seen by reading our news columns from day to day and visiting the store frequently. It is hard to believe that circumstances would ever arise in the American retail market to shatter prices to the extent evident in the goods above-mentioned. The items are valuable as a commentary ou the times. ........ HS^Positively no Misrepresentation permitted. All Goods sold on their merits. James Daly & Co. Corner Store Rosenberg* Block, Abbeville, S. C. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS! 1 ' ^ == \ I^U|== | Is adding to their immense Stock of Cloth- M ing daily and at prices never before || heard of in Abbeville. ff Yon will fincl the largest and most stylish line of Men's, Boys', and Children's Clothing J ' I# v ever shown in this market, and every article at a price to suit the hard times. "COME LET US REASON TOGETHER." I Isn't it the duty of every man to save for himself and family every dollar possible? To get the very hest value for the least money 1 You know it is! More especially now with cotton at 5c per 11). Come in and see us and we will illustrate the old adage "A Mkr m m M&4&" ' I We can, and will save yon not only one dollar, but will save you 50c on every dollar's worth yon buy. = Look Here! = J AN ALL WOOL SUIT IN SACK, FROCK OR REGENT 1 IN ANY SHADE, COLOR GUARANTEED AND THE | Price Is Only SS.00 I v BOYS' WOOL SUITS . $1.00. CHILD'S WOOL SUITS . 73c GOOD ALL WOOL PANTS $1.00. NICE ALPINE HAT . *75So I GOOD HAT . SOc A lovely line of Neekware at 25e in Four-in-hand, Windsors and Teens. - - - ^ /tr? w /\/\ We (lo not claim that our $2.50 suits is as good as our ^o.uu, or our $5.00 as good as the $10.00, but we do claim and can prove to your own satisfaction, if you will kindly give us a chance, that our $5.00 suit is as good as anybody else's $10.00 and and that our $10.00 is as good as their $20.00. Remember, We are Manufacturers of * Clothing and Save You theMiddle Man's Profit, which is always 50c on the Dollar. Gome and See for Yourself and be Convinced. "SBE3IKTG IS BE3L.IBVING." Remember, "Cohen's" is the Place. Yours to please, A. COHEN, Manager.