m? ; , . <: ' ' : . >; .- : : - . ; , ' ... ' ' I . _ I . [j gp??Si? "'J-U IJ 1 1 ' ???? The Abbeville Press and Bannenl BY HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1894. ESTABLISHED 1844=1 * . CS-REAT ^ I' ^ I! ?IN i TOWELS* AT THE Im. E. Bell Cask Co. / 50 !>OZ, TOWTO 40 in. long by 22 in. wide at 10c. each. We have just received one case of this towel And will -nut them at 10c. each. You can't buy the same Towel in this town or in any town for less than 20c. This is what you ! save by BJiyllf fi?? We know people who have gotten mad ' TTTi+"h no fro* Vvrnrino' fl.nrl fffillinP' for the cash. WlbJU UW *VA M?J M?v. ~ ~ 0 ? _ But we care nothing for this-as we know the people want good Goods, and want them cheap. Q-ive us a call if you wish to get new goods cheaper than you can buy the old shop-worn stuff. The assignee and agent of our Mr. Wm. E. Bell sold his old stuff for 25 , and 35 per cent, on the dollar.. Hon^t1 Birr Ow> Croons; When you can get New Fresh Q-oods 50 /Vh qq r?or "Wo nrant vnnv naah trad A V/OUUl VUWW^/VA t I T V/ VIUIUV J v WW* VWVMMI , and don't you let anyone make you think i that they can sell you cheaper than we can. , OUR SALES WILL SHOW THEY CANT wi mmm mmmmm wm% ; OUR 75 eta. 46 Imh BUJiGK HENRIETTA, Wa "hflvA "had mistomers to tell US that other merchants would tell them j we could not sell a good article for this money, but they take our goods when they bring in samples to compare from 85c. to $1. We ask for no dateing, but pay the spot cash down, and get a big discount, and even get the interest on the money we pay down, when other houses are compiled to charge you with this dateing. This is why we can sell you 46 inch Black Henrietta at 75c. per ? * ?i i J _i yard, wnen you can t Duy it eisewuerw iui less than 85c. or $1. We mean to treat you right, all we ask is a call. mm wmw And we axe through. We have 20 pieces in stock and to receive of Plaid and Striped Outings at 6 1-4 cents. You can't buy the same class of goods for less than 10c. Thanking the trade for past favors and with best wishes we remain, ^ . Yours respectfully, P THEWM. E. BELL CASH 00. j I - rb.e Press and Banner BY HUGH WILSON. Twelve Pages. Wednesday, October 17,1894 To (he U.? (! & >. Authorities. Abbeville village has shown itself friendly to the G., (J. & N. railway from Its inception to the preseDt time. Then, gentlemen managers of the road, why do you allow whiskey to be smuggled over your road Into thl6 town, contrary to the laws of the Slate, in violation ol the laws of the town, and in opposition to the moral eentlmen'tof this people? Are you in league with the Illicit liquor dealers? Doyou uot allow your trainmen to bring liquor here free of freight charges, aud In violation of all law? Is It not true that trainmen have repeatedly brought liquor to Abbeville, contrary to law, and free of freight charges? If ''blind tigers" and other Illicit dealers in liquor can get their freight carried free of charge how is it that legitimate and honest trades people have to pay for every package? As far as we are Informed not a package of illicit liquor has beep brough t to Abbeville over the C. .jg Next Sixty Days. M /D? J ivitjir, Duys diiu uiiuui gii -CLOTHINGAre this Season's New Goods. A. Rosenbergs TTTAA/l , C P VJ1 UUil W UvUj K/i Vi ' 1 TSWaiA^ei