The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 31, 1894, Image 1

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j/^ The Abbeville Press and Banner.?! BY HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1894. ESTABLISHED 1844| !p : WE Dry Gooc &ml FOE NOW I GOODSi All (4nndfi sit these Pr In Knippindrof, Dittm at the fol ClotliTop-Pat.Tip-Wel Plain Toe?Welt N Pat. Tip?Welt Cloth Top?Pat. Tip?1 Cloth Top?Pat. Tip Opera?Hand Sewed VUlUlllUll kJV/AliJVy JL Jkwm Those nice Kid Glove* Our Kids, Large Pear] Everything in Corsets A nice lot of Black Di An elegant Silk Warp Black, all Wool Henri Everything in colored York Cost .and und Nice Stock Embroider If vou nei ? ?/ ? can't lend yen Stock of Good tnnity. I i Th? PrAR? and Banner.! BY HUGH WILSON. * L Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1894. j Twelve TP-ages. j1 ???????- ! ' . _ i Norry Speclaclc. Charleston Is making a sorry spectacle of! herself In going to war In supi ott of 1 lie law- 11 less characters of the city, who would annul j | the Statmes of the Slate. Charleston has so | long rated this State by a wl-e and Judicious |i coarse that she may now think she can do the j1 aame;tbing by force,but whena creat city like! | Charleston aligns herself with the woist e!e- j menl of the town as against the l<pal and | * recognized civil authority of the State she j will find the error of lt?-r way. If Churl -ston la, however, seeking for TlllmuuV re-election ' fora third term, then she Is purbuln/ the] proper course. The law will be enforced | even if It take6 Tillman to enforce it. There is just no u*eof talking about the Charleston liquor mob ruling South Carolin:t. This newspaper would sooner be ruled by any luwfu! authority than by a liqnor mob, even If that mob was supported by the dally m-wspsipers of the State. Tillman spoke foolishly and Indisoreilelj ! about the barkeepers and their associates of Charleston, but It U to be hoped that therein no dlsoouut on his determination to shut up the blind tigers of that city. ????? ? Tillman Is notour Ideal of a Governoi.but we regard him Infinitely better tbau barkeepers who attempt to defy the iuw. Troy's Ten Cup*. Troy, S. C.. Jan. 2S. 1SU4. Mr. A. C. Kennedy has left town for home, having (i<ilt the mercantile business So the firm of Bradley & Kennedy 1* no more. Mr. W. T. Bradley will continue business at the same stand. Ou last Saturday nizht, some one broke i Into the house of Mr. J. it. Crawford, and stole watch, t-lioes and clothing to the amount of twenty dollars. Mr Crawford will pay a liberal rewurd for the thelves with evidence to CODVlCl. Mr. W. A. Glover ha? moved Into the Sibley house, and Mr. W. K. Jay occupies the bouse formerly occupied by Mr. W. A. Glover. Married on theZVh, Mr. .Toe Young to Miss Lola Cre*>well t?y Rev. T. \V. Sloan, also Mr. B. C. Talbert to Miss Elolse Henderson and Mr. Harvey Br.iekwell to Miss Eiwell McCain by J be Itev. Price, of McCortnlok. Miss Carrie Robinson Is visiting in Edgefield. Uncle I*aae raid we:i i# pulling an auamon to bis house, whir It udris greatly to Its looks. Mr. J. L. Tuj:Kj?rt, alter upending sometime In home. Mr. Editor. while vlaltlng the place of our Childhood days we came tooneol the Olam Oaks, In the shade of who>e branchex wc had rested many but day, we measured It. The circumference was 21 feet. The tree dow stands on Ech 1)111 uvar Old Cambridge. Miss Addle Palmer U the guest of Mm. D. J. Palmer. Nick. C^C3 ARE GrC is, Siioes, LADI > TiXJT v JL J.11 S YOUR TIME TO ^heape: ices CASII. Cash an & Co., Ladies Fine lowing* Prices: COST. t-LavffeISuttons$3.7 5 . . . 3.02 . 2.42 XT,i 1+ Q 17 ' V CH' . . . . 1.92 . . . . 2.47 . . . . 1.92 3 for Ladies, 1.25 I Buttons . . .80 at actual Cost. cess Goods. Henrietta, . .82 ietta, . . . .05 Dress Goods at actua i ier. ies all at Cost. ed anything ir money at i .s thrown on am, yours tr AN OLD PAPER. Extract* nu?l Koteo from n Copy c the Abbeville Bnuner, Which wn Printed In 1847. We nro Indebted to Mr. Mason Sp^er ( Monterey lor a copy of thcAbbevllI* Bannt jeiirlng date April 21. 1SI7, Charles H. Allei alitor. It Is four pa^es, live columns to tb page, primed In large type. Theie is In the paper about one column < ended matter, or editorial, including mark< reports of Charleston aud Humburg. Cotto ranged from 10 to 12 cents. The only local was this: "To be Hung.We understand that a negro boy belonging t Mr. Wiii. Pratt of this District Is now In Ja nt this place, and is to be hung on the 14tli < next mouth, for burning a stable of Mr. Job Cilnkscales." AlMrgepartof the paper, including a cot slderable part of the column of editorial ma ter Is tukeu up with the war In Mexico. There were live columns of advertisement uearlv all of which were official notices fror the ottlceis of the county. H. A. Joueswa Commissioner in Equity. Da\ Id I.esly. Ordinary. J.T. I.I vlnuston, Clerk of Court. A. C. Hawthorn, Sheriff, and it appeurs tha 1. Barney was connected with the sheriffs o li. e. Periin i M-Gowan publish law notice. far it on P. M os Icy lolled an cstray horse h loreThos. Thomson, Magistrate. Dr. John W. McKellar gives notice of li location at Winter Scat. Dr. W. T. Benham, was located at gamut Ai:news, where he could bo tound, excel when absent on professional business. J. A. Hamilton otrers his house and lot lc su le. Johnson Uamey. Intending to leave the Dl trlct In the Full, offered to sell his plantatloi acres; a fluedwelliiig house two and a ha miles "below the Court House;" his sevei room house and lot In town. Franklin Branch offeried the Jack Placi G42 acres, which was bought from Mr. Wll lam Bowie for S5,l>00 In 1835, and which lit within one mile ol the Male Academy. H also ollered for sale his house and lot in towi He said. In conclusion: "My lungs and ei feebled health, warus me of the necessity* seeking a less changeable climate. For tli reason I will sell the above property ver ch<*ap." >v iiiiaui am auu uuiucn a. aiicii Kivcik tl'v or partnership la opening a new store 1 which hard ware, dry goods, crockery, suddle bonnets and groceries would be sold. R, H. and W. A. Wardlaw udveri-tlfo thel spring stock of prints, diapers, boots, shoe: hardware, books, and u handsome lol of Jev eiry. A. C. Hawthorn, sheriff, advertises 341 acrc of land bounded by Leonard Wldemau, D Hearst, and others, levied on as the properl 01 John Lyon, ads. \V. } >. Cothran and otheri 2 uegroes, Luelnda and Jack, as the properl of James Patterson ads. Win. Robertson. S acres bouuded by Wm. Barmore, Win. Ai new and others, as the property of W. W. At derson at the suit of Reuben Robertson vi Robert J. Norrls and W. W.Anderson. On sorrel inure, levied on as the property i Robert Martin, at the suit of Samuel Gordor The following candidates for Tax Collect" were announced: James M. Calvert, Capt. I C. Mortin, William I. Hammond. Joseph i D. Wetherall, Rev. James Moore, W. S. Hai rls, John CuiiDlngliau, Ezeklel Trlbble.T. 'J Cunnlngnani. Thw niarrlHi?p of .To*rnh P oni! MIc Surah C. Miller Is announced. J. I. Bonner, Principal. announces tlieopei log of the Graham School at Duo Wont on 111 19lIi of April. MlssE. McQuerns, an accon pllslied lady and successful teacl'.er Is assls Hill. Clerk of Court J. T. Livingston, gives notlc that Benjamin E. Spikes who had been a rested and confined In Hie bounds of tlieja of "Abbevt.le District by virtue of a writ < capias ad. futlsfuclenduiu, al the suit of Wat1 H. Cothran and James Sprout, having file )St 1 HKTG' TO ! m r\+Viino? > WAV/, ES DRES^ I NE X GET BARGAINS. & El ^HAN E across the Counter or ( i Shoes Lace Curtain j Lace Curtain Rpr?c'e.r i A nice Curtai #.450 j $1.75 at ? 4 00 I Nice lot Tabl< 3.00 i efiC an 3-?? A * 4l 1 2 5q j A few Blankc 3 00 1 a I*ar?a*n 2.50 | Chas. Heiser's 1.75 I men. Cosi 1.25 nr nm] Vlil/11 J 1.10 .90 $18.00 Suits f il New #12 it will pay you that rate. S< the Market at ( uly, rG. ' ! hln petition with n schedule, on oath, of his, whole estate and effects, for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of the Acis of the General i Assembly commonly called the Insolvent Debtors Acl." I 1 Win. A. Cobb advertises about defendant (l James Knox. ? The heirs of Richmond Harris ore called by David Lesly, Ordinary. The recital of the above names remind us of the shortness of life and the certainty or " death which awaits at an early day. Of all the names Jnst recalled we believe only two i ' survive?T. T. Cunnningbam candidate for I e tax collector, and Miss Sarah C. Miller whose marrlaee to Josiah P. Giles Is announced, t l[ She is now the wife of Mr. ThomaR Cater ol Monterey, Mr. Gltes having been dead many D years. 1? Court Oenernl NcmIoiin. January 24, Court convened at 0:30 o'clock d a. in., His Houor Judge I. D. Wlthorspoon presiding. i- The State against John Jones?Grand larl ceny. The Jury In the above stated case rendered a verdict of "Guilty. Defendants Attors< neys made motion for new trial, motion overu ruled. The defendant John Jones was senis fenced to the State Penitentiary at hard labor for the term of one year. The State against Henry Jackson?Forgery. Jury. ? R. H. Woodward, A. A. Domlnlck, ' J. A. Hagan, J.S. Mars, A. Rosenberg, T. W. Lott., W. T. Cowan, M. A. Fellers, 6- S. W. names, B. B. Allen, ' " ' A. J. Cllnkscales, C.T.Baker, Is Verdict guilty?Sentence .one year in Penitentiary and pay a fine of five dollars. The Slute against Lewis Amor?Grand lar>t ceny. Prisoner plead guilty?se ntence, nine months in Penitentiary. >r The State against Will James?Forgery. | Continued by State. s- The question of the leea'ity of the <lraw-( i. Ingof the Grand and Petit Juries was sprung . lf by one of the members of the Bar, and the 3- Court decided that the Juries were illegally ? urnwn. rne venires wore iiicrnuiciiuanicu, t 6. j and the Jury Commissioners ordered to draw I ' i n new Orand Jurv. No civil case* wpre tried s 1 on account of the Illegality of the drawlDg [ >e , of the Juries. i J* | Judge Witherspoou left for his home In 1 i-i Yorkvllle on Saturday by the It. & D. K. R. ?' >f t y t Charleston Is making a pretty spectacle of ^ herself before the country In ofl'erin* resist- n 9i ance to the whiskey laws of the State. c Call on Smith & Sons for Dixie Boy plows and wheelbarrows. !S Smith & Sons have received their spring,* r. onion sets.and uow Is the time to plant them. 1 y ! A car of tine seed oats to arrive next week L ; a? Smith & Sons. r V J Another car load flour JURt received and at v still lower prices. T. T. Cromer, Bradley. s i- Ladles dross shoes ft5o at T. T. Cromer's, 8 s. j Bradley. ? I Call on Livingston d- Perrln for fresh apple v ? | butter. V I Try those fresh pickled pig feet at Living- s j; ston iSi rerrlti 8. i j. A fresh lot of canned goods just received at e r- Livingston & Perrln's. Pistols ana cartridges til P. Rosenberg & Co. I8 All kinds pistols and cartridges. 01II aud , get wbat you want. P. Rosenberg it C.>. r l- If you want any kind of cartridges call and t le get ttiem from P. Rosenberg it Co. t > i t- ? i ;e Au incubator is uot a toy as sonic > r- suppose, but a machine founded on 1 scientific principles to help us govern | ie our operations and simplify chicken $ d raising. -v?' i* - -i.^ ^' . , r SELL OTJ , Hats, G< } GOODS, .T 3 WE MEAN WHAT 3VER OFM Jasli on Delivery of G< s, worth $3.50 for $2.4 s, worth 2.50 for l.C Ln 3 1-2 yards long, 1.2(5. 3 Damask, Towels, Do 3 Cost. its left. Now is the t in Jeans. i (VlAhrntAfl "PinA Klin t $4.15, $4.00 line at .$ [ING! CLOT 'or $10.00 .00 Suits for $8.00. $10.00 Suits for $7, $5.*)0 Suit* + A IMITT n ATTr . IU u U.J JJ.V/ w ? d come in soon 30ST. Hop: w. GREENWOOD'S LETTER. Personal? Pol I Ileal?Practical?Prlu. tern?Random Sholn in all V>lree? lion*. Greenwood, January ?9, 1891. We hall with delight the cold weather. I The town Is full of prospective newspaper nen. We have no doubt a good ninu will i >e selected. i Miss Mamie Vnss has returned from an ex- I ended visit to relatives In Bpartaubur*. Mr. Klrby E. Snead, lale of the Alliance Store, has moved with his family lo Klrktey's, he having been chosen lo lake charge >f Durst & Mat his' extensive mercantile mslness. Mr. Bnead has been here ouly u ew years, but has made hosts ot friends. His election to this resposlble position Is a high ;ompllment to ills business method*. Surrounded as we are by ail the advnn-11 .ages of Christendom, our modern priz* figbi | seven more barbarous than of I tie gladia-: xirial age of Rome. Now that Corbett hold*! he wort's championship for brute force, It Is | lult.e Ailing ihut lie should receive a chai-|( enge from Peter Jackson, the representative >f the most barbarous race and the darkest n continent oti earth. If by his own tactics, | reter wins irorn mm uie oeit and then renoves to Denmark. H. C, it will be a still nore lilting finale to 11>Is diabolical sport. Miss Maggie Martin, one of our fashionable ' iiantau-makers, Is visiting in Hoiluec. Dr. W. It. Baity will erect a nice residence J In the early spring Miss Annie Hartz ig has retnrnetl from a /Isit to Uamberg. Br. Bays will deliver his llcture on "Court- ' ihlp," next Friday evening in Bailey's Hall, or the benefit of the King's Daughters. Ad mission 2.) cents, children 10 cents. Mrs, C. L. Bndro Is vlsillug In Charleston. 1 Mr. A. J. Bell has let thj contract for re- ' modeling and enlarging his residence. What ' lexi? There are scores of men through out the state who are anxiously awaiting u> see if J hey are among collector ToWiie's chosen ' ew. Notwithstanding the Alliance Store has ' >iiid a dividend of lJ l-'J per mi'. besides ' )uttlnu 10 per cent. Into the reserve innd. 1 understand ono of tlie stock holder*, Mr. 1 V.. S. Koou Is very much dl.-s itlsfled with ' he management for retaining 10 per cent, oi ; lis profits as a reserve. He owns one share o! 1 be par value of 85.01). Mr. Jas. L. Andrews lias moved to town, 1 ind occupies the residence he recently pur- 1 based from Mr. J. \V. Hill. iOVEKNOK TILLMAN'S KREE-EOR. A 1.1. l*Kf~ J MARY. I Governor Tillman's latest Interview In ( rhlch he declares for a free-for-all primary, j las the appearance or falrne?s, and l< Just j vhat we have he>?n clamoring for. The ub- . ence of It has been n distinctive feature of , telorm politics, and coming now, h* It doei! t re view It suspiciously, and can only con- t Ider it a little "tnngie-fool" to catch con- t ervatlve votes. We hnvc already heard nore than one sav: "TUl-'i-tn t* n better nan than I thought he was." lie seem-, lo le making Inroads on our fence corners. Having tried oneof their tiumbcr, the proh- b bllit v Is that our school trustees will In fu* I ureglvo Peaoody applicants preference In the H lection of teachers. ,' JUKY COMMISSIONEK. j , The abolishing of the ollke ol Jury Com j I nissloner vs W1 prove to be quite an expensive clreuchmeul to the tux-p.iyers of this conn- j t y. 'llie dominant element owes Mr. { klcUowaii a giuuge anyhow and we would j lot be surprised to see Dim disbarred for bav-; ng exposed their error. ? A few "Palmetto" tlasks have lound I heir;41 tro?* ini.t our town. Iinf. ihpv r.AVPr i?n ilrv. ! I'here mustbea never-falling sprluR here a-1 >outs, If a Dispensary should be established 1 u lere our Council \?\ll see that the law la U itrlotly enforced. j t The Episcopalians have IwhikIiI a lot adja-! ^ R BNTH ATA DJLl Uiullluii UNDER :o 3 WE SAY. COME F'ERED II oods. . We give you 17 per pair. j T1 >5 per pair. j " Regular Price | 2 Set! 2 " ilies, Napkins, j 1 I 2 " 1 " line to secure ; t M I 2 " es for Gentle- ?? 3.30. HING! 1 t 1 2 5?. i j for $3.00. 2 for you are si l and get wha ing you will a rent to the square, and will erect a church thereon. Several of our citizens are studying the ritual preparatory to appropriate membership. Mr. anil Mrs. W. T. Mathews, celebrated their tlii-weddlng last Wednesday evening. The comprens is dow being overhauled preparatory to being put In operation by a cotton tlrm In Wilmington. Mr 1*. B. Cilllson has moved to town, and , Is living for the present in. the Prultt house. | On account of Ill-health Mr*. Word nas resigned her position as teacher in the graded ; school. The trustees speak In the highest j terms of her ability as a teacher. , A RUNAWAY ECRAPK. 1 One day last week while Misses Carrie and s Luia Turner wero returning from a drive, the ! mum umt;uu irigmeueu uuu iuii anuj nuv/nlog them Doth out. Fortunately no damage | wan rl.;ne except to the bu-jgy, fancy combs I md hair-pins. Oscar Is authority /or the statement ihut a basketful <?t pieces of the I lust named articles might have men picked , jp where they fell?a email ha^kei. i Mr. Oscar Docket Is quite Nick with Grippe. < Mrs J. T. Simmons has returned irom At- t aula whiihershe went to have little Blanche's syes I rpii ted. I Mr. Wad ly Thompson, of Spartanburg lias f moved lootir town. \ POLITICAL TALK. How gieatmnstbe the anxiety and dlsqul- ' Hiide *>i a kind-hearted politician. The 1 ivrelc ied, wakeful nights they spend, plan ilng i ?r ihelr constituency Is only known l loMde the home circle. Tnose at Abbeville, " I dare *ny, are no exception to the rule, con- " lroni-d an they now are by the parplexlng uncertainty ol a March convention, and a ' rre?.--ior-all primary. My heart yearns lor 'J llicm u? they toss on a sleepless pillow, or sit 1 by the II:? and smoke a Iwu-fer, till the we' C sma' hours, canvassing up and down, over J ind ncross the Savannah side (i>ut mostly ' iroiind Abbeville} In search of suitable men lor ui poor lolks to vote for; ihoso In whom ivc can place implicit conridence, and * whom they can trust to bo In harmony with t lb* will <>t the Keif constituted ring. Now, I have made It the rule ol my life to * ?lve mj fellow-men as little trouble as possl- a ule, therefore, 1 hereby relieve those dear, e onslderate creatures of chauce any further > uixieiy on my account, ocu iv, if surrendering to them iny right of fran- a iliistf if they require It as evidence of good c faith. |l< I feel better now that I have done all In | 8 iny power to roll a heavy burdeu from so inuny otherwise happy hearts, no that now, S titer they have done a hard.dajs work for t< Ibe dear people, they can goto tneir respec- c Live homes iigtit-liearted and happy, greet heir good wives with a kls* instead of an A inexplicable scowl; alter supper is over E Igbt a swect-seonied bavanna, cock their a feet before a cheerful lire, and read their li Iteglsier, Headlight and Medium to their Harts content. We drop the curtain on tills ? >rlghtploiurouK they fold their clean hands ! icross tiieir patriotic hreastH in sweet repose, H ind allow tlif-ai to sleep as tranquilly as tubes until the hour arrives for opening the I1 ilspensary and other county office*. S. P M Look for Mr. Bernau's ad concerning glasses tnd if you come to town don't fall to hunt iv e he big watch over the side walk. It's his ian and he will be glad to make your ac- . lualntunce. h Aug. W Smith, otters a new opportunity ft oanvone wlio wishes to secure a bargain. Je Mire and read his advertisement. tl Au:, W. Smith, offers a new opportunity cl o any one wlio wishes to secure a bargain. c< ie sure and read his advertisement. Haddons are going to reduce their stock of vlnter dress fabrics. Call a I once If you wish . I f i uur^Hiu. You can buy a dress cheap at Haddon's. ? All Dry Goods. Dress Goods^and millinery it u Kient reduction this cut Is for the cash, no ' ;oods will he charged to any one. Bring " hi* cash Willi yon and get bargains that you vlll he pi Cased Willi. \V. E. Bi*ll. g< Co IE 8TOC Furnishi WEAR, AND SEE FOR Y THIS I . Prices below to sh< iarness . s Single Harness, $ \ 66- 66 ? 66 66 < 1( V 66 66 " :> 14 CROCI lamber Sets at Cost. Tea Sets at isasKets Chamber Set, $4.50. " 6.00. " 7.50.' Tin " 5.50. " " 5.00. aving 25 per t you wish. ,vail yourselj t DUE WEST ITEMS. [ntercstiutf Paraxraphs Around ai About the City.' Due West, 8. C., January 29th, 189) Mr. John Ell Ellis has bought a place s priil miles below Abbeville and will make liome there. Mr, Ililiey Devlin came up to nttend I Phlionmthean Celebration last Friday e alng. He brought Miss Ida Johnson, some jur Thealogues were no doubt pleased tt tie wa? no kind. Mr. J. A. Devlin and Master Roddy Dev spent, si few a days last week with Mr. a Mrs. J. R. McCllntock at Ora. Mrs. M. J. Cain after spending a few weel pleasantly In Due West, returned to her hoi 11 Georgia last Thursday. Rev. O. Y. Bonner has a nice Missloua ibrary and la getting up a good collection Missionary curiosities and Intends to have museum." He has a number of articles fr< 2hlna, sent by Rev. M. B. Grler. Mexico ilso well represented. The poos of MK John E. Ellis fiave boug he "old homestead ' uear Due West. We c jlad to have them settle tbero. They ? vorih young men and we wish them mu tuccess. A colored man, Henry Calliham, sold po n out market last week. Henry has u >ought a pound ol meat since the war. Tt u lnulnoGu <nr (ho fovm<?rfl if \Vf? had more his kind we would have "better timei The. West in too faraway for our corn crl unl meat houses for our good. The services al the Woodlawn school hou ast Sabbath afternoon were very pieasai The regular Stbbath School exercises dl >ennt>d with an appropriate sermon by Re ). V. Honner was much enjoyed. Tho hou vns well filled, quite a number from D ,Vest and D"iialds were present. Tne hou s free of debt. At the request of friends In the Pratt sett Dent a SaM>ath school will be organized 01 here nest S ihbulh P. M. A eood audience assembled In the Phil athean HhII last Friday evening to che ,nd encourase the young men by iheir pr< uc.\ He v. 0. Y. Bonner was requested pad In prayer, Mr. J. B. Wallace of Nori Carolina, presided with dignity and In a ne ddre?s of welcome opened the regular exe Iscsnfihe evening. The program was f< owed. All tho young men acquitted thet elves with much credit. The debate was I etestliis and discussed wllh spirit and vln ubj?<;f, "Should the Right ol Suffrage be E jnded to Woman ? ' The Committee of D Hon, gave the negative side the debate. Several ladles and gentlemen came up froi ibbevllle to hear the celebrated Edwai iaxter Perry, last Monday evening. It wt great treat and especially enjoyed by thoi alerested In lovers of music. At a special meeting of the Knights < [onor hold recently. t'api. E. Bacon, (Jrac jcturer, delivered an luterestiug addres Ix persons joined the order on the oocasloi Mr. L). W. Siiarpton, now cf San. Lou oINI. Mexico, formerly of Edgefield Count: aid Due West a short call last week. W ' mid have been glad to have had him wit s longer. Nc-it invitation cards are out for the Sem nuual Celebration of the Eupbemlan Li rary Society which will take place Frlua veiling, February 16th. Tne yount; me ave arranged an interesting program an oi'C lo make the evening pleasant for the lends. The Presbyterian company is conslderin e question of a Dew building. The flnai lal features is the part that gives tbem moi jncern. R. S. 0. Aug. W, Smith offers a new oppertunit > any one who wishes lo secure a be.rgali e sure and read his advertisement. Do you wish to buy a nice wrap for le? lail iN'OW lorK cosi, 11 tsocauou n 111. i ell. Hargiilns fur all iu shoes, drygoods, diet luils, AC for tbe cash only. St I :hl OP n i ~ Lli? U-UUUS, 1 iiit K7"?E? OURSELF. HARKET S ?w you what we mean : At Cost! '.50. Reduced to $ 5.50 M)0. " " 6.05 ).50. " " 7.15 ).00. " 8.15 M 2.00. " " 9.60 2.50. " " loon LOO. " " 11.00 [ERY. ~ | Cost. j at Cost. . Reduced to $3.90. " " 4.35. " 5.70. " 4.40. ^ a q QA cent., and you An Flponnt. "i **** JLIXVg tVJJk U f of this opporE*3E^E' LOCAL GLEANINGS. I ' ad Reception to Dr.Harrison and Bride? ^ Incipient Fire?Visitors flolif and BV- Coming. his Ou Wednesday evening last, Dr. sod Mrs. F. E. Harrison gave a reception la bonor of he their brother, Dr. Thomas Harrison and bis ve- bride. Their home was artistically decorated 'of with Ivy. pot plants and rare cat flowers. 'at Mrs. aud Dr. Harrison gracelully received their gliosis and Introdaced them to tbe hspHn ny bride and groom. Mrs. Harrison was nd lovely In an elegant gown of nlle green, moire crepe, and diamonds. She bad a sweet exks, press I on of welcome to each guest. Tbe bride 116 adorned In white satin, orange blossoms and point lace, was a dream of loveliness, sod r7 won the admiration of each one present by o' her ease and grace. Dr. Harrison bas tbe 'a best wishes and congratulations of bis many friends here. 1 >8 In receiving her guests Mrs. Harrison was admirably assisted by Miss Aylette Chalmers, ht M 1x8 Agnes Queries, Miss Corrle McCluug, ll'e Miss Clnrkle Cotbrnn, Miss Janet fiurcb, Miss ire Kate Marshall, Miss Jennie Harrison, Mrs. cb Fink, Mrs. Ferguson. On Friday morning Dr. Marshall's iamlly were aroused by a dense smoke In their din* l0t Ing room. No where could the Are be fouod. lift The alarm was given, neighbors came in, sod OI were certain the fire was in the roof. They were *oon supplied with water, expeotlog each moment the Are to burst out on top of the house, when suddenty It was discovered lte In the floor of tbe room. Tbe rug, mutting and fl'>or were burned tbrougb over a sin !** which was burned Dearly through. !V- Mr, W. P. Ferguson has bought tbe Raise ledge house, on Washington street, which bas ue neen made into a most comfortable and dese slrable home. Ju.lge Eugene B. Gary, accompanied by bis le* mother, went to Florida last week. 111 Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Raleigh, N. On have rooms with Mr. Cllnkscales. Mr. Ham'?* liton Is connected with the G.. G AN, shops, . er Mrs. M. L. Ne utter has returned to Orange- i !s- burg. t0 Miss Frances Calhoun, after a pleasant time 1,1 with friends in Abbeville, has returned to ber home in Monterey. ?r- Mr nii.j Mrs. Kosenberir aud family left Sunday for Atlanta, to be absent some time. n* fhey are stopping at the A rragon. n* The young men had a delightful German at ?* the beautiful borne of Miss Parker on Tuesx" day eveuing. ,"V, e" Miss Sophia Haskell and Miss Lucia MoGowan have returned from a visit to Lau U reus. : -5? Mr*. Stanley sang in the Eplseopal church 18 Sunday afternoon. She bas a strong and ie well rultivated voice, antl it is a treat to hear her sing. We are glad she Is succeeding 31 so well with uer class, and those wh<J have a " iiood voice should take lessons from this s* gifted and accomplished singer. ' Mr. A. B. Morse will soon build a handIR some cottage on the vacant lot next to Mr. ; Barnwell's. e Miss Cuddle and Sadie Colhoun leave to11 day to visit Miss O'Neal la Columbia, and then will go to Sumter lo visit Mrs. Baser. J" Mrs. N. W. Williamson Magazine Hill bas l* a cow that gives Ave gallons of milk a day. >' Mr. Thos. T. Quarles Is at home with a case " 01 grippe. a Mrs Harrison and Miss Jennie Harrison lr from Bradley, are with Mrs. George White. On Friday evening Mrs. J. S. Cothran enter8 ilaucd Mis. Thomas Harrison, having present many relat' ves to moot the happy couple. 51 Miss Mamie Perrla alter spending several weeks In Greenville has returned home. Dr. and Mrs. F. ?. Harrison and Miss Clarklo Cothran accompanied Mr. and Mrs. y rtiomas Harrison to Anderson on Monday,l# where h reception will be given by Mrs. Cun- :~ ulniiham. |R Mr. T. P. Cothran was at home laslSuuday ig Don't forget the bargalnii which are offered uow at Iladdon's. "'} ' ' . . ..