The Abbeville Press and Banner. I BY HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1894. ESTABLISHED 1844 |J| Now and Afterward Now the sowing and tbe weeping, Working hunt and waiting long; Afterward, the golden reupli.g, 1 Harvest hotue, and grateful song. Now, the long ani toilsome duty, | Stone by stone to curve and bring; . Afterwcrd, tbe perfect beauty Of tbe palace of the King. ^ >'ow IDe tuning ana me tension, Wailing minors, discord strong; ? Afterward, tbe grand ascension , Of tbe Alleluia song. Now, the spirit conflict rlveu. Wounded heart, unequal Strife ; Al'.erward, the triumph given, Ami the victor's crown of life. Now, the training, strange and lowly' Unexplained und tedious now; Aitei ward, the eervlce holy, And the Master's "Enter thou!" Oliver Wendell Holmes on Long Skiriw In Hie Nlreel. ' Our landlady'* daughter is a young Ja'ly of some preteusious to gentility. She wear* her bonnets well back on ,k ---? ?-?- ?- ?... ?II s Her neau, which is ku??u vw be a mark of high breeding. SMe ? wears ber trains very long, as the 1 great ladies do in Europe. "To be sure, 8 their drewses. are so made only to sweep 1 the tapestried floors of chateaux ana palaces; as those odius aristocrats of the other side do not godraggliug through . the mud in silks and satins, but for- v sooth, must ride in the coaches when , they are in full dress. It is true, that i considering various habits of the American people, also the little inei- * dentB which the best kept sidewalks ' are liable to, a lady who nas swept a mile of them is not exactly in such a . condition that anyone would care to Le her neighbor. But then there is no need of being so hard on these slight weaknesses of the poor, dear women as our little deformed gentleman was the other day. "Why thwre isn't a beast or a bird . that would drag its tail through the ., ?- ^ i | l <11 rc III llie WIIy ineae vicuiuico uu iuvn j dresses. . ? If auy man can walk behind oue of ? these women and see what she rakes ( up as^he goe.?, and not feel squeamish, r he has got a tough stomach. I would not let one of them into my room with- (| out terving one of 'eui as David served l Saul ut the cave in the wilderness,? . cut oft' tiis skirts, sir! cut oft' his skirt! I suggested, that I had seen some pretty stylish ladies who offended in the way he condemned. h Stylish women, I don't doubt.?said T the little gentleman. Don't tell me t that a true Judy ever sacrifices the duty ii of keeping all about sweet and clean y to the wish of making a vulgar show. il I won't believe it of a lidy. There 8 are some things that no fashion lias e any right to touch, and cleanliness is > one of those things. If a woman s< wluhi.a tn ahnw that hpr hu.?hand or ti her father has got money, which sliel r wants and means to spend, but doesn't a know how, let her buy a yard or two n of silk and pin it to her dress when c he goes out to walk, but let her uupin c it before she goes into the house;? v there may be poor women that will think it worth disinfecting. jj Lou In e their Heads. 1 I wonder why it is that a little s prominence cuu*es some men to lose s their heads, and to give themselves V airs which only disgust tb'-se with t whom they ?re brought into contact. 1 It is to the credit of the higher officials of the government that they t realize that they are only temj>orarily J intrusted with power, and are affable t and approachable. I have in my eye, s though, a subordinate who imagines that he controls every braucb of the great department of which, in truth, he it* an exceedingly insignificant , part. If he has any work to do it is ' not perceptible to the ordinary visitor. He sits at his table leaning comfortably back in his chair anel to the contrary notwithstanding, there is a good dael after all in a name, esj>eciu ly if it be that of a superior. The Value of Sight. Sight isthemost hle>sed of all the five physical sondes. Blindness, or the thouglit of blindness, seems like a living death, and only those who have experimred the fear can understand it. Do not take any risk with your sight. Do not experiment or allow others to experiment with your eyes if they are weak or failing. Economy ot money at the risk of losing your eyesight is foolishness. J The eye is one of the mout delicate of f organs, and easily ruined and the 1 sight destroyed. There is no excuse ( for negligence in the matter; there is ' no use to try home or cheap remedies. 1 If your s?ight is failing, if your eyes are * out of order, hesitate uot for a ' moment, but consult a competent < oculist at once, and seek none but the ' best. Sight is too valvable and pre- ' clous to be trifled with. Those who 1 have suffered will tell you the misery < entailed. There are hospitals where ' the eyes are treated free in mauy cities 1 bv the oculists, so it is not a question 1 of money. And the warning cannot 1 be repeated too often?do not trifle with your eyesight under any consideration. Keep in good spirits. Don't let dis- I pondency of any bind ever settle I about your plans. Hopefulness is about half the battle. Discourage- , mentis nine-tenths of defeat. Hope , and a merry heart are more invigor- j atiug than the apothecary's tonic. The bad thing about a little sin is that it won't stay little. I <'ourte*y to Pupil*. If courtesy to parents is a duty, it is lot less a duty to pupils. Everybody snows how Luther's schoolmaster, he famous Trebonius, used to take off 3is hat when lie entered his schoolroom. '*1 uncover my head," he vould say, 'Mo honor the consuls, shancellor.", doctors, masters, who shall proceed from this school.'"' Dr. \rnold won his way to the hearts of ftugby boys by the simple respect .vhicli he showed in accepting tneir ,vord as true. A master's success has sometimes )een imperiled by so slight a matter is the mistake of not returning a )oy's salute in the street. For couresy ; it is a passport to popularity, rite way in which things are done is >ften more important than the things hemselves. One special point of pertonal courtesy you will let me menion ; it is punctuality. To keep a :lass waiting is to be rude, and to eem to be unjust. For a sense of ipeculntiou arises wbeu a master is ipt to be late; the boys will count the hauceof his being one minute later, ind the result will be disfapointment, lisaster and then dislike. TtioaffhllessueMs of Npeecb. It is not, however, the pen that voman should fear so much and try o control, as it is the tongue. The greatest lesson that woman has et to learn is to think before she Eeaks. In eomparison with the oughtlees tongue the pen in a wom,n's hand is as harmless as a dove. U1 too prevalent in these days is the pirit of cruel and thoughtless criti mi ism among women. njuuguucBsiess of speech has done , more to inure woman than any single element 11 her life. It has laid her open to the . harf?e of being unreliable?and someimes justly so. It has kept from her jj oufhlences that were hers by right; " L has stood in the way of her pro- r< :ress; it has placed her innumerable ^' imes in false positions; it has judged ler a* being cold when she'was in '.l ealily affectionate; cruel when she aJ /us gentle. It is the one inconsis- e' pncy in woman's nature that has a uffled many a one anxious to believe w 11 her. Ht ? . \ g< Baby'R Beating Head. ul W There was a commotion in a house- OJ loldon Fourth avenue the other day. (e ^he brand-new baby, the only infan- h ile specimen in the Newd home, was et ra the arms of its doting mother, who 8{ ras looking for some new portion of rf ts pink anatomy to kiss anil admire, hi luddenly there was a;scream, follow- pj (I by a hysterical half an hour, while 5, he servants were sent in breathless earch for the family doctor. When j)( be grave old physiciau entered the 0, 00m the poor woman was walking to w nd fro like one distracted, pausing lv iow and then to grusp the crowing u, hild to her, then replacing it lu it, radle to resume her nervous treads p| peeping and wringing her hands. ? "Oh, doctor ! My baby ! Save him ^ fyou can! But I know you can't. b< )h, my poor child." "Look at its poor little head, doctor, k .'here, right on top. See that soft q, pot, how it is beating. It hasn't Gf topped for more than an hour. I ^ mow something dreadful is the mat- ra er. but you mustn't keep it from me. a! fell me the worst at ouce." j. 'lo the undying nouor 01 mac uocior. |j le did not laUgh. All be said was: U1 My Hear little woman, pray that g mating will continue. Should it ever tl top your baby will be dead." h ??? ?? rr ATi-loaner, tbe Peace-make*, h Africaner was the chief of a tribe of v lottentots, aud the terror of the coun- f1 ry in which he lived. He attacked V he village*, burned the farm-houses, . iud carried away the cattle. He was jj; i skillful soldier and very strong. He ittacked a missionary station and F >urned the chapel. He was called 01 'the wild liou of the desert." But he leard the Gospel preached The Holy 1 Ipirit chaugea his heart. He laid aside . lis weapons of war, and became a >ious. useful, and peaceful man. ^fter this he :net Berend, au old chief, r, ?hey bad not seen one another for 'c weuty-four years, and theu they bad * net as enemies. Then they fought for ! Ive days with great loss of life. Now j hey met as believers in Christ; * he Gospel had turned their enmity JJ; nto love. They asked forgiveness rom each other for former injuries, & inelt together in prayer, and then inited in praise to God. Africaner Jr vas now knowu as "the peace-maker." I? Je heard of two parties of Hottentots j* vho were ready for battle. He hasten- "j >d to the spot, and implored them to jr >ut away their spears, and to live in )eace. "What," said he, "have I now ^ >f all the battles I have foueht. and all r he cattle I have taken, but shame and P emorse." Africaner, when dyiug, exhor>ted his fc. jeople to live in peace, and, alluding JL o his battles, be said, "My former life vas stained with blood; but Jesus Jhrist has pardoned me, and I am gonjr to heaven." , Thus Christianity teaches us to love >ur enemies and not to kill them. 1 ? ? ? ei Good Advice In a Will. (' N Rufus Hatch, who was for many d 11 i 11 11 ^ears h wen kiiuwu nguie ,uu vvau n itreet, died a few months ago. He left 0 i will disposing of his property which f( :ontained the following request: "I ij equest my children that tljey will a never use tobacco in auy form, driuk n i glass of liquor, wine or any other ntoxicating drink, or play any kind a )f games for money, as their father j aas had experience sufficient to serve u "or all'his posterity." The last clause d ivas written in italics so! as to espe- o jially impress it upon his sons' recol- g that Jumps upon ber.dress Wltn awful muddy paws. She has a baby sister With an awfuljlttlo nose. With awful cunning dimples, And such awful little toes)! She has two little brothers. And they are awful boys; With their awful drums and trumpets, That make an awlul noise. / Do come, I pray thee, common sense; ^ Come and this maid defend ; < ur i icar ucr hwiui u?c 2 Will have an awful endCtailiPd II I*to ry of England. I First William the Norman, * Then William hlsson . C Henry. Stephen and Henn*, f Then Richard and John, Next Henry the Third, a Edwards, one ,twn and three; 9 And again after Richard, r Three Henries we see. Two Edwards, third Richard, 1 It rightly I eaess ; g Two HenryB, sixth Richard, v Queen Mary, Queen Hess. 'I'hon lumln th? Srntohmnn. Theu Charles, whom they slew, t Yet received, Rfter Cromwell, E Another Charles, too. Next Jumle the Second Ascended the throne, a Then good William and Mary ? Together came on ; Then Anne. Georges four, a And fourth William all passed, t And Victoria calne? ^ May Bhe long be the last! Christian Advocate * A Dream. J, John Macbellow, of Sussex, Eng- p md, in his autobiography, relaiere p le following:?"Before I p^ceed fur- ? ier, I think it will be entertaiuing to d >latea remarkable dream I had some t ears previous to my being a sailor. t< "My parents had ten children, one a he first) died in her infancy, tbe rest a rived to years of maturity. The s dest five were all at service before I h >uld remember thorn ; but the young- ti it four, namely, Elizabeth, Ruth, my- a >lf, and Ooorge were brought up to- ii jther. Elizabeth was the eldest of b i four, and after a timo she married a a othless mau, who soon left her with k ae child, a daughter; and being of a h nder spirit and constitution, she gave si erself up to grief, ar.ddied of a brok- e i heart. Not knowing of her death, ft le being many miles away from her w dations, I undertook to go and see p er for myself. I travelled with much a easure, but on arriving, at Eden- b idee, her home, I was informed she F ? -? ? ' - 1__ 1 r a _ aa oeen aeau iwo weens, ttuu iuuuu u er child in the poor-house. I set out tl i my return next morning, and a ept nearly all the way home. About tl yo weeks afterward the above-men- w oned dream occurred:? a ('I thought I was walking in a n leasant road, where I met my sister lizabeth, with a child in her arms, emlngly in great ecstacy. Remeui;ring that she was dead, I supposed to be her spirit, and being desirous to now if she was happy, I put the jesuon 10 ner, uui sue iuuk uu uuutc me, but continued walkiug along, iressing her child, and singing in a tost melodious manner. I turned ad walked with her, admiring her ress, which was white as suow, and stening to the melody of her voice til we came to a large town or city, he turned up to go into the midst lereof, and I turned also to go with , er, she made a sudden stop, and told le I must not go any further with er. I again repeated my question, q whether she was happy?' She auvered with a smile, 'that she lived tl i Heaven: that she had been to fetch er child, that she might be with her a i that happy place; that thi9 was not le time for me to go there; that I o mst return to the place I came from: ut added, 'if thou art as good, and it srves the Lord a9 thou ought to do, )ou snait goto .neaven aiao." u Upon which she proceeded iuto the ty, gingiug, and the melody of her g< oice was such, and it echoed in such manner, that the whole city seemed ei >ring; and ft ultimately became such harmony, that I, seemed quite fc ansported with it. At length I lost gbtof my sister, and turning away, n wept bitterly. I then proceeded on ly way, but the road was so strange S > me, that I knew not where I was Ding. At length I came into a range place, where everything about te became intolerable. In this state, teliug all the horror possible, and scorning eutaugled in a kind of \ ibyrinth, called to number of people g ho were at some distance from me, i, >r help but they only derided me for 8| >ming there at the same time telling \ le that the place where we were was ell; that they had neither power to tfiy liie uur lucmpcivcpj iuat tucj ^ 'ere much worse off than I was, for ley had do help, but I had. At that f< loment an invisible haud lifted me p at of my dismal situation, and set u le in road. I then ran as fast as I a 3uld until I came to the place where a fancied myself at the commence- c lent of my dream, when I awoke. c, "Although I would by no means t, ncourage and an undue attention to fj reams, yet I believe the Father of p lercies sometimes makes use or r reams, now, as in former days, to n lake known His will to the children f men, and the only safe way I have q )und resecting them is to think as c Itle of them a9 possible ; then, if they u re intended to be of Divine signiflca- ^ ion, it will be revealed in due time. t] "Some time after this dream I went v gain to PJdenbridge, to see my sister ^ Elizabeth's child ; but she was also s ead, and on inquiring the time she t ied, I found she died the same night a u which I dreamed the aforesaid t< ream, which made such an impres- 0 ion ou my mind, that it has ever t ince remained as fresh on ray memo- t y, as though it had been a dream of t lie present time ; aud I have no doubt t L is well with my sister; and I hope 9 i meet her, never to part again, in p be realms of bliss." fc It is said that the Turks were the r irst people to bury their (lead in eenie- j ari s auoroed with orna.'iieutal headtones. A German scientist lias discovered hat trees, the trunks of which are t overed with moss and lichen, are the t nost li 'ble to lightning strokes. n At Set of Snu. Ifwesltdown at setof sun And count the things that we have done. And counting llnd One self-denying act, one word That eased the heart of him who heard, One glance most kind That fell like sunshine where It went, Then ye may count the day well spent. I5nt If through all the livelong day We've eased no heart by yea nor nay; II uirougn 11 hii We've done no tiling that we can trace. That brougnt tbe sunshine to n face ; No hot, most small, That helped a soul and nothlnir cost. Then count that day as worse than lost. W. Ella Wilcox The UnROciRble. We envy neither the man nor the ivoman who cannotjspeak to a fellow ireature out of their own circle or tc inybody without the formality of ac ntroduction. There in no computing heamouutof profit, as well as pleasire such persons lose by hedging hemselves in with this stupid fenct >f fastidiousness. We have always ound more of this feeling among perons who were more touchy on their ocial position than among those selfespecting persons who thought nothntr about it. A srreat deal of intelli ;ence is floating around the world without being labeled and those men nd women who have the good sense o recognise this fact and act upon it, tot only are educating themselves, ut conferring that pleasure which we re all bound by the common ties of lumauity to exchange with one nother. It seems to us that it is only he snob and pretender who take a ifferent view of this question. Homesick Horses.?"A remarkable tory of homesick horses has recently een published, which we have taken ains to confirm by iuquiry at the lace where it occurred, at Wilton, N. I. Horse No. 1, being accidently isengageci irom narness or ntuter, ook the liberty to dash off on a visit a his old home at Wilton, 14 milea way, traveling bo fast that his owner, lthough following at once with a wift team, was an nour behind.. The orse. although absent for three years, rotted directly into his old stall, and ffectionately responded to the greetugs of the family. Not long after, or-Nehool Necre tary. Ts uever a dude, Counts correctly, Serves cheerfully, Speaks distinctly, Attends regularly, Walks noiselessly, Keeps neat records, Attends teacher's meetings, Watches for latest methods, Respects the Superintendent, Stands when reading his report, Endeavors to engage in class study, Dnliai'ou in t ho vulllH of statistics. Chauges the form of bis report freuently, Encourages the boys by enlisting leir aid, Gives the Superintendent a list of bsentees, Distributes class books before pchool pens, Consults frequently with the SuperJtendenfc, Watche? the class books to see if ley are kept properly, Will not interrupt classes during !es >n study, VVillbefirut lieutenant to the Suprintendent, Arrives at least fifteen minutes be>re school begins, Prefers to use ink on his records ither than pencil, Compares attendance with same unday of previous year. . Memorial for International Arbitration. One of the grandest products of the World's Columbian Exposition h the reat Memorial for International Aritration, presented by Win. E Jilaoktone, honorary commissioner of the World's Columbian Commission, li as the autographs of some forty difsrent nations which participated in he Exposition. How gratifying it is to those, who, )r a life-time, have been laboring in eace societies to excite a more peneral iterest in this subject, to find able nd distinguished minds taking it up nd doing practical work for its sucess. We are grateful indeed for their o-operation. The following N the jxt of the memorial, and as soon as be requisile fac-simile copies are pre ared they will be transmitted oy sectary Gresham to the various governments of the world : To the Governments of the World? 'he undersigned citizens of many ounties, gathered at t'?e World's Colmhia Exposition, in Chicago in the Juited States of Anerica, recognizing be advantages accruing to those nation irhich have pursued the policy of arbirating international disputes, and deirlng that the like benefits may, iu he future, be enjoyed by all nations, ' 1 ! ^ H t ?w? nnnnrhmif U(i deeming tuia ti.iiuui^ upjyvtvuu.fcj [) hereby join in this memorial to all ur various governments, praying that hey will unitedly agree, by mutual reatie9,to submit for settlement by arlitration, all such international quesions and differences as shall fail of atisfactory solution by the ordinary teacefui negotiation. And for ibis the petitioners will ever prny. It is revested that a copy of this memorial >e presented to each of the goveruneuts of the world.?The Peace tfaker. Death to God's people is but a ferry toat. livery flay anu every nour mju >oat pushes oft with some of the saints .nd returns again for more. Brotherly I icoi> ized, would enable every Christian to i rest in peace, even when surrounded by darkness or perplexity, and unable to clearly understand Gxl's dealings with them. The speaker said : "Some years ago, when Captain Dutton was commanded of the 8." S. 'Sarmatian,' we bad entered the Baint > Lawrence on our homeward voyage, when suddenly a heavy fog arose, which completely hid the shore ana all objects from view ; the ship which was going at fuul speed, contiuued on her course without relaxing in the least; the passengers became rather frightened and considered it extremely reckless on the Dart of the captain. Finally one of them went and* remonstrated with toe first mate, telling him of the fears of the passengers. He listened, and then replied with a Minile, Oh don't allow them to be frightened; they need not b? the least bit uueasy; the fog gnly extends a certain height, and the captain is up above the fog, and it is be that is Tuning the vessel.' When this was reported to the passengeis, the change on their countenances, from fear and uneasiness to quiet satisfaction, was wonderful. Oh, what cheer and Icomfort it would bring to our hearis ou our voyage of life, if, wheu surrounded by the mists of doubt or sorrow, and unable to see our way, we could always remember that our Captain 'is up above the fog,' that He is guiding our way, and wiil bring us at last, if we only wait and trust Him, in saiety to the *haven where we would be."? Times of Refreshing. Lord Brougham. "My principles?I know not whether they agree with yours: they may be derided, they may be unfashionable; ^ ? it-"-.. 1: nui i oope tuey art; o|jicttuiLig iai auu and wide?my principles are contained in the words which Lord Faulkland U9ed to express in secret, and which I now express in public?Peace, Peace, Peace. I abominate war as unchristian. I hold it the greatest of human crimes. I deem it to include all others?violence, blood, rapine, fraud, everything which can deform the character, alter the nature, and debase the name of man." What a change came over all my heart when I learned, through Dr. Luther's teaching, that God is love, is our Father; that Christ is the Saviour who gave himself for our sins and loved us better than life; that holiness is simply loving God and loving one another: that the service we have to render ift simply to give thanks and to do good, when, as Dr. Luther said that word "our" was written deeply in my heart; that for our sins he died, for mine; that for all, for us, for me, be gave him self. ? Good Night. BY MRS. S. T. WHITE. I sung my boy to By-lo laml Ati evening shades were falling ; He smiled on me und cloned his eyes. For otber tones were calling. I kissed his tiny dimpled band*, Ench velvet lid and blush rose chock. And praying God my babe to keep, Left bim my own repose to seek. When raornlug came the child waked uot; But why did I so sadly weep? Could 1 not trust him with the One Whom I hud beg-jed my boy to ki-cp? Father, I see more cloarly now, No longer dues hi v heart repine. My boy is safer In Thine arras; I wait in love Thy will.Is mine. For the privilege of wearing trousers the French government charges women a tax of from $10 to $12 a year. This by no means gives every woman who is willing to pay the tax a righ to wear trousers. The government t?i ? j n-hf na a trihnfo IMSiemJ, I-Ollicis mc - to great merit. Trousers are in facta sort of decoration given to women i s tlie ribbon of the legion of Honor is given to men. The only women to whom lias been granted the right to wear trousers are George Sand, Kosa Bonheur, Mine Dieulafoy, the Persian archaeologist; Mine Foucault, the bearded woman, and two feiuine stone cutters, Mine. Fourreau and La Jeannette. A holy man is a whole man?one ? < 1 T-Tiu wlinlp nit. unuruKeu, tmiipjcic. xno uuv.v ture is fille d out, his life is comf-lete, in that God is in it; his character is whole, in that it is filled out to the ullnessof Christ. Our dependence must be on the Lord: we are strongest when we feel ourselves weak, and beet qualified for service when most sensible that without him we can do nothing. But if self lift up its head, if pride crefps in if we go forth as if we were wise or good, leaning on our abilities, experiences, and former services, than it is very merciful iu him by leaving us a little to ourselves, to remind us what poor creatu res we are. A visitor miscalculating the length of the seat she was about to occupy sat upon the floor rather unceremoniously. There was a decorous silence 1-! ? ~,J t/?K lof until saiu visitor exumuucu v/n, .*>* them laugh!" in the midst of which she arose and joined in. A pool or a pond undisturbed looks clear and (limpid; throw in a stone and the sediment iu the bottom rises, revealing the impurities beneath. So with some good professors, meek and good-natured until you displease them, and then boily waters tell the sad tale. Household HintsDo not put the ivory handles of knives in hot water. Do not leave clothed on the line to whip to pieces in the wind. Hang up the broom when it is not in use. . ?A little sulphur worn in the shoes is said to be a sure preventive to the dread, and often fatal, disease, grip. Waffles.?One pint flour, half pint corn meal mush, one pint fresh sweet milk, three eggs beaten very light. Mix well, ard bake in well-heated, thoroughly greased waffle-irons. To clean white ostrich plumes dissolve four ounces of white soap in four pints of hot water. Make a lather an<') r\1nri#vu fKa fnofInfn If rilK. fiuu l-U^ I V Utllv i O X U IV iij i u w bing them well with the hands for frur or five minutes. Wash out in clear, hot water and shake until dry. If you are the least bit nervous about canned goods soak them-peas, lobster, anything?an hour in ice water before heating them. This will remove any tinny taste that will be noticed in them, and takeaway the least shade of reproach that may cling to that best friend of the busy housekeeper, the canned article. Apricot Fritters.~Halfcan apricots, each cut in halves, one cup flour, one tablespoon butter, one egg. Make a batter of the last three ingredients, using qdoui a cupoi liquor rrom me apricots to bring it to the required consistency. Dip the halved apricots into the batter, and drop them, one one at a time, into deep, boiling lard. Serve with powdered sugar. Cabbage Salad.?One gallon cabbage cut very tine, pint vinegar, pint sour cream, half cup sugar, tablespoonful flour, two eggs, a small piece of butter ; boil vinegar and butter together, then add eggs, cream and flour previously mixed, and pour over the cabbage, previously sprlukled with tablespoonful each of salt, pepper and mustard. Snow Custard.?Take half a package of gelatine, three eggs, two cups of sugar and the juice of a lemou. Soak the gelatine in a cup of cold water: add a pint of boiling water, stir until dissolved, add the sugar and lemon juice. Beat the whites of tbe eggs, and when the mixture is cold stir in a teaspoonful at a time. Put in f?nns to mold. When firm, turn out iu a dish. Make cus- ; tard and pour over the dish. Serve very cold. Grandmother's Poud cake?Wash the cult from a pound of butter and rujj it with a spoon until it is creamy ; have ready a pound of powdered sugar and twelve eggs, well beaten ; add alternately to the butter, the sugar, flour, yolks and the whites of the eggs ; continue to beat until the mixture is very light. Flavor with nutmeg and grated lemon peel. Grease a cake pan, pour in the batter and bake. If we bear in mind the whole mechanism of digestion, it will readily be seen that in cases of weakness or want of tone on the part of the muscles of the stomach, when every part of the food cannot be properly presented to the action of the digestive juices, tne introduction into the stomach of a moderute amount of water may be of no slight benefit. The mass of food will become more pliable and so more easily operated upon by the WCtthCUCU IIIUBCICO. ( Exercise for Horses.?Exercise is as < important for the hnr.-e aa for the 1 human being. The farm horse, of * course, gets all that Is necessary, as i does the draught horse of any kiud: < but the stable fed horse should have i two hours' exercise given to him 1 every day if he is to be well. To pro- 1 mote health is must be moderate, at I least at the beginning and ending. i If you find the skin of the little one i hot and dry, remember, if you can, ] what she ate for supper. Give the | child a warm bath, then give it a cnp j 1.-1 rr.. II Tn . Uttll lull ui wmuj vrai/ci uw uiiun. xu j a few minutes the undigested food will j be thrown off the stomach, and the . child will soon be sleeping soundly. For slight cuts take a piece of common brown paper?wrapping paper like that whicn butchers use for meat j ?and bind it over the wound. i Soft Ginger Bread.?One cup cream, | oue cup molasses, two and one half j cups flour, one egg, one teaspoonful j ginger, half a teaspoonful soda. i Useful Information. ! To purify water, hang a small bag J of charcoal in it. For toothache, try oil of sassafras, i and apply it frequently, if necessary. ti If the color has been taken out of ( si IKS oy irun siania, aiuiuuuia mu ally restore the color. To brighten carpets, wipe them with i warm water in which has been poured i a few drops of ammonia. i A good liniraeut for inflummafion, J rheumatism, swellings, etc., is olive j oil well saturated wlthjcamphor. When onions are being cooked, the < strong, disagreeable odor may be les- I seued by placing vinegar on the stove. ; Fine shavings from soft pine wood j 1 * * -?1* i matte a pieaeam pnmw. mcj special curative virtues for coughs and lung troubles. ' Remove ink stains from silverplaled ] ware by rubbing them with a paste composed of chloride of lime and water, then with alcohol, then rub dry , with a flannel cloth. I Clean collars on woolen jackets, ' men's coats, etc., by sponging with ] [ammonia and water, then with alco- ' hoi, then rub dry with a flannel cloth.' 1 !| Copper kettles may be cleaned and j, polisliea Dy laKiug aiemou,cui h m , two, dip 0110 of the pieces in salt and , rub well over the copper.?Good Housekeeping. ? j If a hen lays one egg a week she will 1 pay the cost of keepiDg. | Even in winter it i9 an item to have dust for the fowels where they can flutter at will. ?. ? v ? Fnltb and the Will. ^ 'J BY C. H. WETIJERBE. From the Herald and Presbyter. We are often mourning over our supposed lack of faith, when it tequila*" possible that we have more faith than we think we have. We are inclined 3 to measure our faith by our feelings, but the truth le we cannot tell how much or how little faith we have elm- - ^ rvltf Kti lin ofoto nf Aim fcalln/M TTol f K rlJ J iUU OMttv V/I UUl I^CIlUgOi X'OibU is not to be gauged by our feelings, but rather by the strength or weakness J of our wills. Hence when Christ was v| before the high priest at the time of his trial, he said, in answer to a ; certain question : "If I tell you, ye will not believe." At another time $ he* said : "Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe." After Christ's resurectlon Thotnas said to the disciples: Except I see in his 3 hands the nrint of the nails, and t>ut my finger into the print of the nails, 3'' I will not believe." These examples ? are evidences of the fact that It Is '' men's wills, and not their feelings, which determine the power and mea?> ure of their faith. Some people tell & us that they would like to believe more than they do, but they can not. Tf It. mtlfn AAnnaltToaKlA fVtor oatvia Ktt J xi id uuuc wuvcivuauio vunv ovuiv) vjt j a wilful course of unbelief, get bo hard- $ ened that tbey cannot believe as they j| once did ; bnt in many cases, when a person says that he cannot believe, J tbe real meaning is that fie will not 3 believe. The depraved human will is . a stubborn, deceitful thing. There is a - vs contrariness about it which is often v unmaafvnivn/) Kit Uo rvaocnofiai1 Whom j U UJkVVyU^ IJ IliVU UJT iiu |/WMWV?A7V* I Tf UV*V -r. you find one person who really cannot ? believe in God and divine things, yon ~i will find a hundred who simply will * not believe, however hard they may r protest against such a charge. It is ? true that some Cliristlans are troubled . with doubts, owing to one cause or 4 another, which may be constitutional weakness. God* wants these to use 2 such means as will tend to iucrease their faith. He desires that they shall ,/i pray much, and read his wold often, and engage in the work of trying to bless others. Let one who is troubled ,1! with doubts throw himself Into the j'ij work of benefitting others, in any way / within his'power, and he will soon 4 find himself doubting less .and believe ingmore. Praying to the Lord and working for him is a wonderrui remov- a er of doubt?. > He who would know where power g lies must look beyond as well as a* ./A mong the forces thas move him most. A. drop of nitric a8ld rests placidly us water upon a plate of pure gold: but upon a plate of pure silver it would be as a consuming fire. It would not do for the gold to condemn the acid as Impotent and useless, merely because it had no power over gold, Nor would i it do for tne silver to exalt this particular acid aaa universally resistless force. - i merely because silver succumbs, and is consumed by it. Many and various means are needed for the influencing 3f many sorts and conditions of men. rn addressing ourselves to men, wo* man nr nhllilran TOO mnot mnomt fn o? of varying degrees of potency with ihem. In estimating, as critics, the ivorkof otherq?rheir sopken and their * jvrittn words, ther mothods and their ? ./ iims?we must remember that some readers aud hearers are gold, and some ire silver. Both are not to be reached !>y tho same solvent. Some are platinum, others are copper or lead; all jannot be melted at the same heat [f we would discern powers, we must look outside of ourselves and of our )wn kind and circle. One man con-- V iemns as weak and watery the poetry jf Longfellow, while he exults in that T 11 1 1>A onnnnua Jl JJUWCII. lie uaO| OP uo oupyvDODf tiis critical reasons apart from his perioral tastes. And vet the faot would remain that Longfellow Las been, In ; jne degree or another, translated Into ill the principal languages of Europe, f while Lowell, it is stated, has scarcely Deen translated at all. Here is a fact ;hat ought to be a factor in ourjudrnent* in such a case. It is the critic with tbe world-wide outlook whose roice is best worth listening to. The listener in the pew must remember :hat he is simply one metal amonff - 'j nany in a congregation. And he must remember this both when the minister preaches the and choir sings. -S. S. Times. Umbrella*. Jonas Han way, the founder of a hospital in London, has the credit of being the first man in London who had ;he courage to carry habitually an urnjarella. Until that time they- had Deen carried only by women. He died in 1786, and it is said that he carried in umbrella (of silk) for thirty years. 3o the period of the introduction of bbis article into use, for men as well is women, may be said to date from 1756. There is according' to Dr. Morrison, the great 'missionary to China, mention made of umbrellas and par asols in books printed in China, more than fifteen hundred years ago. The earliest Ninevite and Egyptian sculptures haye frequent representations of the umbrella, though only . In connection with royalty. In China men of wealth and high position, not af the royal blood were permitted to use it, ana toe commou peouie uiaue themselves broad hats to protect them alike from sun and rain. In Greece women of rauk use an umbrella, aud in Rome women and effeminate men carried them. From Rome its use extends to the countries of southern Europe and northern Africa. During the Middle Ages it was an emblem of rank in the church, and was little used except as such. All the cathedrals aud large churches owned an umbrella to be used by the chief dig? ??? ? In oAlamn r\rr\naoainna Uliai J i U CUH LAA U ^IVVVWIWHHt Relief for the Feet.?All persons who do much while in a standing poe- ^ Lure will tind much relief for tneir "tired feet" by using a soft mat or pad to stand on. They may be made with several thicknesses of old cloth, bagging, carpet lining, or horse blanket stitched together and covered with old carpet or drugget, the edges turned in and overhanded, and the whole then tacked like a comfortable. Hang them up by two loops when not in use, to keep the edges from curling up. They may be used in the 1 counting room at tbe desk, or in the kitchen at the table. Try them espe ciallyiu the farmer's kitchen. Grain should not be fed exclusively to laying bens.