The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, June 22, 1892, Image 8

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The Press and Banner By HUGH WILSON. Wednesday, June 22, 1892. Shocking. A wave of crimc and bloodsheed scorns to he sweeping ov.r this State. Why Is this so? <"nn it be attributable to the present State officers? We think that Tillman's administration has been marked with more bloodshed than has any administration ior uic hisl<iuuiter of a century. We cannot say tliat liis administration is responsible for it, but. we believe it is a fact that we liave more lawlessness and more wickedness generally tlian at any other time in our history. And the strange part of it is, that the bloodshed is so conspicuous in the counties of Hit home of the Governor, and the nativity oi Senator Irby and Congressman slull. It seetns literally no harm to kill a negro in Laurens county. If a white man in either Kdgetield or Laurens county should break open the door ol a negro's house and the negro should shoot the midnight assailant who was violating the sanctity of his threshold, wc have no doubt that the negro would bo promptly convicted of murder and expeditiously hanged. Murder Is rampant and there Is scarcely a town in the State whose streets have not been stained with human blood. The daily newspapers In the recital ol crime, lead us to wonder 11 we are In a state of peace. If the present rate of demoralization goes on, open war might be proclaimed in South Carolina before the expiration of another term of an administration which has been so marked with blood. If there is one thing more than another which notes the in elliclency and the demoralizing effect of this administration, it Is lound in bloodshed. It will require Jurors t'> exercise a stern duty to check the present lawlessness. If the government does have the demoralizing el feet, and is responsible for it, then our Juries are the only safety of the country. The ProliibitioiiiMtM Oain Their Ue* <1 nest. After considerable correspondence between1 Hon. L. D. Childs and Democratic State Chair- j man Irby, the Chairman gets down to business and In the following letter grants every-; thing the Prohibitionists ask: Washington, D. C., June 10,1592. j Hon. L. D. Childs. Chairman Prohibition Committee, Columbia, S. C.?Dear Sir: I am in receiptor your last letter of recent date and beg to say In reply that I fully comprehend the whole question upon which you write. The executive committee will be pleased to comply with the request of the state Prohibition Convention recently held in Columbia by placing a box at each primary election precinct. In which the Democratic electors may express their wishes upon the question of prohibition or no prohibition. As the chairman of the State Democracy I can only recognize the request or the State Prohibition Convention, and while I think it would have been better to carry out the Idea of not catechising the candidates, yet I realize that ;ur. neuies couiu nut viuu i>uc>^u>? vw...v.. Hon which met afterwards. Consequently 1 shall have the bores placed over the State without demanding any conditions of the prohibition elcmenl. If any unpleasant complications arise 1 think the Democracy will be strong enough to take care of Itself. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, John L. M. Irby, Stute Chairman. The temperance campaign may be said to he fairly on. Let every man do his duty, and let no voter give his vote for any candidate who dodges the vital question. The election of Sheppard or Tillman is a matter of small concern when compared to the morals and sobriety of the people. The will of the people will show that we do not want licensed bar-rooms,and we should be careful to elect no candidate who does not stand llat-footed on the temperance platform. Don't Commit Yoiimlvm. We learn that persons mean to hold a meeting next Sale Day, with a view to naming the candidates for whom the people must vote at the primary election. A convention or caucus should nominate twelve delegates to the State Convent ion for the simple reason that the primary is the real election in that case. Not so with Legislators. The primary is intended to ascertain the choice of the people for the regular or general election, and sellconstltuted bosses, under whatever pretext have no right to name the candidates who may be allowed to go before the primary election. While we are not in politics, and claim no special knowledge of the sentiment of our people, yet we believe that there arc some members of the Alliance and the Farmer's Movement who will kick If anybody attempts to put a ring in their nose. For this reason we would suggest that candidates who are forbidden to run, refuse to commit themselves to the arbitrary and dictatorial usurpation of their supreme right as an American citizen. If Alliancemen aud Farmer's Movementmen will refuse to allow any and everybody to put rings In their noses, and will present themselves to the people as candidates, inserting their rights as citizens, the boss-made ticket will be buried out of sight. The antis and every other intelligent voter who claims sense enough to choose his own candidate, will entera protest against any such measure The Same Old Story. An old man In Lancaster county was robbed recently of $10,000,and shot. This was the third time he had been assaulted and robbed. Several years ago he was beaten and robbed of $4,000 or $5,000. Some time niter that be was a^ain assaulted and robbed of several thousand dollars. We don't often give advice, but if we were to do so, we would advise the "free and un. limited coinage"' advocates, and any subtreasury lunatics that may be at large, not to keep large amounts of money In their houses. The antis put their money in one of the banks, whose advertisements may be found herein, and, for this reason, they are in no danger of being killed for their money. When men keep cash about their houses they do an act which is not only foolish, but is akin to otfcrluga reward to crime. Iiy advertisement In the PresH and Banner It will be Been that some of the hanks will take good care of money without charge, and that one of tbem will not only keep the money safely but will pay a fair interest iii the savings department. Notes from the Nation. Nation, S. C., .June IS, ]S92. General Green has us surrounded, hut we will not surrender yet. I think that after the l."?tb of October there will be a chance to escape. Uev. Whlttaker delivered an excellent address to a large concourse of hearers on last Sabbath. Miss Lee Bowen and Miss Nora Seawright, two charming young ladies from Antrevi lie, gave the Nation a welcome call on last Sabbath. Profanity is used by some of the good church men as well as by "Honest Ben Tillman." That man is a friend to the farmer who lends him money at ten per cent, when the lawful rate is only eight. From the stand General Green and his army are taking we believe that Mr. \V. M. Baker will have competition in the hay business. A flee tweuty-lour years of age belonging to Mr. W. K. Daniel died recently. lie was lirr>ui?ht from Mississippi here by Mr. Geo. M. Smith twelve years ago", and Is the oldest dug that we bear record of. Brother farmers don't put men into ollicc tintt are continually changing. Some of them go from side to side as a small I mat at sea would without a rudder. Mr. Gus Hall and his fair magnet from tiie (Jarswell Institute worshipped at Hell's on last sabbath. Rusticus. Wouldn't I.etlllim Kmi for ('(HisreM*. Anderson Journal. Anderson's little "Gideon's Hand" met a few days ago and persuaded A. ('. Latimer not. to run for Congress this year, but gave him permission to run for the Legislature. ANDERSON AND ABBEVILLE. ? ? .. ? Criitor I,mission Comos to Abbeville ami MccIm Anderson and Other Friends. We spent Saturday and Sunday in our :-u? \ t.Knvilli) ;iml U'hiln IllPTP nemiiiMu mnii, - was the guest of Editor Willson, of the ever old reliable find interesting /Vr.uanil ftmim-r. To say that our visit was a most enjoyable , ore feebly expresses It, for we never fail to enjoy our?elf or leaun some valuable information while in the company of brother Wil son, who Is justly recognized as one of the best country Journalists in the South, and then, too, we have many friends in the old I town who we arealwaysglad toirreet. While . Abbeville Is not progressing rnpldlv, she is apparently holding her own, TheG.C. & X. It. 11., is now completed, and running two through trains each way daily. This road is . a most, valuable addition t?> Hie town, and ought to stir up her citizens to renewed energy, zeal and progress. Among the Anderson boys who have adopted Abbevilleas their . home, we had the pleasure of meeting Mesrrs. , ("has. I), and Scott Brown, F. A. Spell man, J. C. Cox and I)r. Frank E. Harrison. The first I named is the It. Ai I). K. It., agent, ami is assisted by his brother. We heard some very high compliments paid him for the courteous, accommodating ami eHicient manner in which he discharges his duties. Mr. Spp]|man is head salesman for Heath Co., the leading firm of the town, and is highly esteemed by his friends. Mr. Cox says he is pleased with Abbeville, and has made many friends there. Dr. Harrison I? practicing medicine, is very popular with the people, and we are glad to learn that he is succeed iiii; tlnely. The Doctor has recently took unto himself a most charming life companion, and.of course. Is happy and contented. It always gives us pleasure to hear a good report ot Anderson boys, wherever they cast their lot. Tiie I'rospcc'i. McCormlck News. We have never seen a better prospect for a crop than now and our people are all hopeful. The grain most of it has been cut, and proven more satisfactory than for a long while. Corn has heen planted In abundance, and it never had a healthier color than now,cotton Is really charming and squares are now beginning to form. These two are the most leading crops, but the others are by no means unimportant. We have never seen the farmers more enthused in spirits. These things come so seldom till it really maks them fell proud. Harness, harness. Hig lot big bargains at Smith & Sons. JUST m fcillULIltU Ui FIRE PR> The Best in the Fire Test. H. W. LA\ Glenn ! MINEDAI lHinmiiiii DkaK Srit?HavinR been a sufferer for the that I had to take calomel every two or thrc Sjuve up In tlespiilrof ever belni.' cured of this ommended to me by a friend of Norfolk, Va.. \ me of several others who had tried It and are ordered of vour agents at Norfolk. Va., a cas much benefit from its use I ordered a second liver trouble that I have ever used, notwith I.ithia Waters. Very respecttu R. H. ? FOE Sj TS fi T\nT)VV t x/. V. ^U1 V PAUL SIMP Great Slai I IF YOU WAN: HUM'S IS to buy. There yon ^ dreamed of. We ask our cardinal points. r A i K I> i: A i, r > <; !-i 0 j % N O I N i: 'r rr S 1A 1>? We will have in a I ers soon, suitable for I J. R. M: | Leading Fur] r Lumber ! T AM PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS for J all kinds of Lumber. I Saw mill located on land of J. C. KLUGII. I _ J, F. MAULiiY, Manager. March 2, 1S!J2, tf Medium copy. J. M. YISANSKA, JEWKLKR, Greenwood,. - - S. C. I A COMPLETE LINE OF [Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, &c. Everything warranted to give entire satisfaction. Repairing done In a skilful manner and warranted. Prices lower than ever. cjo TO VISANSKA, the Jeweler. June 1, ]S!fJ, tf The Abbeville Land, Loan and Improvement Company. [N ACCORDANCE with Commission of) Secrelary of State J. Q. Marshall directed to the undersigned Hoard of Corporators o (.he AltBKVILLE LAND, LOAN AN I) IM PROVEMKNT C(>MPANY? I Notice Is hereby given that the books of I subscription or said company win dp open iu | the oltlce of J. ALLEN SMITH, President, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th Inst., at the Abbeville National Hank. J. ALLEN SMITH. \V. U. McOOWAN, P. ROSENBERG, AUG. W. SMITH, K. A. TEMPI-ETON, It. M. HAI)I>ON, T. P. COTHHAN. Board of Corporators. Abbeville,8. C., Feb. 5 1891. ]CEIVED ar load of OOF OIL. World. 175 degrees VSON & CO. 2! wtit n rwn O ]J? 1115 o WATER! Bai.twork, Mi>., Marcli 21, 1892. past three or lour years, and to ?uch an extent ie weeks to start my liver to acting. I almost trouble. Your Glenn Springs water was recI'ho had tried It. for liver trouble, and who told now well, or entirely eured of liver trouble. I e of Glenn Springs Water. I experienced so , ease. I consider it th<* best mineral water for standing I have tried Buffalo Lithla and Bear ny. LYELL, of S. M. Lycll & Co.. Baltimore. Md. \LE BY Jreenwood, S. C. SOU, Shipper. jghter ? n Prices! r FURNITURE, THE PLACE rill find bargains never ; you to keep in mind !-S I> O j^( I j ' 15 A 1 Ti I] It r fS ' J j O W i-: rr r\ '"it S* 1: leantiful line of Rock )ridal gifts. Lnter, Jr., liture Dealer. Heath A Deep < 8 H ?= Cl> w 2 a - 'H ? ~ f?: ?? ^ "? ll ( rH P=. EsfiS O = < E, | *2 gE ? Jj 1| I 'd cc rj ? * ? ? , ' ?3 f| g 9? = Ess3 o .,2 F? CMS c3 |; E ^ 5 ? ?M MBMHH All Summer Goods WE H Big Stock of 1 Am, sizes, a [.so extra wings and be the best m the market. They are ch Josh Berry Fourteen Is Just tlie one you need for saving your oats ai ^rJC OHT :i Thirty Sets of Buggy and Carri and Breast Collars, XO, Nicl varying in price frc Also extra pieces at very low figures. Now I gain. W. J< Notice to G TTTIST] From this date until the close of Bargains in Hats,! White Straw Pints at 10c. worth 2oc. mcd Huts reduced In price. If you ne one-half what you would have paid for New York houses are offering them at liu 1,000 yards Colored Challies at White Embroidered Flouncings rn--i- :2 ? j n DiauK xjiuuruiutJicu xiuuuuiugo White Plaid Batiste at half pri We have a full line of Percol sold cheap. Shoes and Slipper If you know of nnv one coming to poods Mend me your order. I netd ll can save you money 011 anything you wl 10 Yards of Ni( Yours Respectf WM. I National Ban) Abbevi Capital, Surplus, Oftli J. ALLEN SMITH, President. BENJ. S. BAR? (JEO. W. WILLIAMS, Charleston, S. ( L. W. WHITE, Abbeville, S. c.t JNO. Ci. EDWAKDS, Abbeville, S. C J. ALLEN SIM IT I DOES a General Banking buslne* ?>rovldei Depositors. Is ready at any ana all time* us our county affords. SASH, DOORS T Vvmr Rash. Doors. by the Car Load and < as they are sold any^ me or write for prices B. K. BEAO GREENWOOD FOUNDRY ItKl'AIIt AND DKA1 Machinery a AUE> ! *\TTfifini r nxT/iiMno rriTDi jitUfiBfililj ijiiuirujo, imu ? GET MV I'llICKS Bridge Bolts, all Made to order at PIUL'KS to suit tlie times. I Engines and Mac Don't wait until you need it and lie belli C April -'7, 1 h'ji. 's Dry < Cut in al x ? - T ^ ~ r ? ? ~ ? 52 ' S-u ^ c C ! M -g-S -S ,!3cj~"^ S-i 5 1 *u ; ^3>a- 0 gS fa SiSS- s. L 2 SS-Sfe c? -S I ? 5 !~$ L) 5 cj-T > ^ ty r^ ?r? I J2 ? ^ (U a _ _ u- i i g * i~ PQ tl ^ ?-- tf) ? CS ?33 ' Fin * =! i . %\izl os =1 ? sills o 31 e > .~__ c ? ? to a _?-i > 3 <X> o- fc J ryj < ?? .2 M r 2 s rs^Z O ?? j %-ss^Z. r?I 5s 4 3 a ? c = r*i c j? ? es ??^ c W ?j 4 o ^ W M? I 2u"3 3 E 4) ? jr i T" *-? &3-S>? * Fh ; must mov3. Prices no A/VE iTlA^AM CrTTAAtlO r iuiui uwcruc, BOLTS. THIS SWEEP IS GIVEN UP TO I eaper than ever before. The Finger Grain Cradle tid wheat. A good supply on hand. We offer IOJ CJLISli: .age Harness, Collars and Hames, :le and Kubber Trimmings, im $5,50 to $18,00. s youi chance to buy a set of Harness at a bar)?L SMITH & SONS. ish Bovers. u Ej 1st. the month I will offer unheard of Dry Goods & Shoes. White Hats at 15c. worth :J0c. All trlmed a Summer Hat we can sell it to you for It the first of the season. All leading ilf price, and wc will sell in the same way. 2 l-2c, worth 5 and 6 l-4c, at half price. at half price. ice. es, Mulls and Lawns that will be s at reduced prices for the cash. Court, and you wish to buy a cheap lot of lie money and have the goods for sale. I sh to buy. Just think you can get :e Lawn for 25c. UliJl ]. BELL. I ? of Abbeville, lie, s. c. - - - - $75,000 - - - 13,000 sevM s L. W. WHITE, Vice-I'reside [WELL, Cashier. e torns J. C. KLUG II, Abbeville, S. C., K. M, I1ADDON, Abbeyille, S. C., j I., W. C. MctiO WAN, Abbeville, S. C. | fl. Abbeville, S. C. 3 the greatest security and convenience for lis < itoniake loans babed upon such safe colloicra Sept. 11. 1888. lj r }, BLINDS, &c.| Blinds and Mouldings; 3an sell them as Cheap Afhere. Come and see HAM, Agent] AND MACHINE WORKS, L JN ALL KINDS OF | nd Supplies, | :t for ? BSHERS AND SAW MILLS I MEFOKE HrYIXO. Sizes and Lengths, Now is the time to have your ;hinery Repaired, nd time. 3. F. STEPHENS, Greenwood, S. C. Goods 1 Summei r > -2 ~ pcj ? : & 2 '1 -*t1 : 2 ? * ?5 ? ! | : I g 3 ? s ? p-^=i 2 5 2 ~ t \ s y. a ~ -.'3 i03 > 03 s w ? < ~ i_ ? &$ ?=> ?? Eff PCS ? 2 - * = 1 S<8 M TD ; fa > =? 3) ft *" : .= % ~ 2? c 5 : 2 J= ? - |5^ -E tc ? <J ^ | > ? *f 5 -2 jl I ' > u CO i" J5 ^ A ? * 3 es to "H ,5 I M=oc,| fZn 5B ~~A 2:3 Pag '-' S "C ojs S 3 . I ?-r n cggtiMOS S ? ? E W 5 u ? ^ ^ c3 2 E =%*>*% SS ?? Ob . fs^c'iss s ! 5 ^ ? .S ? ? .M ? jzzj -3 5 5 ? - r*)? ? f f I ? i2 -3J?i.^<;3 -<d 2 ? a ? ??5 object. ======= r NEW < MILLINERY.' ]NTEW Dress Goods. Novelties in Rions, Sills, Laces awl Trimminp, Arriving Almost Daily. Tr-nr, will continue to show nil the leading W designs in spring hats as they come out during the season. New Dress Goods, suitable for Summer wear, coming in every week at Haddon's April 20,1892. ARTESIAN, - AND Terra Cotta Wells. At great expense i am now prepnred to sink wells through clay, quick sand and rock to any desired depths. Curbing the clay down to rock with heavy Artesian Wrought. Iron Pipe, by no other means Is it. possible to get down to the water bearing strata except with a Drill Machine. I would be glad lor parties falling to get water on account of rock or quick sand to communicate with me. 1 expect to continue sinking the Terra Cotta wens wuere (lesireu, uhu cinuu that in ten year's experience 1 have sunk more and given more general satisfaction than any man Id the State. I am no cqnatter, here to-day probably Jn Texas next week; consequently my guarantee is of some eftect. Address. C. M. CALHOUN, March 2, 1892. Greenwood, S. C. TSTE"W Fancy Grocery. G. H. MOORE HAS opened a New Fancy and Green Grocery Store in Cothran's Block. He deals In everything found In a Fancy Family Grocery Store, where you can purchase the nicest CANNED GOODS, consisting of Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Meats, ?Ifi H , together with FRESH PRUNES, APPLES, &c., and otber delicacies. The substantial* are ? 4 a mm BACUN, JittJSA?.r'ASl' eixura, MEAL, IRISH POTATOES, and CABBAGE. FLOUR, MOLASSES, HAMS, v Cigars of the Best Brands. V Fresh Fish nnd Oysters, Pork Sausage and thi; choicest Beef a specialty. SCHOOL NOTICE. All persons having business witli the School Commissioner will find him in his office all public days nnd every Kni.tirdny Iii each niotiih nearest the middle of the month, dnrintr the present year (or the purpose of registering claims, Ac. K. COWAN, School Commissioner Abbeville County. Feb 2, 1892. CHALMERS' Furniture Store! New Furniture for this Week. 120 New Hard Wood Beds. 15 New Chamber Suits in Landscape and (,'hevel styles. Clieflbniers. 12 Fancy Tables. 12 New Bureaus. 4 New Sideboards. 4 dozen Dining Chairs. 3o() Chairs, all Kinus, ai prices iiuuj 40 cents to S- each. Hair Mattresses, Wool Mattresses, Shuck and Straw, with cotton top. The above goods will be sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. Our stock is the LARGEST IN HE COUNTRY, AT CHALMERS' Farnitore STORE. 100 bushels fresh cow peas just received at Rosenberg A Co. Think of it, white vests worth $ '{ for only fl .''0. P. Ko.senberi; & Co. For lino loot wear, go, or scud to HaddonV Store! >-M * H r u-ooas gHB > ? ?? T3 - cJ ? ? w Q HJ^^S ?0 - J? 1 1 : Q} a S 'i ^ ?yj O ~H ^ '?- :?!' f S - BW co ->.?.30* "J infl ? ?! a p c Ji 03 ^ - ct? s cc<3'sJJ? ~ CO S-cJrs i l *? HB fcq =E i^| 3 og||ig ? ?W ,? ? 2 w > > ^ ft?Mi iH GC iffS ^?s2 25 -?f co Uj ?S ?=* ^ fl ^ ?-c.= =?fc fa M Co 2- 5 o * -* PM <4J MB Col RICHARD GANTT, Is now prepared to^H all work In bis department in the tMH nanner and at reaxonable charges. MontflBH :ustomers shaving. bair cutting and shf^Bfl ooolng 81 per month. Razors boned and in the best, condition for 25 cents eacb. DENTAL NOTICE. I Dr. S. G. Thomson, H| OFFICE ITP-3TAIR9 ON McILWA^H Corner, Abbeville. S. C. HHH Never out of Stocfl WE KEEP ALWAYS ON HANI) MM! number of horses and males for s^HB We have now several excellent work anlm^lH which we will sell chenp. A. B. Hamlin. Agent.H Lumber and Shingles EH 1"?0 SUPPLY EVERY DEMAND. TH^H will be sold low. Enquire of me prices. 8. Q.THOMsOt^J DR. E, L. WILSON,! JDXMVIIiV. *3~0fflce up stairs over C. P. HammondMB Co.'h store. THE I Farmers'Basil -of- n ABBEVILLE, S. C? Does General Banking Business. MB Buys and sells Exchange and makes CollHS tlons. PR! DEPOSITS SOLICITED. Pnid np Capital $50,7 ^B| SnbMcribed Capital. ^?OoH A Savings Department bos been est^H] lished. Amounts received of SUM and wards. Interest at 4 per cent, payable qa^H^ terly,?January, April. July, October. Smfl^K savings Increase rapidly. IBM Wm. II. Parker, J. T. RoberUoH President. Vick-Pbb^M Jnlinx H. DnPre, Cashier. h| March 5, 1892?12m ALL. SORTS OFM BUILDING MATERIA!! ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS Hj DRESSED i llSi LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH? And other BUILDING MATERIAL solicit^H I HAVE WAGON? And can deliver any goods ordered from and will contract to SB BUILD HOUSEM S. Gr. Thomsonl Abbeville, April 15, 1S92, 12m. 9888biX /'-IJ jvV RW. CANNON. General Merchant, Abt^H . vllle. S.C , and J.T.LATIMER, Genei^H Merchant, Lowndesvlllc,s. C., are exclusl^^f dealers In these celebrn^'d Hfl (Only Manufacturing opticians In the Sout^H Jan. 0, 1892, Cm Atlanta, Ga^l H. D. Reesel WATCH ?EPAIR?R,I A.t>l>eville, S. C.? H [S ALWAYS ready to serve the public his lino of business, and solicits a sha^H He will keep a varied stock or the best ai^H cheapest spectacles and eye-glasses, togeth^H with silver plated ware andjewelry. U a'liivc lmiiiul uumuiu iiiiii/iiuiiu The best Sewing Machine in ex istence on the most FAVORABLE TERMS I will take any kiml ot saleable produt and cuttle )tl cash prices In payment of m chines, or will sell on the Installment plan. W. J. fflcGee liilcy, S. C., March 2'.), 1892.