The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 05, 1890, Image 1

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\ > > . . ' ' ' r'' V' vrcigpS The Abbeville Press and Banner. 1 lam /. jtfSk ' BY HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1890. VOLUME XXXV. NO. 24 -r ABI AL1 t: Everybody is jH no *1 /I ilkif: |Jt iMiti CCiXtX gE| By K3 Let evei National Bank Abbevi] Capital, Surplus, OfHLc J. ALLEN SMITH, President. BENJ. S. BARN) Direc GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Charleston, S. C. L. W. WHITE, Abbeville, S. C., JNO. G. EDWARDS, Abbeville, S. C. J. ALLEN SMITH DOES a General Banking business, provides Depositors. Is ready at any and all times t as our County affords. mvrmivfi rvn SrMUS VK With a LARGE and t DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, WINDOW ( PUTTY, COMB GOODS, PER The demand of this market can be supplied. Headquarters for fine CIGARS and TOBACCO tn Prescriptions carefully compounded at a You are respectfully invited to call. JP. B. * ^ ^ For |3ale By J. T. Sii BUIST S TUI NEW CROP. ALL VA NEW CROP. H. W. LAV R. M. Had don & Co., will show the largest and moat varied ossortment of now fall Mil- ' liaery and all goods pertaining to ladles wear that has ever been brought to this market. TKa leHloa ova ounvaH that lhau will flnH tha very latest novelties In all lines. New fall goods arriving dally. | JEVI 3NT C r A T%i Li J?B\ Invited to Con Of Promineir aaiBM^h jjispi JEL y one avail themselves ; of Abbeville J Lie, S. C. j - - - - $75,000 I - - - - 8,500 | ?** ? s L. W. WHITE, Vice-I'reside YELL, Cashier. < dOVB Z ,, J. N. YOUNt;, Due West, S. C., It. >1, HADDON, Abbeyille, S. C., , W. C. McGOVVAN, Abbeville, S. C\, t , Abbeville, S. C. tbe greatest security and convenience for Its : o make loan6 based upon sucb safe collaterals 1 Sept 11, 1888. lyr m store. ; ;vell Selected Stock 01 i paints, tLASS, prepared ; s, brushes, fancy fumes. stationery, &c. i. Orders by Mall or hand promptly attendill hours. SPEED. No. 8 Wall St., Abbeville, S. C. J i?, Grained, S. C. | INIP SEEDS i NEW CROP. i RIETIES. i NEW CROP. SON & CO. i Barber Shop. RICHARD GANTT, 1b now prepared to do all work in his department In the best manner and at reasonable charges. Monthly customers shaving, hair cutting and shampooing 81 per month. Rasors honed and put in the beBt oondltion for 25 oents each. LLE'! > VE M B I 3AED -1^' ^ le and Join i the 6., 0. 4 t among the many att: toy ?f giothi OSE the opportunity of a c Terra Cotta Wells. THE undersigned Is not disposed to brag on his new mode of water supply, but It Is proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that bis wells are the best and more durable than my other kind. He boasts of not having tost a single one in seven years, while twothirds of his work Is for parties having lost Lbeir dug wells. Address, C. M. CALHOUN, Greenwood, S. C. They are frog proof and superior to one dug, ind are bound to supersede all others. Joel S. Ballv, Greenwood, S. C. Greenwood Cotton and Oil Mills. Cal. Klnard, Ninety-Six, S. C. Rev. Pressly, Due west, S. C. Jones Miller, / Dbevllle, 8. C. I have sunk nine-tenths of the wells in my lown in seven years. \ug. The Abbeville Bakery. rHE Abbeyille Bakery is now making fine BREADS of every kind. Cakes baked to >rder. Together with our Bakery we have a Fruit ind Candy Store, where all goods in that line ire kept, including Clgarn and Tobacco. L. W. SIGN & CO. Jan. 29,1890. tf rhe Ninety-Six Warehouse. I^HE undersigned will open books to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock >f the NINETY-SIX WAREHOUSE CO., on OCTOBER 27th, 1890, at the store of James Rogers, Jr., Ninety-Six, S. C. W. H. Frazler, T. 8. Blake, W. A. Sanders, R. F. McCuslau, G. M. Anderson, W. L. Anderson, Jr., R. A. Griffin, Oct. 22,1890. Corporators. IF YfilT m GOING WEST" IND WANT LOW RATES To Arkansas 'exas, Missouri,Colorada,Oregon and Callforlia, or any point WEST or NORTHWEST? IT WILL PAY YOU 'o write to me. FRED D. BUSH, D. P. A., L. & N. R R a Wall St., Atlanta, Gft. Oct. 29, 1N90-Gm. rhe State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. PROBATE COURT. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Dr. W. M DAQGART, deceased. LL persons indebted to the said estate must settle without delay, und those holdng claims against the estate must present Ihem properly attested to T. A. CATER, Oct 1,1890. Agent for Executors. rhe State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. PROBATE COURT. ZZ. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of A. M. URAAM, deceased. ^ LL persons Indebted to said estate must bcuio wuuuuiuemy, HIIU uiuuo uuiuiug ilalms against the estate must present them properly attested to W. H. ItOBERSON, Oct. 10,1890. Administrator. New Bakery, Next Door to the Post Office. THE undersigned takes pleasure In Informing the public of Abbeville that lie has opened a FIRST-CLASS UAICERY, and he Is now propared to furnish you all with Bread, Cakes, Pies, &c.. All orders will be promptly attended to. Hoping to receive a liberal share of your patronage, I remain yours, respectfully, CHARLES RICE. Abbeville, Oct. 15, 1890. If you want the best and larireat Plug of I'obaoco for ficents go to A. M. Hill ?Xr Pons. 3 G 3 R 6th THE n the Good F< i N. Railroac ractions well worth se? Bf, f? ?nb lay's pleasure and take Do You W ear Spectacles ? If so, go to the NEW JEWELRY STORE in Greenwood, and have vour eyes properly fitted. A full line of SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES always in stock. The repairing of WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY a specialty. KEY WINDING WATCHES changed to stem wind at short notice. If you want your Watch put in first-class order, carry it to HENNEM AN. It costs you no more to have your work repaired in the best manner than itdoes to have it "botched" and a good time piece possibly ruined. I give you the very finest work that skill and experience can oommand. My Charges are the Lowest. How many who read this advertisement have Watches that run "all right" for a few days, or weeks, then stop without any apparent cause? How many of you h ive Watches that are good?or rather they should be?you paid for a good one. Yet you cannot gel it regulated for love or money. It will run a little fast or slow. In fact you are beginning to be or already are disgusted with the "machine," and have lost all confidence In your watch which has been and should be now a faithful time piece. To all such unhappy possessors of Watches I would say?bring your Watch to HENNEMAN, get him to put It. In order, and you will be troubled no longer in the manner above described. When you look at your watcb it will be running, aud ON TIME. "YOU WIND THE WATCH, WE DO THE BEST," All work warranted twelve months. I carry a flrsUclass stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at lowest prices. The only Jeweler In this section who can do your EN GRAVING without "sending it off." Any style of letter or monogram engraved at short notice. All work repaired promptly and delivered at the time promised. No being put off by work not being finished when you call for it. ? Place of business In F. F. DUNBAR & CO'S Store. DON'T MISTAKE TIIE PLACE. It. B. Hennemann, GKEENWOOD, S, C. July 28,1890, tf Tli.e BTzm. m* **m_ jl" m Lou ui Trust Compaay, Abbeville, S. C. Does General Banking Business. Buys and sells Exchange and makes Collections. DEPOSITS SOLICITED. Win. II. Parker, J. E. Todd. President. Vice-Pkes. A. M. Aikcu, Cahhikk. March 5, 18U0? 12m WM. II. PARKER W. C. McGOWAN7" PARKER&McGOWAN ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS, , ABBEVILLE, C. II., S. C. WILL practice also in the Circuit Courtso the United States for Rouih Carolina ALA AMD T : g., v*? i 5f-SL: seling* Abbevilh 1 fn fliis Pninl m w mam w am 5ing on that festive day. } advantage of the man] 1AX Hid IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE act to raise supplies for the fiscal year commencing November, 1st, 1889, notice is hereby given that the Treasurer's office of Abbeville County, will be open for the collection of taxe9, 1 Wednesday, OCTOBER I5TH, 1890 Taxes can be paid until December, 15th, without penalty. After that J date 15 per cent will be added. The rate per centum of taxes is as f follows: y State purposes 5J- mills. i County current 33 " County special 1 " Schools 2 " _ i Total 11J " Poll tax $1.00. I Male citizens between twenty-one and fifty years of age are liable to Poll tax. In order to accomodate the tax payers I have arranged the following ] schedule of appointments, and request the tax payers to take due notice thereof, as the office at the Court House 1 will necessarily be closed on those t days. ( Verdery, Tuesday, November 4th. * Bradley, Wednesday, November e 5th. ? Troy, Thursday, November 6th. McCornrick, Friday, November 7th. Bordeaux, Saturday, November 8th. "I Willington, Monday morning, Nov- g ember 10th. Lowndesville, Monday afternoon, xT/woinVuir in find Tuesdav. Novem ber 11th. r Mt. Carmel, Wednesday, November ,s 12tb. * Court House, Thursday, November 13th. Ninety-Six, Friday, November 14th. Hodges, Saturday, November loth, i Court House, Monday, November 17th. Greenwood, Tuesday, November 1 18th, and Wednesday morning, November 19th. ] Coronaca, Wednesday afternoon, November 19th. i Donalds, Thursday, November 20th. ^ Due West, Friday, Movember 21st. 8 The remainder of the time I will be ( in the office at the Court House. ^ J. W. PERRIN, c County Treasurer, i September 24th, 1890, 2m. If the reader should be in need of a wagon, he will consult his own Interest by going to A. M. Hill A Modi, tf DA t*L. c. & i has Over tl t, , will be Is, aw j inducements oflFered THE ABBEVILLE Mi OIL AND FERTILIZER COMPANY Manufacture Cotton Seedj Oil, Cake, Hulls and Fertilizers. rHEY are now prepared to Gin Cotton at tbe McMillan Glo, at the lowest market >rlce, and will pay the highest market price or Cotton Seed. Their Improved Ginnery, with tlx lerenty iaw gins and two presses will be ready for srork by tbe 1st of OCTOBER, and tbe great>st facilities of modern Invention will be offered to the public. The Chickasaw High Grade Fertilizer -auks tbe very highest In the State according o the analysis of tbe Agricultural Departneat. Over 6,000 Tons will be offered to tbe armers for the next orop. J. L. PERMIT, MANAGER. Sept. 10, 1890. Notice of Application for Charter. NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly of he State of South Carolina at Its nextsesslon or the Charter of a Railroad Company from Jreeawood, S. C., through Abbeville, Edgaleld, Aiken and Barnwell counties to aoonlectlon with the South Carolina, 8outh Bound md other Railroad companies, with the right md powers to extend the same to the Atlan lc coast ana jvorin or ureenwooa w wjo Jorth Carolina State line. Will Meet on Sale Days. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the Board Of County Commissioners will meet on (ale Days. J. W. LITE9, April 10,1889. Chairman. NOTICE. rHE School Commissioner can alwayB be found in bis office at the Court Houbc on IALEDAY and the 15th of every month, exept when the 15th occurs on Sunday, in rhloh case bis office will be open on the 14tb. Feb. 0, 1889, tf Fire knt Ague; r. F. C. DUPRE & SON, Established, February, 1867 [XTE insure all classes of property against *v loss by Fire, Lightning, Cyclones and ?ornadoes, at the lowest rates. Dwellings ind Churches a specialty. We represent 320,000.000 Capital and Assets. )ur companies inolude New York Underwriters, Georgia Home, Phenlx of New York, Springfield ot Mass., Sun Mutual of N. O., it. al., having paid to policy holders In this lounty 878.8001 Our Dwelling House Policy is the shortest ind most liberal ever issued by any Agency. Jive us a call. J. F. C. DuPRE, J. H. DuPRE. Sept. 17, 1800. '* r FS ! . ' I ' Is? -.a ; ;-3S N. I ' ;>"5S fs J' iM " m he Completion Co. 1 by us. The Abbeville Land, Loan and Improvement Company. IN ACCORDANCE with Commission of Secretary of State J. Q, Mara ball directed to the undersigned Board of Corporator* of the ABBEVILLE LAND, LOAN AND Ilf. PROVEMENT COMPANYNotioe is hereby given that the book! of subscription of Bald company will be open at the office of J. ALLEN SMITH, President, on THUR8DAY, FEBRUARY flth inst, at tb? Abbeville National Bank. .. J. ALLEN SMITH, W. C. McGOWAN, vM P. ROSENBERG. AUG. W. 8MITH. E. A TEMPLETON, R. M. HADDON. T. P. COTHRAN. 22 Board of Corporators. Abbeville, S. C., Feb. 5 1380. QRAYDON <4 QRAYDON, r. 8. T. OILXB, Abbeville, 8. C. Greenwood, 8. V. 6RAYBQH&6RAYDBH& i WfE have formed a partnership for the prao* Tr tlce of law In all Its branches, nnder the namA flDiVnAV i, AD A VTVMJ A. U*IU UBIUO Vi \JtkA X Wil U, \JMA M. JLTVA1 V GILES. All baslneM entrusted to any of the firm will receive prompt attention. ellis g. graydon, wm. n. graydon, e. 8. f. giles. March 12,1890. tf For Sale. Avery desirable residence on Main street, near the Pabllo Square. The lot contains ONE ACRE with a twostory frame building with eight roomi, kitchen and stable. A good well or excellent water on the premises. Persons wishing to par* chase apply at THIS OFFICE. Oct a, 1880, tr Building Lot For Sale. IiHAT beautiful lot of five acres, lying upon the Pendleton road, Just above Mia. Mabry's. Apply to W. 0. WARDLAW, Executor. Augusta, Ga. Medical Notice. WE the undersigned have formed a co-part* nershlp under the Arm name and stria of Mabry & Neuffer for the practice of MEDICINE and 8URGERY In all their branehei. Calls will be promptly attended to. When the services of both are required only one charge will be made. thomas j. mabry, m. d., g. a. neuffer, m. d. April 4th, 1880. PERBIN & COTHRAH, .Attorneys at Law, ABBEVILLE. S. OStockholdera Meeting. THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of tbe Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company will be held at Athaos, Ga., Tuesday, November 11,1890. Ai HULL, Oct. 15, 1880. 4t Secretary. Sale of Land by Executrix* BY VIRTUE of authority as Executrix of the estate of Robert Hutchison, deceased, I will sell to the highest bidder at Abbeville C. H., on MONDAY the 3rd day of NOVEMBER next, All thftt tract or parcel of laud laying and being in Abbeville county, on Penney'a Creek, waters of Little River, and known as the Annie Miller place, containing One Hundred and Seventy-One Acres, more or less, and bounded by S. B. Knox, Sanders Crawford, Penney'a creek and others. TERMS?One-half cash, balanoe In 12 months, with note and mortgage and in terest. JANE C. HUTCHISON, Oct. 15, 1890. 3t Executrix. ' - r i