The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 30, 1887, Image 3

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KEY. DR. TALMAGE. THE BROOKLYN DIVINE S SUI DAY SERMON. Subject: "Parental Blunders." Tkxt: He fell off jrom trie seai vacKivai by the side of trie gate, and his neck brak and he died; for he was an old man, at heav]/."?l Samuel iv., 18. This is the end of a long story of parent neglect Judge Eli was a good man, but 1 let bis two boys, Hophni and Pliinehas, do i they pleased, and through over-indulgent they went to ruin. The blind old judg ninety-eight years of age, is seated at tl gate waiting for the news of an iraportai Battle in which his two sons were at the fron An express is corning with tidings from tl battle. This blind nonagenarian puts h hand behind liis ear and listens and crie "What meaneth the noise of this tumult An excited messenger, all out of breath wit the speed, said to hun: "Our army is defea ed. The sacred chest, called the ark, is ca] fcured, and your sous are dead on the field No wonder the father fainted and expire* The domestic tragedy in which these tw tons were the tragedians had finished its fift and last act. "He fell from off the set backward by the side of the gate, and h neck brake and be died; for be was an ol man and heavy." Eli bad made an awful mistake in regar to his children. The Bible distinctly say: "His sons made themselves vile and he r< strained them not." Oh, the ten thousan mistakes in rearing children, mistakes of pa rents, mistakes of teachers in day school an Sabbath classes, mistakes which we all makt Will it not be useful to consider them? . This country is goinz to be conquered by great army, compared with which that c Baldwin the Fi>*st, and Xerves, and Alexan der, and Grant, and Lee, all put together were in numbers insignificant. They wil capture all our pulpits, storehouses, factories and halls of legislation, all our shipping, al -oar wealth, and all our honors. The. will take possession of all author ity, from the United States Presi dency down to the humblest constabulary ?of everything between the Atlantic ani Pacific oceans. They are on the march now and they halt neither day nor night. The; will soon be here, and all the present activi population of this country must snrrende and give way. I refer to the great army o children. Whether they shall take posses fiTrnrvfchinir for vnnd or for bad. de pends upon the style of preparation througl which tney pass on their way from cradle t throne. Cicero acknowledges he kept in hi ' desk a collection of prefaces for books, whicl Srefaces he could at any time attach to any liqg he wanted to publish for him -self' or others; and all parents am -teachers have all prepared the pre face of every young life under tliei -charge, and not only the preface, but the ap pendir, whether the volume be a poem or i farce. Families and schools and legislature are in our day busily engaged in discussin; what is the best mode of educating children Before this question almost every othe dwindles into insigni8cance, while de pendent upon its proper solution is the wel rare of governments and ages eternal Mac&ulay tells of the war which Frederick the Second made against Queen Mari Theresa. And one day she appeared befon the Diet, wearing mourning for her father and held up in her arms before them he arnhdnke. This so wroueht udoi the officers and deputies of the people tha with half drawn swords they broke forth ii the war cry: "I<et U3 die for our Queen Maria Theresa!" So, this morning, realizinj that the boy of to-day is to be the ruler o the future, the popular sovereign, I hold hin before the American people to arouse theii enthusiasm in his behalf, and to evoke theii oath for his defense, his education and hi -sublime destiny. If a pareut, you will remember when yoi were aroused to these great responsibilities and when you found that you had not don< all required after you had admired the tin] hands, and tha glossy hair, and the brigh oyes that lav in the cradle. You suddeulj remembered that that hand would yet b t*aised to b'esss the world with its benedio (ion, or to smite it with a curse. In Arios l?'s great poem there is a character calle( Ruggiero, who has a shield of insufferabl splendor, but it is kept veiled, save on certaii occasions, and when uncovered it startle* and overwhelmed its beholder, who befon had no suspicion of its brightness. My hop to-day is to uncover the destiny of your chil< or student, about which vou have no espeeia appreciation, and flash upon you the splen dors of its immortal nature. Behold the hield and the sword of its coming conflict I propose in this discourse to set forth wha I consider to be some of the errors prevalen in the training of children. First: I remark that many err in too grea severity or too great leniency or lamily gov ernment, Between parental tyranny am ruinous laxativeness of discipline there is ; medium. Sometimes the father errs on on side and the mother on the other side. Gocx family government is all important. An archy and misrule in the domestic circle i -the forerunner of anarchy and misule in th State. What a repulsive spectacle is a hom without order or discipline, disobedience am impudence, and anger and falsehood lift ing their horrid front in the place whicl should be consecrated to all that is holy, am peaceful, and beautiful. In the attempt t avoid all this, and bring the children undo proper laws and regulations, parents hav sometimes carried themselves with gren rigor. John Howard, who was mercifu -to the prisons and la?aretto8, wa merciless in the treatment of hi children. John Milton knew everything bu how to train his family. Severe and unres aonable was he in his carriage toward then He compelled his daughters to read to him i four or live languages, but would not alloi them to learn any of them, for he said tha -one tongue was enough for a woman. Thei reading was mechanical drudgery, when, i they had understood the languages they rear the employment of reading might have bee a luxury. No wonder his children despise bim, and stealthily sold his books and hops for his death. In all ages there has been nee of a societv for prevention of cruelty to chi dren. Wnen Barbara was put to death b her father because she had countermanded h order, and had three windows put in a roor instead of two, this cruel parent was a tyr of many who have acted tho Nero and ti Robespierre in the home circle. The heai sickens at what you sometimes see, even i families that pretend to b9 Christian?pe petual scolding, and hair-pulling, ear-bo: ing, and thumping, and stamping, and faul finding, and teasing, until the children ai vexed beyond bounds, and growl in tl sleeve, and pout, and rebel, and vo within themselves that in after da: they will retaliate for the cruelti" practiced. Many a home has become as fu of dispute as was the home of John O'Groa who built his house at the most norther' point in Great Britain. And tradition sa; that the house had eight windows, and eigi doors, and a table of eight sides, ltecause 1 had eight children, nnd the only way to ke< them out of bitter quarrel was to have eppate appointment for each one of them. That child's nature is too delicate to 1 worked upon by sledge-hammer, and goug and pile-ariver. Such fierce lashing, instci of breaking the high mettle to bit and trac will make it dash off the more uncontrollabl Many seem tQ think that children are flar not fit for use till they have been hetcheled ar swingled. Some one talking to a child, sail "I wonder what makes that tree out there : families a'l the discipline is concentrated up< one child's head. If anything is done wror the supposition is that George did it i broke the latch. He left open the gate. I hacked the banisters. He whittled sticks c the carpets. And George shall be the scap coat for all domestic misunderstandings ar suspicions. If things get wrong in the cul usify department, in come3 the mother ar says, angrily: "Where is Goorge?'' If bus ness matters are perplexing at the store, i comes the father at night and says, angrih "Where is George?" In many a househo" there is such a one singled out for suspicic And castigation; all the sweet flowers of h oul blasted under this perpetual northea storm; he cures the day in which he wt born. Safer the child in a bank of bulrush on the Nile among crocodiles, than in a elegant mansion, amid such domett gorgons. A mother was passing aloi the street one day, and came up 1 her little child, who did not seo hi approach, and her child was saying to hi playmate: "You good-for-nothing litt scamp, you come right into the house th minute, or I will beat you till the skin com' off." The mother broke in, saying: "Wh; Lizzie, I am aurprized to hrar you talk lil that to any one!" "Oh," said the child, 4 was only playing, and he is my litt boy, and I am scolding him, as yc did me this morning." Chilldren are apt 1 be echoes of their parent*. Safer in a Bethlehem manger among catt and camels, with gentle Mary to watch tl the little innocent, than the most extra vagai nursery over which God's star of peace never Sti stood. The trapper extinguishes the flames th on the prairie oy fighting fire with fire, but tei you cannot, with the fire of your own dispo- on sition, put out the fire of a child's disposition. If Yet we may rush to the other extreme, an ! and use toward our children too great leni- o'c I ency, The surgeon is not unkind because, be i notwithstanding the resistence of his patient, en he goes straight on, with firm hand and on- ou faltering heart, totake off the gangrene. Nor fui . is the parent less affectionate and faithful m( because, notwithstanding all violent ph l remonstrances on the part of th9 up child, he with the firmest discipline advanoes to the cutting off of its up al evil inclinations. The Bible says: "Chasten th; thy son while there is hope, ana let not thy coi soul spare for his crying." Childish rage ^ to unchecked will, after awhile, become a hurri- y? ?? cane. Childish petulance will grow up into gal misanthropy. Childish rebellion will develop wi] J? into the lawlessness of riot and sedition. If the k you would ruin the child, dance to his yoi 5e every caprice and stuff him with con- J'? ^ fectionery. Before you are aware of it no! J,; that boy or ten years wm go aowu the street, a cigar in his mouth and read}' on "e! " any corner with his comrades to compare 3'e< pugilistic attainments. The parent who allows the child to grow up without ever hav- ^el . ing learned the great duty of obedicnce and ' submission has prepared a cup of burning lts '? gall for his own lips and appalling destruc- arc 1 tion for his descendant. Remember Eli and s?v . j his two sons, Hophni and Phinehas. s')a '? A second error prevalent in the training of ?n a children is the laying out of a theory an 1 fo!- "0' , I lowing it without arranging it to varieties of of , disposition- In every fumily you will find ^ i: striking differences of temperament. This 0 child i? too timid, and that too boll; this {jjj too miserly, and that too wasteful; this too 0 J inactive, and that too boisterous. Now, the farmer who should plant corn and wheat and ^ turnips in just the sime way, then vej put them through one hopper and grind them ?|_i j in the same mill, would not be so much of a fool as :he parents who should attempt to ql discipline and educate all their children in the i' same manner. It needs a skillful hand to ad- "j.. . just these checks and balances. The rigidity JL, j of government which ia necessary to hold in ? , _ this impetuous nature would utterly crush 1 that flexible disposition, while the gentle * reproof that would suffice for the latter would, gki '' when u=ed on the former, be like attempt ing to t ? hold a champing Bucephalus with reins of gossamer. God gives us in the disposition of each tL ' child a hint as to how we ougot to train him, ? and, as God in the mental structures of our r children indicates What mode of training is f the best, He indicates in their disposition h ther future occupation. Do not writedown . . that child as dull because it may not be as A brilliant as your other children, or as those 0 of your neighbor. Some of the mightiest ( s men and women of the centuries had a stupid w0 [j childhood. Thomas Aquinas was called at rao .. school "the dumb ox," but afterward demonL. strated his sanciifie l genius and was called C01 j "the angel of the schools" and "the eagle of p^( h Brittany." Kindness and patience with a r child will conquer almost anythin?, and they ^ K are virtues so Christianlike that they are in- ani a spiring to look at. John Wesley's kiss of a 3 child on the pulpit stairs turne.i Matthias ^ r Joyce from a profligate into a flaming evan- fro r Ch 'r The third error prevalent in the training mj. h of children is the one-sided development of tro [. either the physical, intellectual or moral na- Qf ture at the expense of the others. Those, for 1 instance, greatly mistake who, while they are hu 3 faithful in the intellectual and moral culture q0 9 of children, forget the physical The bright -i eves half quenched by night study, the j,ii p cramped chest that comes from too much jm, ! bending over school desks,the weak side result- ^ t ing from sedentariness of habit, pale cheeks mi j and the gaunt bodies of multitudes of chil- we dred attest that physical development does pr< I not always go along with intellectual and I moraL How do you suppose all those tre'as- wi; j ures of knowledge the child gets, will look ow r in a shattered casket? And how much will you mi, r give for the wealthiest cargo when it is put 8 into a leaky ship? How can that bright, jn sharp blade of a child's attainments be (he i wielded without any hands? What are c]0 brains worth without shoulders to carry t^? J them? What is a child with magnificent T mind but an exhausted body? Better that a ste t young man of twenty-one go forth into the jar r worla without knowing A from Z if he have mc 9 health of body and energy to push his way ^ . through the world, than at twentv-one to 0f _ enter unon active life, his head stuffed with OU] j Socrates and Herodotus, and Bacon, and La sj~ s Place, but no physical force to sustain him w* j in the shock of earthly conflicts. From this Qu 1 infinite blunder of parents how many have _e, j come out in life with a genius that could 0 have piled Ossa upon Pel ion and pr( j mounted upon them to scale the ^ [ heavens, and yet have laid down panting with "phvsical exhaustion be- Cq. , fore a mole-hill. they who might have C0J 1 thrilled senates and marshaled armie3 and ac t 8tardea ine woria witn mo suuutcui tueir 0f t scientific batteries, have passed their lives in an( picking up prescriptions for indigestion. Bor t They owned all the thunderbolts of Jupiter, _ | but could not get out of their rocking chair ^r( j ! to use them. George Washington in early life ?0 a| was a poor speller,and spelled hat h-a-double-t 0 i and a ream of paper he spelled "rheam," but fe ' j J ho knew euougn to spell out the independence tj.f j. i of this country from foreign oppression. The j?s 3 knowledge of the schools is important, but B | there are other things quite as important. ^ 0 : Just as great is the wrong done when the ,jv j j mind is cultivated and the heart neglected. ^ ^ j The youth of this day are seldom denied any ] scholarly attainments. Our schools and tea j I seminaries are ever growing in efficiency. 0 j and the students are conducted through all a r j the realms of philosophy, and art, and gu e language, and mathematics. The most ^ t hereditary obtuseness gives way before aQl the onslaught of adroit instructors. sui ,s But there is a development of me [g infinite importance which mathematics and tja t the dead languages cannot affect. The more ma t.. i mental power the more capacity for evil un- to , I le?s coupled with religious restraint. You gj n I discover what terrible power for evil unsanc? y . tifled genius possesses when you see Scaliger Th ,t with his scathing denunciations assaulting the no _ ! Hocfr man r\t Kia fit no and Rlolinfc !?? if and Spino2a and Bolingbroke lead- wji lt ing their hosts of followers into an, n the all-consuming fires of skepticism and in- i)0] 4 fidelity. Whether knowledge is a mighty his d good or an unmitigated evil depends entirely j v d upon which course it takes. The river roll- wo 1. ing on between round banks makes all the ths y i valley laugh with golden wheat and rank Ye is grass, and catching hold the wheel of mill ani a ' and factory, whirls it with great industries, sai ,0 j But, breaking away from restraints ] ie | and dashing over banks in red wrath, t | it washes away harvests from their n moorings and makes the valleys shriek with g^, r. the catastrophe. Fire in the furnace heats pa c. the house or drives the steamer; but, uncon- an t. j trolled, warehouses go down in awful crash y0 e ! before it, and in a few hours half a city will y0 ,e ' lie in black ruin, walls and towers and hii w churches and monuments. You must accomjrs pany the education of the intellect with the cjt PS education of the heart, or you are rousing q [}1 up within your child an energy which will l*i an t, blasting and teiTiflc. Better a wicked dunce w( ly man a WICKOU pnuusupupr. 810 yS The fourth error often committed in the Wi jt training of children is the supression of child- "ft: ie ish sportfalness. The most triumphant death co] 3p of any child that I ever saw was that of Sco- he a villo flaynes McCollum. A few days before ha that he was at my house in Syracuse, and he yi, be ran like a deer and his halloo made the woods gh, 0) echo. You could hear him coming a block off, l(j 60 full was he of romp and laughter and whistle e> Don't put religion on your child as a straight le. jacket. Parents after having for a good *m ? many years been jostled about in the rough cl" id world often lose their vivacity, and are (is- P" tonished to see how their children can act so ?P 30 thoughtlessly of the earnest world about Pr n them. That is a cruel parent who quenches cu lS any of the light in a child's souL Instead of ve Ie arresting the sportfuluess, go forth "a Ie and help him trundle the hoop, and "V >a fly the. kite, and build the snow castle. *'u ?* Those shoulders are too little to id carry a burden, that brow is too young to ".? li- be wrinkled, those feet are too sprightly to Pi >d go along at a funeral pace. God oless their 15 ;i- young hearts! Now is the time for them to (lt' in be sportful. Let them romp and sing and j11 f- laugh, and go with a rush and J"1 hi a hurrah. In this way they gather a np a surplus of energy for future thl is life. For the child that walks around with an st a scowl, dragging his feet as though they ?0 14 were weights and sitting down by the hour 60 Jn mnnincr and trrumblinor. I DroDhecv a life eo in of utter inanition and discontent. Sooner iu hush the robbins in tho air till they are silent lsl ig as a bat, and lecture the frisking lambs oil mi k en w the hillside until they walk like old sheep, fa ir rather than put exhilarant childhood in the ?j *r stocks. 10 The fifth error in the training of childhood ]u) 13 is the postponement of its moral culture until ?a 09 too late. Multitudes of children, because of ?o T< their precocity, have been urged into depths {), c? of study where they ought not to go, and ^ A their intellects have been overburdened and jni 10 overstrained and battered to pieces against na 'u Latin grammars and algebras, and coming :o forth into practical life they will hardly rise to mediocrity, and there is now a stuffing v.'i 10 and crammine system of education in the UJ, 10 schools of our country that is deathful to w] lk the teachers who have to enforce it, and de-, v ructire to the children who must srtibmit to e process. You find children at nfne and i years of age with B?hool lessons ly appropriate for children of fifteen. children are kept in school, d studying from nine to three slock, no homo study except music ought to required of thorn. Six hours of study is ough for any child. The rest of the day ght to be devoted to recreation and pure a. But you cannot begin too early the >ral culture of a child or on too com>te a scale. You can look back on your own life and remember lat mighty impressions were made on you at five or six years of age. Oh, it child does not sit so silent during your iversation not to be influenced by it. You r he does not understand. Although much of ur phraseology is beyond his grasp, he is thering up from your talk influences which II effect his immortal destiny. From > question ha asks you long afterward u nnd he understood all about what u were saying. i ou minic cne cnua aoes t appreciate that beautiful cloud, but its >st delicate lines are reflected into the very jths of the youthful uature, and a score of u*s from now you will see the shadow of it cloud in the tastes and refinements deoped. The song with which you sing Lt child to sleep will echo through all life, and ring back from the very :hes of heaven. I think that often the first en vears of a child's life decides whether it ill be irascible, waspish, rude, false, hvpolical, or gentle, truthful, frank, obedient, lest and Christian. The present generation men will pass off yery much as they i now. Although the Gospel is offered im, tne general rule is that drunkIs die drunkards, thieve3 die thieves, jrtines die libertines. Therefore to the ith we turn. You fill the bushel measure ;h good corn, and there will be no room for sks. Glorious Alfred Cookman was con ted at ten years of age. At Care, Pennsylvania, during the progress a religious meeting in the Methodist arch* while many were keeling the altar, this boy knelt in a corner of the r oh all by himself aud said: "Precious rj<| viour, thou art saving others, 0, wilt thou p|jj{ ; save me/" A Presbyterian elder knelt ?ror :Ma him nnii lorl him into tha lierht. En? 11 oned Alfred Cookman! Tell me from the ?|Ja' es, were you converted too early? But QUa cannot hear hi3 answer. It is jrpowered by the hosannahs of i tens of thousands who were brought to 1 through his ministry. Isaac Watts, the ^ ;at Chiistian poet, was converted at nine my( irs of age. Robert Hall, the great Baptist ingelist, was converted at twelve years of q^q 5. Jonathan Edwards, the greatest of 8jj0* lerican logicians, was converted at seven guir irs of age. wor )h for one generation of holy men and w^( men. Shall it be the next? Fathers and an(j ithers, you, under God, are to decide ether from your families shall go forth %A( yards, inebriates, counterfeiters, bias>mers, and whether there shall be those eiirl iring your image and carrying your ^iti me festering in the low haunts of vice, t a i floundering in dissipation, and making rp^ ) midnight of their lives horrid ;mc ;h a long howl of ruin; or whether j *, im your family altars shall come the ristians, the reformers, the teachers, the cou nisters of Christ, the comforters of the tha1 ubled, the healers of the sick, the enactors t good laws, the founders of charitable intutions. and a great many who shall in the t, . mbler sphere of toil and usefulness serve d and the best interests of the human race. . Zou cannot as parents shirk the responsi- . ity. God has charged you with a mission, , i all the thrones of heaven are waiting to P *, whether you will do your duty. We . ** ist not forget that it is not so much what i: , tpAfh nup nhiMren as what we are in their jsence. We wisb them to be better than W01 are, but the probability is that they a, jj 11 only be reproductions of our u n character. German literature has 1111' ich to say of the "spectre of ocken." Among those mountains travelers ? certain conditions of the atmosphere see 8 tmselves copied on a gigantic scale in the ? B. uds, At first the travelers do not realize ^ it it is themselves on a larger scale. When 1,1 >y lift a hand or move the head this mon- Th r spectre does the same, and with such engement of proportions that the scene is TJ st exciting, and thousands have gone to the it place just to behold the spectre the Brocken. The probability is that some of itor r faults, which we consider small and in- in b nificant, if we do not put an end to them Mia II be copied on a larger scale in the lives of indi r children, and perhaps dilated and exag- deci ated into spectral proportions. You need the t go as far off as the Brocken to see that deci >cess. The first thing in importance in the Bens ication of our children is to make ourselves, con: the grace of God, lit examples to be liqu )ied. The day will come'wheu you must witl lfront that child, not in the church pew on brei aim Sabbath, but amid the consternation aliv the rising dead, and the flying heavens, will i a burning world. From your side that the i or daughter, bone of your bone, heart "Dr your heart, the father's brow his the i >w, the mother's eye his eye, shall Kar forth to an eternal destiny. What j rig! II be your joy if at last you hear their t in tho same golden highway and hear I* ?r voices in the same rapturous song, il- fror trations, while the eternal ages last, of one lat a faithful parent could, under God, ac- tion nplish. 1 was reading of a mother who. Pro ing, had all her children about her, ana thai >k each one of them by the hand, and asked bloc sin to meet her in heaven, and with it w irs and sobs such as those only know hast 10 have stood by the deathbed of stiti good old mother, they all promised, ono t there was a young man of nineteen who i l e^n very wild and reckless, and hard, 1 proud, and when she took his hand she a d: ''Now, my boy, I want you to promise i before I die, that yon will become a Chris- jnS;c n and meet me in heaven." The young man looi: k!o no ans wer.for there was so much for him gubi j;i ve up if lie made and kept su ;h a promise, gam t the aged mother per.-istel in saying: tics rou won't deny me that before I go, will you? vvlie is parting must not be forever. Tell me jrei w you will serve God and meet me in the poo: id where there is no parting." Quaking 8Upj th emotion he stood, making up his-mina ei S i halting and hesitatin ;, but at last his stub- and raness yielded and he th: e w his arms around fice< i mothir's neck and said: "Yes, mother; gtifl rill, I will." And as he finished the last bus! >rd of his promise her spirit ascended. I pUt< ink God the young man kept his promise, fn h is, he kept it. May God give ali mothers heai i fathers the gladness of their children's wh( vntinn In,,, for all who are trying to do their duty bun parents, I quote the tremendous passage: of t rain up a child in tho way in which ne ma] auld go, and when he is old he will not de- beei rt from it." If through cood discipline wh( d prayer, and godly example, cun u are acting upon that child, der u have the right to expect thes n to grow up virtuous. And how many que irs of joy you will shed when you sea your (Jan ild honorable, and just, and truthful, and wrc iristian, and successful?a holy man if t lid a world of dishonesty, a goodly woi >man in a world of frivolous pretenm. When you come to die they 11 gather to bless your last hours. it ley will push back the white locks on your tells Id forehead and say: "Whit a good father tos] always was to mel" They will fold your drill nds peacefully and say: "Dear raotherl othe e is gone. Her troubles are all over. Doii't che< a 1 wk beautiful?" that ~Tlie ltum Power.- J??0' [s it not plain that, in the rum power, we vis an enemy of freedom which it is the ^ ' ty of every patriot to oppose? Is it not ? * ii"n that the saloon interest is one which is ^ posed to intelligence, to industry, to tho o?perity of the people? Is it not time to j II a halt upon an organization which sub- i l rts, for its own selfish interests, the cardii ?. i?i_ ?r ?,,i^ | 1 |>IllRlpIO \JL UUJ \M?TU1IUICIII I.iao a uiv VI e majority?by purchasing votes, by corpting void's? The man who is base enough tt sell his vote for money?or, worse, for a . ttle of whisky?is not fit to exercise the " jhts of a freeman. And the rum interest constantly increasing the number of these , graded beings, < onstaritly extending its su, eu of malign influence, constantly sapping ts very foundations upon which the struc- rj re of our institutions is reared. It is time c at the people recognizo in the rum power rei" enemy worse than any monopoly that our untry has yet seen. It, in fact, answers J J the popular, though somewhat erroneous, nception of a " monopoly," viz: a conibinion of capitalists to corruptly influence legation to their private ends. The liquor ]m of the nation are, in the aggregate, um; ormously wealthy; even the millions of the car inous Standard Oil organization are insig- T " :n. nr Ka/lic. 1 ncnnb cojunui cu mm tuo vuwm.? lei's and brewers and dealers. And the ?jjt ;ter are constantly compacting their ornization, the better to subserve their purae of corruptly controlling; the people, to e end that their profitable occupation may M,0' perpetuated; to defeat all legislation in- ot ' lical thereto, and to practically rule the ?nc tion through the debased and venal por- ^ in of the voting population. Is not the ip jhest duty of the State that of self-preser- ig c tion ? Is it not time that the people should j,er lito to save the nation from the ranger ^ lich menaces it.?TqIkIo Blade* '* I t?ui HH TEMPERANCE. A Sign Board. I will paint you a sign, rumseller, And hang it above your door? m A truer and better sign board pc Than ever you had before. T] I will paint witb the skill of a master, And many shall pause to see This wonderful niece of oaintinz. So like the reality. I will paint yourself, rumseller, As you wait for that fair young boyJust in the morn of manhood? ' Qi A mother's pride and joy. Ti He has not thought of stopping, But you greet him with a smile: And you seem so blithe and friendly That he pauses to chat a while. I will paint you again, rumseller, I will paint you as you stand, W ith a loaming giass of liquor YP Held sparkling in your hand. He wavers but you urge him; "Drink? pledge me just this one I" And he lifL? the glass and drains it, And the hellish work is begun. And I next will paint a drunkard; Only a year has flown, But into this loathsome creature The fair young boy has grown. jn The work has been quick and rapid; I will paint him as he lies In a torpid, drunken slumber, Under the wintry skies. I will paint the form of the mother As she kneels at her darling's side? T * - ? 4-W?n4- mnn ^QP M Her UeUUllLUl UUJ uuau tt ua uvim Wi Than all the world beside. I will paint the shape of a coffin, Labeled with one word: "Lost!" I will paint all this, rumseller? 'Tis your sign. Now count the cost. The Drink Evil in London. hi he London correspondent of the Philadeii Record says: "In potations emanating j n vineyards, breweries and distilleries P1 e are yearly consumed in London moiv 8V a 31,000,000 quarts of wine, 180,000,000 rts of malt liquor and 18,000,000 w rts of spirits. The census of 1881, as the report of the llegistrar-general, gives population within the metropolitan area ,814,571, and within a radius of fifteen oc is as 4,500,000. That population has been m mated to have an aunual increase of 45,- m There are, of course, no statistics to tv what proportion of that enormous coniption of liquors shoul i be assigned to 111 nen. It must be a matter of speculation >lly subordinate to personal experience observation. I will not report ray own ires, but those of a shrewd bartender with ^h >m 1 have had several conversations on fr subject. He allots to the beau sex threeiths, if. indeed, not one-half, of that imbi- i on. This is an appalling statement; but w >e no reason to question its accuracy, ise who are engaged in laboring for ths m roveuaent of human morals will be pared for a want of faith in tha efficiency j ] success in their own work as they ennter a vice so general and vigorous as t of the use of intoxicating drinks here in jn idon. My own wanderings have beeu iy and far, but I have never been so star- y0 i in the presence of human vitiation as by yj. scenes of drinking and drunkenness I e witnessed here, and witness every day re sn I am on the streets. And I have never cj( ;ed my feet within a London barroom hout meeting women. Not always th? w er class, by any means, but just as often ?<{ 1-dressed, lady-like and politely brod nen, who take their brandy and soda with natter-of-course air and as suavely as Draen. In many of the taproorcfe there ii mtrance reserved exclusively for "ladies'1 aa apt in the single case of their having male wi ndants. Seeing these women emerging a 1 uch numbers from these drinlcing-housei hi; almost all hours of the day and night is a ha ,ure of London life peculiarly repulsive to mi lorirAna" as th s Supreme Court and Prohibition, sp iree appealed cases are now pending in United S: ates Supreme Court involving ti( constitutionality of the Kansas prohibj an y law. Arguments were made recently, ehalf of the brewers, by Senator Vest, of JP souri, and Mr. Choate, of this city. No la1 cation has yet been given as to what the sion of this highest judicial ribunal of nation will be. In the light of its past 1)0 sions, and in the light also or common e, we shall be greatly surprised if the on ititutional right of Kansas to prohibit the Ct or-trafflc be not affirmed. Of course, 1 large "vested interests" at stake, the b? vers of the whole country are keenly e to the dangers of the situation, and they th use enormous pressure to secure from ^11 Supreme Court of the United States a i>J ed Scott" edict on their own behalf, to 1?* effect that neither the sovereign people of iscs nor of any other State have any its which the brewers and beer-sellers are ne nd to respect. rel t addition to the above appealed cases n Kansas, are four others from Iowa and ve from Atlanta, Ga., awaiting considera- ho . That the present is a critical period for an liibitionists cannot be denied. If it prove ua , the Supreme Court of the United States ba :ks the way of prohibition in the States, tei ill greatly intensify popular feeling, and to en the day of a national prohibitory con- "t itional amendment?National Temper ex e Advocate. tlx II Labor and Liquor. an t present the workingman can hurdly *{ ce both ends meet. Is it not because he its on creating capitalists out of the sa- 111 i keepers, and, not content with that, on ar nitting all his rights of citizenship to the Pr e object of worship? The saloon inpoli- e*? is the most hideous abuse of the day, but ajJ xe would it be if the workingmen with- ?* iv their support from it? It keeps them sh 1* mil. Tv/ilif.ira /virnint. It I I X It Accpo UUi yviivtw plies a constant stream of base adventur- Pa wlio disgrace the American name at home tri abroad. It makes the terms "public of- 00 ' and "public plunder" synonymous. It on es progress, fosters^pauperism, brutalizes ne bands and fathers, breaks women's hearts, co 3 rags on the workingmen's back, disease do is body, and shame and despair in his rt. Y et when labor is most disturbed, P? in the demand for advanced wages is the A1 lest, when strikes are most frequent, when ger and misery are most rife in the homes "0 ,he poor, the saloon flourishes still. There W1 j be no bread at home, but there is always rand whisky at the bar; and the men e' ) consider themselves the victims of cir* istances,of the "thralls1' of cap.tal,squun- atl their earnings and spend their savings in ;e dens. Can there be a serious labor stion while this state of things continuesl "r i workingmeu talk gravely of their ex nigs while it is plain to all the world that "? hey only saved the capital they earn they "e lid be comfortable.? Atlantic Monthly. j*n bo How to be a "Nobody." be is easy to be nobody, and tbe Watchma i , how to do it. Go to the drinking saloon J" pend your leisure time, You need not ik much now, just a little beer or some TV1 ;r drink. In the meantime, play dominoes. kers, or something else to kill time, so 1)6 ; you will be sure not to read any usefn I Its. If you read anything let it De me e novel of the day; thus go on keeping P? r stomach full and your head empty, ami rself playing time-killing games, and in a w years you will be nobody, unless you lid turn out a drunkard or a professional ' ibler, either of which is worse than no- gX y. There are any number of young men cu ging about saloons just ready to graduate B0< De nobodies. de tbi Malign Control. in on. Win. M. Evarts, referring to the boi lination of the saloon in politics, writes: pr< There is but one adequate remedy suita- ag to political methods lor this threatened na irdination of the great parties in their th< iciples, their purposes and their can- ah ites to the purely private and selfish inists of liquordealing combinations. That va ledy is by one of these parties emancipat- wl itself from this malign control in shaping nij politics of the country, and defying ana oo jating its powers. sp< Tempcrancc News and Notes. ifteen counties in Florida have voted bit ler local option law, and prohibition has th' ried in twelve of them. . inl he Kansas druggists required by lawco ft" - -? *='-' f? ?- flv -0 women to sign meir puuuuiu iui yci- ? s to sell liquor, find it a difficult conion. .. l temperance cafe has been openel in ' r ntreaux, Switzerland, close to tno resort . >oatmen, coachmen and others. Temper- ? e is making rapid progress in Switzer d- At he Lewistown (Me.) Journal says: "Fear reeping into the hearts of liquor dealers b and there over the country. There is Ba much of business in the advancing tide of iperance reform to suit them,'' ? RELIGIOUS READING. ' "Spar? Thy People." ' "Gather the people and let the priest*, the inisters of the Lord, weep between the i >rch and the altar, and let them say, Spare ' iy people, O Lord." Not in anger smite us, Lord, Spare Thy people, spare I 8 If Thou meet us due reward e We must all despair. . T Let the flood c Of Jesus blood t iiench the flaming of Thy wrath, mt our sin enkindled hath. a s Fatherl Thou hast patience long r With the sick and the weak; t Heal us, make us brave and strong, Words of comfort speak. I 0 Touch my soul fi And make me whole t 'ith Thy healing, precious balm; v ard off all would bring me harm. \ Weary am I, Lord, and worn a With my ceaseless pain; Sad the heart that night and morn Sighs for help in vain. Wilt thou yet My soul forget. aiting anxiously for Thee h the cave of misery? a Hence ye foes! God hears my prayer i p From His holy place: I it ? ' ;* >- u r | _ UQUV lUaiU >vitu uvla? x uatu U Come before His face. Satan flee, Hell touch not me; a jd hath given me power o'er all, 81 ho once mock'd and sought my falL C ?[Albinus, 1652. y h "Ton Will Fall If Ton Try." r "You will fail if you try," said a friend to g s neighbor, who was contemplating the a complishment of some important object. [ shall certainly fail if I don't try," reied that neighbor. How true was the an- v rer I In how many instances is its application j v ost solemn and startling! The sinner will cer- j tl Inly fail of heaven, if he does not try to be ; c ved. The great commission of Jesus ! irist will fail to be executed, if the church j c' es not try to execute it. What was ever i w tained by not trying? Try, then, if you b Eiy, for worthy objects, and fail, if you tl ust, in trying. y The Gospel makes no man an outcast. ,, ough many a man makes an outcast or tJ mself. t< n Quito True. n When Chrysostom was brought up before w e emperor, the potentate thought to ai [ghten him into obedience to him, and said, +> .'II banish you." "No, you cant" said Chrysostom, "for you a m't banish me from Christ." "Then I'll take your life," cried the irate onarch. "You can't," was the reply, "for in Christ live and have my being." tl "Then 111 confiscate your wealth." ii "You cant," was still the response, "for t< Christ I have all riches." _ "At least," the tyrant said, "I shall cause ? u to lose till your friends, aiid you will be rc rtually an outcast." ni "But you cannot," Chirsostom exultinglv h plied, for I have a Friend that sticketh a, 3ser than a brother." .i Is it not sweet when to our own souls, as He as to His servant Chrysostom, Christ is b .ti 1 z inn fll Ill ttiiu ill OUI I WJ St Randolph's Rrbnke of Impiety. r( John Randolph, "Randolph of Roanoke" b he called himself, and liked to be called, is early impressed with religious truth by faithful Christian mother, of whom he ? mself tells us, "that at one time he might ive become a French infidel but for the rt amory of h is mother's hand upon his head, w he knelt at her side, to repeat after her ^ e Lord's Prayor." He was always out- , oken in favor of religion, and especially *,c ward the later years of his life, as lllustra- d >ns of which the following, among other is lecdotes, are related: a One day he was at a dinner party in Vir- g nia, given to a young army officer. The tter, at the table, was giving a glowing ac unt of the churches in Mexico, one of the k iest of which he said had been turned into rracks by the United States troops as they tered Mexico under General Scott. When le of the ladies present exclaimed, "Why, * iptain, were you not afraid to do it?' the ply of the young captain, in a somewhat is astful if not sneering tone, was: "Oh, no; r< r my part I have become so used to such v inga that I could take my dinner on the , tar itself as comfortably as anywhere." * \nd so would a hog, sir," said Randolph, f' Dking sharply at the officer, "while in the si ence that followed the terrible rebuke the t] ry air of the room seemed to tingle, as the rves of the guests did." The officer felt the r buke and was silent, as well he might be. Soon after Randolph's recovery from a sere sickness in 1816, he was dining at the use of a prominent politician with a large d mixea company. "Among them," to a his own words, "was a hoary-hoadea de- 1 uchee, whose vices had completely shat- | ci ed his constitution, and whose days seemed | s, be numbered. And yet," said Randolph, [ le had the audacity to call in question the | istence of the Deity, presuming, I suppose, I ?; at there were many kindred spirits there. ; b lappened to sit directly opposite to him, j ii d 1 felt so disgusted with his impiety that j a x>uld not help saying: 'I think, sir, that i i u might tetter have been silent on ! ? at subject, for judging from appear- i Ci ices, you, in a short time, will have ocular j v, oof of the power of that God whose exist- ! n ci you now so boldly question. You can ' ? !ord to wait, sir, the few remaining days | , your life, and in common courtesy you j T< ouid not shock the feelings of others by the j v hibition of your blasphemy!' He turned ti le with anger," adds Randolph, "and even t] Bmbled; but made no rejoinder, and the mpany soon separated. We met more than p ce subsequently, but nover afterward re- h wed our acquaintance, and whether his d urage to brave death continued or not, I j fj not know." I y The incident reminds one of Shelly, the j et, who, amid the glorious scenery of the & ps, and surrounded th'ere by the sublime | C( inifestations of God's power, had the hardi- | b od to avow and record his atheism by | tl iting against his name in the register kept 0 r travelers, "An Atheist!" Another trav>r who followed, shocked and indignant at | C1 s inscription, wrote beneath it. "If an j t( lieist, a fool; or if not, then a liar!" j rr And so God's Word declares, that "it is j 0( ? nrVin cove in hi? heart, there is no ! .. xl." Ho says it in his heart?that is, I |.( presses his wish that there were no God, i t in his head, in his sober judgment, for j ai knows better; he knows there is a God, C( d doubtless has many a fear and fore- j ding when thinking of the hour when j ', must stand before Him in judgment. I P' e are told of "Wilmot, the infidel, that j sc len ho was dying, he laid his trembling | hi nd on tho Bible, and said solemnly, ana j w th unwonted energy: "Tho only objoc- i in to this Book is a bad life." And if this - ni true of the infidel who rejects revelation, j ich more is it of the atheist, who denies : 3 existence of a God, the evidence of whose wer and wisdom and goodness is seen in i ? his works.?[Rev. Tyson Edwards in I Y. Observer. I u] | g, Fho New York Graphic says: "The ai owth of the saloon power is the heaviest e: rse that afflicts this country, morally, jially and politically. We use tho words ' liberately. Once on a time it was said P1 at money was the root of all evil. Today g( the United States, the rum traffic is the w urce of three-fourths, perhaps more, of the ?a evalent misery. This is not the ex- j.( geration of any prohibitionist fa- , tic?it is solemn fact. Not merely . 3 wealth, but the manhood and morals I in jo of the community, especially in j ti ge cities, are being steadily sapped by the | m * ?" . ?1? Ann infJlinnnf ,nnn ! * mpire 01 mo oaiwu. ?uj m?....bvu? .?u.. , ,, 10 walks through our popular streets at * ;ht or spends an hour in one of our police urts next morning, must bid a fervid God- ! la sed to the crusade against the saloon." j tc A. Tennessee correspondent of the New j P; >rk Observer, writing of the rece:it prohi- i dl iion in that State, s-iys : "It is estimated j en it over half, a million of dollars was sent j ,3, o the State, with numberless barrels of I 9 whisky, to be used for tha purpose of j , feat..1 I 01 b( Among the inscriptions at the base of the gi inking fountain at Stratford-on-Avon, pre- ^ ito 1 by George W. Childs, of Philadelphia, J. honor of the Queen's Jubilee, is tin follow- " ; from Shakespeare: "Honest water, ! CI lich ne'er left man in the mire."?Timon 1 tj \ ui 'hens, act i., scene ii. j fl, A prominent liquor dealer in Tennessee J tf id after the recent election: "Ono more | S ich victory as this, and the profits, will all 1 t] ? knocked out of the whisky fc^sm^ss in moewe*." / . ^ WOMAN'S WORLD. ?< entf pleasant literature for up? feminine readers. don or p thei Prevention of Wrinkles. m ti Evidently quite a number of us are bei] growing old trecause we are interested in com ;nowing what will prevent wrinkles. Broc rhe best remedy is, of coursc, lack of are and absolute hard heartedness, for he emotions cause wrinkles. When they q re just beginning to be little wrinkles, ort of baby wrinkles, the old Creole ' jggt ccipe is really of some use. This is to mor ake a small quantity of fine olive oil on gn?( nc's fingers and rub the wrinkled place rj? ive or ten times twice a day, continuing t^e his until the wrinkles disappear. But ^ T rith this, all the other things that keep a] fomcn beautiful are neccssary, most of 11 the use of plenty of soap and water. -New York Star. ~~~ ,, easil How to Tell Bride#. pjns "Yes," said an old and experienced au 8 otel clerk yesterday, 411 can tell a bride som( nd groom at a glance. For some reason an ( r other they all seem ashamed to have the, ; known they have just been married, ja nd they all try to give the impression ta^e hat they are comparatively old stagers, otjje s it were, but it's no use with me. I ^ 0k mile when I see their old trunks?to rcffa ome with brand new ones, you know. , rould be to advertise the fact that they ^ ' ad just been wedded?and I laugh out- _jer( ight when I receive a letter from a brideroom saying: 4 Myself and wife will be coro t your house on Wednesday night, be- men iveen 12 and 1 o'clock. Our luggage 8(>m( fill arrive during the afternoon, but wo tj0D rill not arrive ourselves until after the j,j tieatre.' Then I watch and see them W(>r] ome in with a bundle of umbrellas and ^ , anes, a hat box and a couple of valises,. earg rhich I have no hesitancy, of course, in m<xj elieving they took to the play with ?or j lem. How do I tell a bride and groom ? prep Pell, there's something about the way ley look at each other when they are uuj j jgether, and when the newly-married pu? tan is by himself I can tell by the man- <jij er in which he uses the two words 4-my ife.' He's not used to the combination ven;'( nd they sound as unnatural to me a& ear^ ley do to himself."?New York Mail nd Ezprets. . iove] Cain An Italian Kitchen. fa ] Housework is much the same all over Moni le world, but for an American to go ito an Italian kitchen is like going back ) the days of our grandmothers. The ^ reat chimney cap projects out into the >om, and gives an antique look to the f1 ewest kitchen; under it is a brick fu*? earth raised on an arch to the height of Je i ordinary table; in this are two or son's iree square holes called fornelle, for the Fs uming of charcoal; beneath them is a after >ace for the wood fire, and on the side gj ands the jack-spit for cooking the vejv( >ast. There is no oven, except a great v. rick affair that must be heated by hav- .V ig a fire of light wood built inside of ^ , and that is rather costly. One can, # T1 owever, send puddings, cakes and large itsell >asts to the nearest bakers, where they T1 ill be baked for a few cents each. Al- for a iost everything is cooked on the little pc >rnelle. They are three or four inches tjje j eep and have a grating bottom; below _ an open space that can be closed by a . little sliding iron door. When a good as re is needed the cook fans the opening M< ith aian made of plaited straw or tur-! beau ey feathers. Rf Water must usually be brought in from ed si ie well, though in some houses there is hate. hydrant in the kitchen. It is a lor- jjj mate thing if one of the little fornelle i furnished with a square boiler sur- men1 junding the fire, into which water may e poured and heated. The cost of .V eeping these charcoal fires going is , om ten to fifteen cents a day for a nail family, but then one must adopt le Italian method and let the fire go at when not actually in use.?Good *cen louseieeping. L( "rat Whiskered Women. oute The St. Louis Globe-Democrat says: Pi 'It is the remark of a prominent physi- a fas ian, who has given much time to the be v abject, that 70 per cent of the women I jj, f the West are burdened with growths , cons f hair upon their faces. Nearly every : C7en runette is affected to some extent J 1 this manner, and it would only require r? little care and practice on her part to , ~ ring forth a visible crop of what the ! J illow male of 18 anxiously waits and I ^1 ratches for on his face. Blondes are j *ur~ ot so badly affected, as the growth jtecti f hair upon their faces is too light and j CI jo fine to be observable, except upon ' laces cry close inspection. "However," con- are c nued the pnvsician aforesaid, "when j L? le blonde does have a growth it is of a : dati< reasy, shiny nature, that is far more J ?dva arrowing to her feelings than the black ! j t own that appears upon the brunette's | mo^ ice. No doubt the causes that affect | js j le color of the skin also affect the I * rowth of the hair, for the darker the I ,. jmplexion the greater the growth will 1\?1S e. It may be taken as a general rule of 1 lat any lady who wishes to rid herself _ f a moustache or a beard will only in- time rease its thickness after she begins eQan > pay attention to it, for shaving, oint- 1'1 icnta, burning and plucking will not do fleec thcrwise than invigorate the roots and are i illiclcs. It is only by killing these fol- shori clt's, that the hair will cease to grow, fl id electricity is the ouly means yet dis- jjaye jvercd to accomplish this end. The j fuu ronesa is novel and interesting. Several | UCTC hysicians of this city have acquired the ; .. ;ience of using the electric needle, and | .. ? ave been engaged for some time in the .?rc ork of ridding women of the greatest ? lisery to which she can fall heir. co.'v1 with Donkey Parties. If you wish to be in the fashionable vim this winter, you must attend or get A" p a donkey party. There ure already a I C"1C' 5od many asinine things ia society cir nusemcnts, but a donkey party is an ^rcc iccption. and furnishes good, honest 1 in. Like in a necktie party, the particiints are an equal number of ladies and ^aye sntlemen. Each lady comes provided ^P1*' ith two scissors, tied each with the an(* ,me eolored ribbon. On entering the ,r0o juse she drops one scissors into an um- at ^ rella basket at her right and another ( .to a smaller basket at her left. Mean- are * me the hostess has provided a quire or as l'J ore of square sheets of manilla paper. J'1" fhen the time is called tho gentlemen "j} ' raw the scissors from one basket, the iei dies from the oilier. Those who happen fliou i get the same kind of ribbon become ln a irtners. Then the manilla paper is ?rou istributcd, and the task exacted from ich person is to cut out the figure of a 1 ankey. Couples work together for a t'ie ^ rnimon purpose, which is to secure one ^?ou' the several prizes awarded first for the '10 ;st donkey iu general, next the most " ^'( raccful donkey, and so on. The com?tition is very entertaining, if not, at s'zo> mos, exciting, and the result mostludi- throi ous. Any young dude who has studied nf the donkev over nieht! p U1U ? ? ? id given his whole mind to the trem iking can readily capture the first [ ^erc iuce the inauguration of these parties lero has been (]uitc a run upon, the cir- TJ libraries for works descriptive iutei he modest animal after which ther Lamed. There is a variety of th# srtainment in which th? hostess hang* a the wall a life-size drawing of the key without a taiL A switch of hair aper is provided and each member of company is blindfolded and delegated, urn, to affix it where the tail sooala f the picture on the wall were caudally plete. The fun may be imagined.? >klyn Citizen. The Finger Hing. f all the ornaments with which vansuperstition and affection have (rated the human form, few have e curious bits of history than the cr-ring. From the earliest times the lias been a favorite' ornament, and reasons for this general preference vn for it over other articles of jewelre numerous and cogent. Ornaments se placc is on some portion of the irel, or in the hair, must be laid aaide l the clothing or head-dress,- strer thus y lost and often* not at once ipissed. i, brooches, buckles, clasps; buttowy ooner or later become defective ia d part, and are liable to escape from owner unconscious of the defect in nechanisin. The links of a' necklace me become worn and- the article iM n off to be mended; the spring or r fastening of a bracelet is-easily ;en, and the bracelet vanishes. With rd to ornaments fastencd'to parts-of savage body, mutilation is necessary;, ear must be bored,-, the nose be [red, the cheeks or lips be slit, andr I after these surgical operations are pleted, the articles used for adorns t are generally inconvenient, and :times, by their weight or construc; are extremely painful. t striking contrast with decoration* * on theclothiog, in the hair, roond neck and arms, or pendent from> the r lips and nose, is the ficeer-rintr, the el of convenience. It is seldom <loaty t need no* be aaken off; requires nol aratory mutilation of the body, ii- * painful, is alwaps in view, a perpet-> reminder either of the giver or of thr ose for wkich it is worn. le popularity of the ring must, there' be in large measure due to its con* snce, amd that this good quality wasr learned may be inferred from the) rew tradition, which attributes thejation of this ornament to Tubal, the "instructor of every artificer* jtase aod iron."?Popular Sctinc* My. Fashion Notes. its- of white felt are in favor. nk topa? ia eonsidered very beautibut is- rare. tted velvet ? a novelty in this teay fabrics. nicy belt ribbons appear once again many years. egant trimmings are now used on it outer garments. sites, jackets, and short wraps arc 0e longer this winter. le ostrich tip ia beginning to assert P in. fashionable millinery. le new woollens with a fleecy salvage , trimming are very stylish. tmpadour styles in hair dressing are nost stylish erf any coiffures. riped moire's for petticoats are the ind most elegant fabric in silk. 2tal braid trims some of the most tiful bonnets imported this season, id, gray, brown and green in softenlades are the popular colors for felt ack monkey fur is a very stylish ming, particularly for mourning ts. ie rage for braiding seems to be out end, and everything is laden i it still. >ose blouse vests are very pretty in white nansook for little boys' velvesuits. mg fringes of plain chenille, called' 8r tail," is stylish trimming for any r garment. nking on the edge of felt bonnets is ihion which is not pretty enough tocry popular. nbroidered crape lisse in stripes is idered a very elegant trimming for ing costumes. ie tailor-made gown is not dear this season as it has been fop sast two years. icre is an imitation of that beautiful -Chinchilla?that almost defies deon, so natural is it. uny and valenciennes are the two i worn by young ladies, and both. ;legant and becoming. ;ather is still the fashionable foun>n for needle work, and it has the ntage of being durable. ipis lazuli is a favorite stone at this icnt, and when veined with gold it igularly beautiful in color, igh draperies are the most stylish season, although the loose foldslc plain skirt are much liked. lttons of oxidized silver are somes beautifully wrought and finely lclcd, and bring very high prices., ushes of two kinds, one with long, v pile, the other short and velvety, used for many of the handsomest t wraps. - - i ' le manutacturea trimmings wmti* been ignored for years, are now in favor again. Passementeries were r before so varied and so effective. 1 but tailor made toilets are embeld with a vest fichu of crepe, mull or tissue, fastened to a high military r and trimmed down either side . a band of velvet ribbon. Fricaseed Frog. fat frog's leg is better tban any ken you ever tasted. You catch 1 right from the pond with the big a coats on them, and after cutting jody off and pulling the skin over feet you slap the legs in a pan, and i a dish tit to toy before a king, led venison may be a dainty dish toasted quail a luxury, but fricaseed lays over anything 1 ever tried. Up lrewsbury, Pa., they make a fine art Ircssinir frogs for the tablo. They gTeat big ''blood and oundses," ie boys cull them, which plump into water with a sound like that of a drum whenever you come near them. 1 they lie beneath the surface and t "Bloody-nowns! bloody-nowns!" deep, guttural tone thut shakes the nd and almost frightens you away the locality. My mother used to ne that a ''bloody-towns" lived in veil when I w;is a boy, and I never d go sear the curb on that account, boyiiin the country always call them jodvs" for short. The sound they ? is out of all proportion to their and it is a terrible thing to pass ugh a marshy district on an autumn t and hear an army of them grum5 and roaring until the very hills ble with the noise.?Haltitnois ! hi.] ie "Lovers'lano'* in many a park ia rsccted by Iridal pa'.ha.