ipi " . - ' : *K'_ . v.-'-r- "y . c,';- . Jr.? BY HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1887. VOLUME NXN1I. NO. 29. MICE In accordance with he a j to raise supplies for the fiscal year cc raencing November 1st, 1886, notice hereby given that the Treasurer's of of Abbeville County will be open for oollection of taxes SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15,18! #><*?% nnfil "Hn/iom V???r 1 JL ttA.ua U(IU UC J^aiu UUU4 JWWVViuvvi *' without penalty. The rate per centum of taxes, is as i lows: State purposes 4i mill? Count3r current 31 " County special 14 " Schools 2 " Total 11 Poll tax 51.00. Male citizens between twenty-one a fifty years are liable to Poll tax. Tax payers in Ninety-Six and Coki bury townships are notified that the t to pay the interest on the Bonds in aid the Atlantic, Greenville and Weste Railway Company, amounting to 2j tni I in Ninety-Six and 3 mills in Cokesbu will be collected at the same time as t State and County taxes, and will be an " ject to the same penalties in case of nc payment. In order to farther the collection of t taxes and to accommodate the tax pav< as far as I am able I have arranged t following schedule of appointments, a request the tax payers will take duo 1: tice thereof as the office at the Coi House will necessarily be closed on lh( days: Vorflprv Tiipqrtnv. 'Vnvpmhor 1st. / ? ?' * Bradley, Wednesday, November 2nd Troy, Thursday, November 3rd. McCormick, Friday, November 4th a: Saturday morning till 11 o'clock. Bordeaux, Saturday afternoon, Novel ber 5th. Willington, Monday morning, Novel ber 7th until 12 o'clock. Lowndesville, Monday afternoon, N vember 7th from 2 o'clock and Tuesda November 8th. M). Parmpl WpHnosriav Xovprnh 9th. Office at Court House the other days that week. Ninety-Six, Monday, November M from arrival of down train until depa ture of up train next day. Greenwpod, Tuesday afternoon, N yeraber 15th and Wednesday morni' November 16th. Hodges, Thursday, November 17th u til 3 o'clock. Donnaldsville, Friday, November 18t Due West, Saturday, November 19th. The remainder of the time I will be the office at the Court House. ah lniormauon as to laxes win i cheerfully given by mail or otherwise. J. ?. PERRIN, County Treasurer. Sept. 14, 1887, tf GOOD Lumber at Cheap Rate J. W.Whartoi VERDERY, S. C. IS PREPARED TO FURNISH Al PER CENT, rn ; STATE. Yon will find in our stock DIAGONAL jj TEDS and HEAVY FLANNELS. OVERCOAT." Z HATS AND FURN] ib?n WE CAN BEAT ANY THING IN TOWN. ] - DRY G 'lC Consisting of new effects in VELVETS. EN nd CASHMERS and all the latest styles in TRIM.M ln CASHMERS-TOWELS. TABLE LINEN, HOSI lo" compare with any in the State. Our stock muut I r, r n r f ^ w ? We have on hand a full line of STAPLE and ] prices to suit the times. Will keep in stock the fl nd Flour, Molasses, Syrup, f jj. DON'T BUY BEFORE YOU EXAMINE OU1 o- 5,000 YARDS YARD-WIDE >y, s. e. sta lb ir- Waller's fild SfQnH ?I MAJLVA W VAU M VWUWJ O- Nov. 9,18S7,3m ng i _ * Time, Labor and in Something that Evei e DR. J. K. Mc' - Willi C FOR WASHING >s FAMILY WASHING can be accomplished in a FEW the use of the Wash Boards or Washing Machines. Tl McWhorter, of Salem, \ a., June 21st, ISS7, and comes witl in a few minn'es itself, wlmt has heretofore reqnired da 1 One-Third of the Wearing Value of Clothes was RUBBEI now with the Introduction ol the "Washing Compound" EVIL or the PAST is KEMKPIED. and A NEW which saves TIME, LABOU and MONEY. For Novelty. Simplicity, Cheapness and Thoroughness anteed. The entire washing of a large family can be done a cost of only a few cents. There is nothing in the preparl )S jtfeirFamiiy Eights, County or State, can be purchased bi >w W. D. LE! ID. Ablbex A. M. HILL g Dealers GROCERIES AND PORE WINES AI Id " NORTH CAROLINA WHII Ill Si A full line of FRUITS ). RIES always Nov. 2. 1887,2m 1 JERVEY ny en GREENWOO WE HAVE JUST OPENED A MERCHANT ing a full line of FARMERS SUPPLIES, am ioHARD^ A full assortment of which we offer at LOW PRI( RT(TE ! "RTflT! We are dealers In CAROLINA RICE, both RE as directly with the producers as the largest sh with Charleston and Savannah houses successful! 1 DIXIE I nd | 15 I gSj of which we are agents, 1r well known in the upp< lC8 county, (for prices drop us a postal.) We order In ders promptly and they will receive attention. eB_ Abbeville and other counties will be appreciated, on ?. R. S. SPARKMAN. MftnaytT. d Low Pric( TELL.. FOUR WEEKS TREMENDO S we propose to double c ? will do it. > E3 S. EAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE > select from. CLOTHING! CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN 1 ,S, CORKSCREWS, CASHMERES, \VC > of all grades. [SHING GOODS. HAVE HATS FROM 50 CENTS to 54.01 OODS. GLISII SUITING, TRICOT, FLANNI LINUS, BUTTONS, GLOVES-IN KID KRY, etc., which for quality and prices >e seen to be appreciated. RIES. FANCY GROCERIES which will bo sol nest grades of Sugar, Bice and Coff t STOCK AND COMPARE PItlCES. SHEETING 6t CENTS lNSELL, Greenwood, S. * Money Save y Family Wants. SORTER'S OfOUl i CLOTHES. MINCTE8 without tho labor of RUBBIN< bis wonderful Discovery was patented by Dr. J i glad tidings to every household and accompli ys and hours of bard toil. It Is estimated ) OUT under the old process of washing, this waste is preserved and the nnavoid EUA HAS DAWNED UPON OUR COUN1 It is Unsurpossed. Perfect Satisfaction G in TWENTY MINUTES, and LESS TIMI taion that will injure tho hands orclothee. f applying to SLY & CO., 'ill?, B. O. , & SONS 5 In PROVISIONS ID LIQUORS, SKEY A SPECIALTY and FANCY GROC] on hand. & CO., >D, S. C. >ise and cotton business, car! d are specially engaged In ^ARE. :es. ! RICE! T A T r Anil WUAT rCiTr onfl oo Ipplng house in tlio South' we can comj y. LOW, ;r part of the State, especially In Ahbev car loads from factory. So send in yoni A little patronage from the good peopl FEHVEY & CO JS NEW STORE NEW GOODS! 08. >uriniirrurr nnifiiiio i LuriM rmtuo. ;IN HAVING INCREASED THE CAPACITY OF OUR ?STORE ROOM ABOUT > Three Times its Size as Before, we now offer to the public the largest and best selected stock of - FALL & WINTER GOODS ever before shown In this market. Clothing! Clothing! Special attentlou was given In selecting our stock of CLOTHING and we now have the ^0 best and largest stock ever offered In ABBEVILLE. Everybody ran be fitted, as our stock of MENS, YOUTHS and BOYS, both in business and dress suits is complete. The largest stock of OVERCOATS in town, both cheap and the best An immense stock of extra PANTS. Can fit any one. COur patent square shoulders, close fitting suits for young men is the latest out. We have all sizes. A tremendous stock of _ SHOES. vl MENS In every style and ouallty. CONGRESS anil LACE, both in nand and machine made. We guurantee to please every one, not only in quality and style but also in price. Our Common Sense Shoe for the ladles is the easiest wearing Shoe made, and every lady should wear them. Our stock of MISSES and CHILDRENS SHOES is large and well selected. We also offer a beautiful lino of Ladies Dress Goods at the LOWEST PRICES. We always keep la full line of LADIES CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &c. The most complete, fullest and cheapest line of J or & gents neckwear but rv we have ever offered. \Ve guarantee to please K1 the most fastidious. Never without a complete and full line of Gentlemen's Shirts, both In LAUNDRIED and UNLAUNDRIED. Our "Celebrated PEARL SHIRT" ts always in the lead, and can't bo beat for fitting. The be6t 50c. SHIRT ever offered In. any 9 I market. i HATS I HATS! As we have taken special cnro In the selection of our HATS, we can please every one from the clergymen down to the commonest laborer iu DERBY and FELT GOODS. A well assorted stock of CaPS. > SHOT GUNS, both BREECH and MUZZLE LOADING. MUZZLE LOADERS from 87 up. _ BREECH LOADERS from 810 up. [ I A large stock of SHELLS and LOADING IMPLEMENTS, SHOT, POWDER, PRIMERS, &c. E-i Our Grocery Department is always complete. = FLOUR, BACON, LARD, MOLASSES, SALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, e?e have not mentioned everything, our 6tock being so numerous. We will Just say we have every thing kept in a FIRST CLASS STORE of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Me You can and will be convinced by giving us e?of a cu"' IP. ROSENBERG & CO. Nov. a, i??t, tf | Praying in Secrct. ^ I need not leave the Jostling of the wor Or wait till dally tasks are o'er, To fold ray hands In secret prayer, Within the close-shut closet door. There is a voiceless, cloistered room Within me, open every day; Whore, though my feet may Join the tl: My^soul may enter in and pray. When I have banished wayward thoug Of sinful works the fruitful seed, Wheu folly wins my ear no more, Tho closet door is shut indeed. No human step approaching, breaks Ttie blissful stillness of the pluce; The shadow steals across the light Thai falls from my Redeemer's face. One listening even cannot know When I have crossed the threshold o'< For He alone who heurs my prayer Has heard the shutting of the door. "Trust your mother, noble youth, Turn not from the paths of truth; Tti Tpmntnf Ion's pvil lionr. Seek her, ere It galna new power. She will never guide you wrong: Faith In her will make you strong, Trust your mother, aim to prove Worthy of her fondest love. Trust your mother, maiden fair; Love will guide your steps with care. Let no cloud e'er come between, Let no shadow e'er be seen. Hiding from your mother's heart What may prove a poisoned dart. Trust your mother; seek to prove Worthy of her faithful love," "Vengeance is mine, I will re] saith the Lord." The Christian no need to give the matter a thou. He is to love his enemies, and do j to them as he has opportunity, God will take care of the rest. It is just as easy to cultivate the quaintance of your mercies as 3 miseries, and it is a great deal pi anter for your enjoyment; just as i a great deal pleasanter to be intro< ed to your friends than your eneir God will mark not only how m times you speak to His people in ] lie, but also how frequently you sj; to Himself in secret. God often b long with those with whom He not bear always. Master's Sale. The State of South Caroli COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE, COURT OF COMMOX PLEAS. J. W. Power, Trustee against BenJ. W. llams, Roger L. Williams.?Foreclosur DY virtue of an order of sale made In -L' above stated case, I will offer for gnl public outcry at Abbeville C. H., S. C. Kuleday In December, 1SS7, within the I hours of sale, the following described j ertv. situate In said State and Countv. to All that tract or parcel of land, the prop of Roger L. Williams, containing One Thousand and Twenty Ac more or less, bounded by lands of \\ Prince. J. W. Power, Martin lands, Albe and Vvm. V. Clinkscales and S. A. Hutc son, and lying on Penney's and Shank creeks, waters of Little River. Also that tract or parcel of land, the pre ty of B. W. Williams, containing Six Ilnndred Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of CI scales, Lynch, John fc;. Brownlee, and J Power.and lying on Penney's creek, wate Little River. Said lands, if deemed advisable, will b vided Into smaller tracts which will be separately and plats exhibited on day of TERMS OF SALE?One half cash, ball on a credit of twelve months with int< from day of sale at 10 per cent., secure< bond ol the purchaser and a mortgage o( premises. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. C. KLUGH; Mast Nov. 11, 1887, 3t Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLI COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Theoph. Baker, Adm'r, &c. against Carri Latimer etal. Ff virtue of an order of sale made In above stated ease, I will offer for sali ! public outcry at Abbeville C. H., S. C. 'Saleday in December, 1887, within the 1 hours of sale, the following described r erty, being the real estate of James M. 1 mer, deceased, situate In said State and G ty, to wit: 1. All that tractor parcel of land, know the Mitchell Place, on Comer creek watei Little River, containing One Hundred and Sixty-Six Aci I more or less, bounded by lands of G. M. I bee, A. W. Branyon, George Williams, | others. 2. Also that tract or parcel of land, kn ! as the Groves Place, containing One HuDdred and Thirty Acre! I mnrn nr ltfcc ntirl hnnndAr) hv lnnrla nf | Lockhart, Mrs. M. LeRoy, John L. Ar and others. 3. Also, that tract or parcel of land, kn as the Savannah K1 verPlantation, contali One Thonsnnd and Five Acres more or less, and bounded by lands of ] Hutchison. Joslah Burton, J. M. Young, Cabell, I. II. McCxlla, and W. F. Cllnkscal 4. Also, that tract or parcel of land, kn j as the Harper & Hutchison lands, contali j Throe Hundred & Ninety-Nine Ac more or less, and bounded by lands of Arnold, Mrs. M. LeRoy, Mrs. M. E. Bakei Hutchison, It. L. Hardin and I. II. McCall 5. Also, one house and lot in the vlllaj Lowndesvllle, containing Eight Acrcs, more or less, and bounded by lands of T ker, W. Moore, Metluxlist Church Lot, Ef TERMS OF SALE?One-third cash, ball on^a credit of one and two years, with li est from day of sale, to be secured by bon the purchasers and mortgages of the pi ises. J. C. KLUGH, Mast Nov. 11, 1887, 3t Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Samuel A. Hutchison against Sarah C. Li et. al.?Partition. T>Y virtue of an order of sale made In above slated case, I will oirer for sal public outcry at Abbeville C. H.. S. C., on J I too- .I.lil.l,, tl,? l??nl h UI13' in uvceiliucr, ioai, ill. .vj,!.. .1 of sale, the following described property unte In ssld Slate and County, to wit: that tract or parcel of land containing Thirty Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of S. S. Bi John N. Newby, Isaac II. McCalla, and e? of J. M. Latimer. TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser to for papers. J. C. KLUGH, Mast Nov. 12,1887, 3t Master's Sale. The State of South Caroli, COUNTY Ot" ABBEVILLE. COirnT OF COMMON PLEAS. John E. Bradley et al? Ex'ors against Sj A. Truitt et al. T>Y vlrtueof an order of sale made In A-* above staled case, T will ofl'er for salt Alihnvllln n h s c Saleday In December. 1SS7, within the I hours of sale, the following described p erty situate in said State and County, to ' The tracts of land now in possession of \ A Brndlcv, Sarah A. Trnttt, Savannah \ kins and Jane A. Goodln, separately, pai the real estate of which Matthew Goodin seized and possessed. To be sold In thre more tracts. TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchase! pay for papers. v 9 J. C. KLUGH, Ma*t K?v. 11,1W7, 3t I Master's Sale. ld The State of South Carolin COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Robertson. Taylor & William's against Da S. Branyun et. al.?Foreclosure. irong TJY virtue of aa order of sale made In 1 above stated case, I will offer for sale ht, Abbeville C. H.,S. C.,!onSaleday In Decern 1HS7, within the legal hours of sale, the lowing described property, situate In s State and County, to wit: All that tract parcel of laud, known as the Tract containing One Hundred and Four Acres, uiuic ur icm, uounut'u oy mnus 01 u u 15r yan, S. J. Martin, George Shirley and oth< Br* lying on Hotskin creek, water of Little Rlv TERMS OF SALE-One third cash, t anee od a credit of twelve months with Ini est fnom day of sale, secured by bond of 1 purchaser and mortgage of the premlt Purchaser to pay for papers. J. C. KLUGH, Nov. 11, 1887 31. Mastei Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. J. E. Caldwell ngalnst M. C. Caldwell et Partition. TJY virtue of an order of sale made in t AJ above stated case, I will offer for sale public outcry at Abbeville C. 'H., S. C., Saleday in December, 1887. within the lei pay, hours of sale, the following described propei situate in said State and County, to wit: T remainder of that tract or parcel of lar 1X11 I.. Irnnufn ?o Tl/wil ~^ o ?.-> ivcui unmicui Ji. Ti. ^hiuweil,< rood ceased, In the town of Alt. Carrael, contalnl and orl?,ually Twenty-five Acres, ac- more or less, bounded by lands of T. (i. Hal 'our and others. Said land has neon divided k five lots, which will be sold separately, eas- Also such of the lota of the former survey t is have not been paid for by purchasers at t liir- former sale. Plats will be exhibited on d . of sale. ties. TERMS OF SALE?One-half cash. balao anv 011 a credit of twelve months with inten y from day of sale, secured by bond of purchai HID- and mortgage of premises, with leave to pi teak chnscrs to pay all cash. Purchasers to p; par(J for papers. J. C. KLUGH, Master Will Nov. U, 1837,3t. ? Master's Sale. The State of South Caroliru na, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. court of common pleas. Mrs. W. H. Parker against G. S. Merrlwetb ?Foreclosure. Wll. "DY virtue of an order of sale made in t e. aj above stated case, I wll offer for sale the public outcry at Abbeville C. H., S. C.. i e at Saleday In December, 1887, within the leg on hours of sale, the following described pre [ecal erty, situate In said State and County, m-od- wit: All that tract or parcel of land, contal wit: ing. erty Sixty-Three and Ono-hair Acres, rPo more or less, bonnded by lands of J. W. Ci ' houn, Mrs. Emily Cheatham, J. W. Foosl r. Jj. J. C. Young and tbe Dower Tract, lying i rt J. Wilson's Creek. Said tract Is the remalnd hln- of the original tract of G. S. Merrlwether n lln's sold at the former sale In this case. TERMS OF SALE-One-half cash, balan >por- on a credit of twelve months with lntere from day of sale secured by bond of purchj er and mortgage of tbe premises. Purchas to pay for papers. J. C. KLUGH, Master, Ink- Nov. 12,1887,3t w ?f Master's Sale. The State of South Carolim frest COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. } hy COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. ' the King & Poo against R. H. Welborn et al, er. Foreclosure. "DY virtue of an order of sale made In tl above stated case, I will ofler for sale public outcry at Abbeville C. H.. S. C.. < Saleday In December, 1887, within the leg hours of sale, the following described prop< NA, ly, situate in said State and County, to wl All that tract or parcel of land containing One Hundred and Fifty-One Acre . more or less, bounded by lands of R. L. W 6 A' llamB, Wm. Power, and others, it being tl tract conveyed to R. H. Welbern by Lina ] the Prince. a at TERMS OF SALE?One half eish, balan ,, on on a credit of twelve months with lntere egul from day of sale, secured by bond of pi >rop- chaser and mortgage of the premises, wi :,ati- leave to purchaser to anticipate payinei oun- Purchaser to pay for papers. J. C. KLUGH, Master n as Nov. 11,1887, 3t ra of Master's Sale. res, Big The State of South Carolim and COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. 0w n COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. R. T. Gordon. Assignee against James C. Lil '' et al.?Foreclosure. Mrs. T)Y virtue of an order of sale mnde In t nold JJ above 6tated case, I will offer for sale public outcry at x\hbevllle C. H., S. C., ' own saleday In December, 1887, within the leg ni"S Hours 01 sale, me louowing aescrioeu propi ty, situate in said State and County, to w ? All that tract or parcel of land, In Ced 3 p Springs Township, containing ^rs* One Hundred and EightyOne Acre own more or less, bounded by lands of Mary Dill8 Lite?, Mrs. J. E. Lyon, by the Vienna Roi and others, the Interest herein of said J. e ' Liies being ascertained to bconcundlvld i r. one-half interest. rK TERMS OF SALE-One-lialf cash, balan * on a credit of twelve months with intert e 0f! from day of sale, secured by bond of the pi I chaser and a mortgage of the premises. Pi | chaser to pay for papers. J. C. KLUOH, Master | Nov. 10,1887,3t Master's Sale. nnce. The State of South Carolim em- COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. er. COURT OK COMMON PLEAS. Thos. T. Cunningham et al., against Sanu C. Cason, et ftl.?Partition. TJY virtue of an order of sale made in t -u above stated case, I will offer for sale public outcry at Abbeville C. H., B.C., on Sa day in December, 1S87, within tfie legal hoti of sale, the following described propprty, f uate In said State and County, to wit: A that tract or parcel of land, containing vely Three Hundred nnd Eighty Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Dr. J. the Basktn, A. J. CUnkscales, G. W. Sneer, ai ie at others. Said tract of land Is divided Into tv iale- J parcels each of which will be sold separate! ours I piats may be seen at my office and will be e , sit- hibited on day of sale. All TERMS OF SALE?One-half cash, balnn on a credit of twelve months secured by boi of the purchaser and a mortgage of the prer ises, with Interest from day of sale. Purclia r^)?c er to pay for papers. J. C. KLUGH, lute Nov* U'IS87,31 Master. pa>- Master's Sale. er. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE, COURT OF COMMON* I'LEAS. Ezeklel Harris agalns*. X. W. Greer et. ol ^ l-oreclosure. ' TJY virtue of an order of sale made In tl ?J above stated case. I will offer for sale i public outcry at Abbeville l\ H..S. C.t on Sal day In December, ls'87, within the legal hou irah ol sale, the following described property, si uato In said State and County, to wit: A , I the Interest of F. L. Orcer (which is two thin at I 'n trac''or parcel of land containing on I Fifty-Six Acres, rop^ I more or less, bounded by lands of Amant wit: I Kny. Jano Phillip* and others. luryl TERMS OF SALE-Cash sufficient to ps Vat- the debt, interest and costs, remainder on rt of credit of twelve month* with interest fro died i day of sale secured by bond of the purchas e or'and a mortgage of the premises. Purchas to pay for papers. J. C. KLUOH, r to Nov. 10,188/, 3t. Master. Br. Call and yeta nice suit of oloths for a litt uionor. P. Ro*?n berg ? Co. 11 Master's Sale. a STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Sam'l McGowan against John R. Tolb?rt vis et. al.- Foreclosure. T5Y virtue of an order of sale made In the Lhe -*-* above stated case, I will offer for sale at at Abbeville C. H., S. 0., on Saleday In December ber, 18S7, within the legal hoars of sale, the fol- following described property, situate in said aid State ana County, to wit: All that tract or or parcel or land, known as the Ninety-Six o. 2 Mace, containing One Hnndred Acres. * ? "'! -l i ?e? . more or less, near Ninety-Six village, bound' an- ed by the track of the Columbia & Greenville jrs, Railroad Company. Jeff. Floyd, Jno, 'A. er. Stuart, Mrs. Burnett, and others. )al- Also that tract or parcel of land known M jer- the Waller Tract;containing Nine Hundred Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of P?t?r McKellar, L. Bell, Thoe. Cheatham, Henry " Spikes, and others. TERMS OF SALE?One-half cash, balance on a crcdlt of twelve months with Interest from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to * pay for papers. J. C. KLUGH, Master. Nov. 14,1887, 3t *>. Master's Sale. ,he STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, at COTJ \TV OF1 A P RWVTT T I? oil ? ? Miua? jal court of common pleas. rtv 'he The Trustees of the Estate of Dr. John DoLa id Howe against M. A. Bell and R L. WU- . . je- Hams.?Foreclocnre. ng TiY vlrtore of orders of sale made in tbe -*-? above stated case, I will offer for sale at public outcry at Abbeville C. H., S. C.t Oit Saleday In Decemder, 1887, within the legal ter hours of sale, the following property, situate ito in said State and County, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, known as part of tbe as Tolbcrttract, containing ay Two Hundred and Sixteen Acres, ?A more or less, bounded by lands of Alex Hodce, Wm. Campbell, Lewis, Clinkscales, R L. Williams, and others, being tbe traotoon'? veyed by Mrs. Hill to R. L. Williams and now i? in possession of M. A. Bell. ay TERMS OF SALE)?One-half cash, balance 011 a credit of twelve months with interest from day of sale secured by bond 4f pur? _ chaser and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. C. KLUGH, Nov. 14,1887, 3t. Master. 2, Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE, er court op common pleas. Pelzer, Rodgers d- Co^ against J. E. Bradley ne e?. ?!.?f oreclosure. nt "R'*' virtu re of an order of sale made In the on -U above stated case, 1 will offer for sale at ;al public outcry at Abbeville Court House, >P- South Carolina, on SADEDAY In DECEMto BEft 1887 within the legal hoars of sale, the n- following described property, situate In said State ana County, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land containing al_ One Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Estate of W. K. Bradley ana Long Cane creek, known er as Faulkner place. Also that tract or parcel ot of land, containing cc Four Acres, ^ more or less, bounded lands of estate of W. eT K. Bradley, S. 0. Young and others, together with Tan Yard, Tan House, stock ofnldet, leather, implements and dwelling boos#. Also, two town lots in town of Troy oontaii^ _ lng -a ' ' . 30x110 Feet Each, more of less, bounded by Brick Store of %, Bradley Brothers,Main Street, Caldwellalley, together with the right to use one-half of adJoining wall of Bradley Bros, Brick Store, and all Improvements that may be put on arid premises. Also two lots In town of Troy _ containing < 30x00 Feet Each, be at more or loss, bounded by Caldwell alley and dn Hraoiey croiner h a tick store, rrontlDg on ? ;al Twiggs street. it- TERMS OF SALE?One-balf cash, balance It: In twelve months with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for s, papers. J. C. KLUGH, Master, II- NOV. 14,18S7, St he M. I ? Sheriff's Sale. (St lr- Wardlaw & Edwards and others against th Hugh R. Glberfc? Eexcutlon. TJY virtue of sundry executions tome direct?) ed, In the above stated case, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, within tbe legal hours of sale, at Abbeville Court Iiuose,on Monday the fifth day of December A. D. 1887, all the right, title and lnterestof Hugh R. Gibert, subject to claim of Homestead, If entitle thereto in the following described pro 1. perty, to wit: All that tract or parcel oi land, situate, lying and being in the County of Abbeville, South Carolina, plaoe, and containing THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of James es McCaslan, w. D. Mars, W. w. Main and others. Levied on and to be sold as the property he of Hugh R. Gibert, to satisfy the aforesaid exat ecutlon and costs. on TERMS?Cash. ;al J. F. C. DcPRE, jr- Sheriff Abbeville Connty. . it: Nov. 8,1887, 3t ar Sheriff's Sale. C Sarah Logon and others against Isaac Logan? r,d Execution. C. "DY vlrture of sundry Execution to me died -L* rccted, In the abovestatad case, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, wlthce in the legal hours of sale, nt Abbeville Court ?st House, on Monday the fifth day of December ir- A. D. 18S7 all the right, title and interest of ir- Isaac Logan deceased, In the following described property to wit: All that tract or parcel of land,situate, lying and being in tbfl County of Abbeville, South Corallna, and con? tainlng TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ACRE8, more or less, and bounded by lands of Thomas a Klugh, Joshua Turner, Francis Arnold; R. M. ' Bullock and others. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Isaac Logan deceased to satisfy the aforesaid Execution and costs. TERMS?Cash. ipi J. F. C. DuPRE) Sheriff Abbeville County. Nov. 8,18S7 3t. he ! at '? Sheriff's Sale. It- Galrdner & Arnold against Jos. T. Speed and l11 Singleton A. Speed?Execution. XJY vlrture uf an Execution to me directed , LJ In the above stated case, I will sell to th? highest bidder, at Public Auction, within tha T. legal hours of sale, at Abbeville Court House, id oil MONDAY the fifth day of DECEMBER ro A. D. 1887 all the right, title and Intereat of y. Singleton A. Speed In the following described x- property to wit: All that tract or parcel of iunH citunie>_ ivin?and being In the County ce J of AbbeviUo'Soulh Carolina, and containing 1(11 TWO HUNDRED ACRES, 8 more or less, nnd bounded by lands ofB. B. Allen, J. M. Young, Jos. T. Speed and others. Levied on nnd to be sold as the property of Slnaleton A. Speed to satisfy the aforesaid Execution and costs. TERMS?Cash. J. F. C. DuPRE, Sheriff Abbeville County. Nov. 11.1887 St. Sheriff a Sale. _ P. L. McCelvey as Administrator against Thos. E. Frith, sen.?Exeoutloi). "D Y virtue of an Execution to me directed, i? 1J in the above stated case, I will sell to tha highest bidder, at Public Action, within the ?* legal hoursof sale, at Abbeville Court House, on MONDAY the fifth day of DECEMBER A. It_ D. 1887, nil the right, title and Interest of Tho?. J1 E. Frith Set)., In the following described projv 1) ertytowlt: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying nnd being In the County of * ' ' jn- ? ? *1. hfllnir thA nlaoA nn Aooevuie Bin" u ----- i?-which said Thos. E. Frith resides, and oonJa talning ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES, a more or less, and bounded by lands of J. Tj. m Covin, estate of Mrs. Morrah, Vienna Road, er Ezeklel Robinson and others. Levied on and er to be sold as the property of Thos. E. Frith. San., to satisfy th? afOTwald Execution and cosls. 4 - TERMS-Cash. le P. O. Do PRE, -? Nov. io, iwr, it. ninr. I