mynr-fT Tir rr "?! r iV- 'im The Press and Banne Wednesday, Aug. 18, 1886 1'iibllc Jleollnz. According lo previous notice a consldei We number of our citizens mot in the Cou Ilouse at six o'clock last Friday evening, A] J. s. Hammond in the Cnnlh The subject of a town clock ami a st^a tire engine engaged attention for awhile. T Sentiment, so far a.S tills ?cribe could und< - J _ J-U-JI.. alllw.i. I Sianu, was u?ciut:ui; ii|i|ntrcii ? - (strutneiit* especially So In rerefenoe to the fi engine. As a sort Of safety valve and qui escape from questions it was decided to a point a committee to ascertain more 'ul any facts to be ascertained in reference to t enterprise. This committee is to report sor time during the montli, but we presume tl committee will hardly he expected to p themselves to much trouble in the matter. Paralyzed. Mr. B. F. Smith, ot onr village was strlck With paralysis on oneside last Saturday nigl lie went to bed as usual, ami waked up lie hmrninsr. almost in a helpless condition. > Smith isa carpenter ana contractor, who well known among onr people, and highly i spec:ted for his many excellent traits of clu &etel\ lie is about (50 years of age. Xolice. The Abbeville Democratic club will meet the Court House at half past eight Frldi night to elect delegates to the County Ch viucn wilt meci-on nit;-^>m . tarns from the primary election, nnd to elo delegate* to the Congressional convention Hen ecu City. M, L. BONllAM, Jh., Trcsldent Carolina Chief. Tills celebrated thoroughbred registered Jc Key is now stationed In Abbeville sit tl residence of Mr. R. C. Wilson. See udverth incut next week. Tun Indies of the Presbyterian congrep: tlon will tlvc an open air evening entertnii Wont on tho grounds of Mr. L. W. Will Wednesday 18, Inst., beginning at R o'clock M. All kinds of Ices will bo served and a excellent opportunity afforded for keepii cool. Tho patronage of the entire commun ty Is respectfully solicited. Honest John W. R. Tope, editor of the O umfjln Reffixter, was in town a few dnys ng lie is in fine health, and makes a p iper whit Is to bo commended for its editorial utteran< ns well as fir the beauty ot its typograph The flcgtiter is incorruptible,and itsedltorla nre able. Rev. S. J. RETrtEA n?slsted by Rev, R. j Weber, has been conducting a protractc mooting at fihiloh. Over fifty persons we added to the clmreli. The membership ^ that church is now nearly three hundred. ~ Thk matter of a new Town Council seen to attract some attention. If wears to form r opinion on the subject from the number < men who have bepn mentioned in connectio with that honorable position. The foilowin or twenty-live days in jail. I) vrt-nt to jail. Oapj. Bonham was In Edsrefleld last wee conducting the Court of General Sessions f< t he Solicitor, his brother. Capt. Bonham r turned home on Sunday. Many of our readers, and especially thc-o' soldiers of the IWth S. C. V. will regret to leai of the death of Gen. A. M. Mauigault. Mrs. I.. W. White and family returnc last week, after an extended visit to relativi in Newberry. Thkbk are several cases of typhoid fever i town. Examine your well and clean yoi premises. The following are the managers for l,eb non club?J. S. Gibcrt, J. 0. Prosslcy, Win M Jvensle. Hits. E. CAURtsfsroN and daughter, of Ml lodgevllle, Ga., are visiting relatives in Abb ville. Messrs. E. A. Tpmpletox . will kcc Ice all summer. They have it at all times. Miss T.tzzir M.VRSHAr.t. Is off on a trip 1 <"?es?r's Head wltli Col. Orr's family. Tiik Means Chapel clah will meet at te o'clock on next Saturday morning. Don't expos* yourself to the sun unnece sarily duritis the heated term. A religious meeting at Sharon has bee going on for several dnys. Cleanliness is next to godliness, and it necessary f.u- health. Tiik little folk had a pleasant gathering i Mr. Lee's last night. Bi'rns fense of the ('liarurlcr of the 4'hllilrc??Just Indignation ?t Vile ANperwion. ElUar Press and Biuiikt : i can give you the names of J. Marlon C.i lisle, Hamilton and myself. I think our Hi d as any Hodnes in tuIs con 1y or State. W'e are shoemakers, and ha lost our lex* In the Confederate cause and \ are willing, If necessary, to loose our lives d fending the rights and characters of our ch dren from bi-iu;? put on a footing with tl bootblack. I for one will show up my litl ones with Mr. Hodges and see whose look lil bootblacks. I think he failed to make I: point and he will fail to Ket the votes of t shoemakers also. Very respectfully, A SHOEMAKER The County dub. The Abbeville County Democratic Club w meet In the Court House, on Monday, Augu li'rd, at II o'clock for the following purpose 1. To canvass the returns of the prima and declare the result. 2. To elect delegates to a convention to held at Seneca on Wednesday, September called by the Executive Committee of theTlil Congressional District In accordance with tl nincnMinont tr\ ttu* I *(?nsf i 1111 ion of tlio Sin Democratic party authorizing nominations nuudidatuK for Congress to bo made by prim jy elect ion*. \V. C. HKN KT, M. P. DeUiutht., County Chairman Secretary. Nomination tor Town Council. JSdtt'jr Prex* mid Runner: We submit (without consulting them) tl following ticket for Town Council, which elected, will give entire satisfaction to all : I XTF.N D.VNT. W. 0. BltADLKY. WAKOENS. J. ALLKX SMITH. THOMs Mi'OKTTIfOAX, AUGUSTUS W. SMITH, JULIUS II. DitI'UK. INTKNUANT. J. S. HAMMOND. WAKUKXS. T. G. KDVVAUDS, .1. AI.LKX SMITH, It. K. HII.L, T. 1*. THOMSON. 4 YOfSIJ DEMOCRATS Eil'tor Prcxi and Banner: I'lease nnnounco the following gentlem Jor Intendant and Wardens for the town Abbeville for the next term. I am sure th will insure ns a quiet town l>y enforeinj? t laws ami ?ivin^ protection to every citlz< and will use the strictest economy. Intendant? It. K. Hill. AVardcns- H. D. Wilson, Thos. Eeggs, R.1 Cauuon, It. Mc(?. Hill. The I'nltril State* GcnloKiral Kiirv< CoKBSUt'RY, S. C., August 14,18*ny?Tnriii] , ?Candidate?*?Primary?The t'ei _ ctcry. Ninety-Srx. S. f;., Aueust 1<>, issfl Wo hope our renders will not fail to pla rct- turnips. Now is the best time. Tne 1oiik irt they have to grow before cold weather the b lr. ter. Plant for tsteek or table use the puri j top rata baga. m | Miss Lillie Brooks oml Miss Met'aH.of Ge< l?c gia, have been visiting .Mrs. <.?. M. Anderso ;r-1 litpt. O. T. Jackson and lady are now n-. Glenn Springs for the warm season, re | The charades at Chappell's 011 last Thursd iet j niirlit were quite ? success. ip- j They are to have a Stock Fair nt Johnsto ly ! Edgefield county.on the llth of Septembi tif ' if v.-iii in. i? success from what we know of t lie | gentlemen in "charge dc atl'alrs." ho j Mrs. A. 8. Osborne Is o/r in (Jreenvlllo f ut the summer visiting her brother, Mr. Jess lieaeham, 0110 of the cleverest men that ev lived in Mnety-Slx. The star cotton and liny pros* exhibited our fair is a useful and convenient In veil I ic I, It lias both cotton and hay attaeliments, ni : one man can pack u bale of cotton or bale j,. -hay. It certainly has great ad van tages ov . any other press we have examined. It to< If the first premium. J?* Miss liessic Watt?, of Laurens, Is visit!: Miss Tcressa Lipscomb. (.'apt. James X. Kimr, candidate for Conn Commissioner, has been out on an eicctic: eerlng tour, and has received encouragemc in at every point. Mr. Kins: is a gentleman, in iy | we guarantee if he is elected that Abiievil nit county will have no regret, lie is a practIt a- bridge builder and a close calculator. The et nances of the couuty will not sutler at 1 at hands. The follow)nc gentlemen havobeen nppoii ed managers of the primary election, to lield on the21st instant: Thomas C. Turin W. L. Anderson, Jr. and Dr. W. A. Sande Polls open at s a. in. A beautiful pair of Angora coats were so [ie on the day of the Stock Kair by Oil. John lC" Williams to ('apt. George T. Marshall, of Fit ida. They were shipped per Southern exprei They were on exhibition and took first pi a-1 niium. .i-i a. ii.?c(,?i.p?i,rin niirl lonio te ade stand bore the legend, "For tiie benefit P- the Cemetery." Wns it a Joke? No itulec n Ninety-Six has never been provided with public cemetery until lately, when a lotw il- bought and the good ladies wore anxious help pay for It, and the above plan was the enterprise and right well did they succeed, o. The liiilf Jersey cow, Clara, belonging :ii Capt. It. F. McCaslan is one of the best mi ?e and butter cows in the up-country. Tli y, shows the advantage and importance of era Is ing the native slock with tlie Jersey eatti It pays better than any other cross. The hi . Jersey cows and heifers are valued at 67 "> ?I00. Every neighborhood should own a Ji i sey bull. J! r We thank the various journals of the eon 0 ty for complimentary remarks on our Sto< Show. We can't tret along without the I'res is Wo think it would bo a trood idea to send :i in the Press gang to the Legislature. They a of ; better posted as to the wants and resources n the country than any other class of men. The mlik and butter refrigerator made nr ;l. exhibited by Mr. S. M. Davis deserves especi i,. attention, It Is a cheap, useful article at ti. should lie in the hands of every housekoepi n Col W. 15.1'tsey and wife, of St, Gcoriri left Ninety-Six on the llth inst. for Gler f Springs. We had hoped they would retua ' longer here. [, It is a mistaken idea with some of 01 rU Greenwood friends that Ninety-Six is tired LL the Stock Show; that it is a bigger thing thf Ninety-Six can handle. Wo are not at r k discouraged and feci that we are equal to tl >r emergency. We do not believe, howevt o- that a Fair to continue for tlircc or four da; would succeed, tme or two days is sutliciei Id time. Owners of stock could encamp up< :n the grounds, and on the second day we pr pose to have a sale, and all owners of stoc , who wish to sell arc invited to report tl " same in time to have them advertised. Ne: s year we propose to have something that f surpasses any show we ever had. in Capl. J. Y. McFall and family have been i jr visiting friends in this community. > Our next Fair will be oeld in October at n- last at least two days. e- The candidates who attended our Fair f seemed In a irood humor, and doubtless wei ,, home contented with their lot. ("apt. O. P. Mills, of Greenville, who w judge ol Jersey cattle at our Fair, paid son very hlgli compliments to some of our cattl ;p We try to have tbe best. EAST END, to " NOTES FROM MOUNTAIN VIEW. n s" Ail Interesting I.elter rroin Hint So tioii by "Amicus.'' MorSTAIN Vif.W, S. C., August 12, IFWi. iK The growingcrops in tills part of tliccouu linvc a more promising appearance than at I have seen in the surrounding country. JS'c llt withstanding tlie incessant wet weather du ins June ami July the fanners managed r- keep t heir crops moderately free from wen ami grass, and since the wot weather con si .r tlie seasons have been very favorable to fruitful development. On yotcrday I was through that part of u ? ritory known as tlie Nation. I ain ureal I pleased to note the thrifty eotnlitiuti of 11 id people living in this interesting and famo locality, bordering this place. Willi pertiai only a few exceptions the people living tlie are widely noted for their civility, gcntlli and hospitality characteristic of the tine (.'si oliniiin. The ladies perhaps arc still mo noted for their unsurpassed beauty and big ly accomplished traits of character. Said i intelligent- gentleman living near Atlanta me the other day: "I have traveled all ov the .Southern and Western States as well (! other purls and I have nowhere met mo jr'highly accomplished ladies, matrons ai ' maidens, than in that part of Abbeville cou u ! ly known as the Nation. They are models feminine accomplishment aud beauty." As yet there is no perceptible improvemc ir- making any way i!i Lowmlesville, "the sev ii. hill city," as it lias lately become knov ii. Near the depot, about one mile from thee ve town, there Is a handsome brick building I ve I insr reared intended for a business house. / So- along from tlie depot up to Ihe main pub i|. road fronting the new Baptist church tov ue lots are laid oil" and will at no distant, day jo improved. Here is the place where the to\ k o! will be built. Location and other ad van ta^ its' are much more favorable, l'rlvate he will no doubt induce many located in the e place to oppose on paper the building up Hint direction, t?ut they wiil tlnd ihemsciv helpless. The fates are against them. Th can never iu tills instance rejuvenate obsoli senility. It has been a great many years sin ii' the old town was built, nearly if not quite I i?l ; |y junrs, 1 nc UUIIUII15& uru in n ui u s : cay, the streets arc grown up waist high ry weeds and grass and no enterprising in would for a moment think of purchasing ai be improving lots lu this placc. There is noi 1. ingunreasonable in the supposition thatat rd distant day Lowndesvillc will be a pleasn lie town, but it will bo new Lowndesvillc, not t ite old. l? have a very potent intlueii ol in fashioning and building up towns as I ia- people there will someday learn. Kdinond Lemons, near Hoeky River chur< was accidentally thrown from a wagon a f< days ago, dislocating his Unco joint. Up tin* present time his condition is as luvoral as eoul I Ite expected, lie is attended by 3 James C. Ilail, one of our most skillful pi! ilf> ticlng physicians. lf I lev. E. R. Cars well, formerly principal Carswell Inslitute, at Milford's, Anders county, now of Georgia, lias been preach! to large and attentive congregations at Hoc Kiver Mapllst church of late. M r. .Jasper MeKee, on Hoeky Kiver, who li been confined to his lied with sickness for t past four or live months, is slightly iinprt nig. llis condition is still very precarious. A MIC I'D The Wrons .11 till. We arc lu rocclpt of the following letter: Cn AUJ.rcsroN, S. C., August 11, ISSt) I XV'KW ri ? awn . I?kak Slit?I nee a notice from your pnj I!i sonic of my exchanges, tluit needs a rej from tnc, ns I lieliove, I am the; member tlie Press alluded to, who sent his card to Si a tor Hampton during our stay in Washii i. ton, at the recent meeting of tlie Press As elation. A* I have not the pleasure to < change witli ttie 1'res.iaml /tanner I only 1 en tii'ed the paragraph rccci.tly. of You say: "One of our party, not willing ey co home without speaking to liitn (Seual lie I Hamy ton) sent up his card. The Senator 11 reply told the servant, to tell him, that ' (Hampton) was not In Ills room." The latter paragraph must ho a nibtal I After I sent up my card I waited in the lool "i When the servant returned, lie informed i that, the Senator was not unite dressed, a .v I would lie down in a few minutes. .'*j Alter a short time senator Hampton i ' I come down, and 1 exchanged a few woi with him. R>"? I These are the facts of the case. iot Very respectfully, ??-| F. MIOI/'llKKS, Kh j Editor lH-u(xcht: Zvitunt snl| Wc think the letter carries its own ansv lar. with it. We were not talking ahoiit the m win)saw Mr. Hampton. We were speaki " * of the men whom Senator llainpton woi I not see. ('iird From 31 r. I.,von. A liUKVlLI.K, S. AuutiKt 17,1SSX The extreme illness of my nephew prevei of inc from eanvassim: the county this week. lo: hope my friends will bear this ill mind on 1 l,e; day of election. .lulIN T. I.YuN of. IC'litvr Medium : in-' 1 see ui.v name has appeared on two ti?-l< to' for Intendant of the town of Abbeville. l'V cs. j in-i "really obliged lor thecompliiiient i tin ey jdecline. J know thereare many 3u the t<>< ile- Unit can discharge tint duties of theollieea ill \\ ill bo equally u.'i ueecpt.ibie to tlic citizens >ro myself. I have served threo years, and to i clmrge the unties of the olticu is no pleiiKU position. Please excuse for the present. i. IX. T. TUSTES j TO VOTE OR NOT TO VC [>S ?- THAT IS THE QUESTION FOR YOUR ' SIDERATION. lit * " t'l', The Opinion oT Varions Candid Pt,]e ns to Wlicllicr (lie People Sli< Have llic Ki^lit to Vole I'pon m. Question of Prohibiting llic i't of Whiskey. ay [Frees and Banner.] We commend to the attention of our crs, the open, l'rank and manly 1( lie! from our candidate*, which were writU or J reply to the following circular letter v jIo J which was sent to all candidates for the or i laturc: AnnrcvrLT.K, R. C., August. 2, 1 UI' DkaU Stk?In consequence of the in! which our people feel in tn oiler candidates for the Levis I i , janopportunity to make known tneir \ ,ST on the tempcrance question. >K I have no doubt of your willingness t< I form the people whether you would, II'< US j ed, vote foi and use your influence to s> ... the enactment of u law which would au " ize the qualified voters to vote upon the in" j lion of prohibiting the sale of wlilskey 1 "J in the limits of Abbeville County. I, If you do not object-to making your \ ["j known, I will lake great pleasure in pul ', ing any reply which you may make. A wailing your pleasure, I am very re.,,sifiiiiv. iiuuii \vii*su: Editor Press and Hum itre! LETTER FROM HON. E. G. GRAYDOI Id * (i. Au Able Presentation or IIIn Vlcv JJ" the Temperance ((noKioii, wl c- w ill be Rend with Intercut by E* _ Iwxlj. of Abhbvii.le, R. C., August 10, 1 d. Editor Pith* and llannvr: u My vicwM arc ho well known upon the as tion which is .sought to be injected intt to politics of Abbeville County, tlml 1 wouK ir ha\c deemed it iicces?ary to Kay a word i lice to myself did not require that 1 si to correct some errors into which one of 11c correspondents has fallen. TheAbbevill lis was recommitted to the Judiciary Comu r, Hepresentatlve gave me the right to ac \-s cording to my own judgement until a m; iit ty of tlioin signify their wishes. >11 2. Prohibition does not prohibit. The o- of Maine has had a strict prohibitory lux k over thirty years Statistics show that il ih ovc:r a thousand liquor saloons. Ill lo' xt prohibitory liw went Into cllect July J, ur in twelve months afterwards the saloons increased about twenty-live per eenu in t il> ly-eight of its principal cities and tc: State Senator .Sutton, who was the lathi id Die bill and mainly instrumental in seei its passage, made a careful examinatio ill its workings a few months ago. lie sayi lit law bus been a dismal failure. The county of I'arnwcll lias hnd prohih ns for three years, if the testimony of hoi np hie and truthful men is to be believed, Ic. liquor Is Hold in that county now than was before the law was passed. Take th willed dry towns of the State. With a honorable exceptions, where publicsenti keeps puce with the law. or 1 should n say, was ahead of the law, whiskey, br; wine, beer, anything to drink, can be In in them l>y the gallon, pint, or drink, wil c. without a doctor's certiticate almost oh c as In places where license are granted, short, no law can beenlorced which is ii vance of puhlicsentimenl. ty 3.1 thought and still think that this ,v tion ought to be settled by the white pi ,{_ ami by them alone. I am not an alarmi.r. believe llie white people of the South arc j0 [ 10 preserve meir insiuuuuii* unu mun i jH I /.ation, but In order todo it they must i >tl j llietr own differences amongst themst "a | and then present a solid and unbroken | to the enemy. Our experience frmn l.Sl ! 1S70 warns us that it \v 11! nut do to make jy opening through which the negro may i j', and again become a factor in politics. II Utj whites were divided upon any qucstiu ,)8 would hold the balance of power and v 'r^. be sure under bis leaders to use it whe t.. would do most harm to the Democratic f 1. Kach town bus under its charter the n. to regulate Its own affairs. j,. 1 do not think that the people living in ,n er towns or not In any town desire to 1 j0 I fere with that right. Take the town of or West, lor instance. It is the seat of two i gg institutions of learning, which are doii rt. work in the cause ol Christian education ltj J second to any in the United Stales. 1 j no doubt that every while man in Due 0l' thinks it would he a great death blow to Institutions to allow'a liquor saloon t nt | opened there. In that opinion I heartily Mnjcur. I believe every one does who has ? | interest of the county at heart. Kupposi ild' Question of "license" or "no license"' in | incorporated towns of the county had submitted. .Suppose every white ma lie [the county who voted had voted "n k.? I cense," but enough negroes had voloii "license" to carry the question that ? uiiiu ii iiv.'i nine ijvc'ii an vuihiqi: i-u j/v , s town of Due West in such a position ag ,st the wishes of her ciliiscns that her mil ho ,1,1 won lit have been compelled to grar.t lieei j an applicant on his complying with the " And vet, according to my construction <1 (,y oi 11 that woukl have been its elt'cct. It v two edged sword. I tent both ways. It 'c? to authorize a vote upon the question c ccnsc" or-'nu license,'1 not in any one or I * numhor of the towns, but in the ineorpo towns oi tlic county. I think the towns do not want liquor sold ought to have |)(j wishes respected. The hi li was in my ]. ion unconstitutional, inasmuch as it i , " feres with those vested rights oi the t ... | conferred by their charters. I, J 5. The morals and religion of a people ....'not be controlled by legislation. Eve hi.[tempt to do it lias laile.J. This is pur i Mosul question,and if it can not he sett I ! the Christian ciiurcii and the moral senti ' ' of the county, legislation is powerless to to c,l-v ",c cvil* I I li. The perfection of temperance legis! >r |in my opinion is local option and hi; ' cense. I believe that any further legisi " j on the subject will result In a reaction \ f pi win uo I lie cause 01 temperance 1:1 ..harm. Ju this opinion Jain sustained . I prominent Methodist minister of this i.y | wln> is a teetotaler in theory and In pra and who lias devoted and is sllll devol _K I lui'Ke part of ids useful life to thecal i.j, temperance. ? 1 have Riven yon mv views thus at 1< 011 (lie temperance question because yoi ed for them and because 1 do nol wish liable to misrepresentation. Nothing e; said about tlic evils ol' iiitcinpcrnnci strong for ine to indorse heartily. All I to tbe noble men and women of theco who arc working in tbe cause. J ncknow i. and respect the purity of llie motives of who are earnestly unit without any s >er enil in view working to tret prohibition >ly lation enacted. I'.ut ou all public que! of which eomc before the Legislature,und !n- which 1 have not been Instructed by in; IK- stituents, I must claim the right to cx< so- my own judgment and vote in nceon fx- with what 1 conceive to be the best lnt io j of the people of my Slate and county. | sometimes easier to stand out of the wii lo let the whirlwind pass, but that is nol [.or idea of a representative's duty, in > 1 think the question of proliibition \v he; rectiy and necessarily involved in the ci i era!ion of the Abbeville Kill. ce. These were my views al'ler a deliberat >y.1 careful consideration of the whole mail in1, ter earnestly and honestly striving to re lid j conclusion which would most likely pre I llio best interests ol'tin: county. I liav lid ! seen any reason to change them or to < ds ' Unit my position Is correct. In conclusion, let mo say: I have s the people of Abbeville county lor two in the iiovislattirc, earnestly and faithful I the hest of my ahility. Whether I have r. j it etlieicntly or not, some one else inns ;vrNo one ever shall say ihut 1 am afraid tin that body what my judgment tells "" rinht. No one ever slndt say that I am ng.iug le-elcitiou by taking all sides of ,i(j , ((Ueslion that is before the people. I t 'ion lor the space to reiterate my vioi this question. JOU-IS li. CiiSAVl A REPRESENTATIVE IS THE SERi !;ts AND NOT A MASTER OF THE PEOP ? . j Tlierc lie >? UKcouist <>n O. T. <"!?!Iiohii*s J'osilion on rlsi Important Itttcslion?lli' Will iJ .'" ?1jc Sacred Kjghl of IVli un ! ?1The Hi^'ht of Hie People (o 11,1 i* a Truly Democratic 'lensiir i'S i lis- Ar.TiKVii.t.!:.S.August2,1 L!it [ IJutjh H'ilxoii, Kmj., J-JiHlur J'rrx.i and Jiu j Dk.vh Sih? Your* of the 2nd inst. at. aud in reply would Slate that I have no *? * " - ..-v-.r V - . L '. - " ' ?B?B?IMfe?i IMI'IIIIIIIWB?aa imn slightest objection to expressing myself on to I Hi nny public question. At tlie lust session of, tie: HJj. the Legislature, a petition was presented to I tic that body, signed by over fifteen hundred hu voters, praying the passage of a bill allowing on PAW- t':e people of this county to vote 011 the qucs- tui Hon of the sale of whiskey in Abbeville tin county. In consequence, a bill to that eflect was introduced in ttio Legislature, but was killed by a majority of one. The immcdlmc ',l IntoK question involved in tbat bill was not 1'rohi- j bilion or AntbProhibition, but the right of the imld people to have the question of prohibition ,l10 submitted to tbcm and to vote upon it. Ti e 3ft discussion of the quest ion of proWbltion it- I .Snlc self, in connection with that bill, was there- K" fore out of place, the simple question being I i?wi :hn i?r.?nir>? rlirlit to vote tinoa the tem- flu pcrnnce question, iniil to this I "unhesitating- wl lyanswer, JV?. vo, uaa- (>lu. forefathers In England, centuries ax^, S!l' (iters secured to themselves the right of petition, by vil n In the expenditure of much blood and treasure, . . and so sacred is this right held in this coun'111011 try that it secured to us by the Constitution of Leg- South Carolina, and, I believe, of every other Slate in the Union. a the issue. I answer, without hesitation, yes; and 'c 1 not in confirmation of my purpose, I refer to the "" f jus- records of Die last sess.ion of the&egislature, "M iou!d when I voted for a bill for this purpose, and your urged its passage with all the power I possesse Dill od. My argument before the legislature was, "e littee that to refuse to pass the bill was a denial to U1: ip lor the people of Abbeville county of the right of by a petition?a chartered ri;ht, which was of more 9? isage value to them than the object sought in the 1,U00 petition, and one wliioh they would never "" them surrender. The policy ol local legislation has ?t: tbau become the settled policy of the State. It was !01 in this way the stock h.w was enacted, with a ,k*lefled more local uppllcution i.t first,and then adopt- i.ul "i of cd for the whole State. The same policy is J'1, rated pursued in reference to taxation for railroads. J-j1 rca- Tiic legislature never refuses, wliei asked, to J'1 provide for voting a local tax upon the land "(J lated owner for constructing railroads: but strange juing to Say, when fifteen h lndrcd citizens of this . resi- county asked tobeallo ved todecldc forthenir 701) selves, a matter afi'ecting their civilization SJj cvi- and social well being, and that too wi thou I a ssagc single counter petitioner, this established pol- M1 le at iCy Was reversed, and the privilege denlelu llo Uill l'vnrt Hj? ' I 11;iuk Wkst. 8. C., August 0,1SS6. J1' II ol Editor Pros* (inU Bnnrwr: i the Your note of Inquiry iis to my views on the "temperance question" is in order. 1 hesitate J0' illion not to embrace the opportunity ottered in 'J' nora- your columns to express tliom. If tlie people more will elect the undersiz ed to the Legislature, there i will not Ignore their wishes in that body, 0 so- either by vote or influence. If tliey signify ft few desire, by a petition, for the enactment of a ment law to authorize them to vote upon the rjucsnihcr lion of "prohibiting the sale of whiskey with- X mily, in the limits of Abbeville county," I will not night hesitate to exert my etlorts In carrying out Lh or that wish. I claim, that I would occupy the easily position of ascrvant. 1 am an unyielding ad-1'? voeate of thepeooie's rights. I recognize leg1 ad- islation should be In accordance with their wishes. The people's voice should be respectf I lies 0d. O. 1'. HAWTHOUN. ?." t/ople V" it. I 1* .'ivVll- THE PEOPLE ARE SOVEREIGN. sli settle . ! .Ives, Oil ?0"1 It Is Tliclr Itljfht to Sny Whether the {'" iiS to any Sale of Whiskey is to l?e Permit- lit enter tcl| wi [ the 1? n in; _ _ MeCoRMfCK.S.C., August 6,1880. sh ;ould muor J'rcas una /unmet-: 13 re it Dhar Sir? Replying to yours of 2il i rot ton t, : arty. rcsardin? the matter of Prohibition, I have su right tliis to say: dit I regard Hie people as sovereign. It Is their pi oth- province tc?r;;in Jjiw. tu Aiiiikvjr.i.f,S. <\, August 0,1>'STi. . si Ilist H'efi to say that at the last session of , o the General Assembly, I advocated the passif I he ageoi ahill to "authorize the qualified voters ..... (of Abbeville county) to vole upon the queswas l'011 prohibiting the sale t?f intoxicating li-1 , if "11- Q,lol's WUI1IM II1U llilllis (>l i\ uucviur uwuiiij, I , ?ny and woulil favor tlie passage of such n mens-1 V j lire whenever desired by any respectable I i but number of voters and citizens. i ..= their Georgia has a similar law for the whole!' coin- State, (local option applied to counties) which , liter- bus worked admirably, and resulted in the| ' nwiw adoption of "no license" by over '.0 counties!.., out of 132. 1 would favor tho passage of a;? em- similar law for thin State. ryut- WM. H. l'ARKEU. ', ely a * n rd by at meat Mr. Bnrmorc Has Always Contended tb rein- |-(>r (j|0 JCIjfhts of the People, mill' et atlon Will Stand Finn in this Matter. tlt PoXAI.TiSVII.LK, S. C'.f August 0, liiSi). 'V',0" .1/,-. Jlugh II'thou: ?t finiiii J ?kaii Snt?In reply to your lettcrof August mine 2,1880.1 would say I have nlways contended c ? iil that tne people should have the right to vote niVin on all matters that etrcet their interest, and if t, iff c,0('t(>^ J will certainly vote for and use my f 1" intlucncc to secure the enactnient of a law 11 ol which would authorize 1ho <|ualit1ed voters to .. vote upon the question of prohibiting lhe sale 1 'iigui 0)- whiskey within the limits of Abbeville ,. to be couut> - W* E- UAlt.MOllE. ||j nn lie ? in i?inor GENERAL HEMPHILL'S POSITION. pi ti a try ci l;?d?c elti'sh "av'n(T Supported Such u a11 ^ teuls- the Last Lc^istal lire, 'Will l>o So ill 5uS **?? 11 f eon- Editor Prcs* and IJanner: si crcise Ju response to your circular I have to say v< Jance that-1 supported the bill of lion. W. II. l'ar-! hi crests | kor at the lust Legislators In a short speech ; tc It is which covered the mound, and will support i k >' and | such a bill when introduced. p< I my i 11. H. llE.UrillLL. | w I I ei as <11- si jnsicl- itcv. J. X. Yoiiiik: is in Favor of Pro-1 ii t; ami! lilbilion. J".1 l''[i;l'" i J )r k \V kst, s. August 12,18S0. w ueli n /.;,/,/?) I'rrxs untl ISiiiincr: unote jn }insWcr to tin: call for an expression of j in e not opinion on the question of submitting prohl- j es Jouut hlliou to a vote of the people, 1 have bill this ol to say: First. That the closing up of drlnkerveu |ll}, saloons ami all plaecs where Intoxicating ' II years brinks ;uo sold as a beverage is greatly eondn- e. Ily, to to yood morals, good order and prosperi- j pi done (V jn l|,,. connlry. And, second, that proliih-! c; t say. jtory enactments to carry with them this salto do utary lnlluenee must have the approbation ' ci me is 8l?,j supportot'thr community.and liouor the li SvjcU- proprietary of a direct vote on the ciuc*iion of jn every prohibition. J. N. YoL'NU. il hank 1 i,, A H Oil * y( i?r. M'ndih'll Is in Tnvor of l*iroliil>. ! lion, and Will I'se His Iiiiliience 10| /ANT to Have tin* Il'esi red'. si LiS. Cokoxaca, S. C.t August", ISSC. " Editor Prexx an t Hanncr: " In reply to your circular letter of the 2d in- ',, I stant, 1 respectfully state that I am In favor, I of I'rohihilion. snid if ehvSed will vote for a r I ! i..... pie jh t'hnsicp. issr. CoKKsisruv, K August U, i? it iter Editor l'reas and JJmiwr : ? Imiul' Your circular letter or a recent cluto was rn- < ,t the ceived. Iu reply to you;* question I am frank re MM I I I II I ago I MjMtaMM say that if the peoplo of Abbeville conntj sire 11) vote upon the question of prohibi ii, anil so petition the Legislature, in no nihle opinion they have a right to vote fl if I mi) fleeted a member of the Legisla re, I siiiiit vote aud use my intluencc 10fjivi jin a chance. \V. A. M0011E. r. Mar* is Entirely in Favor ol'Glv Ins the I'roliibitioiiists n Ciuuico. Abbeville, August :t, ifiSC. . Hugh WiFson: )kau si k?Iii uiiswcr to your letter of Au st2, l.SNl, I would reply: f elected, I would vote for and use my in fence to secure the euactment of a lav ilcli would authorize the qualified voters t< to upon the question o! prohibiting tin eol whiskey within the limits of Abhe le county. W. 1). MA Its. LEBANON SUNDAY SCHOOL. a Interesting Account of ttie Excr oisi's Lust Friday. AnuEViM.E, S. C.. August 0.1S.?6. In last Friday it was our pleasure to attorn r: public exoreines of the Sunday School a banon, one of the oldest and most historic urehes in Upper South Carolina. Then is an unusually large attendance, a tcsd my of the good work which is being doni this school, and to the appreciation of it lue by the community. The number of pu Is who were present anil followed the exei ies with such interest, add attention, logelh with their deportment, is a high com pi I ent ti> the religious zeal of teachers and pa ats alike, and shows that hero the spiritua struetion of the young is a labor of love a II as a matter of duty. I'ho meeting was opened with prayer h; c lie v. l)r. Lindsay, the pastor of tin urcli. Immediately following this cairn e address of welcome by Mr. James Gibert io us the superintendent of the school, e.\ tided n hearty welcome to all. The ilrst ad ess was delivered by Dr. J. O. Lindsay, who Is needless to say, made a most interestitij (1 instructive talk. Next came Mr. (' \ imnmnd, who made a most happy addres ?TK/? UiKlo nn.r? Isnnn. its Hcrht rcllpott*! Christians in the training and teaching o llclren." The illustrations which Mr. Hani and drew to impress this thought on pa ntsnswell ns children, were well chose: d calculated to make his remarks effect! v d interesting. FudgeJ. Fuller Lyon next delivered an ad ess on "The uses of singing, its attractive >s and a part of tlie worship of God, and in spensible in Sunday School work." Ii nuection with this he paid a most deserve* mplimcnt to the music furnished by th sbanon choir. Judge Lyon's earnest, man r and heartfelt appreciation of Suuda; hool work, won for him the favorable oplii 11 of the entire audience. Mp. W. H. I'm r next spoke on '-The .Sunday School," am I tided to his own early association with th foanon Sunday School. He paid a feel 111 ibnte to some old workers in that portion c e.Master's vineyard, who have since lui< iwn their burdens, and passed to their r< ird. I'll is completed the exercises of the morn g, and the audience then adjourned to th ove near the church, where a nice dinne \s served in the best picnic style. A ough fully five hitiv.?red persons sat Uow; .llt.-nej (iilc mniil Hiorn wns enoiiffh for all Ill that of the bi-st. After mi intermission c i hour and a hall', the congregation again a; tnblt d in the church and engaged in a sci ce of song. Ltopt. J. T. Parks then delivered an add res i "Sunday .School Work, its objects and Mi oat benefits to be derived froin it." Cap) irUs clearly showed that the Sunday Schon ppllcd an indispensable part in the orirani Lion of the Church militant, whoso uilssioi to conquer the world for Clirisl. I'll is closed th<- exercises of tlio ut)g Is contained the greatest power fu risllanizing the world. i'oj> much praise can not he given to th ibanon choir for the excellent music fill shed during the exercises. It has seldor en our privilege 1o hear us (rood sacred mi s, ami we think that the enthusiasm man Mod in 1 in'conduct of the school is liinri due to the influence of the Lebanon choi V] 81X011. m - ? ? Kutes for tlic Primary Election. o be held Saturday, August 21s 1SSG. constitution?article v. All candidates of the Democratic party fa unty otllces, for the State heiiate, and fu e House oi Representatives iu tne Stat gtalatureshall be nominated 'by primar L-etion, which shall be jeld a; such time ti all be ordered uy this club. section 2. At such primary olections n ie shall be allowed to vote except such ti ive been Democrats In good standing for n ist two months preceding saiu primary cic( >n, and who arc twenty-one years of ags u ,11 be twenty-one years of aue at the uusi g general election, and no vote by pi ox all be allowed in the County Club orpriinu election*. SKcriox :) No \ erson shall bo voted for : ch primary ciecllou as a Democratic candl ,te for uoailuatt 11 unless he lias publicl edged lilmself to abiae the result of sue In ary eicellon and support the nouiiu-jt the Democratic party. jBCTioM 4. At such primary election thoe lio recelvc a myjority of all the votes cast fu e respective olhces shall bo declared to Ij e nominees of the Democratic party k ch oilices. Section 5. The managers of the prlmar L'ctlon at each local cluu precinct ami thel srk shall be appointed in such manner u ay be determined by the respective loci 11 OK. 15fctiok G. Immediate'y before opening th ills at said primary election the mamigei id their clerks shall sign the following wril n pledge ami shall forward the same to 111! ub Willi their returns of said primany elei jn, to wit / "1 do solemnly pledge my si :red honor that 1 will lalthfully perform a he duties incident to my position as man: ;er or clerk of the primary election to th lest 1' my ability." SKCl'loN 7. Managers of primary election ? mill iisr. hi die votei .said election, and return tile same, atleste them, Willi the election returns. Section#. At I lie primary elections tb ills shall open at nine ,o'clock A. RL, an iull ui six o'clock 1*. M., when t he mat 'el's shall count the votes, anil lliey sha rward the returns to the C'ouuty Club at 11 .'xi meeting sifter said election. section y The County Club shall thcroui 1 canvass the returns of the primary elei jn,hear and decide all protests and contest id declaiu the result of said primary ele< jn. slctiox 10. In case there shall not be :>minntioh lor any of the oilices to be 1111c such election, twice as many candidates t ere are vacancies to be tilled shall be selec I from those having the highest number i >tcs, but lacking a majority, to be .voted k -anodic primary election to he held atsttc ine as the County C.ub shall designate, uu ' on till such vacancies are ill led. RULES FOR THE PRIMARY. The following resolutions or rulesgovernlr le election were adopted, at the liist meei g of the Central C:uo, and the newspapei ' the county wei e requested to publb lem: ltesolved,l. Thai, the primary election fc io nominees ol Hie Democratic parly for a ic ollices to lie lilted at the general elect-in i November next, shall be held on Saturdii ic -'1st day of August 1S.SU, at the v.irioi aces at which the local cluos have been ai istomed lo meet. 2. That.the b. xesshall beopcnrdatUo'cloc in, and kept. open until i> o'clock p in, of Hi ime day. That said election shall becoi lie let I uy three managers to b-j selected t n< r-lnns. 3. That each volcr before casting Ills vol mil be required to state* tlmi bo lias ii? :>ted at stud primary election, and shall gl\ Is name in lull and the name ot' his elu ? which he belongs. The managers nut: eep a full list containing the names of a arsons voting and the names of the clubs I hicli they belomr. The boxes shall beopet I at llie place of the election and the baliol lull be counted in> mediately atter the cloi ig of the polls in the presence of all or a mi >riry of the managers. The ballots shall l preserved and replaced in the bo hen the counting Is finished. I. That on the Aloml ty fol owing said pr lary electiou the result of said election s icii precinct shall be reported to a meelin r the ciul> to be held on tiiat day. 5. That the manage s shall report ttndc leir signatures the number of ballots eest ft ich candidate?said report shall be rccon uiled by the i?oii hit and all the ballo' i>t. These reports shall he aggregated by tli muty club, and the candidate receiving tli ighest number of voles, provided it Is a mi irlly of the whole vote vast, shall be declare n> nominee of the lieinoeralic party of Al; iivllie county fur the ollico for which lie w; ;>ted lor. It evolved, That in case any vote is eh a imod in said primary election the isiana^ci "the local club shall not count the vote, hi; mil write llsc uame of the voter and tli i use of cbullciiii'i' upon the back of the tielu itiiout opening it, and shall forward tli line to litis ivlib, which shall, before open ill .decide whether it shall becoi.ntod or not, ItlKTUS. At Abbeville, Sunday. A 111:11st 1J, t is. H. I/. Mabry, a daughter. At .Mtbi-.II!\4?,*iii:j"?ny, AI!, t rs.A. I 'arris, a son. One case of summer lawns and calico J us eeivcti at Wui. E. Deli's. - Mi t Announcement. The many friends of Thomas McGcttlgan announce tlie Hound Knob cigar the best. It vr took the load at the Palmetto House on Sale " Day. And Tom still guarantees satisl'actiou 2 to all who favor him with their patronage.? *> Adv. D _ tlx Foil one dollar Mr. T. G. Pcirin will sell you th a package of the "American Frail- Preserving M< Powder and Liquid'* with which you can rle preserve 256 pounds of fruits, or vegetables, tin which may be kept the year round without thi . fear of fermentation. Superior to any other be preservative known. Try it, you will like It. J5o Clothing! clothing! For the next thirty r days, will sell onr entire stock of sprlnjr and >; Summer clothing at net New York cost. P. m< s Rosenberg & C'o. 7-28 lij: Millinery to suit the taste and fancy of cvcry one this month. It. M. Iladdon ay over to the Town Treasurer the sum nf mm (Inll'tl* mill ciwf.K. J. S. HAMMOND, '? Intendant. JONES F. MILLER, Secretary. August 18, 1SSU. St p ,! Sheriff's Sale. L< e M. A. E. Waller a trains! Jno. T. McKellar.? >' Execution. lS nY virtue of an Execution to mc directed In n D the abovfc stated case, 1 will sell to the * ? highest bidder, at 1'ubllc Auction, within the V legal hours of sale, at Abbeville 0. II, on Mon- * day, the sixth day ot September, ism, all the right, title and iutcrcst of Jno. T. McKcilnr in , the following Ileal Estate, to wit: All that Xl ' tractor parcel of Laud situate, lyiug and beJ ing in Town of Grceuwood, containing Ai THIRTEEN (13) ACRES, ai it more or less, and bounded by lands of J. T. iV1 1- Si mi nous, J. C. Maxwell and C. Ci. Waller. {?' y aiso h flnr tioiisr and t.ot. i! Id the town of Oreenwood ((."acres) on which b< ie! Hie defendant now resides, bounded by Estate T.i >r Martin Ilnekct and others. Also L< e | SIXTY (CO) ACRES, 11 of land, more or less, bounded by J. C. Max- Ai .. well, W. Jv. lilake and otlierr. Also Ai ir FOUIt HUXDUED (100) ACHES, ? l!j more or less, In Wliito Hull township, bound- X " j ed by J. T. I.igon, V. (irllliu, T. A. Watson and | others. Levied on and to be sold as the prop- Al Q j erty of J. T. MeKollar, to satisfy the aforesaid V "s Execution and costs. TERMS?Cash. \ f J. F. C. DuPItE, ';s August 0,13S6. Sbeilir A. C. II Sheriff's Sale. l" B. K. Beacham, Agent, against J. W. Xichols, bi j Execution. |S 7)V virtue of an Execution to me dl- l Sj !-? reeled, in tl'e above staled ease, I will sell L, : to the highest bidder, at l'ublic Auction, l I within the legal hours of sale, at Abbeville 'C Court House, on Monday the sixth day of T d I \ n iksk. nit ilio riuht. title anil I ! I Interest of J, \V\ Nichols in the following de11 scribed property, to wit: All that tract or parts i eel of Lauu. situate, lying and being In the ] | town of Abbeville, County of Abbeville, J >- South Carolina, and known as tlio Lee Place. -* and containing ' ONE ACRE, more or less.and thebuildlnzsthereon, bounda ' id by lands of \\\ A. Lee, It. M. lladdon, Vint i cntiH Street, et al. Levied on and tobc sold as Uj' the properly of J. \V. Nichols, to satisfy the m t-1 aforesaid Execution and costs. TEUMS?Cash, j jfi j. k. c. m-i'iiK. ! )r Sherlfl" Abbeville County. 1 h August 7, 1SSG, -It. _ a ] Sheriff's Sale. iv J, R. Tarrant against James tiillam.?Execu- ^ ig tion. ? rs I)Y virtue of an Execution to me diii i I > reeled, in tlie above stated ease, I will sell '-J to the highest bidder,at Public Auction, with- " ip I in the legal hours of milt*, at Abbeville Court V II ' House, on .Monday the sixth day of September ? J A. 1>. ISMi. all the right, title and interest of O v I James (iiliam. deceased, in the following de- ? ^ scribed property, to wit: All that tract or par- r j.. I eel of Land, situate, lying and beim; in the [County wf Abbeville, South Carolina, and C | known as the Long Lottom plantation, and p lt,; containing CO I'll HUNDRED ACRES, y ,y more or less, and bounded by lands of W, " v si-iiuii-ifs. M l:. I,inseomb. the Saluda ltiver a I ami others. Levied on and to !>e sold as the e ' property of James (iillam. deceased, to satisfy b ! tin- aforesaid Kxccution uud costs., st; TEKMS?Cash. Il| J. F.r. 1H PRK, ,ol August 7, ISStf. Shcriir A. C. f\ Master's Sale. ?|THE STATE 01- SOUTH CAROLINA, * j COL'XTY OF AIJIJKV1LI.K, J i- I OJt'KT Of COMMON ff.KAS. ll ^ 15. K. lioaciiam, Agent, against It. A. Rlchey. i 1>V virtue of an order of sale made in the ir ; -L> above stated ease, I will olt'er for sale at ,r puhlleoutcry ut Abbeville C.It., S. on Sale r >- I>:iy In September, I.SMi. wtthin the le-_'al hours j 's cf si If. tin1 following described properly, situ- n ate in said State ami County, to wit: Alt that fn l'omlloton Koad, containing i-1 d Two Hundred and Fifty A ores, ls more or loss, houml"d by I'endletoii Koad. j Krancls i.omax ami 1,. K. il ill, l>r. J. I,. .Mar- f i. . tin, T. A. ("ootsh-r ami others. * s ! TKIt.MS oK SAI.K?Cash. Purchaser to pav s" it the .Master for papers. ,.i J. C. KLCfiJI, .j. August u Master. "l Cribs and Cradles. j9 ? l^Ol.IMNC ClMliS. with woven wire l ot- 1,1 x ioiih, :? m-w a:ul excellent nrth-le, |>riee.*| . I'lniii to i 'r;ulies, >I.Swing er:i-3 . ii!? #. .J. 1). (.11A l,.\I KliS .V t_11. , No-. Is".. If o _ _ 1 oj For Sale or to Sent. { I'ri ? | Q I'VIMlAii Soeo'iil Hunt steam Engine*, Uj Hj riom Five to Ten IIosnc. 'J'crins c-isy. il| An ly to J. M. MAT III i:\VS. 1 August 10.1S56. It Ninety HIs, S. C. . ; - - - ??: ? ' W: II Sheriff's Sale. )nroe Bros. ndayt. the 6th day of September, 1880, all ther :ht. title and Interest of John A. Moore In e following described property, to wit: Ail nt tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and lng in the County of Abbeville, State of utli Carolina, containing TWENTY-TWO (&) ACRES, we or loss, bounded hy lands Of ?J. P. Phil*' J >s, Luther Kinard. Mrs. Sherard and otheta. so, all the interest of the said John A. >orc, (being one-third) in a tractor parcel of id in the County and State aforesaid, con-.. > v tiling . TWO HUNDRED (200) ACRES, ore or less, hounded by lands of. Dr. W. L. > Uderson, James Seal And S: B: Marshall. LOt OF LAND, rind the TWO-^TOftY BRICK STORE BUILDING 3 ereon, on Cambridge street, in the tpwn rit -> mety-Six, and lately occupied by Jeff. D;,- ,j oore as a general store. Alsrt, fcll the lnterj' t of tlie said John A. Moore (being one-half)' IN A LOT. and the STORE BUILDING ercon, on Cambridge street. In "the towrhof . 1 nety-Slx, and now occupied ns a drug store.' so, at the towu of Ninety-Six, on the same ' S .y and days following, all the goods, wares " ^ id merchandise of the said Jno. A. Moore, nslstlngof Dry Goods, Shoes. Hats, Cloth- r* C, Hardware, and such oilier articles as aro ually kept in a tlrst class country store, iuuding one Iron Sufe, Platform Scales, Ac. :vied on and to be sold as the property of dm A. Moore, to satisly the aforesaid execujns and costs. TEHMS?CASH. J. F. C. DuPItE, Si Ai di A.ngust 4, 1S86, tf i ,-j; ichmond and Dauville Railroad, CoIninbia nod Greenville Division* and nftor August 15, 1856, Passenger trains / will run as herewith Indicated upon this rood d Its branches: DAILY, KXCEPT SUNDAYS; Ko. 53. UP rAPSKNU KB. nvo Columbia. ...... 10 45 ? th * rive Alston 11 46 lid ^ rive Newberry Vi 43 p irt Mve ChappeH's 1 84 p nl ? rlve Ninely-Sl.V, D :: 2 08 p ut rive Green vyjtid i 2 42 p m ' rive Hodges 8 05 p nl y rive Donnaids S 20 p ni f] rive Helton m 4 11 p ill rlvo Greenville 6 do p nl NO. 52 1IOW.1 rASSEXGER. ave Greenville 9 45 a m rive Helton 11 08 a m rive Donnaids 11 61 p in " y rive Hodges 12 17 p m ';:$X rive Green wood 12 44 p Tit v rive Nin.-ty-SIx, D 1 10 p m rive Chappcll's 2 08 j> m rive Newberry 8 02 p nl rive Alston 4 05 ji in- f-3 rive Colauibid 5 15 j> in -?,gg AJJUErtLLE BBAXOH. ave Abbeville 11 05 a m rive Dlrraiit'h's 11 27 a in rive 12 05 p Ut -.{Lrtl live Hodges 8 10 p irt SgSj Tivc Dirraueb's 3 47 pm rive Abbeville 4 10 p ul ' ntoE RinoE railroad and asderson bbaxcii. r>ave Helton 4 15 p III *}??' riviJ Anderson 4 47 p m rive Seneea 6 00 p 111 riVe AYullialla 0 88 p III ::ivo Walballa 8 20 a m -S rtlve Sent ci 8 42 a in -rive Anderson 10 22 a in irive Helton 10 57 a in *;> LAUilKXA EAILUOA1). save Newberry ; 8 80 p m '-^8 avo Helena 8 87pm Ji rrivo tiiinion .. o &u p lit rrtvo Laurens 6 80 p m V>3 ;ave J.nurens 9 10 n lit Tive Clinton 10 00 a in rrlve Helena 12 00 p nt nivo Newberry 12 10 i? ifl /. D?Dinner. Tiinc?Kastern standard. 0. R. TALCOTT, Superintendent. D. CAKDWELL, Assist. Oon. Pas. Agent Atlantic' Coast Line. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Wilmington, N. C? .Inn? 22,.1S85. 'AST LINE between Charleston and Coluuibfa and Upper South Carolina. GOING WEST. live Charleston, 8. C 7 20 a m ave Lanes, 8. C 8 84 a m save biimtcr, 8. C 9 83 h tff rive Columbia, 8. V iO 40 a tit rrive Wtnnsboio, 8. C 8 02 p m rrlvo Chester. 8. C 4 15 p in rrivo Yorkville, 8. C 6 05 |? m. rivo Lancaster, 8. C 1 01 p in rrivc llock Hill, 8. C 4 50 p tit rrlve Charlotte, N. C 6 05 j? m UUliNU liAM'. rrive Charleston, S. C...? 9 10 p m iTive Lanes, S. C 7 45 |> m rrive Sumter, S. C 6 49 p m save Columbia, S. C 5 27 J? m save Winnsboro, S. C 8 48 p ui . J save Chester, 8. C 2 42 p til ave Yorkvllle, S. C12 II 45 ji ui ?avc Lnncaater, S. C 7 00 a ill -ave Ruck Hill,S. C 1 56 p m save Charlotte, N. 12 M) j> ui OOINO WE8T. .. rrive Newberry, S. C 12 4S p m rrlve Greenwood, S. 0 2 42 j> ul rrive Laurens, 8. C 0 30 p ul rrive Anderson, S. 0 4 47 p in rrivo Greenville, 8. ;0 5 35 p m rrive Walhalla, S. C 6 83 p nl rrive Abbeville, 8. C? 4 80 j> m rrive Spartanburg, S. C 4 4# p in rrive llcndersonville, N. C 5 05 p ul GOING EAST. ?avo Newberry, S. C 8 02 p m . ave Greenwood, 8. O 12 44 p m cave Laurens. 8. C 8 00 n m eftvn Anderson, S. C. 10 22 a in save Greenville, 8. C 9 45 a in eave Willhnlin. 8. O S 30 a ill , - Ave Abbeville. S. C 10 45 a til eave Spartanburg. S. C 11 05 p m eave Hendersonville, N.0 7 00 a ra Solid train? between Charleston and Columbia, 8 O , T. DIVINE, T. M. EMKU80N. Oen'l Snp't. Gen'l Pass. Agen luc rictus tu uct vyucii. You Want! rHOS. M. CHRISTIAN [TAVIXG bought the interest of Air. LJL JOIIN WILSON ill tho business >rmerly conducted by them jointly will eep always in store, a complete stock of ANCY GROCERIES, CANNED 00DS dlid CONFECTIONERIES of II kinds. The best and_ cheapest CI A US and TOHAL'tO. The JD1JNISST I'iNES and LIQUORS. weet Masli Corn Whiskey or medical purposes a specialty. Also, hoico Liquors ol' any kind for medical n rposes. Give hitnacall. Satisfaction guaranteed All persons indebted to the firm f Christian ?fc Wilson must make inlineiatc payment. TH03. M. CHRISTIAN Abbeville, S. CJ, Fob. 13JSS4, tf Buggy Lap Robes. fl'ST woiveda nice lot of Linen LnpRobos I beaut itnlly embroidered, which I will Belt leap. Tail at my harness shop. Anril 7. 1-Xi. tf THUS. UKCiGS' Extras. 'Till KITS, .Stirrnp Leathers, Girths, Hold > back Straps, l.reast and Yoke Straps nine Straps, Curb Straps. Ac., on linnet and r sale elicap by T1I0S. 1JKCJUS. Sept. oil, 1.SS5. Riding Bridles. L X assortme nt of plain ami round Jlridlrs V ami Martingales, just roci-ivctl. and lor dechcap. TJIOK. liEGUS. Sept. "a, !sS^ Wanted. l,OT of old harness, for which I will pay L a fair prii-o, or lake ttiPin in part pay lor w oiii-s, at my harness shop. April 7, I vs'i, ti TIIOS. rn(u;s. Steel Engravings, Chromos, \Ifj I'AlNTlXtiS, at low prices, suitable) } f.?r presents, fine line uf mouldings and mites. Toilet looking glass with levels unit lerniuincler attached. New ",'uocls. J. I>. CUALJJJtltS & CU. NOY- 2j, ibSo. U / ... :