The Press and Banner, ^ - 1 * ABBEVILLE, S. C. Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1884. The Storm and the Country Press. From the be^innim; of the world to tlie . nresenttime tho city papers have never; had so favorable an opportunity to pet, nhend of tho country papers, as was fur-1 nishod last woek by tho storm. The ! Ntorin pissed over tho country late Tues- J dav evening. Before the newspapers K!k. is in proas and will he shortly published by T. B. Peterson ?t Brothers, Philadelphia. It is the great literary cu- < Iriosity of the reason, beiinj a crawl nov- j <>1 of passion, whose powerful interest < lie* in its truth and pathos. The hero- i jne's experience, while fr?light with sor- j row, yet has its bright side, and throng- i out her career she fully realizes "The [ - " Joys of Life," from which circumstance the work takes its name. I Thk work of building tho new church 11 at Due West will orobably go on without! j much delay. We hope, however, that still another effort mav be made to build 1 I* firte church. Let the active workers j ! see the subscribers to the work, and find i1 out how many of them would double {' thefa subscriptions. By making such an ; 1 effort some persons might he induced to i * contribute who have not subscribed. 11 A subscription* list was handed to| our citizens yesterday, seeking relief fcr'.? the ufferers by tho cyclone at Bradley,It and we believe the responses \Vere as lib- j eral as the mean# of our people would al- i low. There is no people on top of the'u ground who contribute more frequently! i or more cheerfully than ours do to the 1 [ relief or the distressed. j? A MKfrtiVo of the farmers of the Conn- l ty and those interested in thecanse of the 1 farmer will be held in the Courthouse on I Friday 2Sth inst., at 11 o'clock for the 1 purpose of discussing the matter of the .6 "" ~ 111 Kn Qf}_ 1 r Grange CI no. me uicvn^ nm uv ? . . dressed by James II. Walker, Esq. and;' others, !! Thk town council, while doing much^ for the convenience and comfort of those ' | who drive vehicles are not unmindful of v those who have to go on foot. For their iJj comfoit shade trees will be sot out along e the sidewalks. Better work was never s done than the setting out of shade trees, i' Mit. \V. Wkitk Jones, formerly of i this county, but now of Laurens 'village, { was in town Monday night. Laurens has no better citiz-m than White Jones, j Mr. Jones is one of the sutForers by the, cyclonc. All of the houses on his'farin in Edgefuld county wore blown down. \j Mr. Jason Simpson is now dealing in music. Ho presented lis with a sample! sheet last week, and we have b:?en since ] then on the search for some one to plav t: it. As Mr. Simpson deals in first class v sewing machines we take it for granted {' that the music is first class. j; Mr. Kinnv com minds an army of. i< ? ?_ i I.;t,i umMpr nvpr the 1 ^ naiiu.% uicimiuf, muddy places on the Public Square.J,, The work goes bravely on. Succeeding n generations will bles8 him and the town: p council for so much permanent improve-j " ment of this kind. Mrt. Asn Mrs. W. C. BKNETand Mr. \V. j ii C. McGownn are off for New Orleans. Mrs. j N I tenet will stay in that city for a month!!-' or so with her" friend, Miss Lesassic, but ? Mr. Benet and Mr. McGownn will return'? in a day or two. We wish them safe and ; s pleasant journey. j J1 Last Friday, the 22nd. was Washing-, H ton's birth day in Abbeville. The schools < took holiday and at 11 the post office was cloned by a piece of; ' paste board, on which was written "Feb. v 2^nd." So other notable event occur-j A red. ? The Abbeville Rifles have renter! their j, nrmory for another year. The company *vttl drill there as usual. The room wiiihj al -o be used as a skating rink, where the' j-' you ig people will assemble to spend [j pleasant evenings at healthlul exercise. n We hope the grad jury may present to; the Court every road-oversoor who in ?y' J' dig an oblique ditch across a public high, j ( way. Such ditches have broken more ? buggies and wagons than anything else, t except the loose stones in the road. Taks your old harness to Maj. Thomas ! Hoggs. He will make them nearly as ii good as new for a very small pay. A;*? new strap or two may save a runaway, and a little varnish will make an old bar-' ness look as good as new. i a Wk have had a foretaste of March;'1 weather, and the wind has whistled by.,, us iu a hurry more than one day. Wo i t 1 1 ?1?5-.? 1.1. It Arn t ft WOUiU au V caiu-j?a> in* nuv^nuvio ?w , fttaud from under deail limbs tor the next ^ thirty days. ]<* Mrs. It. M. Haddon left last Tuesday v for New York and other Northern mar- f kets where she will purchase, as usual,! s a splendid stock of millinery, dry goods,; ( trimmings, dtc. The ladies will maUe a j < note of this. j * Furman'b Formula.?If you want to-t know the expedience of the best farmer i? who ever lived in Georgia, call on Sheriff ! J DuPro, who is kindly furnishing a num- ; jj ber of these pamphlets to our people. j This Is centennial year with the Metli-'r odists, and their religious newspapers * speaks much of the matter. Wc give , ppace to something on the subject this i week. Read it. i 1 Rkv. Mb. Haschel of Pendleton has J accepted an invitation to the pastorate of t the Episcopal Church in Abbeville, to I which place ho will come in a short time. J SKED planting lime is upon us anu uur, 1 columns tell where seed, pure and fresh,' i can be bought. Flowers, vegetables, i( field-crops, all be supplied iu advance. i' Now is the tiroo for the newspapers to j begin to predict that if the peach blossoms wine out, the frost uia3* kill them, when j ( wo will have co fruit next summer. The young ladies of the Due West Fe- | inole College will give a musical and eal- ; isthenic entertainment on Friday even- | ing, the 29th instant. , Mb. Georgk Shilmto and Mr. J. II* (Simmons have opened a tin shop on the Public Square, where they propose to do a live business. MR. J. F. IjIvinoson ih ?ti to norma. He goes to Luke City, to be gane two or throe v.eoks. A suit* trip and a pleasant i journey to liim. Mrs. W. T. Branch, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Wilson,- loll Abbeville yesterday for .Baltimore, in the interest oft &orJ Let our people make arrangements for planting Ineir gardens. No man can j prosper or have good health without veg- j etablesk j We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Lig-| on is still alive and that the physicians takes a more hopeful view of her injuries. Mrs. Fay Kino, who has been on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Ligoii, will return to her home in Charleston to-day. Miss Geor(?a Gordon has returned from Charleston where who spent a month very pleasant with friends When the road-workers get to real earnest business, they will kick the loose -atones outot the public roads. To-day being Ash Wednesday services will be held in the Episcopal Church, Rev. John Gass officiating. Hattie Adams gives notice that she will feed the public in the best manner at the Dendy Corner. Mit. Henry Hommonb is in a bad way. fie is now lying in a critical condition, of serious ailment. We are having delightful weatlrer, and it is fair to presume the farmers are doing good work. There will be a drill of the Abbeville Rifles to-morrow night in the armory. Miss Ann Jackson is sick of pneumonia, and the worst is fearad. ReV. Mb. Gass preached in the Episcopal Oh-uroh last Sunday. Mr. D. A. P. Jordan is having a good time in -New Orleans. The finest garden seeds are to be found At tbo post office. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. The March number Is we think, one of the beat yet Issued of this deservedly favorite magazine. The 12R quarto panes are filled with choice, entertfti.ung and Instructive lit-1 ferature; and there are over 100 handsome embellishment*, besides a very tasteful colored plate frontispieces "A Wood nymph." The articles embrace various subjects, and are by popular writers. "Soudan and Its complication," "Napoleon's Marshal Is," "Living Homes," "The New York Neuro Plot of 1741." etc.. are exceedlncly Interesting. Etta W. Pierce's serial, "A dark deed," is continued, nnd there are short stories, etc., by Nathan D. Urner. Isabella Crawferk, N. Robinson, Etta W. Pierce, K. V. Hastings, and others. There are poems great merit, and a comprehensive miscelany of pleasant reading matter. The price is only 25 cents for a single number, and a years subscription ?250. postpaid. Mrs. Frank Leslie, pobllshcr, 53 55 and o7 Park-Place, New York. The S. V. R. R. An Act to incorporate certain townships in Abbeville ami Antlers>n counties, and to authorize them to subscribe by taxation to the capital stock of thcSaI vannali Vallev Railroad Company. i Skction I. He it enacted bytheSeni ate and House of Hopiesentativcs of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in (ictieral Assembly and by the authority of the same. That the townships ofCentreville, Broadway, Hopewell, Hall, Varennes, Savannah and Corner, in Anderson county, and LowndesvillO, Magnolia, Calhoun and Bordeaux in Abbeville county, lie and they are hereby declared bodies politic anil corporate for the t l*i< V i?t -in.I tho ('omit V W Commissioners of tin; counties of Anderson and Abbeville, are hereby deelaied nr.d constituted the corporate agents of the townships herein named in their respective counties. Sw, i That for the purpose of determining the subscription by taxation of the respective townships above shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of Andersen and Abhevilie counties for the respective townships in their counties, upon the written application < (' a majority of the owners of real estate in each or any of tlx; above named townships, specifying the amount of the subscription trt he voted on together with the time of payment thereof, to order an election by the qualified voters of the respective townships above enumerated, at least thirty days notice bein<; given by publication in tvvo newspapers in the county wherein said township is situated. P/uMtnlttcmnoiN or.? . Hrc vwiniij - shall appoint three managers for each precinct to conduct said elections who shall he duly sworn as required i?V law and shall hold the same at the usual voting i precinct or preeints iu the respective! townships during such hours as the! County Commissioners shall designate, if. there be no such precinct in the township; i then at such place as the County Comniis- ! sionera shall designate at the time of giv- i ing notice of election. Ski'. 4. The electors voting in favor of | snid subscription shall vote on a written j i?r printed slip of paper "Subscription J Savannah Valley Itailioad 'Ye*.'" Those I opposed shall vote "Subscription Savan nan Valley Itailroad 'Xo.'" The mnna- j iters shall count the votes and return | them together with their statement and | tally sheet to the County Commissioners,; who shall declare the result of the election in the respective townships. Skc. 5. The County Commissioners. | diall when either of the above named j townships shall have voted in favor of a | subscription as above provided certify i such result in writing to the County And- j tor, together with the amount thercofj md the time of pavment, and the Chair- j nan of the Board of County Com in is- ; ^IjuII IV.rm.illv subscribe the Slim roted in the name of such townships to he capital stock of said Company. Kkc. 6. That for the payment of such, subscription the County Auditor of the ountv wHerein the township voting such , in Inscription is situated, is hereby author- j zed and required upon receiving the iforesaid certificate to assess annually! ipon the property of such township sucii j >er centum as may bo necessnrp to pay j !?ch instalment of such subscription un-j 11 the whole is paid, according to the: erms or such subscription, which shall j )e knoWri and styled on the tax books as; he Savannah Valley Railroad tax, audi dial I be collected by llie County Troasu-! er at the same time and under the. same I emulations as are fixed and provided by j aw for the collection of taxes for State ! ind County purposes, except that the! vliole of such per centum shall be paya- I, le at the time lixed for the collection of i State and County taxes. The said County I'reasuier shall pay the said taxes collect- ' d as aforesaid to the Treasurer of the!' aid itailroad Company vpon demand. Approved the 24th day of December A.: ). 1883 WBTJIOWIST CBJVTjC^YIAL. ! I Vow the J}f. JS. C/turcf>> South, Proposes to Celebrate the Great'x JZveut. i! This year, 1PM, Is a great and notable one in 'i he annals of American Methodism. It will j ritness the celebration ol the one hundred ill | nniversary ot the Methodist Episcopal i( hurch :?n this continent, und is certain to ; iove 11 year of unusual activity and pro- I jun-i interest throughout the wide-extended orders of that powerful dominion ol Chris-:! iaiiSi The grand historic tacts relating to ihc 11 ene.'iccni character and wonderlul achieve-i' tents of Christianity through the organized ;l lans and llle doctilncsot Methodism during . i Is pathway through this century of Its exist-11 nee in America. are truly phenomenal, as acnowicditcd by the world shading min'ls.and I ? one of the grandest problem* of the ages.:' nth more communicants than any other < eligious body in America, it is a matter of i merest to briefly review some of the tarts of i enera.1 Interest connecied witli the history f lite .Methodist Church. 1 chinning in ot?-i' L'lirlty uno leeoieu csa, 11 iu? ni nn iru IDI < tself everywhere u most wondcriul success., 'his great religious movement has, immedi-ii tely or remotely, so given an impulse to I hrisiian feeling and profession. on all sides, J i Itai it has come to present Itself us die start-' appoint of our modern religious history. j I In 17.nI, the year wnen tin-Methodist Church ] ft s organized In Baltimore, when Coke and I Lsbitry were aekuowl?d and set apart as! uperinsendeiits, or Bishop*, there were only j 1,'jss members. 83 preaelieis, church hulai- j ags, no missionaries, an I no institution of! Turning within the bounds of the tlenoinina-j ion. (tut Iroin thai tune nniil the present lie growth of Methodism has been almost ucalcuhib.e. This result was achieved by | ten who can well Iks denominated heroe* . i n lhe loftiest sense of the wurd. ( accepting the motto ol John Wesley,?th?-tr | lurch's founder?"The World is my Parish, ' i liese men of God traversed every state and j I "errltory 01 our great country, preaching tlie' < .ispi-l with power and in demons!ration of | he Spirit building up tlie Church. Their i ntlresingleness of purpose in spreading thej i ospel has been their prominent character- ( ?lic, and to-d iv American Methodist niim- j icrs within her various blanches i r??mbers; traveling preachers, and .!V i| 14 local preachers; 3.'.0 t) church-edlfiees val- | led at 3IU0,0(0.000; '2>S institutes of learning, | mbraciug ui.iversitles. colleges, seminaries , nd high schools; In ls.s2 had t'i.1 missionaries i a foreign fields sent from America, besides !< ,90:;, native helpers; and during that year1) ontributed for the cause of foreign missions j i he sunt of SV>1,117.41. ij The M. E. Church, South, has prepared to uln in tlieceiebnitlon of the "th?? Centennial | Lnlversary of the Organization of the Merit- j idi?t Kplseopal Church In America," which vlll occur In Baltimore on l)ec. ^7, and pro- i k>s?*s to comniemorate the great event j nroughout Its entire Itounds with suitable ] ervlccs hy raising for Kdnetuional purposes, hurch Extension, and Mls>lons?-hrce noble j i ibjecti to which the liberality of the Chur::lt' rill certainly respond. Two millions of dol-!< urs is the amount proposed to he raised for j liese objects, and that this purpose can be: ccotnplished there shou'd be no doubt; It . rill certaiuly not exhaust the treasury of|i his strong Church with its nearly nine litin-' li ed thousand members. < It mnv be interesting to our readers to i ecount wliHt Aincib-uu Methodism has hitherto accomplished on Centenary occasions. i( iVe first revert to tlie Centennial of 1K39. As1, lie first Methodist Society was formed In . ?nn-.lou In tlie month of November. 1730, so' S2W became properly the one hundredth year! >f Methodism. It was accordingly celebrated i, n Europe and America. During that centectry year, with u membership of niein-! :>ers, Including colored members and Indians, he Methodist Church In America raised SG'KI, )00 for missions, educational purposes, and for j the sui'port of the worn-out preachers, and the widows, children, und orphunsot preachL*r?. Tlie Wt-sleyftn Methodists of Ureal Brit-, iln raised over one million dollars for siinular objects. The next Methodist centennial event was In | IH56. It was a commemoration of the first Methodist preaching services held In this! country In 1766, and was celebrated by the! Methodist Episcopal Church In 1X66. Educn-< lionand Church Extension were the great j objects of their benevolence, and 82.0.0,00:1; was suggested as the amount to be raised. The result was a magiillllcent one, the thank- j offerings amounting to Ss.709,107:{!), or more than four times the amount, proposed ut the' ou tset. The successful ce'ebratlon of these two | former Centenary events should certainly en-1 courage our Southern Mctholl*t friends to the; accomplishment of the noble deeds they have J essayed. Such a past ought to be an lnspira-i tioii. Able and competent committees have this work in hand, and will spare no etlbrt to sue- i cessfully consumate It. The Central Cenlcnn-' ry Committee, with head-quarters at Nash- j vllle. Tenn., Ih composed as follows- K. It. Hendrlx, ]>. I>.. of Missouri, Chairman; W. P, Harrison, I) 1>.. Seeretary: Wils. Wil-1 Hants, Assistant Secretary;. Judge James' Whltworili. Treasurer: Bishop 11. N. Mc-1 Tyelre. L. !>. Palmer, Esq.. of Nasvlll". and ! Jame?? (?. Carter, Esq., of Louisville, K.v. j The following is the Centenary Committee j of the Cokesbury District.?\V. 1>. Ktrkland, ; P. E.. Cokesbnry: Itev. M. Hrown, Newberry; JudfceJ. K. Lj on, Abbeville. Public School Teachers. The following is a 11*^ of teachers awarded certificates by the Bo.trd of Examiners February 5th, iJWl: First Grade. Mrs. Carrie Olnkscales, Mrs. Maggie Young, Miss A. K Llgon, Miss Nannie Mattlson, Miss Lizzie J. Edge, Miss Luella Edge, A. I.. Blake, B. H. Grler. Vincent Girffln, II. H. Watklns, J. P. Jones, Second Grade. J. E. I/eRoy, J. R. Sheffield. 1.1st of colored teachers awarded certificates by the Board of Examiners February 5th,1 1881. Firtl Grade. Charle6j. Nichols, Second Grade. Stisnn A. Pressly, 1?. S. KIukIi, J. D. Moore, J. I. Reynolds, Richard Wright, TTiird Grade? Mary Benlly, A. K. Burton, W. P. Armstrone, L Anna Hancock, \V. H. Lindsay, C. L. Cunningham, A. G. Pre>sly, Hester Smith, J. E. Vnuss, Lucius Price. Sun Light and Gas Light* Gas light Is yellow and sun light Is white. Actresses make their faces very white for the purpose of neutr&lizlui; the effect of yellow gas light. The sunlight Is h hundred times whiter, and yet Kinte ladles try to make themselves look pretty in the day light by Imitating ihe actresses, hut a white face that , would look natural and pretty by gaslight | would be hideous in the sun light. SPAitTANiiruG, February 22.?B. W. Bnbo, n white train hand on the Spartanburg, Union and Columbia Railroad, was killed by falling from a freight, train near Strothers last night, tils body was brought here this even* log. Injustice fo Governor Thompson* Editor Prrsx arid Banner. j I'lease allow me to correct In your pnper it great injustice to Governor Thompson in the; leading editorial of the last issue of I he .Ifcftc-j vitlr Medium. In said editorial Mr. Hemphill' boldly eharaes (iu\ i'i'iiorThom|iSon ofappolnt: Ins; incompetent Trial Justice* lor Abbeville, j Mr. Hemphill served four years In the General Assembly, and no our Knows hrttrr flittn hr ' j dors, thul the Governor Is not responsible. It, I Is impossible for the Governor to know such i I men nsre most competent for this olllce In ! the different sections of the several counties, ; ami consequently Governors Hampton. I Simpson. Jeter, Itagood. and Thompson [ adopted the plan of semiim; to the senaie for con tli matinn ihe names of such persons for. | Trial Justices in the several conn lies ns were ! recommended by a majoiily of the respective j connly delec itions. Then why lines I lie editj or of the Mrdimn attempt to saddle this resi iionsibilit v noon the Governor? J In Abbeville County the number ?>f Trial i Justices were inerensed In sixteen while Mr. Hemphill was a member of tlie Legislature.! j unit of those sixteen nine are still in olliee | and were orl^ina ly reeominended by th?*ed-! | ilitr of Ilic with others of the Ab'ic-j ville delegation. Seven vne.itieies h ive liren ' m ule by resignation, sin'-e the l.ej;l-lalive; : terms oi' the editor of I he M-diina tertnin-.1 j nt-il. anil of those seven vaeanei.s one was ! tilled by recommendation of the delegation j upon tlie strong rei"omii!"ndati.>ti of the edit- , :?lrtifthe Mnliuin. Another was a tootii mate ! while a meniliT of the House, and a third Is ' one of hi* warmest pe s ?nal liiends. 'I he re-.' ! matnint: four vaeaneies at I'onahlsville, line ( West. I.owndesville. and Hold Itraneh were, i t! b;i! by gentlemen re-ommended to thetior- I j I ernor by the entire delegation ti|ion stronsjj1 i petitions of eilixens in I heir r?*?poetive noiaM-! : j Itorlioods. and there were no petitions against!. j their appointment, or in favor of other per-', i m?uv I n iin* eunor in iin* .unitum nas one pom irjn 1 1 (theory to which lie N wedded ahove all < Due West ami Dotialilsvitie. and they KSVtM,K. S. c. I February 20th, lfiSl. j Editor Press and Tiannrr : The cry of "hard times" may he hoard In' this portion of the County and it Is no lalse!*1 alarm. The corn crop was very short, rspe-! J dally on uplamls, and the cotton crop was ha rely sufficient to pay the expense of hittkI nsr It. So the surplus mon**y for pay I ng old 4 debts, ptirchssins hotter si^rlouittirsii tools, Improving the homes and nuking new in-j , vestments Is very scaree. The thrifty farmer! will be able to pull through, and with a good j ciop tills year they will be all rightag: to a Inreo congregation. ! i Messis. .1. J. Johnson and J. M. Kakcr have returned notne. t n<> lorincr n:is necii on a: visjt io Florida, while tiio hitler was visitins ; ^ friends in the lower p-irt of the Stale. Mr. : * Johnson thinks Florida is a i'r . i)f the Morui arc doing all (and they ate dome r nobly 1 within their power to repair tlie losses (J Ihus incurri d hv rebuildln-' the houses t.iat I iuive boon wrerkid, unit furnishing shelter, food and clothing to those who arc loft de-sti* t; lute; still they nre unable todo more th:m a1 very small part towards relieving the press | Inn wants of those sufferers. lie therefore " ur^ed the propriety and the nocet-slly of trying to secure aid from abroad, and ollcrcd tl.e ?, following resolution : ;'' Rrsolvvd. That coin!ii 11 tees be appointed lo 1 vlsli certain localities, points of business and I [ ommerc!al Importance fir thd purpose of! olldtlng aid for the sutlerers by lite recent Jcsiruetlve storm. ft I'nder this resolution Meters. O. It. ("aid- r tvi-ll and (' (i. Hu-ldon were appointed lo canvass Abbeville county. i?n unit on a committee of onr most protnl-1 |j nent men weie appointed lo (dispose oi any fumls or other articles that may be ton I ribit >d. .-S Resolved, that proeeedlngs of this meeting : >e published in the Edgellcld and Abbeville , papers. i ' J. s. joRno.v. I Preside iit. : P. II. ADAMS Secretary. I Diet. j" It 1* a prtpulnr Idea that, the majority of,S persons ent too much. If reference Is made to ( :lie had co iking generally in vogue in this r ountry, It Is probably true; but if It were ,1 11actio"b e to make nu estimate of tliei noli lit of tood required by every individual, j iased on the energy expended In the mental jr Hoilily activities of each, we believe the nutriment coutuli.ed thciein would rather] j r,til below than exceed the reasonable require* 1 mentsof the body, and that, this Inadequate . noitt itl- t II'/II lint- tl'illl lie li-lil lirit>i?iin!lnn .C iccounts in a grcuf measure lor much of ilie1 premature decay visible cm every side. Tlvs ! practical agt\ with its gunges mid tests, tmd w Its demand lor reasons and for ficts has dis-j [lellcd many false notlfins. The present gen-j .-ration of men cannot be made to believe i Ihnt their forefathers attained an average age if ulghty years hy hard work and "hard lack t?ut they do Unou* that tlit? average| : lertn of human life was ten years less in the last century than In the present. I ; There Is no question so frequently ftskod of Uie physician as that which lelatcs to diet; |. :ind there is none more difficult. t<> answer. rhe answer almost always nivon, by one of; _ the most prominent physicians in New York i l?, "cat whatever you think yon would rcl-' Ish." This reply Is wise. Nature Craves what! will best agree with ttic system; and unless] I here Is some special reason why it should be: ivithhed, thedcsl.ed food shouid he furnish-[ i:d If po?sih|e. One qunlilic.ition. liowevcv. Is ! necessary; and that is, the food requested, should be wholesome and properly prepared; A patient just recovering ircnn typhoid fever! miiitit crave a. article of food to which he! had always been accustomed, as fur example,' "mince pie,"?a dish most trying to the1 strongest digestive organs?and which, il then' "] induced in, would aimost cerlaln.y result in j a relapse that would prove fatal. A similar' rase once came under our observation as consilium; physician. It Is our firm convictinn i that iio restrictions should ordinarily be placed on the quantity of food g|veil, to any one. provided it is plain and nutritions food, I properly ooked and taken at meal time. | Young children require food more frequently,! and are permanently injured by fasting he-| tween the regular meal hours. Never say i no! to a child who a>ks food or water, it mat-, ters not how often. No person who lias been j liaM' li illy underfed in i:hlldho<e were to be fed on outs or other concentrated foo.l only, lie would soon i die; and thus it would lie with any oilier au-! tms'K When a child !s underfed, during years? as thousands are?lt> stomach becinies weak j and contacted so that In time It has neither j the strength nor capacity to contain suf-: ficlcnt nutriment f'?r the wants of tlie system,! and the child dies of "mxrasinus," a disease common enouirh among the poor and degraded, and not. allogether unknown in higher! life, where errors in relation to the care ofj children aie sometimes adhered to with most ti.r^lwl i*llt ckli*t I mir*v Why oysters should bo eaten raw Is cx-| plained by I)r. William Unbelts In his lecture i on "Digestion." He says that the general i practice of eating the oyster raw is evidence I that the popular Judgment upon matters of! diet Is usually trustworthy. The f?wit-colored mass, which Is the delicious portion of the fish, Is Us liver, and is simply a mass of glycogen. Associated with the glycogen, but withheld from actual contact with it. during life, is Its appropriate digestive fc> merit?the hep- ? atlc diastase. The mere crushing ot the oyster between the teeth brings these two bodies ! together, and the glycogen is at once digested I without any other help than the diastage. The raw. or merely warmed oyster, is self-digestive. Hut the advantage of this provision is wholly lost hy cooking; for the heat Immediately destroys the associated ferment, and a cooked oyster has to he digested, like any other food, by the eater's own digestive pow- i ers. "My dear sir, do you want to ruin your digestion?" asked Professor Hou.'hton of Trinity College one day of a friend who had ordered brandy and water with his oysters In a Dublin restaurant. Then he sent for a glass of brandy and a glass of (iulnness's XX, and put an oyster In each. In a very short time there lay in the bottom of the glass of brandy a tough, leathery substance resembling the finger of a kid ?love, wiille In the porter there was hardly a trace of the oyster to be found. Sleeping in a Cold Room. Hall's Journal of Health says that cold bedchambers always imperil health and Invite fatal diseases. Robust persons nin.v safety j i sleep in a temperature or fi rty and under, out. j the Ha, the infant and the fruil should never i sle?p In a room where the atmosphere Is much under 11 fry decrees Fahrenheit. All know ttie danger of going direct Into the cold from 11 very warm room. Very few rooms, churches, theatres, and the like, are even warmer than seventy degrees. If It Is I freezing out ol doors It Is thirty degrees?the difference being forty degrees more. Persons will be chilled by such n change In ten minutes. although they may he actively walking. Hut to lie still In bed. nothing 1o promote the circulation, and breathe for hours an atmosphere of forty and even fifty degrees, when tlx? lungs nre always at ninety-eight. Is j too great a change. Many persons wake up } If) the morning with Inflammation of the lumrs who will to bed well-, and are surprised that this should he the case. The cause may often be found in sleeping In a room the windows of which have been foolishly hoisted for ventilation. The water-cuic Journals of the country have done an incalculable Injury by the blind and indlscrlmlnul advice of hoisting the window at. night. The rule should be everywhere during the I pnrt of the year when fires are kept burning, to avoid hoisting outside windows. Ills safj cr and better to leave tlie chamber door open, as also the fireplace; then there Is a draft up . the chimney, while the room Is hot so likely j | to become cold. If there is some fire In tlie j I room all niixhtthe window may be opened art I | Inch. It is safer to sleep In a bud air all night ] , with a temperature over fifty, than In a pure air with a temperature under forty. The bad air may sicken yon but cannot kill you; the Cold air can and does kill very often. Beaufort, February 22.?A huge right , whale, sixty feet lonir, captured by the Lottie E. Cook, of New Bedford, baa been brought into Fort Royal Harbor. Rlfjlit on i'U ftodonl. PfHKNJX, s. C:, Fiji). 23, 18M. Editor /Y/*m ami JJantirr: You will please stale in your paper that >1. P. Moore, eoloicd, of llils neljrl'burliotvl. I* not in prison nt lireenviiln lor 'lui I c-itnlnci. j There i< a person liy the muni*of M. J'. Mom*.-,! ami a white man, I am sorry tosny, jin t troni North Carolina, in pri-on 'charged with nil j unlaw fid act. M. i'. Mmic e.i.orcl. ofthi*! neighborhood, is of lii!' honest klini, and, ( ! wi:l venture toass-it, is one of the I'cst in- J formed i-cvrofs of thi! two counties of Ahhp- 1 villi* anil Kiiued. M, ami at ail elections he will vote for III"* best men that K'IrpJIpI'I pnts i f.u waiil lorotllre. JOiC 1-AKK. j -wl? ? cnik kok Ivy Potsoninr;.--P.a11 ip the purls aflecle'i Willi sweet spirits of ml o, If tin*! blisters hi' molten, so as lo allow Hip id'iv to | penetrate the cuticle, imiri' than a sins: p ap-j plication i? rarely m-i-p.-sary; ami pvpii wliprpj it Is only applied to the surface of thP skill! three ur lour times a day. i hero Is rarely u trace oi the poison lett next nioi iiin^. ?*JW iu.\:> .v. i.. iv>;;ei s ;m'Mii mm remember lint they inri-v n vcrr larsre kIih'U of groceries. which - r*- hxiiiriil from tic be.-t markets ii; ill" rni'cil States ?t ! bottom figures, which on iM'-s llii'iu to sell at very Hose figures. I. irtio consign- \ menK arc still arriving every week from , llic North, Hast and West. Ovbh-stockhd on soaps aiiil fanned ; goods. '1'lie next :<0 days I will sell in box ' i>r down lots at figures that would aston- j Isli von, call and price tit v goods. I make | w speeia! of hay and hran, also a lull | stock of everything in the grocery line, several cars of corn in stock and to ar- j rive. Price it. A. J-'. lingers. Ladies, wo have just received 100 pineoKi r?f calicoes, hleaehed and brown lioine-j spun, percales, ginghams, shanbigs. Ac, (' r early Spring wear. It. M. iladdou ?fc I [.'o. 100 gross pearl buttons, ~>0 gsoss jet; Ivrv luutons just received at K. Al. Ilad,lon tV Co. S pieces black easliimere 50e to SI per yd. just received. H. M. iladdon it Co, Ton-lion laces 35 to 75 cts. dz. just received. It. M. Iluddon A Co. Mack kid gloves in all numbers just received. It. M. Iladdon t of school books just deceived . J it II. W. L-uvson A Co's. Try a frosted cocktail at O. W. Garick's ISonanzn. .'$.1 barrels Irish potatoes just arrived at I. 10. Rogers. 1,200 bushels corn in stock and to arivo Look out the, market is advaricing: A. E. Rogers. (i-irdcn seed 01 every variety, jusi rceiveu by II. \V. Lalvson een testeil and its virtue is unparalelled. ['o be had al Speed it Lowry's. Try a Coney Island at Garrick's Jonaza. pAi-mniiu if mv *-.-k11 In inwnnr.t nnr i tork of jrroceries, tobacco ami farminginple nents beforo purchasing rise-1 rhere. I'. Rosenberg cC-Co. | If you want to rent desirable rooms in . own, apply to Thoirlas Reirp*. Onion Sets! Onion s<-ts! Roth silver-' kin and yellow at Smith A* Son. j | II. Adams on t lie Dnnriv Corn nor is * eady to food I lie hungry with the most ' Kslrablo edibles; Only thirty days loriper to sow oats, let the seed from W. S. Colli ran <( Co. in pieces colored cashmeres 121 to 50c; j ust receivo-d. 11. M. Haddon it Co. School books, school books at Ward- i\v i(- I'M wards. 'fry ??no of Garrick's bracers at tl.e' lonnnzH saloon; Lav Tires. ? Just received, a lot of; mcy plosh lap rnt*s, and for sale at the ' 'incinuati Repository. Tlibs. IJc^pfc. j Car load hay just arrived. $1.25 per tindl'ed lbs. A. E. Rogers. The best of oat seed can be had at the j tore of W. S. Cot hart 11 it Co; Jrsf received a car of New Oj leans: lolnsxus .it Smith it Son. ! f Plow steels! plow steels I All kinds nd sizes oil hand. j I Call for the ertpatial, tlic best fld. cigdr ,| t Parker 19ili lust' v Ki'v.l. <>. Mndsc.v I>. !?.. Mr. 1JKNMK K; ] 1KHT to .Mi>s LIZZIE DILL. j f ________________________ 11 BIRTHS. h Monterey, Feb. 12th, Mrs. J. T. Haskln, Jr., n j < ??i I ( Montpfrey, Feb. 14th, Mrs, A. L. Hnskln, a | ^ nughtcr. i ^ MARKET KEPOKTT jj COUKBCTKD WKKKI.Y HY PA. KK E R & HILL; { C O T T 0 N 11 U Y E It S !} tnd Dealers in General Merchandise.! Ahiikvim.k, February ID, Mb'4. COl'NTKY I'ltODl'CE. f'niton in good demand. Cotton. Middling 0 (ib 10 Cotton, (food Middling !t% " 10 Cotton, Stains 6J Peas 90 " l.oo GttOCKK IES. r r.ncon 11 6& ? Cuifec 12! i " in j liter S " 9 .? hard 10 " 12! s .1 l'low StocKx 1.25 " 2.<0 In Nsiilf I " ft .Molasws 40 " ft0 j i X. <>. Si rill 10 " (> > I Florida Syrup KJ Salt 1.00 "1.35 Steel Plows 0 per 10. DOMESTIC--*. I Standard % Shlrtlnjr C'4 ' Standard Shirting fi'/j " K j Slandiiril 1-4 SliirthiK "}-i " 'J i Standard l'liilds ! " 10 ] l-'.xt ra heavy Plaids 12 " 1-1 i 807, ttanahnrgs 311 < " 12!?? I Standard Prints " K j (ion,l Prints ;*> " C>\4 | i I Notice Hunters and Fishers. I ALL PERSONS are hereby forbidden , A. M. Khid, J. H. IlAKKSDALR, <:. o. Duskniikkky, | T. P. Mii.i.fokd, LAltKIN liKLL. Feb. 27th, 1ST4. 3t Making Arrangements. | IX) II the benefit of persons who wish to I ' ccoiioi'.iIki; by having their MADDLE8 mid H.VRNKSH KKt'AIHED oil mid lifter! tin- 1st. of .March. 1 will be roaily to ilo all such work wllb neatness and dispatch. THOS, BEGGS. Feb. 27th, 1881. tf Something New Uunder the! Sun. I WII.L be roady on and after the 1st of March to do any UEI'AIUINO which may la; wanted to your SADDLKS and HAlt-1 NESSES. Don't postpone the mailer too! long. The cyclone may come along. lie > readv Or the eincnjeney THOS. BEQQS, Feb. 27th, 1881. tf State of South CaiolinaJ 1 i County of Abbeville, IX THE PROBATE COURT. Ex parte Joel T. E!?ln, as Administrator, and Petitioner. Petition for Settlement mid Discharge. JOEL T. ELGIN as Administrator of tiiees-! tate of ilexeklah Elgin deceased, having tiled liis petition In this Court praying loi settlement and discharge. It Is ordered, that Wednesday the in h dny of April next be fixed loV settling said estate und grunting diocliarge as prayed ror. J. l- ULLEIt LYON. Judgo Probate Court. I Feb. 26, 1884, tf State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. IN THE PROBATE COURT. Ex parti* J. B. Mosclcy, Administrator nnd I'ciilioner?I'otiUon fi?r sutilcnfi-nt anJ dlsI'lwsgi', 1 15. MQSKI.Y s?? Aomlnt*trn(.fir of t1i? r?s-! I ?l. lute of .1 A>f K-1 RICE, deceased bavin? ? lil<'d hix petition praying for settlementa.?d ' R| di oh ir^c. ... It In mdoied thai Friday the 2Sth of March i no.\t in- fixed as tho day fur set tlement and j granting a discharge a-prayed lor. J. FULLER LYON, I J udgu 1'robatc Court, s Keh. 2!, KS4. tf r * ^ ^ 1345. Illustrated Hsnd-Bcok 1884. For the Farm and Garden. 150 pages. ;~ "OO iliuMrnflnn', anil :i tiraiif lliil Colored Flnto ol' }'lnwTr?i ii:ll* M'kat, When uijd How to jilant iinil i< tull ol intoniiaiiuii invnliiHlili- to all lUturWcd in k:?r.l?-ii:u^. Mulled for Cc., to cover puttiiEn. I IlltMtmtfd Novelty JAnt, ClVr| ilrtcflblit;.* all ttic ti*wr?l v*rlrll?i .? And have on hand Wm^m when you want to plantT^^^^^^ | AS^de^-SI.OO. ^ . 20 packets choice Flownr Seeds (our selection), In- \ clndins WILD OAltltK.N SEEDS (a mixture of 10J varieties of Flower Seeds), for K fOI7NTY COMMISSIONER*. } AltllKVIM-E C. II., l'Yb. 12,18S4. l);, 1 in-: following persons are anpoint'd ns Sit- ^ crvisors of Highway* for their respective Sll (iwnsliips, viz: Ninety-Six, N"o. 1?f?. W. Rampey: < Greenwood, No. 2?J. T. MeKcllnr. Coltesbnry, No. 3?T. It. Blackwell. DohmIII-VIIIC, NO. 4?S. J. IJurt*. Due West, No. 5?It. 0. Hnnivan. ' Long ('sine. No. 0?J. C. Mtindy. ju Smlthvllle, No. 7?Ci. \V. Collins. White Hall, No. 8-J. K. Carwile. Indian Mil'., No. 0?\V. II. Arinmsoil. Cedar Sprint;, No, 10?Lewis Drenntm. C< Abbeville, No. 11?James A. Wilson. , Diamond Mill, No. 12?Robert A. Iladdon. (. LotvndeSil le, No. I'l?.1. IJ. Franks, l'l Magnolia, No. 14?Arthur Tuggart. Calhoun, No. 13?J. Howen. j ( Iiordeaux, No. lti-Lnelun Rutney. The above named Supervisors will Immcdiilely have Iho roads in their fespretlVe divls- ' nn? ctit in good reoair, and thc.v must not .. vait for special onlers from County ('ominl*iloners as each one is held responsible for his ^ ?wn division: Ity order of the Hoard. JAMES C. KLUGH, J; At?1. -f T> - ^ ? J >! i/ier&. in jjuciiu. 'ii Feb. 20; ISS4; 2t Ai A i B37E3[E3 u r^f u Ai A: run above title lias been assumed by ns and Ai we men 11 by sti let titleiiilon t, Ai >nllteiie>s t > c Ktoini rs, keepinu everything Ai :cj>t by a Mrsi-ohms drujr etrnMifhinent, lre?li Ai liid pure, nnrt Inst. hut not least by meeting tst lie pricu of any competition, to muinulii It. Lr. Rub Your Aches. a! Ai If J*nii have or want to ri lievc any of vonr Ai iilt'crim; frlfiKb, who slfe b-lng worried to Iy tli'-ir rheumatic or oilier pains, call At il the lirtns Emporium for ? battle of \VIzaril Ar ill, which is ulihout a doubt ttie host Li til- Ar ? ... . Vl.M.UM.i ! I iiiMnrv uiiil If Villi AI Ill-Ill HI mi' .11UCIII.IIIU .. , lon't 11 lie I lie u:unc perhaps St. Jacobs or si. f??*cjiIsk Oil; lta Her'k Lln[in<-ut, Hone Jintl Lc serve Liniment,Johnson Ah'odyne Liniment, Ai 'win Killer. 1?. II. H. mwy will better any of Lc .vhlcli nn lie had at tin- Driu Emporium. Ai Take the create spots out of your clothes, lenzine will knock the spots out of them at- Lc ii-st trial. For sale at llrti;c Emporium. Ai Simmons Li ver Regulator Still In tharln?. Lc Nepal ulions for the Hair without nuhiber. Ai lall, Aycr's.nnd Lyon's, any of them good to itiiiuilatc the growth, leinove dandruff unit j nalte i he Huir nice, mil and glossy, Von can Cli ilso tind Kendall's Cclcbrdtcd Spavin Cure at At lie I)i tic Emporium. .... po Don't forget that O.O. C.?Certain Chill Curt tin -has never tailed to eiire a chill and thai yon an 'an always net it at the Drug Empniluiu. viiere it is manufactured. Warrantee! to en re ro itid all it costs Is SLUO a bottle. Try It and he < oil vl need., . Rl Constantly on hand a large and pure supply po if Extracts, Tinctures, Syrups, Acids, I'owlored Drugs, Salts, Chcmicals, Ac., at Drug R( Emporium. , an A laryo lot of choice Cigars Just received at Jru# Kmporluin. rti Stationery, Fancy C?hod?, Confectioneries po Yult<. (..'an Goods, Starch aild Soup at Drug Emporium. , Cli And don't forcet thai the Drug Emporium At an l>e Diund nexltUmrnhovcrenirai noiei ?> r*< oom formerly owuplcd '?y H. M. Haddon A ?u Jo . now oceuplcd by Speed A I/owry. , Prescriptions carcl'uily compounded at all ro iourK at bru? Emporium. Ri SPEED & LOWRY. l0f Feb. 20, I'M. Vl ol TnE NEWS AND COURIER J ?AND? THE SUNDAY NEWS. Omen or The Nkw? and CorrtEn. ? c-iAyt.ESTOX. S, ,Inn 12. lv<4. . Tlir> attention of the reailer.n nf (lie Kens ami Con er, outside of til--1 Ity of (,'li:trle>?"n, i.t called to the aitie of the Sunday News as a family tic\nt[ia|ier ' rliicli contains complete dtnrlcs of liich merit, clicst ,a ip.pli'inh and liitellii'eiice, and n variety of eare ally m elected art it: n* on literary. cctPiit'ft': ind social Mtli- cw el*, in addition to all tin: tclezrapldc and local new* if tile day. fi... ,'nilnn nf ill,. Stiml.iv Si>?? In already fn aacc In nnd around Charleston that it is impraetible _ 0 reneat in tin* News and Courier on M"wl .y tlie news 1 vliioii lira appeared in the Sunday News the day 1 The utmost ran be done is t? pive a liort synopsis of the most tmportai 11- lesraphlc mid 'ity News. It follows that they who do not r. ad th !iuiiUy News miss tin* news of one day in the week, inddi-piive themfelves of the entertainment mid nstruclion which the crowded pages of ihe Sunday ' *Jc?s always furnish. The Sunday Xcws Is of the same siz? as the Xfivx tnd Courier, but ront'dns about twenty-six columns if reading matter. To brine it within the reach of ill readers of ihe Xiwx (inrl Courier in lie country, lie titiiidai/ yrw.i will be supplied to subscribers to ;lif AVtrs and Courier, outside of Cha leston. at ,he extremely low rate ?f One Dollar a year. The uihscriptioii to the iWx.'.t and Courier, with the |~ S>(nday yeutn, lor persons living outside of Chariot- p, ion, will, th> rtfoie, he 11.000 a vear. I 'J'hr Sunday .Yfir.t, at one doller a year. Is as eheap m ind coikI a newspaper ?? can lir found In the South- jj :rn States. In the spiiut:. when the Lightning Press now building fur the Xews and Courier Company ? iMI be compiettd, the Sunday yew*, with the ? Xcwx and Courier, wijl l,c clmnced in form to _an | ik-ht-pa'.e pa|?er. and eoiu-iderahiy i-nlarced. The ?niinir,v subscribi rs to the yen* and Courier ?ho nuiisciihe to the Sunday yews at ibis time will be liave the benefit of the eight page paper at the reduced price of One Dollar a vear. Address ^ T1IE NEWS AN1) COUK1KU CO? CIIAKLKSTON, S. C. U The Augusta Chronicle * FOR 1984. The Oldest Newspaper in the South. J riMIE CIinOSICl.E ANI> CONSTITUTION* A I.I.ST 1 for 1SS4 will be ahrest.t of the time* and fully up to all the requirements of a live and pingrewdve journal. Democratic to the cor.-, It will be thoroughly \ honest and fearless in the advocaev ef all measures that may commend themselves to ifie npiiroval of its Gi TV,.. nt ?? i, PI neither friends to rowan) nor ach ut Mohnterey. Applicants may iipply , W\ A. T,AN IKK, J or E. CALHOUN. 1 Tiustcas". : Jun. 6,1>W. 31* IKTotioe. MIE contract to rcp>;lr the ennsewny nl . \VAU!)I,AW'S 15111IX JK, over Lillte Itiv, will lie let to the lowest responsible bidder thn liriilirc on WKl>XKSl>AY, 20th of KHHUARY, 18*1, at 11 o'clock A. M. W. T, COWAN, t County CJomctiissioner. [ Feb. n, 18SI, 2t TTENTION FARMERS I i VE HAVE NOW IN STOCK A SPLENUlil Hue of arm Implements, Nails, I Horse and Mule Shoes, 1 Harness, J Traces, Bridles, Plows Stocks, r Plows, &c., &c. S IUARLES & THOMAS Feb. G. 1884, tf fate of South Carolina, Abbeville County. j obiito Court?Citation forLctlersof Administration. I i* J. Fuller Lyon, Esq., Protiatk Judge: , IfllKRKAH, Eliza A. McAdmn* hnmiiiidcj I xiiit to me to grunt her letters ot Ad-; Imstr.-itlon of the hsliitcnnd elfVctH of Rob-. t H. Hull, lato of Abbeville County, doused, these tire therefore to clto and admonish I and singular the kindred and creditors of e said Robert H. Hull, deceased, that tlicy aiid appear before me, In the Court of I'ro,te. to t>e held at Abbeville C. H., on Hatur- 1 ,y the Kith of February, 1WM, alter publlca-!* in hereof at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, to!? ow cause If any they have; why thti said ; | imliiUtratlnri hliotiid not tie granted. .' 31vc:i under my hand and seal, this 2nd clay of February In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred eighty-four and In the one hundred and eighth year of American Independence. t Published on t-.e <1:11 day ton this road and Its branches: DAILY, KXCK1T SUNDAYS. ; NO. 53. UP PASSKSGEK. roimni.Ill A J W.C.&A..IUI1. II 22 a m ave Columbia A-j (j.&O. Depot 11 50 a m rrlve Alston 12 53 p m rrlve Newberry 2 00 pm rrlve Ninety-Sis 3 37 pra rrlve Hodges 4 21 p m rrlve Helton 5 24 ptrt riveut (ireeuvllle 6 50 pin NO. 52. DOWN PASSENGER. ' avc Greenville at 9 55am | 'rlvc Helton 11 21 a in I rive Itodges 12 34 pra i rrlve Nlnety-slx ;.... 1 21 p in I rlvc Newberry 3 11 p If) rrlve Alston 4 17 j> m * ( C. A O. I)? | ot 5 20 p ni rlvc Columbia A (C.&.\..Iun. 5 3s p in AKTANOL'RG, UNION AND COI.UKftlA flAII.ROAI). NO. .VI. VP PASSENGER. iavc Alston. - 110 rm rive Strother 2 03 p in rive Khelton : 2 31 p m rive Santuc 3 3-' p ui , "i?? ir..i..4 l.l n in i' rl ve Jnnesvliic 4 5i p iu | rive Spartanburg, S.,l>".&r.depot.. 6 u-S p m jj riveSpartanburg, H.&D depot 1$.. 6 15 p in 1 j XII. f?2. UOWX rAS-SENOKK. ave Spartanburg It. A 1). depo't H II CO a m ave Spartanburg S.U.AC.depot II 15 a Hi r! vc jonenville I- 21 p ?i . rive Union 1 W> p in rive Sunt nc 145pm rive Shelton 2 4') p in rive Si rot her .1 14 p in rive nt Alston 4 07 j> m XK KII1GK HA II.ItOAD AK1I ASDKKSON ' BRANCH. C invc Helton 5 25 p m rive Anderson 5 58 p m rive I'endleton 6 35 p ni rive Seiiecat (J 7 10 p ni rive at W'Hlhiilln 7 55 p in live Walhalla 8 4> a m rive Sen ecu 0 13 ft m * rive Pendlvton 10 00 a ni * rive Anderson 10 45 a m 1 rive ut Del ton 11 21 a in I.AtTKKNS RAILROAD. nve Newberry 3 20 p m ' rive at Laurens (J. 11 6 52 p in ave Laurens C. If 9 00 a ni , rive at Newberry 12 35 p m AIIBK V ILL K BRANCH. _ ave Hodges 4 30 p ra J "rlvcut Aooeviiie .j *? f i save Abbeville 11 HO a m 1 rive nt Hodges 12 30 p m f CONNECTIONS. 1 \. With .South ('it ml inn Hall road from 8 larleston. With Wilmington,Coiumb'a and lgustu Railroad from Wilmington and ail ints North thereof. With Charlotte,Coinblaand Augusta Railroad from Charlotte . With Atlanta and-Charlolte Division eh moil d it Danville Railroad from Atlanta d beyond. [<;. Willi Atlanta and Charlotte Division chtnofid aiid Danville Railroad from all | ints South and West. . , P. With South Cardlinh Rnllrorid ro'r | iarle.?ton. With WIlHiliigton.Columbiaand Kfusta Railroad for \V i I in in^ton and the . >rth. With Charlotte. Columbia and An- ' sta Railroad for charlotte and ttie North. | G. With Ashevllle and Spartanburg Rall-> nd from HendersonvHie; . H. Willi Atlanta ami Charlotte Diviitlon i chmond and Danville Railroad from Churtte an%1 beyond - , Standard time used Is Washington, D. ('.. ilcli is tlfteen minutes faster than Coluni13. It. TALCOTT, Acting Snperintfencient. M. Si.AconTi'.n. (i?neral Passer ger Agent. r D. C'AltliWKM.i AB.-isiant Gen Pas. Agent. J DVoticSi LL PKRSONS DESIRING .LOANS OF { money (or a period of five years may ef ct the same by mortgage of improved larm inls to the extent of one-third (he value of eh lands. I am the Attorney In this county for eapllists who have the money to invest in this >inii,.r niwi ni-lriiifz to eflect lounu I n apply directly to me. ? El'OENE R. OAKY, Attorney at Law, Abbeville, S. C. Nov. 28, l.ssjj, tf _ _ _ V. L. MILLER,: Attorney .At Law, ; ABBEVILLE, S. C. lice formerly occupied by Judge Thompson Dec, L'0,1X8,1. Cm os "MEDICAL CARD. ! DR. L. T. HILL j T A VINO sold Ills lnl-erest;in thedriiR store, will ilevole bis entire attention to the notice of bis Profession. . DFFIOK in rear of Speed A Lowry's Drue i ore. At night may be found at the Bowie 1 1)1180. Dee. If", 1HS3. ' nsure Your Property ( ?FROM? amap Ij Fire and Lightnii N T1IE CONTINENTAL INSURANCEOF New York. T T PARKS. Aff't. Abbeville, S. C. , tan. 30,1884,12m J Notice. 1 * ILI< bo sold to the highest bidder on Saturday< "JCth day of January. 1S"4, at reenwnod. S. (\, the I'AIIKONAOK AND [JRNITFRK of the old CokPsburv Circuit of ie Methodist church. This property is lo,ted In the growing town of Green wood, S. The lot contains about TWO AI'ltKM. Terms inade known on day of sale. II. F. FUM.Etl. lalrman Board Trustees Cokesbury Circuit. Ja.n.2,18KI, :tl )ebtors and Creditors. )ARTIES Indebted to the estate ol Mrs. A. W. Reynolds, deceased, must st'ttle wlthit delay, and creditors will present their alms to T. J. GRIFFIN, Administrator. Jan. 1,1S84. ANNUAL EETURNS -T0Probate Court A DJriNI.STRATOR.S, EXECUTORS, la Guardians, Trustees and other >iin-iaiiesj must make returns of their reeipts and expenditures as sueh before ho first day of March, ns required by tiw. J. FULLER LYON, Judge Probate Court. Jan. 9, 1834, tf Well Fixture! I THK undersigned hnvn bought tb?* right to sill llio ' ri-sK WKIJi KIXTUKK" for Abbovlllo County, nny lir. Gary. l< Jan. 31. 188:5, 12m n J. KUR25. " Boots and Shoes, Har* . ness and Tanyard. |JEST material ufjed, fine ttornmen employ U eit, custom wOrlc made promptly, and at he lowest Ifotlolii prices for cash. Hides alvays bought at the highest market price for iish or In exchange for leather or work. January 2S. 1SS0, ly. Marshall P. DeBrubl, Attorney at Law, Abbeville c. h. s. c. v^oven Wire Mattress. ABED ihatwllt last a life time. Almost lndestruetable with these mattress. On* >f the moer foot two Itw-hos thick. The two Inch H<>ek s lower than Is sold in the up country lor iame quality of marble, at J. I>. CHALMERS Marble Yard. Sept. 19,ISS-'l, tl J. Knox & Co.* -AGENTS I-OR- ^ MR. TOM YOUNG'S miinr nnnn iaiiiioi/ru runcbunrc wnmtti. rHK host and purest CORN* WHISKEY brought to this market. J11 iio 22, 1881. tf BARBERSHOP, s ? i ijICriARl) OA NTT. Is .now prepared to do <" IV till work In his department In the be*t . nanner and at rea?onahlc <:harirc?. Monthly O usfoniers xhavlni:, hair cutting and slmni- y joolmr.Sl per month. Razors honed and put \ n thfi best gondii Ion for :K rents each. Shop.ilif MRS. TAGGART! BKOS leave to lriforni her old customers that she Is (1 Still in tlie Dress Making Business, ind hopes thfjt thc.v will nil patronize her. CuttliH and flttlnp done lit nil lfmc? at the 110*1 reasonable rates. Satisfaction cunrnneed. she mny be found til her residence In N'ew Orleans. April 4,18S3, tf Hall Stands. HAT RACKS, nook. Rpcks, nltd \V!intriot" i full stock and lo'A prices at 1 J. I). CHALMERS & CO. 1 Oct. 31, 18S3, tf Make Your "Beds" Comfortable. ? Hf ATTIIESSES at J3.00, S3.50. and ?4.C0|t, [>1 Spring Beds at prices from S2.00 to $!> oo | lonie ol tliein will la.stn life time. Secure one V or each bed and live longer. For tale at J. 1?. CHALMERS & CO. Oct. 31, 1SS3, tf r\ITi PATXTINNiS. Oil Chromos, Stereo/ (iconic Views, Stereoscopes. Just received, it - J. I>. CHALMEltS & CO. Oct. 31, 15*3. tf _ _ PERRIN & COTHRAN, attorneys at Law, j A1313EVIJLLE. S. fc. ? ? -] PARLOR SUITES. " [N spun Silk nnd Plush, this suit Is the!" lntfHi style, mid very pretty; no two pieces ; c"' n the suit the same. One Black Mohair suit j rood tityle and durable, nt *x J. D. CHALMERS & CO. Oct. :u.nss:i, tf 1.1/ INPOW and Picture Glass all sI/ok, by iV the box. dozen, or piece. Any size Klnsx inn be had that is wanted, also putty, at J. I). CII ALMKRS tC-C't), . Oct. 31, 1883, tf } WM. II. PARKER W*. C. McGOWAN. f| PARKER &McG0 WAN I attorneys and solicitors, ? AliBEVILLE, C. II., S. C. ITT ILL prnrtlcn also In the Circuit Conrtsoi " t ? tho lulled States for Solitli Carolina' Jan 7. 1880. tf j QUABLES aTTHOMAS I General Merchandise. j ; c ?SUCCESSORS TO? QUARLES & CO., ? ARE trow prepared to servo their n friends on the most liberal terms. quarles & thomas; j '( T. I'. QVANI.KS. T>; W. THOMAS. Jan. 7, 1884, tf |c I V Seal, i McXlw aine & Co. j" J AVE on linnd almost every vcricly oi CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, j -?AND 1 WAGONS, j 'liich th*>y ortor to their customer* on tl?*3 j lost lulvuntiigi'ous tifliW mum A SPECIALTY.;! ' ! H nth the bc*t of workmen In every brnnch ol \ ur biiNlne8.x, mid nn ibnndimt supply of j i iinber. nnd other muterluls, we are prepared ji :> do all kinds of repairing in the very b?*>.t | ( tanner, at the shortest notice and on the n lost, acoomrooduting terras. All work fully ! c a r ranted. 'I SEAL & McILWAINE, ! *] Washington Street. POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS No IT"K? Will die of C?T.rr. Pf>ri or Lrxo Fb r*K, if Font/.'* I'owftun are nucl In time. I o'ltr". I't.wilcrs willrun;ami i.r?t<-nt lloofHor irA: Jclzs I owrtcn will pri-vpiit Caith ix FnwuC ' I ?i?-(ior* will intrt-a-t* tlir qiinntlty of milk' ail cream tucuiy per ci-ctM ami make the batter flrin na sweet. Font;;'* Powders will cure or pr^rrnt slraort iww )ih?asv to wiiini !!or?p? s.n-t < atilenre stilileet Foi-t7. * Powrv ns v. ux civs * at i it actio*. SulJ every wiiero. DAVID r. roCT2, Proprietor, bal7:sose,ko. * I guarantee nHBIailk'S- ' INDIAN VERMIFUGE to - j destroy and expel Worm* -. i wfiE from the human body, M-Mwhere they exist, if used ' twS Wf according to the dlrec- ; tlons. It is a safe and * ? liable remedy. j W&SM for sale BY ALL DRUGGISTS 1 and store keepers. < David E. Foutz, Prop. . BALTIMORE, MD. PATENTS! rtJtfN & CO., of the Sciurrmc AxroiCAW.con- ; tnueto-act us Solicitors for stents, CareaU, Tnul? , larks. Copyrights, for the United 8tatw; Canadm, Ingland, France, Germany, etc. Hand Boofcabout atenta sent free. Thirty-seven years' expeiierw*. , Patentsobtained through MUNn 4C0. are riotiwa , a the 8ciiNTJFic Amirican, the largest, best, and > aost widely circulated scientific paper. $3.20 a year. Veekly. Splendid engravings and interesting 1dormatlon. Specimen copy of ttie Scientific A?er? can sent free. Address UDNN ft CO., Scicrrmo Lhxbican Office, 301 Broadway. New Yorfc. l WANTED. lOTTON SEED, COTTON SEED. [17 E WILL PAY (15c.) FIFTEEN CENTS ?? cash per bushel lor lO.Oixi bushels ((UNO DUY COTTON SEEP, ile Ivereil to h nt this place before the 11 rRt of nextVoember. will exchange COTTON SEED 1EAL lor COTTON SEED. SMITH & HODGES, Hodges, S. C. Oct. 3.1S*3. "m ' WANTED'! 'inTTAW OTPn J VS X 1 UJUJUJ/i COTTON SEED. I WILL PAY (FIFTEEN* CENTS cnsh ( I ji. f bushel '<>1 lO.'XK) bushels SOUND DUY OTi'ON SEl'.lJ. iScllverod to mc at thin plnce -fore I he tlnji ?>f next November. Will exhange Coilon S*ed Meal for Cotton Seed. J. R. SHEFFIELD, 1 .Donalds, S. C. Mule's for Sale. , ... ] A FEW GOOD YOUNG MULES for sale 1 \ cheap lor euyh, or oil time If well securd, nt the stable of A. 51. HILL A SONS. . Jan. 23. 18S4,3t _____ : v Phe Place to Oet What ' You Want! , l r rHOS. M, CHRISTIAN,< HAVING bought tlie Interest of Mr. JOHN WILSON in tho business ormerly conducted by them jointly will ;ecp always in store, a complete Ktoek of i'ANCY GROCERIES, CANNED iOODS and CONFECTIONERIES nf II TKa lu?uf anH niton iSftut (!T- ' fARs'aud TO B ACCO.*''"'fho i'lNEST , VINES and LIQUORS. Jweet Mash Corn Whiskey j "or mef Christian A Wilson must make innneiato payment. TH03. M. CHRISTIAN, Abbeville, S. C. Feb. 13.1S34. tf fertilizers' ; FERTILIZERS! AM PREPARED TO OFFER THE CEIr L .EllKATKl) Wando Fertilizers " .t th: following Jjw prleis for C'ASll and '' jrrraiioniiinglj* low o>> l'l.wi'.: ^ >'ando Animonlatcd Guano '-OO' n I'ando ACI<1 i'hoi-pnate, l'.'.OU I'ai.'Jo Dissolved imno I'.'.oO s Special prices fair large lots. Tut In your orders soon. f' A. ST. CLAIJl LiJEi Agent. * Feb. Hi. It I0NEY TO LEND Tfl FARMERS i ?IIK undersigned icprcscnts a LAND . I I.DAN COMPANY (with capital of ton 1 illlions.i and he ! > prepared to make loans 01 nt less than ?5c0 on land security?no loan to Kcecd one-third the rash selling value of the t' curity. Applyat his law otllcc, Law Range, o bbevllle. W. a BENET. 0 Feb. 13, lfWi, 2m S 3XT otic?. WILL either sell or hire out my YOUNG ( STALLION "CKl'IL" privately. If not isposed of previously. I will sell him at pubc outcry at AHHKVILLK C. H., on MON- ? AY, MAUCI1 4th. 11 He Is highly bred, being sired by "Asteroid" r iur. by "Iota" out of "Morgan" mare. He is active, stylish and vigorous. In form, model. Winner of tirst premium at .State J air. , \V. G. lUCIi, Coronaca, S. C. ? Feb. 13,1881, It JVIy store and warehouse is packed with ; ]( very imaginable kind of groceries,! rain, luiy ami bran. 1 have three cur i >ads of goods to arrive and must make'!' torn for thein. My prices is always hot- C >111. Do not fail to price thy goods be-j jre you buy. A. E. Rogers. < Just received another lot of Cincinnatti mjreles, which will be sold cheap to wash r ustoniers. Tliox. llegu*. | Alwnys in stock large quantities of ba- ' on; Molasses, cr?m, meal, llowcr, etc. t Smith iV Son. Tijimlreth's are thw best?Lambeth's ( lew and fresh garden seed on hand. Smith tl poofile 1o drot? thut ill>joct to wonder whjr they cai: afford u? ? :i .0 sucli great bargain'S*,. their |-rlc?** ' ire such us to supply the wantn^f-thone wht? ihvc llitlo money and ? ureatdcal to buy. * hr. rosenberg, baft remained' north Mil limmcr a?4 h?s selected with great carr % 1 ritfst tufnplete stock of everything in (belt * tne an'l al.such prlct-sas to enable them 10 . :lve entire satisfaction to all who favor them ^ villi their patronage. ho has in most in* tances b<>#gh.tdirect from llie maiufacior) ? vulch has eojihleilthejii to secure u great " . nttny goods much below their market vuln? ? , ind which will be ?o?d by themaccordingly. ? jonstant auditions are being made to their ' hock.and it will pay any one to call on them f ind examine it before purchasing elsewhere. i'hey can positively sell floods of any kind irt heir line t>s ax any market fr the south, either wholesale or retail, riieir stock consists in part of gents, youth's and b0yb' . READY-MADE CLOTHING/ -M gent's furnishing gobds.- dry goods, notions. boots, shoe*, hath, caps. trunks. valises, jewelry, rogers' triple plated , silverware in ttotflat??t designs, crockery, hardWARE, GROCERIES, etc.. ETC. . ; : . , o -i U*o have on hand a oomfiTftte ?toch nf il'NH, both HREECH and MUZZLE LOAD* [NO ai>d PISTOLS of ?U qualities Tfcejr ?make m specially of? t ^ * ^fobaooo m rtio above goods are guaranteed to gtT6?atU> \ction In every respect. (Jive tbemaeall > ind save money. . P. RdSEN'BERG & CO; 1 Sept. 12. 1883, tf imMf AT ABBEVILLE, j rHE "BONANZA SALOON." HA$ JUST been opened In Abbeville. tnth?O'NEALL BUILDING, fig >n tlie Public Squnre, where the LATE.HT \ND FANCY MIXEI) DH1NKS will bo furilslied from ibe be>t oC WINES AND LIQUORS. ' rhe store room Is'helrte nicely flxedtfpi nn<( tin hoped!hilt It will twonc of the In'ltitiif places or the kiud to be found any* ivberc hi tjiecountry, i '$.} ... - > CUSfOMEES i: ire re?pcctfnlly Invited to cnll and see me at'' : ny now stnnil, where they will receive a (or- lltil welcome, and be treuud-ln the best m?n- * ' G. W. GAKKICK. ^ Jun. 23. 18M, tf ' ; -*f CINCINNATI-", repositorI ABBEVILLE, S. 6: | F;rsons wantisU , WAGONS, ? , BUGGIES, .. V3 HARNESS, ' WHIPS. halters, -,iSt BUGGY CUSHIONS, AXLK GREASE, ' . A PLOW GEAR, HIDING BRIDLES. . , HAME STRINGS, &C., Will do well to cnll before purchaelnf, M I Drill not be undoraold. j*$ THOS. BEGGS.^ i March 11,1SSI. tf ' ' , Jr.." ' ' ' ? j. w. sign! a T>T>Trrrr t t? c n V AUUJUf Vt ' vOs |?EEPH on band a full assortraenl-of ?? IRON CASES, PINE BURIAL CASKETS,' 3 Coffins; ' i. rom the cheapest to the beet. Hears* will iltend funerals, when desired, .+ * Ke will also Contract fortfci Erection of BuildingsTo Is apent for the sale of Sash, Door^f 3)indA( Mouldings, MtnlP-rnlHng*, Flooring# ind every t,!i,in? pertain lug to bODS* btilldicg State of South Carolina^' Abbeville County IN THE PROBATE COURT. Ex Parte Fannje E. Davis. Petitioner. ;w Petition for settlement ana uiscnarge. y T^HK petitioner above name having applied for M?tllenient and discharge in themal;cr of the estate of 15. 0. Davis deceased: It is ordered. That Thursday, the 14th day ofc February next tie fixed for wtiliDf snidaefr? ate and granting the dl#chflrse Jaa"/prayea "or. ' J. FULLER LYON, ' :J Judge Probate Court. Jan. 15tli, ISM, 4t RAILROAD ELECTION A ' : \h ~ "*tivdSc Office County Com mission ebb, AnnEvfLLK, S. C.f Feb. 12, J884.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that' j in election will be held on * '? uirro'iutf M*PPU KtnioiV Muuiiuni, iiinuuu iuui, mint* t the usual voting precincts in the* town-, hips of Lowndesville, Magnolia, Cat-.loun and Bordeaux, in Abbeville county,' >y the qualified voters of said lotfmtbipi^ipon tiie question of subscribiiijipby the aid townships to the capital stoc^f theiavannah Valley Railroad Company, the allowing sums respectively*, to wit: By Lowndesville township the sura ot, 'ivo Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars.' By Magnolia townshipthe sum of Four 'housand Seven Hundred Dollars. j By Calhoun township tho,sum of Four "ho'isaiid Foiir Hundred Dollar* Hv Rnfiloaiir townslfin the sum-of Five Miousand Four Hundred Dollars. The said sums to bo paid by taxation In' wo equal annual instalments,-the first of aid instalments to be paid in the months f September and October, 1884, when itate and County taxes for 1884 are col-, ected, and tlie second instalment. boiaid in the months of May-and Soptom-. ier and October, 1SS5, when the Stat# and 'runty taxes for 188T> arc collected; The following parsons arc appointedasC nanagers to conduct salcj eltection fn their espective townships?, viz: . ? ' At Lowndesville Precinct, in and for jowndesville township, Theophilus Ba * T? xr 1 1 T D XT, J. D. iUUJJUICy HIIU .J. IJ. i At Magnolia Precinct^ in and lor Mag-. mlia township, J. S. Norwood, S. C. Kiev and A. (X