r ^ i -*r. v ,-> * - - ^ v The Press and Banner, ABBEVILLE. S.C. Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1883. Stores 1i> he Closed. AiiitKVii.i.K, S. Nov. 20, 18^:5. \ Wo, tho undersigned merchaUts of Al>liMvillr* will close our stores <)n Thanks giving Day, Thursday, 2i>th instant. Persons in the coilntry will please jl'nte this, ami gdvern themselves nuvordiiigly. White Brothers. AN". J. Chalmers it Co., W. T. McDonald, Thus. Bcg^s. | is i tl duty with courtesy, correctness, and on- r( tire satisfaction to the public. C( Accommodating Postmaster. Mrs. Lawson is certainly one of the N inost obliging postmasters in the State. Cl Jio matter how late the train may arrive " fclie is always ready ami wiilim; to open j,, 5t, if any number of persons should de- j t; *ire to receive their mail. Postmasters i > tire not required by law to open their of- ' flees after Ihtt business houses have closed | n their doors, lult she neve** thinks of a h failnro to open the mail if it arrives be-: o fore twelvo o'clock. We certainly have " Reason for congratulation in this respect. What tlie Angels nre Doing Up In ^ Greenville. tj Onr friend the Greenville Enterprise i fl 'vn ? ti ; -U . iilVn ! ?. I'UIOwnil^ um'jue purttKritfiu . n c ai >. informed that the home of Mr. D. T. Thompson of Fair view has been glad- " tlened recently. On the night of the 9th p inst., an angel came there and loft a little tl daughter, which made l>oth father and p mother no happy. May it be a great and beautiful blessing to tho household. Tjik Associate Reformed church build- < ing at Duo West, is bcitis rolled down to " the Female College, where it will be at- v lachod, and become a part of the Collej;o p building. The increased attendance in tl the classes makes an enlargement of the ri Accommodations necessary. ^ What does the -1 iigwttn Evening Fens n hiean, when it says: ' "Two of Watkins- ri ville's fairest daughters will soon be le Rev. James Hunt eh of Arkansas re- o turned to Due West last week, with his> wife and children. Ho preached last1}] Sunday to tho Duo Wost congregation, ? and loft for his home the following day. : p Our Representatives in the General:J Assembly went down on Monday, and j t we have no doubt they will Attend to c their public duties with fidelity and zeal, j Public services will be held in the I * Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock A. M.,1 r on Thanksgiving day. The collection ,r will be appropriated at Homo Missions, i The citizens of Abbovillo are thor-!e oughly aroused in their opposition to the ] c new county. Those who are not for us.' nre against us. > n W. C. Benet, Esq., went to Columbia i yesterday in tho into rest of our people, i as against the new county movement. Prof. IIood has been quite sick, but it is hoped that he has passed tho crisis, and will soon bo again on foot. They had a base ball performance at Due West last Saturday. Mr. Saxi>v Bkowni.ee is to bo married next week. j The SaTannah Valley Railroad Grading must bo Cooipleted. | I To the ? motors and Rfj>resc)Uativea of Andcr ~'adit'and Abbeville Oounticx: 1 believe a majority of our taxpayers along the line of the Savannah Valley luillroail liv-l lng the townships through which the survey ' passes are In favor of the assessment ofan-l bther tax to be levied In all the townships] through which the line passes* from Ander-j son City to the town of McCormlck ou thej. Augusta & Knoxvlllc Road. 11 The city of Anderson having subscribed j twenty-five thousand dollars, it is the duty j( nnd interest of all the towshlps along the line , of the road through which it passes to sub-j, scribe a tax sufficient to supplement the sub- j, scriptlon of Anderson to complete the grad-;( Ing of the road. Also the charter ought h to be amended to include the township of'j Bordeaux in the system, and that the tax be j levied on personalty and realty as heretofore.' j Our people hare differed and battled before this as to the location of the road. All agree now as to the ultimate advantage thatwlll accrue upon its completion. The taxes voted and assessed having been paid, the people are 'willing lor all the townships alone the line to be assessed again equally through which the i the line passes. We have done too much i j work and expended already too much money ! I In taxes to abandon the enterprise, The road j < will open up a great country for sixty miles: on the Savannah Ulver remcte from market! furtile land.-'on fine forest of pine and oak I timbers. The road will pass in nearly a ' mile of On). J. E. Calhoun's water power On j. the Savannah River, being a succession of, ' shoals for seven miles the, water power being . < available with little cost, and ahudandant . 'to ruii all the spindles of a "Sowell" and not I liable to the frcsheis. of many other lo-; i calltleH. Amend the charter ?jnd distribute i 'the tax through all the townships that will , receive the benefit or the road, and when a. j vote of tne townships Is ordered, a great mo- . Jorlty ol the taxpayers will cast their votes 1 for taxation. Respectfully, W. D. MARS. "A Mistake." , How your sweet face revives agnin i The dear old time, my Fean, > If I may use the pretty name J I called you when a girl. J Yon are so young, whilo Time of md i lias made a cruel prey; < It has forgotten you, nor swept 1 One grace of you away. The snme sweet face, the same sweet smile, The same llihe flzure two! What did you sny? "It was perchanco Your mother that I knew Ah, yes. of course. It must have been, And yot the fame you seem; And for a moment all these years Fled from me like a dream Then what your mother would not give Permit me dear to take, Thtold man's privilege?a kiss? J Ml for /our uiotLers twite, ; ' ^vT * " rtLxXfr? -* iv" A!.. ' ; , No New County for Us. Public Meeting of f ^i i i '/mi tc 1. 1'RGA.IIBI.R AND RESOLUTIONS j ADOPTED AT AlfBEVILLE COURT HOUSE, NOVEMBER ' I 2GTII, 1883. LEGISLATORS URGED TO REFRAINj FRO31 DOING AN ACT WHICH WILL HE HURTFUL TO US. ? i i Tito Anomalous Condition of a People Who are Threatened With Ruin by Their Own Representatives. ihnll It Ever be Said That Any HepI reftentntivc cf Abbeville Wilfully Betrayed His Trust I \rc Wc, Like Dumb Driven i Cattle, to be Sold in the! Shambles, or Bartered in the Marts? kbbcvillc Sends nt least One Dele* gate to Columbia Who is " By All llis Country's Wishes Blest." Greenwood Trie Forever, i ?- !< . 1 Mass Muling of Her Glizcns\\ Adopts Resolutions Dcnuncia- j! , 1 * tonj of the New County j; Movement. !! . ?' Aihifvim.k, s. Monday, nov. 2fi, 1883. | ] A pre! I ml nary mcetine of the citizens of ibbcvillc was called this day. On motion, ; ol. J. T. Robertson was elected Chairman,^ nd II. T. Wardiaw requested to net as Secrc- \ iry. The object of the meeting was stated, j t iz: That Xinet.v-six nnd its citizens hnd (t loved in preparing maps for the new coun- i ies of Ilutler and Ninety-Six, and had left no j s leans undone to represent the claims of the ! roposed new county. No voice has come | om this side In opposition. Lexington,! Liken and Newberry had taken steps against i :. We should take similar steps and meet' j rgument with argument In this matter of so', lucli material ana political importance to j J s all. The following resolutions were unanimous-! t ; adopted : I ? Resolved, That a meetlntrof the citizens of j bbeville village be held in the Court House, j, 14:30 o'clock, and that a committee of three { e appointed to prepare resolutions for the , leetiiig on the subject of the new county, (j nri that a committee of three be further ap-j t olnted to notify the citizens of said nieeiiiiL\' i lr. Benet, Mr. Bradley and Mr. L. \V. Perrin < ere appointed on the first committee, anil | j lcs of Nln. 1S00, and I as a history anil traditions that are and * light to he dear to all her people as well as to le whole State of South Carolina; and j t hereas the sentiment of her people was coil- * luslvely shown In the election of 1SS2 to be I' pppsed to the formation of. said new county i * f Ninety-Six, when out of a total vote ofh lil, only votes were cast for the new coun-1 > r, while 1S57 were cast against it: and 11 hereas the unavoidable result of the< >rmatlon of said new county would! e the reduction of the numhorof Reprcsen-jf itives to theOeneral Assembly to which Ah-11 nvtiie ronrttv Is at nresent entitled: and j t herons the r?!i) proposed new comity would j < nt off from her one-fourth of the taxable.! roperly of Abbeville county, and would < hereby diminish the wealth ,of Abbeville U [>unty while uddim; to the burden of her tax-1 I s; aiid whereas the bounds of the proposed : I ew county Ineludenbont two-thirds of thc| ,bbeville county portion of the Augusta nnd ; 1 [noxvllle Km I road, whereby It Is proposed j < j deprive a lnrce number of those whose < loney and enemy built said rail road of all I eneflts thereto accruing by enhancement of i alue of property, as well as thereby to de-: < rive the whole county of Abbeville of two-li birds of the county taxes paid by Mild rail-1 Dad; and whereas the bounds of said propos-j i a new county Interfere with the boundary j' nes of existing townships so as to render |! ccessary an expensive re-survey and re ar-1' n'njrcment of townships, should said new < ouuty be formed: and whereas It Is believed j ' hat Mic maps which have been prepared and ; laced in the hands of our Kepresentatives ' l nd of the Judiciary Committee, purporting j i > give flic boundary lines and areas of t ho I a roposcd new counties of Ninety-Six ami i tutler, as well as of the mutilated counties of j i aureus, Abbeville. Newberry, Lexington, ; i liken and Edgefield, are inaccurate Idas-'i nich as no actual survey was made by the,' cntlemnn who constructed them, and the . i reas as computed by him leave too narrow a i largln above the required constitutional' i rea; and whereas said proposed boundary I ines would Includc portions of Abbeville ounty which are nearer to Abbeville rourt louse and more conveniently situated with I'gard to Abbeville Court House, than they . ould be to the proposed new Court House at! *inet.v-Sj.\; and whereas It Is believed thiiti tie creation of the proposed new county Is in i pposltlon to the wishes as well as the inler- i sts of the majority of the citizens who dwell n that portion of Abbeville county proposed , o be cutoff from hcrand Included in the said , lew county; und, chiefly, whereas the promised new county would without doubt be re-: lubllcan by a large majority of colored vo-i ers, and would leave the new county of Ab-j leville In great danger of becoming republl-j ?ui: 4 Therefore, ny tnis meeting ot me citizens 01 Abbeville Court House, be It Itenolvert 1. That we unanimously nnd ear-; ieslly oppose the formiition of the proposed : ?ew county of NlnCty-Slx. II. That the contln'ianceof Democratic rule) n South Carolina, which would be endangerd by the formation of the proposed new ' ounty. Is paramount to all private, or local nterests. HI. That the Oeneral Assembly should re-! :ard the Interests of those who will be pre.ltiliceil by the creation of a new county as well s of those who think they will be benefitted i hereby. IV That, this meeting anoointand send t-0 1 Columbia a competent delegate to confer! vitl* our Senator and Kepresentati ves, and to ; lo all that may seem proper to urge the views j if thin meeting as expressed In the above pre-j inibie and these resolutions. V. That a public meeting of the citizens of! Abbeville county be held In the Court House j ?n next Saleday, at l-? o'clock, to express heir views as to the formation of the new j jounty. VI. That a copy of the above preamble nnd ; hese resolutions be furnished the county pn>ers for publication, and that a copy thereof >e pHceu in the hands of the Senators and Representatives of the several counties of Vbheville. Iiuurcns, Newberry, Lexington, \ikcn and KJgetleld. Oapt. L. \V. White moved that immediate' iction be token on the resolution, suggesting , .hat a delegate be appointed to go to Colum- j >ia. and nominated Mr. \V. C. Benet for thisi losition, will* Instructions to go to Columbia inrl il.i nil in his rrnwer to defeat the forma- , ion of the nevconnty. Mr. Benot wns unanmously ok-cteil and accepted the position. Oil motlon.it was resolved that a committee ! >f three be appointed to send out thepeti-: Jons submitted to the meeting, and that they! )bt;iln the slKnaturesof dur citizens to the lame, and further that funds be raised to fa-! :llltate the committee In this effort. Mr. L. \ W. Smith. Mr. Bradley nnd Mr. Morse were; ippointed as the committee. There being no further business the meetng then adjourned. J. T. ROBERTSON, Chairman. H; T. WAkdlaw, Secretary; Ureenwoofl's Gladsome tatiii! J By telegram received from Greenwood ivo learn th \t at a mass meeting of the people of that place which was held yes-! lay evening, resolutions in opposition to :he Now County movement, were unan-i inously adopted; and from another1 jource we learn that Greenwood is solid igainst the new county, with only one ark Deed," by Etla W, Pearce. Is commenced, and there are shortSlorles, Sketches, Poems, etc., by WesfclaudMurstoo, George Meredith, M. S. Bridges. ete.The illustrations are very numerous, turn few periodicals present 12S quarto pages of such attractive and interesting rending. Price, 2~>cenis a number, or Sj; a year, postpaid. Mrs. Frank I^eslle, Publisher, 53, 55, iidc157 Turk Place, New York/ LOVELY WOMEN AND PAINTED ANGELS. Entertainment at Bradley. i J-' IH'ir Press awl Jiminvr: I seldom write for tlie pros', but m; von re- , I quest it. I will conduct your many readers to 1 j i Brad leys, a thriving, bctutlful'and lovely!, iown on the A. A K. K. U There I will p?in>1 iitt; country cave nn ! entertainment <>n Thursday afternoon, ihoj '.Md. The programme consisted of music, cha-; rad'-s, tableaux, sonns comic pieces, Are. Ij speak hut the truth when 1 tell you that you j have no Idea what you missed'by not being pr-'sent on that occasion. As the great Uin^l ot day was sinking behind the West-Til hills,1 v.>n i mild sou vehicles approaching from ev- ( ery dreciion and all calling a hall near the; Itnt-iist church. When d ukm-ss veil> d the|' scene, the church was brilliantly illuminated , and in trout near the entrance wore lionilrts. As you enter and pass through the vestibule r upon the right, are tables crowded with nice cakes, fruits, cusiards. \-e. These tables nre presided o\er by the beautiful and charm in;: Miss .Mamie Wiilenian, and her lovely and , dignified sister Mrs..las. Wideinan. It was almost impossible to pass these tables with- . out buying something. Opposite and on the L, left were several other tallies where oysters, j ' hot ( otfee, A-c, were served by Mrs. Jer- ? dan, Mrs. I'ruitt, Mrs. l'helps and oth-1. ers, all of whom were kept busy and per-j. formed their duties with trace and dignity, j r The stage in front was arranged In elegant j taste and decorated with pictures, flowers and |, evergreens, Mrs. Jordan's beautiful piano was upon the stage and Mrs. Carwlle delight- . ed the audience with sweet and charming music. She has few equals as a skillful performer on the piano, and sings elegantly. The . noted and splendid string hand Iron; Troy oc- j cupled seats in front of the stage and discoursed sweet music throughout the entire s performance, and which added much to the j pleasures of the occasion. Soon after the ar- v rival of the Port Royal train the exercises of the evening commenced, and Just here my .. ?>" > < !! I lm...ili?nf Inn 1 utio ? h M f* i 1 r t_s? 111 drawn buck and the audience hushed witii admiration. To describe those tableaux scenes, I feel that I cannot do justice to those beaut!fill; lovely and charming ladies. The _ Seasons, Faith, Madonna, Hock of Ages. 1 Maiden's Prayer, Faith, Hope, Charity and Love, were presented in a perfect manner, and I think all present must have lelt that they were upon the confines of the spirit land. The band played Sweet. Hour of Pray- jj eraud Home Sweet Home, while the last two vv mentioned scenes were enacted. I could not. help but exclaim. O, woman ! lovely woman ! ^ nature made thee to temper man. Angelsnre w painted fair to look like you. They really did t| appear like inhabitants of heaven. The la- () liies engaged in these scenes were Misses P.es- y sic and Annie Cothran, Josle Chiles, Kloise w I'arwlle, Helle Smith, Wilson, Mamie ? Hearst, Nettie Mullock, Mamie Tcague, Li/zle j-t Tolbert and Misses Andersons. I venture the n ns-ertlon that such an array of beauty, grace. ^ illgnlty and loveliness cannot be excelled imywhTe, or In any clime, or country. The charades, songs and comic pieces, Inconstant, y Domestic, Matrimonial Sweets. All's well that H jnds Well. Sweet spirit hear my Prayer, Wo- n man's Rights. Waiting tor a Sweetheart, were a( ivell rendered and reflect much credit and honor upon the above mentioned ladles, as- fl, I.W M-c nn.l Mrs ('nfu-llo mill I _ I>?ll??wlii{r gentlemen Messrs. Cothran, White, g. ."blyer, McCaslan, Anderson and Met'lain, y Sow I bring you to the courtship of Dinah ihtl Steve, and the Inimitable stump speech >t' St4>ve, a nigger all right. This brought C( lown t lie house, and there Is not a darkey In s| .lie county, that would not have been usharu- y hI, could they have \v I mossed Steve assum- ^ ng the character of preacher and politician. ^ Proceeds of entertainment ninety dollars, g, Kvery person well pleased and delighted, and ? ;re long there will be a building at Bradleys, j, ivhere truth, virtue and morality may be pro-: n, nulgated, and the Inlluence exerted through : [f he efforts of these noble Christian worn Int. i c, IVe measure broad as hamanity, deep as the J oul, high as heaven. Lkonahd. W. C. T. ij. H At the Convention of tlie \V. C. T. 1T., held ; n Spartanburg last Saturday, the following)" >reamnblc and resolutions were aiumously i(l..pted: I ? WnivKKAs, We are firmly convinced that " he tratlic in intoxicating liquors is an evil!?' ind that continually; at war with the sacred t nterests of individuals and society ; antago-l li/.ing morality, education and reiigion; pro-j Itielng disease, poverty, lawlessness and: q< rime; filling our iails. almshouses and assy- | mas with lunmt<-s at ihe public expense: subverting the family, social and religious nflucnees: carrying unnumbcn.tl thousands _ >f our noblest and best to drunkard's craves; ~ ind that we are most profoundly convinced ,hut the only remedy fur this ciuantlc evil is Ti [*OTAI. AHSTKNASCK AND I'KOIIIIUTKIN : lie K t, therefore, di J{r.iolccd. 1. That, we the members of the vl \V: C, T. U., of South Carolina, In convention issembled, do hereby earnestly appeal to our ' T. ;isters. In all parts of our beloved Carolina, to J K mite with us in our determination to patron-;0' ze and encourage, when practicable, only ,01 uch persons who are known neither to sell ; lor furnish as a b?verase anything that can I j,i ntosicate, and who discourage the traflc in i {,] inch liquors by refusing tosign petitions inly avor of, and lo vote for, the licensing of such j radio. = Resolved 2. That we do hereby appeal to the j neinbers of the several (Jranae Organizations 1 n this State to encourage, by giving prefer-j tnce in trade to those merchants who are I >pen temperance advocates, and thus aid us j ~? 11 our eflorls to protect our homes from the j airseof law that punishes the wife and chilli on for the sins of the father, and which is a| llsgrace to any civilized people: i.e., "Li- ? :ense fur Revenue." lb solvd. 9. That we do earnestly request the iffictrs of County and State lairs not to entourage Hie munufature of Intoxicatingliqor.s >y ollering premiums for wines, etc., and hat they will discard that department from lie list of exhibits. Resolved. -J. That we do earnestly invoke the ;o-operatlon of the members of every Union md temperance Organization in South Carirolina to obtain signatures to petition our. Legislature at Its next session to prohibit the; listlllation of liquors from grain within the, imitsof this.State on account of the excessive drought of the present year. Resolved, 5. That we do respeetlfully pray md urge the Legislature of South Carolina to miend the present Local-Option Law. now In iperation in many sections of the State, as to 'peciflclally indicate tlie officials charged vltli the duly of enforcing the provisions ofj laid law, and to attach a penalty which shall i >e imposed upon failure on the part of such >tllcials to discharge such duties. Resolved. 0. That as ire believe Intemperance md the legalized traffic in intoxicating 11-[ luors to be the greatest obsticleat this time in i he way of the Increase of the kingdom of! >ur Lord Jesus Christ, that we beg all minis-1 ers of tlio (Jospel to bring these subjects! )ften to the attention of their congregations, i ind to invite their personal influence in every j audable efforts to banish this monster evil from I lie the Church anil Society at large. Resolved,7. As lessor's inculcated in early ife are the most lasting, we beg the earnest ~ ;o-operation of all public, private and Sunlay School teachers to assist us in this reform !osecure thorough teaching of temperance in til our schools, and the moral, and physical ivlls resulting from the use of all alcoholic stimulants. I Resolved, H. That all temperance workers be ~ irged to have a day set apart as "Children's j j' rempemncc Day" in every township in ?rtutli Carolina, and hold public meetings, j Bl *llh such exercise as shall promote the cause1 f >f tempcrauce among the yoiingpeople of our ' state. :" Resolved, 0. Inasmuch as !t Is essential to all moral reforms to have Information and facts spread broad-cast over the land, we do engage tnd urge each moniker of our Union to act as iigent for our Official Organs, The Union Sir/- ml, published at Chicago, III., and, The Tent- _ Iterance Worker, published at Columbia. S. ('., I I [ind that we will subscribe ourselves and ob-j I Uiin as many subscriptions among our people f *n possible. Resolved, 10. That all papers in the State be | earnestly reonested to publish these resolu-i lions for" tLc'information of the public. Shall Lexington be Cut. {From the IsxinQlon Dispatch.] We have just seen a cunningly devised map showing the proposed new lines of six old counties?Abbeville, Laurens, Newberry, Edgctleld. Aiken and Lexington?and two new counties? Duller and Nlnery-SIx?carved ed out of them. We say eunnliiRly-devlKcd l:om the fact that Important detuils which should bo shown in the map are left out, evidently to blind the Legislature as to the enormlnlty of the proposed carving when the map is placed before it by the prime movers in their game of old-line annihilation. Huller county with its court house at Batesburg. is to be cut out of Edgefield, Aiken and Lexington, the latter furnishing nearly one-half of the territory for the new county, besides " a sllcs of 57% square miles on its upper end to i i be attached to Newberry, to enable that conn-j I ty to possess enough territory to contribute a [ like .amount for the tomatlon of the proposed county of Nlncty-Slx. The portion that it = proposed to cut out of Lexington county comprise* her richest sections, and is indicated by a straight line running from a point about two niiles below the mouth of lilaclc Creek, on Edlsto Hlver to Dreher's Mill, on Saluda Hlver, and by a straight line running I from Dreher's Mill to a point on Broad Itlver ! filwkiit nn#1 n Inilofi hnlnlt* llio Cfilnm. ! bla and Greenville Railroad brldire. The territory thus cut oil" ou this side of Saluda Hiverlstobe given to Butler county, and that part cut otl" between Saluda and Broad IIIvers is to be given to Newberry. The line from EdistoRiver to Dreher's Mill will cross . tne Charlotte, Colnmbia and Augusta ltailroad this side of Kelser's. and cuts of! and ; elves to Butler county about two-thirds of Hollow Creek Township, the whole of Chinqaupin and Gilbert Hollow, about three- i fourths of Dolling Springs, and about three-' quarters of Black Creek. The line froni lire- I ( tier's Mill to Broad River will run nearj( Koon's mill, on Beaver Creek, by Chapin's ? Mill, and thence to broad River, cutting off and giving to Newberry connty nearly one-! half of each of the townships of Saluda and i' Broitd River. ? "When thus dismembered. Lexington eoun-, . ty will be left in an ugly an Inconvenient I shape, some nineteen 'miles broad bytlftyL long, containing only (>17 square miles of the poorest part of the present county, and dc-:. ? rived of every village In the county except:, ,oxington C. H. |f The proposed county of Ninety-Six Is to be , carved out of the counties of Edgelleld, Abbeville, Laurens and Newberry, the latter contributing a like amount, of territory as she receives from Lexington In the great carving game, which originated with an element!' In Edgctleld county, that has been the present < I size of that county, and to enhance their Interests and gain conveniences, proposes to n nrit-ntl rnt/l on I ,PX 1 n l?t III) Illld OtllCrl counties to tholr Injury, mainly to this coun- i ty. There is miotlier i>arty in Kdgetleid which <] opposes the formation of llutler county, but I in lieu thereof proposes to form a county to j ] be called Saluda, with the court house atiMt. Willing. If Saluda county is formed I Lexington will not he rnquired to furnish the |, lion's share of her territory. Most of It will > be taken from Kdgcfleld. The line lti Lexi?g-| ton will run this side of Leesvilie, as propos-1 edat present. If the latter county is formed i and Iiatesburg and Leesvilie are included in her territory, their citizens will not enjoy the j conveniences of reaching the Mt. willing]' court house in good public roads and ralfci road fail cities that they now have in reaching i; Lexington court house. If Butler county Is; formeu with the proposed slice from Lexlng- | ton. and the other proposed slice Is given to |' Newberry, the political status of thin county will be doubtful, if not certainly Republican. Lexington in the past has always been Democratic,and lias repulsive to think that in the future she may full into the radical camp. She has always contributed, In comparison with other counties, more than her snare of i taxable property, and in the last few years has taken progressive steps which are fast placing her among the most prosperous sections of the State. If she is to be cut up through ; Edgefield chicanery and dictation the formation of Butler and Ninety-Six counties, she will lose, as shown by the tax books, more 1 than one million dollars In taxable properly ; ] and In the future, when her territory is smaller, a much heaver tax levy will be requisite ; for ordinary county purposes. If wo may form an opl.ilon as to the sentiment of the people of Lexington against being sliced up. the large majority or votes cast by her citizens vcainst the constitutional amendment providing for the formation of new counties In the last election would be conduelve. ? ! Barley seed for sale by W. J. Smith Vhy and Whim Lamps Explode. [Scientific sl/Hriican.] AH explosions of coal-oil lumps are caused by the vapor or r:is Hint collects In the space: iliovo the oil. When full of oil. of course a lamp contains no gas, hut immediately on llnlitlim the lamps consumption of oil begin*, <01111 leaving h space for gus, which commence* to form as the lamp warm* up, and. i.'tcr burning a short time, utifllelent ens wlil j iccnminulate to form an explosion. The k-is u a lamp will explode only when ignited. In .his respect ll is like minpowder. Cheap or j nferior oil is always the most dangerous. { 1 lie muni* i* conuminlented to the lijih In tno ; "oiunvin-r manner: Tbe wlek tube In nil | amp burners made larger than the wle't ! vbleh in to pass through it. It would not d-? i1 o have the wick work tightly in the burner; j1 >n the eontrniy, it 1< essential that It move up I ind down with perfect case. In tills way ii Is ! innvoidnhle that space In Mm tube is left;! iIoiik the sides of the wick suilicieut for the. I lanlc troni the btniii-r to pass down into the | amp and explode the ga?. i Many things may deeur to cause the flame o puWdown Hie wlek and explode the lump: I 1. A lamp may b" standing on a table or I, nantal. and " slight p:itl" of air from an open v'iudow, or the sudden opening of a doorj muse tin ess 1lr novement?either by suddenly checking the i [raft or forcing air down the chimney ngulnst he llame. i ri. Blowing down the chimney to extinguish ! lie light Is a frequent cause of explosion. I 6. Lump explosions have been caused by I islrig a chimney broken otf at the top, or one < hat has a ploce broken out, whereby the I raft Is variable and the flame unsteady. i 7. Sometimes a thoughtless person puts a . mall sized wirk In a large burner, thus leavng considerable space along the edge ol the rick. 8. An old burners with its air-drafts clogged p. which rightfully should be thrown away, > sometimes continued in use, and the final CHultisan explosion. 'lie Ruinous Policy we arc Follow* intr. [ Washington Gazette;] Last Sunday the Atlanta. Constitution pubshed a very Interesting article on the eftlthy people of New York. It would aston? ih almost any one to knowthe number of , tieso wealthy people, and the tixtent of their ' ealth. There are foilr or five hundred of iese people who are millionaires, and some f them worth near a hundred millions each; k'e have nothing more to sKy of them tlian j - e nope mey win enjov meir wean-; inc . ewspapcrs of our state made the search it w years ago, and In all Georgia they could ] ot llnd a man who was worth a million dol irs; and we doubt If they could find one now: c eorgia along with every other State In the c. rilon pays heavy tribute to the city of Netf . oik, and in many ways that are altogether ^ nnecessary. Here is Just one of the Innu- t icrablc false ideas that our people persist in | lliering to. 9 It It is a well known fact that many cotton ' n ictorics in Georgia ship goods to New York,! nd that Georgia merchants, who live In a j * :one's throw of these factories, go to New < ork, buy these very goods and ship them nek. It will not take a .Solomon to seo that lis Is a ruinous and suicidal policy. Of mrse the wholesale merchants and the lipping lines make monoy by this opera- r on and our people are the ones who lose. I II of tills conies from this erroneous way the ; C siithern pe.iplc have of patronizing far off > j itcrnrlses instead of those we find at homo I * ml It will be a long, long day before wcjb uvc many millionaires In Georgia or a mass ; cople who are In comfortable circumstances, * we persist in following this ruinous poll- I ^ W'c had the pleasure of seeing Prof. James lj Petri n 011 our streets again last Saturday.', c had been down to tlie Fair, and he said It i D emcd too inuch like home to puss without' n opplng as he whh polng home. The Profes- i "T ir has a rocxI many warm friends In our 'I twn, whose doors are always open ready to1,, elcotnc him. We wish him great sUccev* In .1 ly enterprise lie wishes to enlist In:?Actj/ rry Obteiter. The best grade Kngliah Island molass-: > at Parker it Hill's. tf MARRIKD. MARRIED, by Rev. .las. L. Martin, on ] ^ uesdav morning, November 27, 1X83, Mr. II.: . HEACJIAM to Miss HEKSIK, youngest I lughter of the late Jacob Miller,all of Abbe-' 'lie. ' H MARRIED, Nov. II. 19S.1. at Store'ille, By J ?v. W. F. Pearson. Mr .1. 1IENRY BROOKS ' Abbeville, to Miss ALICE F. JACKSON,;11 ' Anderson, S. C. i J At \TCRTF.D. hv Rev. W. L. Presslev. assisted n > iYr. Gfier, I)r" JESSK WILLIAMS, of Florin. to Miss MAGGIE HOOD, of Due West, c ? !3' jg MARKET ItEPOKT. p COllItKCTED WEEK I. V JJY t; PAKKEE & HILL1; c: OTTOX R U Y E RS nd Dealers in General Merchandise.! AnHEViM.r, November i!7, 18*'". n COUNTRY I'ltODt'CK. J Cotton In eoocldemand; ' Cotton, Middling :::: 91^(5! 0?^ J Cotton, Good Middling }?;4" fl?* New Corn 75 " K5 11 Meal 85 "i.nn Oats, good demand " GO I Fodder 73 "l.oo , c. llutter 15 " 2<) ,, Eggs 15 I GROCERIES. p Racdri 8 tl Sugar 0 " 11 Cotrco 1214 " is v Rice 8 " n ] Lard 11 " 1J\i Nm IN 4 " 5 Molasses .; 40 " SO Kyi'U 50 " 75 Suit 1.00 "1.35 DOMESTICS. Standard Shirting 7 Standard % Shirting GX.S, " 8 Standard 1-4 Shirting 7!? " Standard I'laids 9 " 10 f?lml,?.?M.PInl.lU 1-1 <> 1( It 8oz Osnahnrgs 11 V< " i'2'? Standard Prints " K Good Prints 5 " 01* i" UNTotic?. > 4 LL PERSONS DESIRING LOANS OF V money for a period or" Jive years may effect the same by mortgage of Improved farm ; inds to the extent of one-third the value of uch land*. I am the Attorney In this county for capl-1 illsts who have the money to invest, in this ianner. and persons desiring to effect loans; xn apply directly to me. EUGENE II. GARY. Attorney at Law, Abbeville, 8. C. Nov. 28, 1883, tf r :bJI!llllUUIII 101 ; H R I 'I I' Dhri S tmas. | ?p ! M! | -A. J. sl ( IT IB A TREYT TO GO INTO THK NEW ! I I Drug Store and look ut the charming I tins anas goons. nc ?;euuioiu uresNiiiK .'nses are splendid; niccToilet.Sots; eleaant I ,'ut Glass Toilet Bottles; Vaees In all styles iiid vary handsome; beautiful Photograph Vlbums.al! sizes and styles- Odor Boxes In ] ;reat variety; Putt' Boxes, some very hand-1 oine; Putt's, as white and as pretty as a j I feathered snow (lake. Our Christmas Cards ; ire Just as pretty as can be, and of all styles I' mil sizes?some very lame and handsome. ,'olognes?Taylor's, Tutlow and Farina?perfectly delightful. Handkerchief Extract in treat variety and very nice. Soap, a full I lie from the cheapest to the finest. Whisk Jrush Iloliiers?very handsome and nicc. Nov. 28,1SS3, tf State of South Carolina, Abbeville County. Probate Court?CItatIon forLettersof Administration. By J. Fi'i.lkr Lyon, Esq., Pkouatk Junor. WHKRKA'S. Thos- GrllHn lias made suit *' to me. to grant him Letters of Administration of the estate and effects of Agnes W. Reynolds, late of Abbeville county, deceased. I These are th ;refore tociteund admonish all . .. ........ .1 .. ...I rkf !,'? I UIU Hllmuuir II1C HIUIIICU Hlluv.iruMv.nv. ..... . Mild Agnes W. Reynold; deceased, that they 3e and appear before me, In the Court of Probate, to bo held at Abbeville CJ. H., on Wednesday, the ">tli of December, 188.1, after publication hereof, lit II o'clock In the forennon, to show cause If any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 10th day of November, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eightythree and in the one hundredth and eighth year of American Independence. Published on the 21st day of November, 1883, in the Press and 1 tanner,and on the Coart House door for the time required by law. J. FULLER LYON,4 juugu rruuuic vuiuv* Nov. 21. 1883. tf WANTED! COTTON SEED. COTTON SEED. I WILL PAY (1 r?c.) FIFTEEN CENTS cash , per bushel for 10,krfinljnr, 1 nl in;lilli: outcry at AM-ovilloi Ciiurt Mdiimi1 i hilt tract, of land on S.iuncy's CrcHt in Magnolia townahlp,known as the II*. A. hurt, containing K1KTY At'KKS, | more or l*>.s. Itoundi-d by lands of licnjamln i K. IJrowH. .Iiinc T. link or n ml others. now oc eupicd by .Mr. John Pettisrew. Titles uniloubtiit. 'i'KHMS?One half cash, the balance In twelve months, M-cnri'fl by bond and mortf.isse. Private oll'i-rn will lie considered. i NOBI/E ?fc NOBLE, Agents for John s. Fail ly it Company owners. I Nov. 7, IMS'!, !t itate of South Carolina,! Abbeville bounty. Probate Court?Citation lor Letters of Administration. j 1 Jv J. Ki'i.i.ki: Lyon, Esq., Pkoisatk Jcjh;k. j UTIIKill".AS; .!: T. Robertson, lint made! suit to roc. to arrant him Letiers of Ad-i ministration of the estate and etlectsof Hon. j Armistead Hurt, iutcof Abberlllccounty,dc- J ceased. Thesearc tiiercforc.tocitc and admonish rill t iml singular the kindred and creditors of thej' said Artnistenil Hurt, deceased, that they j be and appear before inc, in tlie Court of Pro- j bate, to be held at Abbeville C. 11., on Tueslay, the20th of November. 1S.S3,after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, to C Villiarrt A. Clarko, Plrtintifi', against J. , D. Chalmers and J. S. Cothran, Defendants; Bv virtue of nn order of snib made in le above stated easo by the Hon. J. B. [crsbaw, Judge Fifth Circuit, on 22d daj' f October, 1SS3,1 will sell at public outry at Abbeville C. II., S. C., on Saleday, tl day of December, 1881?, within the leal hours of sale, the following described roperty, situate in said State and Counto wit: All that tract or parcel of uid, and the buildings thereon, in the own of Abbeville, and containing One Half of an Acre, lore or less, and bounded by lands of obn White, Jacob Kurtz, estate Thomas 'homson and J. N. Dondy, fronting on c Iain street and bounded on the rear by ' iju rciJ airtJUU TERMS OF SALE?One-half liio p?r- [ lui.se money to be paid in cash, balance " li tiVolVc months, with interest, at ten icr ccnt. per annum, secured by bond of ( lurchtiser and mortgage of the premises, ritli leave to anticipate second payment. | 'urchascr to pay lor papers. M. L. l)ONIIAM, JR., i Master. J Nov. 7, 1SS3, 4t Master's Sale. | Eugenia A. Robertson against Mar}* E. Oliver?Foreclosure. 13 Y virtue of an order of sale made in , lie above stated case by the Hon. J. U. j Cershaw, Judge Fifth Circuit; on 27th ( la}' of October, 1883, I will sell rtt public , lutcry at Abbevillo C. H., S. C., on Sale lay, 3d (lay of Dcccmbcr, i?$3, within the ( egal hours of sale, the following describ- ( id property, situate in aaid State and bounty, to wit: All that tract or pared >f landj known as the Barnet place, and I' lontaining Two Hundred and Twenty-Five Acres norc or less, nnd bounded by lands of tames II. Carlisle, James Lomax and >tliers. TERMS OF SALE?One-half the pur:hase money to be paid in cash, balance I u twelve months with interest from date, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay 'or titles. M. Jj. BONIIAM, JR., Master. Nov. 7, lS83j 4t Master's Sale. Mary A. Olive, Plaintiff against Josiah S. White, as Adni'r et al, Defendants?F oreelosu re. By virtue of an order of sale made in ji be abovo stated case by the lion. J. H. jl Kershaw, Judge Fifth Circuit, on 27th j 1 lay of October, 1S83, I will sell at public.'] >utcry at Abbeville C. II., S. C., on Sale- < lay, 3d day of December, 1883, within the cgal hours of salo, the following dcscribjd property, situate in said State and Jounty, to wit AH that tract or parcel i )f land, being a one-half interest in and I ;o a tract of land containing i Due Hundred and Twenty-Three Acres, ;noro or less, and bounded by lands of lames Loniax and Alexander Oliver and ;he Savannah River. . TERMS OF SALE?One-half cash, balance in twelve months with interest from day of salo, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers. M. L. BONIIAM, Jit., Mastor. Nov. 7, 1883, 4t Woven Wire Mattress. AHKD that will last a life time. Almost Indeatnictable with these mattress. Oue nf the most comfortable beds In use. Price S?i.(W Id SS.CHJ cach. Sceuroone anil be comfortable. at J. I). CHALMERS & CO. .Sept. 10,1883, tf MASTER'S SALE. M. L. Honham, Jr., Master against Clara C. Maddox and VV. M. Higgins? .* . r urcuiusuru. B Y virtue of an order of sale made in ; the nbovo stated enso by tlio Hon. J. B. Korshaw, Judge Fifth Circuit, on liTtli day of Octobor, 1883, I will sell at public j outcry at Abbeville 0. II., S. C? on Saleday, 3d dajf of December, 1883, within j the legal hours of sale, the following do-1 scribed property, situate in said State! and County, to wit: All that tractor! parcel of land, known as the Maddfex j Mills, consisting of Flour, Grist; Saw Mills and Gin, and containing Twenty Acres, !?* " ""w htr lunHw ftf, Iliuru ur aim i/wum.vw , c.stnto of William Maddox, deceased, and; by Saluda lUvor. TEIIMS OF S.\LE-One-hnlf the pur- j chase money cash-, balance in twelve montns, secured by bond of tho purchaser and mortgage of tho premises. Interest from day of sale. Purchaser to pay for papers. M. L. BONIIAM, JR., | Master. I Nov. 7, 18S3, 4t * # DON'T FORGET THAT LAWSON'S Is the plncc to buy your School BoOliSi Nov. 14,1SS3 If ecc?nber next he flxed for gi anting the discharge to said guardian. J. KIT.LEU I.YON", i Judge Probate Court. Nov. xth "MiSTF.!!^ SJl.v John W: CI ink scales against Christopher Ellis aiid Ebsie Ellis?Foreclosure. j T3y virtue of an order of sale made in tho above stated case by the Hon. J. I?. Kershaw) Judge Filth Circuit, on 22d day of Obtober, 18H3, I will sell at public outcry at Abbeville C. H., 8. C., on Saleday, 3d day of i)eceinber, 1883, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, situate in said State and Counfv tr> wit* All tlint. nr rvirpnl nf land, on which Christopher Ellis now reside*, being north-east of the settlement, and containing . One Hundred and Fifty Acres, rnoro or Icsb, and bounded t?3* lands of said Essie Kllis, Basil Callahnm, James C'linkscalcs, John McClaine and others. To bo so located as not to include the houses. TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. M. L. BON II AM, JIl., Master. Nov. 7,1SS3, 4t Master's Saie4 rune 0. Hutchinson, as Executrix of itobcrt Hutchinson, deceased, against fhomas M. Tucker, Mary A. Tuckcr and others .?Fo re c I os u re. [">Y virtue of an order to mc directed, In the 11 above stated case, I will sell to the highest >ldder, at public auction, within the lejral lours of sale, at Abbeville Court House, on donday, the third day of December A. I>. IMS, he following described properly, to wit: All hat tract or parcel of land, known as a part >( the Peter S. Burton tract, In said State and jounty, on Savannah Itlver, bounded by iinds of H. H. Harper, \V. C. Prcssley and a.sper N. Burton, containing THREE HUNDRED ACRES, nore or lens. Also, Unit tract of land known 9 the old Hartley Tucker tract on RHvnnnnii liver, nnd situate, lying, and being In the ;ounty of Abbeville, South Carolina; and ontalnlug 'WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX ACRES norc or less, i.nd bounded by lands of Jasper f. Burton, W. C. Prcssley, W. F. Cllnkscalcs nd Savannah River. To bo sold at risk of former purchaser TERMS?One-half cash. Balance 011 a crcdtof twelve months, with Interest from day \ it sale, secured by bond of purchaser and; uui ui HI*; paiiiiotm M. L. BOKIIAM, JH.t blaster Abbeville County. Nov. 7, lesfi, tf ?Ei-?L IS?iUS Gil IIH A. J. Salinas it Son against Alfred j jiuiicr. By virtue of a power of sale contain-! id in a certain mortgage execritod liv AU | red Butler, now deceased, to \V. T ile-1 Donald ?fc Co., which mortgage ta now! leld and owned by A. J. Salinas A Son>! laid mortgage bearing date the U')th day >f June, 18SJ, and executed t.) secure tho! lavincnt of a certain note of oven date .herewith, 1 will sell to the highest bidder at pub-; ic auction at Abbeville C. II., S. C.i on j HAY, DECEMBER 3,1883,! :ho following described real estate: All hat lot or parcel of land situated in the own of Abbeville, containing One Acre, noro or less, with the HOUSE tlioreon,j lately occupied by Alfred Hntler, bounded O. A. .Visartska, .fas; II. Cobb and others. Mr. Hugh Wilson, Jr., will give a quitclaim deed of all the interest lie has or claims in the phtcoi TKRMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser to pay for ptipers and recording. ELLIS G. GRAYDON, Attorney for A. J. Salinas & Son. Nov. 7, 1S83, 4t State of South Carolina, Abbeville Countv. . ' IX THE PROBATE COURT. A. T. Wideman, as Administrator and Plaintlir, against Sicily B. Truwit, Jas. M. Trexvii and others, Defendants. Complaint for Sale of Land for Payment of Debts. I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC OUTL*ry at Abbeville Court House, on Salejay in December next, within the legal hours of sale; for the payment of debts, Lho following described real estate, belonging to the estate of" William Truwit, deceased, to wit j No. 1, Collier Tract, containing 219 Acres, more or less, bounded by tract No. 2, Estate of W. Iv. Bradley, Long Cane Creek, imd the Bower tract. O. Tim TVanf nnntninlnff 174 Acrest more Or less; bounded by tract No. 1, j. S. Hritt nnd Dower tract. NOi 3, containing 105 Acres, more or less, bounded by J. M. Trewit, Dower and JJrick Uouse tractn. Nc. 4, Uriel; House Tract, containing 165* Acres, moro or loss, bounded by tract No. 3, .T. J. Palmer, J. M. Trewit and Augusta road. No. 5, Palmer Tract, containing 184 Acres, more or less, bounded by A. It. Kennedy, J. D; i'almer, Francis Wideman, and Dower tract. Tract No. I will be sold at the risk of1 J. M. it M. E. Truwitt who bid oil" said tract on Saleday in November and failed to comply with terms of said sale. TEHMS?One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months with interest se curcd by bond ami mortgage 01 me property. Purchasers to pay for papers. Plats to bo exhibited on day of sale. J. FULLER LYON, Judge Probuto Court. Nov; 7, 1983, 4t State of South Carolina, Abbeville County. IN TIIE PROBATE COURT; t?+ nnfirt .Tnlin Pr?< nu Krpr.ntnr. Petition fcr Petition for Settlement and Discharge. NOTIl'K Is hereby given tliat John l'ntlt, as Executor of the estate of Addison Cllnkseales, deceased, has filed his petition In tills Court praying for settlement of said estate and a final discharge. It is ordered, that Friday (lie "Oth of November next, be tlxed'for the settlement ol said estate and granting the discharge us prayed for. I J. FULI.KIl liYON, I Judgo Tu)batc Court. | Oot. 31,18SJ, tf 5 *' v.; ,. ,'r -f aTmThill & SONS, DEALERS IN UKUUJSJUJSS, -ANDPROVISIONS,, ' i CRACKERS* HAM, ! TEAS, FISH, SOAP, SYRUP, SUGAR, STARCH, SPICES, FINE TOBACCO, CTfrARS. WITTER. LIQUORS* &C. Abbeville, S. C. Dcc. 15, ISfiO, tf. J. W. SIGN, ABBEVILLE, S. C. J?EKFS on hand n full assortment of IRON CASES, FINE BURIAL CASKETS, COFFINS, from the cheapest to the best. Ilenrse will attend funerals, wnen desired. He will also Contract for the Erection of BuildingsHo N agent for the sale of Saul), Boors Blinds, Moulding*. Stair-railings, Floorings and everything pertaining to house building April 7, 1880, tf FOU T Z3 S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS No H"k?! will die of Cone. T?ots or Lcwo F*YBR, IT I Powders nre iw-'l in time. ] I'mvilrr* wl]i run- arni ;.n*- i:r liooCnnLXBAi ]y.?iz'< r.iv.flcfs will prevent ??aj*!h is Fowls, iow/.'i I'o?v>lers ivill inrro.'i e the qiinntity ot milk rcJ cream iwi iiiypcr cent., and make the butter firm and sweet. Fcttlz'* Powil.-ns will cure or prevent almost 2t*bt Dissask to which Honrs and< ntHearc Biibjcct. Forrz's fv>-rni:s wii,r. tilVK Satisfaction. Sold everywhere. DAVID r. rotf T2, Proprietor, BALTIirOHZ. MD. WM, II. PARKER W. C. McGOWAN. PARKER & McGOWAN ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS, ABBEVILLE, C. H., S. C. \17 IT.T; practice also in the Circuit Courts 01 \V tiie United States for South Curollua1 Jan 7,1S6U, tf State of Soat'u Carolina, Abbeville County. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. John R. Miittisnn, Plaintiff, n. w. M-ittlson.G. W.Mnttison, J. M. Mntti- j son, M. K. Matilson, Mary Scruggs, M. O. j Kay, 1'inkncy Kay. Amanda Foot, II. K. N orris. L. 15. Br.inhnni, (t. P. Kay, C. X. I Kay, 15. N. Shirley, Nancy K. Crawford, I Catharine Rurrlss. Cnrric Mntlison. W. H.; Mattison, M. F. Fleming, O. \V\ Mattison, I Margaret Clat worthy, l'arrie Mattlson, H. X. | Mattison, Defendant*. To the Defendants above named-\70U are hereby summoned and required to j . answer tiie complaint in this action,: wbi'.'h is tiled in the oflloe of the Clerk of the! Court for said County, and to serve a copy of: yotir answer to the s ?ld complaint on the subscribers at tlielr olllee, at Abbeville Court House, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of thedilvof such service; and iT you fail to answer the complaint within the time ^foresaid, the Plaintiff In ; this neilon will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in tne complaint. Dated August 24, l?i. PKRRIX A COTIIRAX, j [L.S.] M. G. ZKioi.nit, C. C. P. To the absent Defendants 15. X. Shirley, I Catharine nuriisK and Nancy E. Crawford. [ TAke XiiTK'K, That tin* summons of which the above Is a copy, together with tlic complaint In this action, was tiled In the olilce of j the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas fori said County on the lJlli day of October A. 1). i mr M. G. ZEIGLElt C. C. P. Nov. 21.18X1, Gt Hill & Lowry, R' KSPECTI'TLLY announce to the public I that they have now in store a large and | ! complete stock of everything In the drug line ' Consisting of FANCY & TOILET ARTICLES, CELLULOID SETTS, a beautiful assortment, OliOIt CASfcS, GENTLEMEN'S , DRESSING CASES, CARD AND JEWELRY STANDS, LADIES WORK BOXES, with and without music, TOILET SETTS complttc, CHRISTMAS CARDS, LADIES SCRAP BOOICSi CHRISTMAS BOXES, FANCY BOXES OF STATIONERY, WISk BRUSH HOLDERS, BRUSHES, COMB?. A lar^e lot of PERFUMERIES, TOITET SOAPS. A largo stock IF11ESII AND PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, Ac., &c., f June, 1?>S:5, 1 will sell Ui public outcry at Abbeville (A )l., S. V., on .Saleduy, 3d day of I>uvctnl?cr, IkSH, with:in the legal hours of sale, the following flnsnri i>od niOML'rtv. situate in said State! unci County, to wit: All that tract or; pared of land, known as the James Ed-i wards tract, and containing One Hundred and Thirty Acres, | hiore or less, and bounded by lands of) Jacob Miller, estate T. C. Perrin, Samuel I Able and others. TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser I to pay l'or papers. M. L. BOXIIAM. JH., I Master. | Nov. 7, IKS.'}, 4t ! -Timt ronfiivod. 12 cast's millinery, latest| 'styles, hats, feathers, riltlmns, lacus, col-j i Jars, cts., each, at 11. M. Had.! i don & Co. | i 15 piecos colored oashroer. s 12A to 50c. j iust roccivcd. It. M. Uaddun & Co. (, i ji i Dry Weather,1 SHORT CROPS, ' i JI.TLTT* C JJ I UN Hi IS THE PRESENT CRY. BUT THE WAY In which ' P. ROSENBERG & CO,! i ^ Intend selling their GOODS tliis FALL AND I WJSTEH, will compel people to drop that ? HUbJoct to wonder why ihey car a (lord lo' gl ?e such great BARGAINS. Their prices are such as to supply the wants of those who' have little money and a great deal to buy.] \!l> rifwPVIir.'Ili: l-.oo r^rtl.il.in.l V.irlli sill 1 summer ami lias seiecu-d with great care aj most complete stock of everything in their j line an't at such priet-sas to enable them to | give entire satisfaction to all who favor them j with their patronage. lie has in most in-1 1 stances bought direct from ttie manufactory, which has enabled them to securc a great j; many goods much below their market value c and which will l>e sold by them accordingly. [, Constant auditions arc being made to their 11 slock,and it will pay any one local) on thein and examine It before purchasing elsewhere.' They can positively sell goods of any kind in I their line as chmp as any market ir the , South, either WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL. Their stock consists in puit of GENT'S, YOUTH'S AND ROYS' DranvjMAnr n neuron uxjAirx lunuju uuuuuuuj I (JKNT'S FURNISHING GOODS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. HOOTS; SHOES, HATS, CAPS. TRUNKS, VALISES, JEWELRY, ROGERS' ( TRIPLE PLATED SILVERWARE In the latest \ designs, CROCKERY, HARD- ( WARE, GROCERIES, ETC., ETC. ' Also have on hand 5 conin!*>tc stock of 1 OITNS, both BREECH und MUZZLE LOADING and PISTOLS or all qualities. They ' ?make u specialty of? I Tobacco j no unove gooa* uro guarantee ci to give satisfaction In every rcspcct. Give tlieni u call und s'ivc money. F. ROSENBERG & CO. Sept. 12, 1883. tf . Mill, CONGAEEE moil wok Coumbia* S. C* Agent for 1 nrT A 1->-\r A "XT?C! VJtl i^L. I _LV_1_ -CX _L"V ia PERPETUAL EVAPORATOR. 'PIIESE WORKS WERE ESTAnLISIJET' 1 in 1847 by Messrs. Gco.ftlnclalr and James Anderson and purchased by me in the year i I80H,and from that time till now carried on successfully by myself. My friends and cus- . tomcrs will bear witness of the large and stupendous Jobs executed by me. It was at my works where the largest aud almost only job of lt? class ever executed In this city wasdone, viz.: the making of the pipes for the City Wo for WnrlfK in fho voin* iK.vs 1 ?i flip hrnniMi ofRKLL WINDING'! can say that I have! made the largest b?IIs ever cast in the State, swell as the boll for the City Hull In Columbia, My stoeli of patterns for ARCHITECTURAL WORK. COLUMNS for More fronts, is largcand various, and in RAILINGS for F.alconies, Gardens and Cemeteries I have tin. largest variety and most, modern patterns; many of these are paten led and I have purchased the right for this State. Jn the machine line I can furnish my patrons with STEAM ENGINE*and LOILERS of any slzeaud description. My CIRCULAR SAW MILLS have carried oft the prize at every state Fair held in this city, and in their construction I have tuken pains to combine simplicity with the most useful modern Improvements, and.nuiy (latter myself that, my CIRCULAR SAW MILLS lind favor with every sawyer who understands hi* business. The many orders 1 am steadily iccelvlojr for SUGAR CANE MILLS prove that the public appreciate the mills of my make, ni-d so it Is with my GEARING for HORSE POWERS. GIN WHEELS, GRIST MILLS and other MACHINERY. I have the manufacturing right of many PATENTS, such as castings for^ROCK COTTON AND HAY PRESS and tnrec or four different FEED CUTTERS and other implements. I will be pleased to send my circulars to any ......I!-.. ... .11..... ...III. Ho. UIJI'-II '-I mill (II u.y- I17.1W, V.-.I1IIIHV.I Sly p'ieesare moderate. and I aisure the pub-1 lie that tliey ar-.- ld flint my work: will compare favorably with that of any oth-j er maker. Address John Alexander, CoNfiAKEE Iiiov Works, Columbia, 8. C. DO. F. GARY HAS moved to Abbeville for the practice of medicine, and oilers his professional services to the public. Calls during the day mn.v be left at the office of Col. Eugene It. Gary or at i!ie former residence of Judge McUowan, now occupied by Dr. Gary. Jan. 31,1SS3, l'Jm Farm for Sale. 1 / A ACRKS, nt White Pond, on the S.C. R. 1 R., 3T: miles froin Augusta, Gh. In the j center of the melon and fruitgrowing scc-| tlon of the State. .Most of the land in cultivation. I>arge barn and stables and two good : lermni nouse* (in Liie pmee. uouuu on one; side by the Railroad and on another by a never fill I in? stream of wnter. For further Information uddresa A: P. WOODWARD, Elko, S. C. Oct. 10,1853, It "IT STANDS AT THE HEAR" ' The Star that leads Them All" THE LIGHT-RUNNING DOMESTIC. THAT It Is theneknowledged lender In the trrnlp ic :l (nnt. tlint riinnnt. tin ilisnntt (1. i MANY IMITATE IT ! NONE EQUAL IT! The Largest Armed, The Lightest Running, The Most Beaut llnl Wood Work, ?And la Warranted? To be made of the best material. To do any and all kind* of work, To be complete In every respect. FOH SALE BY R. M. HADDON & CO. Abbeville, S. C. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address DOMESTIC S. M. CO., Richmond, Va. March 28, JSS3, tf fin if A 1103* IirillTFli liMflLiLKj JTaVE on hnrnl almost every variety of) CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and WAGONS, 3 j ?riiiv.il mtrj wuur in uieir uu9iuuaT9 uu uic i moat advantageous terms. REPAIRING- A SPECIALTY.] With the best of workmen in every brnneh of, our business, and ah "bundant supply of, lumber, and other materials, we are prepared to do all kinds of repairing in t lie very hest manner, at the shortest notice, and on tiiei, most accommodating terms. All work fully i wurrantedi SEAL & KoILWAINE, Washington Street. A'^vll c. i*Vb. U'i, 1SS -j Pn rrioft'n VJ flfrAti onrl il C>Y vf if M^va muu Buggy Shop. IWir.l, tij>i n the now brick shop nlih h is KikltMi Imiit lit .! IV linhpr's nlti st'ilid. JL uwi. ... <{, whore I will lie able to supply :iii pi-rsuns ? ho limy j;lvo mo u call, with Carriage, Wa^oii uiui 1'iUjiKy work. W. <1. CIIAI'MAX. i let. 10. 1SXI. tf j I Lap Ituus. ? .lust rocoivwl. 11 l? t of fancy plush lap rugs, and for sale at the j CiiK-inuuti Kep isiiury. Thus. Iieggs. j State of South Carolina; 1 Abbeville County. IN TIIE PKOHATK COURT,' In tli(! matter of 11'.'' ol' T. W. I lioma*. . F\V ii nd P. XV. Thomas, Exceptors o? *aitainl '"r>5? Use barge in . nirf entaus. : Notice is hereby fil\en that the sriitl estalo-'-iSM ?ill lie settled in this Court on Tuesday, No- . ,'oiniiei - IIH. I-TVI,HIIU u mini iiiM.uuigc Kraw- jm mI from said lrust. Creditors nnd cicbiorf rill take special notice. ." sbi j. fuller .lyon. JuiJ^c Piobate Court. Dr. H, 2)."WIMOjir DENTISTRY, Abbeville, C. E,, S. C. ggrOfllce; Upstairs over the Post Ofllce.*^St . /.aj ouriese; i ABBEVILLE, S. C., Repairs watches, clocks. and 'jf Jewelry hi the best, manner at the lowist prices. Lnug expfirlenee and close applt- '35 :atlon to business merit consideration froTOV*?SB hose havlns work to be done In his line. He , Feb. ?. 18&S, l'Jin / rhe Place to Get What f You Want! :i?Sm BHRISTIAN&WILSON | ALWAYS in store, a complete stock of "*<38 FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED. JOODS and CONFECTIONERIES' ill kiilds; The befit and cheaoeat f!T- ^PaSfl JABS and T()liA(X'0. The FINEST WINES and LIQUORS. Stfeet Mash Corn Whiskey : gl For medical purposes ri speclaityi .Also,Jhoico Liquors of atiy kind for medica^-. Give us a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. - ^ CHRISTIAN & WILSON, 'WM Abbeville, S. C. Nov. lfl, 1881, tf - TISE WElLFiXTURE.' 1 THE TISE WKLL FIXTURE Is by fnr tlio' C-wH most perfect and complete Invention foi" ts purpose that lias over been trtnnz. 4. It makes a smooth even surface. IrrTWnH 5. It is elastic. l?an be made hard or EoftJMiBH f>. It is low In price?only $3.00? and w^NgjfiS ia-a 20 years. . ,, For sale t. J. D. CHALMERS & CQlKMM Set. K>. a iNfl.tr ' MTT? FOR SAlgcJl FREE OF ALL INTe^B^ES;||H ' rfl SgffugSM ONE OF THE BEST Plantations ii kMWt Coo&tH ALL Hint tract of land sit unto In Abbevl^Bra^H County, formerly known us the MAMfj PI.ACE and containing ^^^3^ "? . t Eie-ht Hundred and Twenty- "J&m Five (825) Acres, niore or lfs?. Hounded by land* of GforwVsfl| Nieicii-s. IloL!. Innm. tlie Cochran L;:dC House Place jind others. TKUMS?One-lliird wish, lialnnce in l and 2 v^jH years, securcd by bond and mortrage of pur J!Ill's for Ihe fame will be recclvca byGcorgo->"^9 M. Trrnholni, :ji si iect, Charleston, t*. C..or by Mc^m. PA UK KK A McGOWAN at . .] tlielr office, Abbeville Court House. - +&S& Oct.1&3, tf > Master's Sale. Butler, Broom y lands of ->^|f Jane Taylor, W. C. Davis, estate of S. v Donald, deceased, and J. 13. Brooke. TERMS OF SALE?One-balf of pur- . chase money and costs to be paid in cash, balance in twelve months, interest from V;f|| duy of sale, secured by bond of purchaser ?3 and mortgage of premises.. Purchaser to pay for papers. M. L. BONHAM, JR., ; "i Master, Nov. 7, 1S83, 4t ciisrciisrjsrATi M repository! ABBEVILLE, S. C. ' M Persons wanting wagons, ' . - |'.-i buggies, harness, ' ' is whips. m halters, jm ijuggy cushions, axle grease, plow gear, riding bridles. - -.ss HAME STRINGS, dc\, * ; Will do well t<> call beforo purchasing, as I ! win hoi uu unucrsuiu. THOS. EEGGS. Mxreb It, 1SSJ. tf '* J. C. NEWMAN 1 IF you want nice homemade liarnes*, ko to J. L*. Ntiwinau's shop !u Knox's builuing, Abbeville, M. <\ May 2. ISS3, If j^LYON&HEALYf State & Monroe Sts.,Chlcago.^^j4g^ W!I!ki:>I pfrraM tfliny fcW?<4jli!'r/ KJL BAND CATALOGUE, f . Fxk for 1?J, WW .'lu IbnswTli'^S I iKlof [ natrutr.flt'U. Suli/? Caps 7M sumh. Kn.'i M.IO.S Sli/fu ?oJ J"""/TW //Yl'llif. Sundry Jfa.4 OiittU, n.r*Wn? f IS // iS3lMi:?rli{'. ?t?cv.i.1a luilructlog ud fcr- //_] j.1 foe Aunteur 1-iinU, uu:c, ' CREDITORS & DEBTORS.. ; A IX } ??M