BY W. A. LEE AND HUGH WILSON. .A XT . : r": ; :: >Ul*v ;l-Y) 'j.jc9i'.t '.'.V 'Jlohznivta. arf'i' .70?MLj. , i-j Til"*"" ?*; : '^If'TT r-: "V.05 <. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY. MAY 1. 1572. - -' j ' '' ?? 4 ftiutV ^ ,*I!iS011 THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE. v * " ' ' In Genesis the world was made by God's creative hand ; In Exodus the Hebrews marched to gain tl?e promised kind ; Xeviticus contains the law; holy, and just, and good. Numbers records the tribes enrolled?all sons of Abraham's blood. Mose9 in Deuteronomy, records God's mighty deeds. Brave Joshua into Canaan's land the host of Israel leads; In Judges, their rebellion oft provokes the Lord to smite ; But Ruth records the faith of one well pleasing-to his sight. In First and Second fcjamuei 01 jesse s son we read, Ten tribes in First and Second Kings revolted from his seed. The First and Second Chronicles, see Juduh captive made; But Ezra leads a remnant back by princely Cyru's aid, The city walls of Zion Nehemiah builds again, Whilst Esther saves her people from plots of wicked men, In Job we r?ud how faith will live be neath affliction's jod, And David's Psalms are precious songs to every child of God. The P roverbs like a goodly string of choicest pearls appear. ~ Eccles'ants teaches man how vain are ail things here. The mystic "Song' of Solomon exalts sweet Sharou's Rose, 'Whilst Christ the Saviour and the King the "rapt Isaiah" shows. The warning Jeremiah, apostate Israel scorns ; His plaintive Lamentations their awful -1 UOWJlJUil UlWUiliO. Ezekiel tells in wondrous words of daz zling mysteries-, < . - Whilst kings and empires yet to come Daniel in vision sees. Of judgment and of mercy Hosea loves to tell Joel describes the blessed days when God with man shall dwell. Among Tekoa's herdsmen Amos re ceived his call; Whilst Obadiah prophesies of Edom's iiital fall. Jonah enshrines a. wondrous type of Christ, our risen Lord. Micah pronounces Juduh lost?lost, but again restored. j Nahum declares on Xinevah just judg ment shall be poured. A view of Chaldea's o truing doom Hab?.| akkuk's?vi?ion?; . . rr _ L !.l. ,U,V try I /iL'puUUIilll Mill US mtui'ns iv/ lumi repent and live, Ilaggai wrote to those who saw the, temple'builfagnin, I And Zachariah prophesied of Christ's: triumphatreijij; j Malaehi was the lastwho touclied the high prophetic chord. Its final notes sublimely show the com-! iug of th'6 Lord. * "" ' 1 Mathew and Mark, Luke and JoIib, the holy gospels wrote, Describing how our Saviour died?his life?and all he taught. Acts prove how Uod the Apostles owned withfcigus in ejvery place. St. Paul, in Iiohffiire, teaches how man is saved by grace, . . The Apostle in Cdrlntlans, instructs, ex horts, reproves. Galations shows that faith in Christ alone the leather loves. Ephesians and Philippians tell what. Christians ought to be: Collossiaus bids us to live lo Uod and to eternity. Iu The.'fcalonians we are taught the; Lord will come from heaven. Iu Timothy and Titus u JLiishop's rule is given. Philemon marks a Christian's love which only Christians know. Hebrews revels the Go.-.pel prefigured by the law. James teaches, witliout holiness faith is but vain and dead .St. Peter points the narrow way in which the saints are led. John in his three Epistles 011 love de light* to dwell. St. Jude gives awful warning on judg ment wra;b and hell. The "Revelations orouliesies of that tre mentions day, When Christ and Christ nlone shall be the trembling sinner's stay. <*? Laws of South Carolina. ACTS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. - . [Published by Authority.] Tf? * I % ? r ?* * ^ * * /irn j~ 41m* TmnYi of Townvitie, m tfto County-of ^ndcraon. Section i. lie it enacted by'the Ben ate and Hotise-of Representatives of the State qf South Carolina, now met and aitting in General Assembly,and by the authority of the same: That all persons, citizens of ihe State of South Carolina, who are now, or may hereafter become* inhabitants of the*town of Townvilie, in the County of Anderson, shall be deemed, .and'are hereby declared to be, a body politic and corpora!^ ffntl'the'^tttl'Tfrirn-shall be called.and known by the uame.of Town ville, and "It# limits shalF be deemed and held to extend one-half mile in ev ery direction from the Townville Bap tist Chui;eh,iu,s4id town. Sec. That flie said Town shall he governed ~bv ah Tttt?rrdnmt and- four who shall be elected ou the first Weit x?esday in April next, on which. dayK as well as on the,$rst Wednesday in April of every year thereafter", an election shall be held for an Intendant and four "Wardens, who shall be citizens of the State of South Carolina, and shall have been resident in the said town for sixty days immediately preceding said elec tion, at such place in said town as the Intendant and Wardens shall designate, ten day's notice, in writing, being pre-, viously given. That H. It. Vandiver, B. F. Gantt, W. J. Harfein 'diitl T.'W., Spearman be, and they are, appointed a Jjoard of Managers, to .hold the first election under this Act. That all 't;male inhabitants of the said town, 'who shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, and who has resi ded within the*6tate twelve months, and in the said town sixty days im mediate^ preceding their election, shall be encrneo xo vuie -mi and Vy^rdcns; and the election ?hall be held from 9 o'clock in the morn ing, uDyt#3'-o>clock in the afternoon, and when tfie-ixiHii shall b? closed, tlic Man agers Khafi forthwith count the votes, and deelare the election; and give no tice thereof, in writing, to the persons elected. Aiid the luteudiwt and War dens for the time being, shall appoint the Managers to hold the ensuing elec tion, at least twenty days prior La th? -1?.. duty, f>aid intendant and Wardens sha! i.q iinl?h. to tin?nains and nenalties im posed by law upon the County Com missioncrs for like neglect. Anil the; are hereby individually exempt froii the performance of road aryl pulice duty and the inhabitants of said town an I hereby excused from road ami polic jduty without the limits of said corpora tion. Si:c. 7. That the said Intendant am . Wardens shall have power to eompouii' ! with persons liable to work on the sail streets and ways; and to release sucl | persons therefrom as may desije it, up , on the payment of such sums of mone. 'as said Intendaut and AVardens ma; deem a fair equivalent therefor, to b 'applied by them for the use of said cor poration. Hi:c. 8. That the said Town Council c Townvilleshall also, bo empowered t j retain, posses and enjoy, lor the us and benefit of said town, all such pre | perty as they xnay now be possessed ( or entitled to, or which shall hereaftt be given, bequeathed lo, or in any man ner acquired by them in- their corport capacity; and to sell, alien, or in an way transfer the same, or ai]y pai . thereof: Provided, The amount of pre (perty so held, or stock inuested, shal I in no crse, exceed the sum of ten tliouj 'and dollars. Sec. y. That the said Town Counc shall have power to impose an annual ta on all real and personal propept "within the corporate limits of said towi except the property belonging to churcl i <>? nini tfhtiols: Provided, said tax sha not exeeed ten cents on the one hundre dollars. Sec. 10. That the Intendant an AVardfns of the town of Townvillesha have power to regulate sales at auctio within the corporate limits of sai town, and to grant license to auetior eers: Provided, nothing herein contaii ed.shall extend to.sales by Sheriff, Cler of the Court, Judge of Probate, Corone ; Executor or Administrator,. Assign c i Keferees and Coustablej, or by an j other person, under the order of an ! Court. | Skc. 11. Thivt the Intendant and AVa! dens of the Town of TowiiViflV sha haye po\yer and authority to require a persons owning a lot ^r lots .therein-1 keep in repair the sidewalks.adjacent t their lots, respectively; and, for deftiti i in this matter, shall have power and ai thority to impose a line not to excee I ten dollars. I 10 Timt thf> rawer to refuse ( I i)Bl. I grant licenses, to keep a tavern, or I 1 retail intoxicating drinks, be, and tl; [game is .hereby, vested in the Tow Council of TownviUe ; and that they b< and are hereby, also invested with a 1 necessary power, by ordinance or ord ! nances, to suppress or to regulate tl sale of Intoxicating drinks, to be dran at the place where sold, of in or upc any of its appurtenances, or in or upc i any of its highways, streets, lanes, alley commons, kitchens, stores, shops, pul I -.:i.lwwlr|,Q tir OtlLhoUSl ; 11C UUUUIlitj)(uv< | , ... I of the said town, or within one ha mile of the limits of said town : ]'r< 4yiJe3,'That.nortile or regulation shall ! made inconsistent with the Constitutic .and Laws of the State. f &ec. 13. The said Town Council shs have power, under the hand and seal the luU?ndajLit, to issue execution, direc led to the Marshal of the said town, , collect all taxes and fines imposed 1 ' said Council by virtue of an authori in tlieui vested by this Act, and tl Marshal of said town is hereby invest . with all the powers and authority co i ,1 ii..?. ?Mn? (Constables, toenfor Itun. ujr ,t?.. tlio satisfaction of such execution, . the same manner, 'and to.the sjwne.. e i tent. 1. 8icc. 14. That the said Town Coun< shall have power to appoint a Clerk ai Treasurer, annually, anil to detiue th< duties ami responsibilities. Srcc. 15. Tlmt ill is Act shall be deem and taken to be a public Act in all t Court,> of Justjce in this State, and sin continue in force tfhtif repealed. Approved March 13, 1872. AN ACT to incorporate the town iNincty-Six. ^ ; .Sec. 1. Be ifcjsnacted by the Sona and House of Representatives of t j State of South Carolina, now met ai sitting hi General Assembly and l tho authority of tbe same : That all persons, citizens of tl United States, who now are, or her after, may be, inhabitants the town of 4 Ninety-Six, shall 1 deemed, and are hereby declared body-politic and corporate; and sa town shall be called and known I the name of Ninety-Six, and its lir its shall deemed and held to oxter for one-half mile in each directk from tho Greenville and Columb Hail Road Depot at said place. Sec. 2. That the said town shr be governed by an Inlendant ar four Wardens, who shall be elcctc uu me ursu luuuuiiy iu .nj.Mii jic.\ 1872, as well as on the first. Mondu in April of every year thereafic an election slia'l be held for an L tcndiint and l'onr Wardens, who slui be citizens of the United States, an shall have been residents of the sai town, sixty days next preceding sai election, at siurh place in said town i the Intendants and Wardens sha designate, ten days' notice therepf. i writing, bo previously given; and th: all the male inhabitants of said towi of the age of the ags of twenty-or. years, who have resided therein sixt days previous to the eleetion, shall t entitled to vote for said Intendar e and Wardens; and the election elia e bo' held from seven o'clock in th 1 morning until six o'clock in the evci 1 iug, when the polls shall bo closei e tho Managers shall count the votf r and proclaim the election and giv 3 notice thereof to the parties electc< 1 and tho Intcndant and Wardens fc ' the time being, shall appoint Manj r gers to hold the ensiling flection; th Intendant and Wardens, before ci tei iug upon the duties of their office: shall take the oath prescribed by th Constitution of this State, and also th following oath, to wit: "As Intendan (or Warden) of Niuety-Six, 1 wi equally and impartially, to the best < | my ability, exercise the trust repose | iu me, ana I win use my nesc cnaeuvoi ] I to preserve the peace and carry i nto effei e. according to law, the purposes of m .!appointment. So help me God." r Sec. 3. That in case a vacancy eha 0 occur in the offices of Intendant c - any of the Wardens, by death, resh j. nation, removal from the State, c from any other cause, an cieclio 1 shall be held by appointment of th 1 Inicndant and "Warden or Warden lljas the case may be, ten days' publi ' j notice thereof, as aforesaid bein given ; and in case of the sickness c u! temporary absence of the Intendan s the Wardens, forming a Council, sha 1 bo empowered to elect one 01 then 11selves to act as Intendant, durin j such sickness or.absence. - Sec. 4. That tho Intendant an y Wardens duly elected and qualifie ,f. shall, during their term of servic | severally and respective!}', be voste | with all the powers of Trial Justicc and Justices of the Peace, in thi |State in matters civil and crirnina | within the limits of the said town ^ i that the InteUUanl shall, as often n I occasion may require, summon th .- Wardens to meet him in Council, majority of whom shall eonstitut []{a quorum for the transaction of bus || J ness ; and shall be known as the Tow I, Council of Ninety-Six, and they an i- their successors in office shall have y common seal, and shall have powc y and authority to appoint, from tiin u to lime, such and so many persor jto act as Marshals and Coil-tables c >f! they shall deem expedient and pro] o| er, which officer shall have all th e! powers privileges and emolument ^;ind be subject to all duties, peoallit ,,!and regulations provided by the law i- lof this State for the office of Const; ojble, and- the Intcndant and Warder y in Council shall have power, uud( [ their corporate seal, to ordain an i iflstiiblisb sill such rules, bv-laws an ordinances, respecting the road streets, ways, public wells, springs < ^ water, markets and police of sai p town, and for preserving healtl [ i peace, order and good goveromci ?- within the same, as they may deci expedient and proper; and the sai Council may allix tines for offenci against such by-laws and ordinance and appropriate them to the use i Lli3 corporation ; but no fine shall c: cced fifty dollars. All lines may 1 collected by an action for debt, bufoi a proper tribunal. -SEC. 5. That the said Tntendat 'e.and Wardens snail have power i yjabate and lemovo nuisances withi ^ itbe said limits, and to-clarify and a r. range the inhabitants liable to publ 11; duty, to require thi-m to perform sue II duty as occasion may require, and ei ? force the performance of the sam j" under the same penalties as ai now, or may bo hereafter establisbe law; 1'rovidtd, always, neverthelei I'l'biit the said Town Council sin >r have power to compound with tl ? persons liable to perform such dut; '? tinder guch terms as they shall, by cj L>): dinance, establish. ill Sec. C. That it shall be tho duty i- the lntendarits and Wardens to ke< all streets an.d ways in the limits said town open and in good order, ar ,n lor that purpose they are hereby i s, | vested with all the powers and prh L>-j leges granted by law to tho Comnr ^jsioners ot lioads within the limits ' isaid town. And for neglect of dut ,e they snail do iiiioio 10 me same pai >11 [and penalties imposed bylaw up< i Commissioners of Roads, for liko ue ill! lect; and tboy aro hcroby individ ally exempt. i'rom tbo performance (l~ road and police duty; and tbe in lis ,y jitants of said town are hereby oxeni tyJ'rom road duty within the limits ? work oji the 6aid streets and wa; ' ?;ldH to release such ncrson as ni; ij|| ide&jre it, upon tho payment of su ,]r sum of money as they may doem fair equivalent (herefor, to bo appli ed by them to the uso of tho corpo. he (ion. 111 Sec. 8 That tho said Town Coun cf .Ninety-Six shall also bo empower to retain, possess and enjoy all wj of property as they may bo possessed or entitled to, or which shall here to ter be given, bequeated to, or by a he manner acquired by them ; and to s< [id"J Ulion, or in any way transfer t by same, or any part thereof; Provid the amount of property So held or stock invested, shall, in no case, ex ceed the sum of twenty thousand dol Sec. 9. That the said Town Council shall have power to impose an annual tax upon all real and personal proper ty within tho limits of said town. Pro vided, said tax does not exceed the sum of fifteen cents on the one hun dred dollars. Sec. 10. That the Intendant and Wardens of tho town of Ninety-Six shall have power to regulate sales at limifa r\p enirl town, and grant licenses to auction eers: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall extend to sales by, or for Sheriffs, Clerks of Courts, Judge of Probate, Coroners, Executors, Ad ministrators, Assignees, or by any other person, under the order of any Court or Magistrate. Sec. 11, That tho In tend ant and Wardens shall have power and au thority to require all persons owning a lot or lots in tho said town of Nine ty-Six, to koep in repair the sidewalks adjacent to tkeir lots Respectively, and for default rn this matter shall have power and authority to impost a line not exceeding fifteen dollars. Rlti 19 Th?if. nnllinvitv to refuse licenses to keep a tavern or retail in toxicating drinks, be, and tho same is hereby, vested iu tho Town Council of Ninety-Six; and that they are alsoj invested with all the necessary power, by ordinance or ordinances, to sup press or regulate the sale oi' intoxica-l ting drinks, to be drank at the place where sold, or in or upon any oi its appurtenances, or in or upon any of its highways, streets, lanes, alloys,! commons, kitchens, stores, shops, pub lic buildings, stalls or out-houses of' the said town, or within half a mile of the Greenville and Columbia Rail road Depot in said town: Provided, No rule or regulation shall bo made inconsistent with the Constitution and ? il . Oi.lA laws ui uiu oiuiv;. Sec. 13. Tlmt this Act shall bo deemed a public Act in all Courts of Justice, and shall continue of fouce until amended repealed. Approved March 13, 1872. AN ACT to Amend an Act entitled "An Act to Secure Advances for Agricultu ral Purpose*.' "" " ! Section 1. 13e it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Ilepresentatives of the State of Soutli Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by uu *\f tlu> tnmn : . - iWIIVJ wt t?iv That an Act entitled "An Act to se j euro advances foragricultural purposes," approved lite twentieth day of Septem ber, A. J)., 1SUG, be amended by insert ing in the fourth line of the first Sec tion, between the words "supplies" and "to," the words "advances ol medicines or medical attendance by any physi cian." Sec. 2. That all the provisions and remedies in said Act', relating to persons . I who advance supplies lor agricultural ! purposes, shall apply to persons advan cing: medicines or medical attendance as a physician, and also to blacksmiths who claim liens for work performed on blacksmiths' tools; who pursue their trade or calling not within the limits of " I any incorporated city, town or villaire ,e! within this State : Provided that the I- j fee for each and every visit by a physi n cian shall not exceed one dollar, and ten nop ,?ii0 which nrice shall em (J W" in J.V. ? 4 n brace the proscription. Approved March 12, 1872. lC i AN ACT Legalizing Certain Marriage*, arid for other Purposes Therein Men tioned. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the j State of South' Carolina, now met and s>| sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That all persons in the State of South Carolina who, previous to their actual emancipation, had undertaken and agreed to occupy the relation to each i>ur lmuhoiwi mul wife, and are co d'uizingtlie relation as still existing at s ! the time of the passage of this Act, ] whether the rites of marriage have been .j1 celebrated or not, shall be deemed hus j band and wife, and be entitled to all the h, rights and privileges, and be subject to it all the duties and obligations of that m j relation, in like manlier as if they had I I ibeen duly married according to law. J j Sec. 2. And all their children shall be 281 deemed legitimate, whether born before fc>,; or after the passage of this Act; and, pi'; when tho parties have ceased to cohabit x_ j before the passage of this Act, in conse ' iquence of the death of the woman,- or J I from other cause, all of the children of l'e the woman recognized by the man to be his shall be deemed legitimate: Provid ed, however, That no provision of this ,Act shall be deemed to extend to persons who have agreed to live in concubinage alter tneir emancipation. Hi:c. 3. All Acts or parts of Acts in ic consistent with tills Act are hereby re ;L? pealed. n_ Approved March 12,1872. 6 AX ACT to Permit James MvCrillough '? to Adopt. Chanr/c the Name of, and d, Make his Lawful Heir, Joseph Allen Stopp. t|j Skc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate land House of Representatives of the 1e i State of South Carolina, now met and Y, sitting in General'Assembly, and by the r- authority of the Same: That James McCul lough, of Grccn 0f vllle county, is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt, and make his huv -P ful heir, Joseph Allen Stepp, and that ?i Che name of the said Joseph Allen ul Stepp sliall be changed to Joseph Allen n. McCullough. Sec. 2.-That should the paid James ! " McCullough die intestate, the said Jo 18"! seph Allen MeCullough shall inherit, in of I common with the other lawful heirs ol y,! the said James MeCullough, his estates, i.^l both personal and real. I * ..".I U 1 kTO 'jtLjJJJiUWU .UUIVM v, ?~ AN ACT to regulate the Imimcft'oj u-, Checks to Laborers upon Plantations, of or elsewhere. Lb_ Sec. 1. Jie it enacted by tlie Senate . and Houso of Representatives of the 1Jp State of South Carolina, dow met and sitting in General Assembly, and by tht authority of the same: nt That, unless otherwise provided bj special contract, it shall be, and it i< . > hereby required of all persons who em i ploy laborers upon plantations, or else >*3< i where,-by the day, week, month or year ay to pay such laborers or employees ir eh I United States bank notes or fractiona a I currency. < j 8ec. 2. Tliat if any person or persons I after the passage of this Act, shall ollei to any laborer or employee, except ai ] provided for in the preceding section cil! as compensation for labor or service! C(j performed, checks or scrip of any de , scripLion in lieu of United (States ban! c*'. noU'S or fractional currency, the pai< ot person pr peisons bo offending shaW b< a(- liable to indictment and punismeTit b< ny ft fine not exceeding one hundred dof 2j| | lars, and by imp'risonjJipnC not exceeding , J .twenty days, or both, according to tin j discretion of the court: Provided, Tha ied the word checks in this Act shall not b< ho *??ffio :-;,v s*?* i " construed bo as to prohibit the giving ol checks upon any of the authorized banks of deposit or issue in this State. A SRC*. 3. All Acts, or parts of Acts in consistent with thiti Act are hereby re pealed. Approved March 13,1S72. AN ACT -to Incorporate the Beaufort Horse Railroad Company, in the town ond county of Beaufort. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of .Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by authority of the same: . That Robert Smalls, R. S. Bennett, P. E. Ezekiel, Jauies, M. Crofut, W. .J. Whipper, J. B. Bascomb, . Samuel t TV P^llina M AT pvoi'u Nehemias, and all those persons who may hereafter be associated with them, be, and the same are hereby, made and declared a body corporate; under the style and tytle of the Beaufort Ilorse Railroad Company, and, bv such title, may sue and be sued, and may plead and be impleaded, and, ebaJl have au thority and power to take, subsCi ibe and raise a .capital, stock to the amount of twenty-five thousand .(25,000) dollars, in shares of twenty-five dollars ($25) each for the purpose herein specified; and they are hereby further authorized and empowercn to increase the said capital stock to the sum of fifty thousand dol lars; Provided, that such increase shall be assented to by the majority of the stockholders. Sec. 2. That the said Beaufort Horse Railroad Company, of Beaufort, shall have power aud authority to lay a tr^ek from the east end of Bay street, in the town of Beaufort, through and along Hay street, and connecting with the Port lloyal Railroad, and such other points as they may deem most advantageous. ' Skc.3. That the,said Beaufort Horse D o JI wao r\ pAninnnv r\f Rr*o n fur f". ulinll hp XtaiUVttU VVIUJ'UIIJ, VI 4^\.UU1VI Vj WMM?* N/ - able and capable, by its corporate name, to buy property, and* to sell, for the purr pose of its business, to sue and be sued, to plead .and be impleaded in any Court of law or equity in this State, and. have succession of officers and members, and shall have power to make by-laws not repugnant to the laws of the land, for the repugnant to the Jaws of the laud, for the government and good order of its members, as shall be deemed expedi ent by a majority of the stockholders, and to have a commpn seal, and to alter and make new the same. Sec. 4. That the said Beaufort Horse Railroad Company, of Beaufort, shall have power au,d authority ,to issue bonds to an amoupt equal to one-half of the capital subscribed, the same to dp re deemable at such time, not "exceeding ten (111) years, as may beairreed upon by said Company, and to bear Interest at *evcn per f^nt. per wiutnn. payable semi-annually. 8ec. o. That this Act shall i-emain in force, and coiitinue for the term of nine ty nine years. Sec. 3. All nets, and parts of acts, inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed. Approved March 12, 1872. AX ACT to Renew and Amend the Charter of Ernkinc College, at Due West, in Abbeville County, 6'. C. Section 1. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of .Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now mot and silting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: The Rev. L. Boyee, D. D., Rev. W. M. Grier, J. L. Miller, J.-W. Ilearst, P- Ii. Bradley, \Y. K. Bradley, 1>. O. Haw 'thorn, J. L. Pressley, \V. S. Lowry, i Wm. Hood, Rev. J. N. Young, Rev. .J. j I. Bonner, J. P. Kennedy, Rev. J. P. Pressley, I). D., Rev. J. C. Chalmers, 1 Rev. 11. T. Sloan. J. Pratt, Rev. R. A. Ross, Rev. R; Latham, R. C. Sharp, Rev. R. A. Fair, R. W. Lites, Rev. J. .Calloway, Rev. R. W. Briee, J. Neil, i James Lowrv, Rev. J. C. Bovd, Rev. | W. L. Pressley, S. Donald, R. R. Hemp ! hill, and and their successors in oJTjee, I be, and they are hereby created a body politic Jind corporate, by the name and I Ktyle of the "Trustees of Erskine Col : lege," a.seminary of learning, situated at j l)i:e West, in Abbeville County, in the I State of South Carolina, and as such, jand by said name, shall be capable and | liable in law and equity, to sue and be ' niirl Ko itimlpnrlfill. to lise SI and rules for the regulation of the said College, as they may deem necessary ; Provided that said by-laws and rules be not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State, or of the United States. Sec. 2. That Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, I of an Act entitled "An Act to chartei ;and incorporate Erskine College, at Dut I West, in Abbeville District," "ratified ! December 20, lS5u, be, and the same arc hereby, continued in force. Skc. 3. That this Act shall be taken.and deemed to be a public Act. atid shall continue in force until re. ! pealed. Approved March 12, 1872. J -T ' ' * ' ' * * ' JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing tm State Treasurer to Pay the Widow Oj Summerjicld Montgomery, Two Jlun dred and Fifty Dollars. Whereas, Summerlield "Montgomery late Auditor of Newberry County, diet during the Inst quarter of the fiscal year and the salary of such Auditor being un paid; therefore, Be it resolved by the Senato anc IIouso of Representatives of tin State of SoiiLh Carolina, now met ant sitting in General Assembly, and bj the authority of'the same: That the State Treasurer is hereby au thometf and required to pay to th? widow of Summerfield Montgomery, tin salary of such Auditor for the last qtiar I tor of the fiscal year, amounting r? iwi I ljundred and fifty dollars, and that ho j receipt-shall be full and sufficient vouch er for the payment of said sum., Approved March 9, 1S72. AX ACT to Establish the Charlcsto) Land and Joint Stork Company. '! Section 1. Be it enacted by th< .'Senate and House of Representative of the State.of South Carolina, nov [met and sitting in General Assembly p: and by the authority of the same : ,j That Charles Simonds, Thomas Mat | h.e\v8, L. F. Campbell, Samuel Porehei Mjamp's PorCher, 55.' Pay ton, W. Fields >!J. Proctor, J. Simmons, 8. Poreher, A 11 Campbell and G. Ilines, and oilier pei ! sons "who are, or hereafter may ue, as.?i jciaied with thorn, and they are hereby r: declared a body political id eorporat< 5'for the purpose of making loans c |money, secured by mortgage; 011 real e? ; tate or personal property, or by cod ve> , 1 mice of the same to their members an 1' stockholders, by the name and style < 1 the Charleston Land and Joint rtoc Company, the capital stock of whicl , shall consist of one thousand shares, t r j be paiil iu by successive monthly ij installments of one dollar to each share , so long as the corporation shall continue i the said shares to be held, tmnsferrec - assigned and plodded; and the holdei c | thereof, to be subject to such lines an 1 forfeitures, for defaults iii their pa; ? ments, according'to such regulations : may be prescribed by the constitute -.and by-laws of said corponvtion ; am ;! moreover, the said shares shall he di ii j posed of, at the death, resignation or r tjmoval from the State of any sharehoh e er, in such manner as may be prescribe F liy the said constitution, rules and by i laws. 2. That the said corporation shall have flower aud authority lo make any such rules and by-laws lor its govern ment,, as aro not repugnant to Lhe con. stitution and Jaws of the land; shall have such members and succession of members aud ollicers as shall be ordained and chosen, according to their said rules and by-laws, made or to be made by them; shall sue and be sued, plead > and be impleaded, in any Court of Law or Equity in this State,".and shall have ' aud enjoy all and every right anil privi lege incident and belonging to corporate bodies, according to the jaws of the land; Sec. 3. That the funds of the said cor poration may be invested in such prop erty, ' real or personal, and securities, public or private, loaned to shareholders and members, or other persons or cor poration, on such securities, in sucn mode, on such terms, under such condi tions and subject to such regulations as may'be, from time to time, prescribed by the constitution, ".rules and by-laws o; the said, corporation ; and that it shall and may bra lawfUl for. said ctrrporation to take and hojd such lands,' tenements', hereditaments and personal property, bonds, stocks, public and private, and Glioses in action as they shall acquire by purchase, devise, bequeath, gift, as signment or otherwise,' to take and ho'Id such lands, tenements, hereditaments, and personal property, and such stocks and bonds, public or private, or piloses in action as shall be mortgaged, convey ed, assigned 01*pledged to it, by way of security upon its'ioanS or advances, or f purchased at sales thereof; and to sell, e alien, transfer or otherwise dispose 01 tlie same, as from time to time, the said a corporation may deem expedient: Pro- i vided, that the real estate held by said c dl-mll nut of onv time evened I UWIJIUIUUUU """? ? "--J the value of two hundred thousand dol lars. That the real and persona! proper ty of each stockholder and assigns, snail be liable for the debts of said corporation, in any amount not exceeding the par value of the s.tock held by him. Sec. 4. That semi annually, on the first days of January and'July, there shall be divided, amongst the stockhold ers of llie said corporation, the profits accruing from the investment. Sec. 5. That this Act shall be taken and deemed a public Act, and that the same may be given in evidence without being specially pica ied. Approved March l'J, 1872. AN ACT to Charter the Village of Lisbon. Section 1. Co it cnadtcd by the Senate and liousc of Representatives of tlio State ,of South. Carolina, now met and sitting in General Asnc'mbly, and b}* tho authority of the same: That from and alter the passage of this Act all and every person or person's who shall have reside# in the corporate limits of the village of Lisbon, in the County of Darlington, State of South Carolina, for two months, arc hereby declared to be members of the corpora tion hereby to, be created; That the said persons shall,' from and after the passage of this Act, become a body poli tic and corporate, and shall bo known and called by the name of the village of Lisbon, and its corporate limits shall exteud one half mile from "the cross roads," so-called, in every direction. Sec. 2. That the powers and duties of theofllcersoi' the village, the government of the same and all things pertaining to the charter of said viliage, shall be the same, as provided for in the Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the town of Florence," approved March 9, 1S71, ex cepting only the corporate limits. Sec.3. This Act shall be deemed'a public Act, and continue in force until amended or repealed. Approved March 13, 1872. i AN ACT to Amend an Act entitled "An | Act to amend an Act entitled lA/i Act. i for the better protection of Minrulory ?Vo/> "I . Suction 1. He it enacted by the Senate j and House of House of Representatives of the .State of Soijlh. Carolina, no\y met and sitting in General Assembly! and < by the authority of the same: I That .Section 1 of-an Act entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled " An Act,1 I lor the better protection of Migratory M , Fish," be, and is hereby, apiendcd so as i ! to read as follows: "There shall be a \ < | close-time in all the creeks, streams andk inland waters of this .State, lrom, the] i setting of the siin each Friday, until1* : tin? nsinor of the sun on each Tuesday, I I j during which time all seines, nets, or I any plan ordevice fur the th.e stoppage or collecting of lish, which obstruct more than two-thirds of any stream, I other than a dtfm "for manufacturing .'purposes; shall be removed from said; II creeks, streams or waters, and the owner, i .in., whole or part, of any obstruction,1 j plan or device, shall be liable to a fine of, 11 two hundred dollars for each and every I j offense, one-half to go to the informer, and the other half to the use of the, country in which such obstruction is' found." SiiC. 2. This Act shall take effect on j and after its passage. Approved JNlarcn 13, 1872. [ AX ACT to Incorporate the Sumterj Land Joint Stock and Loan An-io&ia tion, of Sampter, South Carolina. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate i ' ami House of KepresenttUivcs of the j i' State of South Carolina, now met anil sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority ot%the same: ' j That Wesley Westbury, W. II. Gard i ncr, a. jj Qiu^icuni, v?>V) 1} Monday Douglas, Jlump bpencer, J. M. , Tiudal, Butler Spears, Samuel Lee, R. A. Wilson, Frank Washington, Mat. Brooks, Enoch Arcliey, James Jackson, " Henry C'ain, W \V\ Ramsey, Hannibal 8) Bonnet, James Smjley, Jackson Sini L' inoiis, XV. E. Johuston, F. J. Moses, Jr., " Bowen, Burrell James and Benjamin "> Lawson, together with such other per r sons as now are, or hereafter may be, " j associated with them, be, and they are hereby, declared a body politic and cor porate, for the purpose of buying and David Boyd, It. M. Andrews, Jack i1 holding real estate in the County of ISumtet. or at any point within the Conn 3 ; ty or State of South Carolina, ami inakingl j loans of money, seen red by mortgages of i real estate, and by the hypothecation of 1 v j bonds and stocks, and other clioses in: 'action and personal property, to its' j members and stockholders, by the name1 . and style of the .Sumter Land Joint Stock and Loan Association, of South | Carolina. The capital stoCk oC' said as sociation to consist of fcwenty-tive liun -'dred shares; but as soon as one thousand ).! shares shall have been subscribed there-j to, the said association sliali organize i Iapd commence operations; said shares1 )C to be paid .by.-successive monthly in- j i- jstallments of one dollar on each share, - ^o lonjf as the said association sluili coti d tinue; the said siiares to be held, trans >f tor red, assigned and pledged, and the k holders thereof to be subject to such i, lines, penalties ahd forfeitures for de o fault in their payments, as the regula i- tions and by-laws of said association may > prescribe. ; Rice. That the said association shall j j have number nud succession of officers h and members as shall be ordained and (1 chosen according to the ruie.s and by f.' laws made, or to be made by^theni; foi ls their government; and shall have power ,n i and authority, from time to time, and at j, all times, to make such rules and bv 3I1 laws as are not repugnant to the Consti o- tut ion and laws of the land ; to have and j.|keep a common seal, aud to alter tiie >(i same at will; to sue and be sued, implead >>? ' * * ' " ind be impleaded, Itr any'Courf of-lta >r equity in this State; and snail bin ind ehjoy eyery right and privilege, in jident and belonging to corporate bodies iccordlng to the laws of.(Jie,land.' Sec. 3. That tfve fundsof said associa ion shall be ip vpsted either'in the pur :hage" of real estate hr the County, b Sumter, South Carolina-, or in any Cdtfh ,y or sub-division of the State of Soutl Jarolina, which shall be rented out, o eased, or sold and conveyed to.< tty nembers and stockholders of said asso slation, upon such terjnsarid eonditkw is, from time to time, may be pr?*9ccib^ )'y its rules and by-laws, or to be loans* >ut and advanced to the mertb?rsan< ftyckholders thereof, /upon the security ind by hypothecation of real e9tate"li he County of Sumter,-or any other sub iivision or'the State aforesaid,.or bond9 itock.H, orchoses in action on persons property, on such terms.and condition' is, from time'to time, may be'presci'lbec yy the rules and by-law^ aforesaid. ,ArH t shall' and may be 1 awful-fof* the ftah issociation to hold ai^d enjoy,r' for th< nqtual benefit 0f''!t$ ,mwhWr?! ari< itotekholdew, yirsu'ffli land?,1' tetafement '-i-. u u?. mit ma nereuiujuieuis, m um^ ^ uv?u jurchased by, and convlved to jt; orai nay be mortgng^l to it by way of seeu ity upon ica loans and advances; or a< nay be purchased by, or transferred anc tonveyea to itf at sales undes judgm?i ?r decrees, at Louver Equity, forsecurinj ?r recovering, or in compromise settle nerit of my debts due to it; and to sell iljeny barter, ttxchattgfe} c&#vey, mort :age, or otherwise dispose of the sacqe rom time to time^and-wltenever deeinei xnedlent. JBj&ll r.T^f Skc. 4. That if any of the funds of tli aid association sllail remain, unproduct ve, or uninvested, orunneeded, or un ailed for, for the'space of two' months >y its own members and stockholders i shall be lawful for theaaid associatioi o lend out what, money? may beon Lain o others than stockholders, at sucl ates of iritere?t? (ou .suCJi 'security r\f mni'fnrairA nr Pfctatf :hoses in action, or other personal prop irtyj as tnay. be agreed on, to be safel; nvested, to be repaid within one year. Skc. 5. That, whenever the .funds an< tssets of the said association shall hav iccumulpted to such an amount that ipoti a fairjiivisiou.thereof, such stock lolders, ' for each and every share c itock held by hitn or her, shall have re jeiv'ed, or "be entitled Vo receive the sur sf two hundred doHars, or' -the valu hereof hi property oj assets, f^nd sue] iivisions and,distributions shall hav >eeii made, then the said .associatioi (hall pease and determine: Provided lowever, that in ease thebaidassociatioi ihall not have closed its oporaUous ant tlliiirfc as aliove provided lor, within j ihorter period, then this ;Act Shall don inue in force until repeated. "**' Aunroved March 13,187:2. . ' . YX ACT to Provide for the Unifori System of School Rtcords. Section 1/ Be it enacted by the Sen ite and, Hotise" of Representatives- 8 he State of South Carolina, novym,e md sitting in General Assembly, an* >y the authority of the same.'. That the State Superintendent of Ed icaiion of the State of Squth Carolin je, and he is hereby*. authorized to pre lare and cause to bo published and uis ;ributed a complete and uniform syster )f school,records and blank forms, fo ;he use of the officers and teachers, c :iie Free Common Schools of this State 'iIlitt lUr inc. jjuiyunt vji Mtnj ing out the provisions or Section I ( Lhis Act, the sura of seven thousan [7,000) dollar* be, and is hereby, appro printed: Provided, That the same sha 3ii ly be paid outou the order of th state Superintendent of Education And provided, further,-That no pare < the said appropriation shall be used fc iny other purpose than is tpeciliedi. Ill is Act. Sec. 3. That this Act shall take clToc uiuiediately after its parage. Approved March 13, 1872. * \N ACT to Incorporate the Columbv Jockey CiuO. Section 1. Bo it cnacted by th senate and IIou.''e of Eeprescntativc jf"the State of South Carolina, nov not and sitting in General Assem jlv. and by authority of the same : That T. J. Robertson, John Apme* Hharlcs Lojran, E. C. Shiver, Owen Dalj M. J. Caiman,, anditheir associates ?u successors, be, and they are hereby'd< glared, a bwdy corporate and politic by the name and style of the Columbi Jockey Club, arid shall have power t retain, possess and enjoy all such proj i?rty as they may now be possessed of, o entitled to, or which shall, hereafter b acquired by.them ; and to sell, alien, c in any way transfer the same, or an part thereof:- Provided, The amount < property so heldshall not exceed twenty live thousand dollars. Sec. 2. That'they shall dr-may have succession of oflicers and members, a< cording to (he rales nml by-laws whit* may be adopted by them.; and sliall h&v power to make and change at will riitj und by-laws not repugnant to the In* of the land ; to have, keep and use' common seal, " and the name to alter i will; to sue and bq sued, to plead and L impleaded, ,in any court of ibis Stat< They shall jointly and severally be n sponsible for'all debts Incurred by tb corporation or itsagencies. Sec. 3. That this Act shall remain i force for the term of fifteen years; an until the meeting ^f the next session < the General' Assembly thereafter. Approved March 9,1872.. . .; j: The Union Leagne and the Ku Klax. In a recent editorial, the Charleslc Courier says with much force, tnat General Government, to be conswten should carry on the war which it hi instituted against Ku Klux offender still farther against the Union Leagu which founded, and doubtless gave rii in a large measure, to whatever of Ki Kluxism exists at the South. The Courier says: There has existed the Union Leagu according to the declaration of its ine:i ' ' !l- ? ? ? ? iin Ifo i uers, WILLI IIS at'UICl uuuin, JU3 iuiiuo iniliation, its passes and signs, mo nearly approaching in the nature what has neon termed the Ivu lvluxtl* any other organization. They mef/bs Joted, and resolved1 in secret. Tht were bouud to each other by tho mo Motrin of oaths. No one hut a Ilepu lican was permitted to join. It wa and no one has been thus far hare enough to deny it, a secret political ass ciation of Republicans alone, bound t gethar by signs, grips, ana oatus, sustain the supremacy of tjieir par and to defeat and prevent all others \vl should oppose. In tills respect there not an alegation which can by possibill bo brought against the so-called i Ivliix, which cannot with greater cc tainty and diHtirictuess be alleged again Union Leagii6s. No one can deny th the Union Leagues of this State were First. Composed entirely of one part the Republicans. , Second. That they were organized prevent, defeat' and overthrow the citizens of the Commonwealth w politically affiliated with the JDemocj cy. Third. That they were secret politn associations, created and organiz i airainst the body of the whole race' j the South, and with a simple view,' means of these grips, signs and oat] to control the colored race, against t InfelHjjence and ViVVV?VU Ml V * V|/IW.VV T? * v. where; through. Lbe. infiu< Union Leagues arul tne art the State,: 4 jfffk to vote the 'Democratic ? privedof their rjgktdfSU* were dfiteri from the polla instances, beatouan although those cases were fliigrfi: have been practical**' roved ?y the Unit ,Ve hate failed tose^i beCTinVtb& first arrest InWlntmant frivAti nnt._ *\ m *9 * , v?f y^'tsst -? tfl iVUi5 ^ l&t?.! A jksRf Vyfiltlip ->&f jpA *ta JjHq^yr tve *.o ?3i" though thdnvsfem'WfflWWSilMBiefemem Comm isefoners :of Election. ofrJBwitoti Connty, vrho 1t members of this "Mtrei\?oWWwr>ft8Btr MfllfT't acV lcrib^nbs the Union Jgqntt^UMNf <9ok t^^h'ftnge the ballots p^r wWh lihe ballot boxes, it i tiros they TfisWfrFcdaudtccnrHiomi', d&ufc,n ^vftilWrtf thf B^ilbp & *?? v?l I fc'" w a s;' fto rt' !nby??rtlsideretie a otf tb?T? ncb#:tj? '^mocrtitW voters, 9CO' . blacky; e^herju .the ^aeredn^s1 qttffifM ' - ballot,-Grin their free and >i< i A ?xerci?e0of tftt? piWltfgW ? insti nsd >j J ^ jfl# that in= many of- the -adiaceal;X33SP?V J!l traitors Irtd tJ rights which either, ^he.'Fe^ rt)UTTUri*j^ IMtWiUOj at iu^ ia^VtWcwkv^. *mw colored men Wfip pssiriecPtbeW ?>'J c?t dnd'.easayed to vote the MM?4bkbt,?]|&ai lMUtiw it at peril of limb ? Ktsll wefe set uponand driveiv fromTthe jwtfer* , * i and preveat^dirojua.the exe'rctee of ttjeir*1-^ r' 1 clear right of UnW&SetFirijflt- ~ ~~ this Use adminfetratioiMUid ties took no--notice. zfEht h, was not suspended. ^Tiie si of the cavalry-,Babrq* ^ ' There wer? oeitbet 'i? convictions.' ;AHi'Bitfthe:Rarttad farfefcrai lu . & UA& y>| (Mb tflevni autikuifc int^f vtr !w Itfif :ri ge#^1,ci?9d trials Q0til.ilx<*A -4^ f - 1 * . ? * !#,, 1 Meeting or xh? dSGOjptf ..C^ Medical Aseaq^ipjfew&W; lion" ni6t '00 week, : Ht fliberai^T^Irf jgoli and remained jtypo dayfcjtoj?' F. P. Pbrcher in tj#.CiiAu\ _ A Com oj i tte%- ,on -Creaen ua appointed, who repocte^ '* ~' Tr VV' J IT IW a v puiibvvibwH y i members ,aQd-4e|jojg{Ue|' ^ * w*ai?nr?*a . *$&.i wit - #i Sk*:i1 iH?i^ td$ f?L> au<':? "SByifTiN^yrt a# felt* Ttf b.vrft is# Talley, John. Lynch,'Colombia j T. T?-^ ' Robertson, Mcintosh"/.^Nelwoi^S fS.&. IMike!Pr Edisto Inland Jl'.&l nWcl^'(5tolifl&P * ot>qa ton. Delegates?Drs. T. A. Evan^***!*^! W. IT. Wardfaw,'uAn Henry Sloan?;wertf eta*toibia?idta|HUtf-*ro of tho association'4)y acclamation* ;;y^ta yg^f Various: nitereatiog^papejfftrw^w o P. ti. ParkeiV^a^es^iL^:? ll s Delegates to American Me'qjjMei Aft i , ?Tin J-. -T?v. ,M. Geddings. OUVriatiyu?^?. . ? Charleston^ Dr? R ^MiWl, JSdisto; :^a?* Dn Rj Yf. "Giuoesi ^IdmbfA"; lV, Middloton Michel. Charleston j Dr? A* P. WylieJ Chester.; Dr. T. Ac ???!*, Anderson; Dr. S. Baruch, Kcwhafr jmj*-..J Dr. F. F..G^,Abb^m r IftW-tUoH The report whs udbpt'dflf^jf*0 The retiring president tb ado a few appropriate refiiarL'S, and gracefully *< 3'ielded the chair to the president ? elect* ii ?&& }? ?Dr. Darhy^ opbn'takiug ilie Chair, > rj? expressed his n'l'ii^TtrljrTirirtta the honor conferred upon hiifi, .-v pledged bis-beet and maft earnest , ~ >? ufforis in-b'ebfltf-of-ihe sseotiMi^lM riinfrn XTponf^motiorr;' it w&b-reflohc^d- (? tfc the next annual meeting of? the asso ciation be held in Charleston, r^oft $h$. . J" second Tuesday in April, 1873.- ' The tbank3-of 4bo association w,cir?. tendered to the Kershaw Medieai'So cicty, for the ittvitation extended to meet at C&m,don, g ?, i Tha tburjke of,tb? astiocifl^kxwbj&* returned to the president aod other officer* for the minner in which they bad discharged thelr.dutles. The thanks of the gsnociatfdri wet^ ? ? 1 1?, I i ~ *Wa TTi Karri wall UlffU IL'ilUCJCU by 9I1.V JL-A.4 WVt >11 v?w p, v , for the use of their hall/and^b tW * v presidents of the various' railroads, and the proprieldrs Of the hotels, courtesics exteudcd to thisr ftsskwfa- ' -f tion. v* The president appointed {Wfoilowt *?? ing committees: " , -Xm ;.3 On Publication?Drs. Porch'er?J; P,:/ M. Geddings and Trescot. !mmi On Accounts?Drs. .Toykw, Buiat ^ l- and Ancrum. .vnwnn On Etfiics?Drs. KinMch,' Mi Ice 11 > and Robeftsoiv. ~j . v e, The association adjon??d.fiUHS 4ie#. 0f -? " '* ' re Meningetis.?We regret to learn of lhat this fatal disease prevails to con fn isidoraWe extent in -some portions "cf J i this county. On the' plantation*^ Of . - Mr. Mathias Barre and others >a lew miles from town and also at Helena. several deaths occurred daring th iKvr.ti to ise ho :a 2al One of the latest songs 6dt is, "Dressed in a Doily Varden.11 Here area few Jiues: "Iler Dolly Varden looked like silk f Or New York milk, which fe finer than silk * T ! She said; kirt It's out of raa'a bed-quilt J 0J. I've made a Dolly Varden.", b.y -? ? !*r by (is, . The man who minds his own business ho was in town yesterday; very lonesome I . ; ' :tx* ?v.2t Vi?c a j< . 5?. v^.? brti-i :j I'li y:i: at *.