The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 24, 1872, Image 1

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".-.a.a ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1872, BY W. A. LEE AND HUGH WILSON. ox: The Farmer's Daughter. Kneeling by the stream I saw Kate, the*farmer's daughter, Drinking?in her rosy palm ^Dipping up the water. She had thrown her hat (Wide, Bare her arm and Shoulder; Each uttOOHscious charm displayed, . Made mV love the bolder. * So X slowly, tenderly, Went and knelt beside, Drank with her from out the stream, flushing Kitty Itider. And I said?"The poet tells us Life is like a river; Shall we not its waters sweet Always drink together?" Many years have passed us by, Like the flowing water, But I drink life's stream to-day With Kate, the farmer's daughter. The South Carolina Presbytery. Editor Abbeville Press and Banner: I would like space in your columns for an article on the current business ol the recent session of the South Carolina rre9byterv, Wednesday evening. The opening sermon?in the absence of Bev. W. P. Jacobs, the last Moderator ?>yo3 preached by Kev. >\m. 3ic\\ nor ter, the last Moderator present, from Luke 15: 7. _ Rev. D. E. Friersnn wa? electetl Mod erator, and Rev. J. ,S. Young, Assistant Clerk. At the time of organization there were somewhat over forty mem bers present. The following was adop ted as. the orders of the day for Thurs day: 1st Order?To hear the Report of the Committee, appointed last Fall, to re port on tho ''Matter of Sustentation, as referred to the Presbyteries by the last General Assembly." 2d Order?To hear the report of Ex ecutive Committee on Domestic Mis sions. . . 3d Order?To hear Dr. Leigh ton Wilson, on tlie subject of Sustentation. 4th Order?To hold a Missionary meeting, on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock; at which time addresses should be delivered on the subject of "Foreign Missions, by J. L. Wilson, D. I)., and J no. B.TAdger, I). D. Hours of busi ness, Ai to 3 P. M.; the last half hour to be spent in devotional exercises. thursday morking. The day was principally taken up by earnest and thorough discussion of the vtgiou? mutters belonging to the several orfiers: 1st Order?The report of the Com mittee recommended chiefly, a commis sicta (consisting of Tone minister, and two ruling elders) for each of the fifty six churches belonging to the Presby tery. To each commission a particular church was assigned to be visited, for the purpose of eliciting such informa tion respecting the church and the pas torv as might be profitable to the Pres bytery, and ultimately profitable to all the churches, and to the cause of Christ at large. The report was considered seriatim, and adopted; but inasmuch, as the list of commissions could not be pre pared earlier, the adoption of the report as a whole was not di ne until the last days session. (I will furnish you, for another column, a complete list of the different commissions, and their respec tive' chafes.) 2d OitnJiit?Report of the Chairman of Executive Committee on Domestic Mis sions. This report took the usual course ?was referred to the standing Commit tee on Domestic Missions; not, however, without some vigorous debating, re specting several points which time will not now permit me to mention. 3d OKdKR?Dr. J. Leighton Wilson was heard in behalf of the Executive Committee of Sustentation of. the Gen eral Assemly. I cannot go into details. Tlxa order of the day was brought to an Issue, by'a motion from Rev. Jas. F. Gilbert:' That for the future all of our churches be instructed to send all the iiiyiifj iiicj maj vii u ji/u vv. | ivnMi uw either Sustentation or Domestic Mis sions, to the central treasury in Colum bia ( James Wood row, Treasurer.) This motion was referred to the standing Committee, and subsequently adopted. .JB ; ? THURSDAY EVENING. 4tli. Order?Conference on Foreign Missions. Addresses, able, interesting and instructive, were delivered to a largt and appre<f!ativeaUdience by Drs. Wil won and ?Adgar. A collection was then taken up which amounted to $80. At the opening: of this day's session, an announcement was made, that the editors and proprietors of the Abbeville Afcdium had sent fifty copies of their naoer for the use of the Presbytery. This announcement was accompanied with a motion of thanks, which motion was immediately carried. The number of the Medium presented to the Presby tery, contained, very appropriately, an article entitled, "The Anglo-Saxon? {Synopsis of Dr. Irvin's Address before the Georgia Historical Society, at Sa vannah, Georgia, February 12, 1872," extracted from the Chronicle & Sentinel. friday morxixo. 1st. Order.?The sessional narratives of ttie stale 01 religion witinn uie b<nmds of their respective charges.? Th'ese narratives?some long, some short, some interesting, some dry, some pointed, some scattering, some follow ing the old routine of many years should they come from each of all our lift?-six churches, would require a he?|vy- day's work to read, and thret days more to digest. But, ul;u>! foi Presbyterianism, they are barely per mitted to be read, then perfunetiousty referred to the Standing Committee, and there they rest in peace. None, AdvC the most infantile effort, is evei made to digest thoroughly, as the> ohonlrl hr? thpsfi narratives If th( Presbytery so ignores them after prepa ration by the several sessions, is it anj xvouder the sessions so frequently ignort the authority of the Presbytery, enjoin ing their preparation. But I niust bring this point to a close, at least for th< present. Time is pressing. 2d. Order*?Report of the Standing Committee on Domestic Missions. Tht interest in Domestic Missions, which had been increasing from the first houi ?f nrfwinization. culminated in the discussion of this report. Tlu third Resolution, referring to the sub ject of District Conference was stricken out, involving the striking out of thai part of the report of the Chairman o Executive Committee Domestic Mis sions, which referred to the same sub ject^ The second (?) resolution, recom mfe'n'dfng the approval of the minutes o Executive Committee Domestic Mis sions, was also stricken out, in conse quence of the preceding action. Thi left the entire body of minutes of Exec utive Committee for the past six month? neither approved nor disapproved b; the Presbytery: seeing the Presbyter; as a whole, was prepared neither to ap ?rove nor to condemn the holding ci district Conferences on the basis upoi wh?!^ those already held had been 01 ganfeed. The resolution relating to th Hustentation Committee, was substan lially, that our churches be iostructec h^rTeaftdriasend all the money collecte ?i^ tfte'day appointed by the Genen Assemblv (1st. Sabbath in January, c as soon thereafter as practicable) to tli Central Treasury at 'Columbia. Thi! however, did not provo wide enough i its reach, so the report was amended, so as to include the scope of the motion made bv Rev. J. F. Gibert, (Sec "3rd. Order," for Thursday). Thus amended, the report was adopted as a whole. Friday Afternoon was ?iven to the examination of Mr. T. C. Ligon for ordination. The examina tion was sustained, and the Presbytery resolved to hold an adjourned meeting! at .Smyrna Church on Friday before the j fifth Sabbath in June for the purpose of ordaining and installing Mr. Ligon (if the way be clear) pastor of Smyrna, Gilder's Creek, and Mt. Bethel churches. FRIDAY evening. Tho sermon on "Ministerial Consecra tion," appointed by the Presbytery last fall, was preached bv Rev. D. E. i'rier son, from Phillip o: 13, 14. After tho j sermon the Presbytery, by unanimous j vote expressed their appreciation of the sermon' and their gratification. SATURDAY MORXIXC. 1st Order?Report of the Committee on Sessional Records. Several points in the reports on various records, caused more or less discussion. Only one item I can notice now. It appeared from the minute9of a certain Sessiou, that they had paid a certain amount for preaching for the past twelve months. The amount was very small, and the Chairman wrote on the margin of the Session book where the record occurred: ''Don't pay enough for preaching." Tfcis remark the Presbytery* endorsed. This illus trates my idea of digesting a Sessional necoru ; mac uem cerianuy wiis prop erly attended to. ( 2d Ordkr?Report of the Executive ' Committee of Publication. This, to- ' gether with tho Standing Commit- 1 tee's report (as amended), recom- 1 mended assessing those churches which ' ] | were delinquent in the matter of the!1 [Endowment Fund of the Assembly's! j Committee of Publication, so that the j( balance due to that fund by the Preaby- s j tery should be fully met. tfd Order.?Election of Commission- 1 ers to the General Assembly: 1 Ministerial?Rev. D. E. Kricrson and John B. Adger, D. D., principles; Rev. ' 1 J. S. Young, and Rev. A. P. Nicholson, 1 i alternates. ... 1 Ruling Eldcvs? H. L. McGowan, and 1 F. E. Harrison, Principals.; "VV. T. * Russell and Horace W. Luluud, alter- J i nates. - - 4tii Order.?Report of the Commit- ! tee appointed at last fall meeting ol'j1 Presbyiery to inquire: "Whether all its * pas torsi relations are profitable to the j I I'niiuo nf (Mi riat ;i ml ns to \v h:lt lins been ^ done in remedy of the slated supply sys tem ?" This report was presented at the adjourned meeting of Presbytery, held last November, during the meeting of Synod. At that time the preliminary portion of the report was adopted.. This preliminary sets forth the following proposition : " We arc making progress in the right direction." In proof of this proposition, the following facts are re ferred to: 1. The attention of Presby tery has been directed to the subject, with the ettect of producing a some what general determination to bring the I stated supply system to an end. 2. The j brethren who sustain the relation of i I stated sunnlv to our churches are be ginning to recognize and acknowledge the evils of the system, both to them selves and to the churches. 3. Our ; Churches are beginning to entertaiu more Scriptural views on this subject. Thus far me Presbytery adopted, and sent up i to Synod as Presbytery's response to! Synod's inquiry?"What has been done in remedy of the stated supply system ?" The remainder of the report, consisting of nino resolutions, was referred, by the adjourned meeting, for further conside ration at the next regular meeting, viz: The Spring meeting, to be held at Abbe ville -J. II. Jn consequence of the pres sure of business the matter (which came up as unfinished business) did not claim the attention of Presbytery until the 4(h order of the last day, when three fourths (or nearly) of the members had departed, j This caused a motion to refer to the next! Presbytery for further consideration.? This motion, when amended so as to i make the report the M order for tileftra4. duy's session of the Fall meeting, was! willingly accepted by the supporters of! the report. All they ask for the report j is a thorough sifting in the light of! scripture, and experience and observa tion. I have only to remark further^ under this head: 1st. That tnose wno aesire . to have the history of this report will be , beuelitted by the following references: | Min. of Synod for 18(59, pp. 0 and 10.? Min. of Synod for 1870, p. 1G. Min. of Presbytery, S. C. April, 1S71, p. 18. Min. of Presbytery, S. C., for Oct., 1871, p. 9. i I Also Min. of Presbytery S. C.. adjourned i ! meeting?Sentcrville, Sov. 1S71, p. , (not yet printed.) 2dly. Let those who study this matter mark the difference between a stated | supply and a temporary supply, and tliej , ditlerence between a supply and a; church or churches making their own! bargain for preaching, not only inde-j penuenuy oi cue sanction ui xresuyieiy, i not only without asking permission of Presbytery, but actually in opposition to the scheme adopted by the Presbytery, as the best for the whole church; and the difference between this independent action and that where the matter is brought strictly under the "review and control" of the Presbytery. 3dly. In this whole movement, the opposition is not to men but to measures. It is stated suppIy-MM that we are fight Jing, not stated supplies. He who says, I this is a distinction withouta difference, betrays the fact that he has not mature ly considered the subject. In order to afford opportunity for studying the report, j'resnyiery oruereu it to be printed in full as an Appendix to the minutes. As the writer has been drawing alto gether on his memory in the preparation I of this article, he refers to the remaining | items of business somewhat miscellaue 'ously, not being certain of their exact ] position in the order of business. The following Committee was ap pointed to devise ways and means for I defraying the expense of the commis ,siou: Silas Johnston, Thos. Thomson, j Thos. C. Perrin. This Committee is or deted to report at Smyrna Church next !june. No more important duty than Uiio nno rpfprrpd tot his Com., now await ,j the action of Presbytery. Upon the ju-1 .1 dieiousness of this report, will, to a great' 11 extent, defend whether the Presbytery j . j is to be saddled with .1 large debt, and ! 1 so the whole movement respecting com I missions be brought into dispute, or t whether, the commissions are to move f on with steadiness and ease to the per . I formance of a great and good work. . j Standing Committed on Publtca _ j tion. ? Recommended (in accordance f! with the recommendation of the Presby- j - ? tliol . jtery's Jux-uom. on j-uuhuiuv.,; v..-? ?-, ?! churches which had not paid their quo s; ta towards the completion of the Endow .jment Fund of the Assembly's Presbyte tf, rian Committee of Publication, be as y jessed to the full amount of .that quota, y ' See Southern Presbyterian, Feb. 15,1872, _; page 26, columns 4 and 5. >f! Standing Committee on Sabbath [ii Schools.? Recommends granting the I _Jrequest of the Ex. Com. on. Sunday! e Schools for permission to call a 'Confer- j i'. ence during the Summer of Represen |t tatives from all the Sabbath Schools be <j longing to the Presbytery. This recom rf mendation was adopted by the Presby ,r tery. Alas! for the inconsistencies of c human nature. This reminds one of a S) I passage in Stuart Robinson's "Discourses a'of Redemption," where ho describes Elijnh praying for death, yet running for life. I)isc. viii. Executive Committee of Educa tion.?This report presents such a state of indifference to this subject, on the part of the most of our churches, that I will not tell it in Gatn or publish it in the streets of Askelon. Standing Ctmmittee on the Min utes of Presbytery.?'This is a recent thing?to have a standing Committee on the Minutes of Presbytery. It is, how ever, the fruit of experience and obser vation, it is necessary, it is highly use ful. It'originated at Robert's Church last June, during an adjourned meeting. When the Committee reported it was evident that they had not fully con ciiiveii tne out}* 01 tne uommitiee. a motion was made to recommit, but the Moderator ruled (so the writer thinks) the report out of order at that time.? When the report was again called for there was no response, and the suppo sition was that the Committee had ob tained leave of absence and returned home. Standing Committee ox System- , atic Beneficence.?This Committee asked and obtained permission to report to the next regular meeting. The Walhatla Church obtained per mission from Presbytery to engage liev. W. McWhorter as a temporary supply until such time as the church could se cure a pastor. Bethel Church obtained similar permission respecting Rev. E. F. Hyde. Although, in this action, the Presbytery unwittingly cut right across the plans of its own Executive Commit tee of D. M., (plans, too, which the Com mittee had matured alter six months' careful deliberation, in obedience to written instructions sent down to the Committee by the last Fall meeting) yet :io member of the Committee will com plain after mature reflection; for they tvill rather thank God, and takccour ige, at this public token of a return to Uigh-Church l'resbytcrianism, when contrasted with the hitherto mongrel system of a Prcshytino-conyregational nacpcnacncy?a system wiuen nas ueen ceding upon the very vitals of our ?hurch?'1'Cunctando resliluit Towards the cloSc of the meeting Sen. Jus. Gillam ottered the following, ifter some very foreiblo aud pertinent emarks. Inasmuch as every Spring here are so many churches who fail to send up their Statistical lleport to this Presbytery, therefore, licsolvcd, That the Stated Clerk be nstructed to make out a list of the de-~ inquent churches, and transmit the ;ame to the Executive Committee of Domestic Missions, and that this Com. je instructed to write to such churches, not Mistftnnr fhnm ti\ rpnnrf nf mil* imvf egular meeting, showing cause, if any hey have, in extenuation of their de inquency. This motion meta hearty second and a jnanimous approval. If Gen. Gillam lad done nothing more during his at endance on the recent session of Pres jytery, he would not have attended in ,'ain. If Presbytery had done nothing nore than pass the above resolution it ivould have been a good session. Let the Presbytery next Spring repeat the reso ution, and repeat it every Spring until here shall be no necessity for it, then the lay of prosperity will have dawned. I hinkl hear some one sav?"make it a jlanding rule." I don't like sti'.y rules? hey frequently stand everywhere ex !ept where they ought to stand. Corresponding Members.?The follow ng brethren were invited to sit as cor responding members: Rev. W. T. Cn >ers, of the AI. E. Church, Abbeville, 4. Rev. K. R. Miles, of the P. K. .'htirch, Abbeville, 8. (J.; Rev. J. L. * > f u. a-/.| wi i/ai iiiwiij i. i tcvj ivi j j ; cv liev. Jus. F. Latimer, of VV. Hanover: st Presbytery; Rev. H. T. Sloau, of the g< V. R. r. Church; Jiev. J. I. Bonner, | ss R. 1'., Pres. of Due West Female fi: College; Rev. J. M. Grier, A. R. P., tl Pres. ot' Erskine College; Rev. John pi Penney, M. E. Church. p Before adjourning a vote of thanks b< si as passed to the citizens of Abbeville h< >)urt House, for their kind and gener-jlc >us hospitality; to the M. E. Church for uj :he tender of their house of worship, ai ?nd the use of their pulpit on Sabbath; tl o the G. <fe 0. R. R. for courtesy shown w the members of Presbytery, in the way tl )f half-fare, and an extra train. vi Time and plt<ce of next regular meet- fo ng.?Considerable discussion arose on :his question. The places nominated ol were A'marcth church near Reidville, I si spartanburg County, and Richlandj li< ?Knwili ni I rwio f'nnnfv Htu? nnril-lfo nent in favor of going to Nazareth was, tl :hat Dr. Palmer of N. 0. was to deliver gi in address thereon the 17thof next June, tl it being the Centennial Anniversary. 01 But, when Presbytery remembered, that tl June came three months before theici lime for the fall meeting, the argument i pi was inoperative. On the other hand tr Presbytery decided to go to Richland, T because she is beginning to believe, that j ct she has a treasure in her mountain li :hurchen, and it is high time she was looking after them. Adjournment.?About 0} oil Saturday ifternoon Presbytery adjourned to meet igain in regular session, at Richland jhurch, on Thursday before the Fifth Sabbath in September. m. Laws of South Carolina. iCTS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS t, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. [Published by Authority.] v A.X ACT to Jlenew and Amend the si Charter of the Town of Williainston, h Section" 1. Be it enacted by the Sen- p ate and House of Representatives of the i \\ State of South Carolina, now met and si fitting in General Assembly, and by thej b authority of the same : | a That lrom and immediately after theje nnscmrp of this Afitull and Gverv nerson !li ur persons who may have resided within i the corporate limits of the town of "VVil-jsl liumston for one year, or who may own j u a freehold therein, and their successors a are hereby declared to be members ofjv the corporation hereby intended to be; a created. si Sue. 2. That the said persons, and a their successors, shall, from and alter the ; n passage of this act, become a body pol-is itic and corporate, and shall be known i v and called by the name of the town of In Williamston, and its corporate limits! e shall extend one mile in the direction of j? the cardinal points from the presentj f brick Hotel as a centre, ami iorm a circle.; i SiiC. 3. That the said Town shall be.c governed by an Intendaut and fourio Wardens, who shall be persons that's actually reside within the limits of the t corporation, and have so resided at least; \ twelve months immediately preceding jt their election. The said lntendant 1 and Wardens shall be elected on the i second Monday in September in each c year, ten days notice being previous i ly given, and shall continue in ollice fori r one year, and until the election andjc qualification of their successors. Andjc that all male inhabitants of the saidjfi town, who shall have attained the age!c of twenty-one years, and who has resi-U ded within the State twelve months, t and in the said town sixty days im- ( mediately preceding their election, shall{i be entitled to vote for said Intendaut < iid Wardens; Provided, That no pel on shall be allowed to vote at any sue lection who shall not have registore lis name as a voter with the Clerk c he Council, in a book or books to b ;ept by him for that purpose, by 1 'clock A. M., on the day precedin very such election. Sue. 4. That the election for Intendan nd Wardens said town shall be hel t some convenient public place in th aid town from 9 o'clock in the morn ug, until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, ani ^hen the polls shall be closed, the Man gers shall forthwith count the. votes nder oath, publicly, stating the whol lumber of votes cast for each candidal r person voted for, and shall transmi lieir report for the same, in a sealed en elope to the IntAulant of the towi nd if there be no such Intendant, th ame shall bo transmitted to the Clerl f the Court of Anderson County. Tin aid Intendant or Clerk of the Courl hull open the report of the said maun ers, and shall announce and publisl lie whole number of votes cast, and th .'Imlp nnmlw?r rnst for r.'ifli fiandidfttc .'hen the several candidates recelvinj lie highest number of legal votes fo lie offices for which they were vote< >r, shall be declared duly elected. Th ntendant and Wardens, for the tinn eing {shall appoint three managers t unduct the election, who before the; pen the polls for said election, take ai uth fairly an impartially to conduct th ime. And the lutendant and War ens, before entering on the duties o leir respective offices, shall take tli ath prescribed by the Constitution o ic State, and also the following oath, ti 'it: "As Intendant(or Warden) of th own of Little Rock, I will equally nd impartially, to the best of my abiJ y, exercise the trust reposed in me ud will use my best endeavors to pre ;rve the peace and carry into effect, ac jrding to law, the purpose for which ave boen elected: (So help me, God.' SEC. o That, in ease a vacancy shal ucur in the office of I ntendant, or ain f the Wardens, by death, resignation nioval, or otherwise, or in case of i e in said election, an election t< 11 such vacancy shall be held by tin ppointmentof lutendant, Wardens,(01 hardens as the case may be,) or th< lerk of the Court of Anderson County there should no Intendanfc or War ens. Skc. 6. That the Intendant and War ens duly elected and qualified shall rinir tiie term of office, severally auc spectively, be vested with all the pow sand authority with which Trial Jus cesareat present vested by law, ex ?pt the Trial of civil cases, and excep i it may be otherwise provided in thii ;t. The Intendant shall and may, ai ten as is necessary, summon the War ens to meet in council, any two o hom, with the Intendant, shall con itute a quorum to transact business id they shall be known as the Towi ouneil of Widiamston ; and they ant icir successors in olllce, hereafter to b< ected, may haveacommon seal,whicl lall be aflixed to all their Ordinances lay sue and be sued, plead and be im leaded in any court of justice in this tale; and purciiase, noiu, possess am ijoy them, 111 perpetuity, or for anj Tin of years, any estate, real or per mal, or mixed, and sell, alien or con ?y the same: Provided, The same slial :>t exceed, at any one time, the sum o n thousand dollars; and the In ndant and Wardens shall have ful nver to make and establish such rules id by-laws and ordinances, respecting ie roads, streets and police of said towi ; shall appear to them necessary ant quisite lor the securitj', welfare am mvenience of the said town, or for pre Tving health, peace, order and #oo< jverninent. within tlie same. And tin lid Town Council may fix and impost lies and penalties lor the violatior lereof, and appropriate the same to tin jblic uses of the said corporation rovided, That in all eases of trials U i had before (lie said Town Council, a: erein before provided, the parly cited i trial by service upon him of a sum' ions, under the hand of the Intendant ly one of the Wardens, or the Clerk o: le Council, wherein shall be expressed itli certainty, the offense charged, am le time and place of trial, which ser ice shall be made at least five days be ire tiie day by trial. Sec. 7. The Intendant and Warden! ' the said town, or a majority of them io.ll have full power to grant or refuse cense for billiard table, tc keej .verns or retail spiritous liquors withir le said iimits, which license shall b( ranted in the same manner, aud upon le same conditions, as they now are may hereafter be, under the laws ol lis State, except that the Town C'oun 1 shall have the power to regulate the rice .of a license to keep taverns nnc > retail spiritous liquors: Provided hat in no instance the price of a li Mit?e so to keep tavern or retai 1 spirituoui quors, shall be fixed at a loss sum thai established by the State: and al le powers vested formerly in the Com tissionersof Roads are hereby grantee > the said Intendant and Wardeni ithin the said limits. And all money! lid for licenses, and for fines and for itures, for retailing spirituous liquors eeping taverns and billiard tables ud the tax for all shows for gain or re ard, within the said limits shall b< ppropriated for the public use of tin lid corporation : Provided, That thi utendant and AVardens, duly electet tid qualified, shall not have powe > grant any license to keep tavern o tail spiritous liquors, to extend bey on < le term for which they have Ibeei lectcd. Sec. 8. That it shall be the duty o ;ie Intendant and Wardens t< eep all roads, ways, bridge nd streets within the corporati mils of said town open and in goo< ?pair, and for that purpose they are in ested with all the powers of Commis loners of Itoads. And they slial ave power to compound with al ersons liable to work the streets rays and roads in said town; upoi licIi terms as their ordinances o y-laws may establish, or their rule nd regulations may require ; the moil y so received to be applied to the pub c use of said town. Srcc. 9. That the said Town Counci ball have power to impose an annual ta: pon the keepers of all billiard table nd ten pin alleys, or other pin alleys r'ithin the discretion of said Council nd to grant and refuse licenses for th nme, upon such terms and condition* nd subject to such regulations, as the nay l>y ordinance, establish. The] hull also have power to impose a ta: k-ithin their discretion, 011 all sale nade by itinerant traders and auction era, on all public drays, wagons, carria ;es, omnibuses, and other vehicles, kef or hire, and on the owners or proprit ors of all dogs, hogs, sheep, goats an attle kept within the corporate limit if said town. The said Town Counci hall have power to impose an annua ax mi the amount of all sales of goodi vares and merchandise, and also upo he amount of income arising from a actorage and merchandise, emploj neuts, faculties apd professions, inch ling the profession of Dentistry; alx lpon the amount of income from a noneya loaned at interest, and froi lividends received from banks and a >ther stocks: Provided, That no ta shall be imposed, in any one case, I >xcecd the rate of thirty cents on eac lundred dollars of the value of sue iales and income. And the said Tow Jouncil shall have power to impose u lunual tax on all carriages and wagon >f whatever kind, kept for private us< on all gold, silver and other watche li kept for private use, within the lirni j of the said town. And the said Tov ,f Council shall have power ta impo e an annual tax* not exceeding lif 0 cents on every hundred dollars g the value of all real and personal prope ty lying within the corporate limits t said town, the real and personal prope j ty of churches and school associatio e excepted; and, for that purpose, tlx shall,appoint three freeholders residii j therein to assess the value of said rc _ estate, upon oath, and return the asses , meut, within one month, to said C'ou e cil for taxation ; and to till any vacant c occasioned by the death, resignation, r t fusal to serve,.or removal from office, _ the said Assessor. And the said Tov n Council shall have power to regula e the price of licenses upon all publ shows " and exhibitions in sa e town, to erect a powder magazin and compel any person holdii 1 more than twenty-live pounds x powder to store the same therein, and c make regulations for for rates of stora, , thereof, and for keeping and deliverii ? the same. The said Town Cttunoiistti r have power to enforce the payment j all taxes and assessments levied und e the authority of this Act, against tl (. property of defaulters, to the same e 0 tend, and in the same manner as is pr Y vided by law for the collection of tl j general State tax, except in su< e cases that executions to enforce the pa .. ment of such taxes shall be issued und ,f. the seal of the corporation, and may I L. directed to the Town Marshal, or oth f persons appointed by the Town Cou , cil to levy, collect and receive the sain e a nd all property upon which such tt y shall be levied and assessed is herel . declared and made liable for the pa t ment thereof, in preference to all otli I debts due by the person owning su< . property at the time of the assessmen [ except debts due to the State, whi< > shall be first paid. The said money 1 together with all other money collecU by authority of the provisious of th Act, and the ordinances passed in coi formity thereto, from whatevor souri said money may arise, to be paid in the treasury of said town, for the use said corporation. Sec. 10. That returns shall be ma< 011 oath, to the Clerk of the Town Com cil, during the month of January i each year, of the amount of all sales mechandise, professional, mechanics or other incomes, and of the quautii and kind of all other property the real estate subject to taxation, uml the provisions of this Act, by persoi who may be liable to pay the taxes c he same; and the said tuxes shall 1 i paid on or before the first day of Mart men next ensuing. Upon failure ther of, any party in default shall be subje to the penalties now provided by law f< lailure to pay the general State tax. Skc. 11. The said Town Council mi have nower and authority to reuuire a j persons owning a lot or lots in said tow j to close in, ana to make and keep i J good Repair, sidewalks in front of sa lot or lots, whenever the same slia 1 front or adjoin any public street of sa i town, if, in the judgment of the Corn j eil, such sidewalk shall be necessar . the width thereof, and the manner . construction, to be designated and reg . lateU by the said Town Council; hi 1 for delanlt or refusal, after reasonab f notice, to make and keep in good repa . such sidewalks, and to close such lot I the Town Council may cause the san to be made or put in repair, and requi r the owners to pay the price of .maiiii i or repairing; and the said Town Cou } jcil are hereby empowered to sue for ai ] | recover the same action of debt in ai .! court of competent jurisdiction in A: ijson county. Provided, That such coi ?' tract for making and repairing is let ; | the lowest bidder. II Section 12. The said Town Coui UUMJU11 u.ivu jjumvm, tvit.11 uic luiioci of tlie adjacent land owners, to close a such roads, streets and ways, within tl said town, as they may deem necessar, by the sale of the freehold therein, ei - i er at private or public sale, as they mr adjudge best for the interest of the sa town ; and they shall have, also, pow* to lay out, adopt, widen or otherwi: alter those streets now in use, open at keep in good repair all and evei such new streets, roudsand ways as tin may; from time to time, deem'necessai for the improvement and convenient I of said town : Provided, That no stree ! road or way shall be opened witho | first having obtained the consent of tl landowner or owners tnereoi, inrnug whose premises any such new stret road or way may pass. ?Sec. 13. The said Town Council eli? have power, and are hereby authorize to elect one or more Marshals, to ? their salaries and prescribe their dutic who shall be sworn in, and invest* with all the powers aud subjected to i tlr.? duties and liabilities that Constabl now have, or are subject to, by law, : ! addition to the duties and liability specially conferred and empowered c them by the Town Council: Provide* that their jurisdiction shall be confirn within the limits .of said town. Sec. 14. That the said Town Count shall have power to establish a gua house, and to prescribe by ordinanc suitable rules and regulations for kee] ing and governing the same, and f the confinement of all persons who mr e be subject to be committed for the vii s lation of any ordinance of the tow J passed in conformity of the provisioi r of this Act; and the said Town Con r cil, or the said lntendant and Wu 1 dens, in person, any one or more < i them, n>::y authorize and require ar Marshal of the town, or any Constab f especially appointed for that purpose, 0 arrest and commit to the Guard Houf s lbr a term not exceeding twenty-fo e hours, any person or persons who, wit J in the eori>orate limits of said tow - may be engaged in any breach - the peace, riotous or disorderly condui 1 open obscenity, public drunkenness, 1 any conduct grossly indecent or da t, Jgerous to the citizens of said town, i i.inv of them : and it shall be the duty r the Town Marshal or Constable to am s and commit all such oiTenders, win - required to do so; and who shall "ha - power to call to their assistance tl j)0(tstc comUaluH, if need be, to aid 1' making such arrests; and upon the fai s ure of such otlicers to perform su< s duty as required, they shall several i, be subject to such fines and penalties ; the Town Council may impose upi e them; and all persons so imprison !, shall pay the costs and expenses in< dent to their imprisonment, Provide y | I Ilia BUVIl llllimmu I1IVIII. iiiimi uvv v. sjcmpt the party from tlit payment sjany fine the Council may in pose 1 i-1 the ollence which he, or they m -1 have committed. it I Si:c. 15. The said Town Council slu t-1 have power to impose au'd collect taa d|from all persons representing public s j within the corporate limits, for gain il reward, any plays or shows, of what r .11 ture or kind whatsoever, *o be approp *, ated to the public uses of &iid town, n j Sr:c. 16. That all fines, which sin 111 hereafter be collected by conviction 1 the Court of Sessions, for retailing wit i-! out license within the corporate lim oj of said town, shall be paid one pf 111 one-half to the informer, and the otb n'half tothGsaid Town Council, for t 11; uses of the corporation. xj Sec. 17. That the said Town Coun o | shall have power and authority toab: h . all nuisances within the corporate lii hi its, and also to appoint a Board njllealth for said town, and to pass n such ordinances as may be necessary sideline the powers and duties of si ); Board, Sec. 18. The Intendant anil Wardens elect, together with Clerk and Treasur er, shall, during their term of office, be exempt from street and poliee duty. Each Town Council shall, within one month after the expiration of their term of office, make out and return to their successors in office a full account of their, reeeipts and expenditures during their term, which account shall be published in one or more papers of the town, and shall pay over all moneys in their pos session belonging to the corporation, and deliver up all books, records and other papers incident to their office to their successors; and on failure to do so they shall be liable to the punishment prescribed in the twentieth section of tliis Act. Sec. 19. That all. ordinrnces hereto fore passed py the Town Council of VVilliamston, in conformity with the authority granted by existing laws, shall be, and they are hereby, declared legal and valed. Sec. 20. For any willful violation' or neglect of duty, malpractice, abuse or /ipp^ession, the said Intendant and War dent.' jointly and severally, shall be liable to indictment in the Court of Sessions, and upon conviction, to punishment by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, besides being liable for damages for any person or persons injured. Sec. 21. That all Acts, and parts of Acts, heretofore passed in relation to the incorporation of the Town of Wil, and the same are hereby, repealed. And this Act shall be deemed and taken to be a public Act, and shall continue in force for the term of twenty years, and until the end of the session of the Legislature next ensuing. Approved March 9, 1872. AN" ACT to alter and amend the Charter of tho Town of Greenwood, South Carolina. Sec 1. Be it enacted by the Senate % A LTnttAA pAI\MAQAnf ntifTAO A f* t Ka UIJU 11UUJO VI XVUJJ1 WOU1J Itttl WO Vt bllW State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly and by tbe authority of the Bamc : That all persona, Laving resided twelve months in the town of Green wood in the Count}' of Abbeville, are hereby declared, to bo a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the town of Green .vood. and its corporaio limits Bball be an irregular polygon, the vertices of whose angles shall bo at, or near the following point*, to wit: 1st. A large pine tree near J. ft. Tarrant's residonco on the Abbevillo Road, 2d. A point on the New Market lioad, in a flat just be I umAO Pi AuurolPti 5fl j viju ?; umvo \yi The point on the road that leads to W. A. Blake's, where the Greenville and Columbia Railroad crossed. 4th. The first. small branch on tho New Cut Road, beyond J. W. Ry card's. 5th. The hollow bridge, on the Abbe ville Road, just beyond J. H. Old ham's residence, Gth. The junction, of the Cokesbury and Stouey Point Road. Sec. 2. That the Baid town shall be governed by an Intendant and four Wardens, who shall be elected on the second Monday in January next, and in every year thereafter, ten days' notice being previously giv en ; and all male inhabitants of said town, who are qualified under the Constitution of this State to vote for members of tho Legislature, and who bavo resided therein twelve months immediately preceding tho election, shall be eligible to the office of' In tendant and Wardens. Mu.le inhab itants, who are qualified to vote for members of the Legislature, and who shall have resided within tho limits of the corporation for sixty days imedi ately preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote for said Intendant and Wardens. Sec. 3. Tho election of Intendant and Wardens of said town shall be held at some convenient public place therein, from six o'clock in the morn utj ing until six o'clock in the evening, 101 and when the polls are oloscd, the ij1 .Managers shall forthwith proceed to ' ' count the votes and proclaim the elec tion and give notice in writing, to tho parties elected. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Court for Abbe villo County to give legal notice and appoint managers for tho first elec tion. And the .Intendant and War in! dens. for tho time being, who shall ?s be known as tho "Town Council of in ' " -i- .ii iL. I?~?l urecnwouu. smui j^ivu mo icgtti n? tico and appoint three persons to manage all subsequent elections, who shall manage and declare the same as herrin provided for the first time of election. The managers shall, before they opnn"*tho polls for any such elec tion take an oath fairly and impar tially to conduct the same, and the Intendant and Wardens, before ei ter 8jing upon the duties of their oflices, "" shall take the oath prescribed by the! ir* I Constitution of this (State, and also the Ifollowing oath, to wit: "As Intendant, y and "Wardens of Greenwood, I will lujequally and impartially, to the best of t0(my ability, exercise the trust reposed iei' in me, and I will use my best endeavors ur j to preserve the peace and carry into effect h- according to law, the purposes for which ni I have been appointed or elected. So ; help me God." And if any person cleeted Intend nr 1-11 P.. UL jant ana ?aruen snau remso l<j dui>v/: or as such he ehali forfeit and pay to the of Town Council of Greenwood the sum *t|of twenty dollars, for tho use of said! 211! town : Provided, That no person I lie ^hall bo compelled to serve more than' in olio year in any term of three years. I il- Skc. 4. That in case a vacancy shall j ch | occur in the offices of Intendant orj I Wardens, by death, resignation or | otherwise, an election to till such va- j edj vacancy shall be held by the appoint- j [ i-: merit of the remaining members of1 'd,, the Towrt Council, ten days' previous! j notice bavin# been #iven ; and in easej or|of the sickness or temporary ab-j nyisonco of the Intendant, the Wardens.' forming a Council, shall have power! &U: to elect one of their number Intend \ , ant vro Inn. or j Sec. 5. tho Intendant and i ia- Wardens duly electcd and qualified j ri-jshall, during their term of service.! |severally and respectively, bo vested! . with all tho powers of Justices of the j I,!; Peace, within tho limits of the Raid! its;town, except for the trial of'small audi lid j mean eases; and the Intendant shall, ,er|as often as ho may deem necessary j I summons the Wardens to meet in! CU J Council, any three of whom shall' iteiconstitute a quorum to transact busi-: m-! ness ; and shall bo known by the namo of 'of the "Town Council of Greenwood," j n(() as aforesaid and they and their sue-! jeossora in office may have and use a, common seal, which shall be affixed to ' allitjheir ordinances\ and by their sa* corporate namo may sue and jbe sued plead and be impleaded, in any cour of law or equity in this State. Th said Town Council stall have ful power under, its corporate seal, t< make all such rules, by-laws and 01 dinances, respecting the road street! market and police of said town a shall appear to them necessary* ani requisite fbr the security, welfirt good government and convenience c the same, and for preserving th health, peace atid good ordfer thereof but no fine abovathe som of twent; dollars shall be. collected by sail Council, except: iby euit in the Cour of Common Pleas for.Abbeville Couri ty: Provided, That no fine exceedinj fifty dollars shall be imposed, and tba nothing herein contained shall an thorize the said Council to .make an; by-laws inconsistent with or repug the laws of this State. . Sec. 6. That the Intendant an< Wardens of tho said Town shall hav full and only power of granting licen ses for billiard tables, to keep taverns retail spirituoua. liquors within th said limits, which! license, shall b granted io the same manner, am upon the s^cie conditions, as tho; now are, or may hereafter be, grante h-r tho rinnnt.v fUimmisinners unde the laws-of this State; and the power vested in the County Commissior ere are hereby granted to the said Ir tendant and Wardens within the sail limits; and all moneys paid for licer aes, and for fines and forfeitures fo retailing spirituous liquors, keepinj taverns and billiard tables within tb said limits without license, shall b appropriated to the use of said corpc ration. ,t Jo Sec. 8. The Intendant and "Wui dens shall have power to appoin Marshals, who shall be duly jaworn ir and invested with all the,.powers. Con utables have bylaw', and whose, ju risdiciion and authority shall be oor fined within the corporate limits c said town. , . ! : Sec. 9. That for any willful viola tion or neglect of duty, mal-practic abuse or oppression, the In.tendan and "Wardens, sovcrally, shall be lis ble to indictment, and upon, convic Lion, to be fined at the discretion o iho court, not exceeding one hundre< dollars and removal from office, be side? being liable i'oi: damaged to an^ person injured. Sec. 1U. ah Acts ana parts 01 At heretofore*passed in relation to thi corporation of the town of Greenwooi be, and the samo are hercuy repealed Sec. 11. That this act shall b deemed a public Act, and shall con tinue in force for the space of twenty years from and after its passage. Approved Alawrh 13, 1872. , AN ACT to Charter the Greenwood an Augusta Railroad Company. Bectiox 1. Be it enacted by the Ser ate and House of Representatives of th State of South Carolina, now met an Bitting in General Assembly, and by th authority of the same, That, for the purpose of establishin a railroad, on the most practicable rout< from Greenwood, in the State of Sout Carolina, to Augusta, iu the State c Georgia, which company, when formed with the conditions heretofore prescribe* shall have corporate existence as a bod, [juuiiv; in pcipctuibj* Skc. 2. That this charter, with th rights aud privileges incidental thereto is hereby granted to and vested in J. H Jennings, A. M. Aiken, S. P. Boozei P. H. Bradley, Nick Merri wether, J. II Neill, Win. L. Parks, J. L. White, Win K. Blake and G. J. Sbeppard, of th State of South Carolina, and Robert H May, Thomas Phinizy, John D. Butl Edward Carry, Austin Mullarky, W. A Ramsey, T. Jefferson Jennings, Josepl T. Smith a;id Win. P. Crawford, of th State of Georgia, and J. A. Burkei Lawrence Cain, Everidge Cain,. T. M Taibert, of the State of South Carolina Sec. 3. That, for the purpose of raisin] the necessary capital stock of said com pany, it shall be lawful to open books o subscription, m uie ouue ui ooiuu uaru lina, in the counties of Abbeville an< Edgefield ; and, in the State of Georgia in the countiesof Richmond and Colum bia; and in such cities aud towns a may be deemed for the best interest c the corporation, under the direction c the corporators, to an amount not ex needing one million dollars ($1,000,000, in shares of twenty dollars ($20) eacli to constitute a jpiht capital stock, for th purpose of constructing and carryin into operation the aforesaid railroad, o any part thereof. And it shall be th duty of the said corporators, or a major ity of them, to open books of subscrif tion as soon after the ratification of thi Act as may be practicable, of whic twenty day's previous notice must b given in any newspaper or newspaper in the States aforesaid; and the sut scription books shall be kept open fc sixty days; that on each share of stoc subscribed, the said subscribers sha pay two dollars ($2,) or its cquivalen in currency, to the corporators, wh shall give a certificate for the same; ant on the non-payment ol said installmen the subscription shall be void ; the coi .* L.n .i?*i.~ poriliors Sliun ur|W3i t mc muncjr icvci?r by tliem on said cash installments in solvent bank, in any of the States afon said, and at the expiration of ever thirty days. That when the sum of on hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150 000) are subscribed, the said corporator or a majority of them, shall give uotic of the time and place of meeting for 01 ganization in some public newspaper i each of the States aforesaid. But if tli sum of one hundred and fifty thousan dollars ($150,000) shall not be subscribe within the first appointed time, the sai corporators may, l'or the purpose of fui tlier subscriptions to the capital stocfc keep the books open for such time, an at such places, as they may deem prof it 1 'PKnf tlio nnmnratnt cr: x'nniufu, 11^ |yviM>.v< shall not keep the books open for longer period than one year, at the ej pi ration of which time the right to s< licit ami receive subscriptions shall vei in the President and JDirectosa of sai company. Skc. 4. Whenever the said sum of or hundred and lifty thousand dollars ($150 0(10) is subscribed, in the manner herei prescribed, the subscribers, their execi tors, administrators and assigns, sha be, and they are hereby, declared to h incorporated into a company, by tl name of the "Greenwood and Augus Iiailroad Company," and may organi: as herein provided. Skc. 5. The said company, by its nan above mentioned, shall have perpetui succession of members, shall hold re and personal property, may sue and 1 sued, may plead and be impleaded, mi have and use a common seal, which tin may break and use at pleasure, and mal all such by-laws, rules and regulatio: as they may deem necessary for the wc ordering and conducting the afiairs the company. Skc. <5. At the first meeting of the sa company, to be called by the carporatoi as above stated, and- at all subsequent SI meeting*,) it Bbalfaibe lawful for any' stockholder to bo rftprcssotcd'iby pitoxy^iA vluwe appoin tment shall be inVriti Dgv<w signed by such stockholder ibut AperapnC# not aatoekbolder shall not represent such'proxy.. A. majority >of two-third?? of the stockholders pre86ntr^ng?reaent?tU> ed by proxy, are empowered to ttaosaafc any. and aU basin esatoonneoteiMtfth-the > company. Atthe first meeting efatoclw^ holders, ftfj y tt to serve one year, and until another election^. Presidentand tenvj Sdperfion ?Mbe elected or Dlrectoi- -Who.% hot twenty shares, vHSdch- i holder shall every paid u scribed by bim. Pff Sec. 7. That, for the purpoife/6f quiring such lands, "orrigbttJf way,-; as : tbey may require for the: location lands:a construction of tjie said railroad, with, such. depots, .warehouses, 'stations,. wharves, tlnd other necessary ^rablish ments, or for extending o'raltering thV * same, the said company shall have aveiy ? right, privilege ?and power; heretofore ,< granted to; and which now is or has been. .. used or enjoyed by, any railroad compa ny heretofore Incorporated in .eitfaeif' of it.. L'l.i.. -? : J . 1 ? .ua. i*tw< I iiic awiica aiuinsuiu , auu ouoiif ?i ov, w entitled totbe use and benefit.of every ' process and proceeding provided by ltW*& for enabling railroad companies^, in el ther of the States aforesaid, 'to obtain " such lands/ or rights off way, 'aa they, t require, in cases in whicbthe eOnaent of '* the owners cannot be .obtained. AndriJ the said company shall bav.e the saw.eJ;. f exclusive r igli t of transportation, on tfyeix railroad which is possessed, and ehjoyfia by any other railroad in either of thfc?' - aforementioned Stated. Aiid persdai7'* trespassing, intruding, or wilfully jde#~;; atroying any of the property of the^i. company,,^W^ tics to which, pejpoaa ing, damaging 01 ^batfuptiijg,^nvT:. other. railfoadfl,. Or parts or, parcels a r mereoi, Are maae n&o^jry ?uy in either of, tfye States afore^i4r.< A^f-od , the said company shall,HflvV'the!lint.,; J presumptive right and ^ti^;'andj toki$ t the -same extent, to jlanofs ^ ^ivhicU their railroad, m^.pe jipu, , absence of aDj ^greemeiUv/wi^^^ha,,^ J. proprietor or .proprieVrs-firf j lands, which is possessed. pr.epjoyedr? by any .other railroad, in the ^^batef tj '' mentioned above, as to !the ,,i?n da ; ' through wjiich their railro^jnay have been, or may be, constructfto, v'^ B in absence of any contract witt. iike ; , owners thereof. \ - ;\vr I Sac. 8. l^hat it shall be lawfqf . for : 'the said cojrnpany to iacrc^e, capital stocj^jlo'anj amonui noifc ex _* cbedinff 'tvij'q million dollairs ($2,000,- / f A/lrt\ ' hi* i?nnA? f?inni. anKanmnitAtta frtl? ?j - ? ? QI ?^ f ---n? rlTj additional shares^.OTk such tjrrns and conditions ob they may, think p[roper. f to prescribe; and also to borrow! jnan ey for the purposes aforesaid, on &oucb. terms, and at such rates of interest as they may think proper. Sec. 9. Subscriptions to-the stock of said company shall, be payable by > installments of five dollars ($5) on each share, after paying first install* ment as aforesaid, and at intervals ot not less than ninety days, under such regulations as may be prescribed by tho by-laws. .Public notice of! tho timo and place of payment of each installment shall' be given at least twenty days beforehand; and; in. case any installment or any. share remain >i n no id fini* t.llA Rnnr>A rvf t.hirt.v Havr *x" ~r"? - .rr . tj ?tj - i. after the time of payment thereof, e the share shall be forfeited and vested ; in the said company, and the defanlt '[ ing stockholder released from all ob^ :i ligations to pay the amountunpaid e on the forfeited share. The shares of; \ the capital stock of said company shall bo personal property, and shall I be assignable and transferable, in such . manner, and under-such regulations, f as may be prescribed by tbe by-laws* Sec" 10. The President and Direc * tors of the company shall have an I thority to* cxecute all" thd powers ? hereby grunted to- sarid company; f subject to such limitations and" re f strictions as may be imposed; by the 7 by-laws. There must be an annual. meeting of the stockholders, at such e time as may be appointed by th6 by j laws, at which the President and Di? rectors shall make a report, in writing; of the affairs and condition of lb? company, which report shall be pub lished in a newspaper of each of the States aforesaid. Other meetings may be called by the President or Direct ors, when they deem it expedient, and, also, when twenty stockholders, representing three hundred shares^ shall demand the same in writihg. The corporators, herein appointed, shall give a written account of all funds received by them, and of the disposition of the same, at the first meeting after the ratification of this Act. It shall be lawful for the stock holders, at any meeting, to remove tho President ana JJireciora, oraDy 01 them, from office, and eloct others ia their stead. The President and .I)i rectors shall have authority to draw out the money deposited in bank, by the corporators, for subscription to the stock of the company Provided, That the same is only used for the interest of said company. Sec. 11. This Act 6hall bo in force for the term of forty years from the ratification thereof, and shall be deem ed, and hereby declared, a publio Act: Provided, That the work, for tho execution whereof the said company is formed, shall be com menced within two years from the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and hn onmnlttted within eicrht vears of 9 , thereafter: And provided, further, That said road shall bo subject to the provisions of an Act entitled "An Aot to declare the manner by which th? lands, or the right of way over th? lands of persons or corporations, may be taken tor tho construction and nses of railways and other works ef internal improvement," ratified Step, tembcr 22, A. D.1868: Provided, ?y'That nothing herein contained shall \e beso construed as to exempt the ^ said company from the payment of taxes. Approved March 13, 1872. Keep good company or none.