I ? BY W. A. LEE AND HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10,1872. ,, wmmtrnemmnmm ? * r.** nop. * \ Never despair! The darkest cloud That ever loomed will pass away, The longest night will yield to dawn? The dawn will kindle into day. "What if around thy lonely bark Break fierce ar\d high the waves < sorrow; Stretch every oar! there's land ahead! And thou will gala the port to-morrov When fort tin of frowns, and summ< friends, Like birds that fear a storm, depart, Some, if tie heart has tropic warmth, Will stay and nestle around thy hear If thdtf strpoOr, no ioy is won, No good is gained by sad repining, Gems buried in the darkened earth May yet be gathered for the mining. There is no lot, however sad, There is no roof, however low, But haq some joy to make it glad, Some latent bliss to soothe its woe, The light of hope will linger near, "When wHdeet beats-the heart's emc uou ; A talisman when breakers roar, A star upon the troubled ocean.. J The farmers know not if his field With flood, ot droughtjor blight "mUi He qnarabns not the fickle skies, Bui pfaws, aud sows, and toils i(i hop* Then up! and strive, and dare and do, No doubt a harvest you will gather This time to labor and to wait, And trust in God for genial wfethei Laws: of South Carolina it ' > 44 ' .. ! ACTS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS FAS&E1J iJi rtusi ojEjxjCiivftu ASSEMBLY. ** < ? - V ...I?! . ? i -^ .'t r i * . [Published by Authority.] ' s AN ACT to Incorporate the Charles ton, Georgetown and Conwaybort Kaiiroad Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by th< Senate and House of Representative! pf tho State .of South.Carolina, now Wiet aud sitting in General Assembly and by the authority of tho sarao: That for the purpose of construct insr a railroad of one or more tracks froniaojBe,point, at or near the city o: Charleston, through the counties oi Churleston and Georgetown, to somt point at or near the town of George town, and thence through Horr} county, to sama-pora^at or near Con -yrayboro, thence to the 3forth Carolina State line; JThafc C. 3- Stcart, H. M X)rane, E. E "^Iggfn ,'S.' P. Yiclf, W A. Grjenleaf, W. H. McPowell, John To 01?, W. P. Johnston, J. Walkei a-nf their associates, successors and $8 igns are hereby created a body nolitift And "corodrata. ander the name of Vbe CbarlebJton, Georgetown and Conwayboro Kailroad Company, and by such title, shall hire'a torjioratc existenc^for the term of (30) thirty vears^ anin^' sub Slid b*?aed, plead and' t^ '-ra^jfeaderf ui every proper court of the State of South Carolina and may ha^eand use a common seal which it may? change 01* alter at plea?i;ref iSjhi?4tLltf' Capable of pur chasing, holding, usirg, leasing, anc conveyjng-estihej real> personal, anc mixed, und other property, and ae quiring the s^mo,^ gift .or devise and may make All rioeessary by-law and r^ol^tioc8 frr-tis governmpnj^ not inconfeik?nt:w|tStSho Coastitatior an# 4awa wit ti*e ikatecbf So tit h Caro jipa, and of the United States. {Sec. z. JLnai mq sava company, dc and is hereby, au thorized and empow ered to construct, maintain and operate a rattrtfed of tyie o%..<3oqre tracks, ex tendirtj xrbmr" som? point at or neai Charleston to point at or near George tow Sic. 4. Thattbq company hereby antBorfaed-s&att be'allowed six monthi frotntfce passage'pftiris Ac^ in whicl to file the ar^^QB of association ii lh?..j0fiU-*0f'tth?i Secretary of Stat es provided for in section 3, and th ? 5 i i i, ? ? ? * u } i _ v Bttiu ruau ucicuy aitku^iMcu lu u constructed a^arT^e coaimenced will in two years after tho passage of thi Act, oritlierwise the charter jsball b void. ; m Sko.-5. That the said railroad coir |>any is hereby authorized tb Construe and operate one or mof-o lines of tel< graph along, jts railw&y, cbarging'an colleotiBfr B6eh; remntierattoh- for'a messages or dispatches as the Pres .dent or Board ' ot Directors ma diretitv1 Th^said company may coi sect said line, of* telegraph -with tb line or lines o^tter company i this. State, or tadjoinipg State, an may letfse, farm out,' or selt the abov right, as in the Judgement of tfa Presidtot.Iatad'XBoirdv' of Directoi may 4>e^ ,, jui vaotftgeo aa to tfc jinterest of the company , - Sec. 6. That tbo said company hereby authorized and empowered mortgage any or all of its proper and franchises, and issuo bonds ai preferred stock to an amount, and < such conditions, and lor such us aud purposes of the said corporatic as the President and Directors there deem expedient lor the best intere of the company. Sec. 7. Tbat this said company hereby authorized and empowered merge and consolidats its capit stock, estate, real, personal and mixe franchises, right, privileges or pro erty of any other railroad compat Or companies cminervu uy, uuu <. ganizea under, tho laws of this any other State or States, whenev the two ot more companies so to I merged and consolichited shall or ma form a continuousline of railroad wi each other, or by means of any inte vening railroad bridge or ferry, at such consolidation shall or may 1 effected in such manner, and on su< terms and conditions as the Preside and Board of Directors may detc mine. Sec. 8. That the said railroad coi pany shall be subject to the provisio: of an act of tho General Assembly South Carolina, passed September 2 11868, entitled "an act to declare tl * manner by which the lands or rigl of way over the lands of persons < corporations may bo taken for tl constrnction and uses of railways at other works of internal improvemen 5 provided, however, ttiafc nothic herein contained shall be to construc as to exempt tho said railroad comp ny.from the payment of taxes." Sec. 9 That this act shall take effei on and after its passage, and all ac or parts of acts inconsistent with an of the provisions of tljis act, a: hereby repealed. Approved March 9, 1873 A&T ACT to Incorporate the People Savings Institution. Section. 1. Be it enacted by tl Senate and Houae of .Reprc8entativ< of the State of South Carolina, no met and sitting in General Assen bly. and by authority of the same : That Alva Gage, R. Tomlinson, ( 1 l. uuurnngnam, u. n west, xv. i f Bruns. S. S. Howell, B. C Pressloy, , ' H. Wilson, W. Vfferhardt, J. B. Bett C. 1^. Burckmeyer, John Jlancke ' John H. Devereaux, W. ifcBijrno; W. Y. J/oitch, B. Adger, Zimmcrma i Davis, W. A. Kelly, I). A. Amroc, I Gerdts, JI. S. Griggs aod 0. R. Levi be, and they are hereby, created ' corporation, by the name and titlo < " the People's Savings Institution ; an I that they and such others as shall t duly elected members of said corpo 1 ation, as in this Act provided, shall fc . a body politic .and corporate, by th same nawo and title. 'f vvgijc; 2-. 'rFh?t" the raid corporatio ' ? ' ' ' l~ ? ? V> 1 aC An rl / SJ1UU UU UUJJUUiO VI lUViUiVIII^, vu u\ i posit, from any person or person ' disposed to obtain and enjoy its advat tages, all sums of money that may b i offered for that purpose; and, on r< - ceipt of any deposit, it shall delivc - to the depositor 4 book in which ska ' be entered all sums deposited. I y Sec. 3. Thac all deposits of mone received by the said corporation ma ! ha iritrnefn.l ill IinV nilhiirt fifflf-k f VUIUTVOWVA* ? J-> bonds, created by virtae of any law ( this State, or any ordinance* of Jh city of Charleston, or in the capita stock of any bank within this Stafr or in United States bonds or stoci or bonds or stock of any city or Stat in the United States, or in the stock or bonds of any railroad com pan incorporated in this or any other Stat< or loaned on promissory notes, secure by pledge of such stocks, at not mor than seventyrfive per centum of thei par value, or on bonds secured b mortgago of real estate, lying an being within the Parishes of St. Phili > andl3t. Michael, in the county < > Charleston; and the income an profit thereof shall be applied an F divided among the persons makiu ? the said deposits, or their legal repn 1 sentatives, after making each reason; F ble deductions as may be necessar > tor expenses, in proportion to th - sums by them deposited, and to th - length of time during which such d< posits may have remained in tb institution; and the principal of sue deposits shall be repaid to each d< poaitor at such times, and under sue regolotions as the said corporatio shall prescribe, the substance of whic regulations shall be printed in tb book of deposit: Provided, That th corporators in the said corporatio shall be liable to the amount of thci respective share or shares of stock i said Banking Institution for all il k debts and liabilities upon note, bill c l otherwise: And provided, furthe , that no Director, or other officer < said corporation sball. borrow an t. money from said corporation; and J any Director, or other officer, shall b , convicted, upon indictment, of directl ; or indirectly violating this sectioi I they shall be punisheq by fine or in ) prisonment at the discretion of tl: i court. i Sec. 4. That the said corporatio aV.nl! liopn nniocr tn Alflf't now mpmhfii by ballot at their semi-annual meeting in January and July each year; an any momber, upon filing a writte notice with the President therec three months prior, way, at any sue meeting of said corporation, withdra. and" forever dissolve his connectic unttK thft afuna. * r Seu.5- That the .said corporatic may have a common seal, "which th< may change and renew at pleasuri and that all deeds, conveyances ai grants, covenants' and agreemen made by their Treasurer, or any oth person, by their authority and dire tion, according to their ruleB, shall 1 good and valid; and the corporate shall, at all times, have'power to si and be sued, and may defend, ai shall be held to answer by the name ai title aforesaid ; and may^ acquire, tal hdld and convey suoh real estate mky be deemed desirable for its pla of business, or necessary for it to pi cbase in foreclosing or settling su mortgages as it may hold as securi foir loans. Sec. 6. That the said corporati siUUI hereafter meet at diariiisti some time in the month of Januar annually, and as muchoftener as the may deem expedient; aad any seve members of the said corporation, th President, Yico President, Secretar or Treasurer being ono, shall bo quorum; and the said corporation, a their annual meetings in January shall have power to elect a Presiden Yico President, Secretary and Treai urer, and twenty Trustees, all of whic aaid officers shaU be sworn to th faithful performance of their dutiei and shall hold their offices and manag and direct the affairs of the said coi roration until their succcssors shall b duly elected and qualified. Sec. 7. That the said corporatio are hereby vested with the power c making by-laws and regulations fo the more orderly managing the bus ness of the corporation ; provided, th same are not repugnant to the Cot etitutioh and laws of this State. Sec, 8. That any two persohs here in named may call the first meetin, of the corporation, by advertising i in any two of the daily papers put lished in the city of Charleston. o nnUftf *Ki\ nPt?Aoom?ni* aP ooT %J 4. MAW I/Uv >iuuguivk v* wmi corporation shall give bonds to th satisfaction of iho Trustees for th faithful discharge of the duties o his office. Sec. 10. That the Treasurer of sail corporation shall, as soon as may bi after the annual meeting in January publish in any one or more of to daily papers of the city of Cbariestoc a statement of the concerns of th said corporation, which statemen shall specify the following particulars namely: Kumber of depositors, tc tal amount of deposits, amount invest ed in bank stock, amount invested ii State or city stock, amount investe< in United States - bonds or stocks amount invested in railroad 6tocks o bonds, loans on mortgages of rea estate, loans or notes secured by pledg< of stock, amount of cash on hand total dividends for the year, annua expenses of the corporation; all o which shall be certified and sworn t< or affirmed by the Treasurer; an< five or more of the Trustees of sai< corporation shall also certify tha the same is corrcct, according to tin best of their knowledge and belief. Sec. 11. That this act Bhall be deem od a.public act, and continue in forc< until repealed. Approved March 13,1872. AN ACT to reduce all acts to deter mine and Perpetuate the Home stead, into ono Act, and to Araenc the same. Bo it enacted by the Senate anc House of Kepresentatives of the Statt of South Carolina, now met and sit ting in General Assembly, and by au thority of the same: That whenevor the real estate oi any ncaa ot a lamny resident, in mis State shall be levied upon by virtue of any mesne or final process issued from any court upon any judgment obtained upon any right of 'action, whether arising previous or subse quent to the ratification of the Con stitution of the State of South Caro lina, if the same be the family home stead of such person, the Sheriff, or other officer, executing said process, shall cause a homestead, such as said person may select, not to exceed the value of one thousand dollars, to be set off to said person in the manner following, to wit: He shall cause three appraisers to be appointed, one to bo named by the creditor, one by the debtor and one by himself, who shall hn riianrfliaf-. nnrl Hinint.prftnfpH men, to be selected from a different neighborhood, and in no wise related to either party, resident in the coun ty, and who shall be sworn by a Trial Justice, or Justice of the peace, to im partially appraise and set off, by metes and bounds, a homestead of the estate of the debtor, such as ho or she may select, not to exceed the value of one thousand doilars; and the said g appraisers snau proceed accordingly 3- to set out the homestead, and the set i- off and assignment so made by the y appraisers shall be returned by the ie> officer, along with tho said process, for e record in court; and if no complain* i- shall bo made by either party within e thirty days thereafter, no further h proceedings shall bo had against the Homestead, out tne residue 01 the lands and tenements of the head oi the family, if any more or other ho shall have, shall be liable to attach ment, levy, and sale: Provided, that upon good cause shown within thirty days after assignment of. the home sterd, the court out of which the pro cess issued may order a reappraise mcnt and ro-assignment of the home ?rl stead by other appraisers appointed >r by the court And provided, further, )f that should the creditors or dcbtoi y neglect or refuse, after due notice if from the officer executing the process e to nominate an appraiser, then said y officer shall appoint the same, a, Sec. 2, Whenever the persona vr property of the head of any family iU V1HV H 1JVUUV1 Baid person owds a homestead of rea ?state or not, is taken or attached, bj Virtue of any mesne or final process issued from any court, and thebaic person shall olairu tfce. property, 01 any part thereof, as exempt from at tachment and sale on account of the same being the annual product of .hit or her homestead, or as sibject to e emption under the constitution, anc .the creditor and debtor do not agre< about the same, the officer executing tho said process shall causo the sam< j;] to be, ascertained, and all exemptec id'property set out by appraisers ap ts pointed aod sworn for the purpose er as provided in the preceding sectioi !C' for setting out the homestead, subjec be to like limitations and provisions, an< >n the rdfcidue, if any, shall be sold, fo tho payment of debts,-which proceed ing shall be stated in the offioer's re turn of such process, Sec. 3. That if tho homestead ae signed under soctjon 1 of this Ac shall not amount, in value to ^on thousand dollars, then the Shoriff, o other -officer, who. shall make sale c the residue of tbo real "estate of tb person claiming- the homestead, sha pay to said ^person, in preference t ' n J of said sale, such a sum in money as will mako up the one thousand dol lars. Sec. 4. That the homestead, when assigned as herein prescribed, shall vest in the heads of the family in fee simple, and be freod and discharged from all debts and liabilities what ever, so long as ho or she shall re main resident in this State and no longer. Sec. 5. That the head or heads of any family to whom a homestead *11 t- I : -J 1? *k;o snun uavu ueeu uesigucu uuudi kuis Act, may sell and dispose of the same, and execute good and legal titles thereto: Provided, They shall depos it the money arising from the sole thereof, in the custody of the Sheriff of the county, until they shall pur chase another homestead within the limits of this State; the said Sheriff to be responsible for the money so deposited upon his official bond. Sec. S. That the said Sheriff shall not pay out the money so deposited, except to the person from whom the heads of the family may purchase an other homestead, as hereinbefore pre scribed, or so much thereof as will pay for the sarao. Tho residue of the money deposited, if any, shall then bo paid to the person or persons who deposited the same : Provided that if if another homestead shall not be purchased, within the limits of this State, within three months fr<3m the date of deposit, the Skeriff or other officer, shall apply the money so de posited on the payment of the debts due from the depositor, if any there be. Skc, 7. That the exemptions con tained in tho preceding sections of thii Act shall not extend to an attach ment, levy or sale or any mesne or final process issued to secure or en force the payment of taxes or obljga tions contracted for the purchase of said homestead, or obligations con tracted for the erection of improve ments thereon ; Provided, The court or authority issuing said process shall certify thereon that the same is is sued for some one or more, and no other of said purpose"! provided, fur ther, The yearly product of said homestead shall be subject to attach ment, levy and sale, to securo or cn foree the payment of obligations con tracted in the production of the same ; but the court issueing the pro cess therefor shall certify thereon that the same is issued for said pur pose and no other. ? - ?- j -i ? i :i ojsu. o. ?ue wiuuw ?uu miiiur uuu dren of anv deceased father or hus band shall be entitled to the rights of homestead. "When a widow or minor children are entitled to an estate or right of homestead, the sarao shall be set off, and the title executed to the parties entitled by the Judge of the rrobate Court sha}L appoint three disinterested persotis,' resident in the comity, who, having beeu duly sworn, shall proceed to appraise and set out, by metes and bounds, such home stead and make return to him. If no complaint 6hall be made against 6aid appraisal and setting out of the home stead, withiu thirty days thereafter, by any party interested therein, the same shall be coufirgied by the Judge and accordingly. Sec. 9. That one-third of tho an nual products of agricultural laborers, mechanics, artisans and tradesmen of every description, without regard to valuation, character or condition of products or earning, shall be exempt from attachment, levy and sale, ex cept to enforce the payment of taxes. Sec. 10. That no Sheriff, Constable, or other officer, whose duty it is to cnforce executions, shall proceed in any other manner thau is prescribed Id this act. c Sec. 11. Should any officer soil any ed real estate, or sell or remove any per- uo sonal property of the head of any family, whether the head of such , family is a a free holder or not, with- A1 out his or her consent, in violation of ' the provisions of this Act, and ot sec 32 of article 2 of tho Constitution of the State of Sonth Caroliua, he shall bo deemed guilty of raalfeasanco in office; and on conviction thereof, shall for the first office, bo fined in a som not less than ono thousand (1,000) dollars; and, for the second offense, shall bo liable to the parties for all in juries bv reason of this wrongful lew or sale. Sec. 12. Appraisers appointed to set out the homestead, under this Act shall receive, as compensation, two dollars, each, per day, and five cents a mile for every mile necessarily traveled, for such services. The Trial Justice or Justice of the Peace, who .qualifies the appraisers, shall re ceive seventy-five cents, and five cents a mile for every mile necesgarily traveled, for such services. . The fore going fees shall be paid by the officer executing the process, out of the property of the debtor; or, in caso of the homestead 6et out to a widow or minor children, out of the estate of the deceased, by the executorjar ad ministrator thereof. The Sheriff is herebv authorized to retain two and one-half pel- cent, on every one fiun dred dollars deposited with him, as directed by this Act, as compensation for reociving and paying out moneys so deposited. Skc. 11. All acts, and parts of acts, inconsistent with this act, or supplied by it, be, an?? the same are hereby, re pealed. Approved March 13,1872. JOINT .RESOLUTION Authorizing the State Treasurer to pay the Sat ary of the late Judge Piatt to his Widow. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the chulu ui ouutn ^?ruun?, Iiuw uieu unu sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same; ? That the State Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Mrs. Cornelia Piatt, widow of the'late Zephaniah Piatt, Judge of the Second Circuit of the State, the ftraout of salary, as Circuit Judge, which would havo accrued to the Judge of the said Circuft from April 24, 1871, the date of'the decease of Judge Piatt, to September 9, i871, the date of tho qualification of his successor in office. DINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the County School Commissioners of Up ion County. S. C.f to Approve Certain Claims of Teachers. Bo it resolved by the Senate' and ouse of Representatives of thd State ' South_ Carolina, now met and sit og in. General Assembly, and by the ithority of the same: That the County School Commis oner Of Union county, S. C., be, and ie same is hereby authorized to an ovo fbr paymentout of the School nd of said county, the claims of achers of Union County, for aervi is, rendered between the first Jati iry, 1861, and the time when he as appointed to fill the vacancy in iid office: Provided, Th?>., in his dgraent, said claims are just, true, id correct, and actually duo. Approved Marcb 13, 1872. N ACT to incorporate the Journey men',Mechanics, Union, of Charles ton, S. 0. /* 8ect^)n 1. Be it enacted by the Sen e and! ? House of Representatives of ie State of South Carolina, now met iri nW.tJncr in f-Jprif>rnl Aqfipmhlv. nnti r thfe-atotlidrity of the same. Tbafc John Byrne, W. H. Bemey. W. iiiller, Gr. M. Magrath, J. P. oward, Isaac Reed, and such other irsons as may now or hereafter shal! i associated with them, are hereby ade and declared to be a body pol io and corporate, by the name and ylo of the journeymen, Mechanics' oion, of Charleston, S. C. Sec. 2. Tnat the association afore id shall have succession of officers id members- according to its by ws, and shall have power to make ^lawa.not repugnant to the laws of e land, and to have,,use and keep, a mmop seal, and the same to alter at ill, to sue and be sued, aud plead and i impleaded,, in any Court in* this ate.^flt ift ,hereby; empowered to tain, pocsess,. and enjoy- all such oporty, real and personal} as it may >8sess, or be entitled to, or which all horeafter be given, bequeathed , or iq any manner, acquired by it, id to sell, alien or transfer the same. Sec. 3. This act shall be deemed a ibli.c act, and shall .continue in force p tbe term,of twelve years from the . - -.T ?- i 1J1 l! ,tc U1 I to I'ttUUUlVlWU, Approved March 9, 1872. * S! ACi? to Incorporate, the Ander son Farmers' and Mechanics' Aseo cialioo. Section l. Be it enacted by the Sen i and House of Representatives of the ate of Booth Carolina; now met and ting in General Assembly, and by the thorityof the same, Th At'p. F. Cray ton, J. W. Norris. M. Watson. YV. J. Ligon, B. F. hitne* and W. W? Humphreys, and eir smjccsaors. in office, and asso-JP ites, be, and they are bereby^jle^ ired to be a body poHticand*corpo te, under the niirae and style of the nderson farmers' and Mechanics' sociation." Sec. 2. That the enid corporation, itts corporate name aforesaid, shall ve succession of officers and mem rfl, to be chosen according to the les and by-laws made, and to be ide, for its government and direc n ; shall have power to make hy vs, not repugnant to the laws of aland; to make, have and use a fflmon seal, and the same to alter will ,* to sue and be sncd, plfe&d and impleaded, in the courts-of the ite : to Durchaae. hold and eniov y lands, tenements, or heredlta >nts, goods, or chattels, which may necessary, connected with, or con cive to, the objects of said associa n, and the same to alien and convey pleasure. Sec. 3. That this Act shall be deem a public Act, and continue in force til repealed. Approved March 9, 1872. ACT to Incorporate the Carolina Light Infantry, of Charleston, S. C. Section l.JBe it enacted by the Senate d House or ttoufie of .Representatives the State of South Caroliua, now met d sittiug in General Assembly, and the authority of the same: JDhat H. C. Minott, J. A. Williams, >bt. Howard, Jr, and their associates d successors are hereby made aud sated a body politic and corporate, der the naroo and etyle of the arolina Light Infantry, of Charles i." Sec. 2. That the said corporation reby created and established shall ve succession of officers and mem rs, according to its by-laws, and all have power to make by-laws, t repugnant to the laws of the land; d to have, use, and keep a common il, and tha same to alter at willj to 3 and be sued in any court in this ate, and to have and enjoy every ;ht, power and privilege incident to 3h corporation; and it is hereby mnwArsH t.n tnlrn hniH rutflin tinn. v~?> -i j >s aDd enjoy all property, real and rsonal, us may be given, bequeathed, devised to it, or may bo in any inner whatsoever acquired, by tho d corporation: Provided, The lount so held shall not exceed the rn of ten thousand dollars. - Sec. 3. That this Act shall continue force for the space of twenty years; d the same shall be taken add emed a public Act. - - Approved March 9. 1872. S" ACT for the Protection of Buoys and Beacons. 3ection 1. Be it enacted by the Sen-. 3 and House of Representatives of the ate Of South Carolina, now met anil ting in General Assembly, and by au oripy of the same, Any, person or persons who shall Qve any vessel, scow, boat or raft, any buoy, or beacon, or floating lide,. placed by the United States ight Mouse Board, in the navigable atera of this State, or who shall in iy raannor make fast thereto any issel, boat, scow or raft; and any irson or persons who shall, wilfully ini'imo nil rnmAun ontr aiw?h 1 llj UI v v#* 4 I V ia?4br+a |7 sacon or guide, shall forfeit and pay si sum nob exceeding one hundred >llars, or to bo imprisoned in the is imraon jail not exceeding three si onthSi p Sec. 2/ Said forfeitures maybe re- h iverod by an action of tort, comp Taint, h :__r_ hefoce any court caui- a etent to try the. same; one half roitig to the informer or complains nd the other half to the coutity rhich the, trial shall beli'ad, Approved March 9, 1872. ? - OINT RESOLUTION Authorizi the County Commiss'oners of "V liameburg County to Levy a Spec Tax. Section 1." Be it resolved bv the Ben nd House of Representatives of tate of South Carolina, now met! tting in General Assemblyrand by uthority of the same: That, in addition to the tax here >re-authorized to be levied, 1 I j? n m;!!!-. uuuuy v^uujiuiobjuuui o v* ??uuai urg county are heroby authorized jvy, and cause to be collected a s ial tax of two (2) mills on a doll be same to be used exclusively ae purpose of re-building the jail lie said county.- < - Approved March 9,1872. N" ACT Conferring upon the Com Commissioners Certain Powers relation to the License and Sale Intoxicating Liquors. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sen od House of Representatives of i tate of South Carolina, now met s tting in General Assembly, and by iithority of the same: That all the powers and dat eretofore conferred upon the Cc liesioD ers of Boads. of the vari< districts of this State, in relation le license and sale of intoxicati qaors, be, and tbey are hereby, e srred upon the County Commissi rs. This act to tako effect on a fter its passage. Approved March 9,1872. N ACT to Charter the * Union I vings Bank, of Georgetown, S. U Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Seni ad House of Representatives of 1 tate of South Carolina, cow met c tting in General Assembly and le authority SfHhe same : That James Ai J&owley, W. H. Jot r., Thomaa'D;VH(iDov?ellj ad james Murrell, togeth# w ich o her persons, as., areJBtpw", iay hereafter be, assodjnja w iem, shall be, and thejjffiphere instituted and made &/tw?$T poli ad corporate, by the nipp^nd st P the "Union 'SavjhraF Bank, oorgetown, South Cfitiflirift," and lis name and styfe shall be, and ereby, made capable in law to ha nrcbase, enjoy a?d retain, to it a s successors, lands,.rents, tenemec node*, chattels and effects of wl lot' or quality soever, and the.sa ? sell, alien or dispose of; to sue a a sued, plead and be impleaded, j ver and toe answered, defend and jfende^Jn Courts of, record, or a her ])l^e whatsoever j. aqd also ake, Jjaye and use a common 8( ilHrfe same to alter and renew leir pleasuro; and also to ordi id put in execution such by-la id regulations as may seem necese id convenient for the government le said corporation, not being c< ary to the laws of the State or t onstitution thereof. Sec. 2. The capital stock of st rporation shall not be less than t lousand dollars, which may be eased, from time to time, to ast )b UACUeulllg mv uuuuicu vuvuoa )llars, and shall bo paid in and ac< ulated as hereinafter provided. Sec. 3. That said corporation sh ive power and authority to inv< i oapital stock or other fhods ink or other stocks, in the purcht ' bonds of the United States, bon Bued by this or any State of t united States, and in bon ' any corporate company; to le oney upon personal or real securii discount bonds, notes and bills cchange, and to guarantee the pt entof notes, bonds, bills of exchon other evidences of debt. a rnt x j * i* _t_ ceo 4. i n at saiu corporation bu iceive deposits from any person jrsoas, and all finch deposits shall vested as the Board of Direct< ay doom most advantageous, and scordance with Section3, and inten lall bo allowed to the deposit( lereof as may bo directed or provid r by the by-laws of the institute Sec, 5. Each subscriber to stock lis Bauk shall, on or before the fil ly of each month, pay, at the off! ' the Bank, one dollar per share s or her subscription, and any si riber failing to do so shall be fin re cents per share for such del lency, and for each succeeding t iy^.of such delinquency, ten cei ;r share additional; and if, at t cpiration of two months, such del lency shall still exist, the sto iall be sold at public auction, t oceods of which shall bo paid ich delinquent stockholder, afl ;ducting all fines that may larged against him, or his proporti ' all losses sustained, and expeni currod by the institution, in t >urso of its business. Sf.c. 6. As soon as the stock becorr > the value of oue hundred dollt jr share, scrip shall be issued toea ockholder for tho number of-shai anding in bis or her name on t soks of tho institution, sigued le President; and Cashier, with t )rporato seal of the Bank affixi om which time the payment onthly installments shall cease. Sec. 7, Any stockholder, at a me prior to the stock becoming le value of one hundred dollars f ^aro, may withdraw from the ins ?tion, upon written notice bei ? ?? ? ?n(?nlii? miiatinir nf oard of Directors, and, at the ex ition of ninety days, the instituti lall pay to said stockholder the i lal value of bis or her stook at t ate of notice of withdrawal, t lonthly installments of such sto< older ceasing from .date of such i ce, or said stockholder may sell antsfer his or her interest to a ther person, the purchaser bel laced on an equality with the otl ,ookholders. Sec. 8. By aotual value of the etc i meant the amount paid in by ec toekholder, together with his or 1 roportion of any losses that ir ave occurred, and withholding hia er proportion of any investme bout which the Board of Direct may be doubtful, until they are ,r or't. 1 Sxc. 9. Aft soon after the Sto comes of this value 'of ooo ' ha dollars p?f share, and scrip it therefor, the Directors may dividends, at- sach ; times and much of the profits of the Bai shall appear to them advisable. Sio. 10. There sbali be.ejects soon after the ratification of tb as the corporators and sabsc thny deem advisable, and abi thereafter!, seven Directors worn Dumber, who shall appoint pi their number President, and mi any vacancy occurring fa the I unless it be by removal in whicl the members shall. fill the. saz general meeting. The Board appoint (to hold at its pleasure subordinate, officers', atfa agpntfi scribe their dalfes and eompens and take from them Bach bonds, secariiy, as it may deem advisab Sec. 11. It shall be compete! any general meeting of stockhc to change the time of folding annual meetings : and extra met may be called at any time u written application ,to the Boi Directors, signed by stockholder resenting not less than one-Half< capital stock; and atr all nleetir stockholders each share ihalPc its holder to one vote, and a rep tation of a majority of the ,) stock, by the holder^ in person, their proxies, sl^all be reqoiai constitute a quorum. Seo. 12. The safd company Is h declared capable in law of holdin exercising the office of Executc appointment of any' - {.estator office of Administrator of the tei or inteatace. bv armointment < Court of Probate; tne office of dian, 6r other' trustoo of any < which may be hety in trust I pointraent of any person, or Co competent authority to make appointment, and the office of Ti undor any mortgage; and, in case, the said company, or exei administrator or trustee shall b ject to the same measure of ac< ability and. to the same rules an' nlations of law which pertain tc trusts when held and exercise natural nerfirtns. accent that, in i any bond to be required of'said pany for the , administration, o trust, the capital stock and otfc sets of the company shall- jil fori the faithful- disch&rgt (A trust ^ *.;>! : ?; 8*0. 13. That the stockhold said corporation, shall be liable amount of. their respective shi shares of stock in saitf corpor for all its debts and liabilities note, bill or.QtUeFwise; and fu no Director or - flj^er. officer oi corporation,.^hafl borrow/any n from said corporation, and if Director, or other officer shall b victed, upon indictment, of dii or indirectly violating ihie Secti< shall be punished by fine, or imp ment at the discretion .of the ( The books and accounts of sail poration shall he opened to inapt under such regulations as may b< scribed by law. Sec. 14. This Act shall be deec public Act, and shall be iudi taken notice of without special' ] ing; and tbe charter hereby gri shall be in force from its passage continue in force for a period of ty years. Approved March 9,1872. AN ACT Relating to the Bon the State of South Carolina. "Whereas bonds or obligatioi this State have been issued, time to time, to a large amount i Ut tui uuuwc, uo wuo oujjjjuotu uj officers issuing the same, with tb thority and provisions of certair of the General Assembly, inch "an act authorizing a loan to re the obligations known as the Receivable of the State of South olina," approved August 26. 1 also, "an act to authorise a State to pay interest on' the publio d approved August 26,1868; also act to provide for the appoiritmc a Land Commissioner, and to c his powers and duties," appt March 27, 1869 > also, "an a< amend the last named act, an other purposes," approved Mai ">Q7n nIon i'nn not t.n authorize a ca for the relief of the Treasury,' proved February 17, 1869 ; ais "act to provide for tho conversi State securities," approved Marc 1869; aud "an act to authoriz Financial Agent of the State of ? Carolina, in the city of New Yo pledge State bonds as collateral rity, and for other purposes, proved March 26, 1869, which bonds are fully stated and set in a report made by the Treosu: the State to the General Assei dated October 31, 1871; and wh doubts have risen whether said i were in strict conformity to the visions of the several acts x which they were respectively is< rv/l rtrhnpnoo 5 WAA. t.Kfl trilO j uo ?uu and meaning of the several acts i set forth that such issues of bom obligations should be made in manner in which have been ma< aforesaid, and, whereas, also, di hare been raised as to the validi some of the bonds mentioned i: said annual" report of the State 1 urer, for the fiscal year ending October 31t 1871, although" ir ha? been borrowod by, or realize of, said bonds on account' of. State; and whereas the credit of O'ntn lioa Kaon tknunkii . oy y j Section 1. Be it enacted by the ate and House of Bepresentatives < State of South Carolina, now me sitting In General Assembly, and 1 authority of the same: - That the said bonds and o tiocs, issued on behalf of this ! as mentioned and sot forth in tl port of the Treasnror of this Sti the General Assembly, dated Oc 31, 4871, were duly and lawful sued in oonformity with the tr tent and meaning of the severa of the General Assembly, hen fore set forth by their respi titles. Sec, 2. That the acta of the o T ? fW andof the several acta hfex^ift^ijrra inferred to, to the extent of alt uspjfet.j} of boridti or-obligations-ear L" sk be ndred and Bet ibrth Sn t?e said , report of the & Of BO Ik M A ,'t. d, ?a is Act ribera inally Sec. 3. That each and all of \bfcSo bdnds named in the ea!dfcADMt*0':.7t port of ttfe Treasnrer of tbefltat*&fti* the fllcal yew-nndragwith October^ 31. 1871. be. anA the same are li&rebT^ their 00 Of IJ fill Joard. 1 case ne in i, pre-, a'tlon, declared Jo be.legal and, valid -bogda, of the State of South Carolina, f& the payment of which the faith,: credit ' r 1 / J' L. *? and funds of the Stat^Jbave been, and . are hereby pledged; provided^ that... ae, iJJ no bonds be included whiph arenot J11 registered. in the Tressnry af' t^e / lBe time of thO passage of this act.-as pro-11 i. lira- .j-j. iL 1a o vided' for in. ! section H? $ptiqle8/)|. the Constitution. relating to finanoea ridtitttjonr 7: ^ Sec. 4. -The section of each of -'the 11 icts under-which-said/bond* pa; > to b*ja^;*jM annualtax t9 pay the lnterjatts here J*> r < nuuuai tiwk wv ynrvuc? tuiqiyow 10 uwy stints bj declared'toTbe a part oFthifraot; * P?.n *1 (is an: annual' tatf tp addition: *6 43Hbt iraoi1 - - ? rep-. pr provided fdr 'by this act, fltottftht;.-: principal of said bende. 0$aJkf too Aft ?>, due,, wch payment to-be made ia . tTnitad States crirrencv OnW.''' . *'"' ;..6*c. 5. Hereafter '^refy'I bofoiP'iKa*; U verted or issued under xwia.pom'i ance Of a** of the .lawfcof fhis.Staie,, shall be of the description., and style of those heretofore issued under" an ' act entitled^ ,fan act.to. provide .fdfr 1 tf the conversion of State BecttrjfteeJ'- * approved March . 21,1869, so IhatiUl J > the bonds of this 8Ca(e shalPbaof description and rtyle^as sods as Qf6?? exchange can be made; provided-,,/*/ that all bonds -ofthe State of Strath ' Carolina converted into stock of said State, and ail- stock of the: Stat* 01 . So nth Ca rofi u a converted j nta Qwxgt**. ,. fljon bonds of the State, as proYided ia- ' r the act herein be lore men uoned, *p- ' proved March celled immediately upon the sion of theflame," aula retired;floiii;? sue or hypothecation. ^ wjiovr . Sec. 6*. All' bor.da' heretofore att-'.t thorized to'be issued, shall lie isftoe^L? in pursuance '-ofv and in with, the" provision* of:. ncp affect'or impai* the i validity aod};;; obligation ktietrifoa ijuii.xUMI ii th'fj SeC. &. *JPbo Gofer obr ir lienly Mp ) thorized and required to sten *lHh* - bondb named in thiff act. .;Th* aW?, . Treasurer is authorize^ and rsqirire^F ' to countersign the.'same. Secretary of State is authorised/ sn4 required to affix the seat of tta&StaSof. % to the tome without delay: jpevided^. > that no bonds shall be slgnwby the' Governor,. Or countersigned: hj thee; ' State Treasnrer, except- for' t?? eefcv-, " veraion .of bonds or stocks tijpn4f -^hr,Y suedpunuantto If v... ^ t Sec. 0. Nothing, contained ia tbf^i act shall authorize ike Sssria or^ean-^v version of any bonds of lhis Siatoi tnir ds of other than those named, ia t^e repart" made .by the State Treasurer as sped-' fied in the third section of this aci,: [and suoh as have been authorised under previous laws of this State.- zi - i Sec. 10. The Commercial Warje-.t house Company in Ihe City of: $ff*r York, and Carolina Nationalr Bank ja the city of Colnmbia,*South Carolina, are hereby declared to be antbomea places for the registering-orbbnds, coupons or stocks of the State ot South Carolina, and they are aathorifcAd'oa the passage oft bis act, to immediate- i Iv advertise, in one or two' of the principal papers in eaoh of the-oitft* of New York, Columbia and Charto, ton, to the holders of alii bonds,'ooiK- ;:r? pons or stock of. the: State of v. Carolina, the necessity, of regifts^i^f their bonds, coapons or .stock at one of the above authorised places of . istry. In the registration of ..WwLY, bonds, coupons, or stocks, the no?pe*,w and denomination of each bond,'^u- ?ft pon or certificate of stock, the "act/" under which it was issuefl/ and ihd- p name of the person, association ?0lr?' fHi nnnstinn no fli>m ! Mnnattfttintm 'tllA.? pv&dwivu VI- U1U4 * VJ/4VW ^ same shall be recorded, andlbe #ai* : ,-2 aod place of registration shall be en*. dorsed upon said bonds, coupons: or- ? stocks, so that the same bonqf, opy pons or stocks may not be presepte^; ? at more, than one place of regis'l""" tion. It shall be the duty pf.tfre i Commercial Warehouse Copipatn . the city of Netr York,, and the Caro lina National Bank in tlxe city of -Cp* r lumbia, South Carolina, to publish m ths cities of New York,*. Charleston:' and Columbia,.quarterly statement* of. whole amounts of "the Tjonfls,' coir pons or stocks regisUN^ft-fi# tlfetn, ' the number, 'iietforai>ali|nj^w/ act under whieh they fere i?8acd.~! The State Thetrarer and ?umMi^r Agent of the State, in thBOity tjt JSiW' York, shall not pay interest on' SftW; bonds or stocks until they haye.b?6tt. registered according .to the xajuir* ments of this act. - ?a ments of this act. r-j />-. - .Jf. . 6ec. 11; All acts*or parts. oT'.acW; contrary to, or inconsistent withy fljjir ' not. iirfl. for the DUTDOSe Of tbl(T $6it ^ roney d out tbia this t Sen af the t and >y the bliga .butforno otherpurporo, * ' pealed. '?. y. ?0 & Sec. 12. This aofc.shafl' t&e>?flbO- ;'o? nmediately. ' ' i .n .it Approved March 13, i872^vo .q tansz 6>.li hocra vfiti.OCi* AN ACT to Regulate tlJftPty-of-Ab c* ' . ^ember8:of ;tte Genera) J^aegably.,; Section 1. B? it exacted* by . Senate and House of .E^resenUtiyai ^ V of tho-Htato. 01 sou to uaruuui mot and sitting jn Gdneral' and by the authority of tbto That each member of tte .ife^t' General Assembly shall receive' annual salary of sit hmidred War*!;1 and twenty cents for everyi?iienof?.r tho ordinary route of travel in going to, and returning, from, session# of the General Assombjy;, ' - . Approved +2. 12***