"iTillT mil- MMm ry* rr (j m JC JL?1". r-JrAJLi itnsmiicaaA jso? Lis# odT LEE ANB HUGH WILSON/ - o. v-.- *v_-,. -< - TTi'*" ? T '^titr-'TfiyraT JjooO cifP j-.'Ci.O ajAHj'TL nJJl7?.>C3flUiiJL oil! i ij^i L H: ' jii a: i! ji .cvi-r L yV .'jyuct'.'t J;- T i '.V'-Jl'j .&! 'W 1 I am dying, Egypt dying, Ebbs the crimson life-tide And the darl^u^o^ia^Uadows Gather in the eretiing bladt Let thine aNntj?u'&e$W"Stippoittfme, k Hush Jhv^tJ^JUid boVfUliiue#a^ Hearken t3thegfeat-hearl secret,"< ' Thotr, iUid thou alone, mu9t hear. IffM Though my scarred and Vetera or iegk> its Bear thei r eagles h igliirtaiHare^ J Aud my wrecked and scattered gallevs Streettfftk: AotiitafR total-Short*,' ": Tiio^h po glittorjiig guards Kummd.m Prompt to ad their inhster's will, "* I mifcC perish lilct a KohSiti, J. :; Die the great Triumvir still. Let not Ccasaifa sfeK-IR feiTWonyjJ ?< HI Mock the 1 i (Mi , J).jH y i 'Twas no feoman*s namrtnat,slew uim 'T^rfs his own tfeaEHtruclcJtbe t/ldvte Hear, tteji, pillowed #u.tbypUosoni,. Ere IrP^VM^ h totti? W* 1V , 4itJj tiiy Cairefe&es !0l M#f.ter3?hi?.W9WiftT"^Kl m; And thou, sliSU^idI$M?Aftnt r. GloriousS&prMfefctif Jl?e Jllp, "k Light th^ Jip-ytyiiiiuj-Uttirroirai "L sj With the splendors of thy smile, Give thi9 Ceasar crowns and arches, Let'MHbrosrmrnftrretiwiTife;' I scorn Jbeisenatols triuiiw^frrryTJ1* O Tri^rtug ii&ve li T\' vij1 %? I am dying, Egypt; dying, ThSieC!liL Oh ! no more amid .th^battlerrr - Will my voice.?X#ltapg Wo}?,/ Isia and Osirfs gaartf tnc^ A"1 Cleopatra! Koine! Farewell* ?iSTi ??cry 1,-rrrt ilchioti!; X rr r-r If A Laws of /.South .Carolina ACTS A mi 3 0INT * EfSOLUTIONS ASsitf BY'TEE GENERAL .yj!i .7 Thw irojn and afior.^hc.passageol this Act, all tftize/is of wis State; jiav fn" rotiljitt/l t\i-ofvA hirmfha \vi?li?rt .the Htate, aud sixty days ia'., jbe village oj Rock Hill, shall be deemed', ana aro hereb^jlwltf^ia be,?vrfct*}y police atiti corporjit jge alMi ^bE calleJ^attcf ^qpwjp.liy the .nameiofftopji Hill, and Stf^.oqx^ocate ljualta, sliujl. w teiid.^ef -^u aJj-e^.of a jsqu^re each ijide when# la ^njx^e^mid, toe ccutj/a whereof Is UoAion's Hot^i,",. , ,,l{i 8.sc. ^ T^at/k??$idp4'i]la?c bo goverifed % ^d'Jfour \Vardei1s," Vrrfo JmM be dulafejSs of.'tJip United fetates, aud_jy*ho ?sjiali_ha'vejt^: sidediu this 8Late twelve months, and >hte fi>s ?aid lntendant and Wardens, paupers and persons under disabilities of crime excepted. 8kc, .8. Tl?o saiy the (Junstituiion of the State, and also the following oath, to wit: "As iuteudajitipi:^ardiiiJ.jofrthe village of Ifcckl?f*r0^i wilW?$uu!ly and impartially, to the best of my abil ity, thfc Lru^f repwoU: in mCj and will' use? my .best eadeavoj^ to pre nerve-^he peaccaud carry in to eflTeet, ac cording to law, the purpose for which I have been elected: .So helpline, Xxod*' Ana, lr any person, upon oeing ejeuieu Intendant or WarnEW shall act as 8uelfcte??#lJ?rfeit Md ojfcV ;ty the CouiAA-*ftre^f#OT t\v fKmnr*; .forthe useof the said village: Provided, That no person who haS attained the age of sixty years shall be compelled to three years- The. 1 ntendant and . Waiy dens,*?oi1thtr time ^lucr, *tlhrfll always appoint one or mote Boards of Mana gers, tthrte '^Hftgera* for<>aeh Board,) to conduct'Hie electron, \rh6, before they open the poIfl9r9hdll take an. oath fairly and impartially to cppduct the same. Sec. Tltk^'fn ea** a-vacancy sliall occur HVthfr'tffflce of Intendant, or 01113! of the'Witi?deb9.:by- iftntth, re?ignati'erv, remol#41?/bl!"'^lliei^vi^e!,,jan election t? fill such va4m!Bj??lMH be held by ordei of the Intendant and ^Wardens, or 1 majority -ot the sanio, ten day*' public "ili'i Knlnnr nivvinildlv iril'I'll ' JLIul it] case of 8ickn^o^l^ipomity^b?*rt?e of the Intendant tha^ UL:yid?ui%?forming the Council, shalSjJPtc elect one of the number to act as Intent ant th'?> T'/[/.'/ State 5.SDbatehe Intendant and War dens Uul^ckk-ted ?nd qualilted' shall duria^Yhe.term or office, severally and reapadBlTeijp be Svestecf witli alI the pow ers o f Trial.-Justices, or justiees of tht Peace, as the case may be,-ki th& Stale, -withiaiiifi.liinits of said village, excepl for the trial of &uaay.,and cases; and the X^teiu&irt^hal!'anrf'lrt)Sy, at oftenraafs'iiee^ssary. {junjuaoti the War dens to meet in coundl. any three ol whorffrWtL/ffie ftnteiidant, shall ton stitute ^uowiiu to - tj^nsaefc, business; and thajusbatttie JEno?n as.Uio Towc CouncU^jof ^opjSj iiilL* and they and theiriucdesfiork.ih office, hereafter to be electro, may,^vea'common Valy which shall be aJfixja&ttTatt/ th'etf 'Qrdinances, gue?, pleaJ'aiid be: ita Sleadedln any' court of justice itl'thlf tate; amt~pnTchaserhoftfr, -possess aiui iterm flf4wSpJn?.V estote,; i;eal, o? per: sonal, br mixed, and sell, alien or con yey the same: ProvicJBK, 'Sire same alial not exceed, j&any.ojje time, the aum o ien thmieamtfsail Town Couacil^alvalirhave authority U appoint frftWfrmPtO^tMfe, as" Tliey maj ,see flt.guch and so -n^any proper per sons, tfr'actas* Marshals orConfctables o; jaawTCouncil may deon: necessary ana exp^uhhit'for' the pfeser vation of the .peace,, go^d ^order, apt police thereof, wrfetPpefeemsse appoint' ed shall, yfifcbju tbojjorpo^te limits u, said villa^Jiava the power and'privl leges, aaif ttMronJwft toQln the . obliga tloo-s penalties and regulations provided by la?r for the office or Constable; anc pe jjj&le ty be rewoyetf at Uic pleasure of said Town Council; anjJ the . /sdid Town Qouucil shall have pow^r to J Establish, or authorize the tefablishnient of a Market House in said village; also ~ auth&??j?hc establishment of a guard i house, dnd> to prescribe suitable rules " %nd regulations for keeping and gov erning ther same; and the said Town '! l&dueti; oKlhe staid Intendant aiid Wari' dens, in person, any one or xnore of ma^aitfhorize_aud require any Ihe fcfcaany ' Constable Pixilated fioc that purpose, to Tarrest aficTSomnTTt*foThVUuard i louse, ' for a teiim' :not ^exceeding twenty-four hours, auy person or persons who, witli ju^tlie'icorporate limits of ?atd town, > who mafy.tye engago?#n any breach 6f the peace, riotous or disorderly .conduct, open obscenity; public drunkenness, or , ^cuuluc^'.gr^sslyJtidtjQgiUi or.dan ireTouij (b tl? dlklensf^df- said town, or| MarshaloPl jspecia! 11 and it ehall.be tbeuUity of ? the Town Marshal or (Jonstalfclc to arrest And commit* all'! such 'offenders, When ? mjuiredjt# do so; ami-.who shall have power tii'call to -their assistance the pdsst'cdmitfitus, if heed be, to aid- in .j raakf}fe-/sui;h.lv?rre^t6; ap^ iipottthqlaH-' we of such pjjicors to per far ui such dtrfy tt?' KHioiml,' fcftey tjhttll1'severally be?Ttf>jcct"feC> such fines'and penalties as tlj?JtowpSjL.,ouncil may impose upon them; and all jtetowfc sd "inlpri&oiwd shall pay the costs'and expenses~ihci dent toTlietr imprisonment; which said - . IhAsame mauner'as'iS provided Tor the colloctiwi*ot-tildes Hi)posed fpj^-tiio vio lation q^ drtfinances, rule?, and"! regular; timif^l^fMcl^'-'fFhat sit'clF hftprisoifc nient shall not exenrpt the party from i payment of any fine ' the" C6unbil ' may ini.ppse for; t^; oftence which he, sue or mey may nave cuimmufu ; ,nuu the said Town Council shall- have full , pojvernnd authority, under their corpo ' Tareseul.ato make ail such rules and reg ulations,Ordinances,rf$tf : > peeling tiitwrtreete, roads and bu#hi&9~ therjeof, as well as the police system of the faid town, as shall appear to them necessary and juprac. lot ?the^ecuj;itY, welfare andlcoiiVeaienqja o^ the' iohiibi i tants of saiti ffrwn7"amr for preservfiig 1 health, or demand good .government, witliih .-said to^ji; the said 15&frn .Co uh?i Iniay impose fines for oflences !' against their by:iaws, rules and , regula tion^ and ormtrtmeesf^d ~apprepi' ooataii^d , shall affmoK/e Asaiu "Council to 'make. ' any; oidinynceor by-laws inconsistent; ; with or repugnant io the laws of the ,*4 : . ujfqiac. 6.'That,tl}6,sjiid Jntendant tnid gardens, or a mhjorltj'or them, shall ' : liftte powet- to abate and remove all nui , swnce? !lti" sojd to\vri; and it shall be r tfieir ckrtyto* keep'-nil roads, ways, brid ges iand streets within the corporate limits of said town open biid in g6od repaid And for-tlutf purpose they pre;in . vested: with .'all the powers of (County 1C6nimissionersi forand-witbin tbu C6t-. < pOlatewihnitssjf said^-town* audthoy. MOftyi lay out new strefcts; close?up, alter : laiw^cleutHofce now in use; and shall i ' rmive full power to classify*laud arrange ji ! tbe inhabitaulsor citizens.of said town li | liable to street, road or public duty-there-1 ] ! S.. * ? tlw. >\m.f!r.itinnfij?n rtf Lilhll I j , XIIU IU IUIUC HIV puiiwiiimuvv v#* nMv,i. I duty, under such penalties as arc now, or slmll hereafter be, prescribed by law ; and they shall have power to compound with ail persons liable to work the rftrfcets, ways and roads in said town ; Uf!fon such 'terins^s their, ordinances or i i by-laws may e.Htabll8tt'f-~or their rules'i and regulaUons uuiy ry.qyirethcruiou--ji ey s0 reee^vetf *o ha applied to iho p^W < lie use of^tuii tdtviiea trtal 1 .person* nt-Ji fuyiig to labor, or failing to pay such iniipQ.se; and they shall have power tob fen force the payment of such fine in the J < same mtihner as Is now, or hereafter,' now be, pro.vide.d .for. the col lectio^ oi' i ffiunty taxek And the said Town Coiih-.i ; cil shall have power, with the consent!] of the ad&Ccnt hind.owners, to close"all < bu^'li roa<&,;streets and ways, witrliih tlie ft said tou'n,'A.^'they 'may deem necessary, i i by-the sale.of the.freehold therein , <4i-*h- ; er at pi ivate or public sale, as they may j I adjudge best for the interest of the said 1 I fliow cKulf 'L-uoit in'ronhn' rill ' ? such new streets, roadst'dud ways as tliqy may, from time to time, deefn,t.or lots, whenever the same shall ji front or adjoin, any public, street of. said', town, If, in the judgment of the 'Court cjl, such sidewalk shall be necessary, . ttie. width thereof, and the manner yi construction, to be designated and regu-' lated by the said .Totoi* Council; and for default or refusal, after.reasonable nEntice, to make and keep in good repair , [ such sidewalks, and to close such lots, i i the Town Council eauso the same -itto be1 made or put in repair" and rcouire ttfcheiowners to pay the pricwyof making! jociepifiiM; aitQbfc IfidOflaJB" .Co'un-t t; cil are hereby empowered to sue for and ; recover the sat no by action of debt in ' i any-court of eomu/et^WtorWiction:!, Provided, That stw$L^o&n4l8ct?Jbr ma-| j kingiaud repairing is let. to ,the lowest! i biddlr, The cemeteries alid publicj I nrrnvt variU ara oIja.?uliuiwl . I)H(I^I' Uk** . jurisdiction of the Town Council. jjSe?. 8. The* iriteadaiitiadtf'Wardens] of itlio said town, or a majority qf Uiem, j shall liave full power to grant or relume license tt keep taverns or retail1 ?j>iritous liquors. wjfclurx(the carponap limit-! of ^be said town,* upon such'"conditions, , and under such circumstances, as"^! ! them sjwUjjMH) proper and jrigJtt :t fJ'O^i jvided, That in no instance shall the | pride of a license to keep a tavern or to j ! retail spiritousi liquors, be less than the ; amount that* Is established by the State : j and all moneys paidtfor licenses and for < A tliull U 1 M t i () . , ^ aui^ivi^liu^pitau vv , [ for the public use of the said town": Pro-' . vlded, That the Intendant and Whr i dens, duty elected, shall not have power ; to-grantany licehs&'fc keep taverff or) 1 retail spiritous liquor^ to extend beyondj 1 the term Tor'which they have beejuj I elected. They shall have power to r . ratdlimits of said town, and to gfaht: ^'llWhse'to auctioneers, itinerant traders,! 1 to keepers of hotels'Dit^ilfySry .^tables, f aud itortevjf a ,ta,x op all drays, I wagons', carriages, ouin ibuses,. "buggie^, ^ horsesvtuaros pr ruule^ kept for hire or r used for public'purposes, in said to\Vn; . aud they, shall Lave full and.*ouly. pow-' f+'er to imposes tax pu all sbj&xlt?eding twenty . cents on fevery f hundred-pollaw of the value of all real :'and personal property lying withiir;th\?' .j corporate-; l(p4t# . pf jstfd; JpjtVW real.and' I psrsoiial property of. churgheq and, p school and college assoeration.<+?x'Cepted; ^ That ordinance declaring the rates of the annual taxation -upon property- aT otheir subjects of annual taxation for-tl year, shall be -publighed.; jtf,. Jeast"t.hr weeks, during the month of January, each year':' Provided,'. That the' sa Town Council shaU havepo'wer to'fel a tax for this year, under the gam$ ru as is above.stated, immediately affli'aU(mi An.hereby dyclared aiUl ' riVatle ji; hid Tor the ^iynieitt':thereof, !h 'prcfci euce to all-other debts, except debts dn to thb Statet whioh shall be .first paid aiufe that, all other (fixes imposed by tl) jjiifccnda'itt andAVardens; or a majorit Of ttiem; shall be liable for the sailie,' r in manner and form just before.stated.-* SeC. 9. The IuLendaut andAVj&idqi; elect, together with Clerk and Treasiu ec, shall, during tlieh\tehri' of office, I exempt from -street and police dutj Each ToWn ,Couiroil: shall; within ; on mmitU after the-expiration of their,ten jof office, make out and return Jo.thei 'successors in office a full account'of fliei receipts ami expenditures during :'tftei term, which account shall.be publishc in one or. more.nauers of tho town, an shulli pay over all moneys, in their pos session belonging' fo thd' corporator aud deliver up ' nil' books; records an other papery incident*. to- their- ptllce. t their successors; and on -failure to do p they shall be liable to be fined in a sui not exceedinc five hundred dollars;'1 bc.colhcted by iiriy proper action of th Town Council. I ,i!j ^ i! Sub. 10. That all Ordinances or hj lawsj passed by thff TbVli Council c Iloekifill.'.^hhll.lic bindj-n& upon th Citizens of said-, .town, the same as th Idws of the 8tat6. '* < ' ' Sec. 11. Ail acts, and parts of att; inconsistent with this act, be, aud ,th same are hereby, repealed.' Skc. 12. Th-is Act'db&il be doomed an taken to be a j>yb|ic^ Act, and shall con Untie in Toree until repealed! i 5 Approved M,arcli 4, 1872."*" ,.. f:; declared "to be, a body politic and coi porate, and Um^jd *jwnjfthallcbe caJJei lud knownIly.tife vtffrie cifc'Mu-iJins/Hjfc its lor.p^iaje limits hluill (Xlir.djijdf, mile North1',1 Vme^quartor of a mile 'Eas *nd West, andm'ie-thirdof au]ileS6uth From a stake which shall be in the ndutr !>r square of ?aid town Skc. 2. That the said town shall b eoverncd bv an Jntendant aiid fom aniens,, who siiuii uc eiuwns 01 iii> United States, and who shall lrtive beei residen tSjdfc the said- town /or sixty day iinniediiUv^ ^ecmlirfj^^h^ir election and who shall be elected within thirt; Jays after thepuKsage ol':tl)ia Act, am air cry year thereafter, on the second Mbn i* y in January, ten days'.public notici thereof? beiwf\previoq jty piven; ad.< that alt. jnkl?Jnl\abltanti; of-the age-o UvSity -one years, citizens of the Slate init who sha.U.luive,. res jdod in the,saij town for sixty days "inihiediiitcly prtce ling the election, shall be entitled t< yote for said Intciidant, and- NYardcns., f>?C. 8.*That tlie election for Tntchdari inniy?Ji 1 such vacancy shall ue "held, by order c SSWSfiM sickness, or temporary absence of tlx Intendaut, the Wardens, forfuing th; Council, shall be empowered to elect on of the number to act Infendaut durinj fheftime. t '. , Sec.,5. That the Intendanf and War dens, dulv elieted'and oualilied. shall during their term of 'service; "severally and i-fespectfvelj',!b(9 - vested-with all tli jurisdiction of Magistrates or Trial" Jut iicctewifhlfi tli'6"llmits of said toyfn,.iui< tjie Jntendaut shall, and nidy, as of(6i as lie may devju, Ui-'cessaryj sum01911 th Wardens to 111 e?t in CQurvctf, any two 0 whom, TvIth*"fnvn; and ,-the sai je- Ooiincil shall have the.same power whic 0_ Magistrates or Trial Justices'flow'haS y_ to cdmpel* the attendance ofcwitneSse !)r and require them to give feyidence iipo h the trial before them of any person lor ,r violation of any of these by-lawa^oro. ,Vr (linancckj'but ho fine above_ tne'suih < twenty dolhirs shall be."collected toytL y. To>vn Council, - except-by suit' fn'th e. Court of/Common Pleds; and allthe Ui 3S- laws, ruJesjan^lordin/mcea tbe said,Tow |Council';may ^}4ke,sUalln tidies I No. uiTKinnr' Tr?'Vi^visJiil' /ir' rniipjil ' li'v f li !t> General'this Btate! ;r Se& <>] uiFhM thd said' "IritODfdarit5 fcti Wirrdejjfl sbiill Have full'powejft? nbat and remove Jityi?au$c& Jn >ho sftiU ]?>wf w? al^f 4^- ijrk'Rtt'd cM'ithjWI v.ihefpbMJer -heretofore gran tea to Commjb^lancrs f J&oads; and shall have full power *t classify and arrange th^TrthabltaiitS c srtitf tov'ji;;li9bte to; street, ?r repairing-b?fe tnithe (lpwest bidder. The-, cepwtecie AU?1. 'public graveyards are also placej urideu Hhe Jurisdiction' of wild Towi ConiKJi].),^,.0 ,... y..M L Si:c. 8. That the power fp,grant or rc 'fuse ilcenSes io keep tavern or retai sniriluous ' Jiouow Withiit the.lijnits c ].sflid corpratiun.be, and,the same i?f here )f by, ; vested' Ki;fhu -Tou'iV Council Of'Mill if litis. And!tih$h4id CotiriciLmoy rgrafi Jiottnses to,retail,hninousv^ 1 ioiiorst(,t i- such ^ers6hsr;hiVa ill' 'such';qi1ftnmlfe9,'n if! such rate?, and ;npon such terms am >t I conditions as tbq said Council lnay^eeu [| i b^t and proper": Frovldedy. that in n< | instance - slmM< the-pY-iec df a licenseti ifj.K&tfp taver.n^, ,or toa-e^il jyilritoous ,Ji if iqyors. he fixed at'.a* less sum man i? e? 1-j Ublished by; the laws of'thJs Btfrte, am y' aft mopevs"paid for tiqenfea,andfor line - and forfeitures for retailing spiriti]ou fr, liquors, keeping taverns' rthof< the Marshal' or Constable'fc - Who to\vn to make,puch arrest, and cal};t< c his assistance the ji'ossc1 cpniitdlusi,' i I necessary; and, Upon failure to perform 11such duty, he.-sjiall be t fined in a ?un ejnot raoce thau twenty dollars /or cacl e and every oftenee. :T* '' ' ' -! ' ! ; j Bkc. 10* The Tow,n,Council shall hav< ? Inhn-nr tn Himneff nn'nnninil Inv. "nnf. f>v -[eoedihg twenty cents otf^very hundre< !,Tdolfar&?f flic assessed /value of rcul^uu ) I personal estate lyin$r within the corpor Hate limits of said1 town, the real am 3! personal estate a!id school association* 5..exempted..; The said Council ahull]/hap ej^wer to enforce the payment' of iil /ftaxes levied, under authority 6t- thii e' Act, against the property .an d' perspn tt ,! all defaulters, of the s.ame,extent, aire j jiu ilie-shnio manner; as is provided lr| j: law for the collection, of the genera i! taxes, except that executions to enforce ' the payment of the town faxes sliall In S i-spcd'uiider the seal'of .the corporation o I and' directed ^o the, Tjown ilarslialo; , 'other pbrf-'oh especially appointed by (In L (Town Council tocollect.the same j ari< t all property upon ; which a tax shall ^b< 11 levied hereby declared and made lia s i ble for the payment thereof, in pi'efereliei 11 to all other uebt&ugains sa4d property i' except .-.debts, tfue,to the . State, r whicl ' ] shall be first paid. . . .. 1*1* 1 1 r riM. ^ ILi. x I ur.V/. i x m. tic vivi rw ui uic naiu ? wu i r] Council, shall, jannualy/ make;.out ill i assessment, from the booksot' the Count; - Auditor ocu Treasurer; of all real ah't j personal jir?ipei!iy;iiq tHe Uini.tj of saic J.'town, for taxatipn, antf. shall make re ] turn of said assessment to the Intern dan , and Wardens, within. one month lion 1 ; the time of his appointlueiit.. ifj Sec. 1j2. That an ordinance declaring j"; rate of annual taxation upon prop e|cm'i au,4 oUiqs.s.irtjjeete; of: annual taxu T i tfon fcrt1 the. year,*,suall be published aj e i least iwiec-diiring tli g to'the Clerk aiid Treasurer (herelnaftei qbnatituted)!of>flie said.corporation du Spring the sucpeedi nginqnth .of iDeeember I,"' Sjic. 13: The Intbn'aant and'VVarden f shall? have power to elect vr appoint i e' C'erk, \yho shall also bo Treasurer >- whose duty.it shall be to attend ail nieet Ijiutfs of the Council, and 'make" a'record infra book ikout for that iiurpose,;>of!al nLl.? hnxnAf; + UJC WAWIVyi , . VSf 144XVV7 $" all papere belonging tothe"Coun'C-il mid to lodge wjtii proper olliberfi ia'l summons, executions, etc., aud receiv retitrns; to keep a regular account of ,al red&lpts arid /disbursements, which ac eouuts shall, at all tlnies, be accessible t< the Intendaut ayd Wardens;and itsbal be his duty to make an olllcfal semi annual report to the Council of' th< iitate of his accounts, at 'vVlflch time th doors of the Ceunoil room shair be opei tdall thecitizeus.of the town; ai^lwbi.cj reporti shall be regularly entered in book kept for ithat purpose., He slial 'attend to the publication of all ordinance and 'other documents ordered by Colinci be published He shall .hold, l?i olllce for- sUch term as Couricilmay prt scribe, not, however, exceeding on year, and shidl recoi vesuch compeiisatioi lor his services as Council may enact Provided, That he may be removed frot binotliceat the pleasurebf thesaid Tow; Council,'; and before entering lipdn th duties of his offlde^hfi sh'aU'gvve'bohil in the. penal sum' of. five-' hundred do] lars, for; the faithful . discharge ;ofitb if ia?ie, 7/ ui Sko.,14. EqeU Town Ccuucil sha! &with?i- bBfcr'mdntlvtmerthe'cxplmtit) joKtheir term of olllce, make out an d return to their successors a full accouu nr^v; '-ol of-theirrepeipte.and expenditures during jtheir icrm', and shall pay overall moneys in tlifcii possession, belonging ttftRetor iporation,. aiijd:, UcliyejJ ,iu> ,ali ;books} ;re feortls and papers' Incidental' to, their QfflcDtittlreir 8ucce8S6fs.^ and.Joh'ifanore t6' do s-a^.they ..shall be Jiabla to be; flttjesl. In a' sfotti not exceeding one hundred dollars, to- teicollected in atiy ;primer action by rtha.TownC'ounqil. j., SeC. 15. Tfipt said Town Council shall have p6wo?:l ro4ay- out and- arrange all street*-ajitU-oads yvi.thifi eaiv zequirod by'thc law/or condemned lands. ' ' i SKCki Jfc./fJjat the iTavm CounciKshall' Jsave pow.er toievy a town tax.on.all as scsBeu property wixnin mo nmiis 01 saia t'pwn.ra'or tHe yeferc 18t2,^tmm^atirty* after the,p.ia^igeiof .this A4v.and,prgceed tb'fcollect the tax 'thereon * the'following nichth. .*-i:fnlJni -j'iJ to Ti ^Pfl50V^?fFcJ? ^/Vjr.n.'I -jojyc 'a'N'' ACT'ttfvlncoi'p&i'tlic "-the Gharlcslftft JiQjkct^n lr.;J$e It exacted bytbc;8enatfl and Ho'use of House, 0/ Benresentatlvjes' of the State' of SoiitVr Carolina, nbw met1 'i&id :sit,LHig; iprGentjnd. Assembly,- and! by the authority of the same;. ., ..i, ' ' Th dt:IGr^V. Itohse^A'.'1 'A; A's/pJfi'wMl, RdfoerkSmalls,,Joseph Brown, Thomas B, iKing, John Lr Little" Charles, \y. Sum fret*;1 inAvid (irfcen, Lewis Wilson, Jtese -BoroBher,. Stephen -J. Maxlvell)' Lucius NVjj^ibush jrhoinasji. Blacked!,; 0. R. Levy, Chapman B/Tho'mas,' 'Jiuries W; Ehnore; Ys Sa?d3','> Johtf iioiigluSa. ;Benjiunln Simoi>s, ."Jamfs Gregory, aijd; such; p'GfrsohS'&s may .how,'or hereafter^ be associated with them', affehercby made and] !d??^ared> to be a,body politic and nnrnm-nfiv ' linilpf thr> nnmr> find ?fvln nf Hie joint Btoek Coinpany{ of tliefcstateof South i^arojftla/prsuph other name us they may now ,or hereafter assume, >:?!'? *lli i 'ifiEC. &. TJh^.aH the. rights of corpora tions, known banks, be, and the same are hereby, "ves'fali company,' for the purjjojQ.of loaning out raonoyoy,' in-. ; teres t, purchasing and mortgaging real esiate. buying personal property, and they .sircril !have .the fsametrTghW alid > privileges now enjoyea by me-can King - institution^ of this State; they 'sfiall, e also, havethorightto disposeof any and all j5r0p.er.ty, such as. real estate, anji jjpr - serial, or mixed, that tliey may become 1 po.si>6396d ?f, -in any mariner-, and'brt >t !&ch' conditions, aa tlxeBaid company 3 4pay deem fit and proper to thq ad van t J age,of said coihpaiiy,'and to pfrofriotcthc n intei'eatof said Qrj/jian ^ylurui , Sec. 3., That Iwforq commencing busi j- hess ithclcr th& fyrtMsibns '6f this Act, I thesaid jcoitfpajyyehali pajfori&iude .to tf be paid, into the hpni&..oJ(,the?j6tate Treasurer, the etnh bf rwo thousand y '^2,000) dollars,, to be used for the benefit t of the State.Orphan .Asyluuvof South. Carol fitfi', dndWihiially thereafter, a like t nniount lor the term <>r tort;vcifr?, w sfe' ri Joflg'as the said compaiy^hail choose to ! continue to do business,, it being u^dcr tj' stood and agreed'? thttfcfeaitf p'ftSfn&?K of; thousand dollars per-an-num by said - compjviy ia.thP consideration updn.which . tlio'nuvfleirea of incorporation .herein is: granted florid whenever tfaid company slmjl, iUjl Jdrpay said consideration, thtm then! rklUHr ,to trajiaaqt busine^. shall ^e- - * ..t o.n >. 8x:ci 4b.-TliattWrt i company; 'Incorpor ated a^d established,.by tJiin? Act,; shall havei /till power, ah\I are hereby, autbov iaed tfr"71s1i': agtmdes throbgh'tim tlie State,' . ne? t oxll hi Sku.'o. That this Act shall be of fqrcc immediately on and after its passage." ; jOpfick Secketar.y,of Stato. - Corx'-UDiA', kl C."/February 5,1872.' 7 TJie Toregbjng-.mpc hpving. bpen ^pre sented tp the (^overinoj; of. ,U]ig-State* ?or lfl4 approval, and' nO't'having been re jtqrnediby hirn to the branch.of>tft4 Gen eral Assignbly from which ito^gjmate^t AVithin'tbe time prescribed by the Con stitution,; had become a law wftlK< hisi ^U0' ^:' M l.; blvupozp,a ill li j/1 "flit ? igi*? geciletiiry of State. i.rj:. j, .;ii /' :.'?' ?*'.? ; ??<{ V^AOE/o Incofyxto'ate thci . if. nnn(?t.ed ^ I Senate 'and, House of liopi-'Ascnt^tivcs joftheStuto of South Carolina, now 1; met and. sitting in General .^sqembly:, i: and bj- th'c Authority of the same ; ,i;; -1 .That JTerijam'in II. Iloyt, Thomas A. J!Davis, Aarpn Logan,.N. 1'. Spencer, W. JIR. Jcrvey,- 8.' K: Gaill'ard, Isaac Reed, ? IH; \V. Thompson, l*.l P. Hedges, and B. 1 [A. UoseiHon, pJr.i and their associates i and successors, are hereby ma, created a body politic and corporate, 1 under the name and style of "The FroV-f f idcrit Land and Real Estate Company, 1 of Charleston, booth Carolina." i ' > i " Sec.; 2., A-ud said corporation shalLhave . 3 power ,to make by-laws, not rejjuunant 110 lilt' Jttwa ui iiiu iuiiu j uuu suau'ifavcii pLsu.qcessinn" of olflcers and memheVs uc -; coi'ding to their elections'; and to keep I I and usoa. common seal, die same to alter) ijat.will; to sue aiul be sued in any.Court j - ill thin.State;, to have and enjoy every 2' right, 'power and privilege incident to , such corporation ; and it is hereby ,'eni i pywered-to acquire, retain and'enjoy all such property, real and personal, as may i be given or bequeathed to,.or purqhased. Uby.it; and .to agll, eqnvey or mortgage II the same, or any part thereof, at wTTl. I ' 'SEC; =3.-- That said corporation; may, 1 from time to time, invest their moneys, - assets or any property- Sviiich It may ac t qujre, in such real and personal properly, l- bonds, ;stocks, .qr in sureties, in such sums, and oir 6ucii terms' tiiitf conditions, I as, it may deem proper';' and to execute' - Bonds, *&c^fiunder- its corporate seal ^ Provided, That the waximtmi- value of j t.jall;property. he|d and . owned by said| ' corporation siiall not exceed twenty-live 1 thousanil (IJ>;()(M) dollars.' * u Sec. 4. This Act to continue in fprcfc i'; until repealed". "j Approved March 4th,'IS72. *J ' L, w h> >.? 'Jilj ' : cj i .. ? AS? ACT to ,4 mhid the Chqrlcr oj.thc n 7'uum 6/ OmnffclrttTt/.' ' I' Hection 1. He it enacted by the Semite -i and; House of ReprpseotativeH of the. i.l'Slutc of ftcfuth Carolina, now met and! i fitting iu General Assembly, and by the e .authority of the same,.. , .4, .. . . I Knc. 2. 'Tliat the charter of flVe town of \ i Orangeburg be ho amended that, wliei!- > e ever it shall become necessary for a uew j 1 street dr rdad to be opeiied wftnin {lie -J incorporate limits of the - paid tofrn, it; 0', shall be, and is hereby, made the duty of; i j ine town council 01 me sum wwn iw( - Jvive a Board of Appraisers appointed, to J ; value the dainagp sustained by the owner | e: or owners of lands thiough which said i i (street or road is .to pass, ^M(f appraisers' j J Board ito'conBlsfc of 'three members to be1 a appointed ^sfollowfiijt One; by the in-, 1 itendanc of the town, one by the owner 31 or owners of the Ihnd, and one by the I !chairman of the board of county comrj s j-missioners, and any damage. caused by j the running of- said road or street to the | e, owners of the lami shall be appraised by njthe said boaVd, and the county treasurer! .'.shall, upon their joint "warrant, payout a' said sum jus may be apprised out of any u! funds in h^lmuds, tq,ther Credit pf the, county. . . Approved'March'4,1^72.' *' ' ' ' /;;i?rr-(C-\) littflht , io#yi)ig to the County of "JSeu'berry, ij Section* 1. Be it enacted by the Sen: it ato aad House of Representatives of tU ; !" f J-/; ?<> fityte of South Chrolloa, now, met and sitting in GejfehiPA&embly/imd by-the Atftfaority of 41$ sflmerj-O juiborJjyii of , /JJliat Xhe;To\vn Council of the,town pi ^ewberry d^-hth'eb'y ;i(it1^rize'd" an"fl em uowed j jtq Ltyet'& * Market, Iloiisei 'in said town, uppn a lot .of lapdiwhich, ia gftrfcly '5ttach6dirtb!5anU lying etir * the pWbllo'siiuitre-jn gaidltown, and belong to.tlie (j?4nty, of J^wbaiTy,; .whiph lot shall be given ft>r suchpurpose to said Town Council and thw'eiteeedsbr^ri1 office, i>ee of rent vor, charge..,,Ajnd'wild T.awn'Coiiiicil,' rind1"their successors In office, shall havfcpowei* and^atithoHty to remove such I^tHJfle.wli^ri^ver, ,int,tllelr opinion.1 ,the .same .may. be deemed mect^SiitFy anVl-^jjedient'''' " ^Approved M{irch:4, J8??.;, ?j; - m!j . i *r i. i ...?. AN ACT to Midw(ithd-J$tate of Soufh '' 'Carolinaof all1 Liability for '.its Guar I afitc'^o/ the liondso) t/ioBlw J?idr/c Ilailr'oad! CdmprjCvy by providth'// for v- the--, tieevfiniy qfidrDetstructio$ o? Hie ' WlVereaafite'^afe1 of South fcaroliHa ffhs, byai)5d;in |>dr?uoinje ofittib'pPovte^ f'an >Adb tp 'ttOthoi?ft^ additional a?d*to tiheRlue;$U<&|9 ll^ilropd. Company, in S.outJ)'Car6lina,"r endorsed a' guaranteq &r the f&tU atid ^redft oflhe 1?tatd oil1 fodi1 'millions of dollars of bond^ltffeO&h by the said Blue Ridge Railroad Com 'pHiiy>fcoinprehehdiHk the1 Blue Ridge Kailroaxl ?owj5*ny-,in .South 1 Carolina the BJfie Ridge, Rqilroad Company iy Georgia ; the* Teiiiie'sb'e' ftivefltallWaa eompaiiy;i!i;.KQCtb CufoHnajltlie Knox-1 .vill e and, Charleston Ra,i I road {Company in Terflic'ssee, and the Pendleton 'Rail toad Company irilSdlitli Carolina* for tliepurpose q?aiding thc^peedy coupple7; tioh of the said Railroad,' wliien bonds are liable for.the debts- or-the feaki Rali road:Company j and:,whereas thq present condition of, the finance's' of the Estate, and dt-dak)''fcoifipaiviefl,' is suclr n? 'to make the further) 9pntiimajsce.: Qfafridj bonds on the'market Inexpedient and ^inadvisable, and irsertSfis injury and prejtldiee to the predSt o/the SlaCi; aud wuereas tne existence fit-toe saia lour iftllfipna of dollars of. the bppdp, so guar: anteed, creates a largeliability upon the part of the tftate,. which -the 'trea$u.ry may be required , to,meet at unforeseen and inopportunetimefij'&nd wiiere&s'tfre liability of the SJate,'On account of-Such guarantee, sliould be .faithfully met and discharged ; therefore^ In order to-?6cuti? the; recovory and destruction , of the bonds and coupons or the said company,' issued uuder. and. iir pursuance of'the* provisions.,o^ the "aforesaid act, npw pledged 'in ;the city of New Yofkamr o^sewhfiwj* auflto re]ifiVQ the State of all: liabilities, whatsoever, by roaaoji, of .its endorsement -and guarantee1 of raw bonds:.?* c ' tuitiin;' fin .. tikcrioxJ. Be it enacted by the, pen ate ftifd'Hdu&eof RepreWn.tatives'of {He1 State of fcjoutb.Carolina, ;;u.dw mej^ sitting in General Assembly, and by .the authoritythefeadii,Jifu .flijjlt t?v : ./ > 'ThUt therSfate Treasurer teJioreby.dh '&&ted,AVftii itib Consent' in writing of, the BluerRidge; Railroad Company,.in South Carolina, to require the ftnancial Agenfdf the State, iii the ijllyoi New YorKojiiBineditstely. to, deliver1 to tire State Treasury allt:bonds tjie, Blue Ridge Rail road (!om pariy, endorsed ah d" guaranteed by. the.&tate pS/South Caro lina, which are now, in hjs .possession, and hehUby him a^'ddliaWral seMirity,' for ad.vaudes made ^y;Ui$^jd^uariciafi Agent, .by, tlie order of the Financial .Board,-to'the'Blub Ridfee Railroad Com pany ; anjd upon the-deliveryipf.thejaaid ukftds,'' fhe'Treasiirer is* Ije'reTiy.required" to cjaiicehthe'same^'ln .the- ni&nhen hbi-e-* inafter directed; and t^esaid Blue Ridge Railrohd'Coinpariv slialf thereupon' be uiscnargeu,irwn an uauuuy uxtuajstate on account of such.advance?. ,^ , Skc. 2: Tfratf tfpbn" tf?fe surrender by the said Company to'the State Tiowury of the balance of .the said four millions of dollars ' Of 'bolids, -isatitAJ by'thb said Blue Ridee, RaUroad.^Comprtny,/ and guaranteed by tlic State, the'State Treas urer is toerebyWuthorlzdd und'required to deliver to.the President of t^e( BIjje, Ridge Railrdhd Compari}', in South Car?, olina, Treasury certificates. wf.:ljidubted ucssr (styled .Revenue:Bond 'Scrip) to the amount: of one raillitfn eight nunarea' thousand dollars, f^e sriid. certificates to he executed in the maimer hereinafter* directed ; and if the sauf'dompany shall not be able to 'deliver all of $eid bon.ds'at tint time, the Treasurer is authorized 'and required to deliver to thfrsald Pres ident .such anjountz of.^neh Treasury cerr "tifieates as, shall be prppprtionaj to the amout of bonds delivered. 11 1 ' | Skc. 3. That to carry out the'purposes of this Act, the State Treasurer is hereby, authorized and required to have printed or engraved ou steel as soon as practi cable, Treasury certificates of inilobeii ness, to' be known arid designated as' .Revenue Bond tierip of the; Siate of I South Carolina, .in such form, and,of such denomination as may be-detjer-' rniued on by the .State .Treasurer, and ! ;the.President of the Blue ltidge iiailrond | Company," !'o. South. 'Carolina, to .the; attlount'bf; one 'rukHion 'eight hundred thousand, dollars which Keveuue .Bond i Scrip shall be signed I y. the State Treas-j urer, and shall express^ that the suiir mentioned.1 herein is due.by. the State of j South Carolina to the bearer (.hereof, and that the same will be received in pa^-, irien't of taxes and all other dues to the! State, except special tax levied .to pay' interest on' the public debt.' SJ?Cv 4.i Tbat.tho faith and funds of the j State ace hereby pledged for, .the ulti mate redemption of ^aid ftevenue Bond Scrip, .and the County'. Treasurers are hereby required to receive the same in j payment of all taxes levied by the State, [ except in payment of special tax levied j to pay interest on.the public debt,; and; the Statd^Troasurer and'all other public' Jim .lir.rubv ruauired to receive! tlvdisunie in payment,of. all dues to thej State; and still further to provide for the | redumption .of s^id Revenue Jiond Scrip' ah annual tax of-threo iyi|ls>.on the dol lar] in addition tor all other faxes, dii the! jk?swse(A.talu^ Of all taxable; property in i "the State, is hereby levied, to, T>e e.ol.lec-1 ted tn tlie srtme mariner ahd'ftt the'siime; time m may be .providedIKy law for the levy. an,d collection of the rugular ait-J nual taxes 6f the State'"and the State; Treasurer is.hereby required to retire,- at I tlw? otnl.r>r niiiili vuni' frnm tlu'ir ilsite. i one-fourth pf the amount of the Treas ury Scrip hereby authorized to be issued, I until all a#it shall be relived, and to ap-| ply to such purpose exclusively the taxes hereby, required to be.levied. ' ; Sec. o. That, if any such Iieyenu.e Bond Sfjrip is .received in the Treasury, for payment of taxes, the Treasurer be-; and he is .hereby, authorized to .pay out such Revenue Bond .Scrip in satisfaction of any claims against the Treasury; ex- ; cept for interest that uiay.be due on the i public debt. Skc. 6. That upon' the ddlfvery to the | State Treasurer of the said .guaranteed | bonds of the Blue Ridge Hail road Com-1 pany, or of any part of tfi<*lft, the Treas urer, the.Treasurer isdiereby required toj cause the sanie to be cancelled and dcj-i stoyed, 4n the presence of', the President' of the Blue Ridgo Railroad Company, inj South Carolina, and in the presence of a.Joint Committee of the .Senate andj Hbtise of Representatives of this State,! to be for that purpose appointed. Si:o. 7, That whenever the whole] number, of (be. said guaranteed bonds, shaiylitve been delivered 'to the Treas urer and cancelled,' as required ? by-the provisions of. this Act, the .lien of the State of South Carolina, upon the estate, (..J I r.P tlw. .Q-iiil. lll.m - lunwo ui ???% A/>uv Kail road Con\pany, hi this fcftaie, "arid 7>f the other a8socfutt'd'comiia*nio5riti he S ta toe of Georgia, North Carolina and T^mese^', % fo&iW<3?by ttfe'ri "Ari'A'et T07 1. .1 . , rto feuthorjfce; additiODal. aid. to . thg, ftltig September,-Anno Sad rixfy^pV, iirid 'iilf ^tuetclalnaB arjJUbenrf^vdifdb afelialdby th6 SUte.afiai03t,8aid> qorraaqy/Wiftoitt BliduWm &aici; .ofcgjyany: Oja Columma, 8. C.,4SfitCh 2,1872. On' rtther qapation. be? come a~lnw, the object|ons of Jite-Excel lency the Governor1 to-^fielj(*'oti(T?ry not withstanding." the yea&-*H?J nays were < .ordered. wurJjant to pjpviejjpn of .the .] Coiistfttrtfbn; minltin^, yeas ?4, nays 18, ) and1 ordered fobeaent to'thegeuato,^ *r. j I Glerk:Houseof liepr^elit&tlVeir- 'I ii.i T .-.nnUk'l AC .iL *<* ! iosiw i I . IN THE SlCNATK. nuiy CoLUirnfXj^()<,'*Mfch 2,-'1872;:if' - Ow: tlie qfigsUpp ,'Xhall! ;thH? ActjpaKi ; and become a Jaw, the objections oC his Exdell^iityfh'i GhvcrttSr tb tlie Gdrilrary * , p o t wltlpgtftpjjjrtf&i tJie.iyebs.;iand;:naya j 'we're Ordered, puriuant to. pro viston. pf f [thel)C6nstifotr6n,'(AT'ndI6 %jWtflori 22,)\ the Acfcrjwwsed by, a i rvn va ivdce1 !Iu jio^dByftrder tCfiittm on' v 3MoM?pK&i " . hI: iioqu iiLLL'iiy/i r no?*!)*4 *' AN..^.OT to Pfavid^ Jor ipe ,Appointmrnt> ij of an Inspector ot -P/iosiihatcs, and to l ' h'cclard M? biitiesf " ' " ' -l , : Sectiqn,1; Bfiiit.QuaoteiJby t^&Senate F and House k o.f Representatives of,the* State orf:BbtiVh1'Car'b 1 inti,:' novrmet' and f dtoing'in-Genefal assembly, Arid toyiitfie j ai&atte1 bj5 authorized Uo: omxtfttfc^ft'sttnA l| fho n'nriQPTit. nf? *h? W^ruita..ft aonmeften&i^ person to tlftf office ^Iris'pcQlor.of tyios-^, pbates, who Jsh&W reside'-arid 'haveWrf*r; office iu the$tytof Cb^lfistgu{,%&&?ha)l u bold his office for two yerlrs. ,. ...SfiW&'T-hiat it shall be'Wdttt^tffftll' companies, or individuals \?ho: are; rori < may be anthoh'zed JLiy law-to dig, mine or cxciivaf^ 'siich plios^fthMc'ttcfc&'ahd * such phflwphatjc- deposit*; fftnii thefbeda I of.the navigable waters or streams w^b' J in the"jortsdf&fon'bfthe''Sttttbv id report to the Inspector of. Phosphates monthly, \ ,qr,at other iufervals, according to sueiv. ^ iVeguiatibifs as lnay be prescribed, the (prah'tity-of such rock and deposit dftgj- ' i mined and excavated; and ,wbether;t^e J rsariic be on hand awaiting removal, or," j ,i?it-lias beeh'moved Or i.s-'b^ing':moved,]c to furnish a copy of il)e bil| oralis!oil !; lading, which reports shall be verified 1 by the' 6ath oflJtlij3;person Making tilers sam.c;*-,AndJJ> shall .be the - duty ofxjapr! 1 tarns of vessels .and railroad officials to , furiiwh to the'rn^pecfor of Phosphates' ; duplicates qf all bills; jof lading^^fiallj ^ cargoes of such rock and deposits with-i wlndh their vessels or cars may tie ft freighted for exjxwt- fnwrrthis-Btote; orjji Tor transportation,- wjikLu Uij3^Sterte,)7^ji ; to theimcNlrortHe' ttortd'Ili^crorfc of Phosphates may be emrbled to verify jk tlie reports of the quantity of.ialcIi ijodBa|? rind deposits which liav^ been,of uiay;be,iJ. dug; mined, excavated and removed^ne'.| t shall,-at ftH time.4, hnve and be allowed' 'j free and miiirfttrOpted access to all pM&s >vhere sii$U? rocka. and deposits are dug,' J; miiicd .qr exyavatemiufc.drand excavated', by] { what vessel, or other mode, of- ^rpnsppr-j; tation, the same was removed,. with such > other particulars ay-mdytnaWe'tlVe State'r Auditor correctly t6' awiertaili whether f the amounts, due to the Stato tierefor r have beeu paid, and,, \yju??isia07ttj conn table" for the same.' '' . \ i ' Sec.* 4. TlKtt'hereaftei* -It?;slrjftT'Tio't "be lawful to selHin tflikeStatel bi? toexpdse :V .to sale, any gua#w, or pthecj commercial j t fertilizers, whetheCj^Ue, same,4i&ve. been I manufactured jh this State or'elsewhere, | ( .unless the same shall have been first ex aftiined, inspected,analyzed and marked i " by the Inspector of-Phosphates. And it;1 shall be the duty of all pejsojjs,r bringing 11 into this State,- for saTe," any guanos or.ii fprtilizers;'.to furnish to the Inspector of! a Phosphates a formula representing Hlte! c average contento-of euch>|jfty tons of the i ^ same, and to cause the same, or as many"j1 packages thereof as may be necessary to L make a correct average 1 sample of the whole, to be examined and .inspected.-r- J ] And it shall be the dutyof the 'Inspector! to examine and analyze all such samples!^ of guanos and other fertilizers, and, if j * ifouud lo agree with tlie formula thereof, f required to be furnished as above, and { as published to the public, to mark'or'v brand eaeh package thereof; but <11" the' same, upon analysis, shall not conform 'I to thu formula so furnished and nub-j*1 lished, (lie Inspector shall.uojE brand or 1 mark the same, and tt'uhali bfe nnlawfiirj for the holder or -own^r thereof to iell^ the slime. ; t uffrfc BSO& That,,to carry ;into effect .Iho^ purpose's of^thc foregoing Section of this ' Act, the Inspector of Plibsphatcs Kliiill,Ts At all times, have and1 foe''allowed free'e and uninteruptcd access rto all vessels, 'j cars, warehouses, manufactories and j storehouses, where such1 fertilizers are ' I or.ard supposed to be, and to take sam- < ! pies thereof; And,it,shall be the duty of all captains of vessels,"or other_car- ( friers1 or'persons bringing 8u ch fertilizers { j into the State, to report the same to the iInspector of Phosphates immediately ( fupon arrival; and it shall be the dmy of ajl manufactories of such fertilizers, in. [this fStaie, to report to the said Inspector J all quantities manufactured for sale. t vrtl-fcjnftu# *" * Kaamsfuftwvtut iuyauurtr Th^anyO|)a*6ta7?^B rtfiU* * coonterfeU tlio:br?pd;of .taid Irapeatttvoftqi Oflshall xepack-aiy<,|>flp&?g?* piwioasly k-.'-J jqqrkodjar tfalta udedl Uyy&td TusfrMdil >. ah all /, oa coii vietian - thereof, be^ned for-Vfli each ana every oifenue^ the pfcm offoog-?iii huhjdrCd'ilollara.'r vi?*ftUb i/A 8EC..7.!/rhat iacaae bf^tluisiduteBS'Qf^ 1# temporary absence of rrtfivaniant iliiflitnti nf./jip riMttagwa? or his office sLalT require the same, _ Mid Ittsptor Uajfcreieii$ ata&WMMo 91% appoint a Deputy?ouecoMnqr8. 8. That for bitf imfip&T&mon for the manection and brandiiT9tWHV>rtf]i*?rn fhA kbdltfftudWthtf !oib*^W% m&x*? 3?aH oe coI^ctaLle or.ajacilrom theifer- ? W InttWg ^UftA?fePj?i((W"?3 hi8<(m)j>ew?te)p.fo? tW* xwd |j)4(l?n;r theni fffitilW'ftuatV 89 Trada" 8Pdb?ll-?0? ) jjniinoo Lib -\o jtf iheir office. tliey shall be liable SS&B& iiV'the -disertlioatrfijto Ctajuffcr rjiqbnhq 9sif i'ct,' b0^Taad. :hxQtn?ktt?f('iare>rj\erfeliyt?!zO?r S^%^ichp4i8-2.,,,,ii^ fr**'" *d 7 "T. wrfiJO ia 4.1^ACT to Incorporate tfaiMpqn&jflQfi *8 i-;4/, E. .Church, qf Kinadree. jl. ,C. V,, VseHIoc? fceSefi?14 . rteahd Hoirajftf/Re^esSrtttttWfe of'tb&f tix jtatd q?> goutfe (>Q9?u?j na^tjOMjg-iqpdpmq Kingstrt#. Scfc ^brpornttxxi, rtriitbialfctfae*lght8?HtfU,f*l#s x*ttt legfej^awwted ffyp *eUffejuu deoomUMfr*-Hiiw i-W !)oi JLl .BiiofroJfcem u'f iui^mm^rAW iKjeif^a^'pdW^n^ntfri^SW ndy j dispose, i re#i*late! <*udJ ?psefl& ^th* ,3*fc lafrie as, ,fliey, propieXj-Jm torn: Info soA'dancft wM^ir4awa; APftdii^ne;,,,,,.,, f&W&P** ??* s i.SDctitoriS. Jf ttdtfbtfc l&W, tore5 A*4lie t^?^fW(?^^yeWie70ld/ Approved March 4, l^AwwC *on t*til '"Section. 1. Bo it crmuted by tho 5cimte and. IIcnuo-.oF JRepwB^ajntii-ei'lT " u i-vim net'and sitting jo general ^?8ejn-fA j jiy? and'by authority of the same f4 . , Tli.it B* 'W aM?WinWij; ?"r(oT ffV Stritklingl?$?' Tl&M>?iG**Wd7r IV^tKpu',; Bjv iAoEL* 3f or rami,- i ,JJeir. aBu o f {z o lolde^^sle^. P^tf hXor&v&v,<& J&abuI [i Ji. \v miner, it. S. van Deyierou , 5. P. "Eefidy,- ,JK; A;-Tf tyonc$6n nor! iv alhjifld'GoHe^e," fo^fe'pdrniose tif'* trganieitig. ?stiablishSttg; jo capablc.aftd Jia$&,in;l?& anifc?qte<| ?r?j lifaaf'' mpsj as they may d&Mr iwcesa&fy^ iv^ intl pepper; fbr tho ifi'o^ttiatlflU^^or- i " >/ppiorri>and:condaot -of !flai4i Sfe'ftfi nrf-1Jr>- *r 'y'ofJearmng, except-as iatierbini-< > I lA'e'f providqd fop;! i Frotidfed-i <'-1 aid by-laws ttrid-niloa-fctf ttfrroofnige* V'<1 ihnt to'tho Constitution'and low ?>?? I - * vr hfs Stato^ouujf lth ' "i PrUstoiB fiiiali ho 1(1' tbelroffiooH^bO' itftiioriaed jtaappoint such offi ?80'ffs hoy may -.think necessary and^to.'--' * '* ici'for ihs loirgariization? aftd' goW rrf^ " : >: ncn-t of ! ilhcir ; Soarchby dentil, reai^n?tioivt>K other- -it'.'. vise, thosaid Board ehatt ijaYepawiH?? v o fiJl sajd vacancy.' inJiis ail-' *0* vjvlor. ba .Sec. 3. That the said Truster trod Va heir'successors shall have afld?:\;:Tbociia8 SJ Wnrihg. shall- hold -hit* * iQjco-during-tthB < pleasure of Joard of Trustees, "and shall-* bare ' alt power to appoint all professor*} ??*>1 u,tors. an dins tractors of nn 1: in1 said 1 j K ^QlJ^^e^aodUp remove thd sam??bV ? iTeasiire, andlo exereisQ. sqfth jgenfeiv : l-l il control and supervision over tho " ns!tr h c t o rs, irfFrri rs~3Tf A M's^lpUsiibject ,to . vJi .fto'Boartf.oF, Trustees. r . . ,r , /$ec|;,5.#hai'lthe lliall have power-an'd' aifthority o - - - " :6nfer and award suck, distinction, ? v-> ionors liccrreqs and decrees.-,as are: :(. isuallv confeired by similar., coileees-. K >f tho'Tnitcd .stitci - ";;;;;* _, . "[Sec. 6. That this A'tf6*gfiaTr n lecnied and taken to be a pnbltc Act, ind to continue in force until repeal*. . . . . J ' Approved March 4j;18^2i ;av |>2I0a ***' . m ? 6'i *tm ?C* &L % ^ A poor place for a hungry pig?Th ,rouy li of the sou.