The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 13, 1872, Image 1

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VOLUME XIX?NO. 47, ABBEVILLE. S. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13. 1872, A. LEE AND HUGH WILSON BY W. OVER MS. SUEZ'S SHOE STORE. 18 where my books and accounts can be foand and I would urgently re quest all those to whom I have extend ed credit, to COME UP IN THIS MY HOUR OF NEED, Fay 119 Their Accounts lite Ben, thp??Kv ptuLhlp nw to rwnmc busi cess. I would state that I have a FEW AR TICLES which I saved from the fire, which I am offering Low Down!! Parties would do well to call and ex amine them, as I pledge myself to close out what I have at astonishingly low flgutes. Respectfully, John Knox. Jan. 26,1872,41-tf LIYERPOOL LONDON AND GLOBE! TWCTTTJ AWPT. HflMPAWY. i Insures Against LOSS by FIRE as LOW as any GOOD company. *&- All Losses paid at the Agency in Charleston without reduction. No extra charge for Policy?a SAV ING of $1.00 TO INSURED. Assets in Gold, $20,000,000. JDaiJy Receipts over - - - 820,000.00, CHICAGO LOSSES, ALL PAID, Near - - 63,000,000.00. Business quadrupled since Chi cago Fire. ~,Ba W)I, H. PARKER, .Agent. January 32. 1872?40?tf Jacob Kurz, (One Door belo the Post Officc,) v *. f -V aNUIACTUHER of and dealer in Boots and Shoes, My custom work includes all varieties *nd classes usually kept by a FIIiST CLASS Shoe House. Xadies' ?ear a Specialty, OUUO. AD Kid, Silk, Morocco and Calf Boots. Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes OF ALL THE Latest and Modern Styles, Made to order, on the shortest notice. My work I warrant to give satisfac tion in every particular. A large Stock always kept on hand. Remember the place?one door below the Old Post Office. Dec. 6, 1871,33?3m Parents! (Mm! Note! ?OARD, with TUITION in English, B French, Latin, Greek Mathemat ics, Book-keeping, and Surveying in the field, can be had for ONLY 0126! 1Ur wcoiva, iivui xai xuui tu, hcau Instruction, analytical, practical, thor ough ; Government, parental; Climate delightful; Scenery beautiful. Ploase address, immediately. Rev. D. McNELLL TURNER, D.D. Brevard, N. C. Jan 10, 1872, 3S-3m 1872. To those who have patro nized the Emporium of Fash ion the past year we are obliged, and hope they have been well enough pleased to continue their business with us. . Respectfully, JAS. W. FOWLER & CO. Jan. 1 , 1871. COPARTNERSHIP. MR. JAS. A. BOWIE having been taken in as a part ner at the Emporium of Fash ion, the style of the Firm will hereafter he; JAS. W. FOWLER & CO. Jan. 1,1871, 37-tf TRIUMPHANT T Wilmington, X. C., Aug. 21,1871, For the largest production of Cotton to the acre, 1,000 lbs. Carolina Fertiliz er. For the largest production of Wheat to the acre, 1,000 lbs. Carolina Fer tilizer. The above premiums are for crops pro duced with the use of Carolina Fertilizer alone, or in combination with plantation manures only, and the awarding of said premiums is left discretionary with the committee of the Association under their rules. SANDERS, OATES & CO., Agents at Charlotte. STEVENS & CURETON, Lancaster, S. C. Waxhaws, Lancaster Co., S. C. To P. P. Zimmerman, J&sq., Secretary of the Fair of 4M Carolina?, Char lotte, N. C. The following is a correct statement of Cotton raised by Stevens & C'ureton, on 1J acres of stubble land, which was man ured with 400 lbs. Carolina Fertilizer. The following is the mode of cultivation: It was thoroughly broken up 12 inches deep, and laid oft in rows 3J feet wide, audthe Fertilizer applied in the drill, then bedded on it on the 15th of May, and planted the same day, but owing to the cool and dry weather, did not come up to a" stand until about the 1st of June. First working it was run around with a half shovel and partially trimmed out with a hoe. Second working it was run around with a 3 inch grub, 12 inches long, and the middles thrown out with a sweep 17 inches wide. One furrow to a row and thinned to a stand with a hoe about 12 inches wide, and hoed each time, until it was worked five times. The following is a correct statement of the Cotton picked: 1st Picking ,..,.,254 2d Picking, 410 3d Picking, 413 Estimated amount unopened ma tured bolls, 816 Total, 1,923 Respectfully submitted, STEVENS & CURETON. I certify I weighed the Cotton picked in the above statement, and it is correct. TV. A. GRAHAM. At the request of Messrs. Stevens & Cureton, we nave examined the 1| acre of Cotton, and the estimate made above is true to the best of our ability. D. P. DURANT, \V. A. GRAHAM, JOSEPH RODGEKB. Premiums awarded to Stevens & Cure ton on above certificate. We will sell the above Splendid Fer tilizer at Forty-Five Dollars cash, or Fifty Dollars, payable 1st November, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum, delivered at our Warehouse in Charles ton. Agents will sell at same price, add ing the freight and drayage to their De pots. fieo.W. Williams & o. January 17,1872, 39, 4m ABE FOR SALE BY Wilcox, Gibbs & Co., Importers and dealers in Guanos, 148 Bay St.. Savannah, 6a. 151 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. ) 'For further information apply or ad dress as above for Almanac for 1872. J. F. C. DuPRE, Agent at Abbeville. A. M. AIKEN, Ag't. at Greenwood, S C. Jan. 17,1S72, 39-3m The Worjd-Benowned HOWE SEWING MACHINE. THEHowe is thefirstsewing Machine ever made. It has points of su periority over all others. In range of work the machine cannot be equaled. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY. t : Oiiiipiiv;itjr auu ucucuiiuu wi uit;cuauiBU, Durability?will last a life-time. Range of Work?Without Parallel. Perfection of Stitch and TenBion. The most easy of operation. Self-adjusting take up. Adjustable Head. Having been appointed Agent for the above Sewing Machine for this County,1 It is now offered for sale on reasonable terms. It is equal to, if not superior to any machine offered to the public. All persons in want of a Machine will please nail onH avomlno Miia hpfnrp nnrfhnaimr Respectfully, J. D. CHALMERS. Dec. 4,1871, -tf The Sural Accountant. A PLANTATION BOOK, needed by every Farmer who desires to know liuw his farming investments pay, com prising a selection of PracticaL Informa tion, needed everyday on the farm. For sale by A. M. AIKEN, Greenwood. Also Agent to receive subscriptions or renewals to that'standard Agricultural Periodical, The Rural Carolinian. Jan. 17, 1872, 37?tf Fair Helen. Deep-set and darkly glowing eyes Look out from Helen's youthful face, A challenge to the cruel skies: Half-orphaned by the Destinies, That heart of fire, that girl of grace. She stands on morning's shining brink And wists not what the day may bring Thirsting for life, her pulses drink The promise of the hours which link The past unto her flowering spring. She fears not all the storms that throng She laughs when lightning cuts th< cloud; Strong in herself, in nature 9trong, She feels her energies belong To storms, as they as wildly proud. Less of the maiden than of fire: Less of the woman than of wind ; Her thoughts in brilliant jets expire, Or over sea and clond aspire, Mount, fly, and leave the world behind. In her is nothing meek and frail, She come upon us as when June Sends o'er uslrfm* health-giving gale, . Freshening the heart, while all the vale Fergets the languor of its moon. Laws of South Carolina. tv*?t rrmrniTri AUTS AMU JUINT JKIUSUJjU HUMS PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. [Published by Authority.] AT?" ACT to Regulate the Pilotage at the Ports of Charleston, Beaufort and Georgetown. Sectin 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That the Governor is hereby author ized to appoint separate and distinct Boards of Pilot Commissioners for the ports of Charleston, Beaufort and Georgetown, each Board tp consist of three v persons, of whom two shall be, or shall have been, seafaring men, and the third a full branch pilot. The Commissioners of Pilotage, for the port of Beaufort, shall have jurisdiction over St. Helena, Port Royal, and all entrances Southward. Sec. 2. The said Commissioners shall have power to organise, from time to time, a Board of Examination, by ad ding to their number two nautical men, if deemed necessary by them, to be chosen by themselves; and it shall be the duty of the said respective Exam ining Boards to examine each and all snnlimmfa aa tn hie nr flipir i'nmiK>fpnr<v to work or manage vessels, and, gener ally, to discharge the duties of a Piiot or Pilots; and no license or branch, shall be granted to any person unless he re ceive the certificate of competency signed by a majority of such Examining Board. Sec. 3. That each and every applicant for a branch, or license, before he shall receive a certificate from a majority of the Examining Board, shall pay to tlie paid Board the sum of five dollars to defray the expenses of such examina tion and of issuing said certificate. 8kc. 4. Apprentices shall betaken by full branch pilots only, with the approv al of the respective Boards of Commis sioners of Pilotage, and shall serve two years before receiving a nine-foot branch !>r license; the last year of service it shall be the duty of their masters to take the 6aid apprentices on board of ill vessels, so that they may become jompetent to discharge their duties. A.fter holding their branches, or licen ses, of nine feet, for two years, if com petent, to the satisfaction of their mak ers, they shall receive a twelve foot jranch, or license, which thcv must lold in service for two years, at the end j >f which time they may receive a full' >ranch, or license. In all ca*es liow-| jver, the applicant for apprenticeship tha.ll be eighteen years of age previous o receiving his niije-foot branch, or iceuse: Provided, That any person, or Tersou9, who have been trading between .?ither of the ports above mentioned, ind other ports, for a period of five rears, shall, upon a satisfactory exami nation before either of the respective Boards of Commissioners, be entitled :o receive from said Board a full branch, >r license. Sec. 5. The said respective Boards of Pilot Commissioners shall give to the ipplicants approved by them either a limited license or branch, or a full li cense or branch, according as the appli-' nation and discovered fitness of the ap plicant shall be, signed by a majority of i the examining Board, or by their Chair-1 man, as the majority of said Board may1 direct, requiring of each applicant, before the delivery to him of such li cense or branch, to swear and subscribe to the following oath, to be administered hir tin* PrMidpnf nf th<? Roard. to Tit: ul, A B, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will well and faithfully, and ac cording to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute and discharge the business and duty of a licensed pilot or apprentice as the case may be) for the bar and harber of Charleston, Beaufort or Georgetown (as thecase mav be;) and that I will, at all times, wind, weather and health permitting, use my beet endeavors to repair on boards, of all shijts and vessels that I shall see and conceive to be bound for, or coming into or going out of the port or harbor of Charleston, Beaufort or Georgetown (as the case may be,) unless that I am well assured that some other licensed pilot is then on board the same. And I do fur ther swear (or affirm) that I will from time to time, and at all times, make the best dispatch in my power to convev safely over the bar of Charleston, Beau fort or Georgetown (as the case may be,) every vessel committed to my care, In coming in or going out of the same; and that I will, from time to time, and at all times, truly observe, follow and fulfill, to the best of my skill and ability ana knowledge, all such orders and direc tions as 1 shall or may receive from the Commissioners of Fiiotaire relative to all matters and things that may apper tain to the duty of a pilot; aud, further, that 1 will not, at the same time, be owDer, part owner, nor be interested, di rectly or indirectly, in more than two boats employed in the business of the pilotage of the bar and harber of Char leston, Beaufort or Georgetown (as the caac may be.) So help mo God." Sec. t5. That after any such person or applicant shall have taken the oath or affirmation aforesaid, and subscribed to taesame, the said Board of Commission er shall require such person to execute tothem, and their successors in office, a loud, with two sureties, to be approv ed by them, in the sum of five hundred dollars if hislicence be of nineor twelve feet or in the sum of one thousand dol lars If it be a full license; which bond shall be conditioned for the faithful dis charge of his duties as such pilot; whereupon the said Board of Commis sioners shall deliver to such person a license, to be measured by respective draft ?f water; said license to be signad either by the President of the said Board, under direction of a majority thereol or by such majority themselves. Sec. T. That the respective Boards of Commissioners of Pilotage shall have power aad authority, for any cause or charge, to them satisfactorily proven, to order ani direct any or all pilots, for their respective bars and harbors, to de liver up liis or their license or licenses, and to take out a new license or licenses; but no pilot who shall satisfy them of the falsity of any such charge brought against him, shall be required to pay an additional fee for his new license; and it 8hull be the duty of the said respec tive Boards of Commissioners to lay be fore the County Commissioners of their respective counties, immediately after the execution thereof, all bonds given by pilots, and if the said County Commis sioner be not satisfied with the security on such bond, every pilot whose sure ties shall be deemed insufllcient, shall give a new bond, with such sureties and within such time as shall be approved or demanded by the said County Com missioners, in which case the pilot shall receive a new license on surrendering his former one. And every piU>t not complying with ' these conditions, or any of them, shall forthwith forfeit his llnonoa rniH filmll ho rlinnnnliflpd in ROt as pilot at either of the respective bars or narbors aforesaid, for the period of twelve (12) months. The number of pilots for either of the bars or harbors above named shall be determined by the respectice Board of Commissioners, aforesaid: Provided, That said Board of Commissioners shall make no distinc tion in the selection of pilots'on account of race, color or previous condition. Sec. 8. The majority of the respective Boards of Pilotage aforesaid shall have power and authority, in their respective jurisdictions, to take away the license of a pilot for a given time, or to declare his license null and void, as the nature of the case may demand, upon charge of any dereliction of duty made and proVen agaiust him ; but each and every pilot against whom any charge shall be made shall be entitled to a hearing before his Board of Pilot Commissioners, and to make any proper defence to such charge before said Board of Commissioners; and if any pilot has forfeited his license, or is no longer entitled to the use of his license, by virtue of this or any other clause of this Act, the Commissioners of Pilotage shall have the power to order the Harbor Master of their respective harbors to call on him for the surrender of his license, and if he shall refuse to give up the same to the Harbor Master on demand, the latter shall notify for one week in the public daily papers, or for three weeks in the publie weekly papers of his respective harbor, that such person has no longer a right to act as pilot until he be reinstated by the Board of Commissioners. Sec. 9; No pilot shall discontinue to act for three months, nor shall he absent himself at any time from his respective port or harbor, without permission from the Commissioners of Pilotage of his said port or harbor, nor shall any pilot hire out his pilot boat to any person or persons whomsoever, unless he substi tute another boat, to be approved by the Commissioners aforesaid. But the said Commissioners Khali never give such permission unless, in their opinion there shall be a sullicient number of boats actually engaged in the service of pwouige. i>ur suun amy puoi suusmuit' or employ as a pilot any one from whom liccnse Las been taken away, or become forfeited, as aforesaid; andnany pilot herein in auywhe offending; shall, for each and every such ollense, be deprived of his license by the Commissioners, or a majority of them, and if so deprived he shall be preceded against as provided in the latter part of the preceeding Sec tion of this Act, and sball moreover for feit and pay to the State a sum not ex ceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 10. That in case of war no pilot shall bring in or furnish supplies to any armed vessel belonging to au enemy at war with the United States, or shall carry out an armed vessel to such enemy without being ordered ho to do by the constituted authorities of the United States; and eveiy pilot herein in any wise offending shall forthwith forfeit his license, and be disqualified forever after from acting as a pilot; and if, at any time, the President of the United States, or the Governor of the State, shall pro hibit to furnish with supplies, or to bring in or carry out any vessel or vessels be longing to any nation or State, or to a subject or subjects of any nation or State, it snail ue me auiy 01 every puot, ior either the bars or harbors hereinbefore named, to comply with every such pro hibition, on pain of incurring the same penalty and punishment as lor like of fense iu time of war. Skc. 11. That every pilot cruising or standing out to sea, shall otter his ser vices first to the vessel nearest to the bar, except when he sees a more distant ves sel iu distress, under a penalty of fifty dollars, for eaeh and every sucli neglect and refusal, either of approaching the nearest vessel, and .of boarding her, if required, or of aiding any vessel showing j a'c signals of distress in the case above men- ?UJ tioued; and the Commissioners of Pilofr acrc r?r si mninn'fv nff.hpm. mav discretion, deprive the said pilot of his license: Provided, however, That noth iug herein contained shall extend, or be censtrued to extend to vessels of the de scription mentioned in the preceding Section, all of which vessels it shall be the duty of every pilot to avoid as much as possible, whenever they are known to, or justly suspccted by him, as such. Sec. 12. Whenever the Governor of the State shall issue a proclamation sub j#ting vessels from certain ports or countries to quarantine, it shall be the duty of every pilot conducting any such vessel over the bar of the ports above named to bring her to the quarantine ground, and to remain on board, or go to the Lazaretto, without coming up to the port until the Port Physician shall permit it; and during the time for which eui;ii |iuut iciuauio uu uviaiu auy such vessel, or stays at the Lazaretto, he shall be allowed four dollars for each and every day of his remaining on board or staying at the Lazar^to as aforesaid, and be found in necessary provisions and ac commodations, at the expense of the Master, owner or consignee of such ves sel. And every pilot neglecting or re fusing to bring any such vessels to the quarantine grounds, or coming to the port without previously obtaining the l'ort Physician's permission, or before !?"/? kif flia cat/1 D/tnf UJC liUiU iiiAJiiru \jj luv- oaiu a. vau x uj ? sician, shall, for each and every such of fense, be deprived of his license and shall not obtain another license before the expiration of one year, and forfeit and pay the Bum of fifty dollars to the State. Sec. 13. That the pilot ground shall extend from each of the bars above named thirty miles eastward, southward and westward, and anjT master or com mander of a vessel bearing toward either of said coasts or bars (all coasters and other vessel trading between any ports within this State excepted) who shall offer to board, shall be. and is hereby, made liable, on his arrivaL at either of said ports, to pay the pilot who first of fered td go on board, and take charge of such vessel, the rates and fees allowed and established as hereinafter mentioned, as if such pilot had actually brought in such vessel to either port; provided, however, that if a pilot having a nine or twelve feet license, as the case may be, is refused by the master of a vessel of greater draft, such master shall not be liable to him for her pilotage; and pro vided, also, that if a pilot refuse to pro duce his license to the master of a vessel when the latter demands it, the fees of pilotage shall not be charged against the master neglecting the services of such pilot. Sec. 14. That any pilot boarding a ves sel on pilot ground shall be entitled to receive from the master, owner or as ssignce, four dollars for every day of his eing on board previous to her coming 3 to port, in addition to the fees of pilot ce hereinafter established. That even lJot of an inward bound vessel, wlk hall be directed by the nititer to anchoi 1 tho roads, and afterwards bring hei ito port, shall be entitled to receive foui ollars for the master, owner or assignee Iso four dollars to bring a vessel an hored in the stream (at the request o: ie master, owner or consignee) anc loorherat the wharf; four dollars tc mnoor (at the request of the master wner or consignee) and ixnchor in the ;ream, or from the stream to tho roads ) be paid as aforesaid. 8tc. 15. That the pilot who brought in le vessel shall have the exclusive right f carrying her out, unless the master oi >muiander of such vessel shall, within fortnight after his arrival in said port, rove to the satisfaction of the Pilot ommissioners of said port, or a majority f them, that the same pilot had misbe aved during the time he had charge oi ich vessel, or unless the said pilot shall ave been deprived of his license; befort ?e denarture of such vessel in eit her nl hich cases another pilot may be em loyed, who shall be entitled to receive le outward pilotage. And every pilot aving or becoming entiled to carry out -vessel, shall either attend in person 01 rocure another pilot of his own degree. >attend for him on such outward bound essel, after twelve hours' notice by the laster, by the hoisting of his jack at the retop-masthead, for that time during ay light. But if suoh pilot should nei ler attend in person, nor substitute an ther person, pilot of equal degree with imself, the master of such vessel shall j at liberty, after the expiration of the Dove limited space of time, to emplov tiother pilot, of equal license, who shall e bound, if not previously engaged, to irry such vessel out, and who shall be ititled to the outward pilotage. ?A.nd ly pilot who shall carry out a vessel, ot being entitled to do so, shall be liable > the pilot who had the right in the mount paid or due for carrying her out. nd any pilot who brought in a vessel lall have a right to demand his fee ol ilotage, and the lawful charges, as afore* lid, before the departure from port.? nd whenever a pilot, having, a right to irry out a vessel, is apprehensive that is lees of pilotage may not be paid bv cr master, owner or consisrnce. ne shall ave the right to demand his fees in ad ince. or such security for the payment lereof as shall be reasonable and satis ctory; and on failure thereof, may re ise to carrv her out. Sec. 16. That no person shall be au lorized or permitted to conduct and lot any vessel over the bar of either of 10 harbors aforesaid, either when com I? AU kWj V* VUV Vij V| UUtVtM ich person snail have a license as afore ,id; and every person not having re ived such license, or having forfeited le same, or being deprived thereof, as oresaid, who shall presume to bring to, or carry out of cither of the afore id ports, any vessel which has to cross ie bar, as well as every person having limited license of twelve feet, or nine et, who shall presume to conduct a >ssel of more than nine or twelve feet, 'er either of the bars aforesaid, either coming in or going out, shifll be en !ed to no fee, guaranty, or reward, for e same, but shall pay the regular pilot ;e to the pilot who shall first otfer; pro ded, however, that the foregoing pro bitfon shall not extend to prevent any srson assisting any vessel in distress, tthouta pilot on board, if such person all deliver up a vessel to the first pilot ho shall afterwards come on board and Icr to conduct sucli vessel; ana also, at the captain and crew of a vessel all not be liable to such fine for con icting her over the bar without the aid a pilot, in either of the two last raen >ned cases, a signal for a pilot is worn. Sec. 17. That every master of an out anl bound vessel shall, at the appointed lie of his departure, have his vessel in adiness for sailing, and as a signal ereof, hoist a jack at the foretop-mast ad ; and every master of a vessel who all detain a pilot at the time appointed, A rvMAnn/tfl f/A onu lliUt lit uailliut iw nv.a, tuuuf^u rid and weather should permit, shall y to such pilot four dollars per day ring the time of his actual detention such vessel. 3ec. 18. That any master or comman r of a vessel shall carry off any of the lots for either of the bars or harbors >resaid, he shall allow every such pilot lr dollars for eacli and every day du ig his absence, and supply him with ovisions and other necessaries In the ine manner as is usual for maintenance d accommodation of masters of vessels, d the master, as well as the owner, nsignee and security of such vessels, all be liable for theaforesaid sum; pro led, that no pilot, who is carried oil'as >resaid, shall be entitled to any of the ms aforesaid, if such vessel shall have d for the space of sixteen hours, after ving crossed the bar. and no pilot nil have appeared at the time to re ive such pilot on board; provided, also, a,t the master, owner or consignee, [Ill UeirttV tlic CA|ICligc VI Iiivii |(iivv ck to either of Bald ports, as the case ay be. Sec. 19. That the owner or owners of ery pilot boat, or pilot or pilots who iy hire such boat, or may be employed ereon, shall cause such number to be it on the most conspicuous place of each at's main and foresail, as may be de bated by the Harbor Master of the speetive ports, and the figure designa ig the number of the boat, as aforesaid, all be at least five feet iu length, and )? ?>M.naK no />Anoninnnnu uq nnM juauc IA7 ?o vwu>..j^ivv*uMw mm r?w jle, bjr being placed on each side of e main and foresail of every boat used the pilotage, and every pilot omitting neglecting to number the boat in liich he may be interested, shall, on nviclion before the Commissioners of lotage, be deprived of his license, and all, in addition, be liable to pay a line $100. Bee. 20, That if any of the said pilots all enter, or be connected in copart irship in the business of pilotage of ;her of the bars and harbors aforesaid, owner, part owner, or interested di ctly or indirectly, with more than two ats employed in the said pilotage, th*. >mmissioners of the said pilotage shall , and they are hereby, authorized to ke away the license of such pilot, and clare the same null and void; and ch pilof, in any manner offending ainst this section, shall forfeit and pay ium not exceeding five hundred dol rs. Bee. 21. That it shall be the duty of a lot, if required by the master orcom auder of a vessel, to remain on board hile such vessel is anchored in the ads, outward bound, at the rate of four >llars per day, and in case of refusal or ;glect the pilot shall be deprived of his ?ense by the Commissioners of Pilotage * 1 ? ? 'J *-ks\t nmnnW i n #* 1119 port, UIJU JUUJ t* 3ULU lim '(y dollars. Bee. 22. Tliat the master, owner, or nsignee of any ship or vessel, for the nsidorntion of the pilotage of the id ship or vessel, inwajd to, or outward Dm, cither <*f the aforesaid ports, shall iy to the licensed jiilot who shall take large of the same, the several sums of oney, rates and fees, which the C'om issionors of Pilotage of the aforesaid spective harbors or porta may deter ineand fix upon, according to the draft ' water of the said ship or vessel; and ie Commissioners of Pilotage of the spective ports or harbors aforesaid, are }reby authorized and directed to deter ine for their respective ports or harbors ich rates and fees as to them shall scorn cot and proper, both as well for the raft of the ship or vessel, as for taking fell ship or vessel around any river re jested by the master, owner or consig nee, and for taking letters from either of the harbors or ports aforesaid, to vessels outside the respective bar, and waiting orders and delivering them on board, the amount of inward pilotage of such ves sel's draft. Sec. 23. ^hat whenever a vessel has crossed over, or is inside of either of the aforesaid bars, the master shall not be compelled to take a pilot, but if he de mands the services of a piiot he shall pay the customary fees of pilotage as in other cases. Snc. 24. The respective Commissioners of Pilotage shall have power and author ity to prescribe to the several pilots of tiieir respective ports such orders and regulations, not inconsistent with this act, as to themf or a majority of them, may appear suitable and proper. Ana any pilot neglecting or refusing to con rorm to any suen oruers or regulations* nhall .forfeit and pay, lor each offence, the sum of fifty dollars. Sec. 25. That the harbor master of each of the aforesaid harbors shall be bound to keep constantly a complete register, specifying the licenses of all the pilots (with their residences) of his respective bar and harbor, and of all boats to which they are severally attach ed, and the name, number and the owner or owners of the . same; and also to reg ister any change or alteration that may take place in either of the above partic ulars; which change or alteration the pilots are hereby required, from time to time, to report to the Harbor Master of their respective port, as they may occur, in order that masters of vessels or persons interested may have it always in their power to know from him at once who are the responsible persons on board of each boat, and thereby obtain such in formation a* tney may nnu necessary. And every pilot or owner of a pilot boat neglecting or refusing to report, as afore said, shall for each omission, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding lifty dollars. And it shall be the duty of said Harbor Master on the first Monday of each month, to report to the Commissioner of Pilotage a register as above specified, and also such nilots as may have neglect ed or refused to comply with th<ffore going requisitions. And the said harbor master shall furnish every master of a vessel coming to the Harbor Master's office with a copy of this act, for the purpose of perusing it at said office, without charging or being allowed to charge any fee or perquisite for any or either of the aforesaid services. And foreveiy neglect of duty in the premises, the said harbor master (or either of the aforesaid ports) shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, to be imposed by the Commissioners of Pilot age at his respective port, and deducted from his salary. . Sec. 28. That it shall be tne auty 01 the Commissioners of Pilotage, of either of the ports aforesaid, on the occasion of any marine disaster to any vessel in charge of a pilot of their respective port, to tuake a careful examination or the cause or causes of such disaster by im mediately summoning before them the pilot in charge of the vessel, and obtain ing such testimony from tbe parties interested or not, as the case may be, in their power; and the result of such in vestigation shall .bo placed upon record; copies of which shall be furnished, when desired, at the expense of the applicant. The marine reports of the daily papers, or private information, shall be deemed sufficient cause for sucii investigation by the Commissioners of Pilotage. Sec. 27. That each and every fine, forfeiture penalty for each and every offense against tills act, or any part, clause or article, shall be prosecuted, sued for and recovered in any court of compe tent jurisdiction, for the use of the State. ? .1 4.1 rVUU Llie luiijuacu lu wio av,i shall, in every case, be recovered, al though the Commissioners on Pilotage may not think proper to deprive the pilot in default of his license in any in stance herein authorized. And the Commissioners of Pilotage now in office shall act as such until the appointment of others, under the provisions of this act; and shall exercise all the powers vented in the Commissioners of Pilotage, under the provisions of this act. Skc. 28. The members of the respective Boards of Commissioners herein provided for shall, hold their offices for two years, unless sooner removed by the Governor. When a vacancy occurs, a new appoint-, ment shall be made for the full'term. Sec. 29. This Act shall not be con structed to interfere with tbe rights of any pilots who already hold either a "- -J -- '--?1 '? lis.moA. all lmilieu or iun uiaiiuu ui hwhik , such pilots, after the passage of this Act, shall be subject to all its penalties and forfeitures, and entitled to all its privi leges and immunities. S*x?. 30. Tli at all Acts, or parts^f Acts, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, and all ordinances, or parts of ordi nances, iu conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions thereof, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved February 27, 1872. AN ACT to Incorporate the Town of Louisville, S. C. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the State of Soutli Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That from and after the passage qf this Act, all citizens of this State, having resided twelve months within this State, and sixty days in the village of Lewis ville, shall b'j deemed, and are hereby declared to be, a body politie and corpo rate, and the said village shall be called and known by the name of Lewisville, and its corporate limits shall extend three-fourths of a mile in each direction, from the new store of W. H. Hennon Six. 2. That the said village shall be governed by an Intendant aud four Wardens, who shall be citizens of the United States, and who shall have re sided in this State twelve montns, and shall have been residents of the said vil lage sixty days immediately preceding their elcctian, and who shall be elected on the fourth Monday in May, 1872, and on the same day iu each year, thereafter, ten days' public notice thereof being previously given; and that all male in habitants of the age of twenty-one years, citizens of the State, and who shall have resided within the State twelve months, and in the said village sixty days imme diately precding the election, shall be entitled to vote for said Xntendant and Wardens, paupers and persons under disabilities lor crime excepted. BI3C'. 6. rne sam eiccuou snau oe neia at some convenient public place in Baid village, from six o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon, and when the polls shall be closed, the man agers shall forthwith count the votes and declare the election, and give notice thereof, in writing; to the Intendant therein being, or canse the same to be given to the person duly elected : Pro vided, The Commissioners of Election of Orangebutg county ulrall call the first election under this Act, and shall appoint Managers to conduct the same, who shall to make return thereof to the Commission- th ers, the same as other elections held in he this State. And theBaid Commissioners co slmll count the votes, and declare the oil election, and notify the persons so elect-' of ed, Intendant snd Wardens of the said'su village. The Intendant and Wardens, in before entering upon the duties of their j nt ollices, shall respectively take the oath' prescribed by the Constitution of the Estate, and also the foliowingoath, to wit: "As Intendant (or Warden) of the vill age of Lewisville, I will equally and impartially, to the best of my ability, I dc exercise the trust reposed in me, and will | cc use my best endeavors to preserve the | ik Eeace, and carry into effect, according to of iw, the purpojes f jr which I have been tb lected: So help me God." And If any erson, upon being elected Intendant or harden, shall refuse to act as such, he liall forfeit and pay to the Council the im of twenty dollars, for the use of said iliage: ProvIdad,*That no person who as attained the age of sixty years shall e compelled to serve in either of said Bices, nor shall any other person be impelled to serve either as Intendant or harden more than one year in any term f three years. The Intendantana "War ens for the time being shall always ap olntoheor more Boards of Managers, iree Managers for each Board, to con uct the election, who, before they open le polls, shall take an oath fairly and npartially to conduct the same. Bug. 4. That in case a vacancy shall 3cur in the office of Intendant or any oi ie Wardens, by death, resignation, re loval or otherwise, an election to fill ich vacancy shall be held, by order of ie Intendant and Wardens, or a major y of the same, ten days' public notice ping previously given; and in case of cknesa or temporary absence of the In ndant, the Wardens forming tho Coun 1 shall be empowered to elect one of ie number to act as Intendant during ie time; K TViof ftiA Tntanilant nnrf bub, duly elected and qualified, sliall, urlng their tetatof'servWe, severally id respectively, be vested with all the jwers of'Trlal Justices or Justices of le Peace, as the case' may be, In this tate, within the. limits of the village, scept for the trial of small and mean luses; and the Intendant shall, or tay, as often as necessary, summon the /ardeus to meet in council, any three ' whom, with the Intendant, shall institute a quorum to transactbusiness; id they shall be known as the; Town ouncil of Lewisville; and they, and ieir successors in office hereafter to be ected, may have a common seal, which lall be affixed to all their ordinances, tay sue and be sued, plead and be im leaded, iu any court of justice in this tate, and purchase, hold, possess and ijoy, to them and their successors, in erpetuity, or for any term of years, any state, real, personal, or mixed, and sell, ien, or convey the same: Provided, he same shall not exceed, at any one me, the sum of ten thousand dollars, nd the said Town Council shall have ithority to appoint, from time to time, ) thev mav see fit. such and so many roper persons* to act as Marshals, or mstables of said village, as the said ouncil may deem necessary and expe icnt for. the preservation of the peace, )od- order and peace thereof, which >reons, so appointed, shall, witniu the irporate limits of said-village, have the jwer and privileges, and be subject to 1 the obligations, penalties and regula ons proviaed by law for the office of onstable, and snail be liable to be re loved, at the pleasure of said council, nd the said Towu Council shall have >wer to establish, or authorize the es blishinent of a market house in said illage: also, to authorize the establish* lentof a guard house, and to prescribe iltable rules and regulations for keep ig and governing the same. And the iid Town Council, or the said lntend it and Wardens, in person, any one or tore of them, may authorize aud re jire any Marshal of the town, or any instable, specially appointed for that urpose, to arrest and commit to the ;ia guard house, for a term not exceed Ig l/Wtllij["iuui uuui9| anj irvinwu. vi arsons who, within the corporate lim a of eaid town, may be engaged in any reach of the peace, any riotous or dis derly conduct, open obscenity, public runkenness, or any conduct grossly idecent, or dangerous to the citizens of id town, or any of them. And itshall ? the duty of the Town Marshals or mst&bles to arrest and commit all such Fenders, when required so to do, and ho shall have power to call to their sfctance the posse comitatus, if need to aid in making such arrests, and, - * !J na x. X)ll me iauure 01 saiu u incurs iu uur rm such duty as required, they shall verally, be subject to fines and penal ;s, as the town council may impose >on them. And all persons so impris led shall pay the cost and expenses cidentto their imprisonment, which stand expenses shall be collected in e same manner as is provided for the lleotion of fines imposed for the vio tion of ordinances, rules and regula >na: Provided, That such imprison ent shall not exempt the party from e payment of any fine the Council ay impose for the offense which he, cor they may have committed. And e said Town Council shall have full iwer and authority, under their corpo te seal, to make all such rules and gulations, by-laws and ordinances, specting the streets, roads, a?d the isiness thereof, as well as the police stem of the said town, as shall appear them necessary ?nd proper, for the curity, welfare and convenience, and r preserving health, order and good ?vernmen< within said town, And the id Town Council may impose fines for TenSes against their by-laws, rules, gulationsand ordinances, and appro bate thd same to the public use of id town ; and the said Town Council all havfe the same power that Trial istices or Justices of the Peace now ive, or may hereafter have, to compel e attendance of witnesses, and require em to give evidence upon the trial he re them, of any person or persons, for olation of any of their ordinances, -laws,rules and regulations; but no le above the sum of twenty-five dol rs shall be collected 'by said Council, cept by suit in proper Courts of jus ie in this State ; anil also that nothing rein contained shall authorize said >uncil to make any ordinance or by svs inconsistent with or repugnant to e laws of the State. Sec. G. That the said Intendant and miens, or a majority of them, shall tve power to abate and remove all nui nces in said town; and it shall be their ity to keep all roads, ways, bridges and :eete in said town open and in good re ,ir, and for that purpose they are in sted with all the powers of county mmissioners of roads, for aud within e corporate limits of said town ; and ey may lay out new streets, widen, we up. or otherwise alter those now in e; ana shall have full power to classify id arrange the inhabitants or citizens said town, liable to street, road or other ity therein, and to force the perform ice of such duties under such penalties are now, or shall hereafter be, pre ribed by law; and they shall have wer to compound with all persons ibie to work the streets, ways and roads said town, upon such terms as their dinances or by laws may establish, or eir rules and regulations may require, e money so received to be applied to e public use 01 saiu town; anu an per ns refusing to labor or failing to pay cli commutation shall be liable to such le, not exceeding twenty dollars for ie year, as the said town council may lposc; and they .u.hall have the power enforce the payment of Buch fine, in e same manner as is now or may be sreafter provided for the collection of unty taxes. And the said town coun 1 shall have power, with the consent the adjacent land owners, to close all ch roads, streets and ways within the nits of said town as they may deem :cessary. by the sale of 'the freehold erein, either at private or public sale, they may adjudge best for the interest said town, and they shall keep in re ar all such new streets, roads ands and ays as they may, from time to time, ;em necessary for the improvement and luvenience of said town; provided, that ) new street, road or way shall be lened without lirst having obtained ie consent of the land owner or owners, y .! thereof, through whose premises any such new street, road'or waymay paas.;; Sec. 7. The said town cotfncl) shall ? * have power and authority to require all * persons owning a lot or lots hi said town to close in and to keep in good repair, sidewalks in front of said-lot or 10% whenever the saine shall front or adjoin ; any public street of said town, if, in tke' judgment of council, such sidewalk or i sidewalks shall b$ necessary, the widtti . thereof, and the manner of construction. , . to be designed and regulated by the said? town council; and tor default or refuaaL after reasonable notice, to make ana keep in good repair such Bldewalks, and to closfe such lo( ?r l?tsT the .town conn- ' cil may cause the same to be made or put in repair, and require the owner to pay ' the price of making or "repairing; and the said town council qre hereby em- , powered to sue for and recover the same - b v action of debt in any court of comne tent jurisdiction; provided, that snch contract for making or repairing is let to, ? the lowest bidder. The cemeteries' anax public graveyards are also placed urnier -> the jurisdiction of thesaidtown ootmciL ,j 6ec. 8. Theintendant and wardens . the said town, or- a majority of them,v. .; i Ucen^tocwj^ tave?n or retailspirituous i liquors, within the corporate llmltajof the said, town, upon such conditions and under such circumstances w to them shall seem proper add right; pfotM^L 5 that in no instance shall the price bo less, than the amount that is established by the State; and all moneys paid for . licenses, and ^or fines, and forfeiture?, . shall be appropriated to tnd public uses * of said town provided, that the intend* ' j and wardens, duly elected, shall.not havo power to grant any license to keep tkv- ?f em and retail spirituous llqttoro to exiettd beyouud the term for which they have been elected. They ahall. have. been , elected". "They shall have power to reg-' - ulate sales at auction within the oorpov .. il rate limits of the town; and to grantlU , cense to auctioneers, itinerant traders, to' ? keepers of hotels ana livery stables r and to levy"a tax on all dfays, carte, wagonV - carriages, omnibuses, buggies, hones, mares, or mules, kept for hire, or used-7 for public purposes in said town, and they shall naive full and oniy power to "' / impose a tax on all shows, or exnihttibifg for gain or reward, within the corporate limits of said .town; they shall power to impose a tax, not exceeding twenty cents on every hundred dollars worth or * all real or personal property, lying with in the corporate limits of the town, the!;: > real and personal property of chnrchcp <,.? and schools and college associations ex- ' > rPkof an AifHtvlan/iA /1a/ilo>{nn> VV^/?VM* ? MMV MM WA W* U MUW VIVV?W a Q t the rates of annual taxation upon prop* <' - erty and other subjects of annual taxa- ? tion for the year, shall be published ajb least three weeks during the month of January, in each year; provided, that the said town council snail have power to levy a'tax for' this year, under tho same rules as is above stated; 1mmedJH^>,j ately after the passage of this act, .and, that all person# liable to taxation undfi* tli? same, shall make oath of their taxa ble property within said town, and lfcake payment or their taxes to the clerk or treasurer of said corportion, or such , Sitlia* nannna a a ftiav'mav ha nrHnrflH ftl* I WUVk jn.lBVUO MH VMV^ HMM wv ? required to do during the succeeding month after publication, and upon the failure to make such returns and pay- t merits as required, the parties,so in de-. fault shall be subject to the penalties pro-' vided by law for the failure to pay the general State and county tax, , to be en- \ forced by the order of the intendant and " , wardens, or a majority of them, for the use of said town, except that, in such cases, that executions to enforce the pay ment of such taxes shall be issued under ,* the seal of the corporation, and may be directed to the town marshal or other persons appointed by the said town i council, to levy, collect and receive the same, with costs, as in such cases made ? aud provided by law; and all property upon which such taxes shall be levied, and assesssed is hereby declared .and made liable for the payment thereof in. . t preference to all other debts, except.' ., debts due to the State, which shall be ' il ^ -li - i.K J ! L_ paid am; ana mat an ouier iaxe* im posed by the intendaut and wardens or a majority of them, shall be payable in advance by the parties liable for th? same, and ou failure of the payment, their property shall be liable for the sam? as in maimer and form just before stated, j Sec. 9. The intendant and wardens elect together with clerk and treasurer, shall, during their term of office, be ex empt from street and police duty. Each, town council shall, within one month, after the expiration of their term of" office, make out and return to their suo? cessors in office, a full account of their receipts and expenditures during thcdrr ! term; which account shall be published, in one or more papers of the town or - county, and shall pay over *11 money in; their possession, belonging to the corpo-t ratioq. and deliver up all books, records and other papers incident to their office, to their successors, arid on failure to do so, shall be liable to be nnea in a earn not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be collected by any proper action of the r town council. Sec. 10. That all ordinances and by laws passed by the town council of Lew isville, shall be binding upon the citizens, of said town, the same as the laws of the State. Sec. 11. That all act^or parts of acta inconsistent with, or supplied by this act, be, and the same are hereby, re pealed. . Sec. 12. This act shall be deemed a public act, and continue in force for the term of twenty years, and until the end of the Legislature thereafter. Office Secretary of State, PrkT.TTxrnTA R. f!_. February 5. 1872. The foregoing act having been pre sented to the Governor of tills State for his approval, and not having been re turned by him to the branch of the Gen eral Assembly from which it originated, within the time prescribed by the Con stitution, has become a law without hia approval. Ti/itihAma trial n'?a nrnilnnaf) nv thft Ata F. L. CARDOZO. Secretary of State.. " ^ Oil Perhaps the heartiest torney-General, Sir John Duke 6oleridg? in the course of hi9 speech, on the 26th of January. The learned counsel read * letter to the court and jury, written by the claimant, under the name of Roger Charles Tichborne, to his "dear mam ma." the dowager. The reading was accompanied with comments, and w? thus concluded: "And he finishes," said the Attorney-General, "with thi? edifying piece of religion: 'God bless you, my dear mamma, and may our Holy Mother protect you,'and, although be possibly does not mean it, it reads, "pro- > tect you from your affectionate son, R, C. Tichborne.'" ER9KIXE College.?-Erskine CoU le<re moves seadily ou its way witb 1 about the usual number of student*. The new President is showing torn ! self to be the right man in the right | place. The College was never iu * ! better condition. The friends of the institution have great reason to be encouraged; and should stand up to it. Ilurry up the endow ment.?A. It. Presbyterian. K6?* That doctors can say witty thing* sometimes is proved by the fact that one of them recently, on being asked to * dance "The Lancers," replied that he was better able to lanes the dancers.