The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, February 28, 1872, Image 1

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v- n BY W. A. LEE^D HIJGH^WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 28,1872. VOLUME XIX-NO. 45. i > . 5555531 LIYERPOOL [ LONDON ANDi G-IjOBB INSURANCE COMPANY. Jf Insures Against LOSS ry FIRE L as LOW as any GOOD lc company. t 1 *" u k. -] $SP All Losses paid at the Agency in * Charleston without reduction. p, No extra charge for Policy?a SAV- e< ING of $1.00 TO INSURED. tl Assets in Gold, $20,000,000. S' Daily Receipts over - - - 820,000.00, CHICAGO LOSSES, ALL PAID, Near $3,000,000.00. ^ J8?~ Business quadrupled since Chicago Fire, -&a WM. H. PARKER, C< -A. gent. January 32, 1872?40?tf AB3EVILIJB J ?1. SCHOOL COMPANY.? lli 1'HE Exorcises of tlio School undcr the control of the above iu Company, will begin on Monday, the w 12th February, proximo. ar J. W, BOYD, Principal. The scholastic year will consist of ?'o two Sessions of Five months each. !l.1 TUITION PER SESSION. All Ordinary English Branches $12.50 ^ Mathematics with the Classics, 17.00 Payable at the close of each Session. Mr. Boyd briDgs high testimonials as teacher and a man, from President Shipp, and others. Jb or further information pleaso address the Undersigned. J. F. C. DuPRE, ' m Secretary, A. S. C. Jan. 31) 18< 1, 41?3t Qi of ? ' is Sewing Machines. flHHERE are many good Machines. S but none are better than the C'el- to eorated GROVER & BAKER ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY MACHINE. J A 8. W. FOWLER & CO., $ Agents at Abbeville. w February 7,1872,42?tf dc fn Parents! (Mai! Mb ! S _ G BOARD, With TUITION in English, , French, Latin, Greek Mathemat- _ ies, Book-keeping, and Surveying in the field, can be had for ONLY $126! * for 42 weeks, from 1st March, next. 'S Instruction, analytical, practical, thor- *? ougb ; Government, parental; Climate } delightful; Scenery beautiful. i Please address, immediately, A . Kev.u. McNeill turner, d.d. Brevard, N. O. -~K Jan 10, 1872^38-3m . If you want line Toilet Soap, K.K * K. Soap, Lemon, Coro and Orange $ ;Soap, go to Kapi m & Sklarz. | 1 Q *7 St m * * i Tn fhftRA who have uatro- J nized the Emporium of Fash- i ion the past year *we are v obliged, and hope they have .? been well enough pleased to | continue their business with | us. J Respectfully, r JAS. W. FOWLEE & CO. L' Jan. 1,1871. . CARS. | ?-* ? fe DR. ANDREW YATES, late o A] John's Island, having located in Abbeville Village, offers his professional services in the practice of Medicine, to the citizens of the Village and vicinity. Office at the residence of Mrs. Allen, nc .:t door to the Methodist Church. 1 _ Jan. 24,1872, 40?lm ? CALICOS. . dr O to the EMPORIUM OF FASH- J. "BT ION and see a nrettv line of Cal-! . icoiT, just received. * " A' Jut). 8, 1872, 38-tf _j ?s? ?WA?EHMiEEL, " Dill Gearint,Shaffin|i Pulleys ?<ckfflS^is. - wsg&m * t^&UUHQEA CI8C1II.1B * . _ Jas. ?. Fowler. Jas. A. Bowie, a COPARTNERSHIP. MR. JAS. A. BOWIE having k] been taken in as a part- J ner at the Emporium of Fash- |[ ion, the style of the Firm will ?' hereafter be m JAS. W. FOWLER & CO. j? Jan. 1,1871, 37-tf lit Chamber Suits, w IfcTEW STYLES. Verv liandsomc, at tr J. D. CHALMERS & CO.'S. Jan. 2, 1872, 40, tf ' tf! D0Z' CANE SEAT CHAIRS, "H IV Just received at I J. D. CHALMERS & CO.'S. \\ Jan. 24,1872, 40, tf 0 / - -- _v' ; " "*41 . ' ' '. -* ------ mim iRTUR raiUMPHANX I Wilmington", Ji". C., Aug. 21, 1871, For the largest production of Cotton to le acre, 1,000 lbs. Cajkolixa Fekxilizk. For the largest production of Wheat > the acre, 1,000 Ids. Cabolina Fek[TilZBB. The above premiums are for crops prouced with the use of Caroling Fertilizer ah 5n /uxmKinaHAfi tuifh !?lnnhifion IU1IC, Wl III VVUII/lilHVIUM tanures only, and the awarding of said remiumsis left discretionary with the mimittee of the Association under ?eir rules. SANDERS, OATES & CO., Agents at Charlotte. TEVENS & CURETON, Lancaster, S. C. Waxhaws, Lancaster Co., S. C. o P. jP. Zimmerman, Esq., Secretary of the Fair of the Carolinats, Charlotte, JVT. C. The following in a correct statement of 5tton raised by Stevens & Cureton, on acres of stubble land, which was manned with 400 lbs. Carolina Fertilizer, lie following is the modeof cultivation: was thoroughly broken up 12 inches >ep, and laid oil in rows 3J feet wide, id the Fertilizer applied in the drill, en bedded on it on the 15th of May, id planted the same day, but owing to e cool and dry weather, did not come ) to a Ktand until about the 1st of June. ir?t working it was run arouiia wun u tlf shovel and partially trimmed out ith a hoe. Second working it was run j ound with a 3 inch grub, 12 inches ng, and the middles thrown out with a reep 17 inches wide. One furrow to a; w und thinned to a etand with a hoe jout 12 inches wide, and hood each me, until it was worked live times. The following is a correct statement of te Cotton picked: 1st Picking 254 2d Picking, 410 3d Picking, 413 Estimated amount unopened matured bolls, 616 Total, 1,923 Respectfully submitted, STEVENS & CURETON. I certify I weighed the Cotton picked i the above statement, and it is correct. W. A. GRAHAM. At the request of Messrs. Stevens & ureton, we have examined the i$ acre ' Cotton, and the estimate made above true to the best of our ability. D. P. DUKANT, W. A. GRAHAM, JOSEPH RODGERS. Premiums awarded to Stevens <fc Curen on above certificate. We will sell the above Splendid Ferlizer at Forty-Five Dollars cash. or tfty Dollars, payable 1st November, ith interest at 7 per cent., per annum, livered at our Warehouse in Charlesn. Agents will sell at same price, addg the freight and drayage to their De>ta. Seo.W. Williams & ?. January 17,1S72, 30, 4m Is CelraM Fertilizers. ISPIlPi#' lVAJ A>r:4v?. */! 'fa $ * S? iV s ^ S =? j?H %< wt&ti&S 3aM RE FOR SALE BY Wilcox, Gibbs t- Co., Importers and dealers in Guanos, 148 Bay St.. Savannah, Ga. 1 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. For further information apply or adess as above for Almanac for 1872. F. C. DuPRE, Agent at Abbeville. M. AIKEN, Ag't. at Greenwood, S C. I jail. x?, lpiz, ay-am KTETW BUCKWHEAT FL60R. Hew Crop S. 0. Syrup. rAMOND DRIP, at TROWBRIDGE & CO. Jan. 1?, 1572, 87-tf STluto Onion Sets, LEE & PARKER. Jan.'lQ,1672, 33-tf r\f CA^I avm A*ti IUUVC vx 0Cbti.riu?ut AND pplicatioa for Letters Disnry. TNDER Order from the Court o J Probate of Abbeville County, a ml settlement of the Estate of Dr. VMUEL MARSHALL, dee'd, will be ade in said Court on Wednesday, the tli day of February next. Creditors if ly, the Devisees and Legatees of said state, and all persons Interested are )tifled to be present and exhibit their aims, as the Executors at the settlement ill ask to be discharged from their ust. S. 8. MARSHALL, J. W. W. MARSHALL, Jan. 24,1S72, <0?at Executors. \T NOCK-DOWN WARDROBES. j%. DESKaud BOOK ROCK, solid 'alnut, at J. D. CHALMERS. Jan. 1,1872, 37, if Pacific Guano Company*' COMPOUND Acid Phosphate of Lime, for COaiPOSTntO with cotton seed Price $25 Cash, with Usual Advance for Time. THIS article Is prepared under the superintendence of Dr. ST. JUL1EN RAVENEL, expresely for composting with Cotton seed. It was introduced by this Company two years ago, and its use has freely attested its value. 200 to 250 pounds of this article per acre, properly composted with the same weignt of cotton wed, furnishes the planter with a FERTILIZER of the highest excellence at the smallest cost. A com post prepared with this article, as by printed directions furnished, contains all the elements of fertility that can enter into a first-class FERTILIZER, while its economy must commend its liberal use to planters. For supplies and printed directions 4Vv*? ntiv\ltr f a J. X. ROBSOiy, AOEXT PACIFIC OUANO COMPANY, No. (W East Bay and N09. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wluuf, Charleston, JS. C. JNO. S. REESE & CO., Gen. Agents. Nov. 29,1871, 32?3m SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. PRICE *45 DOLLARS CASH, WITH USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIME. TffTl XPERIENCE in the use of this ITi Guano for the pant six years in tins State, for Cotton aud Corn, has so far established its character for excellence as to render comment unnecessary. In accordance with the established Solicy of the Company to furnish the est Concentrated Fertiliser at the lowest cost to consumers, this Guano is put into market this season at the above ?J 1 ?:? .nl.i..l. tu* Jo rttlUU'U Jdlic, wiuui me vuui|iaiij to enabled to do by reason of its large facilities and the reduced cost of manufacture. The supplies put into market this season are. as heretofore, prepared uuder the jjersonal superintendence of Dr. 8t. Julian Ravenel, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston, S. C., hence, planters may rest assured that lis QUALITY and COMPOSITION i? precisely the same as that heretofore sola. At the present low price every acre planted can he fertilized with two hundred pound Guano at a cost not exceeding the present value of 80 pounds of cotton, while experience has shown that under favorable conditions of season and cultivation the crop is increased by the application from two to threefold the natural capacity of the soil. Hence, under no conditions could its application fail to compensate for the outlay. Apply to J. N. ROBSOST, l uuuiu uuauu > , No. GS Eu?t Buy and Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. JNO. 8. REESE <fc CO., Gen. Agents. Nov. 2iJ, J 871, 33?3m The World-Renowned HOWE SEWING MACHINE, THE Howe is the first sewing Machine ever made. It has points of superiority over all others. In range of work the machine cannot be equaled. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY. Simplicity and perfection of mechanism. Durability?will last a life-time. Iiange of* Work?Without Parallel. Perfection of Stitch and Tension. The most easy of operation. Self-adjusting take up. Adjusiable Head. Having been appointed Agent for the above Sewing Machine for this County, rt is now ottered for sale on reasonable term*. It is equal to, if not supoHor to any machine ottered to the public. All npreniiK in u*antof a Machine will nleaMC call and examine this before purchasing. Respectfully, J. D. CHALMERS. Dec. 4,1871, ~tf Jacob Kurz, (Otie Door bclo (Jte Poet Office,) 1 i J|.JaNUFACTURER of and dealer in Boots and Shoes, My custom work includes all varieties and clasaea usually kept by a FIRST CLASS Slioa Houtse. Ladies' Wear a Specialty, BUCH AS err.1 cm ikiu, DUO., uzuivuuu uuu Calf Boots. Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes OF ALL THE Latest and Modern Styles, Made to order, on the shortest notice. My work I warrant to give satisfaction in every particular. A larjfe Stock a!wayakept on hand. IgL Remember the place?one door below the Old Post Office. Dec. 6, 1871,33?3m 1st JANUjxdY, 1872. Our Stock SHAWLS, LINSETS, JEANS, DRESS GOODS, and all WOOLENS, will be sold from this day at prices much lower than heretofore. Call and See. Respectfully, JAS. W. FOWLEB & CO. Jan. 1,1872. MILLINERY. In order to make room for an immense stock of Millinery this Spring, our present stock will be sold at 20 per cent, b low regular prices. Mourning! Goods always on hand. Bridal | Bonnets as handsome as can be had anywhere. I JAS. W. FOWLER & CO, ' Jan. 1, 1871. OVER MB. SUEZ'S SHOE STORE, 53 where my books and account* cat be found and I would urgently re quest all those to whom I have extend ?1 credit, to COME UP IN THIS an HOUR OF NEED, Fay up Their Accounts lite Men and thereby enable me to resume busi HAaa I would 9tate that I have a FEW AR TICLES which I saved from the fire which I am offering Low Down!! Parties would do well to call and ex amine them, as I pledge myself to cios< out what I have at astonishingly lov figures. liespeotfully, John Knox. Jan. 20,1872,41-tf Tax Notice. THE penalty of 20 per centum hai been added to all taxes un paid on the 25th ult, Said taxes ear bo paid until the 15th February with out further cost, after which tim< Executions will he issued atrainst al ? o parties still ia default. J. F. C. DuPBE, Co. Treas. Jan. 31, 1872, 4I-3t 500 lbs. Commercial Saltpetre, Just received, LEE & PARKER. Jan. 31, 1872, 41 ?ti FORSALE Claeap ! A PAIR MATCH BAY PONIES sound and kiud, aud just the tiling for family use. Bay Enquire at this office. FpIi. 7. 1871.43?2t Potatoes. EARLY ROSE, " GOODRICH, CHILI, at $2.50 per Bushel. PINK EYE, $2.75 per " LEE <fc PARKER. Feb. 7,1872, 42?tf Alston House, On the Public Square. PRIVATE Boarding Houae, by the Mitres Cater. Patronage solicited. Rates reasonable, accommodations flrst-clae#, and satibfaction awsured. Feb. 7,1672,42?tf Teachers Wanted. AT the following public schools in Magnolia Township, viz: SALEM, BURNT HOUSE, and RILEY S CROSS ROADS. Apply to WM. WILSON, L. J. JOIINSON, J. W. THOMAS, School TruBtecs 14th Township. Jan. 31, 1872, 41?4t A flue selection of Ladies' Rocking Chairs, At J. D. CHALMERS & CO.'S. Jan. 24, 1872, 40, tf Jan. 10, I?V I tf-tf Jan. 10,1872, 38?tf Furniture, Furniture. A LARGE LOT COTTAGE BEDSTEADS, at tLe Furniture Store. Price, $G and upwards, at J. D. CHALMERS k CO.'S. Jan. 34,1872, 40, tf Fredericksburg Kersey, A GOOD article for gentlemen*' wear and Bed Twilled Flannels, received tkia day, at In the Common Pleas. EQUITY SIDE. 0. T. Porehcr, Ex'r and Trustee, v Joshua Daniel and others. Bill for Injanction, Construction, &c. PURSUANT to the order of the Court, passed July 5, 1871, in the above stated causc, Notice is hereby ffiven to the children of Corneliu* Cox Bailey Cox, Bethava Pace, and rhocbt Price, (whose names and number are unknown,) Jegatcoa nnaer me win 01 Mrs. Jane Keid, doc'd, to appear and prove their identity, and claim their share* of said estate, on or before tho 1st ol August, 1872, or they will be barred of any benefit under the decree ol said caso. 0. T. POKCHER, Ex'r and Trustee. July 17, 1871, 13?lam 12m . .-i ... it Sixty-fire Prst Prize Medals fe Awarded. GREAT ^^^QsoHtlen Piano AV/lUfll. WM. KNABE & CO. Manufacturer$ of ' GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, I BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have been before f the Public for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their excellence alone attained and unpurchased pre-eminence, which pronounces them unequaled, in > 10n\ouch, woa!SMW HOT All our Square Pianos have our " New Improved OveustkiTno Scale and ' the Aggraffe Treble. We would call special attention to our late Patented Improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS, found in no other Piano, which bring the Piano nearer Per/ection " than has yet beeu attained. - EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRAN' TED FOR FIVE YEARS. ISP "We are by special arrangement enabled tofurnteh PARLOR ORG ASS and MEL ODEONS of the moat celebrated makers, Wholesale and Retail at lowest Factory Price8. Illustrated. Catalogues, and Price Lists promptly furnished on application to WM. KMBE & CO., Bali more, Md. Or any of our regular established agen [Dec. 12,1871, 34-3m TROWBRIDGE & CO., 3 " EARNESTLY requests those indebted to them to come forward at . once and helf them in their misfortune, by paying up. ; Olfice for the present in store of A. M. 1 HILL* We take this occasion to say to our friends that we expect to resume business in a few days ; due notice of which will be criven. Jan. 24,1872, 40-tf CHAMBER SUITS, WALNUT, CHESNUT and LIMITATION WALNUT CHAMBER ' SUITS, very handsome, at Nov. 2] J. D.L CHAMERS A CO DENTAL COPARNEESHIP. THE undersigned have associated themselves for the practice of Dentistry, in Abbeville. One of us may always be found in our ofllce, over Dr. Parker's Drug Store. WM. C. WARDLAW, J NO. S. THOMPSON. Aprii 28, 1?tf SHOES. i ] We are anxious to make the Shoe Trade a Specialty, and we are determined (if we can avoid it) not to allow any shoddy stock to come into our House. 190. Jan. 17,1872, 39-tf J " L THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. 1HAVE used SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE for 15 yearn and believe it to be the best in use. MRS. S. 6. BAKER. 1HAVE had in constant upc* in my family SINGERS SEWING MACHINE for 16 year* and have been at no expense except for needles and for oil. S. 8. BAKER. I HAVE the agency for the above MACHINE. Persons in want can nee them at 190, Abbeville. S. C. W. R. WHITE. , JTan. 1,1872,37-tf . The Sural Accountant. < A PLANTATION BOOK, needed by * every Farmer who desires to know how bi? farming | prising a selection of Practical Inrorma- \ tiou, needed every day on the farm. For sale by t A. M. AIKEN, Greenwood. J Also Agent to receive subscriptions or ( renewals to that wtandurd Agricultural Periodical, The Rural Carolinian. Jan. 17, 1872, 37-tf 6 x Brown Shirting. PARTIES wanting a bolt of good ^ 1JROWN SHIRTING at a very J low price?go to the j EMPORIUM OF FASHION, c Jan. 10, 1672, 38-tf J ? i N"otice ; Is hereby given that application will be made to the Geueral Assembly now in sessiou, for charter of incorporation of J the Greenwood and Augusta Railroad. M. C. TAGGART, Dec 8,1871, 83?tt Secretary. * We still have at c 190 J A REMNANT of READY-MADE fl CLOTHING, now wiling at reduced price*, not because it in old ^ stock out of FaBhion and unsalable. We ^ have no du?ty old remnants to cry over, our goods are all new and desirable. j Tor, in 1?75> as?if 1 ? t I The State of South Carolina, 1 ABBEVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probate. NOTICE. ALL Guardians, Administrators, Ex- ? editors and Trustees are hereby c : required to make returns on account of ? * Estates for the year 1871, or proceedings 1 will be taken to eu force the same. r C. W. GUFFIN, i J. P., A. C. I I J. C. WOSMANSKY, J C. C. P. A. C. t . Abbeville, Feb. 6,1872, 42-tf < -v The Other World J?r ? V BY H. B. 0TOWB. 1 to 1 It lies around us like a cloud? A world we do not see; Yet the Bweet.closing of an eva tha May bring us there to be ??* B Its eentle breezes fan our cheek. Pu' Amid our worldlv cares; the Its gentle voices whisper love, ^ And mingle with our prayers. AJS Sweet hearts around us beat, o. Sweet helping hand are stirred; ^ And palpitates the veil between a With breathings almost heard. 9 & And in the hush of rest they bring, ate 'Tis easy now to see Sta How lovely and how sweet a pass &itt The hour of death may be. out To close the eye and close the ear? of Wrapped in a trance of bliss, And geutly laid in loving arms, To swosn to that?from this. an( . ; bO, Scarce knowing If we wake or sleep, Scarce asking where we are, Ma To feel all evil sink away, soi Ail sorrow and all care. f?F the Sweet souls around us watch us still, Press nearer to our side; _ Into our thoughts, into our prayers, J With gentle helping glide. Let death between us be as naught? of A dried and vanished stream, op Your joy be the realty, ?" Our suffering life the dream. ou' Laws of South Carolina. AI e c ACTS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS \ MASSED BY THE GENERAL ate ASSEMBLY. siti aui 1 [Published by Authority.] to, oui "G AN ACT to Incorporate the Wallingford Church and Academy, of Char- th. Lesion. ?ia Whereas A. C. BfcCIelland, Joshua alf D. Geddings, Nathan RHter, J. J. Knox, mi Lawrence S. Mills, William Miles, 8am- ut> uei Marion and William Williamson, i;*. Trustees of the Church formerly known mJ as "Siloam," now as Wallingford Pres- jj, byterian Church and Academy, by peti- ^ tion therefrom, have prayed to be incor- in porated: c Section 1. Be it enacted bv the Senate ^ and House of Representatives of the enl State of South Carolina, now met and wc sittincr in Genial Assembly. and by the authority of the same,. I""] That from and immediately after the passing of this Act, aH those persons who now are, or who hereafter snail or fi may become, members of the said ( Society, shall be, and they are hereby ^ declared to be, a body corporate in deed an) and in law, by the name and style of gts the Wallingford Presbyterian Church git, and Academy, of Charleston, South Car- au( olina, for the advancement of Chris- rj tianity, and by the said name shall have perpetual succession of ofilctra and req members, and a common seal, with ^ power to change, alter and make new cor the same as often as the said corporation C0(; shall judge expedient. C0l Sec. 2. That the said corporation shall Dje be capable in law to purchase, have, ?UI hold, receive, enjoy, possess and retain eX( to itself, in perpetuity, or for any term <j0, ){ years, any lands, tenements, or here- ^ iitaments, or other property of whatnalure soever, not exceeding the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, or to sell jn , 3r alien the same, as the said corporators ant diaJl think fit, and by its said name to ilie and he sued, plead and be impleaded, 0f j answer and be answered unto, in any gne [,'ourt of law or equity in this State, and ^ to make such rules and by-laws (not re- acja pugnant to the laws of the land) as, for tjie ;he order, rule, good government and wit management thereof, may be thought 8r)e aece.-sary and expedient: Provided, tf.e rhat nothing contained herein shall be g construed to interfere with the preroga- aco lives, control and direction of tne Gen- jiav rid Assembly of the Presbyterian i n, Church ia tlie'United States of Aineri;a, over the institution aforesaid, T> Si;c. 3. That this Act shall be deemed ,1 ? i public Act, and shall continue in force wk jntil repealed, and as such shall beiulicially noticed in all Courts of this mi, State. Approved February 15,1872. ?0JJ \N ACT io Establish a Public Road in Bar uwell and Orangebury Counties. ; Be it reeolved by the Senate and House * * )f Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the tame, That J. D. Cleckly, F. E. Salinas, [saac S. Bainburge aud Daniel Quattie- *.!: mum, be, aud they are hereby, authorzed and empowered, immediately after j; be passage of this Act, to lay out, con- I"? itruct and open a public road, leading ;w~ >y the West and North (direct way; rom Bamberg, in Barnwell county, to 5!?u /ogle's Mill, on the Orangeburg road, in Jraugeburg county. ?? Sec. 2. That in the construction of jr.:: aid road, the Commissioners aforesaid j hull c^use to be constructed and erected ? ?, ucb bridges as they may deem neces- ^ lj lary: Provided, however, The cost of R irecting such bridges shull not exceed ?. he sum of four hundred dollars, to be >aid, equally, by the said counties of g * tsaruweu anu ujuu^t-umjj. .. Sec. 3. That said Commiesiouers be r* j urther authorized and required to order >ut aU ^ergons liable to roud duty resid- ^ t ng within live miles of said road, as io- ? a ted, (except those living in iucorpouted towns,) to perioral three days' a vork, in each month, on said road, un- f0|., il its completion. 5n:i Approved February 15th, 1872. j)ro, rOINT RESOLUTION io Change the uSumc of Samuel Vug an, Columbus AN Dogan and Simon Doyan, to Samuel P Farrow, Columbus Farrow and Simon S< Farrow. and Section 1. Bo it enacted by the St?| Senate aud House of Representatives >f the State of South Carolina, now aUg( not aud sitting in General Assembly, ton md by the authority of the same : her* That the names of Samuel Doiran, of forc ^?i ?. - i.. u..j r\_: a Newucirj uuuiitjr, ?iiuvuiuuiuub jL/ugan inii Simon Dogan, of Union county, be shanged to Samuel Farrow, Columbus AN" Harrow and Simon Farrow, and that q lereafLer the Bald Samuel Dogan, Colum- g )U8 Dogan and Simon Dogan, shall le qpn mown and called Samuel Forrow, Co- ? umbus Farrow and Simon Farrow. ot 1 Approved February 15th, 1872. mot ? and \.N ACT to Incorporate the Clicrciw T! Fire Engine Company as a part of the Rot Fire Department of the Town of Agr Cheraw. sors Sectin 1. Be it enacted by the Senate p0li ind House of House of Representatives ?an >t the State of South Carolina, now met pair ind sittinir in General Assembly, and mat >y the authority of the same: olh< That Theodore F. Malloy, Thos. W. 'of fl Bouchier, James A. McCreight and W. i ma^ Li. lteid, and their successors in office, cap'j jo, and they are hereby, constituted a ing iody corporate and politic, under the be?<3 mmc and srvlo of the Cheraw Fire En- doll fine Company, with a capital stock notl S< jxceeding the sum of five thousand dot- pow s, with the right to sue and be saed, plead and be impleaded, in any Court competent jurisdiction: to have and ise a common seal, ana the same to ?r at will and pleasure; and with all Ler lights, privileges and immunities, ,t are now secured by law to like inporate bodies. EC. S. This Act shall be deemed a )llc Act, and shall remain in force for i term of fourteen years. approved Feb. 15,1872. I ACT to Approve, Adopt, and Make f Forcc the General Statutes of the Hate of South Carolina, prepared tin,ee the direction, and by the Authority, f the Oetieral Assembly. tECTiON 1. Be it enacted by the Senand House of Representatives of tbe ,te or South Carolina, now met and ing in General Assembly, and by the ;bority of the same: 'hat the General Statutes of the State South Carolina, prepared under its hority by W. J. Wbipper, C. W. mtgomery, D. T. Corbin, Esquires, i reported to the General Assembly, and tbe same are hereby, adopted as i Statutes of the State or Sooth Caroa, and the Acts, Ordinances and Reves, recommended by their tides to be sealed by said Commissioners, be, and i same are herebyf repealed. Office Skcrktary or State, \ Columbia, S. C., February 10,1872. J Phis Act having been presented to the vprnnr for his annrnvnl anH nnt Ha v. j been returned by him to the branch the General Assembly, in which it ginated within the time prescribed by. i Constitution, has become a law witht his appr^al. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. ACT to Alter and Amend an Act ntitled "An Act to Charter the Town f HamburgApproved February 28, .871. jection" 1. Be it enacted by the Sens and House of Representatives of the ite of South Carolina, now met and ting in General Assembly, and by the tbority of the same: rhat the Act to which this is amenday be altered and amended by striking t from Section first all after the word ieorgia," in the eighth line of said etion, and inserting in the place jreof the wordB "one mile and oneif in a westerly direction, up and mg the Savannuh River; thence one Je and a half in a northerly direction', on a line at right angles with the e of the Savannah River; thence one le and one-half a mile in a westerly ectiou, up the Savannah River to the d Savannah Bridge, said town to be the form of a square." }ec. 2. That said Act be further tended by striking out, from the sevth line of Section 10 of said Act, the rd "fifteen." and inserting iu place jreof the words "thirty-five." Approved February 16, 1872. * ACT to Require the County Commitiioners of Barnwell to Construct a Jail it Blackville, the County Seat. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate i House of Representatives of the ite of South Carolina, now met and Ling in General Assembly, and by the Jiority of the same: L'hat the County Commissioners of rn well county be, and they are hereby, [uired and directed, immediately after ! passage of this Act, to cause to be istructed a jail for the use of said inty, at the town of Blackville, the inty seat, the said jail, when corntea, with the'highest practicable seity for the custody of prisoners, not to ;eed in cost the sum of eight thousand lars. led. 2. The said Commissioners are au>rized to advertise for plans and speciitions, and proposals to build said jail the newspaper published in Barnwell, i in one daily newspaper published in lrleston and Columbia, for the space three weeks, and from the plans, cifications and proposals submitted to ciipIi nnn thi*v mflv think heat ptcd to the necessities of a jail; and yare further authorized to contract h the party submitting the plans, citications and proposals accepted by ra. ec. 3. On the completion of said jail ording to contract, and after it shall e been approved and received by said nmi&ioners, they shall be authorized Law upon the County Treasurer of n well in favor of tbe contractor for amount agreed to be paid therefor, ich draft shall be paid by the Trea?r on presentation, out the said Comisioners are authorized, in their distion. to stinulate for navment to the tractor in installments as the work greases: Provided, That no such nient shall be made except upon an mate furnished in writing bv the conitor. and carefully examined by the nmlssioners, showing the amount of rk actually done, and of material jally furnished, at the date when mentis asked: And provided, further, it there shall be reserved of such esates twenty cents per centum, which 11 not be paid to the contractor until jail shall be completed according to tract, approved and received by the amissioners. And the said Com in islers are authorized to draw upon the inty Treasurer for all amounts thus sed to be paid, which draft the Treaa- . r shall pay upon the tiling with him j estimates upon which such drafts are wn, endorsed with acertiiicate of ap- , val signed by the said Commissioners, >y a majority of them. l'C. 4. Tlie County Treasurer shall set rt the sum of eight thousand dollars a the county lunds and hold such is snbject to the drafts of the County umissionerB for payment for materials construction of said jail, And provifurther that that part of the county j iaruwell, which with portions of the j 11 ties of Edgefield, Lexington. Or- , eburg, now forming the connty of ; en, shall not be liable in any way any debts contracted in building a at Blackville in accordance with the , visions of this act. < pproved February 15,1872. ACT to Renew the Charter of the \ endleton Male Acadcmy, I jction 1. Be it enacted by the Senate , Houae of Representatives of the < ? of South Carolina, now met and i ng in General Assembly, and by the lority of tbe same : ?c. 2. That the charter of the PendleMaie Academy be, and tbe same is 2 by, extended and shall continue in e until repealed. ; pproved February 15,1872. i ACT to Incorporate the Carolina \ il Company. ection 1. Be it enacted by the ate and House of Representatives ,he State of South Carolina, now < . nnd fiittincr in fr#>n?i-nl icon^Ki , 0 vwivtMt liDOClUUIJj by the authority of the same: hat Wm. McGuinnis, Edward Hope, iert C. Shiver, S. L. Leapheart, John lew, and their associates and succes, are hereby made and created a body tic and corporate, iu law, under the , le and style of the Carolina Oil Comy, for the purpose of extracting and mfacturing Oil from cotton seed and srsee-Js, or grain, and for the purpose arrying on such other business as r be connected therewith, with such j ital as may be subscribed, not exceed- i fifty thousand dollars, said capital to; livided into shares of oue hundred : ars each. ! iC. 2. The eaid fiomruirrp nlinll lmvo < rer, from timo to time, by a stock ' vote of not Jess than two-thirds of the s amount of capital paid in, to increase their capital. stock to any amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, including their present capital static. Books may be re-opened for the purpose * of obtaining additional subscribers to such increased stock, in such manner as the company may deem expedient; and whenever Any.increase of capital shall be made beyond fifty thousand dollars, as aforesaid, the President of the compa- > n v shall make affidavit of the fact, and ' file the same in the office of the tiecreta* , ry of State, and makft nuhlia notfra thereof once a week for three weeks consecutively in a newspaper in the city of Columbia, which shall be legal notice to all persons dealing with said corporation. Sec. 4. The Bald company shall have succession of officere ana members, to be chosen according to the rules and by* laws made and to be made for their government and direction, and .shaU haye * power and authority to make by-lawq not repugnant to the laws of the land/ to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to alter at will; to^suc and be suea, pieaa una oe unpieaaea id any court of this State, to hola any land, tenements or hereditaments, goods or chattels, which may be.neces6a~ ry, connected with,,or conguciye, to the purposes for which Said company Is >??<*u ? tablished,. and to sell or mortgage the , same. Bee. 5* That if any certificate or public ) notice givep by the offioere of said com- ? pany, in pursuance of the provisions of . this Aet, is false in any material repre?- I sentation, all the officers who signed the same, knowing it to be. false, shall be, jointly and severally liable for all debts of the company contracted while they were stockholders or officers (hereof. Sec. 4. The said corporation shall not . gu uiui uucmuuu urui twenty inousana dollars orthe capital stock shall be paid ; in gold or silver, or United States Treasury notes, or notes of National. Banks. . ? The personal liability of the stockholders for the debts or liabilities of said corporation shall be limited to the amount of i stock subscribed by them. Sec. 6. This Act shall be deemed a public Act, and stiall contihue in force for twenty-one years. 1 Approved Februaiy 15* 1872. ?o AN ACT to Provide the Manner for Obtaining the Right of Way where Lands are Surrounded by other Land*. Scction 1. Be it enacted by* the 1 qn..?. xt -f ll? wuuttw auu iiuuao ui xvcprHSCUVttUY^ of tho State of So nth Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, . t and by the authority bf the same: That where any person or persons owning lands surrounded by lands of ' other person or persons, through which there Is no right of way or highway, are authorized as hereinafter provided, t<> \ construct a highway or road through such lands to the nearest highway these . . existing. .. Bee. 2. If the owner or owners of-each surrounding lands shall signify Ids, or their refusal to the opening of .a highway through such lands without previous compensation, the person or persons re- quiring such right of way shall give -1 fon rlnva nnHno Tn vritlflo1 tr> fha nan. i t son or persons, through whose land saoh right or way is required, of his intention to establish such right of way, naming in such notice a person who wilt act as referee fbr him ' ui the location thereof, and said owner or owners shall within ten days thereafter apnpint a referee for the same purpose, Tf Sec. 3. That the referees so appointed. > shall within ten days thereafter, meet at : some convenient place and appoint m third referee, apa the three referees so appointed shall constitute a board of referees, for the location of such high way, and to determine the compensation and damages for the same, from whose decision in no case shall there be an ap- 1 peal. Sec. 4. That within ten days after the ' appointment of a third referee'in com- pliance with the third Section of this Act, the said referees shall meet and proceed faithfully and impartially to de~ ' termine the question ol location, com~ pensation ana damages submitted to them, for which purpose they shall in- - spect the premises In reference to the ooustruction of the proposed highway, and the quantity of land required therefor, with respect alone to we quantity and value, and location of the land which may be required, and to the special damage the owner may sustain by reason or the construction of the highway through his lands, and - the amount of compensation,. which shall be made to the owner thereof, and shall render their verdict in writing for the same. Sec. 5. That npon the payment of the ' compensation thus ascertained the right of way over said lands shall be established and shall be opened, and forever remain a public highway. Sec. 6. That if the owner or owners of such lands over which such right of way is required, shall not in compliance with, second Section of this Act appoint a referee within the time required, the referee appointed by the person requiring such right of way shall proceed the same as if ail three referees bad been apnninted. and hin action therein In mm piiance with Section four of tills Act, shall have the same force and effect as it the full board of referees had acted. Sec. 7. All Acts, or parts of Acts, inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. Approved February 15,1872. AN" ACT to Itepeal an Act Entitled an Act for the Appointment of a Land Commissioner, and to Define his Power* and Duties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same. That an Act entitled an Act to provide for the appointment of a Land Commissioner, approved March 27th, 1869, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That all books and papers pertaining to .the office of Land Commit** aioner be tutned over to the Secretary of State on and after the passage of this. Act, and the Secretary of State shall execute the duties heretofore devolving upon the Land Commissioner. Approved February 15,1872. Basis of the Electoral, Vote fob President.?The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer makes the positive assertion that the electoral vote for the next President will be cast on the present basis of 243 members for the House, instead of 283, as under the new hill. We caunot believe this to be possible. It is a robbery of the Weet and South. It is in the teeth of the former precedents of 1832 and 1852. It is ridiculous, too, this voting for President and Congressmen on the same day. to take their scats at the same time, tht the one should be elected under the o' and the other under the new law. T new apportionment, when signed by President, will be a law ot the land, all elections afterward must be held der it, and not under the old law percedes,?Exchange. Sensible.?People begin to think tt it may be poor economy to grow corn ten cents per bushel on cheap wes western lauds?say eighty bushel ?8? when lands might oe had at ? SoO per acre, in some places for f \ $20, that will produce fifty b? , n orth $40. _ j. miike'jA