The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, February 21, 1872, Image 1

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~ ' -W -.V . " . ' ' ' - ' ^ ^ 1 ' . ^I '' . .!'.< - . .' ' 'Itr.- / ;''? .^A^W * ' | ; ? HZZ^ZIZZZ ' ' ' ' - " ; | "" " fH_ ' - ' T' 1 ^ ? ?L-.;r ,fl " ***- ' |"i . . "wYW^a"LEE AND HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY! 21. 1872^^ V : TfTfMt ^v. t 3 ~ v LIVERPOOL f LONDON AND' GrLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. [ Insures Against LOSS ?v FIRE L as LOW as any ?ooi> i COMPANY. 1 ? i A r , s % : >'T "j ... - .g E?iT All Losses paid at the Agency in j j] Charlieston without Induction. p No extra charge for Policy?a SAVIXG of $1.00 TO INSURED. tl Assets in Gold; $20,000,000. | Daily Receipts over - - - S20.000.00, CHICAGO L0SSE?, AIAj PAID, 3Nea& -v--;. - - - ?3,MO.0uO.OO.U Business quadrupled sitlce CiiicagQ.Juis^2ga? WJU. IJ. PARKER, r Cigent. ' * $omxi wf* 32^ -I?72??0 T A "DT3-PT7TT T Y* |d< XLDJDIi V 1JJJUU ai SCHOOL COMPANY.!?) r?" HE Exorcises of the School nri k X ^*-cier the control of: tbe aliovc- h? Company, will begin on Monday, the 12th February, proximo. j" J. W, I>OYD, Principal. ,t;o b'\ The scholastic year will consist "off ^ two Sessions of Five months cat:!*. - kTUITXON P3prSES?toJT. , All.0. r d i h gr? 1? r>^ 1 fehjSXSjehos$f&5$ ll MrftfB&ineitwjs wit Classic?:, 17.0o Pflyablc at the cIoi?e of each Session. , Mr. Boyd brin^jl high testimonials as tiiff^eV'a^l a n&$jty.&om 1 re8rdi'irt"">r SnmpTanawiers. For farther information please adSecretary, A. S. C. J^n. 31,1871, Q ?T'/TTif ? $ tC ' P1 S?. is CrtivTinnc T8r^Vl 1T7&Z-. v" IWW JJU? ?tt(rv AAAAAVIt/f * -| THERE arc itanny good Machines, but new are better than the Col- 'c el.rated GROVER & BAKER ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY MACHINE. y JAS. W. FOWLER & CO., ' L Agents at Abbeville, fw February 7,1372,42-tf - - [|] frnts f Mi? ! : M! J SJOARD, with TUltjO&fn fpsiisb, _fcFrench, Latin, wirlf Mirtheftjjft- j ? i$s. l^opk-kfe^iug, ^ apd Surveying in I tlielieia, can ue inui jur Off 1. Y $126: 7 for 42 wcelcp, from'lWt March, next. Instruction, analytical, practical.Ihor- ? oujrh ; Government. parental; Climate *\ delightful; fieohery-beautiful. > Please address, immediately, ^ Kev. D. Mc'NEIL I. TURNHTl. T> I). 5 Brevard, IS. C. Jan 10, 1S72, 38-3m :'i > < i r. A. " ? | If you want tine Toilet Soap, K. K K' "Soap, licmon, 'Jorn and Orange :: Soap, go Sklnrz: ; 1 " ' ' 1 t, ,. . ~ i 1872. To those who have patronized the Emporium of Fash- ' ion the past .year we ;arc . oblisred. and hope they have \ " ft? ' * been v,'ell enough pleased to continue their business w^tli ^ U3, t> ^i7 i Respectfully, f JAl W. FOWLED & CO. | ? Jai l, J871.. J CARD. |{ DR. ANDREW YATES, Jatc o A John's Island; having located in Abbeville VillajJ^/offers'hifl ^r6fes^i?5?i:xi nervices in the practice ?? Medicine. to the citizens of the VHIage and vicinity. Office at the residence of Mrs. Alien, np^tdoor to the Methodist Church. j; Jin. 24,1872, 40-1 n* "CAlJlCOS, ~~ d GO to the EMPORIUM OF FASH- J ION and *ee a pretty line of Cal- ^ lCOSf - -Jan. 8, 1S72, OS-tf MB ?^IER WHEEL, r M\Bearing,Shaffir.|&Puj[6ys ^ fpRA CIRCULAR, / Jas. I:Mer. las. A. , COPARTNERSHIP. ; I > l& wJL A *--- | MR. JAS. A. EO wIE having J been taken in as a part-' ** * n*r : t 'f * * || ner at the Emporium of Fash-1 ? ion, the style cf the Firm.will ? hereafter be 1 ' JAS. W. FOvTLER & CO. :'? Jan. I,1871? 37-tf - < / ;:! j] Chamber Suits; ; > NEW STYLKS*. Vferv hptfiicbme, at 1 J. I). eHAElttEk* 'ii C'U.'S. | JUJU. i\r. W . a , ~?j 47^ [QCZ. SEAT CJIAIRS, 1 S WW * v "'JUst received at j J J. D. CHALMERS A CO.'S. |> Jan. 24,1872, 40, tf , . . 01 * - ' ;.i ,.r-; M v-~ mm wriua FRItJMPHANT! WiLjrixaTOX, N. C., Aug. 21,1871; For the largest pioductiou of Cotton tc V x 1 /M\(? ??v.. / * A V% TV A PLM?'I'TT IV. ne auiu, i,ww ivs. vaituiii.ta j. i.i.i w,... :r. For the largest production of Wheat o the acre, 1,000". lbs. Carolina . Fkr'IJilZKB. The above preraiiiras are for crops proueed with the use of Carolina Fertilizer lone, or in combination with plantation manures only, and the awarding of said reimtnus )3ieft discretionary with the ommittee of the Association yudur heir rules. SANDERS, OATES & CO., ' Agents'at Charlotte. TEVENS & CUR ETON, ; .Lancaster, S. C. "Waxhaws, Laxcastmi Co., S. C. "o P. 1\ Zimmerman, Esq., Secretary of the Fair of the Carulinas, Charlotte, A. C. " -i'he followiTJC is a-corrcct statement of pi to n raised by Stevens ?fc Curetyjut^fiu. f acrja ofstybble laiul, which jvas n?anred with 4trt) lbs. Carolina Fertilizer.he following i? the modeof cultivation: I was thoroughly broken up 12 inches eep, and laid oil' in rows 3* feet wide, id the Fertilizer applied. in the drill, icn bedded on it on the 15th of May. id planted the same day, but owing lo ie cool and dry weather, did not come p to astatid uy.iil about theist of. Juno. ir:st working it was run around with a ilf giioyol ao& partiai.lyjtryjirivet} out ith a hoe. Second working it was run ound with a S iuc]i gruh, r 12 intrfies ng, hiVcl flie middles' thrpwn but Vvlfli a weep .157 Uiclic's' widtfirOna furrow to a >w ^ndthi.mied to a stand with a hoc xmt -?2: inches, wide, and hoed each ine, urffil it was worked live times. Tfie following is a correct statement of ie Cotton picked: ' 1st Picking 254 :Jd Picking, 410 3d 'Picking.: .... .../..u..,.:u.l;..j4l3 Intimated amount unopened mattired boll?,: XT...SW " Total, 1,023 Respectfully submitted, i -r fcJL^lv S. ^-C.LiRl/fcOjN. I certify I weighecitjio Cotton. picked l the above statement, audit iB^rrect. . w ^ graham. At the request of Messrs. Stevens & ureton, we hure.ox?t?{1ned the 1J acre f-CJbtton, and Me^stijijate made above true to the besTof our ability. . ,i>. K *i>U 1 . r ? . W. A..GRAHAM, JOSEPH RODGERS. Premiums awarded to Stevens & Curein on above certificate. ; *.->? Wo will sell the above Splendid FerIizer ?nt Forty-Five Dollars cash, or ifty Dollars, payable 1st November, it li interest at 7 per cent, per- annum, ?iivered at our Warehouse in .Chaclesn. Agents will sell at same price, a<!dg the freight and d-rayage to; their -De* v' wu.i , , .'m.'/iv ?n?rit#?# i hi i) /It?* Jliltl /?IU" riz tah-W. WilHams sr. j" ;_v ' ; * i JapyjfTlTs^f?, S9,&m TiiS jSHS Hp .HE FOR SALE BY - Vilcox, Gibba.& Co., Importers and dealers in Guano?, 143 Eay^St.. Savannah, Ga. 31 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. For further 'information apply or adres* as above for Almanac for 1872. i'VC. JJUFIXli;, Agent ai Aoucvine. .. AIKEN, Ag't. at Greenwood, S C. Jan. 17, 1S72, 39-3:n IKTETW BUCKWHEAT FL6GE. New tiros 10. Byrcp. HAMOND DRIR, at TROWBRIDGE & CO. Jan. 16," 1872, 37?tf ffhito Onioa Set's, BEE & PARKER. ... JanJlO, 1872, 38?tf Notice of Settlement A IT D pion fur Letters Sispiorj. fTXPER Order from th? Courtjj. U Proba?e of Abbeville County, a iuaL settlement lof the Estate of Dp. SAMUEL MARSHALL, dtc'd, will be niule in said Cotirt'on "Wednesday, the Sth day of J'elillru&ry next. .Creditors iI ny, the Devisees and Legatees. of said Estate, and all persons interested-tire iotiliccl to bo present and cxUihit their lainis, as the Executors at the settlement fill ask to by /discharged from < their rust. ' ' 1 S. ^MARSHALL. J. AV. AV. MARSHALL, Jan. z-i, ir>izy ?01 : lisn-uuus. XT NOPK-DOVv" X WARDROBES. l^L DESK and BOOK BOOK, .solid walnut. at J. I). CHALMERS. , Jan. 1,1812, 37, if ' ' Pacific Guano Companys COMPOUND ' s\ / * J Acid Phosphate of Lin \ FOR COMPOSTING WITTI COTTON SEi I ; - - f h Price $25 Cash, with Usual Advance for Tin THIS article is prepared under 1 superintendence of Dr. ST. J LIEN RAVENEL, expressly for cc posting with Cotton iseerc. ? It was introduced by this Com pa two years ago, and its use has freely tested its value. 2U0 to iioQ pounds tliis article per acre, properly compos witti the same weight of cotton se furnisher the planter with a FER' LIZER of the highest excellence at < smallest cost. A compost prepared w thia> artii-Ie, as by printed direction's f Dished, contains all the elements of f tjlity that can enter'into a fire't-el FERTILIZER, while its economy m commend its Liberal planters. For supplies and printed direotic for composting apply to . i: yr. .v. 1 J'-* iljr*- > ' i j. x, uobson, ACfENT PACfFtC! GUANO COMPANY, 2s n. 6S E*st Day and No?. 1 and2 Attt tic W.luuf, ? Charleston, 8. C JNO.,S. ItEESE. & CO., Gen. Agen Nov. 2$, lS7i; 32?3m: . I soltjbletii PACIFIC GUANC if RICE $43 DOLLARS CASH, WI1 I USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIME Experience in the use of ti Quanp for the past six-years tins State, for Cotton and Coru, lias far established its character for exc lence as to render comment uuneces: ry. _ I In accordance" with the establish policy of th6 Compauy to furnish t bjest Concentrated .Fertilizer at the Jo; est cost to consumers,'this Guan'o is' f into market this season at tl?e abo reduced price, wljieh the Company enabled to do by reasoTi of'Its large critics and tho reduced cost of man faclure. - : t~jj | The'supplies put into market this s< spn .ore: as heretofore, 'prepared unci me personal superintendence of X>r.fS Julian Ilavenel, Chemist of the Comj ijy, at Charlestorr./tS; heiree,~plaut< may rest assured -ihatfts QUALITY a COMPOSITION is precisely the sai aft that heretofore sold. At thef presc low price every acre planted can be ft tjliaod witi?-CW>'hundred-poUud Gua iijt a cost not exceeding the present val of 30-peund*<>? qottonr-while experieu lms shown that Under favorable com tlons of season and cultivation the cr ijj increased by the application frc two to threefold the natural capacity the soil. ?ei ce, ?uni1cr no conditio could us application fail to compenst l'Or the outlay. . Apply to j. M noBsorf, Agent:Paeifi<j Guano Company, -No. G3 East Bay and No?.-1 and 2 Atla tic Wharf, Charleston, B. C. & CO., <4en. Agents. Val >>o ikr I rim The World-Renowned HOWE SEWING MACHiKJ THE XXowcJa the fi rst sewing Machi: over made. "It 'has points of k pcriority over all others. In range work life machine cannot be ecjualed. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY. Simplicity ami perfection of mcchanisi Durability?will last a life-time. Range of* Work?Without Parallel. Perfection of -Stitch and Tension, t The most easy of operation. Self-adjuBtinj? take up. Adjustable Head. Having been appointed Agent for <1 above Sewing jVlnchiire for this Count It is now ottered for sale-on reasonal terms. It isocjtxal to, if not superior any machine ottered to the puplic. A persons in wantof-a Machine will plea call and examino.thjjjjeforqpmchaajfl Roped fully, T "n f'TT \ T."\TTT!T?Q K Dee. 4, 1871, ^ "-tf" Jacob Kurz, (O/jc Door bcJo the Post Officc,) ! U JaXUFACTURER of and dealer Boots-and. Shoes, , lily custom work includes all yaricti ami classes visually kept" by a FIRS CLASS Shoe House. , . .. Ladles' Wear a Special! .SUCH AS. Kid, Silk, Morocco au J CalHloots. Gentlemen's Boots and Sho OF ALL TIIE Latest and Modern Styles, Made to order, on the shortest notice My work I warrant to give satisf tion in every particular. * A lar^e Stock always kept on hand. B35U Eeuiembef tliie place?one d< belbw the Old Post Ollice. Dee. G, 1S714 33?3m 1st JANU^xtY, 1372. Our Stock SHAWLS, LI SEYS, JEAttS, DRESS GOGI and "all WOOLENS, will 'sold from this day at - pric much lower than heretofos Call and See.. Respectfully, ~ JAS. W. lOWLER & CO, I Jail. 1,1872. ' - - MILLINERY. * iIn order to make room for i ' immense stock of Milline i this Spring, our present stoi I"1 will be sold at 20 per cent, 1 low regular prices. Kournii Goods always on hand. Brid Bonnets as handsome as ci be had anywhere. Respectfully, : . i TAG "W PrtWT.IiP & n.f\ VMWI f? I A V II AiJwSAV W VV 1 Jan. 1, 1871. Le, 0"VETI -ji ME. KTJRZ'S t - SHOE STORE.1 U- ' " Til- i ??? ny "H"S where my books and accounts, can at- J[ be found and I would urgently reof <iuest all those to whom I have extended cd credit, to COME UP IN THIS MY ti cd, HOUlt OF NEED, ? it- , | Pay up leir Accoits ie Meu ass and thereby enable me to resume bus!-. U8t ness. I would state Chat I have a FEW AR)ng TICLES which I saved from the flro, which I am offering : . v : i - ' : ic ; low Down ,, Q U 0 Ln" Parties would do well to call and ex- ^ amine them, as I pledge myself to close -g i>Ut what I have at astooishiugly low figures: ? Respectfully, er i. John Knox. E r r i) -. ..,: * . } noBfl- n:i .ist>, < :il Jan. 2G, 1672,41-tf .t?, I; P> in KT aa "> Art A MUUVC, 3E" I, 1 he penalty of 20 per centum has been added to all-taxes un:;r| iut phid on the 25th ult. Said taxes can -J ve be paid until the 15th February with- oi is oiit further cost, after which time ^ Ijxccutious will be issued Against all v. parties stili-ia default. > :; 11 ? | J. F. C. DnPKE, ? ' Co. Treas-. f? Jan. 31, l'S72, 41-3t " nl - ' ' T it- : - -r.j -?.*7 . , r .Si S SOO X"fc>s0 Commercial Saltpette. _ on Just,-rec'oiye4, ']) * . . (QJkUUiMW J MP, of: " y .-.LEE.& J?ARJ?ER. H gf Jan. 3i;'l8K?-tt' " "" , i-, $ .. FOliSALE I I : 'Olao^ip 2 . ?!? A PAIR .MATCH BAY PONIES sound' and kind, and just the ji (thingfor family use. ' Enquire at this office. cd no Feb. 7, 1S71,42?2t ' sI] U- j - ' ?f Sccfr Potatoes. EARLY ROSE, GOODRICH, CHILI, at $2.50 per Bushel. PINK EYE, $2.75 per " ' .LEE & PARIvER. n 'v Feb. 7,1S7* 42?tf ' I ,lc ? 1L | Alston House, s y-> u On the Public Square . |es _____ ' fr "Bf TT*\r?TTr 4 rr-n r* V 1%? 4-V. a H ajpm * A i i>uui uiii?j xiuusc, uy vuc j| B Misses Cater. sc Patronage solicited. Rates reasonable, accommodations first-class, and satisfaction assured. ' ? in I' ob. 7,1S72, <*2 tf > -m ?^ : ?J: T XT? . Te ackers Wanted. J jj* . ' j7; 5T A T t'.ic following public schools in pr Magnolia Township,' viz : ii< SAJjEM, HUENT IIOUSB, and EI- . J: LEY S CiiOSS UOADS. Apply to WM."WILSON, " ; L. J. JOHNSON, ? . J. W. THOMAS, Lu School Trustees 14th Townyhip.' re Jan. 31, 1872, 41?4t ;/ p' . 19 0 i MAY be found a few BLANKETS, ? White and Colored, low priced, ac- medium and line?sold at greatly redu| cod prices. Come and buy a pair befoie I A% ... ..11 - 1.1 ~4. -C-S L i ? lliey are an ?uiu, uu prices iu suit your jor own taste. Jan. 10,1S71, SS-tf . A fine selection of I" Ladies' Rocking Chairs, tl 1 At J. D. CHALMERS & CO.'S. IS. Jan. 2-1,1872, 40, tf Tf 12 \8 - U ,v bo Vve Lave the well-known 6B -a ?A? Ciieck Teiessee (totals, , OLD with' a clear conscience, at rt ^ prices to suit the purchaser, at st 190. ]l __ I Jan. 10,1872, SS-tf ? T Furniture, Furniture. 8,11 -A- LA RGE LOT COTTAGE BEDrv j?& STEADS, at the Furniture Store. f i i'rice, S'6 aiul upwards, at Ck ' J. D. CHALMERS & CO.'S. -j ^ Jan. 24,1872,40, tf J ag!U ' : J iaij Fredericksburg Kersey, g ! A GOOD article for gcntlemejis' wear I jTgL and Red Twilled Flannels, re- ' ] ceived this day, at } l j] . Jnn. 10,187 2 V3-tf A' > - V:'- .<Si lixty-five Frst Prize Medals . Awarded. > . n THE- GREAT > Piano ! W tHSJ MANUFACTORY. 1 atm. knabe & co. Manufacturers of BRAND, SQUARE AND UPFtlQHT 1 piajsfo fortes, ; . BALTIMORE, i8), These Instruments have been before ie Public for nearly Thirty Years, and pon their excellence aloue attained and npurchased prc-cmincncc, which pro- 1 ounces tnem unequaled, in 'QNE, t fiAtrru i wiSis^i^iTY ; JEST* All our Square Pianos have oar 'ew Improved Overstrung ScALEaiid 16 Af/graffe Treble. VST We would call. special attention >.our late; Patented Improvements In . RANI) . PjANOS and SQUARE 3 RANDjS, found In no other Piano, r hich bring the Piano nearer Per/ection tan lias yet. been attained. ' ' VERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEAR8. VVe.are by special arraugement labled to furnish PARLOR ORGANS ( id M&LODEONS of the raostcelebrad makers, Wholesale and Retail at ] west Factory; Priccs. . Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists romptly furnished on application to ] WM, Ktf ABE & CO., . ! .. . . .. Balimore, Ma. " Or any of our regular established ftgen [Dec. 12, 1871, 34-3m ^ I0WBRID6E &* CO., j SARNESTLY requests those indebtr : cd to them to come forward at lcean.dhelf them inthclr misfortune, ,-paying up. Office for the present in storaof A- U, SO We take tqie occasion tp say to lr friends that. we Expect > to resume isiuess in a few days ; due notice of liich will be given.' ^01 t .< Jas,.24^1872, ,.> n'.?:iT all ; ? . V V tea . r... pa CHAMBER SUITS, 1Ci WALNUT, CHESNtit and IMMI- gr ATION ' WALNiJT CHAMBER tie [JITS, very hawlsotrie, at . ' thi Nov. 2]J. D.L CHAMER3 <fc CO BI)( ! i ?? un ENTAL COPARNERSHIP* ? rHE undersigned have associated ftp r . themselves for the practice ^ D$?i- ; ! )try, in AoTteyUle, One of us pijiy ul-.. ojF aj'B be-found in our office,"bv^r,D'r., h irker's Drug Store. ai WM. C. WARWI/AW, ?*( JNO. S. THOMPSOX.; th prii 28, 1?tf , . , of 1 SHOES. |i to -o-c? be We are anxious to make the Shoe wr rr\An n Crvoronljv Ottrl irAOfA I I)U t (if wc can avoid it?not to allow aiiy bu lOddy stock to come into our House. 0f 190 Wf Jan. 17,1872, 39?tf jn THE SINGER $ SEWING MACHINE. " 'J;1 : Co HAVE used SINGER'S SEWING foi MACHINE for 16 years and believe je( lo be the best in use. ',! MRS. S. S. BAKER, tec * HAVE had in constant use in my f.U family SINGERS SEWING MA- u,( f-IINE for 15 years and have been at no wl ;neusc except for needles and for oil. Pa S. S. BAKER. sit ' HAVE the agency for the above I". MACHINE. Pernons in want can v 1 e them at 190, Abbeville, S. C. W.R.WHITE. Jan. 1,1S72,37-tf wt " tin 'he Sural Accountant. ,;00 L PLANTATION BOOK, needed by Pc. eyery Farmer who desires to know wi >w his farming investments pay, com- wi isinc a selection of Practical Informa' ne sn, needed every day on the farm. ^ For Bale by nt JL A. M. AIKEN, w< Greenwood. j Also Agent to receive subscriptions or 8jc newals to that standard Agricultural w. 2nodical, The Rural Carolinian. " Jan. 17, 1872, 37-tf J J ' %i t *i .1 W I my Brown? Shirting. ? PARTIEvS "wanting a holt of good BIIOVVN HHIRTING at a very n.^ w pricc?go to the '" EMPORIUM OF FASHION. Jan. 10,1S72, 38-tf .. rej 7 C9, Notice !l I.s hereby given that application will L|> ; made to the General Assembly now! , t session, for charter of incorporation of l{ ie Greenwood and Aucusta Railroad. ,a M. C. TAGGART, mi Dec 6, 1871, 83?tf- Secretary. ve all We still have at 190 Z A REMNANT of READY-MADE an CLOTHING, now selling at | J3U fduced prices, not because it i? ?ld : jjjj ockoutof Fashion and unsalable. We ave no dusty old remnants tocrv over, ot jrgoods are all new and desirable. wt Jan. 10,1872, 33-tf lhl nn ir< 'ho State of South Carolina, alt ABBEVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probate. c0 : an \TOTI CE. wi .i vri A LL Guardians, Administrators, Ex-1 wI 3L ecu tors and Trustees arc hereby L qujred to make returns on account of states for the year 1871, or proceedings ill be taken to enforce the same. c. w. guffin; on J. P., A. C. tic J. C. "VVOSMANSKY, PCI C. C. P. A. C. Go Abbevillo, Feb. G, 1872, 42?tf WC My Saint. 0 arUsfc, take yourlriagic brasfc!' ** . Bringanyoorck>lbr&rare,' And on-the canvas wake;to life" <. A picture sweet, and fair. Oh, corisecrate your arttoIovcT, ' Your touch inspiredmust paint.' " '' The forrrf and face I-chcrish most?' The image of:my.?aint. The silvered locks that scarcely shade The furrowed bPo^toficare,. n nrf luf TT'orA r?nM/in nrtAn f <S UllMQVi WiCJ Ti V UUUC i r That brow was smooth and fair, . Those eyes that ever seemed to speak, Their light'is dim and faintYet lovely in her faded charms, I see her now, my saint. . My hopes and joys by her unshared Are ever incomplete; 3he soothes the pain of sorrow's wounds, ; Care's bitter cup makes sweet: Through all the. changing ills of time She never breathes complaint? A. halo seemd to circle rotind The head of my sweet saint. D artist, as my /ond eyes rest TJpon that drooping form, \ cnairo surpassing Beauty's self Beams round her bright a"fid warnh ' Phat smile, the sunshine; of her soul, No mortal art could paint,; rhe sovereign grace, tHe sweetness rare That sanetify my saint. 3ood artist, lay your brush: aside, ' ; For, lo t a power divine . Sas placed her image'iclothed with grace ' Within my soul's deep shrine, -r ' Fair virtue rises crowned with strength .A strength that never faints, before those dear and lovi ng eyes? 1 My mother's eyes?my saint's. T fVhen slowly from my dying.sight This world shall faae away. Ere lingering life drifts slowly out, Far on its unknown way, Twill beam upon my inner eye As each sad pulse.throbs faint, >. ? light amid tnq shades of death?. ' That pi'cture of ray saint.-* ?? :' ?? ???? KETHING NEW ABODJLP'ATRICK HENRI.' . ' " { jii' ' ['. "V1' ofii Q Rev,-, Ed ward Tfahtitf ;vex. ,$t ^ouisir, a, recently read a highly .id teresting Scr before the -Lone Island Hwtor-i ,, Society on Patrick "Henry, the eat "Virginia orator of the revoiuin. Mr. Fontaine is al descendant of A distinguished man Of -Wtorti'' h^t ofee, the fatas ^eiTJg cpmpiicd from. pabTrsbed. family (documents, and vrect. many-errorsto be. found in o biographies which* have already wared. . . _ lie v. Mr. Foil tai p'e said th at everice lie was, $(Venteen years of age had kep.t a joir-nal, and all the aniotqs tofd. him of Patrick J&ei^ry by 9 oldest, pf* his grandsons acd' three his dali^hter's. had been carefully itton down; ]?rom that sourceb? ould draw the material for his lucre;'and at the same time endeavor correct many mistakes in what has cn said of him. The biography itten of him by "Wm. Wirt, in 18&7, d passed through fifteen editions, < t it abounded in mistakes, and some them he*koped to bo able to correct. THE FATHER OF PATRICK HENRY is Colonel John Henry, of Aberdeen Scotland, who came to this country the year 1680 and settled in Viriia. He became a Justice of the ace, a Magistrate, and was also a loncl in the Colonial forccs. Ho trried a Mrs." Sim, the widow of; lonol.SirP) of Winchester. She was j mcrly Miss Winston, and descen-l J r* ILI 1-1..1 4-J u iruiu mo cuicurttLru r? CIDU laiuuj that name, Patrick Henry, inheri1 the pruderice of his Scotch fathor d the fire of his Welsh mother, and ay combined to makehin^ an orator 10 spoke as Homer wrote. Although trick Henry filled almost every poion of honor and trust which it was' the power of his fellow-citizons in rginia to bestow upon him, HE WAS A POOR MAN ien elected Governor for the fourth ne. Ho declined tlto honor on acunt of his poverty. The times, wever, havo changed in that reset, for now men take their scats thout a cent, and rctiro from offico lb millions of dollars. .But the idea ver seemed to occur to him while 0 ew-ord and purse of'Yirginia were his disposal that 1:6 could anlass salth by a judicious use of his patriate. Althongh he never attended liege he received an excellent clasal* education from his uncle, and is aho taught those principles wkich ide Virgin a so great a State. He is taught "to be truo and just in all. f dealings, to bear no malice/)r ha :d in my heart, to keep my'hands >m picking and Ptoalin^r, and to do ? duty in the slate of life which it all please God to call me." An crr has been com mi ted in regard to e statement put forth of the appait want of preparation ofhisspecchand from what Mr. Wirt has said might bo supposed that there was thing of the "smell of the lamp" out them. He was, however, anhcr illustration of the saying that po??t is born, but an orator is ide.": Ho had poetical abilities of ry high order, but his speeches wore carcfully prepared.,HIS PERSONAL APPEARANCE ? - is eTrrreedingly striking; ho was six I it in height, with dark curly hair, d a very commanding countenance, it his most remarkable feature was } eyes, which were deeply set^ and a hazel hue; his organ of speech is perfect, and its tones wero like at of some grand wind instrument, d always under perfect control.? ) had a poetic temperament, and, liough born a poet, ho made himf a great orator, and in his speech free trade h? said, "Fetter not mmerco. Let hor bo freo as air, d she will return upon the four nds of Heaven to bless the land th plenty." Those wero words, lich could* not have been uttered by y man unless he had been A POET. rn preparing for his work ho spent: e hour every day in prayer, a praco which is now very seldom, ob ved except by Min:sters of the spel and old-fashoned men and >raon. In 1789 ho retired from pub * ~ * * ? -? lie life very poor, and tb,o nijyfj y. years be, agent in.,wearing * cpmp?-' t?nt$ for his;lfamily.' During that, rpcriot} bq lavd AP ftP ror^ffn? for J ef$K' One'of'nTa'tBirteeirt^cnirdfon, aii$ t then, in 1766, finding, that, hi^ftttily ? was ifc ea'fly rfrcumstanees/ hfe 1-etire^ ^ from the practice * of j his pnrof^^i^ ^ out wiia a consufcimon Biiujy; suay- y lored by a complication fof <3 iseases,. c not one, however, oflWfcfeh lm&'fcfceri t brought on by vice <>p excess- of'wiy < kind. Mr. Wirt had asserted tbat'afc J though be'was a ' sincere <!Thvialiani, ft was after a form of his Own'; 'Kufe it * was a mistake td say tiiat he waS ] nover attached to any religions soct-* ety, "for ho lived: arfd died and was-at * all times an exemplary comrotinrcant ^ of the; Prosbyterian. Church. -The' g T>-.4_* 1_ TT : u_ . vjiuiuvoviiQbiuB vi xuvru-Tt. xmniy :a? r an orator, a patriot,, a christian and.a t statesman, were then spoken of', at1 gre&U'ength, and ^hen^..Fontaine [ ppid his lastspcech wasmadein, Apfii, t 1709, only three mp^ths. before his a death. He was then a .candidate for 0 legislative honors,^ feavmg4j*etr in- 1 daced to return to -political life, in or- f der'that he might use bis'irtflnehc&'& t prevent I.- the secesAjpn of V?rgtai& k which had reserved *hef-right todo e so. daring that year. r,z- ttrrj 'fi tcitMo-.>i ? His PROPHETIC. TOE^iMES ^ ""5 ' 1 -st J ec 5 tC&fflfi-J ifL.regard;-tot tbe. dangpra .which ? were to-* (beset: ? the*; country-.? whep. tbA' iFe4i8Pal j Gofrernifr&it i should b^va anjimited; Jjower to a levy, taxes in ;the?i different States * ?vere theft 8pokdn-6f,MEin5-4he 'tcfr* i rupuon wmcn wouia iohow,?me i appointment 'of'brjfif of tfia;-, r gattfefk^(ipMlora, an(ftll|nspQ^' * itOra',- .w^tin Batciek men g ry's speeclies,'att<} alsoinfttejmv'atc * -cpnversatjpns/ darinkT 'Sy&cK lie, * sai<l that 'vybec suon5 imngS; happen- j ed thonthe country would vW s ha madaihi8:last'8peech Njobtt R&te- c dp^fri^ifcaired at thej ( CMlOUelcoi]fufcy. :po'u rt, M<&&:30; $ the'iheart of Virginia,) aod made a his firstp political; Bpejec^:: arrd -off $ t&at5o<J<k8ion T^atHtik H^en'ry r'ecpg-r. r'i nized.the.yoUDg rmlttVi&entiAparid' akbbrted ^ his; ''f<gfoW^^6n? e' cherish him a?pine'' w?lio, / t\ypj^lic|^ So- a tfyam good - ieFVicei; The; passage i which had so ; often been irquoted: t! : 'i-.f -<!7,S r'l . vs'ft't >m "i8.poac.e 8o;8\reeu OT;iire 6o; qeajv " as to be. purchased at/theprice.o?.fe chains and slavery ?; 'CjOd fbrbifr <3 it. I'knowf^t iwhat'co'tffa^ $$$$ ? liberty or give rae ,Aeath,'' had- al- a re%dy e$ert$? a -vTOt influent optVje fateiof mankind, " aud it was ? still ringing through theworld and \ wielding a power which nothing couldrrwithstand.. In conclusion | Mr. Fontaine Said that. Patrick i Henry was a greater orator than 1 any other, either in anaiout or mod-1 em times. Noitter : Demosthenes, Cicero, or the elder Pitt, throngh c their eloquence, conld accomplish- * the objects for which it was exerted, while Patrick, Henry always t did. [Loud applause.] a f \ M.% Ait A rrA^/\ /V 4l> A M 1rf? Vff A ft UU njuuuu, c* vuic.ui hi*ija.3 ?vao ^ tendered to ivlr Fontaine,- and ,;be- a fore theauaience dispersed the lecturer exhibited the last letter which {j had been written by Patrick Hen- t ry. 3 .__ r*m* g Years of Cold in Europe. : & . , ? ' * :< The recent severely cold we?ther in J Europe lias called forth the following facts which appear in the Jouanal dea I Debate: a In 359 A. D. the Euxine was frozen a over. I Iii 508 the rivers of England were frozen over fortwo months. . In 557 the Black Sea was frozen over fnv tn-ATitu rlotro nr>rJ in 7(S fhfl. lp.A ITtlS eight feet thick. . - : < , |In 821 the Elbe, the Danube, and the J? Seine were frozen during four weeks. ' In 1323 the Mediterranean was entirely . frozen over. .< on g In 1405 Tamerlane made tfn incursion I into China, and lost his men, horses and . camels by the excessive oold.< ? In 1420 Paris experienced &o greatcold^ that the city was depopulated, and anK > mals fed on corpses in the streets. ' In 1423, at Parish snow fell during- . forty days and fdrty nightd' incessantly. ? In 140J), in France and Germany, wine F was frozen so hard that it was cutout in ? blocks and sold by weight. ^ ' In 1570 the intense cold lasted three months, and all the fruit trees of Prov- ' ence ar.d Languedoc were destroyed. ? In 1407 provisions and fuel became so * scarce on account of cold in Paris, that , ? -il- J ? t.J > !&- ?^??iri a sman ounuie iu kiiiuhu^-ujusu , forty cents. The cattle froze in their ^ stalls, and the Seine could bo crossed by ? heavy carte. *' L"' * In 1633 one-third of the popnlation of 7 Turenne died of hunger. The cold shap lasted thirteen weeks. 1709 was a year of intense cold, all over ? Europe, and mass could not be said for many weeks in certain prov.ncesbecause the wine could not be kept in a fluid ? SldtC , . In 1735, in Chinese Tartary, the ther- F mometer fell to ninety-seven degrees be- ^ low zero?Fahrenheit. r ' 1740 was a winter of such rigor in Itus- ,, sia that an ice: palace was constructed at ? St Petersburg ol feet long and 17 wide. 5 Six ice cannon were mounted on the "j walls, and'two ihorters foi bombs. The ^ cannon held balls of six pound woight, were charged with powder, and discbar- P f ed so that the balls pierceed a board wo inches thick, at a distance of sixty j* feet. Thecannondid not burst although . its walls were less than ten inches in P tlllctiuess. : > ' n 1765 was a year of intense cold, also j* 1783. Since that year the cold ha9 never " been so great in Paris until the year 1S71, . when, for the first time in a century, Jack Frost came again to .the tuue, of T twenty-oiie below zero centigrade. -?? .??, } Grt Leather One of the most: c cruel tilings done is putting hard* frozen i{ iron bits into a horse's uiouth. It is not j only painful, hut a daugerousact. Thus a horse's ifaouth becomes frozen by the ; a cold iron, several times a day, put in to it;! each time causing these freezings to go 8 deeper and deepen-to end at last in exten- e sire ulceration. Thinking and "humane people avoid this by first warmihg the nits; but this is much trouble, and some- u timou lmnnnaihle na in nicht, work, like staging and physicians'work. jSowallj this is avoided by getting leather bits so j V made that no metal snb.^ance can touch the flash. Don't fail to try it.?Chili- ' cot he Tribune. *v Twrnmw ; - * ?a 1 oTs 3Aflfl3EE&&KiW$5j?S8?lr?i _ )ertain^ara^mt*of neraecinai mere were many-awnewlebtora who had been unfortunate iM ^resident, aJjj^ neu7u)W^a?e a ; lonW rimfnrr fr\ Kfl WDfttAil hv dAlllVfl lot realized oiTe^if'O^ tbe -amount be kpeeted from any^fate pfct>into their Imply . tUd tbafe^ttiiw^weWTroe^Bftjiaw^flWij, &W nl t> rt :Tbe bankrupt law, ag - ?11elaealt^iauia xe omuiuuity as at prrent' JftWfc^frUC v : A Hi .2? A- Gceat Farmer's''MaxiUB^ i'l *oi i ^ ^ Yv tOQNiSr.'.ff &d%ull ie is a poor hand, all yon.promiMjUm - n jA?ways fee* yourhanSsaa well asyour Id yourself, fojrthe laboring Mi aBOifce /, >one<and einew of . the iaua, o be woll treated., . , .. . I am satisfied tbdt early rfafng: 'tndixs^0* ry and regular habits, ^ato'tne:ftMrt a<> oedicines ov?rprescribetLfor healtjb. .^ ..s When rainy, bad yeatfier comes, eo hat you can't work" out* of tTooW,' cu? > plrtand^aul y6ur wood- *" ww"? Make your *aoke; flip your fence: orm'o ate thiat is off its triages, or we*th#r-,i;> oard your barn where the wind ;baa ilown the siding off, or naWh the K>oroT ' ourhouse. 1 '" -Jly> Study yourinterest dloselyi and doaot 1 peud your time io electing presidents, ehators and other small officers, or ? . alking of hard times' when spending our time whittling store-boxes, etct" 1 m 411 ' J.MiiilrAitalHilhitAfIC!'! ! i'DUeyOUr IIUJ? UIIU maav uaivuuav>vuM Jon'fc do things to a hurry, but do $hepi j I t the right time, and keep jour jpjud s well as your body ' employed.? . lurallst. ' ; - '' t'jjb h'iri[ > ".rfi 'to How to Ix#i? 9n?:tj '^yk v13? i'ffU Ml . : ? TTi;;;?#i ro<r From Warren's exceitent Kttle rnan-- ; ill, just issued by 8crib?r< w,e take the -. making any suggestions ' a this regard, let meliert say to you ; i bat morfe-accidents;happen iwtaite per- . sruaing this operation; uian afcany other, ,, Lme, orjromjany . other eause, hence JC M ?ouId endeavor to'impresi upon you the * ecesaity of systematically' observing'K5 ' 1 aw simple rules* wn lift 1t>Sooba<yj First, and above aHthingsandajw^ >ia xep the muzzle turned ^way" fronj your,. erson ; of course, while goading;' your11 iece will be graspfcdih the left hand, nrl ought tomak e^flnjgeofdft degfges , Secondly ; under,VHatev?rol^ms^h- J r G3 you may' be WaijOT, toW'jo1oW""' ourself to be unduly hurried or fltyried ^ lflfldinjr. or 4he most unJorttfb&te -j =9uite;mAS^!lpw ,-nq matoxlt* hunr :T red aucka or geese becoming straight, , t you; tio ibatter if both your doge be ' -1 landing Stift as pokers on separate be^ ies; no matter if a grizzly bear be-nm* irf ;ing for you, for so sure as you do,,you r rill jriakesoracfatal blunder, and reader ' ' our. guri useless; you wfil either ;shov?:Cj - a wad before the powder/ pour in thfc *f? hot first, or, mayhap, put both loatfs In < ne barrel, under either -pf which,coniagencies the ducks' arid' geese would iais unharmed, the60vies disappear, theitUt rizzly dine olf of yoa, or the gun burst - r nd blow your braiasiouti,. i-yt i,aa Keep cool, tbep. by aU -Japans, and Jfjnl ou have not used your gtm lately; exlode a cap on the Jn1pp!es, tb see JtbafE* __ liey a?e dear, theil put atha^of er into either barely; rammingdown;.-, lie wad briskly upon the powder^ then .r ut a charge of a hot in to your right hand arrel, ramming down the'wad upon 11, ' nd leaving the rod-Jn the barrel, and fter putting a charge into . the seoond arrel, ram ltdown. The oWecfcof, leaY- : ,,f icr the rod in the one barrel whil% you A re changing the other beltog to render \z npossible to put in a double charge * rhich beginners am apt to do, and which i sometimes attended..^rith dangerous, nd always disagreeable consequence, 1 1 'To' the ' Tujfcv?Dooa a dark ? utsider mean a chimneysweep on.; 1 he top of a 'bus? " 40 ? Shakspearian Men,.? Though "itania bade Bottom listen to her, he never aeked her to lend her His ara. . iim-i. o&fti fistsi j\h artist painted & canirdh so aturally, that when he was finish, ig the touch-hole, it w^ot off at a ery good price. . i. . " ? . ? 1- 1*1 ? - T-?J. 0 wnenisa oook iiko a xiun? Phsii it's an.hov?l (a novsl.) t* ;: *v , -/i . aii i'v.'i I :,:uzLt.inti?>