....... ' i" y > . - . - . ' 1 ' " " ^ ^ - '''~' . ? .... __-??? "ZHt^ZZ: ' ' -' ' ===============ss?gegasaai BY W. A LEE AND HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1372. VOLUME XIX?NO. .42. tL, ; ? ; : ; ; -' Pacific Guano Companys' COMPOUND Acid Phosphate of Lime, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED Price $25 Cash, with "Usual Advance for Time THIS article is prepared under the superintendence of Dr. ST. JU LIEN ItAVENEL, ejcpresf'.y for corn posting witn t;ouon seeu. It was introduced by this Company two years ago, and its use lias freely attested its value. 200 to 250 pounds ol this article per acre, properly composted with the same weight of cottou seed furnishes the planter with a FERTILIZER of the highest excellence at the smallest cost. *A compost prepared with this article, as by printed directions furnished, contains all the elements of fertility that can enter into a first-class FERTILIZER, whiic its economy must cousmend its liberal use to planters. For supplies and printed directions for composting apply to J. X. ROBSOtf, AGENT PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, Ho. G8 East Bay and Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Whajf, * Charleston, S. C. JNO? fci. REESEf & CO., Gen. Agents. 2vov. 29,1871, 32?3ni ~ SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. ' trice $45 dollars cash, with usual advance for time. Experience in the use of this Guano for the past six years in this State, for Cotton and Corn, has so far established its character for excellence as to render comment unnecessary. 9 - ' In accordance with the established policy of the Company to furnish the Lest Concentrated Fertilizer at the lowest cost to consumers, this Guano is put into market this season at the above reduced price; which the Company is enabled to do by reason of its large* facilities and the reduced cost of manufacture. The supplies put into market this season are. as heretofore, prepared under the personal superintendence of I)r. St. Julian Ravenel, Chemist of the Company, at^Charleston, S. C.t hence, planters may restassured that its QUALITY and /'/WfDACfPTAY ik? nro/iicttlr thp cjimn V/V.Ul VUJL * XV*.! JO (/IVV?.^Y vuv w..... ^ ik that heretofore sold. At the preseut low price every acre planted can be fertilized with two hundred pound Guano at a cost not exceeding the present value of 30 pound* of cotton, while experience has shown that under favorable conditions of season and cultivation (he crop is increased by the application from two to threefold the natural capacity of the soil. Hence, under no conditions could its application fail to compensate for the outlay. Apply to J. N. ROBSOxY, ' Agent Pacific Guano Company, Jso. GS East Bay and Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. JNO. S. KEESE & CO., Gen. Agents. JSovxflB, lt>71, 3J?3m ' The World-Renowned HOWE SEWING MACHINE. THE Howe is the flrstsewing Machine ever made. It has noints of fcli periority over all others, in rauge of work the machine cannot be equaled. v POINTS OF SUPERIORITY. Simplicity and perfection of mechanism. Durability?will last a life-time. Range of* "Work?Without Parallel. Perfection of Stitch and Tension. The most easy of operation. Self-adjusting take up. Adjustable Head. Having been appointed Agent for the above Sewing Machine for this County, It is now offered for sale on reasonable terms. It is equal to, if not superior to any machine offered to the public. All persons in want of a Machine will please call and examine this before purchasing. Respectfully, J. D. CHALMERS. Dec. 4,1871, 33?tf Jacob Kurz, (One Door below the Post Office,) J^^aXUFACTURER of anddeal?rin Plnnts and Shnfis. My custom work includes all varieties and classes usually kept by a FJL11ST CLASS Shoe House. . ; ? I Ladies' Wear a Specialty, SUCH AS Kid, Silk, Morocco and Calf Boots. V ' - w'' "v. | . Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes OF ALL THE YSf I" * . Latest and Modorn Styles, *. I * * 1 ' '4 *T Made to order, on the shortest notice. iViy wol'k J. warrant to givu suiimuution in every particular. A larjrc Stock a! ways kept on hand., B?u Remember the place?one door below the Old Post Office. Dec. 6, 1871, S3?3m .coc Steam SAW HILL, ITIAVE purchased and located o STEAM SAW MILL, in the neighborhood between CEDAf: SPRINGS and WHITE HALL, wliert 3 I am prepared to furnish lumber of all kinds common to this region and of as jgood quality as the j^ountry affords al reasonable'rates. 1 Jw,; J. F, JiYON. Nov. 6, 1871 29-3m MILLINERY. In order to make room for an immense stock of Millinery this Spring, onr, present stock will be sold at 20 per cent, b l/vnr rotrnlar nnVftfl Mmirninff IWfT AVgUAWA |?AAWWW| , Q Goods always on hand. Bridal q Bonnets as handsome as car be had anywhere. Bespectfolly, J AS. W. IWIJBB & CO, Jta. J, 1671. Take the Papers Why don't you take the papers? They're the life of my delight; Except about election time, , And then I read for spite. Subscribe! you cannot lose a ccut. Why should you be afraid? For cash thus spent is money lent At interest four fold paid. Go, then, and take the papers, ; And pay to-day, nor pay delay, And my -word heard, it is inferred, VnnMl livp until vou're i?rav. An old neighbor of mine, " While dying with a cough, [ Desired to'hear the latest news ' While he was going ofi*. ) [ I took the papers and I read Of some new pills in force: 1 He bought a box?and is he dead ? No?hearty as a horse. Laws of South Carolina. ACTS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. [Published by Authority.] An Act to Amend An Act (JVo. 382) Entitled "An Act to Grant, Renew and Amend the Charters of Certain Towns and Villages therein Mentioned." Commencing tvith Sectioji No. 30 of said Act, Relating to the Incorporation of the Town of liiyhlsville, passed at the Regular Hessian of the General Assembly of the State of South C'aroI.W. Section 1. Be it cnactcd by tho Senate and House of Representatives of the Stare of South Carolina, now met and sitting in. General Assembly, and by the authority of t he same: That from and after the passage of this Act, all citizens of this State, having resided twelve month within this State, and sixty days in the village of Wrightville shall be deemed, and are hereby declared to be, a body politic and corporate, and the said village shall be called c.nd known by the name of Wrightville, and its corporate limits f-hall include Edisto Island, together with Eddingsville. The metca and bonds of saiu town of Wrightvillo will be bound on the North, by North Edisto Inlet or River, on the South, by South Edisto River and Saint Helena Sound and on the West b}- Johasse Island and Edisto River. Skc. 2. That the said village shall be governed by an Intendant and four Wardens, who shall be citizens of the United States, and who shall have resided in this State twelve months, and I sKol 1 h?iv*A ill flu* Raid villain I sixty days immediately preceding their election,"and who shall be elected on the third Monday in May, 1872, and on the .same day in each year thereafter, teu days' public notice thereof being previously given ; and that all male inhabitants *of the age of twenty-one years, Citizens of the State, and who shall have resided within the State twelve months, and in the said village sixty days immediately proceeding the election, shall be entitled to vote for said Intcndant and Wardens?paupers and persons under disabilities for crime excepted. Sec. 3. The said election shall be held ' at some convenient public place in said village, from eight o'clock in the morning, until four o'clock in the afternoon, and when the polls shall be closed, the Managers shall forthwith count the votes, and declare the election, and give notice thereof, in writing, to the Intendant therein being, who shall, within two days thereafter, give notice, or cause the same to be given, to the persons duly elected. Provided, The Commissioners of election of Charleston county shall call the first-election under this Act, and shall appoint Managers to conduct the same, who shall make returns thereof to the Com^ I missioners me kuiuc us umu i-n-cuvus held in this State; and the said Commissioners shall count the votes and declare the election, and notify the persons 30 elected Intendant and Wardens, before entering upon the duties of their offices, shall respectively take the oath prescribed by the Constitution of the State, and also the following oa'th, to wit: "As Intendant (or Warden) of the village of Wrightville, I will equally and impartially, to the best of my ability, exercise the trust reposed in me, and will use my best endeavors to preserve the peace and carry into effect, according to law, the purpose for which I have been elected: So help me, God." And, if any person, upon being elected Intendant or Warden, shall refuse to act as such, he shall forfeit and pay to the Council the sum of twenty dollars for the use of said village: Provided, That no person who -has attained the age of sixty years shall be compelled to serve, either as Intendant or Wardeu, more than one year in any term of three years. The Intendant and Warden, for the time being, shall always appoint one or more Boards of Managers, three Managers for each Board, to conduct the election, who, before they open the polls shall take an oath fairly and impartially to conduct the same. Sec. i. That in case a vacancy shall occur in the office of Intendant or Wardens, by death, resignation, or otherwise, an election to fill such vacancy shall be held by order of the Iutendant and Wardens, or a majority of the same, ten days' public notice being previously given ; and in case of sickness, or temporary absence of the Intendant, the Wardens, forming the Council, shall be empowered to elect one of the number to act as Intendant durinc the time. ' Sec. 5. That the Intendantand Wardens, duby elected and qualified, shall, during their term of service, severally and respectively, be vested with all the power of Trial Justices, or Justices of the Peace, as the case may be, in this State, within the limits of the said village, except for the trial of small and mean causes; aud the Intendant shall or may, as often ns is necessary, summon the Wardens to meet in Council, any three 1 of whom, with the Intendant, shall con1 stitute a quorum to transact business, ; i and they shall be known as the Town '' Council of Wrightsville ; and they and ! their successors in office, hereafter to be ' elected, may have a common seal, which may be affixed to all of their Ordinances ; may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any Court of Justice in' this State, and purchase, hold, possess and enjoy to them and their succes^irs, in perpetuity, or for any term of years, any estate, real, personal, or mixed, and sell, alien, or convey the same: Pro' vided, The same shall not exceed, at onm nf ton thousand | uuy uuc uixic, buv ? . dollars. And the said Town Council ' shall have authority to appoint, from time to time, as they may sec fit, such and so many proper persons to act as ' Marshals or Constables of eaid village. I as the said Council may deem necessary L and expedient for the preservation of ^ peace, good order and police thereof; which persons, so appointed, shall, within the corporate limits -of said village, have the power and privileges, and be subject to all the obligations, penalties fna regulations provided by law for the office of Constables, and shall be liable to be removed at th$ pleasure of a&id Couo cil; and the said Town Council shall liave power to establish, or authorize the establishment of a market house in said village, also tto authorize the establishment of a guard house, and prescribe ?..uAklA miW inH rnmilotinna fAV tppninf*1 SUILUUIC; X lllW dim iv^uu,v>v..u .w. 0 |and governing the same; and until the |?aid guard house be established, they shall be authorized to use a room in the common jail in the county of Charleston, for the confinement of all who may bo subject to be committed for a violation of any Ordinances, rules and regulations of said town; and the said Town Couucil, or the said Intendant and Wardens, in person, any one or more of them, may authorize any Marshal of the town, or any Constable, specially appointed for that put^pose, to arrest and commit to the s-.iid guard house, or jail of Charleston county, as the case may be, for a term not exceeding twenty-four hours, any person, or persons, who, within the corporate limits of said town, may be engaged iu a breach of the peace, any riotous or disorderly conduct, open obscenity, public drunkenness, or any conduct grossly indecent, or dangerous to the citizens of said town, or any of them ; and it shall be the duty of the Town Marshal, or Constables, to arrest and nmnmit oil ciif.li nflFVinrlara tvhpTl rpftllir ed so (o do, and who shall have power to call to their assistance the posse comitatus, if need be, to aid in making such arrest;, and upon the failure of such officers to perform such duty as required, they shall, severally, be subject to such Hues ami penalties us the Town Council may impose upon them; and all persons so imprisoned shall pay the costs and expenses incident to their imprisonment, which said cost and expenses shall be collected in the same manner as is provided for the collection of fines imposed for the violations of Ordinances, rules and regulations: Provided, That such imprisonment shall not exempt the party from the payment of any fine the Council may impose for the offence which he, she, or they may have committed. And the said Town Council shall have full power and authority, under their corporate seal, to make all such rules, regulations, inlaws and Ordinances, respecting the streets, roads, and the business thrercof, as well as the police system of the said town, as shall appear to them nccessary and proper for the security, welfare and convenience, and for preserving health, order and good government within said town. And the said Town Council may impose fines for offences against their by-laws, rules and regulations and Ordinances, and appropriate the same to the public use of said Town ; and the said Town Council shall have the eame power that Trial Justices, or Justices of the Peace now have, or may hereafter have, to compel the attendance of witnesses, and requiring them to give evidence upon the trial before them of any person or persons for a violation of any of their ordinances, by-laws, rules or regulations; but no fine above the sum of twenty-five dollars shall be collected livfcaiH (v>iitir?i1. nxi'pnt bv suit in the! | proper Courts of justice in this State; I [and, also, tb*t nothing .herein contained shall authorize said Council to make any Ordinance or by-law inconsistent with, or repugnant to, the laws of the State. Sec. G. That the said intendant and Wardens, or a majority of them, shall havepowcr to abate ami remove ail nuisances in said town: and it shall be their duty to keep all roads, ways, bridges and streets in said town open and in good repair; and, for that pupose, they are inves ted with all the powers of County Commisioncrs, or Commissioners of Koads, for j and within the corporate limits of the said town; and they may lay out new streets, close up, widen or otherwise alter these now in use; and shall have full power to classify and arrange the inhabitants or citizens of snid town liable to street, road or other public duty therein, and to force the performance of suoh duty, under such penalties as are now, or shall hereafter be, prescribed by law ; and they shall have power to compound with%ll persons liable to work the streets ways and roads in said town, upon such terms as their ordinances or by-laws may establish, or their rules and regulations require?the moneys so received to be applied to the public uses of said town ; and all persons refusing to labor, or failing to pay such commutation, shall be liable to such line, not exceeding twenty dollars for any one year, as the said Town Council may impose, and they shall have the power to enforce the payment of such tine, in the same manner as is now, or may be hereafter, provided for the collection of county taxes. Aud the said Town Council shall have power, with the consent of the adjacent laud owners, to close -all such roads, streets and ways, within the said town, as they may deem necessary, by the sale of the freehold therein, either at public or private sale, as they may adjudge best for the interest of the said town ; and they shall keep in repair all such new streets, roads and ways as they may, from time to time, deem necessary for the improvement and convenience of said town ; provided that 110 street, road or way shall be opened without first having obtained the consent of the land owner or owners thereof, through whose premises any such new street, road or way may pa*?. Sec. 7. The said Town Council shall have power aud authority to require all persons owning a lot or lots in said town to close in, and to make and keep in good repair sidewalks in front of said lot or lots, whenever the same shall front r\-? coii? fnn*n ur tiujuill IU1J jiuunv nucvi vx cuiu vvu if, in the judgment of the Council, such sidewalks shall be necessary, the width thereof, and the manner of construction, to be designed and regulated by the said TflWn Council; and for default or refusal, after reasonable notice, to make and keep in good repair such sidewalk, and to close such lot or lots, the Town Council may cause the same to be made, or put in repair, and requise the owner to pay the price of making or repairing, and the said Town Council are hereby empowered to sue for and recover the same by action of debt in any court of competent jurisdiction ; provided that such contract for making or repairing is to be let to the lowest bidder. The said Town Council shall appoint three discreet perr sons, who shall form a Board of Supervisors of the Health, who shall have power over the ways and water courses, ditches and stagnant water ponds, and take such other sanitary measures as the public health require, giving twenty clays' noticc to the occupants of said premises, where the said nuisance lie, and in default of non-compliance with tii?? of naid board, the narties so of feuding shall be fined in a'sum not Jess than twenty dollars, or thirty days in the county jail, for each and every offense, the said complaints to be brought before any Trial Justice, or Justice of the Peace, in'and for the County of Charleston. The said board shall have power over the cemeteries and public graveyards within the corporation. 8kc. 8. The Iuteudant and Wardens of the said town, or a majority of them, shall have full power to grant or refuse licenses, to tavern keepers, or retail spirituous liquors within the corporate limits of the said town upon such condition, and under such circumstances as to them shall seem proper and right; provided that in no instance shall the price of a llnnxnA n * iiuvuoc IU ib ia\ciiif ui tu iciiiu liquors, be less than the amount that is established by the State; and all moneys paid for licenses and for lines and forfeitures shall be appropriated to the public uses 9f said town; provided that the Intendant and ^Vardens, duly elected, shall not have power to grant any license to keep tAraro* or .to retail. spirituous liquors, to extend beyond the term for which they have been elected. They shall have power to regulatesalcs at auction within the corporate limits of the town, and to grant licenses to auctioneers, itinerant traders, to keepers of hotels and livery stables and to levy a tax on all drays, carts, wagons, carriages, omnibuses, buggies, horses, mares, mules kept for hire or use for public purposes in said town ; and they shall the full and onlv nower to impose a tax on all shows or exhibitions for gnin or reward, within the corporate limits of said town ; they shall havo pow to impose a tax, not exceeding twenty cents on every hundred dollars of the value of real anil personal property lying within the corporate limits of the town, the real and personal property of churches, and schools and college associations, excepted. That an ordinance declaring the rates of. annual taxatic n upon property, apd other subjects of annual taxation for the year, shall bo published at least three weeks during the month of January, in each year; provided that the said Town Council shall have power to levy a tax for this purpose under the same rule as is above stated, immediately after the publication of this act, and that all persons liable to taxation under the same, shall make oath of their taxable property within said town, and make payment of their taxes to the Clerk or Treasurer of said corporation, or such other person as they may be ordered or required to do, during the succeeding months after publication; and upon the failure to make such return and payment as required, the parties so in default shall be subject to the penalties provided by law for failure to nov tlio fTonprnl Kfaito nnd r?nuntv tax. to P'J J I - bo enforced by the orders of the Intandant and Wardens, or a majority of them, for the use of said town, except that in such cases that executions to enforce the payment of such taxes shall be issued under the seal of the corporation, and may be directed to the Town Marshal, or other person appointed by the said Town Council to levy, collect and receive the same, with costs, as in such cases made and provided bylaw, and all property upon which said taxes shall be levied and assessed ia hereby declared and mnde liable for the payment thereof in preference to all other debts except debts due to the State, which shall be first paid, and that all other taxes imposed by the Intendant and Wardens, or a majority of them, shall be payable in advance by the parties liable for ths same, and on failure of payment, their property shall be liable for the same, as in manner and form just before stated. Sue. 9. The Intendant and Wardens elect, together with Clerk and Treasurer, shall, during their term of office, be exempt from Btreet and police duty. Each Town Council shall within one month after the expiration of their term of office, make out and return to their successors in office, a full account of their receipts and expenditures during their term, which account shall be pblished in one e *1. ..i.. . 1 ?'f.? 11 ur ilium puueia <11 uie uuum^' , uiiu aimn pay over all moneys in their possession belonging to the corporation, and deliver j up nil books, records and other papers, . incident' to their office to their successors, and on failure to do so, they shall be liable to be fined in a sum not exceeding live hundred dollars, to be collected by ; any proper action of the Town Council. | 6ec. 10. That all ordinances or by-laws ( passed by the Town Council of Wrights- i ville shall be binding upon the citizens of the said town the same as the laws of i the State. Sec. 11. That all acts and parts of acts i inconsistent with, or supplied by this i act, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. i Snc. 12. This act shall be deemed a i public act, and continue ih force until re- j pealed. i Approved January 31st, A. D., 1872. ( Au Act to Afore effectually Provide for ! the Recording of all Conveyances of 1 Ileal Edatc. 1 Section 1. Be itcnacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of < the State of South Carolina, now met I and sitting in General Assembly, and I by the authority of the same. s That every conveyance of real estate, 1 within this'State, and hereafter made, s shall, within three days, be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County in which such real estate shall be situated, except in the County ot Charleston, where all such conveyances shall be recorded, within the same time, in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyance ; and where such conveyance, not so recorded, shall be void, as against any subsequent purchases in good faith and foVa valuable' consideration, of the same real estate, or any portion thereof: Provided, Such subsequent purchaser shall have first recorded his said conveyonce. Sec. 2. Different sets of books shall be provided by the Clerks of the several Counties, for the recording of deeds and mortgages, in one of which sets all conveyances, absolute in their terms and not intended as mortgages, shall be recorded, and in the other set all such morgages, or sureties in the nature of mortgages, shall be recorded. Srcc. 8. A.11 Acts or parts of Acts, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed. Approved January 8, 1S72. AN ACT to Amend the Charter of the Town of Union. - ^ ilj i xi n SECTION i. j3e u enaeieu uy ine oenate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now* met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That from and immediately after the passage of this Act, all and every person or persons whatsoever, who are constitutionally qualified to vote for members of the Legislature of this State, and who may have resided within the present corporate limits of the town of Union sixty days, and their successors, are hereby declared to be members of the corporation hereby Intended to be created. Sko. 2. That the. said persons and their successors shall, from and after the passage of this Act, become a body politic and corporate, and shall be known and called by name of the town of Union, and its corporate limits shall extend one mile, in the direction of cardinal points, frotn the Spartanburg and Union Railroad Depot In said town, as a centre, aud form a square. Sec. 3. That the said town shall begoverued by an Intendant and four Wardens, who shall be elected on the second Monday of September in each year, ten days' notice being previously given, and shall continue in othce for one year, and i until the election and qualification of j their successors; and that all male in- ] habitants of said town who shall have f attained the age of twenty-one years, j and resided therein sixty days previous i to the election, shall be entitled to vote i for said Intendant and Wardens. i Sec. 4. That the election of Intendant 1 and Wardens of (he said town shall be : held in some convenient place -in said \; town, from nine o'clock in the morning i until six o'clock in the afternoon, and when the polls shall be closed, the Managers shall forthwith count the votes !and proclaim the electien, and give noi tice, in writing, to the persons elected.? I The Intendant and Wardens for the < time being'shall always appojnt three managers to conduct tne election, who. before they open the pools for said election. shall take an oath, fairly and im-1 partially to. Conduct the same; and the I Intend ant and Wardens, before entering upon the duties of. their offices, shall re- j epeotivoly take the oath prescribed by \ o . the Constitution of this State, and also the fopowing oath, to wit: "As Intendant (or Warden) of the town of Union, I will equally and impartially, to the best of my ability, execute the trust renosed In me. and will nap mv hpot. nn deavors to preserve the peace and carry into effect, according to law, the purposes for which I have been elected: So help me God." Sec. 5. That in case a vacancy should occur in the office of Tntendantor any of the Wardens, by death resignation or otherwise, an election to fill such vacancy shall be held, by the appointment of the Intendant and Warden, or Wardens, as the case may be, fifteen day's notice being given ; and in case of the sickness or temporary absence of the Intendant, the Wardens, forming a council, shall be empowered to elect one of the Wardens to act as Intendant during the time. Sec. 6. That the Intendant and Wardens duly elected and qualified shall, during their term of office, severally and respectively be vested with all the powers of trial justice or other inferior courts in this State, within the limits of the said town; and the Intendant shall and may, as often as may be necessary, summon the Wardens to meet -in council, any two of whom, with the Intendant, or any three Wardens, may constitute a quorum to transact business, and they shall be known by the name of the Town Council of Union ; and they, and their successors hereafter to be elected, may have a common seal, which shall be affixed to all their ordinances, may sue and be sued, may plead and be impleaded in anv court of law or eauitv in this State, and purchase, hold, and possess and enjoy to them and their successors, in perpetuity, or for any term of years, any estate, real or personal, or mixed, and sell, alien or convey the same; shall not exceed to any one time the sum of ten thonsand dollars. And the said Intendant and Wardens shall have full power to make jmd establish all such rules, by-laws and ordinances respecting tbe roads, streets, markets, commercef trade, buildings and police of said town as shall appear to them necessary and requisite for the security, welfare and convenience of the said town, or forpreserving health, peace, order and good government within the same. And the said council may fix and impose fines and penalties and imprisonment, in the County jail for the violation thereof, and appropriate the fines to the public useof the said corporation : Provided, That no fine shall exceed fifty dollars for any one offence, and no imprisonment shall exceed twenty-days; and when any person shall be charged with an offence for which a fine of more than twenty dollars is ordained, the said charge shall be heard and determined in an action of debt, to be brought in the name of said Town Council, for the recovery of said fine, before a court having jurisdiction of cause of action of that amount for Union County. And if the fine ordained be not more than twenty dollars, or the offence be one for which imprisonment is ordained, the said Town "Council, dr a quorum thereof, shall have power to hear and determine the said charge and render judgment therein. In all cases of trials to be had before the said Town Council, as hereinafter provided, the party charged shall l>e cited to trial by a service upon him of a summons, under the hand of the Iutendant, or any one of the Wardens, wherein shall be expressed with certainty the offence charged, and the time and place of trial, which service shall be made at least five days before the day of trial. Sue. 7. That all fines imposed by the said Town Council for any violation of jrdinhnce, or any default in the performsince of street duty, shall be collected by a fierifaciax ; and the said Town Council shall have power to procure and compel the attendance of witnesses by process similar to that which, by law, Magistrates may use in the trial of small md mean causes. "Sec. 8. That the Intendant and Wardens of said town shall have full and only power to grant or refuse licenses for billiard tables, to keep tavern, or retail spirituous liquors within the said limit.s, which licenses shall be granted in the aid limits; and all moneys paid for li ;enses, and for fines and forfeitures for etailing spirituous liquors, keeping avernsaml billiard tables within said imits, without licenses, shall be appropriated tc the public uses of thesaia corporation: Provided, That thelntendant md Wardens duly elected and qualified shall not have power to grant any li;ense to keep a tavern or rotail spiritious liquors to extend beyond ihe term i "or which they shall have been elected. I, Sec. 0. That it shall be the duty of the 1 aid Intendant and Wardens to keep all " oads streets and ways within their cor- ( Dorate limits open and in good repair, j ind for that purpose they arc invested < ,vith all tlie powers granted to the Coun- ( y Commissioners. They shall also have \ power to levy a tax upon the property of \ aid town, to keep the buildings in said own for educational purposes in repajr. , \nd they shall also have power to com- < pound w'ith all persons liable to work he streets, ways and roads in said town ipon such terms as they shall, by ordinance, establish : the money so received o be applied to the public use of the laid corporation. And all persons refua- | ng or failing to pay such commutation shall be liable to such fines and penal.ieiasthe said Town Council may impose. And no person, residing within he said limits, shall be liable to work ou iny road or bridge without the said lim- , ts, or be taxed or assessed for the same. PVia toiH Tnwn PAiinml ulmll Imvp nnwof 1 1,v kJt*,v* * w " " -ww ? %?* v X'"' - :o require license fees from the keepers >f ten-pfn alleys, or any other pin alleys, ind to grant or refuse licenses for the same, upon such terms and conditions, ind subject to such regulations, as they nay, by ordinance, establish. They ihall also have power to require license ees from itinerant auctioneers, owners if public drays, wagons, livery stables, vehicles and horses kept for hire within ;he corporate limits of said town. They shall also have power to impose an annual tax upon the property iusaid town, to wit: Upon all real estate, not exceeding ten cents on the value of one hunired dollars; upon all stock in trade, not sxcccding ten cente on every hundred lollars' worth of the value of said stock, rhe State assessment to be taken as the basis of taxation. And the said Town Council shall have power to enforce the payment of all taxes and assessments levied by the said Council against the nroDerty and persons of defaulters to the same extent and in the same manner as is provided by law for the collection of the general State tax, except that executiors to enforce the payment of the town taxes shall be issued under the seal of the corporation and directed to the Town Marshal or other person specially appainted by the said Council to collect the same, and the money so collected shall be applied to the public uses of the said corporation. And all property upon which a tax shall be levied and assessed is hereby declared and made liable for the payment thereof, in preference to all other debts due by the person owning the property at the time of the assessment, except debts due the Btate which shall be first paid. iA mu-i a. ? iA OJbW* lVi lUttli V4A?3 oaiu iUWil V/UUUU1 shall have power and authority to require all persons owning a lot or lots in said town to make and keep in good repair side-walk* In front of said lot or i . lots, wherever the same shall front on, or adjoin, any public street of said town, dc if, in the Judgment of the Council, said ar side-walk shall be necessary; the width bi thereof and the manner of construction -lii to be designated and "regulated by the said Council; and for default or refusal, after reasonable notico, to make and a, keep in repair such side-walks, the Town Council may cause the same to be mnde or nut in renair nnri rpniiirn the owner to pay the price of making or St repairing; and the said Town Council are hereby empowered to sue for and recover the same: Provided, That such contract for making and repairing be let to the lowest bidder. Sec. 11. That the Intendant and *r Wardens shall have power, and are here- kv by authorized, to elect or appoint one or more-Marshals, who shall be duly ca sworn in and Invested with all the pow- WJ ers Constables now have by law, and v' whose jurisdiction and authority shall vn be conflned to corporate limits of said :Lj town; and the Intendant and Wardens, j or any one more of therti ar& hereby er' authorized to require the Marshal of je said town, or any special Constable appointed by said Intendant or Wardens af( for that purpose, to commit to the jail of tej Union County, fora term not exceeding 8jj twenty-four hours, any person who, an within the corporate limits of said town to, may be engaged in a breech of the jj, Seace, any righteous or disorderly con- j0, uct, open obscenity, public drunken- 8h ness, or in any conduct grossly indecent tjj or dangerbus to the citizens of said town tjr or any of thera. And all persons so im- ^ i prisoned shall pay all costs and expen- ye ses incident to their imprisonment, which said costs and expenses shall be collected in the same manner as is pro- nn ViUtJU uy lUlO iVUl 1UI L1JC tUlltXUUU U1 ^0 fines imposed for violation of ordinan- llD ces: provided, Thatsush imprisonment shall not exempt the party from the pay- m? mentof any line which the Council c]fl may impose for the offence for which he 0f may have been committed. jn Seg. 12..That said Council shall have jnj power to collect licenses from all per- ^ sons representing publicly, within tn'eir corporate limits, for gain or reward, any th< plays or shows, of what nature or kiud siji soever, to be used for the purpose of said Co corporation. Sec. 13. That all fine3 which shall [or hereafter be collected by conviction In the Court of Sessions for retailing without license, within the corporate limits an, of said town, shall be paid one-hall to th< the informer, and the other half to the jn, Toww Council, for the use of said corporation. g Sec. 14. That the said Council shall 0C( have full power and authority to abate 0f all nuisances within the corporate lim- rer its, and also to appoint a Board of 0^: Health for said town, and to pass ail th? such ordinances as may be necessary to \y, define the powers and duties of said ter Board, and to impose fines and penalties upon the members of said Boara for neg- or | lect of duty: Provided, That no fine t|,e hereby authorized to be imposed shall em exceed the sum of twenty dtfllars. } Sec. 15. That all streets hereafter to orj he onened in the said cornoriition shall c beat least sixty feet wide, except when en; such widths cannot be allowed 011 account of permanent buildings erected, or an( in course of erection, at the time of the po> opening of said streets. ?ou Sec. 1G. That each Town Council C1.jj shall, within one month after the expiration of their term of office, make out raa and return to their successors a full ac- me count, under oath, of their receipts and wjj expenditures during their term, and tra shall pay over all moneys in their hands belonging to the corporation, and deliver cq up all books, records and other papers ce9 incident to their successors; and on fail- sea ure so to do, they shall be liable to the punishment prescribed in the seven- g0 toenth (17) section of this Act. cor Sec. 17. That for any wilful violation an( or neglect of duty, malpractice, abuse or tjie oppression, the said Intendant and , Wardens, severally, shall be liable to in- re? dictment in the Court of Sessions, aud, gta upon conviction, to imprisonment and fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, si1?] or imprisonment not exceeding sixty t|ie days, or both, at the "discretion of the court, besides being liable for damages nar to any person injured. pUl Sec. 18. That this Act shall be a pub- ^et lie Act, and continue of force for twenty ser years, and until the end of the session next ensuing; and that all Acts and ~,a parts of Acts heretofore passed iuconsistent with or repugnant to this Act be, fGU A 4l ' * auu luu binIJK ure iicrcu^ ic-jjuuicu. Approved January 8,1872. uge ex< An Act to Validate the Action of the reo County Commissioners in Oconee Conn- pro tu, in Exchanging and Conveying the ? Lot Ceded to Them to Build a Jail ha1 upon. ' ces Whereas the County Commissioners of als< Oconee County, in the exercise of their tan discretion, changed the location of the the [ail for said Count}', and exchanged the dut lot ceded to the State for the purpose of for< erecting a jail for the one on which the san jail now stands; and whereas thaparties aft< with whom I he exchange wasruaue have al\s sold the said lot to Joseph J. Norton, and Coi the said Commissioners have executed wit titles to him; now, therefore, up< Be it enacted by the Senate and House nai sf Ilepresentatives'of the State of South G Carolina, now metand sitting in General Int Assembly, and by the authority of the stn same, for That the action of the County Com- sai< missioners aforesaid be, and the same is for hereby, validated, and the title of the wit State to the said lot conveyed to and con- gra firmed in the said Joseph J. Norton, his sioi heirs and assigns forever. am Approved January 8,1872. be pos ers JOINT RESOL UTION to require the jnd Governor to communicate witn the anc proper Authorities of the State of Oeor- lial gia, with a view to a re-adjustment of em the boandary line between the States of out Georgia and South Carolina, and au- g thorizing the appointment of three Com- "Wi missioners. wit "Whereas, tlie action had by the Cora- gtr< missionary of the Conference between soi the Staft of Georgia and South Caro- oft lina is, for many reasons, unsatisfactory, fail prominent among which may be men- by tioned the ambiguity of the first article; ? the manifest error in the third article, to Mi? wit: "The Btate of South Carolina pos shall not hereafter claim any lands to the the Eastward, Southward, Southwest- to, ward, or west of the boundary above es- qu< tablishedand, whereas, the citizens of by South Carolina have no right of fishing wa in the Savannah River, or using or draw- of: ingoff the waters of said river for the he! purposes of navigation or manufacture ex< lng; therefore, ? Section 1. Bo it resolved by the Sen- Mi ate and Housoj^f Representatives of the am State of South Carolina, now met and pei sitting in General Assembly, and by au- to\ thoriry of the same, cec Thnt tlia rjnvnrnnr of Vila Rfotn ho find i lor he is hereby, required to communicate fc with the proper authorities of the State dei of Georgia, with a view to a re-adjust- no ment of the boundary Jine between therfn States of Georgia and South Carolina; lic< and that whenever the Governor of the no Stare of Georgia shall have Indicated to to i him its willingness for a re-adjustment, of that he be", aud is hereby, further author- tra ized and required to appoint thiee Com- sor missioneraou the part of this State to tiii effect said re-adjustment; and said Com- g roissioners shall be paid the same per dei diem and milage as members of the Geu- po eral Assembly, and the Treasurer of the soi State is hereby authorized to pay the Mi uoma niif nf nnv fnnria in TrPMnrv orl not otherwise appropriated. | foi , Bsc..2, That tlao* e^id Commiwioners po t ' I. . . 14 f 7* :> ^ tall have power to arrange and-finally doi stermine the line between said States, f id their action in the matter shall be feu nding upon the State of South Caro- int ia. hei Approved 8th of January, A. A., 1872. To lm d Act to Incorporate the Town of Mid- ^ way. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sen e and House of Representatives of the "J.: ate of South Carolina, now met and ting in General Assembly, and by the "ft ithority of the same; oul That all persons, citizens of the TJnl- on 1 States, who now are, or hereafter r ay be, inhabitants of the Town of idway, shall be deemed, aqd are heredeclared, to be a body politic and . c rporate, and that said town shall be , lied and Jknpwn by the name of Mid- c ty, and its limits shall be deemed and Q. Id to extend four hundred and fifty "J# rds in each direction from the present tl [lroad depot in said town. * ? Sed. 2. That said town shall bo gov- ? nedby an Intendant and .four War* " ns. who shall be elected on the fourth i onday in March of each year there- ? ter, an electterfhall be held for In- ? ndant and four Wardens, who all he citizens of the United States. ?1" d shall have been residents of said vvn for sixty days immediately preceng said election, at such places in said 4 kvn as the Intendaht and Wardens p all designate, ten days' public nottct. ^ ereof being previously given, in wri- J7' igf and that all male inhabitants of ia town of the age of twenty-one r; v are, who shall have resided therein , * cty days previous to the election, shall i"j entitled to vote for said Intendaut 7 d Wardens, and the election shall be Id from nine o'clock in the morning p " til three o'clock in the afternoon, 57? ien the polls shall be closed, and the . magers shall connt the votes and pro- rr' ,im the election, and give notice there: to the persons elected, and that the j", tendantand Wardens for thetime be; shall appoint the managers to hold ^ 3ensuing election. That the Intennt and Wardens, beiore entering upon "p: 3 duties of their respective offices, p ill take the oath prescribed by the ^ nstitution of this State, and also the -P? lowing oath, to wit: V'As Intendant Warden) of Midway, I will equally ^ d impartially, to the best of my ablfc * . exercese the trnst repoeed In mc, . ci use my best endeavors to preserve An 3 peace and carry into effect, accord- & j to law, the purposes of my appoint- ?_~ >nt. So help me God." 5ec. 3. That in case a vacancy shall ^ iur in the office of Intendant or any ? " the Wardens, by death, resignation, i, noval from the State, or from any . * ler cause, ar\ election shall be held by i appointment of the Intendant ana , ^ iraen, or wardens, as the case may be, JvV i days' notice thereof, as aforesaid, *lor ing given; and in the case of sickness temporary absence of the Intendant, ri* ! Wardens forming a council shali be r^? powered to elect one of therasehes ?n? ict as Intendant during such sickness Bar tibSGDC^* tJiJi Sec. 4. That the Intendant or Ward- ?'c] i, duly elected and qualified, shall, ring their term of service, severally i respectively, be vested with all the rra vers of trial justices or other inferior Hj? irts in this State, in matters civil and r| minal, within the limits of said town. . ? at the Intendant shall, as occasion UJ* ** nn cummnna WorHana f/\ " OU11AU4V1IO V*IW TTII4MVUW W ^1 c#Miim in council, a majority of unV om shall constitute a quorum for the an~ nsactiou of business, and shall be ?! own by the name of the Town Coun- I??a of Miqjvay, and they and their sue- wa sore in office -shall nave a common Pe~ 1, and shall have power and authority ? ippoint, from time to time, such ana ?ns many persons, to act as marshals! and !,,eri istables, as they shall deem expedient 1, 01 1 proper, which officers shall haveUll !je0 i powers, privileger and emoluments, p* subjeet to all the duties, penalties and pOU ulations provided by the laws of this t'?V te for tne office or constables; and a?a Inteudant and Wardens In council ill have power and authority, under Hle ir corporate seal, to ordain and estab- .,^a: i all such rules and by-laws and ordl- :a*! ices respecting the streets, Ways, jlic wells aud watering places, mar, and police of said town, and for pre- ?{, ving health, peace, order aud good Y.fr, 'ernment within the same, os they y deem expedient and proper: and i said council may affix fines for ofces against ruch by-laws and oralices, and appropriate the same to the of the corporation, but uo fine shall coy :eed fifty dollars. All fines may be A overed by an action for debt before a iper tribunal. ' An Iec. 5. That the said council shall F re power to abate and remove puisan- Si within the limits af said town, and Si 3 to classify and arrange the inhabi- and ts liable to police duty, and to require Stat m to require them to perform such gitti ;y as occasion may require, and to en- auti no the performance thereof under the T! ae penalties as are now, or may here- Brei it be, established by law: Provided, P. I rays, nevertheless, That the said Town Jr., jncil shall have power to compound ino ;h persons liable to perform such duty and )n such terms as they shall, byordf- Con ices, establish. be, i iEC. 6. That it shall be the duty of the cons ;endant and Wardens to keep all witl ?ets and ways which may be necessary thoi fi.blic us& within the limits of the and town open and in good repair; and In a that purpose they are hereby vested to h :h all the powers, rights and privileges the ,nted by law to the county commls- and ners within the limits of said town, linn 1 for any neglect of duty they shall afte liable to the pains and penalties im- ated ied by law upon county commission- Sec for like neglect; and they are hereby, pub lividually, exempt from the perform- the :e of road and police duty; and the A jitants of said town are hereby expt from street and police duty with- AN the limits of said corporation. O ?ec. 7. That the said Intendant and B irdcns shall have power to compound Hoi h persons liable to work; on said of ? jets and ways, and release such per- in ( is as may desire it, upon the payment thoi iuch sum of money as they deem a Si r equivalent therefor, to be applied Jos< them to the use of said corporation. asac iEC. 8. That the said town Council of are dway shall be empowered to remain, und isess and enjoy all such property as Bill y may now be possessed of, or entitled as t or which shall hereafter be given, be- po\t ;athed to, or in any manner acquired and them, and to sell, alien, or In any all i y transfer the same or any part there- the ProAided, The amount of property so cess ;d or stock invested shall in no case fori jeeed fifteen thousand dollars. suet >ec. 9. That the said town council of cou dwav shall have power to impose an and _ 1 i 1 j 1 t tiuai lax ou an J?-'?i ? '? personal pro- ngl ty within the corporate limits of said itie vn: Provided, Baid tax does not ex- S id ten cents on the one hundred doi- and s. con >nc. 10. That the Intendant and War- teei is of the Town of Midway shall have A ?er to regulate sales at auction, withthe limits of said town, and to grant An enses to auctioneers: Provided, That' a thing herein contained shall extend d gales by sheriffs, clerk of court, judge E probate, caroner, executors. admin is- of 1 tors, assignees, or by any other per- Car under the order of any court or Asa M justice. . .* |sano 5EC. 11. That the Intendantand "War- T 8 of the town of Midway shall have nln wer and authority to require all per- ed 1 is owning a lot or lots, in said town of froi dway, to keep in repair the sidewalks A jacent to their lots, respectivdtv, and default in. this matter, shall have T wor and authority to have the work wh ? r 77, oat neat the ex|>eoM?bf such lot ewaer. ^ Jec. 12. ?batthe power io grant or re- ? e licensed to keep ft tavern; or to ntaft oxlcoting. drinks, be, jum? - ftfeejwjpVJtf* reby, vested In the town ?od 0411 Of wn of Midway, and that tbey^be als*? rested with elrnecessary power, lw otr tance, or ordinances, to suppress -Of-"* dilate, the sale of intoxicating drfnkf 1 oe drunk at tbe place whose sold, of hi upon any of Us appurtenances, or In 11 upon any of the highway: streets, 1 tea, alleys, wr^ons.^ltcfieoMfpM^g. >ps, public buildings, booths, stall*, or ^nouses' of the said town, or within >fourth of a mile of the present, xall- t id depot, In the Town or MldwaCm i County of BarawtiL PfOVuUd?1 at no rule or regulation shall be mads consistent with the Constitution and v rs of the State. N Sec. 13. That this act shall fee taken 1 deemed as a publie act inall courts justice, and fchalicontinOeofforc* far i term of fourteen years tram its pas- , a' proved Juwaiytth, A. D. 1872. Act to Een&w the Charier of Straus erry ,} iEction 1. Be itenacteafcy theSenate 1 House of Representative te of Booth. Carolina. now-met and Jng in General qssenibly, and by tho bority of the-iame, 'hat the charter of the ferry over the >per River, known as Strawperrv Fer- / be, and the Hune is hereby', flwieWed the term of the passage of this act. and the. same lereby vested lil Mrs. EHfcabeih Wi- 1 g, hot executors, admlnlstrttoBiAat: I upon the owner of said ferry'by law r r )vided, however. That the< following ' ee Of ferriage only shall be charged i coUeated,iowlt: ForfooipAserigimpt ih, ten cents ; horse, each, ten centa: ? i horse with buggy, wagon ot&rt fixid' ' ver, fifty cents ; two hocsei with car^ r ;erwagon aud. driver,. seventy-five , itoi fan flftnfa wwKInn* ?wL if short ferriage to be one-half the ve rates. %. ^ lEC. 2. All .persona , attending public etings and elections, and children go; to and oomingfroto school, shall be - ^ riedfree. .. /., , . * ipproved January 8,1872; " Actio Alter and Amend the Charier f the Tottm of Georgetown. ' Ecrriosrl. Be it enacted by the Senate I House of EepreeenUtfvtt of the .. te of South Carolina, now met and ing id General Assembly, and by the * hority of the same, hat so much of the charter of the n of Georgetown as determines the J of election be? and the'name is here? amended so as to fix the day of eleo* i of Intendant and Wardens' of the n of Georgetown on the first Monday : ^.pril, eighteen hundred'and seven ty(1872), and on the first' Monday* or same month in every year thereafter. 1 election to be held Inaome oonvenitpublic place in saldtown.fromehAt ock rA. M. until five o'clock P; M. j i when the polls shall be closed, the lagers shall forthwith count the, votes, declare the election, arid give ?ottce ft reof, in writing, to the Intendant :eln being, who shall, wlfhfn two days f rearter, give notice, to ine persouffc i elected: Provided, That the IntendEr and Wardens now in office shall eonte untir their successors art elscted ' qualified* , ? gc. 2. That all laws now of force, in * tion to the election of Intendant and > rdens, except no far as hereby re* led, be and continue in force. , ec. 3. That the Intendant and Wkrd of the said town of Georgetownare? rity over the poor within*the town of rgetown, which, bythelaw,now bej, or may hereafter bdpng( to the inty Commissioners of Georgetown mty over the poor of drift CoantyV , for the purpose of raising. funds to ride for.tne comfort and' support of said poor, the said Intendant' and rdeus may assess and oolieot. * poor .. on the taxable property of the aaia , in the same manner as theyawess: * collect taxes thereon for the support lie rovernmentofthe8&id town; Ft>o* kJ, That said tax shall nbt exceed ten percent, on the amount, of .tixea : ein paid to the said town: Provided, her. That the tax-payers of the said * n of Georgetown snail .hot be taxed the support of the poor outside of the >orate limits of sala town. pproved 8th January, A. D. 1872. ' Act to Incorporate the Mountaineer rr yy TTT?rt. irv jLnyuiH ( Ksuriipuuy, vj nuutuuu, nith Carolina. * / ' i. sction 1. Be it enacted by the Senate ,; House of Bepresentatlves of the cof South Carolina, now 'metand ng in General Assembly, and by the iority of tlxfisame, . .. , f , bat WilliamKoeber, John Bale.' A.'*1 nnecfee, p. S. SmeltzeiVMartin Ansel, 10 loyte, H. Stuckle, * Jacob Schroder, James Watson, rina their successors ffice, shall be kiiiown by the name > title of the Mountaineer Fire Engine ipany, of Walhalla,'South Carolina, and they are hereby, created ana jUtuted a body corporate and politic, ? j a capital stock not to exceed five isand dollars,-with the right to sue be sued, plead aud . be impleaded, ; ny Court of competent jurisdiction, ave and to use a common tea)/ and ' same to alterwill and pleasure, with all the. right?, privileges and i unities that are now, of may herer be, secured by law to like ineorpor1 bodies. , . 2. That Oils Act shall be deemed a lie Act, and shall remain in force for term 01 iourieen years. pproved January 8, A. D. 1872. ACT to Incorporate the Scott Biflle uards of Sumter, e it enacted by the Senate and jse of Representatives of the State k)uth Carolina, now inet and sitting general Assembly, and by the aurity of the same-: - ection 1. That Samuel J. Parson, ?pk Sumter, Oscoe Roach, and their >ciatesand successors, be and they hereby incorporated ? hody politic / ler the name and style of the Scott e Guards," in deed and in lav, and, such body politic. shall hare the er to use ana keep a common seal, the same at vilf to ilter, to make" accessary by-laws, not repugnant to . laws of the land; and to have suelion of officers and members, oonnable to such by-laws, to sua and be 3, plead and be impleaded, Jn any rt of Law or Epufty in this State: ! to have, use and enioy all other its, and be subject to all other liabils Incident to bodies corporate. vr>. 9 Thifr f-hiu Ant filiall he ilppmM [taken to be a public Aot, and shall tinue in force for the space of fouri years from its passage.- .<-- > .. io .pproved January 81st, 1878. Act to Amend Se6tion1\eo Hundred nd Seventy^nthe of the Code tf P*ooe~ ure of the State af. South Carolina. j s it ena?cte(| by the Senate and House Representatives ol the State of South olfna, now met and slttln* in Oeneiml embly, ana by the authority of the '?? ur'.: . . lyJ-jtib bat Section two hundred an m? Virginia baa decided to retftlo the Ipping post.