' /"-I&r;:.-,' ;:>v ~ ti " in n i^r^tfr?r ^ . *? : . - . . _ ' " ' ' "'! i;-:' _ ' -r- _ V-". _ - - '-?*> M ~ ll ?#& gltf^ tllT THE ABBEVILLE PRESS AND BANNER, i-.i/ -) ": ; { -"^!t : .. .e.Tlfa?CT?tt . Atrtt . . g3-_-> . , - ~ ^ ^ I J ^ . JV.j '. " ^ ^', ; ."J' r,q V? U'-iW.f .W>*m ,1 t&L iT hftJ> ' ;. I) Hi!" XJ? ' ' .". BY W. A, LEE AND HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C., TnUtiSDlY. N!*? .. o ?> "* '* gg ?'_?-1 j?I gggggg^g > v: .qgjfr* m TIIE readers of the "Pre, there is now going on 3 I OX " a free exhibition of the nary for fall and winter. In Di ess (roods all the new j Figured, Brocaded &c. In Shawls all the styles are s Orev, Grave colors and hands _ a handsome line of. Furs in Ca In Boulevard Skirts, IIoop Protectors, White Skirts, ered Yokes, Stamped Yokes i Scarfs, Hoods, Jackets, Talmas Curls, in real and imitation ha shown and sold by Mrs. Wier In handsome trimmings for tion Laces? Real and lmitat and Cuff^, Crape Collars andCi Kid and Silk Gloves, Hosiery, lars, Children's Wool Hosiery, In Millinery?The handson Paris and Stfaw Hats and Bo: Flowers, Beautiful Roman Si Black, Scarlet and Embroider broidery, and solid colors, N( Bows, and Scarfs in all the hai color, Laces, A'eilinprs, Dress r ever seen in Abbeville. Jewelry?This is a new brai tions. In this line will be four real Jet Ear Rings, Broaches, Jewelry, Real Shell Beads, Xc &e. Woolen?In this Departme Tweeds, Salem and Freneh.:C1as shown at popular prices. - I n Domestics?The prettiest ed ami Bro. Homespun, Jeans, burgs. &c? sold at low price: in House furnishing Goods? i 11 Unbleached,1 Bleached ,aaid >Tl kins. Sheetings, P. S. Cotton, ;t Oil and Paper Shades, Carpetti] Jn the Dress Making Depart ems for all kind of garments Mine. Demorest of Xew York. Xone but the newest patten Dresses. &c. Patterns sold to all that appl Mrs. Cain, has returned fron the Millinery Department^ assist .Miss Cater. Miss Tweeddale, late in char* Kst:i.bh?c'diin Baltimore. is in < jmrtmont, assisted bptiic ^lisijjes of .skill. All are invited to coi . Yerv rosjKH-tt'ullv, Oct., 12, 1S71, 25?ttV ^ v?Are now prepared to exhibit to tlio-ii A VEEY FUL] STOCK OF Consisting of ull the loading articles Farm. DRY GOODS of all Styles, " BOOTS AND SHOES, A ] CLOTHING, A Great HARDWARE, <}R< CROCKERY, B1 FISH, FLOUR All of which will bo sold at the lo' Oct. 12, 1871, 25?tf TROW BR ii / have in Store a Choic< STOCK OF PROVISIONS, . which they propose to sell as low at country. As specialties we would ca Cucumber Pickles, in 5 and 10 Breakfast Strips, Leaf Lajd, i Imperial Crackers, (very deli a ii fee Assortment of Fli Nuts, Raisins, Dessiccated Coi All the best "Brand FLC * Something Elegant in the w; wnisiues, uraTKues, A complete stock of SOLE LEATR American c:ilf Skins. Lining* and SI: October 12, 1871, 25?tf GMT K IKS ' i . ? M t / a ? ?' Our Mr. HAS just returned from ] lie lias purchased, at til y LOWEST H A. CI-IOICK S FAMILY The public, and especially c to examine our Goods before no superiority over other liir that our prices shall be as low exafct quality represented. Norwood, March 31. 1871 49-tf l- : >? tSBIOSS! s-9 and Banner" are informed that! it the "EMPORIUM of FASH-i, fashions of Dry.Goods and Milli-i1 Fabrics are shown in Solid, Striped, ( ihown, in Black, Black and White, some si vies in bright colors, also , pes and Muffs, at low prices. ' < Skirts, Corsets, Bustles, Breast ! vns, Cliemese, Drawers, Embroid- 1 or braid or embroidery. Nubias, j 5, Breakfast Shawls, Chignons and t ir?the newest and best styles arc \ and Miss Cater. Ladies garments, Real and Imita- J ion Lace Collars, Linen Collars 1 lifts, Embroidered Infants' Waists, J Cravats, Shirt Fronts, Paper Col- j &c., a splendid assortment shown G lest line of Velvet, Plush, Silk. t nnets, Feathers, Plumes, French 11 ishes, Splendid Sash Ribbons in i ?d, Bow Ribbons in Roman Em- { ick Ribbons to match, beautiful < idsorne colors. Velvets in every I rrimmings and Buttons, the best v O ll fl ice just added to the many attrac- i id a very handsome assortment of J Bracelets, Necklaces, also Shell J] icklaces, Crosses, Spar Necklaces ( nt, Flannels, Lindseys, Jeans, J isiriieres, Blankets, &t\, &e., are 3 V , V Prints, fine. Long Cloths, Bleach- c Hickory Shirting, Cheeked Osna- Jjj S. U -Will be shown, Table Damasks * yrkey Red. Towels Doylas, Nap- ti Counterpanes, Laces for Curtains, JJ' ugs, Tidies, &c. ' ; H ment will be found the latest pat- f] both from ?. Butterick & Co., and c .. i' A > > .V us are used in the getting up ofjti ; ?, r i k. . ., |> i Baltimore, and is in charge ofi [< ted Ijv Miss Small, Mrs. AVier and ?i ' <1 ' . ? ;re of a fashionable Dress Making li charge of the Dress Making Dc- r i. Taggarts and three other ladies: si ne and examine for themselves, i," JAMES W. FOWLEK, ? Proprietor. ' ti a ispection of their friends And customers, j L AND VARIED STAPLE CiB nccdexMn Household and 011 thejr Large Stockyu g Variety 3ERXES. ICON, LARD, i| &c. &c. rt'cst prices. * - .. - j ji - * .-'*** . ?jr^4 >>v>- . )CE 8c CO.J T ' ^ 3 and Carefully Selected ? GROCERIES, , LIQUORS, &C? j i anv first class establishment in tlio od 11 attention to tho following. ? Gallon Casks, i in 3,5,10,25, and 50 lb. Cans. I cate.) * j LEXCH CONFECTIONARY, ;oannt, Maccaroni, Cheese, H'Rou hand constantly. > sty of Chewing Tobacco, Choice Wines, Ale ?nd Porterv ] KR^OaV auU Hemlock). French and toe i'iudlwgs.- " < ; & PROVISIONS ' - 3. i * 1 Baltimore and Xew York, where 4 > r v ol e . . ; i ?. i g % ' fET PRICES, ELECTION OTT GROCEBIIS. ?ur friends, arc respectfully invited i purchasing elsewhere. We claim: 1. 1 V _ 1 . 1 I SL-ciJiss. nouses, out we guarantee , and that tlie Goods will bo of the DuPre & Co. * / AUCTION SALE. Dabncy, Morgan cfr Co. vs. the Preside and Directors of the Hank of the St a of South Carolina. T1Y virtue of an order of Court in tl O above stated cause to me direct by the Hon. It. V. Graham, Judge of tl Uourt of Common Plead for the Fir Circuit, I will offer for sale, at Publ Auction, on TUESDAY, the 28th of N veniber, i?7i, ai me uourt jaousc, m n sity of Charleston, S. C., at 11 o'clock j M., the following PIECES OF REA ESTATE. 1. All that LOT, PIECE OR PA1 CEIj OF LAND, with the Buildinj thereon, known as the Bank of theSta >f South Carolina, situate, lying ar ^eing at the West corner of Broad au state streets, in the city of Charleston neasuring and containing In, front o Broad Street forty-eight feet six inche nore or Jess, by one hundred and twei y-six feet, more or less, in depth c state-street, and fortv-eignt feet, more < ess, on the back line. Butting an )ounding North on' lands now or Jate < lie Union Insurance Company; East o stale-street ; South on Broad-streel >Vest on lands of W. S. Adams; bavin uch shape, size and bouudings asares< orth in the plat thereof. The nassac vay, or alloy of seven feet one inch wiai etween the adjacent buildings frontin >n Broad-street, asset forth in said pla o be al ways kept open for the use of sai .djacent buildings. II. All that PIECE OR PARCEL O] jAXD, with the Stores and other buihl rigs thereon, situate, lying and being o lie East side of East Bay-street, in th Mty of Charleston, and described in Ian of the same, and having such shap nd boundaries as arc therein delineated rhich said plan is extracted, ou an en irged scale, from a plan of tlie whar lid buildings thereon, situate on Eas Jay-street, in tlieC'ity of Charleston, bt jngiug to J. E. Faber, from a survey b ohn Wilson, which said Deed is, witl lie plan, recorded in the Office of th Register of Mesne Conveyance fo !barleston District in Book V, No. 1: ages oG, 57 and 58. Also, the right, titl nd interest of the corporation known a tie President and Directors of the Bun! f the State in and to the street calle< iaiHard-street, on said Plan. III. All that PIECE OR PARCE] )F LAND, with the huildinpk thereon ituate on the South Hide of Doughty treet, in the City of Char It* ton. Mea* t ing in front on Doughty-street thirty sven feet four and a half inches; th imp on the back line, and in depth 01 le East line one hundred and one fee nd eight inches, the same on the Wee nc. Bounding North on Doughty :reet, East on laudH of J. Charles Blum outli ami "West on lots numbered elevei 11) and four (4J in a plan made bj harles Parker, Surveyor, in August ioo, recorded in the office of Register c lesne Conveyance for Charleston Dia ict, in lMat Book A, No. 1, page 1.11. IV. Ail that LOT OF LAND, witl >ie buildings thereon, situate at th 'ortliwest corner of Elliott street am iadsden Alley, In the City of Charles m, measuring In front on Elliott reet thirty-four feet six inches, on C3uds en's Alley: North on lands, now or Iat e H?. I. ..r ,,7 / Si ri i L HIV J lit I I rv VI lliv UllllV *#! VMM' na, and West on lands of Win. Birnic V. All that PIECE Oil TAUT OF ; .OTOF LAX1) situate 011 Ea^t Bay :reet, in the City of Charleston, knowi >rmerly in the plan thereof by the nmn it seven (7) and also three fret of lain tljoining thereto, being part of an alle; r {tassage way of six feet, lying bctwcei iesc premise.-) and the house next Soutl lereto (the owners of which iu eoinmoi itli the owners of the property uo\ ftered for sale being entitled to the us tiereof,) measuring and containing ii he whole thirty-three feet in fronl ml one hundred (100) feet'in deptli Vestwardty butting to the East on Ea.lay-street, North on lauds formerly c J. Ylagjr, West'on laud now or late i Inn Fox, and South on said Alley. TERMS, one-third cash {balance paj ble in two cuual annual successive ii talmeutd* with Interest at the rate < even percent, per annum : secured l? ioikI of purelniser and mortgage of th remises: buildings to be insured an olicy assigned. Purchasers to pay ft tapers ami stamps. WM. J. GAYER, Referee. The Personal Assets will be sold atth ame time and place, due advertiseuiei ?f which will be given. WM. J. GAYER, : Referee aud Receiver. ucr. 11, 1B71, JK>?II AUCTION SALE. 'kibnci/, Morgan y the lion. It. F. Graham, Judgeof th Jourt of.Common Pleas for tire Fir* Circuit, I wilt offer for sale at flubli Auction, on Monday, the 4th day of D< ember, 1871, at the Court House in Al >eville, at 11 o'clock, A. M. All that LOT OF LAND with th buildings tliereon, in the Village of Al teville, in the County of Abbevilh South Carolina, situate on the Soutl vestern side of the Public Square, meui irine 26 feet in front and 61 feet in deptl md known in the plat of the said Vi age by the No. 58. TEltMS, one third cash ; balance paj .ble in two equal annual successive in taliucuts, with interest nt the rate of >er cent annum, secured by bond of Ui >ureliasher and mortgage of the preiu es. Buildings to be insured and polie unsigned, purchaser to pay lor stara^ md papers. WM. J. GAYER, neieree. Mil Caroia'AiMi-tol [n the Common Fleas A'in. D. Mars, Administrator of Rob Mars, dec'd, against J. C. Farrar, and others. Order for Injunction, ?fcc. PURSUANT to order of Court i this case, the creditors of the E ate of llobt. Mara, dec'd, are heret lotifled to present and prove their d mauds against said Estate before me i my office onor before the Fifteenth da if'November next, or bo barred. MATTHEW McDONALP, C. C. P. Clerk's Office, A. C. 1 < lotli August, 1871. J Application for Renewal of Chart< THE Trustees of Erskino Collej hereby crive notice, thatnppiic tion will be made before tho Legisl taro nt its next Bossion for a renew of the charter of said college. ' WM. IIOOD, Secretary. Sept- 21, 1871, 22-tl' A Card. THE undersigned 1ms opened 1 Office as Trial Justice in tbe Coi House. All business* entrusted to 1 hands will bo promptly attended to. ' M. KAPHAX, 48, Justice A. t. XESX^loXEEL'S y ??CHEMICAL mm. I sd .' \ m 1 j iif The subscriber calls aUentidirto .the f Ol > > 1c annexed certificates of practical, far- J mere who have tested his unrivaled 1 le V. Chenrfcal Manure. It is cheap and it L is efficacious?accomplishing all the I. results of tho best fertilizers, at one5s fifth tho expense. It is invaluable to t ,d farmers?Apply to the subscriber at id Diamond Hill, or agent at Abbeville " H C.H. 8, J. R. BLACK, ' Diamond Hill P. 0. >r _ . id j,;.;,: ? 'I'llTS is to ccrtify. That I have " 1 user jrir/Black's Compound ' Chemical Manoro, (made '.ou . the ?t Farm),cost EleveD Dollars^ per. ton/;}^ J ;e am fully satisfied with it. Cotton e? manured with it does not fire, #nd its fruit is equal to cotton manured with j other standard Fertilisers. * r " CONKAD WAKEFIELD. F Oet. 7, 1371. r- ' " rjlHIS is to certify, that I have used a X Black's Compound Chcmi- ... cat Manure, (Made on Farm,) cost I, Eleven Dollars per ton. I .m&nared ( with this manure and EttiwanjNo. 2, ;t on the same. land, arid after careful >_ picking and vreighing, find if %g?al 'if v .r? Af l\/>t trtn t l\ ii n f tin I< ^fitttnn Y (1UIf UV/lVVl IUUII UJt iJUDt ail. i> SAMUJEL C. SIIAW. , e Oct. 7, 1871. T , ) e TM1IS is to certify, That I have used k | J. II. Black's Compound Ghemi^ cal Manure/(made on the Farm) costJ ing Eleven Dollars per ton, aud lam ^ fully satisfied that it is the best a? ^ iv well as tho cheapest manure I Lave - ever tried. I have used several of the standard fertilizers. ' It. L. WILLIAMS. ? OctC,187l?- ft y '& : u 4 t -pnis ?3 to ci'rtif}^ That Wo have * ? examined the ciop of cotton. a j grown on the farm of Mr. J. R. Blacky 01 . and are free to say that it is the larg- A' , est plant, and. the fuU^t, fruited by J far of; any -cotton i*vo Itkvol ?een. P * Manure used, J. H. Black's Compound ,, Chemieal Manure (made on the farm,) t. at a coht of Eleven Dollars per tou! a J J. IV II ADD OX, , ' JOHN LrBLACK, * McDUFKIlO II ADD OX, ?< '* i ir nf.T r h b j. 11. nvjijjj, ! JAMES CAKWILK, r ?' w. wicKum;. %? U " ^ ])AVII) CRAWFORD, P I). M. MiLLFORD, f . . LU '! o. M.xwA a>Jti p:. L, . y ? \s ; - <- i I State, of South Carolina, c 1? .ABBEVME cteri'. 'I & To all whom it may concern. n t. I, Mattlio'w McJ/oiiafd, Clerk of the ii Court of Common Picas ftDd General A >. Sessions for sakl Oounty, Slate atorO''^ ^ said, do hereby ( oriily, that I urn per- S ,j sonully acquainted with the signers to 'P >1 tlio preceding certificates, and take jw . pleasure in saying that they arosevci* t' r*i?tlly honorable gentlemen, and are mon 'j.j of credit and veracity, und are practical v' and good fafnTeri in the Cauirt^vUforci-Vt1 r said. -4 *? 2 Ty- iHH? d X i^lso ccrUfy, that 4 jUpV. JL. 'it' k ,r Black is a practical farmer of said Count}*, and lias succceded well in his ^ Agricultural operations. t . : Given under mj* handand seal of saitr *? o Court, this 9lh October A. D. 1871 ^ 11 at Abbeville a : MATTHEW McDONALD, $ C. C. P. & Cr.S> Abbeville "Co. 8. C. " L' fci,-- J I approve and endorse the proceeding certificate of the Clerk of-the y Court for Abbeville County nffrresaid. h i- . HBNKY S. CASOX, ? ir Sheriff Abbevilje County. li e Oct. 9, A: JO. 1871. ' ' n e State of South Carolina. 0 * ABBEVILLE COUNTY. , IjT. ]i. Milford, County Auditor for j( >- tbc County of Abbeville, do hereby' certify that I am well, acquainted ? .with the foregoing gentlemen and know them to bo practical and reliai bio men and good farmers. J- T.? B. MILFOtfD. j J* County Auditor. n : Tie Slate of Soutli Carolina, y ' * ' * i- ' " ? V I Abbeville. County. Jj y ? :J n To Michael O'Burns, . fl ' b1 - "ITOU arc hereby summoned to appear yl before me at my olfice, on the 10th day of .November, 1871, to answer the g complaint of Charles Cos, for an accouut n of forty dollars aud thirty cents, besides n Interest. . 0 Witness my hand and seal, September s '* 27,1871. 5 ROBERT R. HEMPHILL, [L. s.J Trial Justice, Abbeville County. t October 5, lfi7l, 24-^6t ^ 6 ? APPLICATION FOK CHARTER^ fi fy V OTICE is hereby given that?pplica- J u- 1A cation will be made at the next 1 at Session of the Legfalature for a Charter f iv f Incorporation of the Village of Ninety I " ix. [Oct 18, 1871, 26-2m ; LOST NOTE.! ALL persons are hereby warned i against trading for a note given ? by T. A. Wataon to T. J. Hearst, for one ( bundled and forty dollars, dated about ** the 1st of May, 1870?interest at 12 per j re cent. Credited with $50. ^ , ? T. J. HEARST. " i aj Oct. 2. 1871, 24?tf 1 mefflfWWii _ *m TAUT BTJTnro i Hi. LUW j lis For salo by irt >ia Quarles, Perm & ";Co.! August 28, 1871, 10?tf ' '' ' 1 STANZAS, '} ,-? .CLjzr\{i S&. These beautiful lines, written b Mrs. Gates of Texas, were repeated ; b the Rev. Dr. Hick*, at the close of hi iddress delivered before the L'terar Societies of Erskine College, At .th Annual Commencement of 1SC9. The, iave the ringofitnie poetry..^ If you cannot an the odean Sail among the awlftlesa fleet, Jftolling on the .highest billows, Laughing at the storms you meet,? . You cau stand among tbe sailors, . . , Anchored yet within the bay, , You can lend a band to. help. them 1 As they launch the boats away.. V s;i: i . 4Ui'/ . sinua a If you are too weak to journey > p. Up the mountain, steep and high, You can stand in tbe valley, As the multitudes go i>yf You can sing in happy measure As they slowly pass along, Though they may forget tue singer They will not forget the song. p. '' vi atil . If you cannot to the needy, Lend a ready, open hand, : z If you have not gold and sliver, Ever Heady at command,. You-can visit the afflicted, O'er the dying you can weep; ! You can bo a true disciple/ - . ' ; Bitting at the Saviour's feet. If you cannot in the conflict Prove yourself a soldier true, " ; If where Are and smoke are thlckesl There's n .I'-Xblly, you know IJqyoyou." *"Yos," with a blush,'for ho hadflev r said it before. "And I am very sorry.",. . "Why ?" after a pause of bewilder lent. . . ; "Becauso you.nro% a delicate litth ower, needing care and nursing t< cop your bloom bright j and. I an ofng to a hard rough life, amon> rivations, fever and malaria, whicl ill try even my powerful constitu ion, and whero you must not go.", > ' You are going the Far W.yst?" "Yos- My mother must have ? ome in her old age., She is strong 0\vr but time is tilling on her. rYou now all that sho has been tamo?" "Yes; sho has been a good mother (ut you shall take mo, too ?" -.< r 'CSo. Did I uot tell you that yot lade it so hurd for wo to say good ye to you." "John, what could I; do withoul Our. Ho took the little, caressing bant own from his facc. . ."Don't make mo bo jveak, Nelly ou think chut it is nothing to me tc jave.roy little violet?the only wo iuQ X ever loved?for a hard, colc fe, and unceasing toil? I caunoi larry for ten years, Kelly." . "And then I shall', bo thirty yeari Id." * "Yes, married and with little chil ren; seeing at lust that your o!c >ver, John Burrows, was right." He rose to his feet. ."Joho 1" in terror. f;Yes, I am going, Nelly. Little on< -you*look so much a woman now nth your steadfast eves?hear mo j J id not foresee that you would lov< 10?that I should lovo you. Yoi ,*ere a little school girl when I savec ou from drowning last summer, anc our satchel of books floated awaj own the river ana was lost. i camt ero to sco Gregory, not you. I couli ot help loving you , but did not think ntil to-night that you eared so mucl jr me, Nelly. But, child, you wil urely forget me iu time." "Never!" lie wont on : "Nelly, I shall hun ;er for you day and night, more anc lore, as tho time goes on, and I ge lder, lonelier, moro weary. But ! hall never hope to ace you again Jov!, give me your hand." Sho gavo him both. JIo raisec hom to his lips, but beforo she coult peak again, he was gone. Shivering violently, she wont to th< ire, and stood there, trying to warn icrself. She understood it all nowrts strangely elaborate arrangement or a trip to New York. He h&( * * ' * ? ^^ 4vlis, but was going on?on?into tb< lim distance. That was why ho ha< lot promised. It, was getting late?she was s< :old?she had better go to bed Sh< ,vould not go into the parlor to bi< ler father, and aunt and Gregory jood-night; so sho crept silently uj id'her own room. Thore the vcr weight of grief upon her lulled her t But whon she woke her grief spran. j'pon her liko somo hidden monste ivho had lain in wait for her all nighi Ller misery terrified her. Wh jhould sho not die 1 Why should sh ever Pise from that bed ? But when they called her, sh sprung up hastily, dressed and wen down, and they we're too busy talkin to nolicc that she did not kuow wha ty , - 1 * _ ' she was doing, ^W,bj;-ani?y, wjien. ' her brother reached for more coffoe, T and observed, "Jolin.BUryo\jt8 and.h\a , 7 mother went to Neav Jortc in theSrst 1 a train t"hi8''hiorhing;" stie'Tried (o rise ' y uncqnccrnodjy from the table. aEf p hair fastened with a gold heart, ;the e< '^silver hilt Of a-sword, .and, lastly/^ ? tiny octagon portrait of an old raito a oone in chalks npon n kind of v*llnm, cm and inolo&ed in a framo of tarnished u brass. . ,v .C "Who is this that.ia: 90 ugly, Aunt g Mary?" 0 , . "That, they sayr4? my great-great- ti grandfather, Nelly." a "What is it pajntod 6n?thjs queer 0 ^ stuff? .. | 0j "Well. it's.a.kind'of, leather, I bo- h lieve.. They used to write on in very :v ? ancient' times."',.' ' * ' ^ r; ! "He^s uncomraonTyugTy, isn't he?" tl i said Nblly, wearily. \ \\ I As she spoke, the little ease"Tell a [ apart; in her hands. ! A yellpi^,. folded a paper was revealed. Sue openTcd' it, n ; and saw that, it was written upon. . tl ."Why, bless my soul, what have o tbe'rfr?" exclaimed Miss- Golding, iris-' fi ; log np in a strange alarm. ' i{ S,lie snatched lt'frora Nelly's hand, v "It f;aii'jt be the will!"' she cried, p Nelly looked an in dumb surprise. 0 r vfi ~.1.? ? r AuntrMary rentr tview wuiub, iuou c I rushed away in wild agitation to the o > library where her brother was sitting, n I Kelly could hear them talking, the t > two; then hor brother calrie; then the v old housekeeper was callcd from the d dining-room, and to much confused u . conversation, she never heard before, s By-and-by they all waited up "ThiswGrandfathcTGoldmg'swill," ? i icxelai mod Atfnt'Mary, flourishing the f j bit of paper; ' / c t "It Beetle that lie Was "ycry cccen- I . trie, Gregory coudcacended to explain. t He was very riciuund had some hard r sons, and grandsons who promised to { i bo h?r ing from one person to another, aud'n - accumulating in value, until you and Jfi 1 I Nelly, arc as rich as Croesus." . h t "How, Gregory?"' t ' "Ain't wc the fourth generation ? ii } Father was an Only child, we are bis c only children ; all the back folks are t dead, and it slides down to us on|p I greased t wires. Hurrah for Grand- a father Golding!" v "Is this true, father?" , x ' o "Yes, my dear. Tho property is j v ) chiefly in Leeds, England. The house-1 n , keeper who came over last summer.'t [ you know, happens to know about it. jo 5 j It's fn safe hands, aud our claim is in- j s i disputable.' y 1 "What did Nelly do? The littlo ti I goose ! Instead of flying off in thoughts o ' of a carriage, and dresses of cloth of s } gold, and a trip to Europe, she buried b i her lace in the pillows, and murmured e : under her breath, "Oh! John. Oh,- r i dear, dear John!"' 1: I Aud it was no castlo in tho air. a Thrco months proved that she was t tho mistress of gold untold, almost, j jAnd then a littlo note went to Kan- li 1 sas, raying: . . . . c t "Dear John: lam waiting for you e I with a fortune. Will ypu como for t . mo now? . t And he came instantly; and though t 1 some might have sneered at his roadi- s 1 ness, the heart of'his little wife was v always at peace. She knew that o y John Burrows loved her trulj'. Grand- o ^ father Golding's money built up a com- i - modious"Western town?paved streets, u 3 raised rows of shops, erected dwelling- d i houses, foundo* banks, libraries and 1: c chnrchcs; and Nelly finally lived out c r West But she had opportunities of f. I'lseoin^pioncer nie; anu sue smu, jouui i c was right; I should bavo died in a'j. i year, had I lived hero in poverty." e 3 "Women Getting Their Rights in ' 0 "Russia.?Tho Czar has issued an r 1 t>rdcr where by tho existing institu- ( jtionsfor iustrueting women in mid- i pjwifery are to bo enlarged in every i y possible direction. Further, "con- t o sidering tho great utility of tho Sisters of Merey' in hospitals," women g arc to be allowed to act us surgeons, r to vaccinate, and to be employed as^ t. chemists. They aro to educational i y establishments. Women are also to t e bo admitted as ''signal women" in the i telegraph departments\ they may be i e employed as accountants, and may be i it placed in the female institutions sub- i g ject to the Empenr's owu chancel- 1 it lory. 'i : v.: V. i aofc Thomas Jefferson. r ' 1 .*1M * ^ f m 'j ? ?.'. ^ lk i From an artile on Jefferson in ?Tarser's. for_Augo8t, we take ' Eocolioo- l .ions by Tw;e?,rOfhia CjraDtidangh- s Jetfetsbfi love'd fariiiing and gardon- UfV/ th^fBsf'We oft-hards, alitl" hfa B Or ftower^to*, Ke * vas -vorf forf^ I fcmember the plan . , ? ^# urgoi ine nrsc ujnuintuu uuu luups, v fhoprecious Tootswcfrfr committed for * ho fcarth tinder bis owti ey$, with ? ; irowd: of happy yoang faces of bis h jrand-ohildrerr- clustering around to % co the proccBS, and inquire auaffously be name, of each separate deposit, n ttoe morning, immediately after 01 >reakfast, ho used to visit his floworcds apd gardens. In tbe isummer, as he day grew warmer, he retired to a lis own apartmeuts, where he remain- k d until about one.o'clock. My mother h rould sometimes send rae Oil a mes-' nge to l.im. A gentle knock, -a call, Come in," and I would enter; with a Uj lixed feolihgof love and reverence, j nd; some pride in being the bearer" of ' communication. to pito whom I* aproached with all the affection of a hild and. something of the loyalty ofjti abject. bf[ ii...- ?jh ): ft My grandfather's manners to us bis, ol rand-cbildveo, were delightful; I can Imracterize them by.no other. word. ae [q talked with us froely, affectionate- ^ r; never lost an opportunity oi'giving w pleasure.or a gqpd* lessoru He* ror el roved without wounding jQSj and 0. Dm mended without ma.cing us vain. Ee took pains to cornet our.ejrofti nd false ideas cheeketfiliehold, en- rj aurage'd the timid and t^ie'd to teach. c' s to reason soundly and'feet riglitly> J30 ?ur smallest lollies he treated with y ood-huraored raillery,' Our ' ^raver ? nefrwith kind and spityiisaa jnonion. As a child I used to follow him bi bout, and draw as near..to him, as I ai ould. I remember when I was small re nough to sit on his knee, 'and 'play ia fith his watch-chain,. Aa, a girl, I.? rould Join him in hi3 walks on the ter- , ace, sit with hiuuoyer thiO fire during . [fe winter twilight, orby the open " rindowfl.'in summer. "As child, girl, ' irtd woman, I loved and lionorfed him Jr bovo all elarthly beirigtf. | And well I '5 light. From him seooierd to flow |jr JJ ho pleasures, of my Jrfe. To him 1 wed all the small blessings nnd joy il surprises of my childifli and girl- ; ih yentfr;' I wasfbnd of riding, abd qi ;us rising above that childish aim- bi lieity when, provided I was mounted pi n a horse, I cared nothing for mv y quipments and when an old peddle r broken bridle were matters of no g( jomcnt. I was beginning to be fas- ^ idiousj but .1 bad never told my c fishes. I was standing one bright 2j lay in the portico, when a man rode ^ ip to the do.c.-r with a beautiful lady's addle and bridle .before hhni ' My >eart bounded- 9>hose coveted arti- g :ks were deposited at . my. feet. My I jrandfather came out of his room to " ell me.they were mine. -AYihen about 0 iftcen yours old I began to think of a h vatcli, but knew the stale of titt . 0 btheVs finances promised'^such*1 inlulgcnce. One afternoon the letter t >ag was brought in. Among thor lot- ? r dates, to tho victor, two to tho sec- ^ md, and one to iho.lagger who came n n last. Often he discovered, wo knew 0 lot how, some chcrisbed object of our lesires, and tho first intimation wo lad of knowing tho wish was its unxpected gratification. Sister Anno sj javo a silk dress to sister Ellen. Cor- p lelia (then eight or ten years old,) i ;oing un stairs, involuntarily express- J ?d aloud some feelings which possessed ler bosom on the occasion, by saying, k I never had a silk dress in my life." t< Pho next day a silk dress came from h Jharlottesville to Cornelia and (to a nako the rest of us equally happy) ti vlso a pair of pretty dresses for Mary ind myself. t! s A newly invonted fly paper in Ti- n .usvillo is covercd with nitro glj'ce ine, glue and molasses. The flies at- J racted by tho molasses alight, and g ire stuck fust by the glue.?Should my try to get away they proceed to h ub their legs together in ecstacy, tvhich it is is said, the friction causes I; :hc nitro-glycorino to explodo, blow- t ng thciu to atoms. r. , Logiwfflr V--2 '1" ' twit ' { < *$*??***; ' #*?; Mi ** ^ /4i'w N't* -,n? m~*t- i r>?> viii tui . ->!?. An. Iowa stone wttergofe* into the ; i?M&ry ind"cartfestffPafr .grave tofe?i for WMtflpif U not ;;., Ever&lnfee'therehart?eenlso tere&\ . . demand for* type,- there has wen inch leas lead to spare for bails. m m Mm i i. i wyflwf *&, Mr. Blob, a temperance editor of California,abjures Jiia. DibnloolB s'abcribera to '>'cojfte ap andteetotle/' ^ Althongb. &. man's affection way ot always be wrdng. they are sore nm?kA.? U_ 1 ? . i>u??uvw vu uu jiuBs-piacea. [ -jv - * Macdonnld says of one wHo atffferd r ^Patience bad mossed 3ioir dver, nd ihada her *arm Soft and Bwfcet/nr"' Whaf.aet^ brutality would inako . 'hero of Miss . Neilaon?;WhytM nock her "I" out, and you'd maio . i' ' ***? : * m'?c? *>ji i::fj8",nq?i?* sci ".StilSi 4* ri&fc'W* After great mental effort* a German g rote a "receipt in full'V^aa, followa; *. C iablUU.' I wants no rnfcre; money. )hn Swachhainmer." ? !?*>? ; *v A youngster five yeai9 of ng?V dieted m "a oommon thief!! J?& more^ Confirmed crimindfe orjufli^, ihderyoar* ^are rather uncommon^ ^ atom *>mm B1 akely> of the Chicago iPost, -svas >entp pukr op a fcfick. on Ineeday t ad. epit upon it- -On being, aekcd ;.?. by/he did sa wp* mm^0e^ !! >/> UK f'di r ) ttOlKWlO 100 A largo factory in Hafessotasette ? >?? imaged in; taming oat drams for -- lfLdren in antteipatio&of ther Christaa holidays. While they're above; > 'itVa pity they can't also nfcab&iiew.jjt rams ibr parent*' ears. .hdtvcni 'vlhw* A- bonk iasaid to be the most likely;' ."* sliding to catch cold id, because there r>? re ed many a drafts na it^wid'^the***" jason thereareeo many drafts in it ^ becaaso so raaoyt people go there to > "May^ please your honV,^ftf:.v^ wyer, addressing one of thdjtfdffisT^ [ brought thtf prisOneHrour jait cfor9'* - bftfoaff corpus.^; ttWW^MJ' s'aid7^'* armor in an undertone, who stood*at" le back of tho court/ '^h^WwVers1 'ill say anything; at of a eab al the com aftetf a' 'topg " * iries of thrilling adventures' '%c$r,' nI cs boxed up in a <&Trirtii8^ri^r-':m bant's store in ludiaift^oRsaw'aitttfg /* be liquidation'of $10 ehaVge8 agUiiieC/l F! lui; : . . ill '.M ? '.1'tft A ,'ti, '.?/* , .. '.VS .'?({ Jjci" Oar epuinomical monnth:anAjni feok Sith those of 187$. ,Xj>owe*yj-M... it Ft iJj ofteta nc* t jedr' tf, "Ms..&f#A^or,"- said,tf! member ? of S<1 ho Jamaica Legiatatnret,. diacnsauig It: i ill for the regulation ofthe limber. i riule,"I know- theso timber mer-haute to be most egrcgrioris rascals a -I was in the timber,,line. ?ysel?.!'P trelve years.".... . jk t breezy ear-old contemplating a ivorite cow^ asked her mother what >aisy done with ber- end1 when Bhe^': * -as done with it. - The puzzled :-p&JnS*. cntdid not know.;- A quarrelsome conplelrerc kftgcfass-'r' ig the subjects- of ' epitapfcr and "*w Dmbstoncs, and the-husbtfrni said :* My dear, what kind tit a stotitf do ,!l* ou suppose they will give me when *' die?"' "Brinwtono, my love," was'.r/ ic affectionate reply. - .^uu * vwi&ij ^Sir,"saidan astoriished landlady,.; < ) a traveler, who had just seat' bis; ap forward for the sixth time, "you iust bo very, fond of coffee." f?xres>. ladam, I am," he replied, "or Ij should ot have drunk so much water to get little." i jt.\ivrjbi i Tho following is the conclusion of *. a epitaph on a toombstona: "Sho f voda life;of virtue and died of cbol-. w ra morbus, caused by eating green! ^ 'uit in the hope of a blessed imiporility, at tho early ago of twenty-one \w oars, seven months and sixteen days, loader, go thou and do likewise. A Georgia negro thought he would lonomizo by sending his sod to school (id then' make the boy teach j hitn. he plan worked well until the young . >achei-f following the custom of the>minary where he was taught gave 16 old man a doso of hickory for . . celling dog d-o^r-g, and the latter bcItmo disgusted and ran away.. > Theo. Tilton, who writes a biograby of Mrs. Woodhull, and nominates er for President, wishes the next 'ice President to be clad in'the diine comliness of a black skin bnt bo New York Commercial thinks bat with such a limited wardrobe jan could ever hope to bo presidio# fficer of tho United Stages ^Souftte. , I | %x t It 1 . "Wjbkt tor Hjm.?A rough looking pecimen of. humanity was recently romcnading up Chatham street, Xew ork, when ho Came plumply upon a ew. Without word of warning the rough nockod hira sprawling into tho gut}r. Picking himsolf up, and taking ~ is bleeding nose between his fingor nd thumb, ho demandod an explanaion. Shut up. I'll bust yer agio!" said he aggressor, approaching him again. "I have never done nothing mit yon; o, what for you mask mo in do osc ?" demanded Abraham." "Ycsycr bev; yer Jews crucifix! esus Christ, and 1 havo a mind o for you again." "13ut, tnino Cott, datvash