The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 02, 1871, Image 1

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' | - . ' . ' j_ _ - | . . ' :-': - *' ^ Lsf ?' ' '<' ' .j*' .i*?- t? ^"foyi'^JibixoSTt BY \V. A. LEE AND HUGH WILSON. . ABBEVILLE, S. C., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1871; VOL^ X|X~0^r Sale of Valuable Land. .? * "ttj. < ":? ' \ - . * r ? . i: WILL be sold by the ^Executors on SALE DAY in NOVEMBER next, the real estate of ? , JQHK McCLELLAN, Bfcc'd, i in four Tracts to wit: THE HOMESTEAD, , Containing 3511-2 Acres. This 1s one of the most desirable settlements of land in the county. It is finely, improved,, dwelling large aind convenient, Stables, Cribs, Shop: antf Gin-house all complete and in good /jreparr, most of them newly covered; there is au excellent well of water in the yard, and two nice little streams running through the farm. There is a good body of bottom land attached to this place; tljere is.,an abundance 01 timber to keep up the farm, a consider-, able poftloh or the trllable land is fresh and the whole farm under good fence. 2d. THE hix place, , Containing 202 Acres. on Ibis place a comfortable dwelling, and all necessary out-buildings. There is a good fountain of water near the Houses and two small streams running through the farm, on these ' atresias there is bottom laud enough tomake corn to supply the place; there is about one hundred acres in estivation, j ail uudera good fence; there is aboul CO acres of original forest well timbered. This is a splendid little farm, scarcely miv waste land on it. *r , -i 3d. The Beaverdam Place, ,. This'place contains ' 40-2J Acres. i A large portion of this Tract is in the J woods, about lift) acres in cultivation, t . and under a good fence. Beaverdam t 1 creek runs through it, and there is on It about'fifty acres -first class Bottom Land well timbered. This is one of the best cotton^farws in the County." ^ r 4a mHAPLABOR PLACE.' **- * v , v This place contains 4SaACRES, - - * There i? a settlement on it aud house , room for two families;-there is a good Mjujoag o? water near the dwelling.- Cole- = man's Branch, Beaverdam and Hard- i: labor Creeks run through it, affpnUng o wateriu;abund?iiice, and ftiaklujcrlt one , or the best stock fa. ms in the State. ! Ther?.is perhaps one hundred aTid fifty c awekofBottom land on this place, the 11 portion of it thai is in cultivation pro.- i: d iie^f coru to ^aiJxj^ctU) *, tUe j)l^ce n is under a pootf fStaei^anTh tiuibef 'SuT-j(J ticientto keep it upfor ail tini?... Theielands join and drg bonded by . . Caw. L. ityynolds, A. T. ;\N&ts4n, I)r. BiftJ, tf. TKoaiaf, Capt. AV. E. Cdtiiruu Jaa.'SteMer and P. H. Bradley: " On tlie same clay, and at the same 1 plat**, will be sold a HOCSE and LOT, in the Town of ABBEVILLE, known as the j; DEUG STOEE, - , V V-- 1 #3? t J| n 6^ occupied by Mr. Clark, Jester. k Th&eTYarids will be sold under the will of the late John McClellan, dec'd, and the titles made perfect and indisputable. Terms 10 ,^er cent; of the pur- , cilice money'most be paid in .cash, the j balance in twelve months, two approved securities, and a mortgage -?? the 1 premises will be rfecjuired to secure the i payment oft remainder. v Persons.wishingjtoiookat any or all . of these lauds with a view to purchase 1 are referred to ?. II. Bradley, John T. a McKellar, Jas. M. Deudy or Thos. .M. Dendy, any or all of whom will take pleasure in. showing them. i -.7, MARY J. BENDY, Ex'trix. r P. H. BEA^LEY, Execotor. c Sept. 23, 1071,23?tf ? a The State of South Carolina, s i r! t> tp rr r r r v n r\TT XTrntr ?>JJ ?j V I 1/ V U j.1 J. I . II jt% * v* > i- , In .-trie Common Picas sitting in ' . Equity. ? y~-~ r KiiyC. Perrin, Plahtfty', rtffalnsi Harvey' T. Lyon, Defendant*. 1 5 BILL ijOft DO WER. \ I'. - m m BY virtue of the Qrder of Court . Jtt- thii eft*vPwH4 self at "Public outcry in front of the Court House door, at. Abhevjlle Court House within tli'6 legal hours, on the FIRST MONDAY in November next, all that JIou6e and Lot iri the town of.Abbevrtte, ctnrtajliing ~ ~~ Three Acres More or LesB and bounded by land*, of Gen. S MeGowan, Dr. J. J. Wardlaw- and | others, as the property of Harvey T. Lyon, nt the suit ofKity: C. Perrin. '< Terms Cash, purchaser to pay for stanips and papers. V \ h,:S. CASON, 1-* A Vl < O. A. Ks. ! Sheriff's Office, \ ' , Oct. 9, 1871. J ,,..^r U State of M Carolina,j Abbeville, County. ,3 , ? ** .. * ? ?-TT.KV ..vfSJ ; ?* ' -To Me Sheriff of said County, x j t f , f }I YOU, ire hereby.required to summon by publication, Michael O'Burns, to appear, oeforejne at my office, ,oiv the , lOtliuay ?E November, 1871, to answer the? complaint of Miller & Robertson, upon an account for Four Dollars and 1 seventy-five cents. J' Given ivHier jpy haAd and seal, Goto ?r 10th, 1871V ROBERT R HEMPHILL, [us.] . Trial Justice Abbeville Oounty. i<> 1871 PA_tf V/VW* AW'*) BEpTffiT? AT LOW PRIDES, Epr sale by T vjj./i . ./ ftaarles, Perm & Co. August 28J187I," 19?1? VDVCU HZ I MVM aaiiuu . iva vauuu and Soda Crackers. ??ie? & Parke Cot. 12, lWl.U-tf . ? * SHERIFF'S SALE. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVIL1 In the Common Picas setting in Eqi Willis G\ Harris, Ex'r, against C A. Addison, M. C. Taggart. and UlllUI'S* Bills for AccotnU, Sales of Land, A shal Assets, <fce. t ' BY virtue of the Order of Cc made in this case, I will sell public outcry, at Abbevillo Cc Mouse, on the FIRST MONDAY NOVEMBER next, within the le hours, all that tract or plantation land of which Elizabeth Harris di seized and possessed, to wit: THE HOME TRACT, Containing 1,140 Acres, more or less, which was assigned Willis G. Harris, in the division Lween him and William Harris, situ lying and .being in the County a State aforesaid to bo uiora particul ly described on duy of sale. Terms Cash, purchaser to pay stamps and papers. H. S. CASON, lr . Sheriff Abbeville Countj Sheriff's Office, \ ?; . Oct. 3, 137L . f V, " rhe State of South Carolir AD BE VILE COMNTY. Jyvirtuo of an order issued out the Court of Probate, in the case P. JI. Bradley and others, agair Reuben F. Gray, aud wife a others. Proceedings in Partition. fwn sell at Abbeville Court IIoui on Saleday next, all the Heal I ate of George P. Chiles, situate he Count)- and State aforesaid, < vaters of Hardlabor creek, bound >y lands of the Estate of Maj. Jol Jhiics, Elizabeth Cothran, Wade }othran, John H. Chiles, P. II. Bra ey and others, supposed to bo Thirteen Hundred Acres. . This land will be sold in separa raets represented ^ plats to bo e libited on the day of sale. XJSRMS, one-tenth of the pnrcha noney to be paid in cash, the balan >n 6. credit of twelve months, with i erest from day of sale. Securcli I >ond aud approved security. Tit'l iot to be delivered until purcha i.opey is fully paid, otht-r terms to I oore.rinrticularlv made known on d: if s&lo. / * ELENRY s: CA$OX, S. A. C. Oct. 9, 1871; 25-31 i * , ?lie State of South Carolin: ABBEVILLE COUNTY. ly virtue of an order issued out the Court .of Probate, in the cane Yt'illb Siaitli, Guardian for Elizabci S R. Sirfith, nguuist Ileury Rile and others Proceedings in Partition. [WILL sell at Abbeville Cos House on Saleday next, all tl teal instate of Thomas Rile1}-, fciti ed in the Count}*, State aforesaid, i voters of Curltail creek, bounded I ands of Burl Riley, Isabella Tolbe: md Mrs. Maiy Riley supposed to Four Hundred Acres. This land will be sold in two trat epresented by j>Iats to be exhibit >n the day of sale. On each tract is a settlement, wi l dwelling house and all other nec< ary outbuildings, TERMS, one-half of the pure ha noney to be paid in cash. The B mce on a. credit of twelve montl vith interest from day of sale. J ;ured. by bond and approved ffecuri lilies not^toi -be delivered until t jurehase rnonej- is iVilly paid,, otl: ho move particularly ma cnown.on day of sale. HENRY S. CASON, Sheriff Abbeville County, Oct: 6, 1871, 2-5-31 State of / South Carolina. ABBEVILLE COUNTY. By L; L. GUFFIN, Esquire, Prob { 'i1'! Judge. :r; W*THEREAS,r "William Ril ft has made suit to me to gn tiiin "Letters of Administration of I Estate, and effects of Granbu.ry Ril ieceas^d, late of Abbeville County. These are therefore to cite and adm< ish all and singular the kindred a creditors of, the said Qranbury Ril deceased, that they be and appear, bef me, in the Court of Probate, to be li it Abb'eviHe C. H. on the 11th Xoveml next after publication .hereof, at b'clock in the forenoon, to sh pause, if any they have, why .1 -aidadministration should not be gra ed. Given under my hand and seal, t 21at day of October, in the y?ar of < Loxd one thousand eight hundred a seventy-one, and ifr the ninety-fi year of American Independence.. Published on the liGtn day of Octot 1371. ill the Press and Banner. L. L. GUFFIN, ... - *-Judge of Probate Oct. 26, 1871,27?2t fjTstalfi of M Caroli i -i'* . - r -' Abbeville County. ? To Michael O'Burns, f ' -a ? v OU are hereby summoned to app before ine at my office, on the 1 day of November, 1871, to answer complaint of Charles Cox, for an accoi of forty dollars and thirty cents, besi interest, ... \Vitnessmy hand and seal, Septem 27, 1871'. t . . ROBERT R: HEMPHILL, -[L. TViol TnofiAA A V.lvmnllft PAHnfi XlUll U.UDliW) XlLUUCVlllV VWUMIJ October 5,1S71, 24?6t A^UCATION FOR~CHARTEE "V* OTICE is hereby given that nppl: cation will be made at the n Session of the Legislature*for a Chai vf IncorporaUon of tlie Village of Nin i*.; jT.r, /muMi, ao-a AUCTION SALE. Dabney, Morgan & Co. to. the Pretridci and Directors of the Bank of the Stai jE. of Souih Carolina.. TTj| Y virtue of an order of Court in tli (1'y- Bi above stated cause to me directs by the Hon. It. F. Graham, Judge of tli JrfcO. Court of Common Pleas for the Firs Circuit, I will ofier for sale, at Publi Auction, on TUESDAY, the :28th of !Xc vember, 1871, at the Court House, in th" far- city of Charleston, S. C., at 11 o'clock A . M., the following. PIECES OF KEA1 ESTATE. , " mrt . 1. All that LOT,' PIECE OR PAR CEL OF'XAND, with the Building . thereon, known as the Bank of the Stat u. of South Carolina, situate, lying ant in being at the West corner of Broaa an< g:i| State streets, in the city of Charleston of measuring and containing In frontpi roc] Broad Street fortSy-elgUt feet six Inches ' more or less, by one hundred and twenty-six feet, more or less, in depth or btate-street, and fortv-eightfeet, moreoi less, on the back fine. Buttiug anc bounding North on lands now or late o the Union Insurance Company; East o* t0 State-street ; South on Broad-street be- West on lands of W. S: Adams; having ate such shape, size and boundings lis are set tlJ(j forth in the plat thereof. The passagt way, or alley of seven feetone inch wide, between the adjacent buildings fronting on.Broad-street, asset forth in e?id plat, for to be always kept open for the use of said adjacent buildings. II. All that PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, with the Stores and other buildings thereon, situate, lying and being on the East side of East Bay-street, in the City of Cliarleston, and described' in a plan of the same, and having such shape and boundaries as are therein delineated, ,? which said plan is extracted, on an enla,* i ' _ __i ^ - -.. i,??f ' jarisen srene,-. .troio u piuu ui mc nuai< v and buildings? thereon, sitU'ate on East .. Bay-street, in the City of Charleston, be01 longing to J. E. Fuber, from a survey by of John Wilson, which said Deed is, with is.t the plan, recorded in the Olfice of the ucl Register of Mesne "Conveyance for Charleston District in Book Y, No. 12, pages 50, 57 and 58. Also, the right, title and interest of the corporation known as the President and Directors of the Bank ge of. the State in and to the street calied ' CailI4rd-slrcct, on said Plan. " III. All that PIECE OR PARCEL in OF LAND, with the buildings thereon, on situate on the South side of Doughtyet| street, in the City of Charleston. Meas|H). tiringtn fronton Doughty-street thirtyp seven feet four and a half inches; the k* same on the back line, and in depth on d- the East line one hundred and one feet and eight inches, the same on the West line. Bounding North on Doughtystreet, East on landsof J. CharlesB1 una, te South and West on lots numbered eleven x_ (11) and four.(4) in a plan- made by Charles Parker, Surveyor, in . August, 1855, recorded in the ollice'of Register of Sc M>?no Conveyance for Charleston Dis ce trict, in Plat Book A,No. l.pnge 131. * n. IV. All that LOT OF LAND, with ... the buildings thereon, situate at the * Northwest corner of Elliott street and es Gadsden Alley, in the City of Charleston, measuring in front on Ellio'ttbe street thirty-four feetsix inches, on GadsIV den's Alley; North on lands, now err late * of the Bank of the Stuter>f South/Carolina, and West on lands of Win. Birnie. V. All that PfECE OR'PAirrOF A LOT OF LAND situate on East Baystreet, in the City ot; Charleston, known formerly in the plarrt hereof by the nullify ber seven (7) and also three feet of land * adjoining thereto, being part of an alley or passage way or six feet, lying between these premisesand .tho housenext South of thereto (the owners of which in cojiinion of with the owners of the property uow Lli ottered for sale being entitled to the use v thereof,) measuring and containiqg^in J ' the whole thirty-three (33) feet in front, ami one hundred (100) feet in depth, Westward 1 j'; butting to the East'fin East Bay-street, North on lauds formerly of rt G. Flagg, West on land now or late of |1C Ann Fox, and South on said Alley. TERMS, one-third cash; balance payable in two equal annual successive in J,r staiments, with interest at tne rate of L?y seven percent, per annum ; secured by rt, bond of purchaser and mortgage of the b0 preriiises: building* to be insured and policy assigned. Purchasers to pay for papers and stamps. . ?. . WM. J. GAYER, its Referee, ed ? The Personal Assets will be sold at the same time and place, due advertisement 1 of which will be given. , _ ? .. 2s- : ' WM. JF., GAYER, Referee and Receiver, se Oct. 11, 1871, 25r^tf ' &1- . J8' AUCTION SALE. 3CLy Dabncy, Morgan & Co. against the Prcsii ' dent and Directors of the Bank of the State of South Carolina. 101 ^ virtue of an order or Court in the d$ HP above stated cause, to me directed by the Hon. R. F. Graham, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the First Circuit, 1 will offer for sale at public Auction, on Monday, the "4tli day of December, 1871, at the Court House in Abbeville, at 11 o'clock. A. M. : All that LOT OF LAND with the Buildings thereon, in the Village of Ah beville, in the County of Abbeville, South Carolina, situate on the?South. western side of the Public Square, measuring 2G feet in front and 61 feet in depth, and known in the plat of the said Vit lage by the No. 58. ey, TERMS, one third cash ; balance payrnt able in two equal annual successive in.he stulments, with interest at the rate t>f"7 ey, percent annum, secured by bond of the purchasher and mortgage of the premijn ses. Buildings to be insin-ed and policy nd unsigned, purchaser to pay ior stamps ey, and papers. m . ore. ' \VM. J. GAYER, eld Referee, ber " ASSIGNEES SALE. ... IN BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of W. d J. U. Cliukscaks bankrupts. DT virtue of an order to me directed i 1 issuing out of the District Court o: ft! tlie United States, for the District oi i South Carolina, I will sell at Abbevilk Court House, on the FIRST MONDAY ' in November next, for Cash, and free from incumbrance. THE HOME STEAD, now in possession Wm, Clink scalesj which was laid olF to him undei military orders, containing Twentj Acresmoreorlessincludingthedweiling j|fl house and out bouses and appurtenauces ' | situate in Abbeville County, onHogskii creek. . 1 fP li1 P W P ARTT-^PllI'MlftCnro fArvn*r A\i ji w |i?jr auj papers and stamps. It. H. WARDLAW, Assignee. Abbeville, Oct. 9,1871-25 3t ear Application for Renewal of Charter thd'T^HE Trustees 9I Erekine Collegi untj hereby give notice, that upplica ^es tion will be made before the Legisla ture at its next session for a renewa of the charter of said college;' s.] WM. HOOD, Secretary. Sept- 21, 1871, 22-tf " " . A Card. " undersigned has opened hi ica- JL Office as Trial Justice in the Gour ext^House. All business entrusted to hi rter ; lianas will be promptly attended to. ety > M. 1CAPHAN, 11 48,12m Trial Justice A. 0. I tiiciL mm, d ' . , ? The subscriber calls attention to th 'o annexed certificates of practical fai mers who have tested his unrivalei ? Chemical Manure. It is chaap and i L is efficacious?accoiaplidhla^ all th . results of tbo best fertilizers, at one ?2 ovnrtwfin T f id i ! ?? 1.1 1. V UA UU Vli\7 JL.4J 10 lllValUUUlU t< j farmers?Apply to the subscriber a 1 Diamond Hill, or agent at Abbevilli j. C. II. V * , T. ' J. R. BLACK, j 1 - -? _ Diamond Hill P. 0. ; I 1^1 I f 'I'HIS is to certify, That I Lave J I used J. li. Blacks Compounc ; Chemical Manure, (made on the [ Farm), cost Eleven Dollars per ton. ] : am fully satisfied with it. -button , manured with it does not fire, and ite ' fruit is equal to cotton manured with other standard Fertilzers. C0N11AD WAKEFIELD. * Oct; 7,1871. ^ ?. ?*' ^ ? "v THIS is to certify, that 1 -have used J. II. .Black's Compound Chemioal Manure, (Made on Farm,) cost Eleven Dollars per ton. I manured with this manure and Ettiwan No. .2, on the same land, and after careful picking ana weighing, una it, equal it Dot better than the Ettiwan. SAMUEL C. SHAW. Oct. 7, 1871. rHIS is to certify, That I have used J. R. Black's Compound Chemical Manure, (made on the Farm) costing Eleven Dollars per ton, and I am fully satisfied that it is the best as well as tho. cheapest manure I, have ever tried. I have used! several of the standard fertilizers. \ * Ii. L. WILLIAMS. Oct 6,1871, rDIS is to certify, That We have examiucd the ciop of cotton grown on the farm of Mr. J. R. Black, aud are free to say that it the largest plant,- and the fullest fruited &y far of any cotton we have seen. Manure used, J. R. Black's Compound Chemical Manuro (madeon the farm,) at a cost of Eleven Dollars per toa. J. T.. HADPON, " JOHN L. BLACK, McDUFFIE HADDOX, J. II. HELL, < JAMES CARWILE, < t W. VVICKLIFFE, ^ DAVID-CRAW FORD, D. if. MILL FORD. a-jones, ' . " V. State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE COUNTY. V V* ? ?. To all whom it may conocm. I, Matthew McDonald, Clerk of tho Court of Common Pleas and'General Sessions for said Oounty, State aforesaid, do hereby ccrlify, that I am person ally acquainted with the signers to the preceding certificates, and take pleasuL'ojn saying tljat they ar.o sever ally Rbnorabltf gbntiefhen; and are m<Tn of credit and veracity, and are practical and good farmersJhltlie County aforesaid. t , rr* I also certif}", that I know J. I*. Black is a practical farmer of said Count}', and has succeeded well in his Agricultural operations. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 9th October A. D. 1871 at Abbeville C. H. S. C. i > ; ilUTTHEW MoDONALD, C. C. P. & G7ST Abbeville Co S" O. I approve and endorse the proceeding certificate of the- Clerk ,of the Court for Abbeville County aforesaid. . ; ' HENltr S. GASON, Sheriff Abbeville County, v Oct. 0, A. D. 1871. State of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE COUNTY. IjT. B. Milford, County Auditor for the County of Able/ille, do hereby certify that I am well acquainted 1 with the foregoing gontlcmen arid know-them to bo practical and relia! bio men aud good farmers. T. B. MILFORD. i. County Auditor. ? .' r ? . South Carolina AtWe-Culj : In the Common Fleas. i Win. "D. Mars, Administrator of Robt. Mars, dee'd, against J. C. Farrar, nnH nthura ' Order for Injunction, &c. PURSTTANT to order of Court ifi this case, the creditors of tfie Es? tate of Robt. Mars, dec'd, are hereby ' notified to present and prove their demands against said Estate before me u( J. myofflce onor before the Fifteenth day j. of November next, or be barred. matthew Mcdonald, [ .? * C. C. P. Clerk's Office, A. C. \ 15th August, 1871. j i" . | FOR SALE r On Reasonable Terms. o I ? THAT desirable tract of Land ncai Savannah River, known as th< g "Kinloch place," containing about 550 Acres. 1 On the place is a comfortable dwel Hng and all Mecessary outbuildings Gin. bouse stables &e. Th:s tract is bounded by lands o . George Robinson, Mfs, Ophelia Jones and others. Titles guaranteed. t Apply to 8 ' TROWBRIDGE CO. &t Abbeville C. H. S. C. Oct, llj 137ir 26-34 ' LATE ABB1VALS r-. (I !.v; Ginger Preserves, > Fresh Raisins, c " Candy, " ' English Walnuts. .. dt " Butter Nuts, . ? r Cheese Very Tine, : ; * c Crackers fresh and New, ' Mackerel of different Grade t Coffee, Pea Berry, a new a] a choice article, " Rio and Laguayra, Sugars of all Grades at WARDLAW & EDWARD Oct. 12, 1871, 25?tf | Boots & Shoes i . Shoes for Ladies, > 1 Shoes for Misses, Shoes for Men, Shoes for Youths, Shoes for Boys, Shoes for Children, Shoes for Everybod Boots for Men, n i... _ -* jooois ior isoys, Just Received at WARDLAW & EDWARD Oct. 12, 1871, 25-tf Tie' State -if South Garolii Abbeville County.. To the Sheriff of said County, YOU are hereby required to sumnv Michael O'Burns, by nublicatio to appear before me at my office on I 10th day of November, 1871, to anew the complaint of Jacob Kurz, upon, i account for Nine Dollar^ aud fifty cen Witness" my hand seal, October J 1871. ROBERT R. HEMPHILL, [L.i Trial Justice, Abbeville County, v V, 12,1871, 25-tf If you want lino Toilet Soap, K. 1 K. Soap, Lemon, Corn a d- Oranj Soap, ko to Kapban &Sklarz. State of South Carolins .Abbeville County. In the Common Fleas. EQUITY SIDE. 0. T. Porcher, Ex'r and Trusteo, i Joshua Daniql and others. Bill for Injunction, Constru . tion, &c. PURSUANT to the order of t Court, passed July 5, 1871, the above elated eausc, Notice \s h0 by given to the children of Cornelius Ci Bailey Cox, Belhana Pace, and Phot Price, (whose names and number a unknown,) legatees under the will ' Mrs. Jane Ileid, dee'd, to appear a prove their identity, and claim their she of nuid estate, on or before tbo 1st August, 1872, or they will be bar of any benefit under the dccret said ease. V 0. T. PORCHER,J Ex'r and Trustee. ;r July 17, 1871, 13?lam 12m ' If you want fine and ehcap lilan cts go to Kuplian & Sklarz. State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE COUNTY, a BY L. L. GTJFFIN, Esq., Probat< Judge. . WHEREAS, T. W. McMilh has made suit to me, to.gra him Letters of' Administration of t Estate and effects of Nancy Lesh deceased, late of Abbeville : THESE ABE... THEREFORE, cite and admonish all and singular, t kindred and creditors of the st Nancy Lesley, dec'd, that they be a appear before me, in the Court of P; bate, to be held at Abbeville C. H., the loth day of November, " af publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in t forenoon, to show cause, if any th have, why the' said Adininistrati should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 23th d of October, in the year of our Lord o thousand eight hundred and seveni one,-and in the.ninety sixth year American Independence* ' Published on the 2Gth day of Octot 1871, in the frets and Banner. L. L. GUFFIN, J p ' October 26,1871, 27?2t SAXjE] OFLANi: WILL bo sold at ABBEVILl .COURT HOUSE, on -Si Day in NOVEMBER next, at *Pub Auction, a Tract of land coutaini Eighty-Two and a half Acrc more or less, bounded by lands of ] J. S. Reid, and others, formorly t property of Mrs. E. A. Pettign and known as the Hammond Placo, p Terms of sale cash. } JOHN T. CHEATHAM, SARAH E. CHEATHAM, AbbevilloC. II., 6 Oct. 1871,-3t "LOST NOTE f A LL persons are hereby warr > J% against trading for a note gi\ by T. A. Watson to T. J. Hearst, fopc bundled and forty dollars, dated alx the 1st of May, "1870? 12 j cent. Credited with $30, T. J, HEARST Oct. 1871, SI?tf . )} ' - ' : """ * f i f Premiums Awarded ' it lie AMle Agricultural Fair: October 27, 1871. Field Crops. . ???? Shownen White Oats, D. Wyatt Aikin, $2. , .. -* * .1 -K ' Greatesfcjield 1 aero upland corn, 48 bnshels i. M. Dautzler^fclO..' .:v> 58, " Greatest yield I acre wheat not lead _ sa ? r> n iv .?' <**' a j tuuu uy A, r. .Duuzcr, ?iu. Best bushel white corri} F. ""ft Gary, 82. . y.-nort i. . Best, bushel Yellow corn, Pratt, 82. v?T . - jr' BeBt bushel white wheat, R. , A. IS. Griffin, $2. ' Best.bashol red-wheat, R. M. Bu Bose, $2. -.I ' Greatest yield Irish Potatoes I acre <i 400 bushels, ABC Lindsay, 15. Greatest yield Sweet Potatoes, ' $ acres, 200 bushels, A B C Lindsay;" 5 Biist bushel Red Oats, H. T. Tuston, $2 Best bushel Black Oats, A. ,B. C. Lindsay, 82. \ c Best bushel Rye, D. Wjratf lA;ikcnt 2. -> U . ^Best bushel Barley D. Wyatt Aikon, foest. bushel. Red Field Peas, D. y, Wyatt AJken, $2.. ' Best bushel Ground Peas, X Y. J^OD.eS, 82^ .' 4 Best bushel Turnips, S. Gilmer, 82. Best bushel Ruta Baga, D. Wyatt m Aiken, 2* . Rest. fionlr Flnnp 100 lhs. .Tnmfis TVTr? Caslan, 3. v \ ~ Boat dozen Carrots, Dr. J. M.'Rich* ifj raond, L . ., } ' "* Best dozen BeetsJ,M. Richmond, 1. Best dozen Parsnips,! J" M Richmond. X ; are! , v.; "v ;* " . Best dozen Mangel Wui'tzel, Al B. C.. Lindsay 1. : o t . I Best peek Onions,. S. Gilmer 1.. , Best half dozen Cabbage, Heads Aon B. Lesly 1. ,n> Bost dozen Tomatoes, F. A; Conner, be 1. : rrl er Best half dozen PampkinspiW .T. *9 Carter, 1 * . , /.... * ' Best Bale Cotton, P. A. Connor, 10. ' Best and largest collection V'egeta3.} ties not less than 20 Mrs. Haskell, 5. Best and Largest oollection Garden Seeds, Dr. J. M. Richmond, ,3, " >. ; . Best bale Native Hay. J?, Wyatt ? Aiken, 5: ?8 Best bale Clover Hay D. "Wyatt" Aiken, L. Best balo Pea Vine Hay.. W. H. Taggart, 5. : .. Best bushel Irish Potatoes A. E. Lesly, 3. ^Best bushel Sweet Potatoes, J^ Y. Jones, & ' Best sample Tobacco, Dr. Paul Connor, 1. pn nurs?. '.f w> " Best Stallion open to 'the world, Parks & Arnold, $10. c. Best Stallion 3 to 5 years, James Pratt, 810. Best Model Gelding open to world, , Miss Lilly Vance, $10. n Besj 3 year old Model Gelding, District raised, 31. J. Link, $5. ' Beat 3 year old Filly, A. B. C. r Lindsay, $5. Best 2 year old horse colt, Master f Augustas G Miller, $5. '? ? Best 1 year old colt, J.^S. Wilson, 85. . .. irf Best 1 year old Filly, J.S. Cothran, $5. rc Bost 2 yoar old Filly, J. M. Jordan, > ss. r 1 Best Mare, 4 years and over, J. D. Crcswcll, $5. Bebt Jack standing in District, E. M. DuBose. So. Best Mule raised in the District, S. Gilmer, $5.. . - . -sr.-. ,k- ^est Mule 2 years, old, District raised, Dr. J. A. Stewart, 85. ? Carriage Horses, opep to world, W. G. Rice, $10. Best Carriage Horses, So. Ca. raisj ed, "VV. Joel Smith, 10. Best pair Carriage Mares, Distriot raised, T. C. Stewart, 10. in> Best Buggy Horse, single harness, he ?Pen t0 wo^> H. Tompkins, 10. JV Best Single Harness Horse, S. C. raised, W. G. Rice, 10. to Best single buggy horse, District *?e raised, R. A. Griffin, 10. J", Best Saddle Horse open to world, ro- J- L. Young, 8. on 2nd best Saddlo Horse open to ter world, Li P. Guffin, 5. Best Saddle Pony open to world, G. T. Jackson, 5. Special Premium contributed by a ay friend for riding?Master Tustin, 85. UC f ty- Cattle,-Sheep and Swine. Best Devon Cow, B. F: Whitncr, >er Andersoh, $&. Beet Heifer, 1 year old, D, \V. Aiken, 2. ' . Beat Ayershire Ball 4 years. "W. _ G. Iiice, 5. . Best Avershire Bull 3 yearn, R. A. Griffin, 5. Best Ayershire Bull 1 year, "VV. II. Parker, .2. . jp i Best Ayershire Cow, R. A. Griffin, $5. ! Best Ayershire Heifer, 3 years, D. W. Aiken, 3. Best Ayorshire Heifer. 2 years, D. a|e W. Aiken, 3. a. - ; lie Best Ayershire Heifer 1 year, "VV. nfi II. Parker, 2. 1R Best Durham Heifer 2 years old, R : ' A. Griffin, 3. H ? -*-r- . n 4 . 1 l T| best Durham neiier i year oia, n. he A. Griffin, 2. . 3W Best grade Bull over 3 years old, W. H. Taggart, 5. Best grade Bull under 3 years old, B. F. Crayton, 3. . Best grade Cow over 3 years old, D. M. Rogers, 5. Best Grade Heifer 2 years, J. It. ? Enright, 3. ^ Best Milch Cow, D. M. Rogers, 5. A a " Yoke Oxen, R. A. Griffin, 5. ie(1 " lotted Beevos, F. A. Wilson, 5. j eu . Sheep. .. 1 r . _ T? TV TP- A )) > O )Ufc " JJLeriDO XJUUK, u. n . jc\, o. per " Ewe and Lamb, " u 3. *The figures following the names in dicato the worth of the premiums' In Dollars. . i . ? ' ::i'J fi '? < ' . ]/S :A?? ? Ifiodafcy.3 B<fptnhira^oftr T> W iiUn 9 I r ?* " ?7^;> IT t Mia^u.W |> > '<* pair 3 > , Chester Gonotjr Boats *L; H. ' Beel!^Chested J^o^v W H Taggart, $3 ,rt -pair Chester jPigs,-. 5t Erwinj 3, " Grade 0oft#??J B O ILintfaay,! " ? SowrA M-ABten, ' :<v>.-3: ? ? vPj^, Jame8.,KcC^Un,t3 u fatted Hoi.-Jx Jones, 5 Largest Hog,- M. BiWrfa,1 ''' *" 5. Brahmin Cow aod ?Jalf, V Gr Eioe, 5 Best pair Essex Pigs, R A Griffin, 5 1 ti , v-PWfty.^4 .. Best pair Tar&Jrs, Mrs. 1).- C% Tonipkln&, $3. . . -'/ l, j ^ Best pair Docks, A. ft. 'Aiken, fi.5D vBost Pair Geesel Mrs. S; -F; Gibefi. 11.60. ... . 'Boat p^ir Game. Fowls. Winston krnotijm: : ' \ ,Tv^: , Boat pair1 Brahtnaaj F. A. Connor, SI.50..- .. j?,v"?'> - 6t?? $ost pair .HpudonSrH: W.. Lawson, 9150. . :?! ; Btfst paJrPofends; J; P. HJ. DaPre^ $1-50. '/J-1-' . , Best, coop fowlj^ J. W. iieriy, $1.50:. ' Best coop Hamtfurgs, J.' F. C. DuPre, - 1 : Best Domestic Fowl*, S. P. Boozer, Slj&Q ,'y/j . ' ; V '[ Mapnfjctirrea in.;Wood, Tin and iron. n Best 2 Horse burning Plow, Wm. Wilson,,3. ; ( u. :' Best lHorse Turning Plow, Win, Wflson;r{f " ; ' '. . . il !>Best Strbsoil Plow, D Wyatt Aiken, 3. , . ,:!? . jg Best collection Plow Mould, J S Wilson, 3 ... V . Best Single Horse Ptow Stock, Wjjx Wilson, 2 .v ij- s ' '*:? Best Ox Yoke, A B Q Lindsay, 2 ... Rffle Gun, J L Clark, 3 u -2 Hampers, Freedraan, $1.50 " Family Vehicle; Sefal, Sign & Robertson, 3 - . i.^tyr"> Best Buggy without'top, SeqJ, Sign & Robdrfeon, 3 Best 2 Horse Wagon,-Seal, Sign & Robertson.^ ' ?*? ' Beat 1 Hurse Wagon, Gower, Cox & Marfcley, 3 Jtsest spoke,\FeiJow and TireUliimp Jos Y Siiton, Me3al - * '*1 * Best Briar Hook, Jas Y filtton, Modal ' ' j r' - Best Chickens Ctodp/ made by Jno WLesfy,3 ': ? *M . iHt0rry ' ' [ WJ* tfcst Transplanter A. W. Aiken, & Best cotton Press A. W. Clarksoh; Best Sewing Machine, Singers, J M Davis, Agent 5- r , .. :;it: Best cotton Gin', Emory's Patent, 10.. Bost cotton Planter, -Donpaldsons Patent, 5. -* Manufactures iii Stone Ware. Best lot Drain Tile B F Cray ton, ^2 Leather o? So. Ca, Manufacture. ' . ~7-: ' i - * Best set 2 Horse Wagon. Harness E WestfieTd,:1S , Best half dozen <3alf Skins F "A Conner, 3 , - "* **** Best pair Fancy Boots C E'Brace 3 Best pair Fancy Gaiters C E Bruce, Best half dozen sides Sole lieather S P Boozer, 3 'Best hali dozen sides-Harness Lea ther ? E Boozer, 3 ) - , . ^Domestic Manufactures. Best half dozen Cotton Sacks lira EJWiss,2 ' -7. - Best Ladies chart Mrs Dr Mill wee, 2 ' Best Woolen Counterpane Mrs j M Jordan, 2 ' ' [ Best Plow'Lines Pendleton Factory, 1 . . .t :v. > } Best Feather Fan Mrs'JBliza Brooks^! I i Best Domestic Flannels Mrs James McCaslin -2' Best Kersey Mrs J F Gibert, 2 Best 4 cotton Towels Mrs S F Gilbert, . Best Table Cloth Mrs J H Baskio, 2 Best: half dozen Wool Socks Jttrs J as McCaslin, 2 . ' . " Best Wool Carpet Mrs F J Smith, 2 'Best Wlxita Counterpane Mrs F J. Smith,.2 i Best" 2 Homespun Dresses Mrs F.Ji Smith, 2 ' Bestlvbunch Knitting Thread Mrs; J? J Smith, a .... Best 1 bunch Sewing Thread Mrs F J Smith, 2 Best knitted Coanterpane Mrs B A Jones,"2 Best domestic Jeans Mrs Mary Gordon, 2 Tailoring. " Best pair Pants Miss Alice J McCord, 2 Patch, 'Crotchet'aM Needle Work. Bost Patch ^Work Quilt in Silk, George White, 13 Best Patch- Work Qnilt in Cotton, Mrs John A Mays, 3 v;. . Best Imitation Marseilles Qailt, Mrs J M Jordan, 3 Best Raised Work Qailt, Mrs James Crcswell. 3 " ' Best Silk Gomfort, Miss Eliza Calhoun, 3 - I Best Worsted Comfort, Mrs R F "? r ? ni ? ? o " O % # v . f,y Best Cotton Comfort, Mr& E A Woodward, 3' ? Best Ottoman Cover, Miss Henrinf fo \rillpr 2 Best Worked Collars^ Mrs II "W Lawson, 2 * Best Worked Handkercbfefs, Mrs E T Glover, 2 , Best Pair Undersleeves, Miss Lula Duncan, 2 ,;r: Best Infants dress, Mf'tf James MeCaslan,3 ' . ' Best Cbimesettej Misa Minnie Lomax, 2 iu: * u Best Underskirt, Mrs W T Heodoro ? DLMJ j U Best Crochet Shawl, Miss Sue Per.roneau, 3 ! " 1' : Best pair Cqndle Matts, Mies Mamie Perrin, 2 Best Specimen Tattin Work, Miss Mamie Perrin, 2 Best specimen Bead '"Work, Miss M G Caldwell. 2, Best pair Table Matts,. Mrs E L Parker, 3 i ,? vj %# - i .r.^ri- - ? ' ??*? Best Child?**, *? boob, 3 . W' ???? ;' Best Hair Wreath, (Mttt/JSoUtag* head, 2 j* y- x? ' ** &*&>> >f Best Wax Work/ Misat ^tfa* Jfljffefi g Jfr;-T *& iv. tascwm^tfl fcjftiHifv r to daiaJLiBest Firs ' Scre'en^MIss* $^?'2 2 4 " coite<^iEguBte|Je^ v. ,(; o? SftW5W*4 L:r,,% Best 2 sides Bacpo,;^t til JLialyi/S. i? Coding JQ 51 lERf . Best rftolwrf;ffnrtir, m~J?ttkrofc. Gwliu,r3. ;>4 : i BestjitrLird Mr*. Besf.Domeiftk.Soap.JJM,. :AiIBVC. ; 8iy,'iB. 9j* t0 ,,,; - 0 a .o^y' &ift ba& anfit -' ^Besfrjkr PWcfi ^rfi&e^vefl, kfrs. *jf. JordflnjX'*; fifii lo vin;cp*vt^ ftvr-?a 3eatj av QgjnjjeJ&weff ?r MfarJtJUl ? $lrPe? t&lSft&'WjL Aiken,2 4a?ffi?WT Best WateHoeloB>yi'Mi?;' l^ets Dried .Paacfies "Mistf' Lfaide Jones, 3?" tE"'*'' s ? '- 0^2 . Beet gftHon GrawTiMgwl^yi; B.C. JJiodsay, 1 ' * u. ? I : Best Coco raber Pickles, Mnj. JTdmes MeCaslin, 2 tta * Bwr Hit* :vffcwite:-'iv/ K, ?K>i2 v^el Best^ hermetically Seale^jFyuii Mrs. j Best gallon'ChineBe Syrup Capt I). BasfrjfL Street Pickles Mrs, I. /Kt Quarles, 2 ,"v . r iki? Beat jariliixed Pickles 2fr&. Ml ; Stoltfto,.* .hi' ir ?*? : W ' :? Be?t half bushel DriddlApple*! IGftfO T*Xt$ta&2 tJ/ .,?J teidjm , Best /Waltiut Catsup ilra: T. JEta Perrie^' ? ;;i BestBja^dy Peaches Mrs^Wv H.*1 '.; <.- U:'; i* , p 2 1 J^^oft^iWMatrBreia Sr&EtAL Ii ^vJkil rmoJa Best^oirge'CautejUTr? P, JXtaweoo, 2*^ Best F#aiv afce-/Mrs P J Lawfc^lT Best Pound Cake, Mrs. M. M.ShiWi> to, 2 ; . : , '! ,V,il: ^ ' - :'-4 i Best Jolly ,Cake Mrs. J. D. Chai--f mem,2 '; <*="-' ', 1 fl9r Best Loaf BMk'feft-WlPB! K8F ' kor,2 ,; ..Josjai uoad oils w4 ' '.Best Sugar Candy Xfrsa 'Warti!k*t'2<' Best- Marble .GakeMra. A.M. Aikeoj r )' ,' f&i ^ ' V?c.l o*!j . i Best Peach Paste "Mrs J JL KorI wood 1 -r> i&aL l?H .--tarrrotkf^ ... 2nd beat Grtpo , Wine?i Mke I?*o :i FIMa&fnie Tttoo, Qi?^' Blackberry Wine? Alrsr ?k Wwdlaw*0* Smith, 2 - -(!; ..; jfofaf ? Slf fci} ... Cherry Wine, Mrs. A. Xind- ,r? say, .2* ^ ' ' "ii " Strawberry Wine, ???.**:A.-;B* X# Lindsay, 2 T /rl^ Peach Dordial, Mrs. A. B* C. T;.Tfi- if j?c t S-?^i ? >?*% -.. *?W?9r. Peach Br*pdy, Jfr. Jsf Cherry Bounee^ra- Jas. ErafcMl : i ' ,JW5i5e Apfe?^-:::fe^toca Bun^ ?t i i, _ Native Pears/W/fi^H*rrfsf'2' v;';* Dried Pigs* Misa Jnlia-Cromer. ' ? '<* ' Special PrBnJhfflis. -tfv'Jvd. 7). Greatest number commemjable ar- " ; tides on Exhibition^ (f>6) I? W Aiken, i |15 . . ' j hft'TT ft !.? Oj ijJ Greatest variety Exhibited by lady, /? (69) Mrs F J Lawsotf, 10 ' fa Greatest variety/Domestic Fabridb^*',f Mrs F J Smithy 10; v r> ^ T'"\\ s:>r)*fii ^ } n j Swearing in. Hebrew, r-' J( gjj ; , , OOj A lady, riding in a car on the, .New . York Central I&ilroad, wag disturbed ip her reading by th6. conversation of1""0 two gentlemen occupyipgj the .seat;. i just before her. One of them seeme<JLn. to be a student of soiiae college, on his way home.for a vacation. ; lv 1 He used much profane language, 1 greatly to her annoyance., e$h? V thought she would rebuke Eini, anda op bogging pardon1 ^for intertHiqprtiftft n tbem, asked the vonRglutindenfc if had studied the languages? sf.itooi.ivf . "Do you read and speak. Uabrew ?" "Quite fluently ?* rT' -o-j ^quJ "Will you be bo kind ;as ;*o do me a > M: small favorjf? w "With great'pleasure* I am at . t your service," "Will you be: so kind as to do your ' swearing iu Hebrew.?''; 6 . '0? Sl The lady was not annoyed any more by the ungenflemanly language of this would-be gentleman* l: jrobably tea men.swear in.thi? country whero one prays,; and* the sweariog man swears out loud a bun* dred times a day, while th4 praying man prays secretly perhaps, twice or thrice. If men would swear; in-noknown tongues it mjght spare.the ,,j. feelings of their hearers, but even , then the Lord would hoar it all. But there will bo an end of this torrent of blasphemy by and by. "'Behold) f ko t OT'/-) flAm llf k milk ~ 1/uv juvtu vuiuvIU HlUU bCU iiJUUOAUU U4 his saints to execute judgment iipon all, and to convince all that are un- godly of all'their hard spocches which ungodly sinners havo spoken agaiust iiim.?(Judo xiv. 12,?The -QKHxtto** * "