f ~r*Qjt3P-. < T.V - . 1* .. 1" . V. .. , ,.,v-. - .:., . :; ,-r- "" ... ' ". ' - ' . .. , .:. -Viv "f -" ^ = ;.- V , ?:] t .Ill JJJ.I.. '?li H ? I ? " !> ? ' _ * *'l. ' "'""" "*' >'- ' ' '"" .' . ? - - - ' 11 '* ? 1 u -' .'> . ' HI1 Ml'"' ). II. 1?g?a??BilM|mmn rMMBC?W?W????^WP"WW< 7-r. , ' " ... ' "*' . ' ' ? ;. . 7 im~m\ " .* "" I. - - " ', . . _" " " " . " ' J ' '' - li- '? - - . ' ? " ' ' I . ^ ? i I ? . I I ll II f . ** ' -' " , ?1?1?I????? * *' ' BY W. A..LEE AND HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE. S. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1871, VOLUME XIX?NO. 27/ ' ^ ^ i t mwrrwrrrim l"*^'r'^TT;wTT''^rrTy^lfflTl,^',*^''^T?^TTTrafatfW^CTTTTT^TTTOT^-J^-W " ?"' ' * * BBMttl I'f p^iwwt??? *'? ~ - * "i Bala of Valuable Land. fc !>o soli! hv flu- "F.xfpntors on Vv sali: i>av iu !novk.ml?i:ii #!?/ ? i-ik'i! f\r 1 i I , lliu J vill JOHN KeCLBLlAKF, Eec'd, in four Tracts lo wit: T2?E HOMESTEAD, Containing 3511-2 AcrcsJ This is 0:10 of the most desira-' ble settlements of iand in the county.} It is finely improved, dwelling laiyv and convenient, Stables Cribs, Shopand (Jin-house a!' complete aud in good repair, most of them newly coveicd; there is an excellent weil of water in j the yard, ::;:v! two nice little streams running through (he hum. There is a good body of l?f>:toin laud ? niched to | this place; there is a:i abundance ofi timber to keep up Liio larm, a cou.-ider-J able portion of the iiilal.de land is IVcsh I and the whole farm under good fence. O.l - >P "n v 7>*tT 4 r* f* ~u. jl ilJi Jlj &Ji ijjl it. Coutaiuini? 202 Acres. O There is on this place a comfortable dwelling, and ail i:eee.->aiy ont-l^uiidings. There is a good fountain of water near the Houses and two .-luali streams running through the farm, on these Btreaui> there is bottom J'anu enoujili to make corn to supply the plate; tiiero is j about one hundred acres in cuJtivaiion, *1} under a good ftnee; there is about) 60 acres of original forest well timbered, i Tliib is a splendid liuie farm, scarcely any waste land on it. 3d. Tho 2 caver dam Place, This place contains 402 ? ACHES. A large portion of this Tract is in the woods, about. iOO acres in cultivation, and under a govd fence. Beavcrdam creek runs through ic, and there is* on it about lif'ty acres tirst class Bottom] Lund well timber< d. J his is one of the best cotton'farms in the County. a. the 'mum place. This place contains 420 'ACRES, There is a settlement on it and house', room for two families; there is a good springof water near the dwelling. Coleman's Branch, Bcavcrdam and Hardlabor i,'reeks run liirongb it, allording . water in abuiidanec, and making it one of the bot stock farms' in the Slate. There is perhaps one hundred and tiJ';v aeivs of Bottom land .on ii?is place, the . jKjriion of if. that is in cultivation produces corn to ?:reat perfection, the place v ni.ilnr n .nxul IV.,,... ni.1d nveb'r thej> will of the late John .McCIeilsw, dee'd, I * and tiic titles made perfect and ind:-nutable. Terms Jf> per cent. of the pur- * chase money min i be paid in cash, the I balance in twelve mouths," two approv-i>s ed*eeuritios, and a mortgu^v of the promise will be required to = ecu re the payment of remainder. Persons wishing to lord: at any r,r all of these lands with a view to j>uri*ha<-<.' are referred to P. J I. Bradley. John T. L Mclvellar, Jas. M. Dendy or Tho<. M.!J I)eiidy, a:iy or all of whom will take I pleasure in showing them. MAItY J. D3N3Y. Ex'tris. !' P. H. BltABLE'i', Ezccutor. j Fept. 2S, 1871. 2a?It r State cf South. Carolina. A DDK VILL /'J 10 US TV. In J'i'tJjctc ('furl,? (.'ilituon. By L. L. CILIFFJX, Esquire, Probate . Jndsre. JTEP.*: AS, !i: E. r.OV.-TK,! * * h;j>ear, before me, in the Court, of Probate, to he beld at Abbeville C. II., o;i the 2nd' November nest, after publication hereof, j al 11 o'clock In the forenoon, 10 fchew cause, if any they have, why the said Adujininislnuion should not he granted. Given umh r my hand, this h-itli day [ of October, in the yea:* of our Lord one 11 III!!.'! I lt{ t'l'iilf 111!!!.!; , on the FIliST MUX DAY in NOYE-M iJEIl next, within tho | hours, all that tract or plantation ot j land of which Elizabeth Harris died, seized and possessed, to wit: THE HOME TRACT, Containing 1,140 Acres, more or less, which was assigned to Willis (J. Harris, in the division he-J t ween him and William Harris, situate j lyinic and beiiipi; in the County and Ma to aforesaid to be more particularly described on day of sale. Terms ('ms.1i, purchaser to pay fori stamps and papers. H. S. CASOX, . Sheriff Abbeville County. Sheriff's Ot!ic<\ ]_ Oct. o, 1:571. i SHERIFF'S SALE. f )Y virtue of' sundry, writs of Fieri ji, i) Farias to mo directed, I will J] sell on SA LE 1>.\ V in NOVEMBliil;I< next, ut ABEY1LLB C II, within! J t he legal hours, the following proper- j ty, to wit: ( 400 Acres of Land, J more or lcs?. situate in the County ofjt A bbevill**, in the vicinity of Green- '' wood,on (he new cut road, bounded' hy lands of IVter Rykard, Jacob l'y-1c icard and lar.dn Icnown as Mrs. MaryU Hoozer, levied upon as the property is1 of It II. Mounce, ads. JRcbccca Stc-i" wart and J. J. Cooper. Terms Cash, purchaser to pay for (i stamps and papers. a ii. S. CA SOX, li s. a, c. r! Sheriff's Office, \ J] Oct. 3, 1S71, -31 f \ c j j. The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE COUNTY. rn the Common Pleas silling in y Equity. (i EVj C. Pcrrin, P'uinUff,\ rtf/aimt JIarvoy si T. Lyon, . <1 DILL KOIi LOWLIv. J} virtuc of the Order of Court ^ in this case, 1 will toll at Public' u: )iitcr\r in front of'thy Court House jb< loor, at Ai)hovi?!c Court liouse within :,l( be legal,hours, on the FIRST ^ !>AY in November next, all that j Imnsc and Lot in the town of Abbe-iw ille, containing of Tlirec Acres More or Less !u in.I bounded by lauds, of .; kjuvi >u o vytuvv.| I | .(l Oct. 9, 1*71. ; i j;; Tlie State of South Carolina, AliULVilE COM NT y. jy virtua of an order issued out of"! the Court of Probate, in the case of,ss P. I?. Bradiyy and others, against |? Ueuben F. Gray, and wile ahd i others. Proceedings in Partition. pVIJ soil at. Abbeville Court Ilonsc. ? on Saleday next, all tiic ileal Ks-j-^ iute of (ieorgo P. Chiles, situate in ' ihe Count \ and Slate aforesaid, on ; ? waters of Hardlabur creek, bounded J !?y lands of ihe Estate of Mm). John ; b t'hile*, Elizabeth Cothran, \Vad?* E.:^ Coti:van, John II. (Whiles P. IL. JLJrad-l^ lej' and others, supposed to ho Tliirtcen Hundred Acres. |h This land will be sold in separate!]] tracts represented by plats to be ex-Jb hibitcd on tin' day of sale. ' oiin.iBilii n!' 1 Im miiV'bnsi^ ' ^ .. -HI .v ....... u money to bo paid in. canto, the balance u on a civil it of twelve months, with iii- h tercet from day of sale. Secured b) I r.unu anil Approved security. Titles j:* not to be delivered until purchase;*' money is fully paid, oilier terms to be more particularly made kuown on day ,k< of Bale. j!i HENRY S. CASOY, a S. A. C. Oct, 9, 1871, 25-31 The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE COUNTY. !; * By virtue of an order issued out of! the Court of Probate, in the case off j Willis Smith, Guardian for Elizabeth \ S K. Smith, atjuiust licury liiley, j^ and others. j* I i Proceedings in Partition. | f * lnr l ?ii v i.i :i:? In i Li ?J ps-11 iit jiiiuwiiic 1(j Ilouso on Salcdav next, all the i'i Keal Estate of Thomas Riley, situa- ; led in the County, State aforesaid, on ! waters of Curbail creek, hounded by'* lands of Burt Kiley, Jsubel'a Tolbert, jc and Mrs. Maiy Kiley suppoced to beij Four Hundred Acres. This land will ho sold in two tracts represented by plats to be exhibited' on the day of sale. On each tract is a settlement, with ? a dwelling house and all other neces-j sary outbuildings. |t TERMS, one-half of the purchase t money lo bo paid in cash. The J)ul- ( unco on a credit.of twelve months, with inteicst from day of sale. Sc ccred, l?y i oncl and approved tsccurny. j Titles not to be delivered until the 'purchase money is fully paid, other | terms to be more particularly made known ou day of eulo ] lilLNKY S. CASON, 1 Sheriff Abbeville County, j 1 Oct. 9,1871, 2o-3t 1 AUCTIOX SALE. D above sialyl cau.-e to me directed by iiic ilon. K. F. (jlialiani, Judge of the Court of Common I'lea.s lor the First Circuit, I will olf'or for sale, J?t Public f Auction, on TUlvSDA Y,'tlie 1'Slli of No- r vein bur, 1S7I, at the Court lfou.-e, in the j L-ity of Ciiaj lestoti, S. C.. ;i) 11 o'clock A. * M. lhf? 2<>limi*ii] lit Lroad-street, asset forth in said plat, o he always kept open for the use of said 0 .djacent buildings. li. Ail that PIECE OR PARCEL OF jAXI), witli the Stores and other buildsigs i hereon, situate, lying and being on r !,/? Po.d y'tllil /\?* f-Vlcf ! > ! f ill | |)|l im;-. nv? >i "ity ngin,'r to J. 13. Faher, from a survey by n oh 11 Wilson, which said Deed is, with lie plan, reeorded in the Office of the tegisier of Mesne Conveynuee for 'harleston Di^ti iet in Book Y, No. 12, r iages6?, "n a:id Al*?, tlie right, tide nd interest of the corporation known as be Piv.-ident and J >i:' elors of the Bank f the State in and iF LAND, wiih ?he buildings thereon, ^ itnaleon the KouiJi side of Doughty- <" Lreet, in the City of Charleston. Mcas- >,] ting in fronton Doughty-street thirtyL'Ven feet four and a half inches; the ime on the back line, and in depth on lie East line one hundred and one feet nd eight inches, the vame on the West ] ne. Bounding North on Dniighty:reet, East Soo, recorded I si theollieeof Regi.-.ter of fa lesue Conveyance for Charh\*ion Dis id, in Plat Book A. No. 1, pa ire 131. IV. All that LOT OF LAND, with _ lie buildings thereon, uiuale at the u' 'orthwest corner of Elliott street and adsden Alley, in the City of Charles >ii, moa-unng in ironc on r.uioureet lliii iy-lbur foet six inches, on Gadscii'rf Ailoy; North on lands now or late f the I5u:;i; of the .State of SouLh Garona, and Weston lands of Win. liirnie. V. All that PiECEOil PAllT OK A OTOi'1 LAND j-itJiaie <>n East P.ayrcet, in the City of ('hurleston, known >ruierly in theplan I hereof by the nuni r seven (7) and also three feel of land IJi.ii?Iiijr thereto, being part of an alley c passage way of six feet, lying between j tese premises and the hnusenext South lerelo (the owners of which in common ith lha owners of the property now i'eivu jor sale being entitled to the u.-c t'jreof,t mca-tiring and containing in C< :e wh f hirly-lhree (.">:>) feet in front, i,St i'i one hundred (11? :>) feet in depth, |S;, r'eslwardly : butting io ihe i vi> I o:i I last J t" ay-street. North on lands formerly oil'''! . Vl:t;;g, West on land now or lateoij1' n:i Fox, and .South on said Alley. j ])! TERMS, one-third ea-li; balance pay-;;l| de in two equal annual successive in- uj almentu, with interest at the rate of ven per cent, per annum ; secured by ai )iid of purchaser and mortgage of the s:i i-einire::; buildings to be insured and :diey assigned. Purchasers to pay lor ft .ipers ami stamps. (< W.M. J. GAYER, V Referee. *' ? Oi The Personal Assets will bp sold at Ihe tine time and place, due advertisement f which will be given. \VM. J. GAYEtt, Heferce and Receiver. ^ Oct. 11, 1871, 2o^tf AUCTION SAL.3. 1-JV Jfoftfon <{ Co. (tf/rtin>;( (he Prcsi- j durl ond birrc/or." of ihc liank of thc\ Stn'c of South (firoti/ia. V virtue of an order of Court in the) s Jp above suit''d cause, to me directed ' sj y i he Hon. J I. I*". Giuliani, Judgeof the, ourt of Common 1'lnn for the First! 'ireult, I will otter fur .-ale at public Ltielion, on Monday, the -ith day of-die-1 i'Uiher, 1871, at tiie Court J louse in Ah- ll eville, at 11 o'clock, A. M. (.( All that LOT Oi?' LA is' I) with the uildiiigslliereon, in the Village of Ah- . eville, in the County of Abbeville, j ourii Carolina, P.'iuale on t'lie ,Souih-;bl cstern side of the i'uMic Square, mcasring ^0 fcot in front and (?1 feet in depth, nd known in the plat ot the said V'il-. ige by the Ku. 58. TLKMS, otie third ca. lalmenta, wiili interesl at the rate of 7j er cent annum, secured by bond of the t u.eha-h'T and mortgage of the prerni-jl[ s. Buiidings to he insured and policy! assigned, purchaser to pay lor stamps jV nd papers. Vv'M. J. GAYER, Iteferee. ASSIGNEES SALE. , TXT .% xr .mTTTimri-rr P JU< xxivurioi, |_E a the Hinder <>f H'. (b J. ii. Chnkscules, j I; Jiankruplx. \11 r>Y virtue of an order to rna directed,!11 i issuing out of the District Court of! n lift United States, for the District of ? 5outh Carolina, I will sell at Abbeville 'ourt House, on the FIRST MONDAY 11 November next, for Ca-li, and free roni incumbrance. Til JO HOMESTEAD, u' in possession Win. Clinkealvs. which was laid oil'to him Under military ordcrn, containing Twenty U*i es more or less including t he d weiling louse and out houses and appurtenances, ituatc in Abbeville County, on liogskin rreel;. TERMS CASH?Purchasers to pay for papers and stamps. R. H. WARDLAW. Assignee. Abbeville, Oct. 9, 1871-25 3t Application for Renewal of Charter. r T^HE Trustees of EivLine College j[ hereby ve notice, that appiiea .ion will be made before the Legis-laure at its next RoKfiion for a renewal >f the charter of said college. WM HOOD, Secretary. " Sept- 21, 1871, 22-tf c A Card. y THE undersigned Iras opened his: OlT.ee as Trial Ju-tice in the Court | Liouse. All business entrusted to hisi liands will be promptly at tended to. 3d. K API IAN, Trial Justice A. C. J 24,1871?43, ? J3l?i.o2^9ss Bffi ' MANURE. The subscriber calls attention to the mnexed certificates of practical farmers who have tested his unrivaled Jheniical Manure. It is cheap and it 3 crtieacious?accomplishing an u>e esults of the best fertilizers, at or?eii'lh tho expense. J lis invaluable to iirmers?.Apply to the subscriber at Diamond ILill, or agent at Abbeville II. J. R. BLACK, Diamond 11 ill P. 0. J 3"IIIS is to certify, That I have { used J. Iv. .Blacks Compound i /hemical .Manure, (niado on the ''arm), cost Eleven Dollars per toil. I ' 'ii fully .satisfied with it. G'ullon manured with it does not lire, and its j i*iiiL is equal to cotton manured with thcr standard Fort fixers. COXiiAD WAKEFIELD. Oct. 7, 1371. glLIIS is to certify, that I have used 1 I> ...I /M .....: Ja_ J it. l>Klv lv tUIlllMniim V'llUllllal Manure, (Made on Farm,) cost lleven Dollars per ton. 1 manured ;iih this manure and Ettiwan No. 2, ] n the same land, and alter careful ickiu# and weighing,. find it. equal it ot better than the Ettiwan. SAMUEL 0. SUA W. i Oct. 7, 1371. pIlIS is to certify, That I have used t J.-li. Black's Compound Chcini- * :il Manure, (made on the Farm) cost- ' iij Eleven Dollars per ton, and I am illy satisfied that it is the best as ell as the cheapest manure I have i*er tried. I have used several ol' the .andard fertilizers. It. L. WILLIAMS. Oct G, 1871. 5* IMS is to certify, That Wc have t t examined the nop of cotton j !'fl\vn on tne farm of Mr. J. J{. Biack. f id are free to say that it is the lart plant, and the fullest fruited by i :r of any cotton we have seen. Manure used, J. It. Black's Compound heuiical Manure (madeon tin; i'arm,) , a font of Eleven Dollars per tou J. T. If ADDON* 1/lllVl 1(1 MT (I -Li. McDUFFJE HA I)DON, s J. il. HELL, JAMES OA RAVI LB, c \Y. WIcKLIFFE, > DAVID CHA W FORD, D. AJ. MlLLFOKD, C. JONES, tate of South Carolina, COUNTY. I( To all whom it may conecrn. I, Matlbow McDonald, Clerk of the ruirt. of Common 'Picas and Ue'ncra!: 1 smohs for saiJ Oounty, Stale aforelid, do hereby eertiJy, thai I urn perinaiJy ai-Cjiiyiiitcd witb the hignerb to ie preceding certificates, and take easure in saying that they are sever { ly honorable gentlemen, and are men ' jt 'credit and veracity, and are practical y id good farmers in the County ulbre- / i!.J. I also certify, that I know J. Pi y lack is a practical farmer of said i .. J 1 * 1 . 1 ? I * I / LMiniy, aim lias Nijceceucu wen in uim,( gricultural operations. ivon under my hi.nd and sorsl of said ( Court, thi-? Dili October A. i). ib'71 s at Abbeville C. II. S. C. MATTHEW McDOXALD, . C. P. & G. S. Abbeville Co. S. C. I approve and endorse (lie proeccdg cerlitica'.u of tho Clerk of* the cturt for Abbeville C, Lemon, Corn a d Orange >oap, go to Ivapban & Skiarz. 5tat3 cf South Carolina, A.bbeville County. In tlie Common Pleas. EQUITY SIDE. t f ). T. Porcber, Ex'r and Trustee, vs Joshua Daniel and others. t 3ill for Injunction, Construe- ? tion, &c. a pUK.SU A XT to llio order of the l) I. Court, passed Jul)* 5, 1871, in ^ lio above hi ated cause, Notice is /? ><>-, * y yiren to the children of Cornelius Coze e Juilry C'ox, Jii thmia J'acr, and J'lioiLu 1 ''rice, (whose names and number ar e nknown,) legatees under the will of' f.. r 11. : i I i ? I U .S. i/untj Ht'lii, uuu U| lu f/yyy/tu^ u?u > <-ve their identity, and cltrim their xhare " .-inid estate, on or before tlio lbt o '' Yugust, 187 2. or they will do bar re o if any benefit under the decree uid case. " . 0. T. PORCHES, U Ex'r and Trustee. |l b July 17, 1871, 13?lam 12m If you want fine and cheap Blank- h Is go to Kapiian & ^kluns. State of South Carolina. fj AlillKITJLIK COUiXTV. ti BY L. L. GUFFIN, Esq., Probate i Judge. ?"^TIIEREAS, T. J. Pijison, lias a V made mit to me, to grant him ci setters of Administration of Uie Estate tl nd otiecis of Lemuel Felt, deceased, j, ile of Abbeville County. These are therefore to cite and admon h ali and singular the kindred and )' 'reditors of the said LEMUEL FELT, u .eceascd, that they be and appear, before i>?? in t hit ( '/illl't nl' PlVilm(/i In lm liohl : < I t Abbeville, ('. II., on the :il*t of Oclo- iiei' next, after publication hereof, at , i o'clock in the forej'oon, to shew cause u I' any they have, why the waid Adminsti aiion uiiouhl not be granted. a (iiven under my hand ami seal, thte [, 5th day of October in the year of our ,oid one thousand eight hndrcd and eventy-one and in the ninety-sixth ^ car of American Independence. " l'ulLdicd on the 10th day of October 1; S71 in llie 1'rc.iu and Banner. L. L. GL'I'TIN |( J UDGi: OF I'KOATE. October 10J187.1, 2'J?Ut. """""?.ajejes ^ rsrriLL be Rold at ABBEVILLE , \V COUItT HOUSE, on Sale * )ay in NOVEMBER next, at Public ^ Auction, a Tract of land containing j Sighty-Two and a half Acr?e, ti liorc or less, houn 1. J. Hearst, foroneu liunditd and forty dollars, dated about![lie Is! o.' Slay, 1S70?interest at 12 per j" scut. Credited with $30. T. J. HEARST, j Oct. 2. 1871, 24?tf J Tho Dream of the Dying Child. BY ANDREW GLASS. 'Mother, how I long to wander Whore the waters, sweet and low," Sing the music of the mountains To the flowers that bud and blow. }h ! I'm weary of the cttv And I long for the delight riiat pervaded all my being As I dreaming lay last night." 'Lay your head upon my bosom ; Tell me, dearest, of your dream." 'In my vision I was wafted, Mother, to a mountain stream : 5oft and low the winds were signing Through the verdant, blooming trees; Down the glen came sweetest music, Floating on the perfumed breeze. 'Suddenly there stood before me Quite a throng of maidens fairlow describe their robes of glory, Or the gems that decked their hair! Lovingly they smiled upon trie, Then, in accents sweet and mild, ?aid, with tremulous emotion, 'Come with us, poor little child. "We will lead thee to a citv That no tyrant ever trod, ~ sor those destitute of pity, Who on earth make gold their sod. >ighsa?id tears?sad fruit of av'riee? Never yet found entrance there, \.nd thy Elder Brother's glory Maketliall thing's wondrous fair! ' 'Scenesof ever-growing glory! Fadeless flowers of sweet perfume, [livers flowing clear as crystal Through the realms beyond the tomb! Jwcet angelic strains of music Aye resounding through the air ; Iearts refined by earthly sorrow, Waiting to receive you there. ' 'Though thy form be weak and fragile, Crushed beneath this iron age, Whose proud annals might be written With men's life-stream, every page? yOme with us to lands seraphic, Far more beautiful than this, A lien? the tears that dim thy vision bliall give place to perfect bliss.' 'Then they struck their golden harpstrings, Waved their fadeless crowns 011 high, alided gently down the valley, Lost forever to mine eye: 3own the glade swept cooling breezes, Playing on my fevered brow, \.nd around me tloated music ? Hark ! methinks I hear it now!" kVith a cry her mother started, Grasped her darling's icy hand, YJiose pure spirit had departed With the aweet angelic band. she was left alone with sorrow, Through (he weary coining years! '/eepirig widow ! tiiy ?ad annals Might be written in thy tear*. ?Liverpool Mercury. . ? <> THE FLO WE U OF ZOilBAE. A Hungarian Logond. BY ACJLE P?NNIE. By the banks of the Danube, near o the town ol' Zombar, stood a compilable farm bou.se, surrounded by miling ticldtj that showed plainly hrift and culture. At the time we write of, the plains f Hungary wore the ace nee of many: , desperate fi^lit Count Tekeli, the Hungarian hero, iad takeiijjup arms against the Ausriai) oppressor. Desperate bad been ho attempt of tlio soldiers of the mpiro to crush Tvkeli, but ho kept, ho field and bid dulianco to the powrof the tyrant. Under the shelter of a stately oak hat flung its thick branches to the reeze close by the door of the farm ouse, stood au old man and a young irl. The man was called Matthias; ho ;ad the ownor of tho little farm, 'he girl was his nieco, Yelva, and n'own throughout the country, far nd near, as the "Flower of Zom-j IU\. She was tho fairest maid that e'er lie sun shone on, in loving kindness, i all the fair Hungarian valley. Hair of the tint of riponing wheat;! yes as blue a* the sky and as pure as! jo waters of tho spring buhbling! om the mountain's side; complexion, lear red and white, the fleecy cloud nd the dying ray'of the sum eombinJ; tall of staturo, and supple in limb;' lie step of .Diana; tl.o grace of Veus. Little wonder that the Hungarian oiilhti Illicit in homage to the Flower f Zombar. ' Yelva, I havo news for you." said lie old man, who had just returned' om tho village, whose ^spires could j e seen in the distance. "News? well '/"questioned the girl,' nd there was an anxious look upon' er face. "Yes; dost thou remember the lad j hom thy harshness drove to a solier's life, lied Utho, aa tho village ids called him ?" ' It was not icy 1'ault il' 1 could not i )ve him," aaid the girl, proudly. ' Tush, thou wilt never Jovo any no," cried the old man, impatiently. I'Jjc flatte.-y o f tliy ioveru La.s turned! iiy brain, .But, to return to Ohio. Lo Lab won a brave name for himself, ud now commands a regiment in the lungarian army. lie ib near at band, i ud at nigMl'all will visit us." "Why nut before V" ".And run tbe risk of being surpris- , d by some of tbe Austrian troopers bo are quartered in yonder village? 'be bitter curae of an oppressed and , own-trod deu people rest upon bom 1" cried the old man, in anger. "There i* but little danger," Yelva aid, *b*ieutly, ber thought* appUreutf far away from the tubjecton wbicb be hjioke. "i'ou do not speak with judgment rhen you ??y that. Tbriee Lavel L-eu one of tbo Au?irijtu oiiicers )iteriug near us ; a well-looking fel-1 >w euougb, although be wears Ibe uted uniform of oar Iocs" Tbo girl stalled slightly at the! lentiou of the youuguiliccr, and east! habty glance, i'ull of apprehension,: tito the l'aee of the old man. <'OK taijJinj< the meuuiligj. f the glance. ''lie will not he apt to rouble us, unless he catches a ;limpso oi' thy pretty face. iiut. Jtho, girl: will you ece him to light?" ? Why, of course, unde!" Yelva redied, quickly; "voir know that I love lfim lilco. a brother." "A brother, and he loves theo almost as much as ho docs his cowntry, for whose sake he .faces the bullets of the Anatrians. Heaven grant that when-you do love, th'at your lover may not treat you with tho cold disdain that yon have showered upon all who have knelt to you." Tho words of the old tnan seemed iiK-u u {ricauiiiiiueno 01 uvu 10 me I girl. They chilled the heart beating wo high within her breast, as though it had been toucbcd by death's cold lingers. "With an effort, sho rallied from the depression that had . so suddenly ccme upon her spirits. "1 am going for a walk, uncle," she said, suddenlj'j "I will be buck before nightfall."- Then,, with a light step, bhe walked down along tho river's bank. Matthias watched her until the wood hid her from his view. Tray heaven that her pride meets with no full," he muttered, as ho entered the house. The girl hastened on, ever and anon casting an tamest glance behind her to make sure that she was not followed. But she had no cause for apprehension ; the birds of tho wood aloucnoted her footsteps. . * In a little opening In tho wood stood a young man. A Handsome fellow,with his pure Saxon face. The long yellow hair hung down almostfto his shoulders from under the Swing fatigue cap; his eyes were dark blue, handsome eyes, but "with a restless, shifting look The white uniform that the young man wore told that he was an ofiicer in tho Austrian service. With a glad smj,le upon her face, the girL hastened, with outstretched arms, toward the younir man. The truth was plain; the Ilunga rian girl, Zombar'a flower, loved ouo of her country's foes 1 .A strange expression was upon the face of the young man, as he coldly returned the warm embrace of Yelva. The quick instinct of the woman warned her of coming evil. "Leopold, what is the matter?" ' "The matter?" questioned the young officer, his eyes looking more restless than ever. ' Yes ; there is something the matter, I am sure of it. Your manner toward me tells mo so," the girl said, sorrowfully. "Yelva, you have guessed aright," the officer said, slowly. "I hav-o deceived you," "Deceived me!" Yelva exclaimed, a strange, stony look coming over her fair face. "Yes ; you know mc only as Captain Leopold. My name is Leopold, hut lam a colonel in the Austrian T n i ovi vivvj auu jl utax iuu uwu ux vuuin of Lamberg." ' You a noble!" Yelva cried, in amazement. "Yes." "And do you no longer lore me ?"! Ibe girl asked, a lerriblo accent in her voice "'Why, of course, Yelva; what put that thought into your head V" Leopold asked, in tones that were strangely confused. "Your manner if not your words." Leopold; do not try to deceive mo; I am but a simple girl, but there is some subtle instinct in my nature which tells .ue you are about to break the faith you swore to mo. Speak out frankly ; I can hear it; You sec that I am calm." And so sho was, but, though her faco was stone, fierce passions were surging wildly through her heart. Jlor calmness was but tho. prelude to the tempest. "Yi'Ivjl T will li