I MOKTE1T I TO the Needy I CUSTOMERS and FRIEND as .wiill romember that wo sol our GOODS SOLELY upon the e> H? pectation of receiving payment fo 9 them on or before the 1st October, raj "Time about is fair play." W |jj| tteed money to carry on our busincs: H W? KiitrA mtinftti von?noto help us am 9 iavo that heavy interest. Our accounts for 1S69 must b SSI dosed?friendly if wo eau, forcibly i I We must. I WALLER & BROTHEB I Sopt 23, 1870, 22?tf J ~ ON HAND I Fox* Sale. I 50 BUSHELS I OF GOOD BARLEY: MM BUSHELS OF GOOD RED OATS WALLER & BEOTHEB. Sept. 23,1770, 22-If mm 1 RROTBi. VI iUJlJUtw *W # GSEEITWOOO, s. c. I ' DEALEKS IN fflETOOOBS, Hardware, Groceries, HATS AND CAPS, Shoes, Queen's "Ware, GtZjASS WARE, fceady-Hado Clothing, W-v| -p PLOWS, IRON & STEEL, AND in fact, ia everything to be found in a well-stocked, general store. Patronage desired on a baste of value received. Motto, '-Low ? 1 ...i prices and fair dealing.- uioerai uu-rances, on shipments to our friends. Feb. 18,1870, 43?tf MW ORLEANS SYRUP. FLOBIDA 8YEUP. v " 1 Refining Syrup, different graiie?. BEST WATERMELON, WHITE DRIP SYIIU , I. WALLER ft BROTHER. February 18,1870, 43?tf FLOUR, v .At Wilson's Now Mill, in quantities to suit the pnrehasor, at $5.00 per sack. Dress Goods, C^a-nlA onf V HUH ? , and many other articles to arrive, Qnarles, Perrin & Co. Oct. 14, 1870,25?tf LIBERAL CASH ABYAHGES "Made on Cotton shipped through u? to the best Houses in New York, Baltimore and Charleston. Norwood, DuPre & Co. Sept. 30,1870, 23-tf VALUABLE Ml 1 tli TRACT NO. 1. 900 acres of Cotton and Grain Land situated betweeu Coron Acre and Kocky Creek with Dwelling House, Six Rooms, Extra Gin House, Cotton Screw, Sams, Stables, and fine good Cabins with gardens attached for laborers. Three hundred and fifty acres open land, balance in fbrest, second growth pine. This tract can be divided into several small farms to advantage. Sixty acres cleared bottom lands, not subject to overflow by freshet. Terms reasonable. TBAOT NO. 3. Four Hundred acres situated on Rocky Cr^ek?one half in original forrest. Thirty acres cleared the pant year. This is an extra farm of its site. Dwelling houso and all necessary oat buildings. Terras half cash, balance in one and two years. TRACT iSTO. 3. 0*>E HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACHES situated on the Greenville Columbia .Railroad, one and ono foarth miles from Greenwood. Fine * dwelling house (eight rooms) and all other buildiiigs necessary. This place \ possesses many advantages on account of location health and fertility of soil. Terms half cash, balance one and two rears. For further information ap* . piyto J. T. PARKS, Ag't. Jfor. 4, 1870?tf J * ' . / . I ABBEVILLE AGRICULTURAL FAIR. Premiums Awarded 1870. FIELD CROPS. I Greatest production on one acre cotton, 2,5S3 lbs., J. A. Reid, ^ Greatest production on five acres cotj. ton, 10,863 lbs., J. A. Reid. ^ Greatest production on ten acres cotc ton, W M McCaslan. ^ * Greatest production corn on ono acre d bottom land, 47 bu., P H Bradley. ' t, Greatest production corn on five acres I bottom land, 236 bu, P II Bradley. ' Greatest production wheat on one acre ?i?i ok * i> n I UJJIU.1IU, ilil UUSIICJB, A 1J U JUiiiUPa;. ' Greatest production barley on one * acrc upland, 29 ba., P II Bradley. Greatest production oats, on one acre * upland, 60 bu., ABC Lindsay. ^ Best bushel wheat, D Wyatt Aiken. U ( jy0 U tl , " " oats, Master Thos. Toe. 4 " barley, A M Aiken. " " *8weet potatoes, Joshua Jones. ' " Irish potatoes, J S Cotbran. ? " field peas, S Gilmer. ^ I " ? table peas, A 31 Aiken. ? " crround peas, Jas MeCaslan. " " . turnips D Wyatt Aiken. " " ruta bagas,W L Anderson. " " flour, ABC Lindsay. " half bushel carrots, Dr JM Rich- ^ mond. n " " dozen cabbage heads, F A Conner. ^ " " bushel Mangel Wurtzel, J F ^ C DuPre. 2 Best Pumpkins, J F C DnPre. ? Beet half stalks cotton, A B C Lindsay. u bale cotton, Mrs C A Mays. 2d beet bale cotton. A B QLindsay. Best bale wool, D Wyatfc Aiken. ^ " " native hay, D Wyatt Aiken. " " clover, " " " ^ " " lucerne hay, W G Rice. " bushel rough rice, A B Wardlaw. ? " " corn, FF Gary. 2d b*st bnshel corn, S Gilmer. ^ The Committee make honorable pj mention of the production of 357 bushels corn on 17 acres old upland, raised by E C Taggart. Premium for greatest net iucome to one freedman, awarded to Joe Or Rodger a. " ? B aiPjj^T OF COMMITTU OX HORSES, c MULES, &C. C Rest Stallion, open to the world, J Kil-. lingsworth c Best Gelding, District raised, over 3 c j'ears, R A Griffin BeHt Gelding, 2 yrs old A B C Lind- d #ay d Beet 1 yr old Colt, J M Jordan -rx- - 1 On do Mare and Uoit, JL/iatnct rnmuu, ?? Wm Wilson Beet Colt 5 moa old, G W Cromer Be do Best Brood Mare and Mule Colt, District raised, Ileniy Riley d Best Mule District raised, A M Aikin do pair moles G T Jackson d 1 Mule Colt 1 yr old B F Yoe d I Mule 2 yrs Henrj' Riley d Best 4 yr old Filly S T Eakin do 2 yr old Mule Colt open to the d world, A L Horron Respectfully, KWLITES, Cli'n. I B( 2ti REPOBT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SADDLE AND IIA UN ESS HOI18ES. Be6t Carriage Horses, open to world, , at wax work, Mrs E Nelson, J o shell work, Mhss J Caldwell, o pino burr rcreen and cornice, ?- K, FAINTING, ) ist oil painting, Miss Carrie Zimmertii man, o water colors. Mrs I Branch, ' rc tr? %a o crayon drawing, .aims Manme q Gower, o monochromatic, Miss M Gower, ?e HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT. so >st jar of lard, Mrs D W Aikon, o jar of butter, Mrs A E Lch1j*, r?o jarof May butter, Miss Sue Mc- L. Caslan, [o jar of domestic soap, Mrs S Gilmer, [o jar of preserves (watermelon) to Mrs T C Perrin, Fi [o jar of jam (marmalado) Hiss Sallie Perrin. . re F' lo jar of jelly (apple) Miss Lucy , While, p lo jar of brandy peaches, Mrs Jas ^ Shillito, lo jar of catsup, Mrs A B Lindsaj', 8( lo jar of pickles, Mrs T C Perrin, io jar of vinegar, Mrs F J Smith, lo half bushel of dried apples, Mrs H A M Aiken, lo half bushol of dried peachcs, Mrs Sue McCuslan, lo can fruit, (hermetically sealed) _ Mrs F A Connor, lo gallon of Chinese syrup, DMT Rogers, lo sorgho sugar, (county make) D M Rogers, r' lo cooked ham, Mrs R A Griffin, D lo loiif of wheat bread, Mrs W H P Parker, **' T id best loaf of wheat bread, Mrs Jas l Sbillito, C 10 rusk. Mrs T C Perrin, ^ io pound cake, Mrs Jus Shillito, t! io sponge cake. Mrs J D Chalmers, " io fruit cake, Mrs W R White, n io jar of honey, Mrs Jas Shillito, o io collection of vegetables, Mrs J n F 0 DuPre, t io bouquet of roses, Mrs A B C a Lindsay, t io sugar caudy, Miss Alice "Ward- c Jaw, io crystalized fruit, Mrs C M Wilbo.h, io carrots, Mrs F J Smith, 8 do loaf of corn broad, Mrs ABC Lindsay, . d J-A 1 * ' ! WINSS AND APPLES. - ~ m '* -v' v.' Best bottlo grape wine, Jos F Lee do muscadine do Mrs T S S< do blackbery do MrsWHP Iter, x do doz apples, J F Lee, do drum of figs, Miss Julia Conn do Ramplo of pears, Mrs CTH kell, MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Best white quilt, Mrs W M McCasli do shell wreath, Miss Caldwell, ' do 6 photographs and frames, J Lee, do 2 bottled tomato lemonade, M E D Mars, do lot knitting thread, Mrs F Ulliltil | do sheepskin mat, Mrs A ELesly, do pin cushion, Mrs ABC Lindei do box artificial flowers, M T Seals, do pony rider, Master J H Tusten do box bead work, MissE McQuerr do Dickson sweep, W H Patton, do pair goats, Jas Rogers, do broad tail buck, R A GrifHn, do Cash mere buck, D W Aiken. 'HE NEXT GENERAL. ASSEMBL Complete List of Members Elect 1 1870 and 187L Abbeville.?Senator? H. J. Lomax. Repr utntivra?L P GufEn, Eveiiilge C'aid, T al!>ot, H 11 Ellison, Milchel Goggim. Auri i arren D Wilkes. Barnwell?Senator?C P Rep* mtfttivcs?James W Hayne, P II Nerlai I) tlayue, G Furguson, ? P Sumter, B erry. * Btauforl'?Senator?Robert Sm?ll?. Ri iseotatives?B G Yocum, Sancbo Sande arney Humphries. Colleton.?Senator?Geo F Mclntyre. Re >cpntn*.i w ?J? VVm Thomas. II S Holmea. G odalook, S Small, R Tarltou. Chetltrjield.? Senator ? R J Donnldsc preventatives -Wm Littlefield, J P ting iti. Charleston.?Senators, D T Corbin,* eprenenta'ives, T Hurley, J W Lloyd, W lliott, B A Boseraan.O R Levy, J B Denn A Davis, H il Hunter, J J Hardy, P P Hf *8, CJ Audell, W 6 Glover, A Smith A J. in, E Mickey, W R Jervey, R Bryan, A i>rd. Clarendon.?Senator, E E Dickson. Repr ntativen, Syfox Melton, Jarred War ley. Darlington.?Senator, B F Whittemor epmentatives. S J Keith, Jordan Lan ichard II Humbert, Alfred Hart. Edqejield.?Senatoi, Frank Arnim.* Re| Phhua P PivuM Qtmilbl -1 T.C iwreuee Cain. Wm Kennedy, John A Ba :r, John A Green, David Harris. Fairfitld.?Senator, George R Berber.* Re seutntives, M Smart, W J McDowell, A ed Moore. Georgetown.?Senator, J H Rainey.* R?j tentative*, William H Jones, Jr, James jwley, Thos 1) McDowell. Qrttnville.? Senator, James M Allen.* Re seniatives, L William t, S S Crittenden, r Taylor, II Sullivan. Horry?Senator, J S Burroughs Repr iitutires??/a;nr? E Dutenbury, George tchfield. Kerthau).?Senator, Henty Cardoza. Re lentatires,, Frank Adamson, Reuben Gaithe ephen Gtry. Lancaster.? Senator, It M Sim,**. Repr ritatives?R W Cousart, A Hudson. Lureut.?Senator, Y J P Owens*. Repr mauve*, jotepu urews, narry jncuaui< tide A Perrin, Griffin C Jolmson Lexington.?Senator, E 8 J Hayes*. R? sentntiAes, h WDerrick, Daniel Kiiuler. Marion. Senator, Henry K Hayue*. Re sei taiives, Jutl Allen, FA Milet, Fit Bat C Seller*. Marlboro'. Senator, IT J Maxwell. Repr< ntntivee, W Thoraa*, Samuel Jackson. Newberry. Senator, C W Montgomery presjeiitativer, H C Corwine, J T lieiid.rio U iio-ron. Oionte. Sen ator, D Bitman*. Represent rve, 0 If Doyle, J L Shauklin. ' Orangeburg. Senator, Jos. A Green*. B* Bf.nUtives William Donnelly, Benj Byns, Jamison, W H ttredieh, J H Wallace. Pic hem. Senator, W E Holcombt. Repr ntaiive, JK Hagood Richland Senator, W B N??h. Repr ntntive, Wm Simons, Jamea Davis, SB Thoi u, Aesop GooJson. Spartanburg. Senator4 Joel Futler*. R?sentative, (Probably)' R 0 Too It, J Ban yle, J L Wofford, Robert 51 Smith. Sumter. Senator, W K Johnson. R?pr ntatives.F J Moses, Jr, W 11 Gardner, W snuey, A L Singleton. Union. Senator H W Duncan. Rtpreie tives. Junius Moblev. Joinca Nuckles. Sitnei __r 0' ~ ~ I irr WilHamtlurg. Senator, S A Swnila. Re tentative*. F 11 Frost, Jeffrey i'eudergrai urtune Giles. York. Senator, W E Rom.* Represent! ?< J 0'Council, Benj F Brigs, J W Mead, J rhite. XECAflTULATIOK. juftte R^pttblieaiia t - ! Democrats Majority ouse Republican* li Democrat* '' Majority ! Republican majority ou joint ballot {15. Republicans in roman. Democrats in ital hose marked * hold over from last year. The War i? Evrope.?The su nn/lAM Ap kA anAAM A c?~..l UllUVl VI Lliv D\'VvllU 1 1 VliVU 411111 nder Marshal Bazaine at Metz, d rives France of all hope ?f succe? jl resistance. The difficulty wil 'riiuaiu of t.hi? iimn Jo fn fin/1 o e+n K rovernmcnt, with which to tres 'o prepare the way for this an armi ice of twenty-five days was propose i which time, popular electia light be held, and a new govemine rganized. But the Paris Gover lont refused to give guarantees f he cession of territory, and tl rmistico has failed. In the men imo the bombardment of tho dove d city is imminent. tW Col. Ames, the Circai prop tor, was killed in an affray at Da' on, Ga.} on the 2d inst. IS* See notice of L. ti. Guffin, A litor. mm iml m in. ft *" " ;> n 1 "Brick" Pomeroy. ' ? ? u The Kow York correspondent tho Rochester Democrat gives 1 ar- following brief history of Pomero newspaper career: A young conip itor starts ont for the West, seeki his fortune in chat scene of aetiv or' and cxcitement. He gets a press a R?" publishes a sheet, which becomes i ted for its audacious virulence, not? accompanied by evidences of tale The times are propitious to.such enterprise. ' Theory of war is in t m, land. A great national ca^se is stake, and its. foes are rankling p their bitterness ana hatred. To su a class the journalist affords an acc< . table organ, and it receives the f ^rs support of a malignant party. It i greases in profit, power, in influent J until at last it has surpassed all oih Western journals in notoriety. T T.n f!rnssft Democrat' and "Rrii?lrV P ' meroy thus became widely know ?y and the latter mentioned becomes i C toxicated with success. The West now too limited a sphere for a man his powers. His vaulting ambitio ' overleaping itself, craves dcstructi< 18> in the grent metropolis of the natio Madly bent on this, ho shuts his ey against the historj* of the press^ which is the history of failure. I . i- /I J- AilAn AAA L!.1_ I firings 10 huh cny ?cuu,uuu, wmca i hns made in the previous ten yoai lie commences a now journal, at Y. thcu learns bis great mistake. Exp rience tells him that to esta . lish such an enterprise needs combination of talent such as 1 is unable to cffcct. He also lear that the coars6 and filthy abu e- which found a market among Wc k forn aniiutturs. is out of nlur*e Now York. Of the Democracy .p this city, uot one in ten reads, ai .yt this one demands something dccei The result is a straggle of two yea] re_ duration, during which the disappnir (j cd printer puts forth such efforts p show a superior ability, polluted, course, by his natural coarseness, j last he goe8 to wreck in a bopelc ip" manner. The earnings of the ] Crosse Democrat are ull spent, a splo did fortune is lost, and he may no ^ tulce a desk in some newspaper, if ] can get one, and earn his daily brci as in former times. in le- . * Chemistry is furnishing us nc _ agents/or fuel, force, food, and mat E other important aids-ovei those v once possessed. Porte from whii commerce was driven dnring the 'h ^ I months by their terrible fevers a 1 visited all the y?ar with impuni ,e. now. Many localities in the Sou and West kept tenantlees by the ?. deleterious miasm are now filling i S> with populations under tbe protect?' of Ayer's Ague Cure. -Their afflietii ^ Chills and Fever are so effectual cured by this remedy that the disea no longer turns emigration aside p- destroy* tho settler if he vAtur upou its infected district. v- * ' a New Firm.?We invite tho attc tion of our readers to tho advertif r* ment of the new Dry Goods and G: G eery store which has been opened tin ?? .?. n L? 11.. ITT l ( ??one a wuruer, uy wce>?b. ??. T McDonald and Willi? C. Evans Theso young gentlemen are both w< p- known in our community, as acti r- and industrious business men. Th< promise their best efforts to plea their customers in the prices and quj f. ity of their goods. They merit i >1, thepvtro ifl^e that the public may b 'stow u:joii u.em, and we trust th P they will rei eive it. * ? P- Thk Rfcent Stat* Klictioxs, ' The election returns so far arc me , gerand unsatisfactory. Hoffman New York receives a Democratic m m jprity of perhaps 50,000. Michigi ha8 gone Republican by 25,000 mnjc D' it.y?Illinois by about 20,000?Kc lucky elects a clear Demo ;ratic del a* gation. Tho Republicans make he . vy gains in Kansas?tho Democra Pj in Tennessee. The Democrats clai so far a gain of 25 in Congress?beii 92 against 67 in tho present Congrci e - rru* V* j, uuiuiiivia uiuiv .* ? n. opened auspiciously on Wednesd) last. The City is crowded, and anioi the arrivals wo notice the names ^ many from Abbeville. The reee Fairs at Richmond, Atlanta, ai Charleston, have all been great si ^ cesses, and wo are sure that our ov State enterprise will be equally si cessf'ul. 11- ^ >? The Congrfssional Election. The official majority in the sovei p- Congressional Districts is as follow w?, 1st District, Joseph H. Ralney, 8,51 2nd " R C. DeLnrgo, 9 ?, 3d u 11. B. Elliott, 6.5 H 4th " A. S. Wallace 4,3 ' r Bgk. Mr. 0. T. Porchcr, Ex'or, a z? vertiscs the Sale of the personal pre ? ni-ftr nf IWtsr Tn.?io TCftfid. d?f:'d.. i o *' v ' ' ? Monday the 14th inst.; also of rc 21 estate on next saleday. 1)4 * t m20 Jty See notice of sales in ban ? rnptey by If. II. Wardlaw, assign* m i ? 1Q. See notice of II. J. Lorn; School Commissioner. ie-' Markets. Abbetillk, Nov 11?Cotton mark has been quite active during the \vc< y> at 14 to 14}, but closed dull at 12 A_ 1 O V- 10. ? New York, November 9?Noon i, Cotton dull and lower?uplands 1( . Gold 10$. 7 P. M.?Cotton dull?uplands 16 it- Gold 101 a 10*. is- Charleston, Nov9?Cotton in go d demand at lower rates?middlings ] Augusta, Nov 9?Cotton closed d nB at 14}. ot Liverpool, Nor 9?Cotton open n- dull and irregular, and is now flat or uplands 9d. io. " ?~ n- CONSIGNEES. >tr Miss C M Tennent, J C. Ha?k< Young & Oliver, Wichliffe & "VVal pj, field, W McNeill, M W Thomas, Da^ Kahn, James Gordon, K A Widom J F Gibert, L K Glascow, K M H D W Aikeo, ? [ C. T. HAMMOND, Ag?nt, ' ; Latest quotations of j^f > IN CHARLESTON. 8 Gr ' M Ji CorrWI^/yiy *1Cl" Banker ?nd Broker, No. 29 Broad Street ^ nDt* November 4,1S70. P n6, ' ! ; v ', . ni an Stats SrOTBima.?Sooth jO?rrfom, ola? JL i he ?80; do new,??(S8; do, regiit'd etocfc, ex ibt 8t "-^88 . y ;n ' Crrr 8bcubitiis?Augnata, Ga. Bonav ?-i t 78; Charleston, 8. C. Stock, (ex qrintT.'--?l a 60; do. Pi re Lwro Bond*,??66 Culaoibla, S. :-y :Pm 0. Bonds, ?n60., . ' . till Railroad Bo.vdr.?B!ue Ridge, (first martin cmirr)?sfiO? Charleston aDdbtavsnnxb, ? nfM); 3e Charlotte. Columbia and Angusta,?h86; Cfie- J? " ' raw and DarUng'ona8ij, Green -: 14 'o- nah and Charleston, 1st mort. ?a7S; do, J|f n Suite guarantee, ?a('9; South ^Carolina, ?' a73; do. 69; Spartanburg and Uojon?aJ.\ ?* Uailroad Stocks?Charlotte Col am b a and *" 18 Augusta, ?a4e stomach is al- g jjf ve most invariably accompanied by irritation of . . ei the temper. Ml The invigorating and tranquilizing opera- j - " r>; : ,?t ? Ol tlOl) 01 UihKIKm Diueri Ilk I1IUBI) jiuwmunj re developed in cam of indigfS'ion. The first BIO effect of this agreeable tonic is comforting and r ty encouraging. A mild irlow pervadea the sys{[) t^m, the chronic uneasiness in the region of;the p3I stonnch ia leadened, and the nervous restless- ^>qj ;ir ness' which characterizes the disease is abated, up This improvement ia not transient It ia not P&1 su ceeded by 'he return of the old symptoms ctq! wjth superadded force as is always the case ? Dg when unmedieated stimulant* are given for the OH . comp'aiu.t Eaoh dose seems to impart a per- ?go V mnuent accenaion of healthful iuvigoration. ,se But this is n?t all. The aperient and untibil 3I1C ious properties of th? preparation are scarcely U, or m-coiidarv in import an e to its tonic virtues. >C8 If there is an overflow of bilf the secretion ia not toon brought within proper limits, and if tlia hileary organ is inert end torpid it is toned and regulated. The effect np<>n the discharge ' ing organs ijl. thirty ymra, during which time we have received thousands of trstimouials, showing this medicine to be an almost never-failing remeIU dy for diseases cauwd by or attendant upon? Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague, 38. Hcudache Billions Fever, Pains in the bide, Back ?nd Loins, as well as in the Joints and In 1 Limbs, Neuralgia and Rheumatic Pain in any etO tir part < f the system, Toothache and Pains iu j, i.he head and face. i? As a Blood Purifier and Tonic for the of Stomach, nt It seldom fails to cure Dyspepsia, ,lnd>g'snij tion. Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach. Heart JC_ bu*-n, Kidney Complaiuts, Sick Headache, Pile.*, Asthma or Phthisic, Ringworms, Boils, vn Felons, Whitlow , Old bores, Swelled Joints, 10- and General Debility of the System. It is alijo a prompt and sure remedy for m Cramps and Paiu in the Stomach, Painters' III Colic. DiurrhoBu, Dysentery, Summer Com- I#* j plaint, cholera Morbus, Cholera infantum, scald-*, Burns, Sprain*. Brui?e<. Frost Bib-s, : Chilblains, at well as Ihe Stings of Insect*. Scor13. pions. Centipede*, and the Bite* of Prisonous 86 insects sud Venomous Reptiles. I?7 See directions accompanying each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. -a Kor. 4, 1810?lm 1 , 'w ?? 10 id- How to Makx Hom* Attracttyx.?Don't ip. have your stairs without banisters, at the risk on of bronking your children's necks. Don't have w! . wood-n ceilings, that require a cord of light al wood to iltaiiiinate tlie room. Don't hare windows without glass, eo that whenewr it rains voo must shut out the light of heav?D. k- Don't lutvc sashes without blinds, so that th* ?nn wilt riayyIn vnlir ?YCSL Wat'D VOUr furniture and fatta your carpet. But or'der all tt^ the uewsearv mntemls for finishing yot.r boose in comiortnble ?t^ le fiomP. P. Toale, Charleston, f?. C., the large t mnnulaoturer of *01:11 tilings in the Southern States. Nov. 11, 1870-lm 5 WHITEHEAD Bmteomi? Cabbage, FRESH GBOUND ] :MEAL AND GRITS.-' ?n By J. F. OSBORNE, ]{ 6WSj*'v The Proprietor of theMEmponun asure in proclaiming to the public that ] iW a handsome stock of Dry Goods and llinery as can "be fouhiHn the State, [n Dress-Making he is prepared to insn st fastidious. rhe Ladies in charge of the Millinery ai rtments have returned from t&eir visit Mnlafa, Tin^AmfonilTinrp of fnA TTftll- slvlpo l'l U|/lClO UUUOI guuuvitug VftIV * M?* vw^ ?w -tments. I am iiot going, to charge Ligh ;ng to charge snch low :price9 as will .cat inch. No outness is worth following t lizcd as will insure suc'cesg. Bridal outfi >rt notice. Goods suitable for any kind id. Trimmings to match. Dresses cut /ice? His aim.is to please in every Depart Very respectfully, J Aid Oct 14, 1870, 25, tf Wilier k 1 - ... . ' %:*%i, #fBl ;, J ' ' /., .. , ike pleasure in announcing ana customers mat iaei v.'i,?, -..'v' *." Fall and Wintei r ' ;,A i. - v every Department fs fbll^ and as itwdtild be imi uk in all its branches, wo con,tent ourselves by si s as foil and varied aa wo have ever before had i YTH1NG in the shape of !1? 6@ffi REABT-MADE 1[ "\f TI At the Lowest Prices y FOB CASH. CaSttt 3ct. 7.1870, 24, if JLJSD H ilipEr /' 7 MILES' At 20 Cts. Pe/PoBtid, Oiiarl At PABK&& LEE'S. Oct 23, \mfgj-\t 0 B. >T TTtB OfTIA\TW (LP STONE m A Sugar, \ )R SOAKING WHEAT, J*At PARKER & LEE'S. JTOBW Ooi- 1*1870, IT?If Sept. 3?; jI+ possible to enumerate??^/ tying -to oar patrons. tiuR| t. and that if they wact v 5, ^ete. ^ | unci I lMlitfll ? ? > * signed are now prepared to " 'offer . ic- rnnnc JO UUVVW, ried and Select. J ^S1 SHOES,- I tfi Baitere, flIWG SHOES, s' Kisses Shoes, I CHELDBEH SHE S, I (es. Perrin & Co. J S7U, za?u . A.003XT f I i^MeaU^Ilam. I Tea and Chocolate, I coived, and for salo, by fl 00B, DuPRE & CO. I 1870. 23?tf B