The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 11, 1870, Image 2

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1 i^Ti t m.' ? 21# Press aai Banner. Abbeville* 8. a W. i. t?, EDITOR. TETcMS?Tkree Dollars a year in sdvauee .fcr No Sobscriptiooi taken for a shorter J i&t thin ux month*. I 1.1 l.j.i , i ii-l j ... i Friday, November 11, 1870. B3B HtSOLT OP THE STATE EJECTIONS ?OFFICIAL CODHT. Woleam from tho Columbia eor? respondent of the Charleston AVw*, that the State. board- of canvassers met in that city on Friday last and disposed of all the reports submitted to them except those from Charleston and Chesterfield. The official returns allow that the total vote is as follows: yoa GOVERNOR. Scott, Radical.......... ,,.,,84,475 j Carpenter, Reform, 50,104 > 4 Scott's majority, ...34,371 ton LIKUTEN'ANT-GOVEttXOB. Hansier, Radical, 83,998 Bailer, Reform,,,,50,441 Ransicr's majority, ,.33,557 . This majority,* in the case of both Scott and Ransipr, will bo reduced aboat 400 by^the-actioa of the board! in t&e cape of Chesterfield ana Spartanburg, and about 2,000 by; their action in regard to Charleston County. The result in the Congressional district* Is M follows: ' *" '* mST DISTRICT. Pndley, Befbrra, 11,430 JKainey, Eadical, 20,200 ? 81C0HD DISTMOT. DeLargk, colored, Republican, 16,68f> Bowen, white, Eopnblican, 16,042 jjjjj. THIRD DI8TRICT. | Elliott, colored, Republican,..... .20,564 Bacon, Jteform, 13,997 -p rcuTKrn district. Wallac&j .Republican, 36,184 HcKiesick, Reform,... .12.206 The Stato board of canvassers throw opt the report of the Com miswoodw o{ Spartanburg County, who fend rejected every box found to contain seven votes more than the poll list oaBeo. for. This excluded pre- ' eincte which gave the largest Reform 1 majorities, and elected the Radical ticket in the- >county. The action of *L- cu-'- in MllAwm tllfl UJO OlAbO W?tl??anua <u .... rejectod boxes gives tbo County to the Reformers by ft email majority. A similar aelion of the StateC anvas6ers wiU* Reference to the report of the commissioners of Chesterfield County, gives thai county also to the Reformers by a small majority. It is supposed- that the filial actiop of the board of panvassers with regardtothe olectfop to Congress in the second District will give DeLarge a majority of 1,000 over Bowen?snd that tijSi election for State Senator from Charleston will be de"aW iivlirllir.t ? AAPt.iflmtta of t'lltrvu * VlUj MUU ??ww. ?v W? w.aMrwwelection will be raised to Mr. Edwin B^tes, the Refbrrr) Candidate. In. another cohrnjn we publish a list of the members of the General Assembly, the composition of which it is aa follow^: % Senate? Republicans.., 25 . Reformers 6 Majority Honaer-Bepqblicaps 102 - Beformora 22 Majority , 80 ^Republican" majority on joint ballot 99 Of the thirty-one senators, (one vacancy) eleven are colored men, and ^tweotr white men. Oat of the one hundred and twenty-foor members of the. lower House, about eighty are colored men. ' / 8Ueflsy. There wis a good attendance of our foikwr-ciiizens on Monday last, attraotod doubtless by the large amount of property which was advertised for sal*- Owing to the low price of cotton, the scarcity of money, and other depressing causes, real estate bold at toss than the usual rates. The day p*aeed off without any disturbance. SALIS BT TBB JCDGB Of PROBATE. Hi acres, the real estate of Elizabeth 1L Porter, deceaeed, wju parchased by Samoel J. Porter, for 1500. 202 acres, real $?Ude of X WUIis Cobb, dec'd, by Lorberry Arnold, for $1015. 135 acres, real estate of David Pressly, dec'd, by Mrs, A. G. Pressly, &r 355. - J BAXJtM BT Tax SBiijrjrr. 209 acres, property of EobertSimp. on, was purchased by B. A. Davis, for *OK IC TOO acres, property of John R. Wilton, dec'd, (Hook Trtcjt) by iieabeg Clinkscales, for 12045. 300 ?eree, property of ?uue, by ?t Thomson, for $1000. 990 acres, trust property of O. -S. Jones, by B. L, Jones, for 13,000, 650 seres, property of Phares Martin, deceased, (Hemestead tract) by P. A. Covin,.for $1640. 303 acres, property of same (ilcIfnrpby tc?a$ by James Banks, for N #1,000. 91 acres, property of samej (Willi# tract) by J. JR. Nelson, for #670. 81 acres, property of same, (part of Willis tract) by P. A. Covfcj, for $610. 2T acres, property of same, (part of Willis traot) by J. A. Gibert, for #210. ?#& atrcp, property of same, (Bur* deshaw tract) by & <* Jennings, foi *M0&> 400 acres, property of same, (Davu tract) by A. & Cllnkacales, tor $1,375. 56 acres property pi same, (Mill timet) by A. Gnillcbeau, for 1460. Lot 4 acrea, in Mt< Carmel, property of same, by J). S. Benson, for $100.. Dwelling houso and lot^ 4 acres, in Mt. Carrael, property of same. by T. C. Perrlo, for $200.' Lot with Shops, I acre, in Mt. Carmel, property of same, by D. S. Bent son, for $100. House an4 IiOfc in village of Abbev\lle,.2 acres, property of James Moore, deceased, by T. C. Perrin, for $1,390. . Tan-yard lot, 1 acre, property of same, by Thomas Jf. Christian, for $ 10. Lot in Fort Piekons, 1 acre, property of same, by U. M. Mars, for $45. 102acres proporty of Henry Beard, by James II. Williams, for $800. 274 acres, proporty of Bart, Jordan, dcc'd, by David Jordan, for $500. 109 acres, property of same, by same, for $170. 507 acres, proporty of same, by 8am e, for $1,220. > * . 285 acros, property of same, by same, for $300. , 340 acres, property of same, by same, for $600. . Lot 10 acres, noar Doe TFost, property of W, Allen, "by S. W. Cochran, for $45. .... 440 acres, property of A. F. Cromer, by W. 0. Cromer, for The Late Abbeville Fair?Premiums Awarded ? Well-marited Success of the Society. In another eolumn we publish lists of the premiums awarded at the late Fair, which so well sustained the re. putation of old Abbeville, the banner District, and furnished suoh hopeful auguries for the future of her industrial progross and material development. i In tho bustle, oonfusion and hurry of the past week, our notice of the Fair was necessarily brief and imperfect, and it is now almost too late in the day to do full justice to its many attractive features and praiseworthy characteristics?to which the energy and enterprise of tho Committees in charge, and the public spirit and liberality of the people generally, alike contributed. The Committees did their full duty !.? twnrib- r\f Tkrflnn.rAt.inn. and BU til VUV W? I#. ?? ? ?^ porintendance. Selecting one of the most romantic spots in the up-country, enclosing an area of six acres, erecting a large two-story building, patting up one hundred stalls, and making all other preparations in a style equally commensurate, they were ready to give a fitting reception to the influx of gay visitors, and imposing array of rich contributions, which camo in from this and the adjoining Districts. I Of those contribQtions wo shall not i attempt to speak; in dotail. Competent judges pronounco the exhibition of horses to have been magnificent? comprising the most beautiful specimens of donhlo and single draft, saddle horses, brood marcs, colts fillies, geldings and ponies; among which the distributors of the blue and red ribbons ' found it diffioalt to decide. The cattle display afforded a most creditable exKiKitmn nf 'Rrn.limins. Durhams. Aver shires, Aldeneys, and grades of every name and variety; whilst among tho sheep, pare bloods and grade Merinoes, afforded an attraotjve exhibition. A fat hog of four haodrod pounds headed the column of .his swinish brethren, where Essex and Berkshire, and other crossings competed for the prizus. In the field-crop department; the comparative excellence of the exhibition is seen in tho fact, that tho entries of the present year were 140 against 48 of the past year. Grasses of every variety, grain of every degree of exopllenoe, potatoes, turnips, cabbages, cotton of silky texture, made up a mo<rt Attractive exhibition. In the household department, tho whitest of bread, the nicest of butter, the most deliciona of jellies, jams, preserves and pickles?the best flavored of wines?appealed equally to tftije and sight. s Specimens of ladies' handiwork, paintings in oil, drawings in crayon, photographs, and other exhibitions of artistic skill, added the attractions of the beautiftil and ornamental, to the solid and soberrhued features of tho' scene. But the prowping attraction of a}!, mob kmv nf anpnbit.nrfl itself? ! WHO VUW Wt??y such aa array as few Districts can equal and none surpass?lovely ladies, decked in all the brilliant and varied tints of the autuiun costumcs, and supported by fathers and husbands, and brothors and lovers?tho solid men of Abbeville. And to j:dd to }hc beauty of the scene, were many fair flowers from tho mountain Districts. of the exhibition, we learo, the openly expressed admiratiaivof President Bash, of the G. & C. It , who was present# The Society^as been converted int^ a joint Btock company and thus placed npon a substantia} basis. It is now one of tho institutions of our District, and fs detttinod to do a good work, in the way of ro&toratioa and reenperation. V IIoMe Again.?After * short and pjeaspnt excursion to tbo Fairs in Augusta and Charleston, the Editor ' once more resumes his dutiea at homo. He cordially appaeciates, an<kheartily reciprocates tho kind congratulations of his friends, including those of his bhfthren of the press. 'gjfc " I III II Sale of Government Lands. Wo learn from Mr, Andrew Small Auctioneer, that on Monday of th( tost week, heisOld public out-cry aboqt, three thousand. acres of Gov ernment land, known as the Marshal tract, in this District, at prieei ganging from 1(10 00 to $30.0( per acre. The lands were divided in to homestead lots of from fifty to oni hundred acres cach. Terms, $10 cash for certificate, and the remainder oi a credit of from three to fonr yeare The purchasers were all freedmen Thoro wero some three hundred pres ent, and there was still a laefc of land 'l Am? mo t\\r IVi lUHkJJ t Tbo Greenville Coach and Wagoi Manufactory of Messrs. Gower, Co: & Markloy was well represented a our Fair last week, and took pre iniuina for their buggies and wagons They had on exhibition fbur buggie and two wagons: one very fin double seated buggy with fine pole am shafts, prico $229; one fine to] buggy, $260; one.fino open buggj $185; and one plain buggy to suit th timco, 8130. This catablishroen having been operation for thirty-fiv years, and having deservedly carnoi and sustained a high character fo their work and fair dealing, will ui doubt receive an increase to the ver liberal patronage heretofore extonde* to them. TUeir wagons are too wel and favorably.known to require com mont from us. We are glad to loarn that tbe^ have taken stock in oar Sooioty an< trust that tbey will contiuue theii contributions. The Hop.?Tho Hop at the Fcmali Academy on Wednesday of .Fail week, was quite a pleasant affairwas well attonded, and furnished mucl enjoyment to the young and pleasure seeking of both soxes. Many fuii visitors and gallaot gontlem<?n cam* from a distance to grace tlio occasior with their presence; and Abbevillo i as a matter of course, furnished hei full proportion of her youth, beauty and intolligenco. Thoro was indeec no crowned "quoen of beauty," t( fbrm tho solo ''cynosuro of neighbor log eyes," but many a fair one bj natural right assorted her powor te charm. Tho music was good, and tho dancing gave zest to tho gener al enjoyment In facb tho IIop wai quite tho thing?a decided success. A Good Word for the Freedom Wo are gratified to hear from on< of our merchan ts. that tho frecdmer of our District are pay'mg off theii liens like men, and aro thus beginning anew with fair records and improvec credit. Wo trust that there are bu; few exceptions to tho remark, anc commend the example to the imitatior of all, both white and colored. It ii a stern necessity which forces manj to go into debt, but nothing will ox cuso one, who knowingly contractsob ligations which ho has no means o discharging. He is littlo better thai a felon. A regard to plighted fait J is one of the first elements of tru< | manhood. Notice to our Patrons. All of onrfrionds who are indcbtc< to us, either for subscription oradvor Using, will confer a favor by sottlin/ at an early day. The'money would b< most acceptable to us at this time, ant wo supposo thcro is no season whicl would better suit tho convenience o onr friends. The crops are being sold and money is as plentiful now, as wi may expoct it soon to bo. To cacl one tho amount of indebtedness i small, but to ns the aggregate is quit considerable. Come and settle! Admission to thk Bar.?Wo talc pleasure in announcing thatonryounj friend Joel S. Perrin, Esq., has been ad mitted to the practice of tho law, du ring the present Term of tho Court lie is a gentleman of fine talents am attainments, and will, wo feel assured reflect credit upon an honored famih name. Our beat wishes attend him in the profession of his choieo. Oua Court. ? Tho regular Fal Terra of oar Court, after a week's in terraission, was resumod Lore on Mon day last, his Honor Judge Orr presi ding. The juries were discharged a tho previous sitting, and the Appoa and Equity Dockets will occupy thi Court during the present week. Valuable -Town Residence foj Sal?.?Dr. D.S. Benson offers for sal? the valuable residence in Abbovilli viljage, formerly owned by Mr. Johi Wier. See advertisement, and np ply at this office for terms. ?3T See notice of the meeting o the Pirectore of the Abbeville Agri cultural Society, on Thursday th< 24tb inst., by Win. H. Parkor, Secre tary. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that i Steward for the Poor House fo the year 1871, will be elected by th Board of County Commissioners, 01 the 4th Friday, November, instant. Applicants will mafco known th< number of family. Address R. Jones Clerk of the JJoand. By order of the Board. R. JONES, Clerk. 2Tov 11, 1870, 29 St . l.i. m fi ,ii| || LADIES' F1NIOTT GOODS. ? Jferino TJndo? Tests, 3 Merino Prowers, 5 Tuokod Skirts, . Ewbroiderfed Shirts, 1 IJaddsome Cheqiisa, Emb. Ohemioo aud Gown Yokes, * rMrae. Foy's Corsets, . * Frorch Corsets, ' Tho best. Ifoop Skirts, B Breast Pro> ectors, Handsome Bow Ribbons, ' Handsome Neck Ribbons, 3 Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, Real Lace Collars, Hosiery & Gloves, Paniers beautiful Sashes, at the Emporium of Fashion, Nov. n, ga?tf . ^ t New Millinery. 1 Hats, Plumes, tm t Feathers, Flowern, Ribbons, &c., 8 ' ' e Received every week, at the 1 Emporium of Fashion. p Nov 11, 29?tf ; Books, &c. e 1 Sontliern School History of the r United States. ?r Family Biblo, j Common Prayer Books with the j additional Hymns. Albnms and Scrap Books, Pocket Albums, (Photographic). 7 Corn el Tain tor media to Geography j (new edition). , Stereoscopic Tiews. Dolls, a variety. Tin Horses. s Express Wagons, Gigs, Ac., at : PABSEB & LEE'S. 1 . Nov. 11, 29?2t [ Office School Commisioner. , Abbeville C. H., S. C.) * Nov. lUth, 1870. j J All Trustees of the Common Free finkrtftla. fni> nnnh rtP t.hfl PrftO Sfthool j Districts of Abbevillo County, are roj quosted to meet at my office Tuesday . the 15th inst, with a report of the , condition of tho Free Schools in their j respective Districts. Also, to aaopt I some systom by which to govern tbo Freo Schools for tho onsuing yoar. , A"y Trustee failing to moct as above, will bo considered as having resigned, and a new Trustee will bo appointed to fill such vacancy. Ilei*poctfully, &o., > H.J. Lomaz, i School Commissioner A. C. r Nov 11, 29, It r ~ \ Office County Auditor. t Abbeville C. H., S. C.) , Nov. lOih, 1870. \ , Tho Board of Equalization for Abs bevillc County are requested to meet . at my offico on Wednesday the 16th November, for the purposo of Equal' in" thrt A cancamfinla Clf "Ro.ll ftnd f Personal Property of said County for , tho year ending Sept. 1st, 1870. i L. L. Gufdn, 3 Auditor Abbcvillo County. Nov 11, 29 It EXECUTOR'S SALE, I will sell, on Monday 14th inst, at at the late Residence of Mrs Jane Keid, dee'd, near Willington Church, ? all tho I PERSONAL PROPERTY now on tho place, consisting of 1 f Cattle, Furniture, Stock, &c, , Termst-aali. 0. T. PORCJIER, 0 Nov. 11, 29 11 Exocutor. : EXECUTOR'S SALE. I will sell, on Monday, Sale* Day in December next, at Abbeville C. H., the 1 REAL ESTATE of Mrs. .Tune Rcid, deceased, consisting i- ol tho Tract of Land, with - Dwelling House and Improve1 ments, '? near Willington, containing 290 i Acres, more or leBS, bounded b^v i, lands of Wm, Tennent, Cha?. Pettigrow, 0. T. Porehor. and other. . Terras cash. . 0. T. PORCHER, Ex'or. 1 Nov 11, 29 4t 4 : VALUABLE VILLAGE LOT t For Sale. 1 subscriber offers for salo the ? I vultifihln House und Lnf, si turned upon Main-street, in the village of Abbeville, formerly owned by Mr. John A. Wier, nnd containing four acres. 1 Upon the premises is a large and com modious dwelling, with suitable outb buildings, also, a good well, a fine or1 chard and garden, and other improvements. Altogether, it is one of the most desirabio residences in tho village. For terms, apply to the Press and Bannor office, f D. S BENSON, I_ Nov 11, 29 3t : Notice. f STOLEN" from tho subscriber, on the 30th ult., a BROWNISH BLACK MARK, 15 or 15} bar.dti ^ hiyh, short-coupled, heavy sot, arid l* low in flesh from suckling. A liberal 0 reward will be paid for delivery ol 1 tho mare and apprehension of the thief. o i, Address S. WAITE, Cokesbury, S. C. 2foT.lI, 1870, 2fc . " ( J) -&* $ 'qoxaadoifT ? Si m * 9 ? :? '1 a -BJOZiiifciatf, *S > \ r >/ ' oj o - -?J JQ ? 1 ? . ? ' -?P ?j < -apia J9<1 01# 1 r/5 ? ' 4 J ,^ : W .2 w k?4 .5 O Mi fej ================= ?2 it -a- 'pqHJ<Kl00SI1 - ' ? rt 3 '"? J ' *000*11 jo spu H . ^ " , ^ X <g ' 'lOJatjg; aod Qi| 1 "=! a I . _ .a ^ w PS o <m .3 ? J x ? i0 # ! 8 -b ^ ? 3 sS O. c4 & ? * *3 ' WDajod09'l$' M 3 J * ^ I 1 ? ? ^ S ? , ' ujoo _? t*> * 3 s J ~ ? * -a *2 ? .3 ? C rj > ? w " -o Cu . *a <U Cl$ PS 3 > " 5 -? ? o $ * o P S 2 M 5 9 "WiWi McDONALD < BEG leave to inform their friends ar they haue opened a STOKE at WHIf ' have on hand a good assortment of DRY GO OROCBRt They bonght their GOODS at CAS cheap as the cheapest for caah and cash Our Goods are cl Our cause is just We sell for cash, We cannot trust, uur menus ar? lospccumij luntuu * charged for showing our Goods. ' Very respectfully, w. T. Willie Abbeville, November 1*1, 1870,29ESTABLISHES 1835. S nn/,nMinl!A ^Innrtli FopffiTV met;iivine \jva\ju. ruviu^. GOWERTCOX & MAEKLEY. WE would announce to our customer*. that . we nre prepared now to fill ?H Qrders f??r VEHICLE*. We have added to our Stock ,.{ Wo?d- Working Machinery, aod increafed our Sinlf of Workmen about 70, and theresore trust that none of our patron* will b- disappointed in having orrca promptly filled. JJjj The Stock of One, Two, Three, Pour and SixHofrse Iron A*!e Plantation WaGONS *H be ' "J] , kept full; and n'?w, a* lor one-ihird of a ceii- I turv pa?t, these Wagons riiall be the STAND- * AKD of EXCELLENCE. Gud 1 bus b We have ft large Stock of Light BrOGIES nbuiu AND RO; KAWAYS, of our* own m*ke, also bund I ?S>o<>k of Northern built BTGGIE'1?both ,nune low and hieh priced, for those who wi*h to purchase Northern work, as cheap as any P ' Southern dealer. We cull special attention to 'er"fc! the improvement ^aking in our SPUING 'io In WAGONS, w itboet raising the price, w? ?re be:ilil furnishing them with great care, painting H|1?j v tliern elegmtly. .. d?;?? i ;.i. nrnmntk mrtilud on application. Send us nil yonr REPAIR WORK. Freight d^siri only charged one w?y on it by lh? R. R* view GOWEB, COX & MAEKLEY. Agent at Abbeville. Dp. J. W. Marshall; At Gove , Greenwood, J. A. <t W H. BM' Ninety do Six, T. C. Lipscomb; at Cokea'bury, J. J. Ellis, by ,|, Nov. II. 1870,29 12m Tliun " H dnt IM BANKRUPTCY. ?P ? suits, In the matter of A' C. Hawthorn, Banxrupt Hty BY virtue of order* for ante to me di?vcted tiianli issued from ihe District Court of the w||jc} United States for the District of South Cam- . linn, 1 will sell at Abbeville Coujt Hou-e, on Saleday, 6th Decamber, th? following property ol?*wi of raid A. C. Hawthorn. prenei , lit. The t ract of land, known a* the House > be li ' Place, containing 540 ncres mor* or less, ^ a|| bounded by D. O Hawthorn, Tho>. Hawthorn. . and other*, on Taylor's creek, withiu 3 miles of ?',H" Due' We*t aioli* 2d. The "Murphy Place" containing 192 ibe M acres, more or Iocs, on Chicka*aw creek, wiih- cuvCr] | ui one mite of Due West, and bounded by S ,i H Brownltfe, Dr. R. C. Griar, and othorn. ? ? tl. o j i ?w.. nr upreai <J>U, lliC tivun; ail'i uvi iu tun I mo^v Dae Went, containing some 12 acivs. morn or fusion leu, bounded by Dr J. L Miller. estnLe of J. tho p R. Browulee, ?nd the Eeekine College Lot. Up },f Al?o. The choeee in ^clion du? to Mid A. j. 0. Hawthorn, consisting of ft great number of * notes and accounts on various persons, and K75 i> ftock of the Greenville & Columbia Jer i) lini) llond Company. \ I bell) And on Wednenday following, TthDocrrober ftt Due West, various articles of peisonsl property, consisting of mules. wagon. carriage, Ac. 1 K. H. WAUDLAW, [L.S. Assignee i Nov. 11, 1870, 29 4t I Stat of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE COUNTY. ? No In Probate Court,? Citation. WHEREAS Thomas R. ruckett applicant ha- mude mil to me., to grunt bitu i Leiter* of Administration of ihe Est at# of Thomas R. Puckett, Sr., deceased, late of said County. 1 , Those are therefore, to cite and admonish I all and singular the kindred and creditors of JjV ( the ?*id Tl?*s. R. Puo ett, dec'd. that they be and appear before me in the Court of Fro- _ l.ftf.e, l?* be h??ld at Abb^vdle C. ?1., on * Or tfHth, Nor. 1870. kIW publication thereof, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, toyliow cause. if any th*y have why the said Administration should nof. he grunted TV ^ , Given under my hand, this 7th day of Nov. r-C Anno Domini 1870. ~fr WM HILL. j. v. a. c. [t. s.] HAL. Nov. lf?70, 2S?at. the | dee'd UXTotiO?. one THE Hoard of Directors of the _ Joint Stock Company of the Abbeville Agricultural Society will meet at the Secretary's Offioo on , Thursday the 24th inst., at eleven ? 1 * o'clock, precisely. Every member . ' must be punctually present. b 1 By order of the President. W.H.P AKKEB, Kor 11,35, It Socrotary. 8tli e?6d?9 o ? 10 "-C w 00 8 acre v t""~l~ ?* 2* 2* ' PA r^rs s . -. r^izror55>:i?5?^5: -. c JO 900J. '? 8 ? ? w 8. s v ' r-l ~' o ? c'ocTo ?" laONOOMc .?t?anp>A ? *? i ; 7 en Mind kjoimoono ? (' y> wo^ny o?? tiao c*i to tc"ooooo O V. ? ? ? ? ? ? o TTonfUA ?~ 1 ^ N O M O O H 00 Tf f* f-H ?-* O ^oH pffggWf w O = O ? O O I o -- ia oo m t- o co s9"i"A ssssss-';! . a, a. . i-HQ00(Mt?O CO 8[3JJl?g[ N C$ W M ! Of . r? f '# , ' 1 tisc:ioo 3" J S H O M O ffi i* it? onitj a ?, w,*t. *3. "!. J ' 1 " o a fi o a oo -+ -+l r? OS tft' 4> ttCCCI'O ?I ' H H O "-1 O O ??I flnncmci N. 00-?- *1 ??- '^l-r " !l sjoqgny Nco-?~????o N'-V,v * CO ?H , ? ^ S o" : i ;. I ; s d J Itfly = 1 *?. .-lis I t I | i ? J13 O > S 0 -O U G 5) "" C PH I _o o u o .? ~ ' iraNs, ../ :. s id the public generally, that s E!S CORNER, where they c 1 ODS, ! ES), ?toO. H PRICES and will sell as ; only. , leap, '? " f i ' . 1 o give us a call. Nothing 5 ' t \ j r * 4 2 McDonald, ( C. Evans. -tf tate of South Carolina. < anksgiving Proclamation. ; IE year ihat i? rapidly drawing ton <' closr, baa beeoeruwiMsd by Almighty < will, manifold blean'iig*. The earth rough t forth her kindly frnila, and iant harvests bare rewarded the liuunan ; boned labor bns received a rerating compensation, and (lie general erity lias ^een increased, political bit?? l>?* been ameliora'ed, and ibe puh 15.. I... I?n nrnol lo imnrnml! I) has jirevaded within our bordeis, ve have lieen preserved from tbe pec0 that walketli in darktie**, aud t*e , iclion that WHutetli At noonday. In of these inestimable benefits and ad ge*, und in accordance with timered custom, I, ROBERT K. SCOTT, ! rnor i'( ^be Stale of S?utb Carolina, , tpeclfnllv recommend the observation , e people of this Commonwealth, of idny, lim 24;li dav of November, ?? f of TUHLIC THANKSGIVING, j which, laying aside all secilar poribey i?ny assemble in their custom* J laces of wor-lnp an I return fervtut :? to that Bwi-ficent Providence, to , 1 we are so much indebted ; and, iuig the contimifltice of ilis smiles and ngs, during the coming year, in the rvHMOu of peace and harmony, and asteningof the time, when lite wolf dwell with the lamb, and the leopard lie down with the kid; thai the pasof violent men may I* assuaged, and irrers-up of *trife, who ha?e made a mill wiiu death, may be rebuked, and counsels come to naught; for th# . 1 of intelligence, and the general dif- i i of education among the people; tot i romotionof industry, in the buiidirjg our w/t?ie place*, when the desert rejoice and blossom a?> the rose, and ; man slutll sit under his vine mid anis fig tree, and none shall molest or maka i hem afraid. i under my hand and the great peal he State, at Columbia, this eightii I day of November, A. D. 1870. and i < I VI in the nineiy-uud year or me inueP' inlence of the United Sutes of A i HO BERT K. SCOTT, Governor. L. Cakdozo, Secretary of Suit), if. 11?ll SALE OF LAND, Irflor of tie Court of Prolialos,; Sale Bay in Dec., 1870, for Partition. r Order of the Court of Probates for Abbeville County I will on B DAY IN DECEMBER next, teal Estate of G. W. NEWEST, , for partition, viz.: Hundred and Six Acres, or less, lying in Abbeville ty, on waters of Dry Creek, ; rs of Savannah lliver, adjoining ' i of A. H. Harmon, Mrs. II. Self, 1 pDcason, and others. Terms' of 1 CASE. if. S. CASON, Sheriff A. C. i Nor, 1870, 29, 3t - ' I . Vonld inform their friends and FALL AND WI 3 now complete in every Pepartme direct speckla DOMESTICS, GOODS ] AND FLi V. . We have a lai MEN'SBREADY-MA \ny one needing Goods in this line STOCK. We have in connection A LARGE ASSO ; BOY'S BEADY-MA . * . '' n. 1\ 'VIn the line of Boots and Shoes "w peciai attention to this parfcof the o say that oar Stock of BQOTS a: laps larger than any in the np-coun n oar stock, and persctosbnying she rill get such, and such only as are , In addition to the i jEOCKERY, HARDWARE In short, our purpose is to keep i (ions of the house in which we do itrive to be able to nea jostomers. We propose to sell Go ;rade. We believe an examination 'ally attest the truth of what; we saj Thankful for past patronage i lame. WHITE, SHOT October 38,1870,27?tf NOTICE THIS. We have received an invoice of the irticleB nanWd below, aud we expect hem to arrive by the last of this ;veeK. it } ;-vij ' ? 24 Pairs Hand-sewed Calf WftejPj. Proof Boots. - f. T J4 " Hand-sewed Dress Boots. * ^ i4 " Calf Congress Gaiters?Itou- j ble solo. ' * 24 " Calf Cong. Gaaiters?Single 1 sole. > m iwm towsarc something snperior. "We only ) ask the privilege of showing them to 1 anyone needing'a pfcir of Boots for i Winter. 1 White, Smith & White. ;' Oct 28, 1870, 27?it ; ? j MILES' SHOES. \ , r,9 Jasfc received, , , . " 12 Fairs Ladies 1-2 Polish Last- j ins: Balmorals. 30 " " Congress Gaiters.! 30 *' Misseft ^Lasting Gaiters and Balmorals. White Smith & White. Oct. 28,1870, 27-r-tf A. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. m , , I I THE subscriber offers for sale, his residence with so much of the land attached thereto as may be desired, less than Two Hundred Acr^?: The House which is just a half mile from tho Court House, is a GOOJ? TWO STORY, WELL FINISHED ' FRAME BUILDING, containing eleven rooms, besides pantries, closets, and other accommodations, Tbore are in the yard a superior Dry-well or Cellar, and a first rate well, affording nn abundant supply of good water. . There aro on tlio place the usual outbuildings and several good springs, bathing house, &c. The place, naturally, one of the raost'beautiful in Iho neighborhood, is suscoptible of the highest degree of improvement and ornament. Also. I TKft nlnntntion. called "TELLICO." 1 milos from tho village, on Long Creek, containing 815 acres, a good Co'ton and Grain Plantation. Persons desiring the purchase will bo afforded an opportunity of examining the premises, by calling on Robt. H. Wardlaw. ! Oct. 28, 1870, 27?4t , .v. .4 i H LaoisTille E icelsior Pleiglis. 1 rpUBSE Plocgh# are nmde of either east Iron i k or ateel, and ar? me dh*t. ana cneap?ai^iD i, the irarket. ^end for price li?t. Ato Ames' ?nd other p'ouiflis of ail prieea and dene rip tioua. Corn Sheliera, Straw Cutter*, Ac. 11 (Alio alway* on band) ' MOORE'S NEW YORK PLOUGH'S AT J f2.oo EACH. A lull ?toek of Plank^ia' and ' Uuildera'Hardware, co&aiating in part of EI well'* ai'd BruMtil'a II ?, paries. Tracecbaina, Axe?, and Naila of warrented quality. Gum. cutlery and houaekerping article*. -tFholwile and Retail, by C. KEBEISON, Jr., & CO. 249 Kiog St., (Sign ?r the Big Axe) Chtirlealou, S. C. C. Kfrriwn, ji^ W. Y. Axaon, C. Wagner. Oct. 21, 1870, 2G?3m , card. HAVING disponed of my entire Stock in Abbovillo to Mr. J. sKLARZ, I kindly beupe k for him i Jiut liberal patrouagu extended to I ne. . j ' i. cabb. Columbia, S. C. yor 4, 1870, 38?tf A ration ^ ^ #e WOtiM FOB MEN'S WEAK ' ge stock of ' HF. f I ftTHIN(L 5 wonld do well to examine dtb with this Department} ETMENT OF DE CLOTHING. -e krep everything. We>r % trade, and we do not iieaitate I ad SHOES is as J try. We keep ho sndddjwork J ?*>! " i ? M ibove, we have j?& h ? near everything as tbe dime? business -will allow. We wift r as ^ -a & WHITE. sS,,. II t vsf stmii ': vr. woulArespectfeily sbjuraac* to 'cry small advance on the. cast of P jianoftcuw. We sold the snme kind ' >f nhoes last Spring, au4 wo have vet ' ko bcarnrty complain tot t^m, QUJ& ULA NI>-SEAV^lUt; CALP aiid GO^f- ^ v SKIN BOOTEES aro iho Waho* 'or constant wearing that are made. Give tbcm a trial and we gaara&te* latisfaction. Oct 28, 1870 27?It ' | ^ Administrate)f's ';lit ^ / l J WILL sell by patyic nuctfoi cm .21st, November next, '/ ** :/{***'''< #$?*$* fcfi ' ,/ I it ihft late residence of JAMES TAGcrAKT, nr., defecated, ali^of^the f4rCOIMistiDg of HORSES, 4.VX U J? +** J"Cattle, Com? FODDER, &G., 4C. TERMS GASTJ. ||\ 1 Moses Taggart, Administrator. Oct 28,1870, 27?8fc To Shippers of Cotton. iitbZif-.;? ' ? B would givo notice to all o?r friends that we are now prepared ' ship cotton on most favorable terms. We will advance liberally oh Cottoa for shinment when desired. '.* will *bipto* W. G. B?E & CO., Charleston, and HOPKINS, D WIGHT A . TROWBRIDGE, New York. / No Commission Houses stand highi it in their respective markets tham the above. Oar past dealings wi(k these houses have keen so sptisfji. Lory that we are prepared to ptomn* ^00(1 sales and prompt returns to all >f our friends who may put their Cot? ' ton into our hands for shipment* White, Smith & Whit*. Sept. 10,1B70. To Planters Who desire to doable their crop# half the iand, we are now prepared to offer the , . Etiwan GUANOS. Having obtained the Agnncy fortbe*efir?t class Fertilizers, we will be giad to receive .the orders of all who are disposed to givo them ? trial. (v*7 -.'VvV "^.^V v'r ', . . Whi^e, Smith & White. toft. 83, rsroj?, tf 9 I