' By W A LEE AND HUGH WILSON ABBEVILLE, S. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11 1??0. ^ ^ ^ ! 1 ?? ?^? ?? w*??a???????m? ?'BCT?^???? ??? ?? The Waving Banner of Health. HEI3ST ITSH'S UlIiUN'S DELIGHT. , .. A GREAT AND GOOD MEDICINE. Heinitsh's Queen's Delight sA . . The New Theory of Health. * j The life of nil Fle?h ia Blood?The Health of nil Lite ib Purity of ?Without purity of I B.'ocd no Fl-.<=h oan be I free from Disease. L HEDHTSffS QUEEN'S DELIGHT, ; An antidote of Disease. \ Tke. Gre*t" American Alterative and Blood Purifier, Fur the core of all those Diseases * * . rV . witieii may be traeen to a vumiea condition of the Blood. The theory in thai Blood is the Life of or all Fl??h,*nd if impure the Life of all Disease. Life and Health is only to be maintained by the circulation of pure arte* ri?i Kiood. Sucli as Scrofula, Rheumatism. Hepatic *. Disorder?, !uflHm*lions, Fevers, Liver Complaint, Consumption, King's Evil, C?rbrep*r?d to fill with promptness all orders fur Btonxe Castings of Statuary, colosaal, heroic, and life size. ORNAMENTAL IRON GOODS. Th# l*wr*?t. c*nrfmpnt to b* found in the United states, all of which are executed with the express view of pWtng the taste, wlnle tb-y combine all the requisites of beauty aud substantia' conUruclion. Parelmsere may rely on having n'l arti?1? carefully boxed and shipped to the place of destination Design* wili be tent to thoae who wish to Bake a selection. May 2f>, 1870. 4?6m. ? ' .* J." y -j ji ii'..; MADE on Cotlon Shipped by the uo in UCIOiJt^llOI kV wwre.sLOAN & RIGINIOUS, Charleston ? W. C. COURTNEY & Co., * < ^ TBBXHOLM 1 do a m " Al'beville, 9/0 am - Newbury,- 12.47 a m " Alston, 2 30am Arrive Columbia. 3.4S a m JOHN H. MORE.. General Snperintedent ' ?T. r~~ a|WEuismari Howell, Factors and Commission . p pit'Merchants. Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval tyores. Charleston, S.C. CONGAREE Goi.uxta.l5iA, S. O. JillilR, "* > ' \ J < y ? \ ' * . " I* Proprietor. t SUGAR CANE MILLS, LIST OF PRICES, 3 Rollers 14 inches diameter $85,00 5 M 12 .........?/5.U O :{ " 10 u $05,00 2 ?, 14 " ~..fk)5,0O 2 ?? 12 " *50,00 2 " 10 " $40,00 Above prices complete with frame. Without frame $10,00 lesB on each I Mill. SEVENTY GALLON EOILEB *20,00 Delirered at the* Railroad Depot io this city. Bteso) Eagines, Boilers, Cotton Presses, Grist and Saw Mill Gearing 'of oil fcinds to order. Iron and Brass Castings, on hort notice aud most reaeanable terms. fJJn ftoinno' rnnafnntlv on hand of the following sizes. 9 feet wheel and pinion $30,00 .10 u " 14 "32.50 11 *'. M H ? 4 85.00 12 " u u h "45 00 14 " ?" ?*.- "50.00 Willi Boll? $0.50. Extra for each set. Antifriction pistes at>d Balls for Colli Fre^s $l(i.00 and $12.00, per set. N. B. Terms Cash ou deliver}', at R. R. here.r:JOHN ENRIGHT, Ag't, Abbeville C. H. May 24, J 870, 4?tf. Notice to DEBTORS. ALL PERSONS indebted to the subscriber for the years 1S68 and 18G9 by Dote and account are requested to come forward and settle immediately, as he is ia urgent need of the money. Thos. Eakin. August 1, 1870,15, tf Mll'IMB UNTO whom we have extended indnlger.ce during the Spring and Summer, to enable them to make their crops we would say. that ?8 the:r crops are gathered we shall expect immediate payments, as our success for future operations will depend upon our customers meeting their liabilities promptly. To al' our friends who have bo liberally supported us, we return our sincere thanks and bespeak for ourselves a continauce of their favors the coming season. Norwood, DuPre & Co Sept 2, 1870, 20?ft EXCHANGE On New York. THE subscriber is now selling New York Exchange at'par. Planters and merchant and all others desiring to invest would do well to call. JOHN KNOX. Sept. 29,1870, 30?tf _Jk , lm *2 -r? Tanner's Oil, (Strait.) Linseed Oil, Machine Oil, , \ Lard Oil, i Sp*rra Oil, Copal Varnish, .4$ Japan yafnish, 'Coach Varnish, At Parker & Lee's. Oct 21,1870, 20, tf ft GREAT SOUTHERN IMPROVEMENT IN. FENCING. Saves its Cost in Land ? saved, and Facility of Cleaning, % GREAT saving of limber can be made of anytbingt.hat will not break of ts own weight A rat may get through n it unci a squirrel may cfimb over but all j}* other animals may stay out, The wind can not blow it down, needs very little repair, and the timber will last longer than in any other known fence. The subscriber is agent for Abbeville County and will sell rights for plantations and for townships. Come up on Sale Day and for further pariculara in regard to P. Davis1 Improved Patent Wire and Picket Fence, apply to X J. W. THOMAS. A Agent Abbeville, S. 6. - ' "* ' ' Hfi - \f ALSO, THE GREAT? / . * 4. Family Knitting Machine. Will be exhibited at Mr. Brnzeale's. This machine speaks for itself, and is destined to revolutionize honsehold industry. We do not wish to abuse (be time honored ^ needles, but most say that even for ordi- f nary use their dHy is at an end. Ti)U pre at and cheap invention knits every thing. Specimens of manufactured articles exhibited. Call aod see 'for your- Hi selves. J. W. THOMAS, Agent. ^ Abbeville, S.C. ? . April 15, 1870, 51?tf 'p. I Evans & 5 " """ . 03 I c Hutchison's : ' jj ' * * Formerly the "Donald .Mill," qpHE MILL, long and (avoraMy known J[ as th-a MJUiNALL> MILL/,' has oeen c purchased by us?. and we liave repaired it; ? thoroughly?r,putting in a ne.v and splendid .SMUTTER (the finest tliat is in use)? HTj1 In NEW BOLTING CLOTH, together Ui wiib NEW MACHINERY, from the ~ Waterwheel to the garret. Onj This work has been done iq a subslan tial and workmanlike manner by the most experienced and skillful Millwrights in the ,, > ' country, and wrf hfelieve-the Mill now to he yfi in a betiur condition tbau it ever was in i's palmiest days. The old Friends and Customers of the Mill are respertfully invited to return Jo llie Mill that in days "lang syne ' served them ro wp|| and faithfully. don \i li ITrTT(]HISON. ' who lias liad ?ti. much experience us M'lk*r, will have vcu charge of' the Miil, and will {jive liis undivided attention to the wauls of their cus- c)p loiuers. i Respectfully, _ JAs. EVANS, . nm THOS. HUTCHISON. Olll July 29, 1870, 13, 4ui Improved Cotton Gins. | P?, McLENDEN'S PATENT. 1 THE subscrihpr purchased two years -r-j ago. McLENDEN'S PATENT 1M- I PliOVEMENT TO COTTON GINS, her for the Counties of Abbeville, Edgefield, 0,ai and Newberry; and in that time has sold many of them, and to the entire satisfaction of hip patrons. The improvement is applied to the old pin at a trifling expense; de and with these material advantages?that l it will enable the Gin to pin from one- ? fourth to one-third more, and to produce Onj a cleaner and better lint. He has numer- kUI ous certificates from coiton planters to this effect, a&d also from coiton buyer*, stating that the cotton from this Improved Gin will command from one to one-a.half cents moie per pound. Ageurs will be sent out. and the public patronage is solicited it: their behalf. Bit 10 ia\\1 a n/vanlo ranntuil n?wi i n . E. F. PARKER. P Calhoun's Mills, Augu.it 12,1870, 10,tf at r Insure Your Property, m IN THE Cl? LIVERPOOL & LONDON ~ CS-XjsOIBIES b0 V ' ' i Insurance Company. Assets in GoM, $17,000,000,00 Losses adjusted promptly and paid -p without deduction at the agency in x Charleston, S. C. de< Apply to W. H. PARKER. Agent, pr? at Abbeville, S. C. March 18,1870,47?tf CI NOTICE TO a SHIPPERS OF COTTON. Gi THE subscriber is now. receiving an-4 shipping Consignments of Cotton to the best Now York Houses, upon which ho is prepared to make ? liberal advances. Planters may send de ort their cotton with the assurance of tli haviug their orders promptly attended m( JOHN KNOX. J?pt. 30, 1870,23- tf # X" / nxrES-OT We have ; 'ALL AN: SSOd 0 Which we *rompt Payi OR C rILt take G-oUon aj; Market friends soon with tl T. L. COLE October 7, 1870, 24?4t Jarpets, Oil C humm' *jtl 3i? *cm> Windo^ ig3, Mats, Crumbs,Cloths, B ice Curtains, Cornices, Banc imasks, Reps, Terrys, Cente oreen, Hair, Cloth and Trin TnsRfils. fiords and Vs all Papers, Borders, Paper { 'he above new goods of our own importatii d any house North or South. >ur customers and the public are invited to !arpets made and laid promptly.* Oil Clothe le and put up, and all iu the Upholstering 1 James G. Ba: e a * Also^ ftl largeand Select Stock of Choice Family Groceries WfinH n/nd Willnw Warp >ctobon V. * * . * T IICIAL ADTOTISEffiEHTS. ltl Ctrolina-AMe' Giity. In Common Pleas. , > uA.y ' Equity .Side. . llis G. IlHrrifi, Ex'r, v*. G. A. Addison, M. C. Tnggart, and .others, ' ' Bill for Account, d'C. URSUANT to order of Court in ibis fiftae. the creditors of Klizabcth Harris, d?c'<3, hereby notified to present and prove tiieir tttnd* uuainst ihe'aid-deceased liefore me, uy utiive, ou or before the 12th day of Ivoibor uext, or be burred. MATTHEW McDONALD, C 0. P. rk's Office, Abbeville Co., ) 2'h Auguet, 1870, Km J * - ' it! CaroM-AMe Conty. In Common Fleas. > Equity Side. rick IT. BrnHJey and MuryJana Dendy, Sx'r ami ExYx, vk. John C. Vance, Ex r, and others. Bill to Sell Real Estate. &e. TTRSUAKT to orHer of "Court in this case, the creditors of Allen Vance, drc'd, are eby noiified to present and prove their deid ngaiust the said deceased before me at office on or before the 12th day of No iter next, or barred. ilATTU^W McDQ^LD. . i iu 3t*k - U.Q) o. P. rk'a Office, Abbeville Co., ) 2th Aug., 1870,8m ) M i Co# Tn flftmmnn Pleas. Equity Side. ry Wilson, Ex'r, vs. James A. Reid Ex'r, Bank of Newberry, et. al. II for Sale of Real Estate, Marshall Axsets, URSUAKT to late Order of Court' in thi ease, tlie creditors of Jatres M. Perrin a'd, are notified that the time for them t< ;jent andprove ?heir demand* agiiiiHt sfti< ceased is extended until first day of Januar st, by which lime the demands must bi jved, or creditora will be barred ilATHEW McDONALD, . , 0. C. P. writ's Office, Abbeville Co.,) L2th Au^st, 1870,5m ? ) ntk Carolina -Altai Count] In Common Pleas. Equity Side, ;orge W.' Williams y of Noveiube xt, at my offlco, or bo barred. matthew Mcdonald; .. c. c. p. lerfc's ffice, A tbeyille Co., ) 21th Augu-t, 1870, 3m > , GOODS 50 , v in Store our D WINTER m mom, Offer Low to ng Customers >rice for all dues, hope to see our be staple to settle up. 1MAN & CO: I b v - ->** loths, Mattings, p Shades, frx- v > 47 ^ Xif'Z >>iasscfckff^^ ^ ^ Is and Pins. - 1 >r Tassels and Loops. l unMs;?': ??. ui : I ? . * tils, Piano and Table Covers. Shades, Screens, &c. >n are no,w being opened, and will be e^ld m low call and examine them. i cut and laid ; Window shades hung; Cnrt/iins ine done'promotly by competent workmen, by ' >i *> , Hi n v\ <1 Hie m Brother. A ,1 ' ^ .7 t * . ... . * ' i, Plantation Supplies, , on our lower floor. v .-? :* ' ' J , ? ' "* ''' * ' ? * l', A Pull Stock of Hair Brtisites artdComis Always. on Hand. ; Also, T60th' Brashes, Finger Brushes, Cloth Brushes, .t i .5 . * Hat Brushes, Shoe Brushes. ?. T. PENNEY. r* October 7, 1870, 24, if ' Mess Mackerel, Extra AVI. - , EXTRA No. 2, and large No. 3 Mackerel, in Blls.. halt' Blls., quarter Blls., and Kits, at, Norwood, DuPre & Co.'s Sept. 23. 1870 23?tf TOILET SOAPS, ^ HAIE OILS, MB PMITOM in i Great- Profusion, at W. T. PENNEY'S.; October 7, 1870, 24, tf "?a.:r4.ri& ihiA Valuable Land 1 FOE SALE. , ^ r' ' r ' , . . PJinE subscriber offers for sale 500 ^Acres Land, known as the "WILLIAM McCELYEY| PLACE*, lying on Sawney's . creek, neighborhood Calhoun's Mills. 100 acres fertile bottom?land well drained, and 200 acresAoriginal forest, the balanoc good arable and pasture upland. Dwellings comfortable, and . other improvements good. Fences good, &cM making one of the most . rlAsirjihlfl fnrms in t.ho fconntw ' ? J For further particulars apply to B. F. BROWN, * Calhoun'9 Mill's, Abbeville Co., S. C 5 Oct. 21,1870, 26?4t 7 * : Mitchell's Eye Salve, .Reynold's Eye "Water, Thomson's Eye Water, . Toothache Aaodyne, Bronchial Tablets, Bronchial Troches, Southern Soothing Syrup, . Mott's Yeg. Liver Pills, . Shriner's Balsam, Cough Syrup, at Parker & Lee's. Oct. 25 14, 1870?tf r' .' t ' ' 'f 6! At the Furniture Store, e ,r Large Germ&n Plate Looking Glasses A lot of German Glass Plates <..i ^ t6 Findjd Frames. M arch 25, 1870/48-tf a ) - ' ... ! - . ;:*.w * i JUAYSBARN7 J Are now Receiving their 'usual Winter Go In inviting the attention of their frie their notice especially to1 nr nnnTTwn tr a ujuU x nu\uj nil And Domestic Goods Which having been bought at unusually 16 lower than they have been in many years. Bagging, Ties, 3 COFFEE, Si WHICH THEY ARE 01 LOWEST MARI October 14, 1870, 25, tt I -& V . /A\ ^rsi^fi ww mm WITHII Tfl 10,000 lbs. . ^ 100 LBS. CHOICE G1 ' ' G clber 14,' 1S70, 25?tf ? ' ' " ^ Something? SOMETHING 3 .. .. Can now be had OUARLES. PE Oct 14, 1870, 25; tf . r**i . * if/'ip* 1 * f?? #fcr^-. 4.5?? g . . . , ? FURNISHINI A-::: ;* #ssK-.X Cassimeres, Cloths, Shirts Collars and Ties, Glovt , . . ; .... Boots and Shoes, Ne ISTOTV EEApir FOI QXJARLES, P October 14, 1870, 25, tfTHE GR AND nm m-nm twatjottatt AX AJUJcr iaaxmuiu/ii Has taken place within the last the mornings reveal a w GROCERIES, E HAEDWARE, ?C WHICH WILL BE SOU October 14, 1S70, 25, tf . . I- V . . V;.; WE ARE nOW R Fall and Wii Which we offer to our FIGURES astcan be boug QUARLES, P Oct. 14, 1870, 25, tf HTIiP ' ? , ??* >? a \lfE "HAVE: oiv hnnd and tire reW ceiviog.the following sizes: 8-10 14-18 10?12 14-22, _ 12-12 16?24 10-16 18-20 | 12-14 18-24 g 12-16 28 'li 12-18 22-28 a 12-20 22-30 12-24 24-30 14-16 Parker & Lee. Sopt SO, 1870, 23?tf ] ' i' - 4 ' . ' flSLL & CO ; .j.' > varied Stock of Fall azi ^ji'_i y as. nds and patrons, they would ca their priees'ott' "" ' ' . TS, SHOES, ' , gt all Kinds, V w figures, will be sold at price, They keep on hand Bacon, Sugar %' -0, FFERING AT THE ? ? ? i.?U'?' rJKlUJi, ; ,. .. . v*/r\. /4V * . : - - - - ^ |y ' J ' rr\ Bacon, OSHEN" BUTTER. . ' - at the Store ol 9 T5BTW P. 71/1 J&J&UH W Vlj I /;- (*' ' v * Sr and Drawers, . ; es and Half Hose, w Style Hats, &c., &< * INSPECTION ERRIN & CO. ; two or three nights, ar ell selected stock of ROVISIONS, lODWARE, M ) LOW FOR CASH. IS & CO. ?.H ' f : : 1 M? ' ECEIVING OTO ' ti>AU ^ A A iter uuuus, Mends at .as 101 ;ht in our market. ERRIN & CO. Shoes, J0h HOMEafefc JXICOS AND JPLUDWAB jnst reefed, at OKWOODjDuPRE & CO.S Sept. 30, ijgfc, 23?tf ccurately and promptly do G. A. DOUGLAS, ir arcb 2 1870, 48?12m 3, 0UM&U11& Ui. 6,1 W ' fi, | will Lease ib parts or ih the whole. ' Alstto ?he jmprovejpente are good, t^re ,; ?are aoMpamodatioiis far 25 car 30 laborers, 'ah&A fenced In good repair. % Between ,2afl and 300 acres are creek bottopi land, and almost 800 acres Q . The place can be treated #? pri^ vatcly, andwith ifc -will be loR^f desired, MUI/BS, EQBSES,^ STOCK i CORN, &c. ' ri' - -~t-J :< mill : ____, V. II UUI, DMiU, IV niu, MJO Apply to WM.^ YAilOk, at Jjy Abbeville C. V* copy tri-wee|jy ^till -v '- MONEY! MONEY! ? Wft Advanced Noa Cotton 5 ) Stopped through us to *1 DTov, Vftirt. ChArlfifttmiT o* iv * Baltimore. E' auailes, Berrpv& Cb. Oct. 4,1870, 24, tf" . niiAA?e & MappQ-rA-ni' VJLXVVMVI VW^>U.4*VVCW.WilXj just rocciVedi'at J? , NORWOOD, DuPRE & CO. Sept. 30,187X1, 23?tf Public Notice. ' PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made at toe next session of the Legislature, for a Charter of Itieorpora, ; tion of the Abbeville Agricultural Society. October 7, 1870. Tm * . , f.; W. , : . '