The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, February 25, 1870, Image 1

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THE ABBEYILLE PRESS AND BANNER. \ , ,n.-- I ; V/ i v^A ! ' . '5 W ' BY W. A. LEE ANp HUGH WILSON. - , ABBEVILLE, S. C., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1870. VOLUME XVII?NO. 4/1. I ' 'I mmm _ mrvTTTirr m i I - - - 1UYYJN lAAJib For I87Q. Abstract of Ordinance. The following Taxes have been Assessed for 1870: lical Estate, 20 cents on each (cash valuo) 8100.00. Every Pleasuro Carriage, or like vehiclo, 2 horses, $3.. Every Baroucho, Buggy, or like vc nicic, l florae, $2. Every Omnibus, Hack, Carriago,&c., for hire, 2 horses, $5. Every Buggy, Baroueho, &c? for hire, (1 horse,) $3. Every Ilorso, Marc, and kept for for hire, $1, Every Four Horse Wagon, &c., for hire, $5, Every Two Ilorse "VTagon, &c., for hire, $3. 5 cents on each $100 sales of merchandise, &e. tt AA T> r ! 1 m i;elites uu uucii i?iuu x ruiubsiuuui income. 5 cents on each $100 income from mechanical employ incut. 5 cents on cacli $100 income from keeping hotel, privato boai'ding house, livery stable, barber shop, &c Each Daguerreo typist, &c., who onens rooms. $1ft JL 1 W Each Dog, 50 cents. 5 per eent. on all transient persons, venders of patent medicincs shoes, leather, hats, tobacco, books,&c. Each show or exhibition, (other than circus,) not less than $5. Circus or equestrian performance, each exhibition, $25. Side shows to the same, if any, each $5. Retail License, quarterly in advance, $200. Quart License, $125. Each Billiard or other Table kept for gain, $75. Commutation Tax for Road Duty, $3. All Returns to be made by 1st April next, and Taxes to be paid by 1st May next. All defaulters to be double, taxed 1 -U-- * ' - ' *r iiuu cx?uuuoiib issued on 1st Alay next. Returns will be made to ROBERT JONES, Clerk and Treasurer. WM H. PARKER, Intendant. May 2, 1870. f_; v f. Farmers! Increaae jr>ur Crops and improve your Lands l>v usinp PH(EXIX GUAXO, . Imported bv u* direct fropi the VUceoix Islands wvpiw *#UUVUCV?U?: I r Wilcox, Gibbs & Co.'s MANIPULATED GUANO, Prepared at Savannah, C?i?., and Charleston, S. C., whfch has proved in the soil the best Manure in use. Guano, Salt ani Piaster Crapi, fA\*o prepared at Saviun?ih and Charleston, for sale for cash or on time by WILCOX, GIBBS & CO. IMPORTERS & DEALERS IK GUANOS. 99 BAY STREET, .-.AVANaa.J, GA. 6? EAAT BAY ST.. CHARLESTON. S. C. 241 BROAD STREET, AUGUsfA, GA. For farther information, address as abore for circular, or subscribe to Southern Agriculturist Ml r> M..VI I? J. -? MJ " v. *u\iMui|/njr ? vv.| ?i/ nu* got* and Savaunah, Ga., at the low price of gfic.. par annum JNO. KNOX Agent, Abbeville, S. C. Dee. 10, 1869, 33, 4m Greenville and Columbia Railroad. - ^ J GENERAL SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, Columbia, January 16, 18*70?M*a t&nfiae* awitai Jtsamc , ~i r rr.' ~ -Tz *,v'" 7r< ON'and after WRf>NF?DAV," January 19 thafolloiriiiff Schedule Will be run daily, Sun day excepted, connecting with Night Tr*ina or South Carolina Road, up and down,' and with Night Train on Charlotte, Colombia and Augusta Road goiog South,: Leav* Columbia, f.OO a m ?r "ArttoV " 'k 8:<o * m " Mewberry, . 10.10 a m Arrive Ahhevide* . S.OO.p m " Andera^n. 4.20 p m u Greenville, 6.00 pm Jl?aTe Gretntfllt, 5 45 a m ? - n Anderson, 6.25 a ra ' ' * - - Alib^ville, : .. S.^O a m ** Newbury, < lfc.86 m M Alaton, 210 ? m Arrive Columbia. 8.45 ft m The Train will return from Bolton to Ander ?ou on Monday and Friday mornings. % JAMES O. MBBED1TH. Geceral Sop NATIONAL MITEL, COLUMBIA, jS.' 6., . B01I'W; Pwgrfetoi TtU Joynar'a Omnibaa Lint, wbioh wi Hem* oogglee, CarriegVi, 4fo-, for biro o .oO f> QTXnH tf)oowrol! Li. ' ..." , I In the quiet of the evening Two are walking in unrest; Man ha? touched a jealous nature,? Anger burns in woman's breast. (Thoee arc neiiher wed nor plighted, Yettho uiaybe hangs as near And a? In.grant astti.' wild rose ( Which their garments hardly clear. And as briery, too, you fancy f t Well, perhaps so?some ead morn Once or buih may, for n moment, , Wish they never hud been born,) Ilnppv quips an J honest pleadings Melt with Filoiice or a sneer; But more keenly has she listened biuce she vowed bIic would not hear. Now a great oak parts the pathway. "Nature'll gratify your mood, To the riglif,?let -his divide you; It will all be understood." So Caprice, with childish weakness, Yet with 6iibtlety of thought, "Whispered in the ear of woman. Love with dread the answer sought. VTns it superstitious feeling Struck at once the heurts of two? Had l.e seen proud eves half sorry For what little feet must do ? Fir he 8tivtched"an arm towards her, Folding nothing but the air, Sitying nothing,?juvt the motion Drew, without offiiiding there. In the quiet of the eveuing Two are walking back again ; Ai tlic oak, their hnppy voices Whisper of a vanished pain. What if they to-night be plighted, And the maybe hangs more near, And more fragranftliati the wild rose "Which ilicir garments hardly elearl And more briery too you fancy ? Well, perhaps so. Thorns are ill, Hut love draws them out eo kindly. One must trust hiin cuuie what will. The Supreme Court?Lesn.1 Tnndprc - Tlie decision delivered a few days since by tlie Supreme Bench, in tbe ease of Hepburn, vs. Griswold, establishes tlie fact that "a contraot for the payment of monej made before the legal tender act ol the 25th of February, 18G2, had reference to the coined money, and could not be discharged, unless by consent, otherwise than by the tender of the sum due in coin, and that such contract, therefore, was in le?"iil irminrt u ' - - 0 JL WV&AV1UVU 1U1 IUU payment of coiu." Chief Justice ?haee, who delivered the opiiiioir, in discussing the manifest intention of the act, said: We do not think ourselves at liberty to say that Congress did not intend to make the notes authorized by it a legal teudcr iu payment ol I the debts contracted before the l?uH?ago 01 ine net. we are thus brought'to " the question whethei Congress lias the power to make notes, issued under its authority, a legal tender in payment of debts which, when contracted, were made payable by law in gold and eilvei coin. The delicacj' and importance of this question has not been overstated in the argument. Thif Court alwaj s approached the consideration of a question of this nature reluctantly, and its constanl rule of decision has been, and is, that the acts of Congress must be regarded as constitutional unless clearly shown to be otherwise. Bui the Constitution is the fundamental law of the United States; by i the people have created a Govern ment, defined its powers, prescrib ed their limits, distributed then I among $he different departments and directed in general the manne of their exercise. No departmen of the Government has any othe powers than those delegated to i by the people. All the legislativ powers granted by the Constitutioi belongs to Congress, but it has no legislative power which is not thti granted, and the same observatio: is equally true in its application t the executive and judicial powei granted respectively to the Pres dent and the Courts. All thee powers differ in kind but not i source or in limitation. They a arise from the, Constitution, an are limited by its terms. It is tli function of the judiciary to inte pret and apply the law to cases b tween parties as they arise for judj ment "We can only declare whj ' the law is, and enforce by propi - process the law thus declared. Bi in ascertaining the respective righ or nn.rt.ifiH. frtnnantlv hfimmw ? x-?Zl ~~t? eB&ry to consult the > Conatitutio ,! for there can;be p.DOrJ^ rffiQonsi < tent with the fbnd^eptel lai ot nitili tuijW oI> ionaej J? <ij j .HiM "idS c < ? *< .Wi: ?C? .*T.:uri?'l ? % tnc United States which shall b ' made in pursuance thereof, and al treatise made, or which shall b< made, under the authority of tli< United States; shall bo the Su prcmo law of the land, and tin judges of every State shall b< bound thereby, anything in tin constitution or laws of any Stat< to the contrary notwithstanding. o Not every act of Congress then ii to be regarded aa the supreme lav of tlie land; nor is it by every ac of Congress that the judges ar< bound; this character ami thii force belongs to such acts as ar< made in pursuance of the Consti tutiou. "When, therefore, a cas< arises for judicial determination and the decision depends on the alleged inconaiatonov rvf o _ J tivc provision with tlio fundamental laws, it is tlio plain duty of the Court to compare the act with the Constitution, and if the former cannot, upon a fair construction, be reconciled with the latter, to give effect to the Constitution ratlici than the Statute. This seems sc plain that it impossible to make it i? ? jjiiiniv;! vy urgument. it it be otherwise, tho Constitution is not the Supreme law. "It will be seen from this," says the Baltimore Gazette, "that the Supreme Court lias taken the opportunity, in this decision, to discuss the powers of Congress, the usurpations of which, although it docs not call them by that name, it evidently looks upon with some uneasiness. In the course of the opinion, Mr. Chase laid particular stress on the fact that the powers of the Government established by . the Constitution ?vere limited, and that the object of the Constitution ' was to regain the limited Governi nient from the exercise of powers not clearly delegated or divined by 1 just interference from powers dele' gated,' and that, where Congress ~ adopted measures prohibited by the Constitution, or 'under pretext ot exercising its powers,' passed laws for the accomplishment of objects not entrusted to the Government, it was clearly tlie painful duty of the Supreme Court to de1 clare that such law was not the law of the land. The decision itself, important ns it is, is rendered vastly more so by the able sound and independent manner in Which it is delivered. < It is a decision m"' "" /v,wi lllUlWO UI1U 1 feel for a momeut the Constif tution is not a myth, and liberty ' not a sham. The many points dis* cusecd by Chief Justice Chase as to * the rights of Congress to issue pa' per money, to declare it legal ten1 der for any debts whatever, to re1 sort to it as a war measure, are of ! secondary importance. There is, ' however, another question, incidents ally referred to, which a most im portant one. That is, the rights of * States to regulate their own cur rency, which Mr. Chase says they have the power to do, "subject as t has been lately determined, to the ? control of Congress, for the purJ pose of establibhing and secnring } a national currency.' Mr. Chase t does not say whether or not such - control is constitutional, as he now t bodily declares that the issue of - greenbacks, which he himself ad - vocatea ana tatiiored. was in some i respects if not in all, dishonest and 1 unconstitutional, there is no reason r that ho should not declare his own t favorite pet National Bank system r an outrage upon the Constitution t and a fraud upon the people." e a Manliness.?Dr. Agnew .thus dis t courses: Almost all young men be s tween tho ages of fifteen and thirty n five seem to be forgetful of the debtf o they aro accumulating against thoii a future health by bad habits. And here let me remind the reader thai ie habits may be bad and injurious, ever Q if they do not include tho praetioe o: U any of the grosser forms of bad liv , ing. Insufficient out-door life, un I taimnnakla 11? ' mwiwvv ivyiv vwnuiug, me ire? uso 0 >e tobacco, the daily or even occaaiona r" use of alcoholio boverages, the indql Q* gonce of impure thoughts, tho failuri ?- to nourish tho-brain by ongaging i At upon sach things as tend to lift thi 2r thoughts above that which is low, in at dicate, but by no means exhaust, th< ta Hat of b^d habits to be avoided c- Young, mdri often inherit a stock o n good heaItii..aa -th{5y..flometixaes.gD ' wealth, from tfceir snoestore, and . pre N dM&Wspendttt *S thdngteft WeW 4 t ^ punl^ffc&H4 ho age Of fifteen to tha 5n tiToforDe fef an activo^mwing yout It are vigoroos and almost inofthi&ttst of ble, But the reckoning time ?&m< ;j| MQV3&LT r?0 MUIiXGi vC v ^'/mr ^ ? e with absoluto certainty; llio debts ] unconsciously or ignorantly accuiuuc latcd must bo paid. B : A Trip to California. i 3 In turning ovor tbo pages of tho ^ Southern Cultivator, a monthly agri^ cultural magazine, which has been a favorite with us for many years, wo chanced upon tho following letter 3 from tho accomplished and amiablo * Dr. Joseph La Contc. It was ro^ freshing iudced to meot with stri2 king a contrast to tho desolation 3 which reigns around us here. We 3 arc gratified to learn from this mid - other sources of information, that 3 Drs. La Conto auil famines are happily established in their new homes, } and in the enjoyment of health and prosperity: Our Georgia and Carolina readers k will remember that tho political con^ dition of South Carolina, caused Professors John and Joseph Laconto to resign their chairs in tho South Car' olina University, and to accept posi! tions in the University of California. The following extract from a private letter to tho writer, by Dr. Joseph ; LeConte, descriptive o? his trip i across tho continent, scenery, topog, raphv. climate ^ ...... i |;iuuuulions of California, will bs found very i 11 teresting.?Ed. Cullivutor. Our trip across tlio continent was really .delightful. The sleeping cars are so admirable, tbat there is not the least fatigue. I was as fresh on arrival alter seven d;i3*s travel, night and day, as 1 was when I started from New ?perhaps a little more so. The scenery?so beautiful, so novel, so over varying?kept the inind in a state of constant pleasuablo excitement. First, the boundless and ti., U.w 1 r?-i uuu xuAui luijiiy green plains of the Pintle River Valley; then the excessive barrenness aud ruggedncss of tho Black Hills; then the deep and precipitous canons; then the desolation of the Salt Lake Valley, and the rainless alkaline plains ; then the woody flanks and snowy Kummils of the Sierras; and finally the fertile plains of California. Wo arrived I lie'fi in 1 " Jl * - ... v.<v luirtui |)ui ii ui i iic ury season?there hud been no rain for three or lour months. The country, therefore, was brown and sere, and the air du6tj-. The rain commenced about Bix weeks ago, and now eve grilling is green. With the first fall of rain iu October, the grass springs, the trees bud, flowers expand, and everything presents a beautiful appearance. In all the private grounds, howI A?f/vto * * ^Tur, mo gruen una ttie llowers arc kept up all the year, by artificial watering. The winter here is so mild as not to interfere seriously with the growth of vegetation. .. The most remarkable peculiarity o the face of the country, which strikes a new comer, is the want of forests. You have no doubt heard much of the magnificent forests of California; but these are confined principally to the slopes of the Sierras?there aro some magnificent forests, also, on the coast range. Such coniferous forests, I believe, aro not to be found anywhere else in the world- Besides the giant trees, (Sequoia aeigantea,) there is the redurvod tree, which often attains the diameter of fifteen or twenty feet, and a height of three hundred feet; the sugar pine and the pitch pine, each of which are often feet in diameter and three hundred feet high. A species of arbor vitas (haya) attains au equal size and altitude. About the Bay of San Francisco, however, there is nothing liko true forests. Imagine a bay five or ten miles wide, and twenty or thirty, miles long, dotted with islands, completely surrounded by beautifully picturesque mountains, fifteen hundred to throe thousand feet high, connected with tho Pacific only by a narrow outlet called the "Golden Gate," about a mile wide, between high, rocky promontories, and you will have some idea of this magnificent bay, certainly * one of tho finest harbors in the ? world. The mountains about the ' Knt? trV?A*?A 4\ ? t.uww va-? uiuutiLiuuu aro not L precipitous and rocky, are covcred & with green grass, and dotted over 1 txt4 K /ilnmna aP4*?ao 4 - >..*M viupujiv v* lui iuaig Hupuruie f parka ratbor than forests. The infin itely diversified soulpturings of theso *- mountains, produced by erosive agonf oios, are thus exposed to tho eye of 1 the geologist. , . I The moat romarkablo peculiarities a of the climate here aro: 1st. The alt tarnation of dry and wot season ; and, a 2d. The uniformity of temperature. - In speaking of the tvel season, you & not- suppose that there is con' slant rain. There is not more rait* in f ^the-wet *ea??ir than-we have in tho t winter east. Tfafc rain ?U1? ao gently f that much'less suffices. There" is in : "tt 9 er proportion?or fine aay? here than i- there. 7 Th? ^VfotfUO ifj thS? moat de>t lightfai season of the'year. The h ^af^en^u^hj^d h are bright. ThoMan winter temped i- atare is about(ihe same as in the low * wunixf MQ&i&S fctai extremei M 'Aafi rt<b . & xvu&<i tr-::T '.Us:a. ;>T?: j\ a jH. . #. aro not bo great. We liavoonly li( frosts; tho Biimmors aro ucvor so 1 as to produco tho slightest lassitu* tho suinmor aftornoons arc too coo really chilly. Everybody, thereto wears tho wamo clothing and flann all tlioycar round. This is tho co '.climate hero. In tho intorior 1 winters aro coldor; and especially i summer daj*s aro hotter?very h( but tho nights are always cool. N cr a night in California in which < docs not require a blanket. On \ Otlinr linnH ovuiw-jjf nro in w tcr?only a littlo morning and ov ing. Tho coast clitnnto farther So? is not afflicted by tho chilly i breezes of tho somraer afternoo The chilliness of tho winds spoken is duo to tho existence of an Art current off tho coa&t in this pr The cliuiate here is decided y invl rating?it has agreed with us all w derfully. Acts of the Legislature. I I AX ACT TO PROTECT TIIE KIFHTS PERSONS LAWFULLY IN POSSESSI OF LANDS AND TENEMENTS. Be it enacted by the Senate a TlnilCO f\ f* p ' ~ i-otrillitUYOS OI t State of South Carolina, now n and sitting in General Assemb and by the authority of the sail That after iinal judgment in an j tion to recover lands and teucmci in favor of the plain till", if the c fondant has purchased the Ian and tenements recovered in su action, or taken a lease thereof, those under whom he holds, 1 purchased a title to such lands a tenements, or taken a lease then supposing at the time of such pi chase such title to be good in f< or such lease to couvey and seci the title and interest therein ( pressed, such defendant Bhall eutitled to recover of the plainl in such action the full value of improvements made upon su lands by such defendant, or the under whom he claims, in the ms ner hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. The sum which la 6liall be found, at the time of t rendition of such judgment, to. wortli more, in consequence of ir provements so made, than it woi have been had no such improv mcnts or betterments been mac shall be deemed to be the value such improvements or bettermen Sec. 3. The defendant in su action shall, within forty-eig hours after 6uch judgment, or di ing the termof the Court in whi the same shall be filo complaint against such plaintiff 1 so much money as* the lands ai tenements are so made better, the office of the Clerk of su Court, which shall be sufficic notice to such defendant in su complaint to appear and defe against the same, and all subi quent proceedings ahull be had accordance with the practice p: scribed by the Code ot Procedu Sec. 4. The Court on entry such action, shall stay all such pi ceedings upon the judgment c tained in the prior action, until final judgment shall be obtained tbe prior action, until a final jut ment shall be rendered in this i tion; and the lands and tenemci so recovered shall be held to spond to any judgment which sh be rendered on such complaint, the same manner and for the sai time as if the same shall be atta< I ed on mesne process. ?eu. 5. Execution on the juc ment rendered in such action sli issue only against the land andjt< ements recovered, as in section and shall not. in any case, ise against the gocds and chattels other lands of the defendant, Sec. 6. The plaintiff, in an acii for the recovery of lands and t< ements, shall recover nothing the mesne profits of the land, t cept on such improvements as w? made by hini or those under wh< he claims. Bec. 7. The foregoing provisi< relating to betterments, shall i extend to any person who has, to red on lapd by,virtue of any, c tract made with the legal owner such land, unless it shall appear, the trial of the actioto of the cs 'tha1> such owuer has neglected Pni-fi 1 6iviil% lrtrt?v^4in a4 \*ZL iuiui ouvu wuuavi uu ui9 part, which caaa such person in post slot* shall,be entitled to alltbppr : lege hereinbefore providefl ->; 'thoetftfh'o Stored5 upon afftf ittt . prpoeediwga. .^hdV*teMkmimk > )lmd -' halls be held-' in the e? tl.nm 'V I'** ' ?**; ? ' u 1 out #*<? *41 1 >U ti "?v I'.fc, i K~... ' - > ;lit teenth day of January, in the j l>ot year of our Lord one thousand t J?i eight hundred and seventy. * l- CIIAS. W. MONTGOMERY, ? ,ro' President pro (cm. of the Senate. 0,8 FRANKLIN" J. MOSES, Jr., oof ' Lho Speaker of the House ot Represeu- , the Natives. )t. Approved the 19th day of Jan- t ov'_ uary, A. D. 1870. t )no " ROBERT. K. SCOTT, 1 Lhc Governor. H 41 in enltlj Our Indian Policy. Ii sea a ids. A Plea foii the Red Max. a i of v :tic CIcorgo Catlin, who has spent bo 1! irt. many years among tho Indians, lias go- addressed a feeling letter to Gcner- ^ on- al Sheridan in reference to the lattcr's n treatment of the lied Men, from P which tho l'uilu/,ing extract aro 8 made: J*' Yon ary commanded to "sweep tho 11 whole country," to drive from their ^ OF habitations and hunting grounds, and " 0\ /Venn the grave* of their paraoU and children, the whole entire population 11 of 1.500,000 s(j^!i*ro miles into restrict- Hl n(| od and gameless and \Torthlesa rcscr jic I vations, in which starvation will be Cl 1 ^ inevitable : and out of the limits of l' ict I . which you ai'o commanded to treat u all Indians as "enemies of war"?that 1C> is, to put them to death ii" they do rl lc" not surrender to your arms, and give 11 you their country, to he occupied by *5 tc- squatters. The history of tbe world l{da records no decree like this. Brave | a ch soldiers and gallant officers, I have 11 or been over tbe ground. 1 know the. " tus pcoplo and I know the diiliculties ^ nd yuU have to encounter. You go S1 30f in obedience to tbe government -of ir_ your country. "The government ^ 2C must protect the citizens" (protect ? ^ j them iu possession of another peo^ I plo's lands and iu the robbery of their Cl ^ i uin/ means 01 existence.) itocolleut c' I that the government of your country 11 1 i '-in protecting her citizens'' destroys a race and gains a continent. This & ch may be a "necessity" and it may not, l' >60 but it will be for history and not for * ' tn- you to decide. For the inhuman (j massacre but a short time siuco of c nd 500 poor CheyetineB (massacre with he treachery) did the government of bc your country punish any one ? Had y n_ not the Chcyennos a right to do it ? p For subsequent destruction of a Cl^cy- ci c_ enne village, and the massacre of eve- tl ry man (102) with the capture of 53 \n ^ warriors, and 900 horsos, (who we are o told by the Indian agent, were friend- n Iv. and on th?ir wnv (n n ? . j ? c" ed reservation,) has the government p 'lit punished auy one ? And had not tho b ir- Cheyennes a right to retaliate. S ch The atrocities of these horrible C a scenes, in this age of "glorious civili- h for zation," surpass in cruelty anything s< nd the invasions of Cortez, of Pizaro, ti Jn and Do Soto, and the Americau journ- si ck als tell rne that you have recently si ,nj. surprised a camp, (village?) of the tl ck Cheyennes, killed fifty two .warriors, I , and captured 400 horses, and four tl bv/uo i/i uixcu uuuuiu Qltai/| ido only l'1 and last means of their existance. A 111 Oh, mercy, mercy! A small and o re~ friendly tribe when I lived among b re* them thirty-five years since. Where o are they going ? Wha'. have they o fO- done? How many of them now ex- I >b- ist, and who havo got possession of n a their lands, their buffaloes, and wild in horsee. [g. God, perhaps may forgive my counac try for such cruel warfare, and O, for ^ its my country's sake, that thero could ^ re_ bo a solvent for history, to erase such records from its pages. The govern- ? jn mcnt of j'our country that sends you 1 with cannons, with sabres and revol- 0 ^ vers, to "sweep" theso people out of ^ their country (and consequently, from the face of the earth) has been proud c before the civilized world, in assum- ^ a'* ing and exercising a "guardianship" n Jn~ over theso poor people, denominating 1, them its red children," and instruct- 1 me ing them to call the President of tho a or United States their "Great Father," 8 which they havo always a"d every- 8 on whore obediently done ; and, when e an- your swords are drawn, forgot not | ? for that just when tho f\ill rights of ex_ American citizenship havo been mag- a nanimously granted to 4,000,000 of ? Africans, tho blows you are dealing C>Da aro to disfranchise an independent. Cand the only American) race, and 1 Hls show to tho pbsorving world, and re- * "cor4. in tho page$ of history, the sin- k en- gular <ino?nal^ ?(C>a . ftn infunt,icidal r on- war) of a father inheriting d whole * ?f continent from his dying children. . ,r >. ?.? j ti. on ^ >. f i t [ ise, 1 t' R*PPAJMED.?A young roan named 1 jn '6alley, of Edgefield District, S. C., 1 jea^ wiU purflUed to thiB city on Friday, < . . by bis father, from whose coffers it i ivi? seems ho had abstracted flOO, to de- j 1?* fray the espbuawo? ft Wosterii trjp". i :The*poMo<? arrested and -hold the ybfln^Ttoto tontibyest Onlay* jnorjfting, tfbfc -WCttVcrfag $00 of the mto?ib#!X?<toey; w9' The penitende of thejtoah&ttMrt Jtfiov-' tech ed uptfn- thefathet's heart, aiid ho rf a vu allowed to nt?m horn* with his * ***** , JlOfl k!-?u33 Zffil otJUltoi> 1. r .>.1^;: ,! C j tsivJ J mrcnt, yesterday, without prosecu;ion for bin IVocilom willi tho oio lomau's greenbacks.?Augusta Ckroncle. -- ' # Riokety Legislatures in tlie Soutli. Tbo reconstructed Legislatures iu bo Ronlli ni'fi m>t. ? ?niiww ' >>" ? ho Republican purl}'. lieu Bullet* limself could not look upon them and ay truly in his benevolent way, Bless yo, my children." CJreely no oubt execrates and curscs them in lis heart of hearts, while Sunnier lone, whoso heart delights in war nd slrife. may be able to loolc on ritli inward satisfaction. The Louisuia Legislature is engaged, it would oem. in a general garao of grab, 'ho Governor, from his own statelent, seems to bo the only honest ublic official in the State, and he is 0 unexceptionally honest that ho ufnscd one hundred thousand dollars 1 bribes merely for signing bills 'ho dusky members, besides, have censed all sorts of Sunday games, of liich Southern darkies are so fond, iiIiI it is reported that the principal Lrects of New Orleans arc luminous itli siirns of "Faro. Keno. &c... PI:.v. J ' ' ? - "V J Ilcro" In the Florida Le^i.-lature lie littlo game of impeachment lias eetl played again, the Governor beig the party oil trial. He was acquitted, but ho telegraphed imtncditely to his representative in Coiiress to gay that all the Federal Kad al office holders worked solidly gainst him. The Alabama Lej_i !aire, with a heavy carpet-bag majory, has been quarrelling with th?overnor over the proper mode ol [jelling; the North Carolina Legisiture and her Governor and Auditor, etween them have placed the credit f the State in danger; Mississippi lireatens to put the Senatorial Iiadiuls in a dilemma bv sending a. color d member to theUni'td States Selite j the Arkansas Legislature and overnor Clajuon had to carry on a uerrilla warfare for month* before liey could secure their positions, and eorgia?well, when wo speak of leorgia even Philosopher Greely's apaeity for swearing fails to do jus ee to the subject. This is a very poor showing for four ears of reconstruction. Tho system ursued by the lladicals aimed e*peially at bringing tho States ba<-k so ;?roughly Republican that they ould never give us any more Dumcratic trouble. But even this has ot succeeded. The States are only republican for the moment, Tho resent Legislatures are enough to lot all the Republicanism in the outh, and the Radical leaders in lonKfess eeem to know it. for thov ? * J avo tried to patch Virginia together 3 as to bo sure of her, and are still pying to patch Mississippi in the xxao way. In fact, the wholo reconduction system has resulted in a bing of shreds and patches that the ladicals cannot trust. They fear liat Heed of Florida, is a broken eed; that the radicalism of Smith, of ilahama, is mythical; that Holden^ f North Carolina, does not feel much eholden to tho pnrty ; that Bullock, f Georgia, is likely try to gore his wn friends, and that Warmouth of jouisiana, like Dawes, is talking too luch out of school.?New York Herald.. ' _ % ' The Dignity op Agriculture."? n an article in the "Rural Carolinan >r February, by our fellow-citizen, V. P. Starke, Esq., tho remarkable tatemcnt is made that "the valley of Igypt. comprising an area of about ne-fifth of that of South Carolina, ras covered, in the days of Diodorus iculus, with 15,000 cities and towns, ontainiug a population of, perhaps, ,000,000." The sanio writer relarks: "The tillage of soil, in all its opera ions, is but a series of beuutifnl garbles of the tilluge of tbe mind and oul of man. So full of digbiiy and anctity was agriculture to tbe wisst of people, that tho King of anoint Egypt, himself a priest, went arth from his palace, after tho anuuI subsidence of tho Nile, accompalied by tho priests, and laying his mod to the plow, opened tho first arrow of tho year. In this way, was b declared in the most solemn man?or by tho people, lb at God and;/the st&tohomored human labor, and that lothing was more sacred and dignifi;d than tilling the soil and -making >read 4or wvo. , ; Are we wiser ? ; Is it more honwP *ble and man like; for a you^h, to .voigh out penny-worths of sugar, ol to mix drugs, or to vqx Rio hard Roe, Dr to walk the streots in cfjrls ahd pomatum, than with Wredarrn^jM ptrjke the plow share AnT^^G^iSrtfi and ada to tio tff[JfojU anlttiogranfyeK^ as thank Go3?l^i. slavery is doiM with, art3 tht? -IK&oihAIP mat* daf laboVft like the ibrtl the to behold the teftrtiir.JE a ! T 3 as ci' ivq v ir.?t V, r) JF .^K I.'i ^r':' \ 1 tilled by bis own bands, our }ohr)?_, men may learn bow noble and l;ii liko a tiling it is, and how peered" tn worR the earth." . | Isabella, onco queen of Spain, charged with having stolen ; crown jewels. Well, the thin.,; apt of good credit. It is hoc i. likely that the queen did pau>:o her flight, like JSessiea. in oriM _ - 1 " 5' 1 ' ' self with a treasure to whit!. : may have thought she had a <1 ; = Still, it is ouly fair to recoiled tl.. this kiud of charge is always rn;; against fugitive sovereigns, eveti fugitive rulers who never v. on. a crown. There was, for iusumcr a scandalous and an unfoumkd ,u. cusation made against KossutU o' the same kind?carrying oft Hun garian regalia and jewels and <vivv. such portable property. '1 hi charge may bo taken as a rcgul:s = part of the agenda of every dethronement ; it may, perhaps, pro ? a hit in Queen Isabella's case; 1. . it is right to remember that it lr: in many or most other cases mic.;~ ed its mart. Isabella, doubllo. h s sinned so deeply that two < three accusations more or ica.could hardly affect her reputaiijt in the eyes of the world. )<u there are some stories told ot he. ?such as her wearing, tlirousif religions fervor, the cast off tinder garment* of Sister IV.trocino? which really have not a grain < truth in them, and which yet wil' always be repeated and believed b^ the public. We read, lately, a bit ter attack it a New York paper on Geueral Prim, the purport of which was that he was Isabella's lirst lover, 4.1 ' ' > iinu uieremre snouiu neve? have helped to drive her from the throne. Now we really don't know whethe: Prim ever was or was not a lovci of the queen ; but even if ho did occupy that easily obtained position 25 years ago, we hardly think that would he a substantial reason, politically or morally, for his acquiescence in the perpetual enslavement and degradations nf liianrmn try. It* Isabella did :qhoose to lavish her favors, as other libera1 sovereigns lavish orders, that hardly is a reason why tho favored one o twenty years syne should never after be allowed to rise to the dignity of manhood and patriotism, and prefer the country which is always his to the worthless miss who flung herself at him for the hour. ' * ^" 1 7 Family pride notoriously-1 talcfes the oddest ways sometimes of asserting itself. The little Loiidon c/amiu in "Punch," exults over n. ragmuffin companion on the ground that "my mother can whop your mother." A still odder illustration came, not very long since, under our knowledge. There was a family living in Paris?we shall..-not say from what they came; but they were not French, and they habitually talked the language'the Anglo-Saxon race?and'this fsimily one evening received a visit11 fi*0m ? TGI i * a. uuouiiig jnugiiBu iaay novelist, who lias a French name, and' is found of writing romances about delightfully wicked young heroes. i The hoBtess, during the course of ? ! the eveuing's conversation, 6p(oko in language of admiration about i one of tl>e fair novelist's most delicious and diabolical characters, and then said, meditatively ^JIc I quite reminds me of brothet.-Ed ward." "Your brother?'>'him whom I met here?" QskB the novelist, with a slight expression of der ami scorn in her tbWfe's. " "Ybs; don't you think there !W*a -fei5mi blauce V" Wliy' in'y^tle'ar Sirs. >' , r*V m in ij fir I :?, v.our brother.seems to . me I . 11. . . ... ,'J t; ' */ J.v~i nil.IT ? just a good, respeetuble gere defamI tlc^y , "I beg yourpar&f^^j^ins 1 the matroii,. with flash terep^j'i^e is nothing of the 80rt*rjsq4asf girls were not present ImoohWU*;c11 ' you things of my brpthtov which would postttWW^^aptouirii' I^ou." The' croAtrtlfc 3f ch'6Hiiiiig- wickedness had'ttdtMd gW<J6 fcufcW bow her tffeftf Shd'^fstt'-'fticefnlly to 1 M&SW (5t?lMtfgh' "hfl "fiBr" tbrother feclward ^aisja'si> &a.#rekt n [i > sS\v i;.L, , [,-ft viflrli" ? , pcppndrel as ttye ^qs^^o^lar of hor own heroes. r ,r or , . f ; r V-? t >i .^crT I )?Tho PrdB^iah-G&v?WirtibnHlM{m il,< 'efftry^ footNjfMtao'fcn-i> tor^/w'cbrflpletlsltKaA.'Uv^flywlsiHjf ra^ ;Hnwrt84>iwat^f^o^^.ciu^py# 11 is 0 U CQw?w>intljqiii. 9j) ^rjnesi^ fuj^ary 1 tQKuv4**fc*i tfrift i can |o<?wefltr^tf4^tjUt^o^woof i aity '> 1.1 c* ? ? n i ,'.1 V I,'ii> frntnon n * "u -mn*-: ^a'.Ai idi'-?i*inhf iaoiqoit *::?.i'ffv viI ^Aiiirf r^coi cfk a*dr ?U\? ,' 4 ' ' '' .