THE PRESS. .A.bbeville, S. C. W. A. LEE, EDITOR. TF.ftMS?Three Dollar* * year in advance or No Subscription^ tv.Ven tor a shorter time thau six months. Friday, February 18, 1870. tssegs-i ' -gi L THE THIRD PART? MOVEMENT. For eomo time past, a number ol' our exchanges?tho Charleston i\r?u># and Courier, llio Andy the selection of honest and capablo men to oillce, is of .paramount importance to us, and, over-riumg an questions oi national interest, scorns io be conceded by all of our oojitemporaries, but they differ Among themselves, as to the necessity and practicability of dropping parly names and ijiarty organizations for effecting the. end in view. They will concede that it is moro important that a Stato officer be honest and capable, than that he be either a Democrat or Republican?that the Stato Government bo well administered, than that the questions of finance, currency and the thousand and one issues which divido national parties bo satisfactorily adjusted ?but some will contend that thoso ends can as well, if not bet tcr'bo attained, through tho existing party organizations, or even if otherwise, that it is impracticable to effect a union and coalition of parties. Let us consider these points for one moment. 1st. Is it necessary to drop party names and party organizations to effect the end in view ? Are thero not honest and capable Democrats, honest and capablo Republicans ? and cannot each of the great parties furnish all sufficient material for tho due ad ministration of the Stato Government ? We suppose that no one doubts it? at least it is charitablo to concede it. Why thon should thcro be a union of parties; or rather an obliteration of party lines, in the prosecution of local ends, and tbe advancement of domestic Interests? For tbe very reason that we have assigned,?that there are honest and capable men in both parties, and that upon the paramount questions of State policy there is nothincr to divide thpm. Tn nnnwrnr thou to the interrogatory -with which we commenced this paragraph wo may respond, that though it is unneccsear}to effect the end in view, that there be this union of parties, yet that it seems to be eminently proper, that men or' all partiesjshould unite in the prosecution of ends in which they have an equal interest, and about which they have no essential difference of opinion. Hht 2- ? * 1 " " ajuu *mu, jb ib pracucaoie r can Democrats and Republicans be induced to lay aside thoir party names, break up their party organizations, and unite tipon a broad common platform, in electing honest and capable ttlon to office, during tho coming elections? We think the answer to this question depends upon the Republican party of tho State? and until \re Democrats have seme assurance that thd leaders of1 that party are wiliihg to Unite with us, it is worse than useless to abandon our .colors? deBert the Democratic camp?and unfurl a n3w banner emblazoned with the Words "liberty, equalitj' and fratornity," for the purpoeo of tolling from their allegiance "tho rabble rout," the rank and file of Republicanism. Sttch We understand to be the position Of the Charleston News, tho Co1?u.L!. ht ... jumuiu s~nasmx, ana otner lending journals of the State. If Republican6 wish us to be no longer Demo 61:4ta, they must cease to be Republicans. They must meet us on hall Waygfround. "Will they do so? We h&ve v9hrd intittiations to that effect; of JjVoposals that would likely ema nale from the leaders of the Repub lica'n party. Let them assume a deffbtti qnape and policy, and it will then fee time enough for us to determine wheihe* of not, we will accept them. In the'tfeetawhile wo await the prdgreea of events. The Columbia Guardiai taggosta a convocation 'of the ti*r$ (tat?the newapaperprosa?for the jmjrjpMOBe of afearing harmony of view,aodfr.premature to hold^afl assembly of newspaper men, or delegates' of the' people, whether it be prOpofeed to light a Democratic battle, or enlist lander a Ootomon Rc'publico? Democratic flag. If Republican" Wiah ? mrinri wftTt ? " - /v?lMVVr?P?) tb*m t*?a the (oitUtlre. It, howew, there be no "aUUn'de, oAtiivii Mid defonehr#"?4et tu tiiifarl the old tamer, Md nriae the old beUl* cry, We were Democrat*^reeterday," ije be "to-dey end forever." ?# * w ? ** -V "Village Improvements.?Wo liavo before this advorted to the wiso and t liberal policy of our present efficient o Town Council in repairing the public r streets and effecting othor improve ments, which conduecd equally to the a beauty of our Town nnd the comfort t of our citircns. It givjs us plcasuro to refer now to another work of thisjli character which has just been finished jn v?iv V Uivuv VI tliu JL'UUllC Spring?which as it always has been an attractivo feature and ornament of a our Town, is now doubly so. A substantial wall of masonry surrounding } tho Spring supports an undulating tcrracc, which protects it from over- \ flow, a capacious culvert bears off its own bold, limpid current, whilst a t beautiful picoo of brick masonry in the shape of a "Spring House," com- I pletcs tho picture. Tho work re- 8 fleet* credit upon all concerned.? Messrs. Edward lioche & Wm. Magill, I tho contractors, nnd Messrs. Enright s; & Smith, and JJ. O'Connor, for wood, stone, and brick work. a j\Yc copy from the Columbia Guardian the following complimentary I notice of one of Abbeville's most I promising young men: j ^ J '-The monthly address before thej.^ /Society of Missionary Inquiry' was: j( j delivered on Monday evening in tho ! ouiimiary cnapei, uy .Mr. J. I1, ljati-jj, i in or, of Abbeville. Mr. Tj., who is a |g i licentiate of the Theological Semina-jp ! ry, and who has on previous occasion! ^ (given evidence of no ordinary degree i of talent and attainments, pfescnted Ij p j the subject of missions in his j-?ecu-j I liarly earnest, conciso and effective (| stylo. The next address will be do- J t livered by Tiev. l>r. Howe, and thei^ I the succeeding that by the Rev. J. js 'jDwight Witherspoon, of Memphis, I TeunV' I '1 The Legal Tender Act.?Tho u Supremo Court of tho United States. g has decided, Chief Justice Chase de- ^ livering the opinion, that thoLcgalij, Tender Act of Feb. 25, 18G2, is tin-1 g constitutional as to all contracts made I before its passage. The Court hadjj, previously decided that a contract for j j, the payment of coin, might bo en-!<3 forced specifically. Tho validity of"! B, the Legal Tender Act as to debts jw mado since its passage, and which if, bear npon their face no reference to C| coin, has not yet been decided. JOS?" Wo direct attention to the advertisement of Messrs. Waller & y w- vllVV.IUtUUU, ? 11IUU llj)- 1 g( pears in another column. Theso gen- 0 tlemen are merchants of established p character, and keep always on hand a a largo select stock which they are sel- ^1 ling on reasonable terms. They ad- cj voriiso in addition to their select p stock of dry goods, a choice variety 0 of grocerioa. Our frionds will find ]( it to their interest to give them a call Legislature.?A general election n law providing for an election on the tl Third Wednesday in October next, is o ponding before tho Legislature. Its ct provisions are verv similar t.n Miaro n or the last general election law. a The bill introduced into the Senate J by Wright, for allowing compensation t? to attorneys appointed to defend crim- c< inals, has vory properly been i*eported against^by the Judiciary Committee. * $ ?4?? 81 Jt?* Messrs. Miller & Eobortson t< make an earnest appeal for money to a such of their patrons as are in arrears. Their own obligations must be met r promptly, and they beg their friends h to remember this, and assist them in ^ so doing. This is only fair. Pay up I bj* the 1st of March. i1 B?- Tlic weather during tho past week has been warm for the season, ^ I with heavy washing rains. Tho winhas been unusually mild. A writer ^ thinks tho chango is permanent, and attributes it to a chango of the Gulf stream nearer to our Atlantic coaBt, caused by volcanic eruption. 1 r I] The Ladies' Monument Ab&d eiation, met hero on Monday last, an organization effected, and commit- I tees appointod, for soliciting subscrip- h Hons. "We were promised a copy of f tho proceedings for publication, but i havo not yet received it. .1 ( Armstrong, Cator & Co., the well known jobbers of Baltimore, Md., | advertise a choice stock of ribbons, ^ millinery and straw goods, to whioh we call special attention. Mr. JT. C. Derby, the eminent New York publisher, is about establishing the chief office of the Southern Pub, liahing Co., in Augusta, Ga. j m j f 1 See advertisement of tho set i , tlemont of the estate of G. D. Palmer, e ; deceased, on the 18th inst., by A. J- t ? Fnrgneon, Administrator. 1 . See notice of fresh arrivals at ^ the JSmporfam of Fashion?also a & small lot of ahe$? offered at cost. * tor We publish by request an ar- ' ticle fVpm the Charleston. CourUr, in behalf of the 9. C? B. R. J BflU iCra. Ba?tfc Britt, offers a re- t ward of 126 for ike rM^rery of a t stolen horse. \ J Sales op Land.?Wo are indebted o Mr. James A. McCord, the Surveyr, for the following statement of eoent sale* of land in the "Mulberry" ection of our District, which afford rdditional evidouce of the upward endency of the prices of real estate : Fifty acres of furuut laud was sold y C. Jj. Smith to Alexander AI. Aycw for $15 per acre. Tifiilirn nl.l <5^1.1 1 "IT A t) W1VV Ul UIU IIV.IU, I J\ 1 . !"oung to George Shirley, lor $15 per ore. Three acres by Isaac Riehey to Y. foung, for $>1G per aero. Thirty acres by J. N. Alexander to Vm. Whitley, for $9 per aore. In tho Warrenton neighborhood ho following tracts were sold : Ono hundred and forty acres, by ). R. Penny to Win, II. Brooks, for 500?mostly old field. One hundred acres by Wm. II. {rooks to Morris Boyd for 8300? amc quality. On none of thoso tracts was there ny improvements. tnusteks op ttie Dk TA\ Howe 'state.?Tho Columbia correspond, nt of tho Charleston Jicpuhlican rites : Tho Committee on Education j ? the House, to whom was referred a jint resolution appointing trustees'ofi lio La llowe Estato," will report! ccommending the adoption of tho | ubstitute, of which section 1 ap-j oints L. L. Guflin, IT. J. Lotnax, \V. i ). Mars, Thomas Jones and L. P.j iuiiiu, Trustees of llic estate of John j )e La Howe. Seetiorr2 provides that within ton J ays from the passago of thi.s resolu- i ion, or on demand of the newly ap- j ointcd Trustees, tho present Trustees hall turn over to tho new Trustees 11 property belonging to the said este in their possession ; and ;tlie new trustees are authorized to take eonrol of said property, and use itcxelu-j ively for tho purposes iudicatod in i?? ?-;n t?i.~ T-k.. r _ tt Liv Dill VI HIV Jiiu; JUlllJ i/U iJU 11UWU, i .7 i accordance with the laws of this tatc pertaining thereto." What is in the wind now? "What i meant by administering tho trust ) "accordance with the laws of the tate?" To convert it into a mixed chool of blacks and whites ? That ill never do. They may divide the ind, or appropriate it wholty, but stallish a mixed school?never. The Greenville Enterprise.? his joarnal comes to us much en i : -i T. . ? * - i ngeu uiiu unproved, it is amy edit-i d by Cel. G. F. Towncs, and is one ofj ur most welcomo exchanges. Its ublishers are practical printers and ro sparing no pains to make it wortiy of the District, and of the large irculation -which it cnjoyH. It is ublished weekly in the growing city f Greenville, by J. C. & Edward Bai>y, proprictoi's. In pursuance of the recomlendation of tho Grand Jury, at lie last Tefm, the Eastern cntranco c ii i v^uui i j-Luutiu, im uemg convertd into a room for the County Comlissioners. Messrs. Enright & Smith, ro doing tho wood work, and Mr. ohn Combe, tho masonry and plasjring. It promises to bo a neat and Diumodious apartment. "VVe learn from tho Chronicle k 'entinvl that tho Angusta dealers have old this season!8ome thirtv thousand ans of fertilizers, worth over two and half million of dollars. Will not bo various Depot agents in our Distict bo so good as to inform us what avc been received at Ninety Six, lew Market, Greenwood, Hodges, )onaldsville and Abbeville, respectrely? BS?~ Seo advertisement of the sale f some personal property of Jas. C. !alhoun, dee'd, at tho offico of Messrs. >errin and Cothran, on tho 8th of larch, next. It has been determined to hold Fuir of thn finnt.h Pnmlinn Tr?o?w..?^ n Charleston on tlio 15th November icxt. ttSee notice of frosh arrivals at 5arker & Lee's?drags, books, fish looks and lines, ?fcc. 86T". J. W. Trowbridge & Co. advertise twelve bushels of pure Peeler /otton Seed for sale. S&* See advertisement of Dr. I. branch, the agent of the Piedmont & Arlington Life Insurance Co. In the United States House of Representatives, on Thucsday, daring ho discussion about mileage aud pay >f members. troo ? is?1? ? ?. It. S02sDLEY, Agent. j IjATI-iST QUOTATIONS OF I SOUTHERN SECU11ITIES, II IX CHARLESTON. S. C., i! Corrcclcd. Weekly by A. C. A'.-l UFMAX, Tito Ikcr, No. *25 Broad Street. T1-1 I luuruury it, ibVU. j Statu Skcurium.?South Cnroluia. old.? I ?82 ; l and '02 10a? Planters' and Mechanics Bank of > Charleston ?a? 'People's Bunk of Cliorlestou ,.?a? . Union Bank of Charleston ?a? Sou hwestern R It Bank of Charleston, o il ?a? Southwestern U ft Bank of Charleiton, new ?a? State Bank of Charleston 3a? , Farmers' and Exchange Bank of Cliar' leston ?a} F Exchange Bank of Columbia 10a? Commercial Bank of Columbia 2a? Merchants' Bunk of Cheraw 3h? Planters' Bank of Fuii field Sa? State of South Carolina Bills Receivable par.? City of Charleston Chnnge Bills pa-.? Bills marked thus (" ) are being redeemed at the Bank Counters of each. TO THE WORKINO CLASS.?W? are now prepared to fhrniah all riwei with gonlmt employment at homtih> whole of the time or for the apare momenta. Buaineaanew, light and profitable. Feraona of either aex eaally earn from ' AJc. to t6 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time tothehtiaineaa. Boysandgirlaearn nearly aa muchaamen. Tbatall whoaee thia notice may aend their addre*a( and teat tho buaincas. wc maka thia unnnrall^lMi i offer t Totuchaiarenot well Rati*fled, *o will tend $1 to pay for the trouble of writinjr. Full particulmra, a valuable ample which will do to coromencc work on, and a copy of The jPcopU's literary Companion one of the largest and bMt fktnilv newBpapera published?all sent free t>y mail. Header, if you want permnnrnt, profitable work. addrtss ' E. C. ALLEN k CO* Augusta, MAISK. \ Tiik Blessixo ok tiik Age.?No move Sick Headache, no more Dyspepsia, no more Iiuli gestion, no more Pile. no more Cliille, no more Liver Complaint, no more Jaundice, no more i Pain in the Back, no more Kiduey Disease, no more Coativeueks, no more Heartburn. Tutt'a Vegetable Liver Pill is a certain guarantee , against all these distressing complaint*. Feb'y 16, 1870. 43? 2t EUREKA LODGE, NO. 47, A. F. M7 A regular Communication of Eureka Lodge will be held in the Lodge Room at Ninety Six, on Thursday, > March 17, 1870, at 7 oclock, P. M. , Brethren are requested to be punctual i in attendance. By order W. M. JOHN H. GAMBRELL, 1 Secretary. Feb 15, 1870, 43, 4t : ~sovzam. i ~ THE COMPANY, a copartnership known as 4,ibeDorn Mining Company," and heretofore carrying on bnsiness at the Dorn Mines, so called, in Abbeville District, and State of South Carolina, was dissolved on the 14th of October last ' (I860), and no longer exist*. C. H. McCORMICK, R. M. FUNKHOU8ER. - Feb. 11, 1870, 42?8t . .. Public Sale. ' . . _ . .. v . > ' ? WILL sell by public auction at I Abbeville O. H., on Sale day in Marchne^t, several notes, belonging to the estate of Archibald Bradley, dec'd. " ' . - "2 f 7 -l Term* Casb. W. x. BSADLEY, Agont for Administrator. Feb. II, 1870, 42-2* t SALS OJF PERSONAL PROPERTY! BY permis.?on of the Judge of Probate I will offer at public sale cn Tues duy after Sale Day iu March next, being the 8th day of the month, the following property of the Estate of the late Jatues fj. Calhoun, E*q. 1 Iron Safe, 2 Book Cases, 1 Desk, 1 lot of Chairs, &c. S:llo to tnlrn nlnnrt ot il,? ?(!!..? -f ?r ? _ __ .... |..,tw aw vno uuiCO ?/I iUeSBTB I Perrin &. Colli ran, where the property may lie seen until lime of axle. Teuns Cash. B. M. CALHOUN, Adminibtraliix. Feb 17 1880,43, 3t ABOUT one-lit If of the Goods Fold bv me'chnnts are bought for Net Cash or tliir'y days?the remainder is bought on two, thrc*, and four months' lime, sinl to fail to meet their obligations at matnriiy, is ruinous to their credit. One of us will leave about tl>c 1st of March for New York to make purcba=cs lor Ll 10 Spring and Summer, nnd to do '.his wo must have MONEY. We now i make a second appeal to tho>o who lire indebted to us to come forward by 1st March and liquidate thesamo. Miller & Robertson, Feb 18, 1870, 13?if /V W o, -D/m* ~ A VUlUMOrl'lSUIl. "Look ca this Picture, then on That." TIIE Equitable Lifts Insurance Co., lost l>y death, in 1808?185?1 in every 150 insured. The Piedmont and Arlington lost in 1808, but 10, 1 in every 312 insured. The Equitable issued in 1808,? 2873 policies, insuring to the amount $8,508,550. The Piedmont fc Arlington issued, in 1 SCR, 5395 Policies, insuring to the amount of $18,942,307. Although many of the Agents, of the Eouitu bio arc continually misrepresenting us, it gives me pleasure to say that, I believe, theirs is u good Company, but not us pood as ours, for while their losses are 10 por cent, ours are only G per cent. ISAAC BRANCH, Agent, Piedmout and Arlington Company. Feb. 12, 1870, 43?3t TROWBRIDGE I C0? HAVE FOR SALE 12 BUSHELS OF roil irisiikM finis n Fob 18, 1870, 43, tf SHERIFF SALES. ' By virtue of sundry writs Fieri Facias to me directed I will sell before Abbeville Court House door, within the hours of Sheriff* sale, on the first Monday in March next the following property viz, 240 acres of land more or less refold at the risk of the former purchaser adjoining lands of N. Ingram, J. W. Foosheu and others, levied on aa the property of li. K. Murchison ads E. A. max and others levied on as the property of John 11. McCord ads R. J. Goidon.?ALSO, 58 acres of land nioro or less adjoining lands of Enoch Nelson, J. C. Oelzer and oilier?, levied upon as the property of A. B. Hamblen ads Bernard O'Connor.?AL SO, 300 acres of land more or less adjoining lands of Dr. M. C. Tnggart, lands of the Estate of John McClelluo and others, levied on as the property of T. A. Watson ads John L Harmon.?ALSO, 800 acreB of land more or less adjoining lands of Hiram Palmer, James Truwilt ond lands of the Estate of Jacob Britt, levied upon as the property of Williams Truwitt ads W. \V. Barksdalo and atbers.?TERMS CASH. HENRY S. CASON. S. A. 0. Sherd's Cffice. > Feb'y 12, 1870. j" 43?tf Administrate) r' s , : PUBLIC notice is hereby given that a *fioal settlement of tbe estate will be made in the office of the Judge of Probate, for Abbeville County, on Friday, the 18th March next, and that tbe Ad mihistrator will then apply for Letters Dism'iMorj. A. J. FURGUSON, Administrator. . Feb. 18 1670, 48?4t - ; , ; Hoes, Am, anil Trace Outfit, For aale by TBOWBBIDGE ft CO. Feb. 4, 1870, 41?tf NOTICE.fl I STILL have a small stock of Shoes which will bo sold at cost until 1st ot March. Fanners had better call soon and supply their hands with a good Wax jTy Brogan. I am going to quit the Shoe business (except Ladies* Dress Shoe?), that I may d<*vota mora time and attention to Dry Goods, Millinery and the Dress _ Making business. V J AS. W. FOWLER. F Feb 18, 18/0, 43, tf Z~; EMPORIUM 01? 1? Jlfilili ivt Ulllll VIM UIII VI' I'ilDlliVil. T, F Dry Goods Department. rpTo arrive next week : Spring Calicoes, ^y? X Tickings, Iluniospuns, &?j. J AS. W. FOWLER. .. Feb 18, 1880, 43, if | EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Fi Millinery Department. TO nrrive n?xt week by Express: Handsome liridal Wreaths, mate- iSh run for Bridal Bonnets,Black Crapc|j\ cils, Love Veils, Japanese Switches, s. Orders solicited, and prompt attention giv- "Y en. Co Fob 18, 1SV0, -13?tf ?re bill State of South Carolina, Abbeville County. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. EQ- ,n UITY SIDE. p P. H. Bradley and M. J- Dendy, Execu- *? tor and Executrix vs. Johu C. Vance, ms Executor, Mary M. Vance and others. ? Bill for Account, Injuction 4iz. 45 IT appearing lo my sntiafaction that "IX John C. Vance 8iid Mary M. Vance, defendants in this case, reside without J tlie limits of this State : On motion by Thomson stolen from the subscriber's stall oo the night of tbs 14th inst. The said horse ? a medium sice, long-haired animal, a boat nine years old, with marks of Wj gearonbim, and also has a small white spot in bis forehead. J The above reward will be paid on de- ? livery of the horse to the anbsoriber at o. ; , Edgefield Adveriutr oopy two times, 1 and forward bill to the Prett w excuse why the prayer of the Peoner should not be granted, within rty days from the publication of said .ice. R. II. WARDLAW, Assignee. Feb. 10, 18*70, 42?3t ratt's Patent Plows AND Murfee's Sub-Soil Plows, ' * TROWBRIDGE & Co. Agents. F?b.4, 1870, 41?tf 20 BARRELS FINK EYSrv: ' Planting Potatoes, For ule by t . i. : ' ^ Trowbridge & Co. t r?b. 4, 1870, 41?tf KW OELEUS MOLASSES, Write Drips, SIL, DRIPS, SYRTJPS ft MOLASSES. itwood, DoPre & Co. Fan. 7, 1870, 37?tf ibis.Peach BtoW. ' { ibis. Onions (Large.) For sale by NORWOOD "DT7PRE * CO. an. 12, 1870, 38, tf