I IK itiRiiufttmcT cortiT or Tti U29tTftl)fcfAT9S. For iho Dislilct South Cutolinn?Ti? llie tun't^v of UK! JANUS F. VOK,lUnkrupi. 1W whotn l\*lii'.?n for A'lj'i^icition of H.tiiktnp'i Wn* rtlo l ort l!i?* .JOUi day of Pwphi'm A. L). "180S, in taid Court?In lt.\ukri>] or. Tliis is to r;vo notice, tint ou the 25 day of September, A.J)., 1800, n \V? runt in Itaiikrnp'cy tvM Issued ng.vr.st tl K>t;iU oi' ttaOjaiiihi F. Yoe, of Green woo in the Pistricl of Abbe\'l!o, and State S.n:tli Carolina, wlso has been adjudged Bankrupt, on liis own Petition ; t!.?t ll jiiT'iu'-st of nuy Del?t* ami IXiivi-ry ofar lVf?|i?rty (>elai:^iiij{ to saiti Ditikrupt, j In an or for U'j< tuc. nixl the tiauslur of ati Property by liim ara fnrbulJeli liy law liuU . meeting of the Cr?j lOtli ?]ay i October, A. I)., 1SG9. 11 o'clock, A. W. T. L\ JOHNSON, U. S. Marshall us Mi?soofer. J'or A." P. I'ifer, Deputy Mu?sf;ng<*r. Sept. 20 4S 2t 3N THE DISTRICT COURT OF Til UNITED STATES, For the ltainct < bouih Carolina?In the matterd' AS. F. LiriOUD? Bai.kmpt. by who: n l'aiitiou Allocation of liankrup cv w.'.s tho ."1 Due., A. I) , ISO' ii! sni-1 C'>urt? In I?a:.krupicy. This i:-to yiv? nothv, ?h?t on (h* 23 of Sentc mbur, A. D? 1SG0, ti Whi isiii i 1'hiiki t< y v. as issue! hgaint-t the E*ta? or Avi I' l~, A.t.l ,f Ai.b. villeC. II. id tin DiaincL o: Al.b?vi:!??. a.. 1 Siirito .-if s\.?.r CaroMiiff, wIn- ba? l-cen adjured :i 15.ml. n*p'., ontils cwn l'tiiitioif ; thai, :?; .* |>:?\ nitnl of aiiv Dubls :::nl Delivery ot au Propoitj to s-anl Bankrupt, bim or for hid and the transfer of suii Properly l?y Mm iire fur:>i<]den by l.nv thai a tutting of the Crrtiilurs of tl?o biii Bankrupt, lb prove their l>eb^, .vd i choose qiie ormoM* A' signer* ofhiit.l'lstau will bo held at"a C)iirt of !i ink: op'.v, t to Via hidden at Nowbeiry C. II.,S. C before C J. J -oyer, Tl-<;ifttr*'-, oji the Ifltl day of Oct., A. I) , 1800. at 12 u'ciock, NJ T. K JOHNSON, IT. S.. Mftisliall u* M-jrPen^er. ]\>r F. O. 1'jksk, lVpuly M-JSscnger. C*.;* 20 47 2'. TIIK STATE OF SOUTH CAIiOJXx/ ABIlEVILI-K COUNTY. ?$ WILLIAM HILL, Esj., Probat j mt'jc. ?HTUr.RnAS.GrVrgc A- Taimyr, hits ma.l v w *uit lo m?*. 1" uriint '"i" i < >: l-e ou'ci. Oncii u-iil'-r my hand. ihin 27tli day of Srp teiui>er. Auuo Doiti hi iciGu. I'ubiMied on tiiu2'J.b du> <.f S? |.t., 1J-S9, ii yoAr f A .:i-T?*?!i Iii-i*pt*nrs of Adiiiiiiiti trntior. of the Kstsfte <>f Fr.tiici# A. Culhuur dcn'd.. late of Aoi<: County. 'Pl.no. .1 r..-- - ' - ' i ,.v -v- fi c:u* HIM nnmnniM nl! a:ul pinuti'ar, r.nri (Jr^ilifov? ofilic'riwl Fran ris A Cfll'iOlU). ?llHt .|>y he fiu'f f> ?>, in the Ctiun of I'rohatp, to be It?it nt (3. II., on We.:o?f?J?y, lie 13 1 Oct. lift r |Miblicniit 1?? jiaiitfil.(io D"tui:ii U>t'.9. on i'je 2!)tli rtnv '-f >o?H-ii?l>?r, IfcOt io iLio y:5 i jeu of Am?*:icrt'i lui!'*|><-iu).-r.cc. V?M 11 ILL, i.'p. a. c. fu. B..1 Sep. 29 47 3t THE8TAT! OF SODTHGASOLIKj ABUBEVIIjIjE county. BY WILLIAM 111LL, Usq.t Prubui J.mije. WHEREAS. Mirgnrrt E. Dtisrnlier ntiii W.liiHin Jlichi-y, liave ma;i To"~(o prnc.' t!ie L-'tters r>f Ai ministration of ti c Estate* of Gforj-gc Dt suuliery, i|::Iv,Tiicse c.re; thrref'We, trrtti jfrul aftrrior isli all and fcin^nlnr the ki.idred a;d orcji or#?f;{b? tJlslMibury, rlec'd lliij ;*pffear l'tl.11-.! m< to ihoj^rtort1#t fjrjjhit?, m"be livid al Ab m:villfrC. II , ?iT\\ M-lijeftJa)', October 13i next, nfier publication-hereof, m ll'Vtfnc in Uie fortsnootiLio show ontyHC, jf Hjiy. ihc hkjfojw^y ^i^frtf^iljAdoiipisiWiUpQ jfliou! i ;Giwi> 'tiudelr t^y* {kJL^ tLit 2'8tli day < September, Anno Domini 18G9. Publico,! on tho 2S>:b dny Af@<*pteifthc 1889. iu ti e 03d rear of American Iudi pepdeuce. . . j. P. A. C. [L. a.] ...8?pl 20 ,47. 3i HOW if! ST011 i / I" TIT and in >r) -. ;,1 TOR SALE ROCK ISIAi& JllAKSr i A1! ri/wd .f,ft -ft t? ' - CASSIMEREj ordnn0vii^7^;$BtWma, BIGHM0N2) OSNABtfUGS. li . OuarleSj terrin &Go; +*"ysjsh m. Orders rocoiv^d fgr ,, * %T!;'irk,04 ?& I'N"i 'Ba A".|| JP>$ By TROWBRIDGE A CO. *?pt. 3, 1860,10, tf . i M .AAlL'Mg' " JLIL JJ1? 1 Ji 1 * due; west L flill COLLIBE. >r. ! . UVJlt IVMIi ycr\r will oprn on MOXJ)AV, (tie -I(h October, Faculty r* jKutiio ?n for ypj?M ip Tuition per fusion ?".20 00 J Frcnoli " " COO ( j.j MtiMo, (Vinno) 24.00j '' Uuaruing in lire (,'oili yu Hoarding j K ;i. ilou*o kept liy l'rof. Kennedy, per ! ' i" j moir It 1C 00 ! ||! iv ! 1'ttylnn'l Wnsliinj p?-r itioiitl1 Zi 00 ; l0 j U'jjujititi in mlvnuoe. Ne-j '* ; ees itv compels ih to tn:tl;<; tlt<* Ritctll ? lt:i'^c ] ' i tor FrttKtli. Ijitiu i? taught without |'SI 'd ' cliargo. Fcr Catalogue ifctv, 'tHilrcsa :;| RSV. J. L BONNER, j\ o1 President, j ri, j Due West, S. C., Sept 10,?20?4t j ,f Wilson's Mill a Succc&s I c ? y Those who wish Fine!8, Family Flour K! SHOULD TAKE Tiiclj; GRAIN TO Smbw HUT !" ;itt fi w k11ll.s ''I TT has recently bovn fitted up "with [f ? A now Snintti'r. now Separator. ne w I 3 I Molting ami new ? < !'y oi _ I:!; lii't Jci.itl now in use in the I'ni- iS j i.v 11 iStjito:-?. ; i ni.'jir wn.-ox. j j ELept. ir?, iscs,-rj-?tt* v ! I :'notioe to pateons.| "S~ K:\prrt (o lie absent frmn she rJ j ft. l>i->ir!ct until the election, 27th ,p;<1 October. . i.st> M WM. C. W'AliDIiAW. '?! 1). D. S. I<;1 i Sept. 21?."jt ; ^ 1". WW. ~W. LAWTftN , - ? M m m m A VA.I J jiK Cotton X^actor jlls< AND UCOMMISSION MBE0HANT, i J CH&aiiUSTCK, 3. <1. j I E?.? I/iij-.-ral advances made on con-i ? *and on producc shipped to! ; Liverpool, &c. { Sept. 2 J, lS'jO; 22 ?3in. Seowbeme ': ; > iM Wsll make Liberal <'?:h Advances! ' j >.?:i ouji.- ii'n:ni'nts of Cotton to i I iL- ? - ;r;r , Messrs.. Maguire, Cothraa 1 ?j. Co., N. Y. jjj; i; Messrs. Hou^h. Clcndcninj & ; ^ Co., Baltimore, 13d. si' I p 1 .'Messrs. Frost & Adgor. Char- ?;i, lefcton, {?. C. ( 1 " j Sept. 21, 18fl?, 24?tf "r SrcrSHAEpX cO., , ' COTTOH FAGTOIiS, 1> AND , General tatta felails,' if BROWS'S WHARF, I Charleston, S. C. i "V Sept. 17. 21?3m 1 1 ; 1 I l>, JUST liHCKLYED BY !* 'I WHITE BROTHERS. ? t 3 Bales Borneo. Bagging. I (\ OI'V Ifilln on/I A - ...?v ?1,U ....... > J (J. j 3,000 Lbs. Arrow Ties, \11 Tierce Carolina Rice. * u Sept. 10, 18G9, ?0, tf j* v Bagging end Arrow Tics, m in y In Rtoro and for hale by " j? TROWBRIDGE & CO, j' Sept. 3, 18G9, 19, .tf ' ca i -N^W CROP MCE Just roceivecl and for tale by " MoDONALb, NORWCQD & C*0. r s> i. -iLi. - ' : -fHiguBl.ZU, ibliy, tt' -' IWANTED! " of.'"^TTHKAT, for vhidi lli? highest marVV kut piicu paid in CASI1 Oil BAR- Jl r, TfcJK.Y e- * UtOWBRIDQE & CO. - 6 Judd la, lsaa, e? . & A full assortment of Brandies wines, whiskies i malt ijquqi^s,,^, . Alwaya o? ?i)(3 fur f pla by s J. KNOX 4: Co., ' , m . . ? t / '? SCVTllkS ANt> C'liADLBS | . REAP HOOKS Af., l V SUPERIOR lol iist teeeirecfby I - i^l - t j ?r ^ j. knox vhk'h the highest prtro will ho mid t y TIlOWllHtlMiK & CO. Rept. n, 180U, 10, tf XT" BiiAZljVLE, TAILOB, ABDKVILLE C. II., R. C., LVOULD rppppctfully uJotin llo piMin. ? ? licit ln? is (U'i-m f'T lh? *ul?> "I t!?. AUMP.K SKWlNtf M/H'UINF, wlii?li is vmi. turlcd <>n n ii< w 'pit^Ming iwiii) ?*.v a.id vnhmbl** iinj>rovtiii?'nt#. It m>Mr.i pnvi?'r nnil IliiuKrr comic, tlmn any oilier fiehine m well us tli?> moot drlioatc, thill, nl soft fnhri',9. 1*3?"* l"*,r fuHlwr infotnt ition full nt hi-, lilormg cetaliliahnu'tit, lit John Wlnte's O.iij oi o. Hf-pt 10. 18G!>, 20?Sin. V ARQLAW & GAREW, 3 \Y( TO HS A X D OMMICSION MERCHANTS, Corner Jhoud and Stale Streets, \ CIIAltLESTON; C. - *-? - .>11 Cotton. liicc, und other "Produce. i ' j IV. A. WAKI>I.AW. JNO. LI?W. CAUKW. j Srpl.3, ISC:', 10, 7t Cotton Ties. TWTi.N i' i.OfK TIF.^ v.np-.n-1 i p liy nv.v '!"i?- yt "I'niiiif *: ? r--?l ' >r j:t w 'mi'! ilurnbi'iiy tliis *1 i?? is i:o i (jim'. ll'.vicu - -M '.Item f>' re" v<-- ! ." w f '? ? llit.t. v.*c-> o-in ro:?!i .!! . i<- ' ii inc.- it < 1 lli.'in !< ?" l'l. ? ?' - 1 - .. .- IV..J IT3 mv aiiiCIJ oy want. Fur s *1?* by eo. W. Williams & Co., Facte; Ahsj mr>{?, 17. ;??n. CiiiiW'-t.lon, S. C ; GroscrsasOsIersin Prciiie. | NO :-'OT 13IIOA1) STREET, j AUGUSTA, C?A. ""IIE OI.l) pplnl.lish.d Hoim- of RAKI'R .t LOW LAI.I), Wing (li.-'s.ilvo-l. lln? , ;.!?, j t!s( ir Sior? Ji'-T l>i..ail Street wliuro w?- , ':i from ?.nr In?* st^p??. Tit's, tfnlt. Uiieijn l'io\i inns i Am! jk'UmSi us t>? n-s'ire tlnu t!iat our for-, r iejmt.ilio i tVm having th? qealily of uJs, we sLull ever eiv!.-?vor to uiaiulaia CUAUI.rS DAK Eft, JOHN* C. 1'OllTE!*.. LP.WIS P. ROODRICH, | Aw^wsfa, Ga.. 17 *1?2ui. ii1>. j CO-PA UTN ERS HIP. GQ-TTON FACTORS AKI) ommissiori Merchants. STOVALL & ROLAND, ( " IiE UXDKRSJCNED. having associate], ih^'iisi'lves in 1 lie COMMISSION lil'Sl-j S*S un :or tbunuKie nml s*tylc* of STOVALL t," I'i'Ll E-4 promptly utlcnded to.; sh advances on cor:6,t,."i:iei.ts I i >ino?, corner Jncknon and Kcynulds P'.racts, polite l'ou-.ii'm's Wuri B. A. STOVAI.L. HI AS. A. T??WJ,AXT>. Forriiciiy Fic-sniiig ?L Rowland. Augii.-t?, On. P. pU 17 1SG0. 21 ? 5t. l.b. ROiiATEJUI)U^SALE. . f the Probate Court, Anderson County. .?rrir-on Lore, Ani'r, yp. M. T. Long, ct. ttl. 1'elition for sale L?nd. virtue of"nn order In nie directed _J> from W. \V. Humphrey*, Judge ol rohute for Aiidr-rson' coiin'v, I wiii. ?:xi?c to (in Satedny in October tit xt, Anderson (J. II., the following- propei 'y, 111 H3' tint RohI Estate of A\igu^tu? T ng, d??r<.H:-;ed, viz: ONE TRACT OF LAND. ' / i > u laining. 13G flCren, more or- 'eg', or. hWts of LU'lc- Generonee crrek, adjoining n.!s'of Andrew Ruu, Jobu McLin, Dr. A.; . Ci."'k r.B'l other*.-, r "> j ?On n credit of twelve month?,. it|j-intcren'. fropi d?y of ej?!o. prtichaseis; ving bond with good .aecmi'J, and a ortgage of the pa-mines for the nnv rut or ili?" puurhape motif!)', tviih the ?vile^o of anticipating puymer.t at ntty me. Purrliaetra to pay for stamps ?nid 5 nccrsyary papers?costs to be paid in i?>b. WM. McGlTKIN, Slietifi' Anderson County. Sept 17, 1809?21?2t \V. Fjic>trr..;...JAiicfl Black Geo. Smdcr FROST, ELACK & CO-, 'luleBolo ard Rotnlt Manufacturer! of atiil t. \ Dealers in yiHST-CIjiIlOB j'XJHNITXJRE, OF EVpllY VARIETY. 9 BOWERY,?ear Caual-Ht. IV; tBAHBO\TK, HOTELS & PUBLIC. BU1Li?1 iNG3, i'urr.itlicil ni iho Slioi tmi Nutice. All^oodi purcbgiad of ?ur iiuuse guaranteed } represented. ept. 9i 4?OT Jia8 beoo ovgawi*?d or the purchase ; ami sale.of Real; E?i ate. All persons haviDg lands foo 'wi^ fi?d '#rc^, to ,&ppiy at tho F tmk feompany ifrGrcAritvood; I. C.'v- Ah' oommdtiioatlond tfbtould be .ddressed' to- k*S ', nn 1 Capt. J. T, ?A^K?,r j *.o9 J> X0K2 X President.' 7T. K. BLAKE, fied'y*- ~ Greenwood, S. C., Aug. 27, 18-^tf. | UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. TMK Milt SlvSSloN of tlw rSIVKU. St l V( P|H'Nit| till tlm 1*1 ?>f Sm|i| Ivinliof. li* pH'Si'iit ?i jutrr. iiion cm ? I Im.iooa tln? follow in>j ili-pai iincuts ; I. Amii'iit. fs:<- j ' titi:l?* I to elect ai.y .Icjiiiitnionl tor wiijttli j |! i?ov !??? | i? |>:?rc?l. I j Tuition, (nil ?i-, .1 ^4'1 00 i j ]5?>nul, |ht month 20 Ouj i For catalog Mr# or w'J'cr inform fin i n?l? idre?% ' l'\ A. LUW>MilE. I Ciii. bt'iiolarv. * S'-pt IS. 1C*J0 ?21? j ! Tte ui& uf Co?.tli Carolina. j I ! Jpfll .. !, j To the jlfiHoycrscf EUclioris for the Covk-j t>i of Aho. t il!c: 1 r WHEREAS, gkouhe nrsrcxI'lKlillY w'.io :? llm (? *? vi '?! K!t?o In-Id in A'oii, lS'JO, ; i< ci'o?eu .*i; . tn-.'.s l'vr of liu' 11 !??!? of 1! iiri-v ?'niiv"5 I !lit Election I):-t net of Al'l>vvil'tf. to j fi'ivu for two j tar*1, liu.t einco said eientum i c?*a?ed, Ap<1, u|ii;ri*'is. tin* Cous ?tution| ?r!" the .Siitlo oft",.w'.ii ' ':no!'1Si direo's' that in Mich a ca-(: a Wiit of lC'eetion. " hail he isMK'tl Iiv tliv 8|?o?k' r of tin- g Iloii-f of IIi;j?r?->.j;,.ativo..-;, !or fhe ji?!n.i-c, of fi iiiijj ihv v.iiMiicy ilius occasioned, I'.rs t:.? ri inniiidi-r of tin tei in f.,r w! i. i? the ^ Member s>> rioei as <1 w:is c-c't d ?? serve: *>i Ni.tt, ilu i?*f'i!'?'. von ami taHi of v??u aiv] hereby n (]!?!: duo a-.iveilisemeW, J r and with strict ref lh?-term for whi h t!?v; said: n G<-? litre Dnscnhtfiiy was chsjid: I'o!l? to l?o opened at. the various places ofj Kiei-itoii in said District, on WKDN KS-jBj DAY the twenty- i-venth day of October,'? by the various sma of Manayis for those; j V'ace.i re-l-.-i-.tivelv ; said Mausers to' I i - - "?i: i - ' - ivAMiui. uiu ?un's jiuuiiciy imiru:uuut*iy Micr Jg lliefiu.il c!o*it:?1U :ii liie l're j ciuels u here the vote-. imvi* be^n taken;! ft iliaktt out a ?:t M fiiv.le of the result, to In-1 liy i l:i or a majority ? ! i tliein, ur:d taken to the Cuuit House of J: Abbeville County, or jilacc now fixed l>v i l.iw for counting I lie vote1*, oil TIIURS-'l2 DAY the tweiily-e'g'.lli ,r mora of tho said Mana- if ?f>rs; and tho Manage;*, or a ui.-Jsirily of, them, who nmy iio-emhle, shall proceed tot examine the aforesaid ttaleinent, and de ; elate the ies:i!t of i!.hI ei/bt hundred aral sixty-vine. l' UANKLIX J. MOSKS, Jiu, S|>ciikcr of ilic lloiueof Il-pi est'i.t?:ivc5. A. O. Jones, Cit ilc '7osi?e of Tleprerecilmivos., i> Sopi 17, lfc'09 ? 21 ?t?l i! s, Thn Sfafa nf nih PAw.lr.a !"' Aiito WIUL'J Ui Ul/IUU UU1U11UU. II 'j To {he M'i angers of Elections Jor ihe County of Abbeville: J wiixi:i:a$> iuciiATir> m. valentine, E.~q., who nf. i he General Else tiuh .lieM in April, 1U69, v.:is chcsan n p imTuher <>f lie TT'/ti-'c of Rrprpgpiil ?! . ve* j * 1 ^ .1 131- -.t iv - - ' * .'.r mo ivecuon uistriet ot AnbrviPi*, t?? " s-ive fi r two yeavp, has tiiice 3aid election I reigned, Ami, wliPipus, 1I1O Constitution of the State of So.u'b Carolina directs that in fucli a ca^e a Writ of Election ?=hal1 be i^-ucJ by tho Spmkrtr of the floiwc of Kvprwntativevlor the purpose 1 of-filling UiC vacancy thus opcftsfonoil, for I he remainder of the term for which tho 1 Member ?o resigned W,ia elected to fcrve : J Now, thereTort1, you npii eaeli of you H aro hereby required, after due advertise 11 meht, nml will* a stiirt regard io nil llio piovUir.tis of *ne Constitution and Laws of the said Sra:r?, touching your duty in such cn?e< to hold an election for a MumLer of i he House of Uepreseotaliree, for tlio Election afoiesaid, ( Fit'vn for (ho remainder ol the teun for wbi/lr the said l*it;h;ird M. Valentino was elected: iho Polls to be C opeodJ'atth^' vntrous of'Election i?> 1> the paid f)ifif?ict, on wEHNESDAY tHc Ii f tvotil r.con^m it /I nfr C f* f\ I? I bt>?u^'0nfciiui un* v? v>muutr|>ir.ui;, *jy the various feU of Managers to count tin* votes publicly .immediately after tho final closing'or thb pollaat the Trecinc'# where, the vo'ob hive been-taken; make out e ceitificate of lie result, to be s'gned by the Maungers,or a majority of thcin, aiul laken to llio C.?u.t House of Abbeville County, or place now fi* tweiitj-tiulil day of said month', by one or more of the said Managers; and the Managers, or a n)ujtirity"Sf them, who may assemble; aliill^froqep4 toc*amioe tbe*foreftfiiij AiatemeDf, ^otl^'ideolwe (he . result of the Election. Tbi# Writ, logetbef willi your return of the Ejection to be held under it, have before the of^J\aprtt'ontrttive* at its next meeting after the Election. WISNES&,, Me' HonorabU- 'FRANLi 'n LIN J. MOSES. Jr., Etq., Sptater .. of the llWe Wf I H^fetentalives, at Columbia,.ihin tlevtnth day of Septem* !! bef,m the year of our Lord ] * 'tmd dsrht hundred''and tMlij-nituj \J "* FHAtfjailT' i: MOSES, J*.,: J rt V >i ?? > i j Speaker of the Houreof Repr?tatativM. * AvOWoilK#,' ' PT j i Clerk of the Ilouse oMt$pr?Httt?lHrw. Sept 17,1809?2 l?ld i %? Sl'illNG T1IAD1C. 1869. ? ? ? ?. i3ii irn ii ! MIllMi 41 l/l A \" IC opi>iK?(1 llu:ir stork, nnd l>ea I i.J. ?r? rail attention lo liio. headsl ! lK]>ai tiiKlil.'. STAPLE AND I'ANtV 3RY GOOSS,; A cotn|>1vrc lino. CROCKERY. | Cliii.n, Gruii'.o, CC, and 0!;\?s?ato. | SAX/ELERY. M-CM'an, English and SjiaiiUh Sad j lea. j bmss coo as, j In great variety. I IEADY-BABE GLOTDRfl.) no lur^r- ? stock wo have ever opened i I XIats arid Caps, Al! of the novelties of tho seruun. j I SOOTS & SHOES, j o Mi.-* iMrlii"* we onn (j (Tor MILLS' ctjo | latcd l'liilfuk*lplii;i woilc. I FARDAVARE & CUTLERY J i Tliu plantor, tp.oolinnic nn.l lion?-1wppr i ui lie Mij>|>liok, CIuu IfSton, S. . ; M-8.?rR. Cnniroii, Hurley !i t'o , Clihrlc-'ton . C. ; II . T. lVake, E.-fj.. Gmersl SuperliiU-u ?it S. O. H. ]{. Ohmlesion, fj. C.; Messrs, iiwer, C"X, Mni-kley ?fc Co.. Greetivill?\ S. ('. ; in. Janied Fiirrow, Spar'nr.hitrp, S. C.; on. 1J. F. Crayion. An?l?r.-"?nt s>. C. September 3, 18G0, 10?Cm Corn! Corn!! Corn!!! "00 busln-1.4 prime wl.ito Maryland ami j Teniii'pj-ee Com, j'isi received. meal! JKLeal!! Meal 1!! [00 bnshol prime mo:-l, from one of lliC* [ biift mills in th<; State, just received. Flour! Good Flour !! VTKW FLOUil, from tho best mill it< _N( ihc District, always on- liar.J. Bacon and Lard! " 000 lli? Ciii'ioi; l}?c(in Si-'ps, J9_ GOO lbs Choice Hicon II imp, 500 lbs Choice La'd, to arrive, M.DONALD, NORWOOD k CO. Ai!gu:l 5.18G0. ?ectli Fxtracted Without Pain. [AM now prepared to mlministrr "Nitrous Oxide (/ in, n safe nnr>ert hetic, nd remove teeth wilbovt J*s?;? to the pncnt. Wm. C. Wardlaw. D, D. S. Jiu.o 8 IStifl, 8 If To Mill Owners. MTLL STORES, BOLTING ,'L.OI II. RMTJT UfAni I NT'S nfl ;indu of Mill Findings, for taie at (ho awest cash pricq by W1I. URESIS EK, 197 Broad Street, Augusta. Qa. April 2, -I860?49-12m ,f ... . - i, .... P. V. TO ALE, Charleston, ff. CVMsnofaclorer of. . , 500RS, SASH, BL-lislDS. HAVINOTHE XAR&PST tOU-. PLETE FACHOHT Intbttftpn^Vn 9f?U?, i*x? keeping &lw?y4.oo ,})??* > ,lprg?and ??o?' lomplete stock of DOOB<&? 8/MJHIW, 6l*wPS, lash Doors, Skoro Do?ra? SbnttoWy Mowing" fee., tie., 1 orwbltd.U(w*Baolorofs' pr'ae*. i' t{.".lA9 ;ru , J N. B tttriqt Attention poW Uf in food order. I CONGA ?ttE IRON f (IKS CJolvimljin, O. O. ALE 3 Proprietor, Solo Manufacturer of the GPJGAT SOUTHERN CAS1 IRON, BELP SKIMMING EVAPORATORS for South Carollna. Ono complcto Set of Evaporators, SBC Two Fumaoca, all Iro:i. complete, $SC Swinging Pipes, &c 13 to 0175 1 tu:1 a rcquisile for inukit.' s'nirar ar.i. Syrup. V iS t j',4 W I ja i) 3 fiallers 14 inches diameter 3 '? 12 " #i' *71 " lo " " ict 2 " 11 " " <> (i ID t( (I ^ | : 2 ? io ? " 43; A 1>0VC price? compete with frame I \ Without frame &10 less nu eac! mill. AUo, Steam Ko^iitov, Mil (Juaring of all kink, Cjii-il ntul l'*v Iilis Sn.utter*. ?fc<\ AiPt 's *:n. f-?v L. K K i)i-Jcriult's liny ai.i'? Drug Store, nti earnestly rolioiiat the patron :tge of the public Satisfaction is yuarGnlecd in t-v#rv iriPtnnre. 11 EN It Y INMA.V. August B, 1809. . Millinery 2 Millinery! I.?c?ics wii-hing lo buy ft fine Bonnet, a nic >unti,<.t, n fashionable Jlouuet, fur a litll nouey, will And il et the TLMFLE OF FASHIONS. NO. 2 OR Aft IT] RaNGf, Or ftnylliincr in (lie Millinery line. A large 1c of SUNDOWNS atil other lint* !*nr? just be^ I received. Come aud set one hej. rr rheyar I ullgouo. , ... . J.NOCII isKLSON. June lfi " o- " ' tf llfrasl'FsIE IN BANKRUPTCY. . BY virtue of nn oriffer lo dirteVd", lutein cut-of the DUtiict CoujI (he Unite Sulfa, fur Ui? District of South Ca?*o linn, i tl? 9 mailer of TV- & T. R. Cllnkwule, Brink rupU, I nil! toll at Abtavllle 0. H.. <>nth? fin (Monday ro Ocjobflr Jiaxt, tha Roal Entate < WiiiTnm r.. i: aoi?? of lmuil, t|>4 il4tn'?8t?^d.tf}fM under military exemption, wna., apnrt 1 >Villiaipn. Qlinlcscolea. frym tlio Honie lr?M r?.? i,:R. U. WABDM.W, > : A*sigoee. ; At>i)e??ne,c. n. ) " 1 SapC 18;f' 1 j ' ' ' > 1 il 4t 1Mb:' ' J / ?l ?*1 .ii. ' ".> r . :" !:.' * \?rrr : ; &A.iL33t'" >.'jr f. 2o irv; a is.: ir. ^-if . ?!/..dot m: misB?e?Esii * ;:??? SMiuui '"J #7 ->i 1 eel *;-i vi; oh'tft t?.: : . j ' ?i;.' Park6f & Tfrdrtaon's ,/T Scpi.17^18^721?tr"v :iJ ixf?'U fc % HftT/Iiins Wil , * 11 Cotton i a i " GKNKUAt. COMMIi 105 WEST LOMBARD t vv? Mtwm. l>. it Noiullov & <\ lUillmiixtHl agent!* ntui will tnuUo Cusli j ItHPKHKNrws : CNtl. II. IV TOWNKl i Hill, 8. Major W. H. 'Jt'hKlK, I' >!S. t:.. Cnl. \VM. JONIISTON, Pivsi l I licsi. WADM 11 A M i * niN.C. 1 ; JOHN KB 1 '(j have Jtrsr keceiv i J FAMILY CONSISTING of liVEf! FIRST CLASS Ciroc ' been selecfcdjwilh cure and i! We will not bo undersold !good3 are tuken into conside: | . m ? I Apr, 18 J9, 39?if ,! REPAIRERS OP C0TT02I GIB HOUSE CARPENTii (, r H^IIE Fubpc.ibers woulJ inform their fiii )i A |>r??|??r?!. wi'li ccinpeti'iit woikm-m i (' Cotton Gin?, Tlirt' hovs and Fans, nnd i ^ I From tbeir long exj-eri.-nco in llie various I . | of tlie'r ability to i;ive satisfaction, ami tr . , now receiving a snpplv of GIN MATKllIA i 1 i??1 line. Wuils w U- dono ou tbe most j KRY. ! j Tl>ey will alwnvakcep on hand n good si I OAK COFFINS. *! | JOHN ErmiGHT. II August 1 o, 1i; 'jStale of Soulli Carolina, 1 I n T>W*TT7 T T5 f?rtTT*Tm?y AUXiV tutil I X . ;IN THE PROBATE COURT. !s?tr.ue! 7. Porter vs. John Y. I'oiter, Kliz. K. I'orter mix I others. i Petition for Partition of Real I?*tuto of Eliz. K. Porter, deceased. It ftp pa ring that Jolm Y. Porter nnd Jumper N. Porter, defendants in the ahov . case reside beyond the limits of lbi& ' j State: j On motion by McGownn 5: Pniker, Sol. ' for ret'r., ordurod that Paul defendant# do appear and pleivi a.isv.er >-.? demur to said Bill within forty days from the publication hereof, or snmo will bo taken Pro. Con/mso against them. WILLIAM IIILL, ] J. i'iio., A. C. j Sept. 10, 1 SCO, 20?6t SALE OF ' Li IB! ? By Order of tl:o Court cf Probate for Abbeville County. ' T * L W ILL sell on Sale D.iv in Octobcr next, tho Heal Estate of Tlios. Norwood dee'd., Containing -ONE 11 INDUED AND SEYF.N ACHi'3, ui.iro or lew, on wn(rrn of Sfiliidn River, bounded by Intids of James Taylor, D M. Latimer, Mn. Julia Jolmstou nud others Terms of Bale to be cash. H. 8. CASON, p ^ Sheriff Abbeville County. j cept I a 46 lit . SHERIFF'S BAIiB. BY virtue of sundry write of Fieri Facias, in rae directed, I w HI fell ?t Abbeville C. II., on the first MONDAY in October iuxf, within tl?*? Irpal hours of eale, all (lie interest which William Richey h;?s c \n n tract of land, containing threo hundred and thirty-five ncrfc?, more or lets, adjoining lands of Wm. Dunn, Jae. Blaino, ^ James Wright-and others, ads. y -f?ellon, that SliJUuo ,f iluinuflUyi, llm deftnuant rcsidga yvithout y the liirii'te of sail] 4>'iate. On motion; ofTiioni*DH & Fair. Ccrai|>lainaiit'i , Solicitors, ordered, tli&t a aid, defendant, pl'-fl'* a*istoer or d#inor to ?aid tifil of Complaint,*'*''" . in forty days from tfce data of iliia'.orwt^y judgment pro confeuo will bo tabr\ JJ-u,nB" him; a v^VU[|SSBfiEd#BRRi > - i|??>ioA?J WUntfon '{Mialtcltt* ityflMqgU ' ? ??1 ? Ysmwk & Co.. P,%oiorr~. . s 1? *. l,\ i.vpi. I 1 *;?> ?;tm FX k C O" F.7> A TULL STOCK OF SUPPLIES, wYTHING usually kept in a cry Store. all of which hav* bought for CASH. when the QUALITY of our ration. Give us a call. ^ QQc. Of?' rS, THRESHERS AND FANS, RS AND BUILDERS. ;nd3 nnd the public generally tbat they *r? \n?l nn abundance of material, to REI'AlJtt do all work in the Hue of Carpentering, ranches oi' t!"! bnriness, tbey feel confident ip? lo mail l.-c public paVunage. They are .L, and are prepared to execute all work in ; reasonable lorms?CASH ON 1,;"!LIVi-pply of READY MADE WALNVT and . D. B. SMITH. ! IN IMIRray. I i 7.y till-: district en crt of ; Tin: li sit ul> states, for . tlljj h I strict OF SOL'I'll j cAlio lis a. I j In tii Iu Bankruptcy, i Bankrupt. ) | IJY V.llUo >f HI) W(1pI? i'SUiD^ ri?:i? !i4 Hop. i I ) Court nf*ic date of the first rub!;ov fo.< fi?r*i?f,' or I be barred ill benefit cf the deciic to bu ruaje ill this c:i*e. li. It. WAUbLAW, Aisiijoet. j AbbevilU C TT, I Sept. i?2. 1809. ) Sept. 22 40 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED ST A ES, FOR THE iJ(STRICT O*1 SOURII CAROLINA. In tbe matter of ) Joi n G. Boozer, J- la Bankruptcy. B nkrupt, J Y \irtue of nti order iMaing from the IftnH. : ?(.9 O'uir ? "(,. i .kM, v,itlcs is hereby given, toj alt lionHJnd >x ! iho Bankrupt afore* j priiij, to eytftt(i!.-.h their lions before W. J. j i.'Uwpon, R.giatrtr, wilL':i thirty days | from thu uat? ?t the first pubdoatiou, Ueruof, or bo bailed from, all benefit. 6f thb croe to be made in this THE UNITED STATES, FOR TIIE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. v. In the mntter of } . f T. J. MoCwick< o, fjn Bankruptcy. virtue ofnn oriir iesulnjffrotn tfi?Hoi .AS & Court * foresaid, notiea it'htrtby ghxn 4 all lien Creditors of anjd UnirkrupL tq ea tnblish tbeir liens before W." *J. Cfawscfi Registrar, within ibirty.-dnys from the dal of the first publication, hoi eof,. of he ba? rod from all benefit ol .the decree for dif tribution to be made in this can; ad (hat the enid Creditors. within' tbeUa aforesaid, do further ahow eausty 4f;?n llifcv have, why the ]Etlate of the Bank mpt should not he sold free front incut branee. H. WAttDLAW,; ^ Ahhevi'lc O* II., f t Aa?igne?? Sej;t. 22, 1800. J\ . S-J.t. 22 36 3t 1 "-j".- ? ? ? ?A IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of , THE UNITED'.STAVES, FOR . y . THE DISTRICT OF &OUTp & " CAROLINA. I Ju tbp 1 , ' Jno. B Iv.on, C To Baaliup'*/? ' l>i?nkrttj&l|:1'? . >*' BY 9f fln.order- m^i^ rrw?..|M ( ou-! ufw?s?id, noli.' ** to. /v o tho.fii-. Tjined from i4lf^. .. tk.n JO taji^Babjifiaiwl ijrtt %A 1 ?w5lorJ? Unf* 7^. tofiotiid v.at'iie bMafrc&yrtnv ,i:' !i..\ *'IL.'4aLfWAMM4W? id ?F?>? ?; r'l lua 0}'UV boaool .ii fvmr>;:o-j q: hfri07ii-il>:vj . ia*7l*wjxiTlolaoq mom 4fT>9nafJBj - JOO-BtrSHEDT .. < IhxI "ooa.oyfidl sfcrftfi iacnrfHy/" vxirnmm ' :V i v.- \i'?" .