DR. C. E. STEPHENSON I Physician and Surgeon ( Residence Phone 6548 Office Phone 3536 Office Hoars: 9 to 10:30 A. M. 1:30 to3 P. M., 6 to 8:30 P. M. Diseases of Women snd Children a , Specialty 1 OFFICE 1414 1-2 Assembly St.. . Office Phone 6026 Res. Phone 6798 , . N. J. FREDERICK ' Practice in AU Court, of the State. . Attorney at Law snd Notary Public 1119 Washington St., Columbia, S. C Phens 6706 DR. J. E. WATTS Surgeon Dentist Gold Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty 1116 1-2 Washington St. Columbia OTST Johnson, Brsdlsy Mc Morris Phones: Office 3796. Residence 4692 9 te 10:30 A. M. 2 to 4:00 P. M. lt to 1:00 P. M. 6 to 8:00 P. M. DR. J. G. STUART Physician and Surgeon Disssess of Women and Children a Specialty Office 1323 Assembly St. Residence 1417 Pine St. flours: 9 to 10 A. M. 1 to 2 P. M. S to 4 P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. DR. L. M. DANIELS Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given Diseases of Women Office Residence 1121 Washington St. 2210 Hampton Phone 6429 7165 rulings. Plates, Crowns and Bridgea )cffle Hours Telephones 8:30 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. Office 6013 2:00 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. Res 3873 DR. D. K. JENKINS Dentist Sunday by Appointment Extraction by Conductive Anesthesia h A Specialty .107 1-2 Washington St. Cola. S. C. Dffice Hours: Telephone? 9 to 11:00 a. m. Office 60SS 12 to 1:30 p. m. Reg. 387S 4 to 7:30 p. m. DR. N. A. JENKINS Specialist Diseases of Women and Office Work. Office Residence |a 1107 1-2 Washington 2202 Hampton Office Hours: Phones: 10-12 A. M. Office 5744 2-6 P. M. Res. 8803-W|a Sunday by Appohumont DR. M. A. EVANS Diseases of Women and Children m Specialty. Graduate Nurses in Attendance 1601 Taylor St. Columbia, S. C. DR. H. H. COOPER Dentist Gold Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Special Attention Given Diseases of * the Gum*. Phone 6429 1125 Washington St. Phone 6487 L. A. HAWKINS Real Estate Agency "HOMES ON EASY TERMS." 1107 1-2 Washington Street Columbia, S. C. BUTLER W. NANCE, MONEY TO LOAN Attorney At Law And Notary Money to loan on Household Fur ?r". Public niture, Pianos, Live Stock and Auto Will Practice in all courts, State and mobiles. Federal THE CAROLINA LOAN St GUAR Phena: Office 6972, Residence 3727 ANTY Company 1107 1-2 Washington St.. Columbia. 1528 Main S* Phone 496* GET THE HABIT Take a dip in the beautiful Swimming Pool at Lindenwood Park. The park is splendid with natural beauty-grass covered hills, shade trees, walks and drives and a fine Spring of pure sparkling spring water-"A thing of beauty is a joy forever." The Pond with a great inflow of pure water from the high hills above is the greatest in the State of South Carolina. On the bank of this beautiful pond are 44 bathing houses, lockers to accommodate patrons. Manager in charge, -from 10 A. M. until ll P. M. A Lunch Counter is to be maintained where good EATS will be in operation at all times. Menu-Fine fat, juicy chicken, Eggs on toast, Salads, Berries, all Lindenwood Par's own products. A FINE BIG AUDITORIUM that will well accommodate 4,000 is in readi ness for service in case of rains or storms. One of the most beautifully facinating places in the whole world is Linden wood Park on a moonlight night. * CLASSIC MUSIC EVERY NIGHT. Mr. John B. Evans, who has recently returned from Oberlin Consarvatory of Music where he made a specialty of the violin will direct the music. BIG CROWDS AND MUCH MERRIMENT EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. New Swimming Classes are being formed-Same will meet on Monday and Friday afternoons at the park. fe* ???????? ? H. Brawa ^^Consumption CONSUMPTION CAN BC CURE? WE HAVE TUE REMEDY Ur. Brown's New Consimption Remedy Cares CONSUMPTION, Coughs, Caldi, Hearssawas, LaGrippo, Iafiuaasa, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, .tc. TRY IT. [Campled with all Federal and Stats Pare Fesd and Drag Laws.] For. Sal? at all buding Drag Stores, er write MAGNOLIA IEMEIY CO., Jac?sanville, Fla. St. Augustine, Fla., Box 7641 AGENTS WANTED PRICE 61.35 PER BOTTLE Griffin Drug Co. A Full Line of Sundries, Toilet Articles, Soda; and Cigars Prescription S Carefully Compounded 2401 Gervais St. PHONE 3095 PERFECT HAIR CROWER AT LAST S?'*? T^hHA^EqDoVoC WAOT A BEAUTIFUL head of HEALTHY HAIR? YOU CAN HAVE IT, Just giYO THE PERFECT HAJJ GROWER A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. PRICF 50c A Box. Postage 5c extra, AGENTS WANTED. V? rite for Booklet walch tella yon howt* Car? For The Hair And Start It At Once T< Gro-*'ir.?. Send Stamp. _ FREE Adore*?: THE PERFECT PRODUCTS MFR. P. O. BOX 200? LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. I LOCALS AND PERSONALS. ? th A letter from little Sylve^. . Roach ?w in Atlantic City, .?". J., to )addy" states that she is enjoying trself in the highest. Mr. and Mrs. Jemes Hopkins and ;tle sons, James Edward, Jr., and ildreth Eugene accompanied by ieir grandmother, Mrs. John Can >n and Mrs. Sarah Clark motored to ewberry Sunday morning. They ?turned Sunday night after spending pleasant day with relatives and -iends. Mrs. John Cannon and her ttle grand sons will remain to spend ieir vacation with their cousins, Mr. rad Mrs. Joe Davis of 500 Drayton treet. to Ju S Miss Muriel Ross of Charleston, is he guest of Mrs. James Hopkins, 229 Gervais Street. Mr. I. S. Leevy spoke to a large oneourse of farmers at Westville 'esterduy. Rev. N. Smith of Ridgeway was leen in the city this week. Mr. C. M. Williams was in the city last Wednesday on business. Mrs. Mary E. Goodwin of 2114 Lady Street has been confined indoors for several weeks but at this writing is gradually improving. The Indica tor hopes that she will soon be her real self. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Roberts passed through the city this week on their return to Denmark. Miss Hen rietta and Margurite Russell, their grand children accompanied them for the remainder of the summer. Rev. H. J. Ryal was in the city last Tuesday on business. Little Sarah Thompson, eldest child of Dr. and Mrs. D. F. Thomp son, is getting along nicely and seems to be out of danger from the bite of a mad cat sometime agc. Miss Birdie Baylor left this week for a short stay in Asheville, N. C. Dr. D. F. Thompson conducted j quite a successful revival meeting in I Bennettsville last week and the week ?before for Dr. S. S. Youngblood, Jr Only professional cards of leading JI and progressive physicians and den f I tists are carried in the , columns o: The "Indicator. When ' in need ? J j such services, consult our columns. Mrs. Katie Duncan of Camdei spent a few days in the city visitin; her brother and siste*. J. A. an Daisy Roach, this week. Mr. S. J. Gregory of Pnrk Street i very sick at this writing. We hop he will soon be out again. Mrs. Flora W. Powell, formerly < here but now of Spartanburg 3pei several days in the city this week < business mixed with plleasurc. Mi Powell will be remembered as Mi Flora Wallace, the prima dona sing of this city before she left here. V were indeed glad to see Mrs. Powi and welcome her at all times to h _ i -i i_" um nome. 9, Mr. J. W. Brimson, his wife a her mother, Mrs. Warley motored Union to be in attendance at tl Grand Lodge of Samaritans, No. Mesdames Ella Lowndes and Brown attended the Samari' Grand Lodge No. 12 in Union t week. Miss C. C. Davis has retur: home frpm Philadelphia where went for treatment. She is impro very much from the same. j I Mr. Arthur Ellis, Jr., nephew I ?Mrs. Robert Nelson, is spendin few weeks with his cousins, Mas &ttf I Ralph and Robert, Jr. Our Linotype Operator says wish the mun y writers to The Inc ?tor would have a little mercy on during these hot days by wri plainly and correctly. It will ?her many moments of trouble make her work easy. Many th I in advance for heeding the requea Our office was graoed last Satu morning with the presence of '. W. D. Prince of Morris College Rev. B. L. Hall of Greeleyville. j were indeed glad to have these I tlemen call. Mrs. Hattie Green of the cit; Mrs. Katie Duncan of Camden, of the editor visited our offic ? ll Thursday morning. i Mr. John J. Dillard of Bisht ?was in the city Thursday ali hands with his many friends. Hon. R. W. Weatberry and M. J. Frederick of Sumter w e city Thursday on business. Mrs. Sanders Tucker of Washing n; D. C., is in the city visiting Mrs. ilia Bonner in Waverley. i Miss Mary Ray Saxon spent a few .ye in Benedict Hospital this week here she had her tonsils removed, r. N. A. Jenkins, specialist operated. Mr. P. B. Price head clerk at I. S. ?evy's Washington Street store and rs. Price spent last Wednesday in 'innsboro having taken in the picnic ! Jones Chapel A. M. E. Z. Church. ubscribe for The Indicator and stop jrrjowing your neighbor's paper and i that way helhp a worthy cause. hone 1051 Office Hours 8:30 A. M. to 1 P. M. 2:00 P. M. to 7 P. M. Sunday 8:30 A. M. to 11:30 A. M. 2:00 P. M. to 4:00 P. M. DR C. L. ECCLESTON v Dentist 09 Spring St., Greenville, S. C. A NEGRO IN NEWS. Dr- Moton'8 Observation Is That Negro Criminals Have Easier Access to News Columns Than Any of Fifty Negro Bank Presidents. By Albon L. Holsey. Five newspaper men of varying ex periences sat down together to dis cuss the question of giving the A merican reading public through the regular news channels, certain facts showing the progress and forward strides of the Negro race. Two of these men were Negroes and the others were friends of the race. No group ever came together with more hope and none was more sin cere and earnest in its desire to ren der service. Although these men haVe written continuously concerning the race problem, not one of them ever wrote an unkind or an embitter ed line; and not one had ever know ingly violated any of the ethical standards of newspaper writing. And yet, as these men unfolded their ex periences, it was simply seen that each one had somehow run into the same "blind alley"-that the great reading mass of America is not in terested in the Negro except as a criminal. 'One membr of the group related a conversation he had with the editoi o? a. Southern daily paper,in which the editor said that he frequentlj published news of Negro achieve ment in his paper, because of hi3 per sonal interest in the welfare of th< Negro race. "I invariably receivi letters of protest from our readers,1 said the editor, "when something o this sort has appeared in our col umns, so I have been led to bel ?ev that the Negro is not generally ac cepted as news, except in crime." "After all, continued this sam editor, "newspapers must have sui scribers to enable them to run, an we must either please the majority < our subscribers or close up shop. ? far as I am personally concerned, nm willing to give our readers i much of the news about successf Negroes as they will stand, but the last analysis, they must be tl final judge." Another of this group said that all of his experiences with reporte] editors and desk men, covering period of fourteen years, the avera number of representative Negro known by them was three and that most cases these were only vagu? known. He also found that few these news gatherers knew the loi Negroes of standing in their co munities, except in rare instances Still another stated that he I been reliably informed that one the moving" picture concerns wh issues, at regular intervals, films current news, has an unwritten 1 in its office that the Negro is not n< except in crime or in buff oom such as watermelon eating conte He further said that the records his office showed that when the Ne had been featured in any other i than indicated above, frequently hibitors had themselves deleted 1 part of the film because their a enees were not interested. At no time in the conference these five men was there one wor denunciation uttered. They v rather, depressed, and one recalle utterance of Dr. Robert R. M< Principal of Tuskegee Institute, said, in addressing a group of v newspaper men recently, that it an unfortunate situation in Am that a Negro criminal had easie cess to the newspaper columns the presidents of any of the fif more Negro banks. With enlarged opportunities educational advancement in the ! the Negro is rapidly becoming a ing and thinking citizen and quite willing to stand cn his i as a useful American if the rt public will study both sides picture and accordingly moasu era in judgment. (.' nd to te 12. N. tan his ned she ved of er a ters she lica her ting save and anks t. irady Prof. and We gen f and sister e last jpville taking Atty V HARDY & MAN IQ AULT UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS i antral Supplies at Lowest Prices MOTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 3922 1012 Washington St. Columbia, S. O, THE REESE'S DRUG STORE Aftd Supputation for Mme C. J. Walker's Ce*ele With eer^regalar lin? ;of?;Toilet Articles, Drujjs, S?-laa, Ie? Crean, Clears Cigarettes and tobaece we ean supply Walker Af aria with ?cods at the sasae rate as fr oin home OSES, "Prompt And Attentive Service," Our Motto 1422 AsecmUy Street PHONE 2*20 Coat and Building Material Ualees th? unexpected happens, you will sooner er lalee patrenise us We are adding: new customers daily te ear list ef satisfied p?treos. There is a reason Right Goods-Right Prices Right Treatment. 1/ yo? have never dealt with UB, try us-you might like ?a. POWELL FUEL CO. Phone 297 THESE ARE THE TOILET PREPARATIONS THAT YOU NEED. Make your Hair Long and Beautiful, and Your Complexion Smooth and Youthful By Using ie ) id >f Jo I is ul in ie in rs, a ge >es in sly of cal m lad of ich of aw SWS iry, sts. of gro vay ex :hat udi of d of fere, d an >ton, who (mite was erica r ac than ty or for South read he is record ?ad big of the ire its Hair Grower. 50c. for Men.60c. Temple Grower.60c. Cold Cream ...50c. Tetter & Dandruff Remedy 50c Bleachene.60c. Hair Gloss .50c. Vanishing Cream.50c. Creole Hair Oil.50c. Beauty Cake.76c. E. Z. Straightening Cream for Men's Hair Pomade.60c. We teach The "REFINOL" System of Beauty Culture Through Correspondence. 5000 AGENTS WANTED. Pleasant Employment. Wonderful Opportunity Write for Particulars. The Beckwith Mfq. Co? Dept. 2 (Formerly The Ambrosia Toilet Co.,) 2134 Central Ave., CLEVELAND, OHIO, U. S. A. DRINK TRAJ7? MARK /?FG/?r?:/??n IN BOTTLES ONLY. THE SNAPPY DRINK. FOR FRUIT DRINKS TRY OUR GOOD GRAPE, ORANGE DELIGHT, LEMON LIME, CASCADE GINGER ALE KEEP A SUPPLY IN YOUR ICE BOX FOR REAL SERVICE PHONE 4187 Linie v^Jia ooti ung CORNER LADY AND GATE, STREETS