The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, February 12, 1921, Image 6

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MOVED 1 THE REESE'S DRUG STORE Has Moved to 1422 Assembly Street Here we will be glad to serve our Friends and Patrons ?? from our regular line of Toilet Articles. Drugs, Soda, ice Cream, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Reese's Drug Store 1422 Assembly Street PHONE j* M. H. PENN ESAU B. BROWN DRIVE IN "You've found the *House' that good service built.'. We consider no job completed until you are satisfied. The A erne Auto Repair Co. Car? Doped and Greased. AU Work Guaranteed. PHONE 2849 1213 LAUREL ST. J All Work Guaranteed ADAMS' SHOE REPAID SHOP M. E. ADAMS, Proprietor Quick Service. Give Me a Trial. 1205 ASSEMBLY STREET Central Lumber and Supply Company P. T. HILLER, Pres. & Mgr. Lumber, Mouldings, Shingles, laths Building Material, Asphalt Shingles, Roofing, Brick, Lime and Cement We - Guarantee - Prompt - Deliveries TELEPHONE 352 700 ELMWOOD AVE Columbia S. C., on S. A. L. Ry. DRUGSI DRUGSII DRUGS!!! S??das, Cigars, Candies; Stationery; Toilet Articles and Sundries. Our drugs are pure and we carry a complete line that we may be able to fill any Physician's or Den tist's prescription. Druggist of Ten Years Experience Jenkins' Pharmacy M. F. JENKINS, Ph. C., Prop. 1105 Washington Street JOHN CHURCH CO ?206 MAIN STREET Extends an Inuitation to you to visit Columbia's Comple Music House New Home. John Church, Harvard, Eve rett Leading Pianos* Piano Tuning, Sheet Musi Teachers' Supplies. THE JOHN CHURCH CO. FdONE 2000 1608 MAIM ST. P. M. ASBURY, M: Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty Dr. A. T. Cornwell Dentist Bxarolnations Free. Telephone Con nection. Office hours: 8:30 a. m. ti 6:30 p. m. Offie* Oadsdan St. Cheater, S. 0 Office Houri: Phone?: 10-12 A. M. Office 744 4-6 P. M. R??- 880S-W Sunday by Appointment DR. M. A. KV ANS Diaeaiei of Women and Children a Specialty. Gradu?t* Nones in Attendance IStI Taylor St. Colombia, 8.C DR. J. H. GOODWIN Physician and Surgeon* Office Hours 9 to 11 a. m. 4 to 7 p. m Phones: Office, 1026, Residence, 3039 119 Washington St. Res. 1806 Wash ington St. Phones: Office 3796, Residence 28; 9 to 10:30 A. M. 2 to 4:00 P IS to 1:00 P. M. 6 to 8:00 F DR. J. G. STUART Physician and Surgeon. Dimanes of Women and Childr . a Specialty. Office, 1323 Assembly St. Roalcl* 1417 Pine St. COLUMBIA. S. C. DR. H. H. COOPER, Doo ti* t, Geld Crown and Bridge Werk a ai atty. fooelal at toa Lion given Aloe aa tae gasas. - Phone 1419-1121 Washington Reetdeneo. Pinehurst. Need nny job printing today? 2637. Reduced prices on for ? [days. Better look your stock ove let us have your order at once. LOCAL NEWS. Mr. N. J. Jenkins ls doing a line gro ?ry business at prosent. Mr. David Nesbitt is on the sick $t. Mr. Thoa. Uli Hard handed us $2.00 ir The Indicator this week. Jenkins1 Pharmacy, whose ad ai? jars elsewhere, is already doing a Hiving business. Dr. N. A. Jenkins made a business ip to Anderson last week. Mr. J. H. Goode visited Bamberg and her points this week in interest ol' he Mutual Relief and Benevolent As luiation, ot' whiob he is manager. Tho Waverley Millinery Shop is get ng in a greater supply ot new spring ats. You should call in and inspect mm bet?re making your selection Isewhere. You will save money. Mr. A. I*. Hardy, manager ot" The lardy ?si Pinckney Undertaking brm, jcated in Greenville, was in the city iow days ago looking as happy and pry as over. Mrs. Mary M. Frederick has heeu >n the sick list l'or the past few days, ?Ut is much better at ?his writing Miss Henrietta Boozer was some what indisposed this week, but is ablo LO be at her post as bookkeeper tor I. S. liCevy, the Tailor ?md Clothier A hat bought Hom Waverley M il lin erv Shop means satisfaction io you at small cost. Come and soe. .Mrs. Anna Bell Whaley has added .lew room uni o her home at 1327 Heidt street. Mrs. Hattie (?reen entertained a tew J! her friends at home last Tuesday. Mrs. \V. J. Thomas, of Seneca, but very recently of Norfolk, Va., is in the city on a visit to her daughter Mrs. B. F. Scott. Hr. I. E. Lowery, our repr?sentai ?ve spent Sunday at Pelion. Mr. Walter Brown bought W. H Thompson's residence on E. Washing ton street some time ago and is now living in it. There will be a red and white car nation contest al Wesley M. E. Church Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The sister churches are invited to take part in communion services at Second Calvary Baptist Church tomor row, Sunday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock. If a collector fails to call on you se ad in your dues to tho office. We are still handling a line line of, job printing at 1&Q5 Taylor street. th h; fi y FOR RENT- Hall for Societies and Secret Orders. Phone 2G37. COME TO MORRIS COLLEGE CHAPEL TUESDAY, FEB. 22. Il Breachers of all denominations, lay men and Sunday School workers an invited to come to Morris College, Sum ter, S. C.. Tuesday, Feb.' 22nd. A fre< dinner will be served. Be there ai ten o'clock and hear a great sermoi from a man who hails from the fa north. At two o'clock an address ol "Thrift" will he delivered. There wil be great' singing. Spure this time an? it will pay you. Come, you are we come. Write Rev. J. J. Starks, Morri College, Sumter, S. C., if you are con ing. J. J. Starks. Pres. Morris College. Richard Carroll. Asst. Promoter < Meeting. te *.;. .> * .:? ?:?.;..;. <..;- .> .> * -> .> .> .> .> >> <. * .:- . B2-J. . M. M. HATS MADE OLD HA TO ORDER MADE NE Everything Done in Milline and First Class Dressmakin; THE WAVERLEY MILLI NERY SHOP MRS. J. A ROACH, Manager 1200 Heidt Street End ot' Waverley Car Line .HONE 3422-W COLOMBIA, S Yatch Our Windows for Latest and Best Models a Lowest Prices. en sn ce, Ia^??e*e??oaaee*<?e???e?'?n *+?+? *eeae*4 as af Call i few r and DISTINGUISHED VISITO Miss Mary A. Lynch of Salisbur C., is in the city for the mont February. Miss Lynch is sloppii the home of Mrs. A. P. Dunba Barnwell Street. Mrs. J. J. Starks and Mrs Young Pulling ol' Morris Co passed through the city last F for Union, where they spent the i end with Dr. and Mrs. A. A. They passed back through the Sunday and spent a short sta: tweon trains at the home of Mr Mrs. J. A. Roach. REV. I. E. LOWERY'S COLUMN. 3f + rs w ry the t The Good Samaritans. The state Grund Lodge, No. I. of e Independent Order ol' Good Sa nritans and Daughters ol Samaria in mut in tim city ol Beaufort iu il7. li was at thal Grand Lodge sus on that tiley roted to purchase iu illumina that valuable piece of prop .ty i'll the south sid?' ol Washington reel, which was built and owned innerly by Tom Jackson, the black Thc price paid lor this valu ?le properly was $17,000, and it was smiled !?> thu G. A. Hawkins real <tate agency. The writci visited Mr. Hawkins' ol eo on Washington street a few days go and lu- siiowed me the bond and lortgauc, the same being liuly salis ed in the clerk ot' court's office at tie court house. The Good Samari ins wiped emt this debt ill three ears, ami they deserve to bu congrat lated for their magnificent achieve neut The grand officers who led the )rder on to victory are. Mr. T. W. irown, Worthy Grand Chiof; Mr. I). Green is the Grand Secretary, and dr. A. ll y tuan Treasurer. The building is a substantial brick building with three stores on the ground Door, and eleven rooms up stairs. 1 understand thal the ow nura of the property contemplate remodel ing the building later and putting ou another story. It. now has a rental value ot ?1SO.00 per month, and the Hawkins Agency has the building in charge, and collects the rent. At present the headquarters ol' the Order is in Charleston, hut when the build ing is remodeled, their general offices may he returned to Columbia. Benedict College. On ibo invitation ot' the authorities of Benedict college tlie Interdenomina tional Ministers' I nion held a session last Tuesday in the library building. Rev G. F. Thompson, the president, presided, and Hov. .1. J*. Green read the minutes. President B. W. Valen tine, ol' Benedict, in a few remarks, welcomed the union lo the college, and asked them to come any lime they could make it convenient. The pas tors nf the city who constitute the union were there in full force. Mr. A. diaries L. Arbouin, presidnei of the Union nf Benedict College, composed of theological students, also spoke word- of welcome to the city union. Tile Dean ot the Theological Depart mont, tuo. made us welcome. Hi; name is the Rev. Mr. C. B. Antisdel. The preacher for the day was th( Rev. H. M. Moore, H. D., the pasto ot Second Calvary Baptist Church His text was: "For I am not ashamei of the gospel of Christ, for it is th' power of God unto salvation to ever; une that helieveth.'' The preacher also dwelt upon th preceding verse at length. The sei mon was able, instructive and spiri ual. Dr. Moore is one of the brighte.' jewels Benedict has sent out. He i an honor lo his alma mater. There : a bright future before him. Benedict, has just (dosed the exe cises of her week of prayer. D Moore conducted them, preaching the faculty and students twice a da Several students made a decision become disciples of tile Master, ai to follow Him. The Theological Department. The writer remembers very w when this department had only o (cacher, and just a handful of s .lents, who were preparing themseh for the ministry, but on Tuesday 1 v amazed at what I saw. That hu room in the library and the hall v were packed with young ministers, does seem to nie that the handful ! become a large company. There more or less 50 or GO theological : lents in Benedict. The crowd was ireat until they had to bring in e> seats. The faculty has increased fi one professor to four. They are: i T. C. Brownson, Rev. C. B. Antis Rev. D. F. Thompson and Rev. Lee. The last named gentleman been connected with this departn for several years, and its rapid gio to its pr sent large proportions is more to Dr. R. F. Lee than to other one person. He spends his cations advertising this depart? and in persuading young men who looking toward the ministry to c lo Benedict and study, and they come in larger number than < They are doing a great work. RS g. N. h of lg at r on . Ida liege, riday .veek Sinis. city y be . and COMING, COMING, COMI Prof. J. Ervin Dickson, United S Farm Demonstration Agent, Mrs. C. G. Garrett, Rural Super Colored Schools. Will tour the county in the int of the farms and schools. We n that Hie farm and school need oi tention at this lime and for thal son we have planned a speaking in many of the school district d February, and hope every farme be at the meeting at the a;>pc timo and place. At these me? every phase of the Crisis on the '. Home and School will be disct Remember the time and place. Friday. Feb. 11th, 8:00 p. m., Flake HU School House. Monday, Feb. 14tb. 12:00 p. m., Ce ur Creek School House. Tuesday, Feb. 10th, 12:00 m., Pine rove School House. Wednesday, Feb. 10th, lu:ou a. in, idney Park Church. lila nd in u stree'., olumbia. Friday, Feb. ISth, 12:00 m.. Shady rove School House. Tuesday, Feb 22d, 12:00 M Pied lont School House. Wednesday, Feb. 2*Jd. 12 00 m . Team School House. Thursday, Feb. 24th, 12:00 m.. Nieb las School House. Monday. Feb. 28th, 12:00 m., Boyd lill School Hons?'. Please don't t ail tu bc mi t i vic. HS [iok a i ng will begin at the nppoinieu nie. ,oi;al Agri. Agent, 2117 Wusli'iiglon street, Columbia, S. C. ?unbar -lu sad but loving memory ol my devoted husband. Rev. A. !' Hun bar. who departed Into eternal re si February K, 191 G. five years aun 'he month of February again ls hero, t was a bitter pain, a shock so. JV, "he saddest to me of all the year: To part with oin' I loved so dear )h! the memory of that night, \s I stood with breaking heart: .Seeing the one I loved sn dearly, Pierced by death's most cruel dari Long, dreary months you bore in pain. 'I'o seek for ease was all In vain; Hut (?oil, who knoweth all things bus". Eased your pain and gave you rest. Devoted Wife CHESTER PARAGRAPHS. Rev. F. I). Sims has been called to the pastorate of the Mt. Pleasant Han tist church of Richburg. Rev. Sin s is one ol the leading ministers nf this section. Mr. Clarke Stinson and .Miss Annie Anderson were married Sunday night by Dr. T. H. Ayers. Congratulations are extended the younjr couple. At the beautiful home of Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Newby, on Loomis stree-, about one hundred guests were enter tained on Friday night in honor < f Mr. and Mrs. Felix Clarke, a recent groom and bride. Several piano sele> tion.s were rendered by Mr. Ed Hobie son and Mrs. Beulah Johnson. Var iou ? games were enjoyed. Tho young cou pie received many valuable and use ful presents. A salad course wa ser\ed, followed by cake and cream. The entire city was saddened whe the news was heralded that Mr. Li ther Bell had departed this life o Wednesday, February 2d. He bore hi sufferings ol' many months dura ?io with patience and cheerfulness. A that loving hands of relatives an friends, both white and colore cou' do, was done for him, but to no aval His funeral sermon was preached ; the A. M. E. Zion church by Dr. H.D. Bailey, the pastor. Mr. Be was Superintendent of the Sund; School. Resolutions from the Sund; School were Touchingly read by Mi Fannie B. Cassell. Short eulogi were given by Mr. J. T. Douglass, X T. H. Ayers and Re/ A. McLees, a also by Mr. M. A. Carpenter, a wir friend. The church was packed every available space. The llora! t butes were borne in the church by ? little Sunday School girls. He lea\ a wife, one son and six sisters. was buried with Pythian honors. Hebron Cemetery. Mrs. Amanda Fermandez of R< Hill, and Miss Minnie Anderson New York city spent Sunday in ??ity at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, Douglass. Mr. Luther McAliley and Miss ( rie Hope were married last Sun night. On Monday night a recepi was given in their honor at the ht of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Thomas on :umbia street. Enclosed find money order (rei als) for Mrs. Mary B. Butler, Col bia street, $1.50, and Rev. P. G. Cullough Columbia street, $l.u0 ; Marie Gilmore, Oak street, $1.50. A Bible institute will be condu at the Presbyterian church begin Friday, through Sunday, by Dr. i McCoy, of Georgia, who has chan Sunday school work over this dis He will bo assisted by Miss For who has made special study of Sunday School work. Dr. T. H. A the pastor, extends a cordial ll tion to the churches of the city, present at the session of this meeting. A great timo is anticii Dr. J. D. Brooks, ex-pastor of vary Baptist Church, is expect! be in the city and preach at Ca on Friday night, February 11th. Dr. A. B. McCoy is the gut Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Douglass. Prof. S. L. Finley and his cot teachers are having a cement laid at tho main entrance of the I I building. This will add very mi urlng the looks of the grounds. r will Miss Fortune is the guest of ?"ted i and Mrs. A. A. Adair. ?tings I Farm, issed. ell ne lu res ras -ge :ay rt luis are ?ilu so :tra ?om lev. del, R. has lent iwth due any va lient . are :ome have F?ver. ENG tates and visor .erest salize ur at L rea tour Girls, shop early and get home j By no means hang around o streets late at night. SECOND CA' VARY BAPTIST CHURCH Last Sunday h ?Hg u beaut?ful and pleasant day quit? a uu:nl)?:r o*' visi tors Increased our congr?gation morn ng and night. Dr. R W. [taylor preached for us n tho morning and a gretd sermon t wa3. Dr. Baylor seemed lo have >een at his bes! and the i:nt ire con gregation enjoyed it to ll highest. The Sunday S- hu d m V, \ I*. I' or vices were up i>< tin landard and veil attended. At night Dr. Moo: . the pastor, ireai.hed a pr? il KC'..em. i* usual. Miss Mary A. K{ n li of Salisbury. C. C., chairman of the Department of Eugenics under the National Associa ion uf Colored Won en was present n the morning sud made a beautiful md Impressive il; un Itel work. Miss jynch is a fin speaker and worker. The Pastor'.* .\;<i (.'?nb has very beautifully litled up his -tu:y in the :hurch with new carpet. s?:"a. taba.*, washstand, et?. Miss Lynch spoin io th? female mein hers of the church Inst .Monday afternoon SAINT VALENTINE'S Masquerade Celebration for the Benefit cf Evans School in Kendletown, Columbia. At Royal Theatre Hall, Wash ington St. This will be a grand mid-winter af fair - old man Saint Valentine will be the at;ra. lion of the evening. A grand program bas been arranged to make I he occasion a pleasant and jolly night. Nothing but fun. tun. fun. If you wish to Join us leave your evening dresses, silks and satins at home. I! you don't, you will bu ou" ot style, for we are going back to George Wash ington days for this grand occasion. Wo are all coining dressed in our pollyneeso dollyfar old-fashioned over skirts, etc. Knickerbockers and every ancient and antique style of dress. A full orchestra will bc in attendance for the terpsichore classic set The ' program will be furnished hy the Rook ? er Washington. Howard, Waverley and 1 Kindletown schools. Some of the bes: " talent in the ?.iiy will bu repre^e.uv.i. " on the program. ? Committee-A. D. Robinson, Chair man; Mrs. Elsie Ne.son, Mrs. C. D. 1 Saxon, Miss Ola Burne. .Miss Charlott ' Jackson, Mr. Willie Johnson, Mr. E. ll. 1 Wiley, Tousant Owens, Dr. Cooper, Dr. 5 Watts, Dr. M. A. Evans.. Dr. Huggins, I Dr. Thomas, Dr. N. A. Jenkins Dr. II ("lOndwIn, Mr. J. L. Urown, Ceo. Hamp 1 ton, M. Robinson. B. Carroll. Dr. ' Daniels. Dr. Stewart, Prof. Johnson, '? Prof. Myers, Mr. D. ll. .Means. H. Vin lt cent, F. Paul, Br. Collins. J- A. D. Robinson, ill _ ty_ )r. nd ii . ia ri iix es He Sit CALL Tatum's Bakery ;For Fresh Rolls and Pies Daily Pound Cake a Specialty Phone 404O 2411 Gervais Street nf th. . L. lar day Lien ?>n e ^3 ??^33 ??^3*? Cv^J3 C8^3 Mrs. L. Kino; Meals, Ice Cream and Cold C.; Drinks lew. Prompt and Polite Service lul1004 Washington Street Mc Columbia. S. C. icted - ning ?++?*+*?.fr?+o*4>**o.?<??**<?*+* L H. ie nf trict. tune, the yera, ivita to be gre:,t CHEAP ,a?j; . Letter Heads to Hears I'lvary Envelopes < irculars ?st of Tici ets Cn r (Js rps of ?tc walk school Qut of Town orders So ich to licited. Prompt Delivery Prof. THE SOUTH I.RN INDICA TOR. Columbia, S. C. neftrtife PHONE 2637