The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, February 12, 1921, Image 1

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li VOLUME yvXII? COLUMBIA. S. &S/ntfRD*V. FEBRUARY 12 1921. NUMBER 13 NOTES BY A TRAVELS!* Dear Mr. Editor: It haB been some time since th .writer gave to your many readers ai account of his going to and fro ii "the .interest of the Voorhees Nor mal - and Industrial School of Den mark, the Tuskegee of South Care lina/ . OUT first visit for mention was mad to Atlanta, Ga., in company with Pro! A. W. Nicholson ?principad of 'th* Bettis Academy of Trenton, S. C. Th' meeting was called by Superintenden of Bureau of Education, W. D. Clax ton of Washington, D. C. A bringing together of the heads of all the voca t'ional schools from Virginia to Texa: to discuss the benefits of vocationa education upon the rural life of tin Negro. The meeting lasted two days November 18-19. The sessions being held in the capital building in th? Senate chamber, and your humble ser vant occupying what* he never dreamec . as possible, a seat in the Senate ol the great State of Georgia. Nolens volens, we must agree with Dr. Silas X. Floyd .that Georgia is the first and foremost State in the Union. We learned at this meeting, that last year the State of Texas appropriated foi Negro education over eight hundred thousand dollars, Louisiana appropri ated two hundred and sixty-seven thou sand, and South Carolina came next with an appropriation of one hundred and sixteen thousand for Negro" edu cation. Our speech before the gath ering was nat long, but we got this statement recorded in the proceedings that in Bamberg County where thc Voorhees School is located, that thc . Negroes in ?919 purchased and paid ' for seven thousand acres of land. Dur ing our stay in Atlanta, the first day the delegation was most royally enter tained at dinner by Clark University, and on the second day(by the Gammon Theological Seminary in their hand some dining hall. Professor Nichol ' .,.^jaan. voitad--our . sentimentsr.~whan- he exclaimed, that Negro education is, engaging the attention of the United. States government as never ? before, and soon all vocational schools will re ceive government aid. / Our next visit, December 10, WaE scheduled for New Yo^k City, for the purpose of having a "face to face" talk with Dr. Wallace Buttrick, chairman of the general education board. En route ,we stopped in Philadelphia, Pa., and obtained the following letter ol introduction to Dr. Buttrick: PM la delphi a, Dec. 14. Dr. Wallace Buttrick, New York City. My Dear Dr. Buttrick: This will in troduce to you Rev. E. R. Roberts, who is the principal of the Voorhees Nor mal and Industrial School of Denmark, S. C., a school for the training of col ored young men and young women. I have known Mr. Roberts intimately for a number of years. He made a splendid record as a StnJp ?i?jvi??v School worker in the employ of the American Baptist Publication Society for a number of years. His praise is in all thc churches and schools in that part of the South land. Two years ago, he was called to his present work as principal of the Voor hees School. I visited the school last May and preached the "Baccalaureate I sermon to a splendid graduating class] of fine young folks. There was a great j congregation present on that occasion. They have a number of unusually fine school buildings and there are big pos sibilities ahead of them. Their campus, for a school of this sort, ?B one of tho best that I have seen in the South land. They are especially in need of a new chapel building; their pres ent building being altogether unsuited and inadequate for their needs. I have no hesitancy in saying that any money given towards their proposed new chapel building, will be the best kind of investment. Any service you may be able to render to Mr. Roberts will be greatly appreciated by my self. He is a moat worthy brother; true, tried and dependable. With every good wish, I am, Very sincerely yours, S. G. Neil, Bible and Field Secretary American Baptist Publication Society. Before leaving for New York City, we filled the pulpit of Rev. A. R. Rob inson of the Shiloh Baptist Church. Dr. Robinson was just recovering from a severe attack of indigestion, which rendered him as the French say, "hors de combat." "We preached in his 5ECOND G E T-TOGETHEI MEETING RACE CONFER ENC? PROMOTERS. Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock th second get-together meeting of Colum blans preparatory to the great Rae Conference next week, February 16tl and 17th, will be held at First Calvar: Baptist Church. All lovers of goo< music and short and helpful speechei should avail themselves of the oppor tunity to attend this meeting. Corni early and get comfortable seats. Bring your whole family with you. stead, morning and night tb an audi ence that filled the auditorium from pulpit to door ; earnestly pointing tc the repentance that leads to God, and tb faith in Jesus our Lord. At the night service, seven joined for bap tism. The Church was just finishing ap a drive for ten th'ousand dollars; and they collected every dollar of the amount in one month. An after col lection of $35.00 was given us for the work at Voorhees. We give the fol lowing from a recent letter to UB from Or. Robinson. "I am writing to report to you my condition at this time. I am consid erably improved in health and hope, ere long, to be ablo to take hold and handle my work. It is really boauti Lul the patience and sympathy which my church is exercising during my Illness.. They are doing things for me that I did not dream they would do. Every little detail is being looked af ter and done for my comfort. They do not want me to Worry about one thing, as they are willing to wait until I am well. This is very kind of them. All of my needs are being taken care of by them in every way, and ' with great delight. Such things as I can eat they delight to furnish. All of this tends to lighten my burden and make lt possible ?for me to early regain my health and strength. I enjoyed very much your presence) and it" came ?t a time when I needed lt. The two ser mons you - preached at Shiloh will .lever be forgotten. I guess the Lord sent you here just at the time with these two splendid messages for the people, and to give cheer and comfort to me." We left for New York City on Wed nesday, December 15th, arriving there safe and sound, and found a royal wel come to the home of Rev. J. B. F. Coleman, who was for several years haplain of the Voorhees School, which he resigned to accept the Presidency of Liberia College of Monrovia, Libe ria. Dr. Coleman ls at present taking a post-graduate course at Columbia University, preparatory to his return to Africa. After transacting our busi ness with the General Education Hoard and returning to our habitat, we met the Rev. H. L. Jones, D. D., who s a graduate of Columbia University, and at present pastor of the Baptist Church at Yonkers, N. Y. We spent ..he night at his hospitable home en joying the many good things of life )ountifully provided. Dr. Jones is formally of Virginia, and he is thinking of returning South. We have invited him to come to South Carolina, it being the garden spot of the world. Churches in the State in .iced of a pastor might write him. His iddress is No. 248 W 133d street; The Christmas holidays being near at hand we decided to return home and receive our Santa Claus under jur vine and fis tree. Our next visit found us at the Tus kegee Institute, attending the Annual 'armers' Conference by speclla invi tation of Dr. R. R. Moton, the princi pal, who asked us to deliver an ad dress on "Why the Compulsory School Law as applied to the NegroMchild was largely ineffective. We delivered the same before the Worker's Conference. The Montgomery Advertiser (daiiy) spoke most flatteringly of our speech, for we dealt with the cause rather than the effect. Tne Annual Farmers' Conference of I Tuskegee brings to its campus not' only the farmers, but the heads of schools and educators from the entire South land. Not to visit the confer-1 ence is to miss one of the greatest j meetings annually held for the uplift of the race. Dr. Booker T. Washing-; ton laid the foundation of Tuskegee, but Dr. Moton is erecting a superstruc ture greater and grander than any leader of the race in America ever dreamed of. Long may he live to bless and be a blessing to the race. E. R. Roberts. oOcTH CAROLINA RACE CONFERENCE * 1 ? th Annual Session, February 16-17, Columbians. C. You are cordially invited to bej present at the 17th As nual Session of the South Carolina Race Conference io be hel in Columbia February 16th ,and 17th, 1921..- The, followin speakers have been invited to address the meeting : vf Wednesday morning, 9:30 to 12:00-The Educational Di vision meets at Sidney Park Church, Pres. R. S< Wilkinson, lead ing, assisted by Prof. T. L. Duck t!, Benedict College; and Mri C. G. Garrett, Supervisor Schools, Richland County. - Wednesday morning, 9:3^) to 12:00--The Farmers' Divi sion, leader, Mr. J. E. Dickson j U. S. Demonstrator, Richland County, assisted by R. W. Westberry, Sumter County, asid Mr F. W. Williams, Richland County. Wednesday, 9:30 to 12:00-State Y. M. C A., leader, \Dr Hodges, State Secretary. jtj Wednesday Afternoon, 2:30--Conference Mas? Meeting Address by Mr. E. J. S^wyzr sxi? Dr. Hodges. Wednesday night, at 8:00 p. mu-i-First. Calvary Baptist Church, address by. Mayor R. J. Blaiock, president Columbia Chamber of Commerce, Senator Niel Christensen,v Gov. R. H. Cooper. Reply, Pres. R. S. WUhlnsoa. .. Address-Bishop R. E. Jones, Sidney Park Church, Thursday 9:30 to 12:00, Health Division. Leader, Mrs. L. J.-Rhodes, assisted by Dr. E. A. Huggins and Miss A. A. Nelson * Thursday morning, 9:30 to 12:00-State Business League Meeting. Leader, Mr. E. J. Sawyer, Pres. Bank Bennettsville, S. C., assisted by Mr. R. W. Westberry, Secretary State Business League and Mr. L. B. Woods, Treasurer State Business League. Thursday morning, 9:30 to 12:00-Religious Section. Leaders, Rev. P. P. Watson Missionary Baptist) State Conven tion, assisted by Rev. J. F. Greeny Rev. N. F. Haywood, and Rev. D. F.Thompson. '* s *'~ . >.'.'. Thursday, 2:30 p. m.-Official Business Meeting, to which the public is invited. .-.<;. Thursday night-Address by Wm. H. Johnson, M. D., Charleston, S. C., Senator Alien Johnson, and Rev. Mark T.* Car lisle (M. E. Church, South.) vf ~ I Committee, . , LS. LEEVY, President, MRS. Li F. HOLMES, Vice President, T. L. DUCKETT, Secretary, L. B. WOOD, Treasurer. SECOND CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Bull Street, Between Taylor and Hampton Streets. I Invites you and your friends to worship with them at their services. ORDER OF SERVICE I Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday School. I Sunday- ll a. m., Morning Service. S Sunday 6 p. m., ,B. Y. P. U. I Sunday 7 :30 p. m., Evening Service. i H. M. Moore, A. B., D. D., Pastor. ?i _ LETTERS FROM REV.' AND. MRS. G. A. BURKE, WEST COAST AFRICA. Lott Carey Mission, ' . Brewerville, Liberia, West -Coast Africa, Dec, 1920. My Dear Rev. Carroll; I hope every thing is running smoothly with you. I have been keeping very busy with just such work as Rev. Burke de scr?beselo you in tils letter. He asked me to supplement his letter by relat ing this incident to you. I went out the other day as a 'sister of mercy looking for objects of pity. I heard of a suffering family. I succeeded in reaching their hut after wading wa ter, and foundL four in family who were seriously sick, all of whom were' lying on the ground half starved, with noth ing under them but an old piece of matting, with no one to do anything for them. I rendered them all the as sistance I could. Three are belter, one of whom has accepted Christ and will be baptized Sunday. * I believe I am especially adapted for just such work. It is the work that I WSB In structed ,to do, but necessity compels me to -put much time in the class room. After diagnosing the cases abovo mentioned as best I could, I found that the principle medicine they needed waa tsuiuething to eat. As all of them were suffering with an acute attack of starvation, I sent up a prescription to Rev. Burke for a little foodstuff. The prescription was filled; the nodi cine met the demand, and now the pa tients are on the go. They come from time to time to thank us for services rendered. I told them that their souls are in a worse condition than their bodies were, and that Jesus Christ, who had sent me there to heal their bodies, ia the only physician who could heal their souls and save them from eternal death, the dreadful results of the sin-s'ck diseases. They are anxious to have Him do so, and listen attentively while we ex plain to them the wonderful plans oj salvation. j _- - --?nMMMBMM Kindest regards to all. . ( Faithfully yours. Marie E. Burke. * Lott Carey Mission, Brewerville, Liberia, Weat Coa?t Africa, Dec, 1920. Dear Brother Carroll. Words cannot be found in the Eng lish language with which to express the joy that your kind and welcome letter brought to our hearts. We are getting along, very well under the pre vailing circumstances. The future hope of Liberia depends almost all to? gether upon the quantity and quality of missionary work done here. We have the same problem to face here that you have done so much toward solving in America, namely, to bring about a better feeling between some of the Liberians and some of the na tives, as the relation between the Li berians and the natives, as I see it, le about like that which exists between ihe~ white man and the Negro in America. There are many evils here to retard the progress of the country, whlcl must be overcome. Some of them the laws of the country are against and assist the missionary in suppress lng. I will name a few of the greai evils which are hindering the prog ress of the country: First, stronj drinks. The public sale of strom drink is permitted, and whiskey ii imported in large quantities. Second the virtual existence of slavery wha I would call blind tiger slavery, bc cause the laws cf the country buln against it. It is carried on in an ur derground way. For instance, a chu may be pawned for a certain sum c money in case the owner of the chile some of his people, or some one it terested in his freedom fails to r< deem him. He is compelled to wor for the person to whom he ls pa wno as long as he lives, without receivin anything for his labor save the foo which he eats. The son bf a chief wa in our mission. The' chief died. .Th next week his mother carried him o and pawned him for the sum of $48 A third great evil ls a society know NOTICE. A Religious Congress to be Held Morris College Tuesday, Feb. 22d. i On Tuesday, February 22d (deorf Washington 's Birthday), Hey.. JT::, Stark's, president of Morris Colleg Sumter, S. C., inviter the ministers < ?.U. denominations ia the Pee Dee se lon to come to the chapel of Morrl tollege at 9: au a. m. until 12^00 noo and hear a great Sermon on "Evang'< Iisin" by a gentleman, who comes froi the far north. Afterwards we wi! have short statements by the Sou tl Carolina brethren of all denomino tjions. \ Come, A Free Dinner Given to All. . j The singing during the day will. b< done by sj hundred voices. Good mu sic . will bfc played by the'best bane in the SUte. -Your soul will bo filler with power upon leaving those- hal lowed grounds.' ? t J. J. Starks, Pres, Morris'College. Richard Carroll, Columbia, S. C., Assistant for thia day's meeting. as. a Leopard Society. Leopards are very numerous In this oountry.. They give the people much trouble attack ing their goats, sheep, hogs and cows, carrying them off'in the bush and eat ing them, but a leopard will not attack a person unless he is wounded. The Leopard Society is. a set of ca?abais or. men who eat human fl oe h. They dingujB^ themselves by putting on a leopard akin and crawling about pre tending to be tl wounded leopard. When he sees an unarmed (person by himself. He carries in his hand a dagger with which he? stabs his prey. The laws of the country are strictly against the society, and the executives, are doing all they can to exterminate it. But it being a secret society, it will take time. .The people here seem to be great believers in society. The strongest society out here, from our point of view, i's the Griggle Bush, or Devil Bush, as it 1B commonly called. : The members of this society publicly 'tftrfrtar?&tt aa^thWr^capth&T:-riey practice witchcraft. Time will not permit me to describe this society in full. Hope to tell you more about it at a later date, also of our controversies with the Mohame dams. I have a very bright boy, which I hope you will support in our school. We have several children who need scholarships. We make $25.00 'per year support a child, and some of our children are almost grown. A very small sum indeed, but somehow by the help of the good Lord we get through by supplementing the scholarship funds with a part of our salary. We have just closed a successful re vival meeting at the Zion Grove Bap tist Church, of which the Rev. J. O. Hays is pastor. Twenty-three accept ed Christ as their personal Saviour, among whom was a notorious infidel. This infidel was a hard nut to crack, as he would not visit church to hear the gospel 'preached. A committee was formed, consisting of Sisters A. Hays, L. Smart, A Moore, C. Bowens, P. Bryant, Bryant agafn and Marie E. Burke. They went to his house, which was about four miles away. At first he made them very unwelcome. He told them he had no time to bother with them and they had better go back home. When they insisted on him, he began abusing them in harsh language. He assured them that he did not appreciate their interest at all, and that it was none of their busi ness how he died or where he would go after death. He dfd not believe in God or Jesus Christ, neither did he believe that there was a heaven or hell. The Bible to him was no more I than any other book. He got BO an gry with them that he cried and tried ito drive them from his house. But instead Of going they forced him in the house ?nd entered themselves, Singing "I Dreamed That the Great Judgment Morning Had Dawned and the Trumpet Had Blown." After sing ing, Mrs. Burke read a passage of Scripture and laid her hand no his head and prayed as if they were or 'daming him to the gospel ministry. All of the sisters prayed. At the close of the meeting he seemed to have had a better spirit toward them. I He" then thanked' them for showing their interest in hfm, but still he claimed that he did hot have time to go to church. Furthermore, he was living in a house alone and had no one to look after his things while he > was away. But the spirit of God pre vailed "and. some time during that night he became anxious about the LQOKJNG OVER THE FIELD. Notea by Rev. ?Rrfhajp^ Carroll. Since leaving Voorhe'es Industrial school, Denmark, S.* C., I have "spent a number of most comfortable duyr with Dr. J. W. Boykin and Deacon- T J. Boykin of Camden., and lastly, with Rev. A. W. Hill, D. D., and family at Aiken, the famous winter resort. I went into the country to look around Storm Branch Academy. \At this school cleanness abounds. Though six miles in the country, where the Union met, the church, steps and surroundings were clean'. In Aiken, S. C., the drug store of Dr.* C. C. Johnson is one of the most up to-date; and I don't mean of colored drug stores, but cf all drug stores In South Carolina. His patronage comes from both races, from the lowest to the highest. Politeness, courtesy and grace abounds. In Dr. Johnson, the Baptists of South Carolina have one , of the greatest laymen, with ability to preside at and on all occasions anywhere in America. At the parsonage Rev. A. W. Hill and his wife spared no pains in mak ing me comfortable. As costly as chickens are, they had chickens on the table from their own yard. Mra. Hill is ? good cook from "Old Vir gin-la." She is among the young women who knows how to make corn bread eatable when only made of water, salt and meal. Good fires were In my room and the study. Bro. Hill bas two diplomas; one from Benedict College and one from the Union Uni versity of Virginia. He is still dig ging away at Science and Philosophy. Say what you may, I believe he ls one Df the many who ls struggling to dj right. Rev. W. Kenner lives in this city. He has just married a wife and Is as happy as a lark. Both he. and his wife have proper*7 and they have a plantation together. ' >~Me?fc'auuJftg' 1 t;o^&'iBntnn~A^^ ^ somewhere on the coast "near Savan nah, Ga., with my old friend as man- ?. ager, the Rev. J. M. Glenn, of the A. M. E. Church. He tells me that he has the co-operation of the Baptists for ten miles around and other citizens, white and colored. So next Sunday he hopes to have a great meeting. Some Notes. The Rev. Richard Carroll states that he was partly instrumental in get ting the Rev. G. A. Burke in the Lott Carey Convention as a missionary in ?Africa. Without calling names just now, he has reliable information that some money is going forward to help Rev. Burke educate ten students in the Brewerville, Liberia Normal and Industrial school, West Coast Africa. The editor of The Indicator is right. Make the preachers, teachers and oth ers wtjo we advertise in papers, pay for lt. My writings are free, but the publisher should have pay for all ad vertisements. It is said that Mrs. Cora Boykin will be the general manager of the Negro Baptist hospital that is to be In Columbia. She can manage the wo-' men and men folks of Baptist persua sion, well. welfare of his soul. He got up the ?ext morning and moved everything he had to a neighbor's house, em ployed the neighbor to keep them for bim, and left home for church, declar ing that he would never return honte again until be had found Jesus, pre cious to his soul, and that he did. They came in contact with another infidel, who delighted in cursing Christ. Calling Him a bastard and io forth, but now he is seeing the Saviour. He ran away from his home when he found that a committee waa coming to see him, and went to the house of the Justice of the Peace, whom he thought had directed them to his house, and cursed him shame fully. He dodged them like a crim inal would dodge u possee of sheriffs. But, like a possee of sheriffs, they fol lowed him until they found him, and took him by force In the midst of his ?lastphemy and carried him to the nearest house, where they read, sang and prayed for him. The next day he was found looking for them to pray for him again. I am asking Mrs. Burke to relate to you another" Incident which time does not permit me to do just now. Thank ing you In advance for assistance ren dered and remaining your most loving brother and everlasting friend. O. A. Burke.