The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, April 11, 1914, Image 5

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UNDERWOOD WINS ( TOGA IN HA DEMOCRATIC HOUSE LEADER IS NAMED SENATOR FROM STATE OF ALABAMA. A HEAVY VOTE WAS CAST Ticket Was Very Long, and Count Was Necessarily Slow in All Precincts. Birmingham, Ala.-Oscar W. Under Wood triumphed over Richmond P. Hobson In the contest before Demo cratic primaries throughout the state !for the nomination to the United 'States senate. Owing, tdf?hc cora Qplexity and length of the ballots com plete returns were slow in coming in. The protracted struggle for the nom ination between tho two distinguished candidates terminated with a rccord p .breaking vote by Alabama Democrats. Interest in the contest for the short term in the United States senate, the nomination of ten congressmen, a gov ernor and other state and county offi cers also brought thousands to the polls. Mobile. Ala.-Mobile and soutli Ala bama polled the heaviest vote in years. The total in Mobile county will reach 6,000. Underwood swept soiith Ala bama. Comer, for governor, led Kolb in the country precincts, but Kolb took* a wide lead in the city. Henderson and Seed were not in the running here. Mr. Underwood made the following statement: "I am thoroughly satisfied with the primary election. The splendid ma jority given me in the state I attrib ute to the magnificent work that my friends have, done for me in my ab sence. The result I feel is a personal vindication and a distinct approval of my remaining in Washington and at tending to my official duties. But af ter all is said, the final conclusion must be that it is more of a victory for fundamental Democratic principles than for myself/' BANKS ARE ASKED TO ACT Every Effort Will Be Made to Expe dite New System. Washington.-l?very effort will be exerted by the federal reserve bank organization committee to have all hanks expedite the formal step.1-, nec essary to put t*t; new. currency sy!? tl'M?Vu>m . S of tue committee, appar entT Wrc n? expectation that there ?wilql^pany financial crisis to face requiring the assistance to banks which the resrve system will pro vide, but they are particularly anxious to have the twelve reserve banks in the field when crop moving time comes around next fall. They hope to be able at that time to demonstrate how easily and quickly the reserve sys tem will take care of a situation which in previous years has caused financial .worry, and which last fall led to di rect loans from the United States treasury to national banks in the farm ing regions. Under the new law the several steps to be taken by the banks might be de layed so that there would be little chance of setting the reserve banks up before autumn, but if the banks respond promptly there is little rea son to believe that the organization will be deferred much longer. "Mr. K. F. Shah" Representing China Washington.-"Mr. K. F\ Shah," ae tho new Chinese minister, prefers tc register himself in token of China'* acceptance of American ideas, arriv ed in Washington from N?w York, with nineteen of his suite. In the usual course the state department will be advised in a day or two of the arriva: of the minister and the president will designate some afternoon when thc newcomer will bo receive dat thc white house. One of the first matten that will claim tho minister's attentior is a report of Uio American engineer C. D. Jameson, upon the great recia iiint.ion project alnog the Huai river This involves the raising of a loan o: $20,000,000 in this country and in or ranging for this transaction Mlnistei Shah will have the benefit of the act ive support of the American Red Cros: Aviation Fatal to 38 In Three Months Washington.-Death levied a heav; toll on aviators for the first thre< months of this year. Between Januar: 1 and April 1 thirty-eight men los their lives through the uncertainty o air currents or the fail uro o? their fly ing machines. The United States, wltl five killed, stands fourth on the list which France heads with ten dead Prance has more aviators than an; nation in tho world. Germany los eight. Great Britain seven. T?rke; ?oi-.t three and Chile, Spain, Argentine Switzerland, and Italy oue each. Wilson's ViewG on Justice. Washington.-President Wilson ar nounced the principle that is guidin him in Ute selection of public sen ants. Ile said ho did not believe i choosing men who would decide quos tions in a certain way, but would st lect those whom knew to be jus and fair. The president remarked tim to him it seemed justice was the hart est thing in <-l>e world to obtain an that it required more courage tba tiny other one thing. Mr. Wilson wa discussing Iiis appointment of Pro ."Winthrop M. Daniels. ROBERT LANSING Mr. Lansing has been appointed by President Wilson to succeed John Bas sett Moore as counselor for the depart* ment of state. His home is at Water town, N. Y. FIGHT TO SECURE BANKS DECISION OF COMMITTEE CAN BE REVERSED ONLY BY THE RESERVE BOARD. Federal Reserve Board Cannot Be Ex pected to Reverse Itself, However. + + + + + + + + + + + + + .fr Where Banks Will Be Located. + + .fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr Washington.-Tue cities se lected for regional banks are: Boston Philadelphia Richmond ?hicago Minneapolis Dallas, Tex. New York Cleveland Atlanta ?t. Louis Kansas City San Francisco. .fr ?fr ?fr fr + + + + + * + + + + + + * Washing', rm.-There was every indi cation that the announcement of the reserve districts and cities by (lie re serve bank organization committee had ven tile signal for a determined 'Struggle upon the/part of several cit I IDB which" were disappointed to over turn tiie committee on the decision and bring about a redistricting of the country, or at least a change in the reserve cities named. Under the law the decision of the organization committee is not subject to review except by the federal reserve board. This board probably will not be named by President Wilson for sev eral weeks, but in the meantime it is believed that those disappointed with the committee's announcement will bend every effort toward paving the way for changes. It was pointed out that both Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo and Comptroller of the Cur rency Williams of the organization committee, are ex-officlo members of the reserve board, and hardly could be counted upon to reverse themselves. The president has given no Intimation as to whom the other five members will be. REBELS TO ATTACK TAMPICO Admiral Fletcher Predicts Federals Will Abandon Gulf Port. Washington.-Following closely on official advices from George C. Caroth ers, American consular agent at Tor reon, of the flight of the federal troops from that city, came a prediction from Rear Admiral Fletcher that the im portant gulf port of Tampico proba bly would be abandoned by the fed erals without a fight Administration officials made nc comment on the Ton-eon result and official sentiment is not likely to crys tallize until more ls known of the bat tle itself and its effects in Mexico City and elsewhere. Mr. Carothers' report of the fall ol Torre?n lacked detail, particularly with reference to losses sustained or both sides and the movements of thc retreating federals. Gunmen to Be Given Reprieve. Albany, N. Y.-Unless Governoi Glynn changes his mind, a reprieve foi the four New York gunmen, under sen tence to die in Sing Sing during th? week beginning April 13, will bf granted. If granted, the stay of exe cution will be until after* the seconi trial of Charles Ue"Sr:er, who, with th( gunmen, was found guilty of the mur der of Herman Rosenthal. District At torney Whitman has said he intend! to try Becker a second time as soor UM possible, but lt will be from ihrei to six mouths hence. Monroe Doctrine Not Obsolete. Philadelphia.-The principle of th< Monroe doctrine in just as alive nov as it ever was and President Mon roe's declaration is not an "obsolet* shibboleth," according to statement a the annual meeting of the America) Academy of Political and Social Sci en ce. Speakers with few exception ware in agreement upon the genera principle of tho doctrine. Rear Ad mirai Chester urged a concert of ac tion among American republics in i policy of "America for the Amer! cans." ORDER PROHIBITION IN THE ?. S. INT SECRETARY DANIELS ISSUES A RULE TO BAR LIQUOR FROM .... EVERY SHIP. ORDER EFFECTIVE JULY 1 A Clear Head and a Steady Hand ls , Needed, Says the Secretary of the Navy. Washington.-Absolute prohibition will prevail in the United States navy after July 1 next. Secretary Daniels made public a sweeping order, whi?lV not only will abolish the traditional "wine mess" of the officers, but will bar all alcoholic liquors from evefy ship and shore station of the navy, ?j This order, constituting one of tbjg most notable victories ever won hm prohibition forces, was issued on tifis recommendation of Surgeon QenijWEa Braister. . ?gjPl "The usc of introduction for drnfi? Ins purposes of alcoholic liquors^jMr board any naval vessel, or within any navy yard, or station, is strictly, piro-. ? hibited, and commanding of deers will5 be held directly responsible for th? , enforcement of this order." In a statement Secretary Daniels' said: . "I am in hearty agreement with th& views expressed by the surgeon genj ; eral. There should not be on ship board with reference to intoxicants^ one rule for ofiicers and another and a different rule for tho enlisted p?$3 sonnel. The saddest hour in my oflicial life is when an officer or enlisted man must be punished for intoxication. During the past week it has been my' painful duty to approve a eourtmar tial for dismissal from the service of an officer for intoxication. He told me that he never had lasted intoxi cants until he di'! so in the wine mess on the cruise. Others who have been disciniin u fr/r drinking to excess have made s- > v statements to me. "Officers now are commissioned at the early age of 22 years. Has the government a right to permit this temptation, which too often destroys the highest usefulness of young of ficers? I think not. If there is one profession more than any other that calls for a clear head and a steady hand, it is the naval profession. MAN SLAIN_WITH AN j? P. O. Bonnell Murdered in Sleep at Milledgeville, Georgia. Hawkinsvillc, Ga.-Paul O. Bonnell. 22 years old, was killed here as he lp.y in bed sleeping. An ax, apparent ly, was used in the murder. Harry Lee, nephew of the dead man and who roomed with him, is being held by the police pending an investigation. Lee is IS years old. The youth denies any connection with the killing and claims lt was done by a negro. He claims he was awakened by the noise made by the negro in time to see him escaping from the room. Bonnell is survived by a wife, now living in Florida. Lee, who roomed with Bonnell in his place of business, ran out of the store at one o'clock in the morning and gave the alarm. He declared that his un cle had just been killed by someone who used an ax. He says that both were in bed at the time and that he was not asleep, that he heard someone in the store and, looking up, saw the party, whom he did not recognize, with a large ax raised, and that the mur derer dealt the death blow beforo he could do anything, and escaped. Boy Killed by Mute's Kick. Atlanta.-Theodore Ford, the four year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ford, was kicked to death near their home on Flat Shoals road, where Mr. Ford conduct a farm and dairy. The child bad gone into the field with its mother and approached the mule, when the mother's attention was directed to other thangs. Tho animal turned sud denly and kicked the child several 1 times, which resulted in crushing his skull. He was rushed to the Grady hospital, but died. Tho body was re moved to Bloomfield's chapel and fun i eral arrangements will be completed : later. The body was removed to Bloomfield's chapel Fleas Cause the Plague. New Orleans.-Fleas carried in . sacks of sugar and not rats are re - sponsible for the recently reported i cases of bubonic plague at Havana, i Cuba, according tc Surgeon John Gili - terns, director of sanitation for the I republic of Cuba, in a letter to Dr. i Oscar Dowling of the Louisiana state - board of health. Surgeon Guiteras - state:; in his letter that he conducted i more than twenty-five hundred labora i tory experiments with rates, for the ; purpose o? determining tile manner in which bubonic plague germs carried. Many Spaniards Deported. ? Torreon, Mexico.-Gen. Francisco ' Villa ordered that the 600 Spaniards a of Torre?n be deported. He issued in t structiong thal trains be provided im i mediately and that the exodus to El |. Faso, Texas should begin at once, s Their property will be temporarily con 1 fiscated. lt is the tragedy of Chihua [- hua over again, arid is said to express :- the deep-rooted suspicion and even ha a, trod with which the native Mexlcar [- and particularly the peon looks on the Spaniard. DANIEL F. MOONEY Daniel ??. Mooney, St. Marys, O has been appointed United States mir ??ftor to Paraguay. He ls the first rest dent diplomatic representative accrcd |?e'd^t6';that country since 1870, whet the diplomatic posts of Uruguay and Paraguay were combined. HOLD-UP CANAL B?LL REPEAL MEASURE IS REFERRED "TO SENATOR O'GORMAN'S COMMITTEE*. Spectacular and Heated Debate ls Expected When Measure ls Introduced. Washington. - Tho administration bill to repeal tolls exemption for all American coastwise ships In thc I'an ama canal, which passed the house amid spectacular scenes reached the senate and was referred promptly to thc committee on inter-oceanic canals without debate. Senator O'Goriuan, chairman of the canals committee, who is marshaling the anti-administration torces, an nounced definitely that he would call a meeting of tho committee for next Tuesday. Until that time, no formal .consideration of the repeal measure or proposed amendments can develop. Al though friends of tho president had hoped to have the canals commit tee meet earlier, they decided to make no effort to induce Senator O'Gorman to change his plans. They will insist, however, upon action within reason able time after the committee gets down to work. NEW CHIEF OF. U. S. ARMY Wotherspoon Appointed Chief of Staff Succeeding General Wood. Washington.-Maj. Gen. William W. Wotherspoon, now assistant chief of staff of the army, has been selected to succeed Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood as chief of staff at the end of Gen eral Wood's term, April 22. Brig. Gen. Hugh L. Scott, commanding the troops at Kort Bliss, Texas, will be assistant chief of staff. General Wood will assume command of the Eastern department, with head quarters at Governor's Island, New York. The appointment of General Wother spoon to be chief of staff had been ex pected,.as it was in accordance with Um practice of promoting the assist ant chief of staff to the first place. Sc the interest of the army centered in the selection of an assistant chief ol staff who might in turn succeed Gen eral Wotherspoon when the latter re tires on account of age next Novena ber. J. H. Woodward ls Seriously III. Orlando, Fla.-*-J. H. Woodward ol Birmingham, Ala., rated as one of tin wealthiest men of the South, is seri ously ill at his winter home here. HU daughter, Mrs. Oscar W. Underwood wife of the house Democratic leader and other members of the family arc here. $100,000,000 Capital for Reserve Banki Washington.-The new federal re serve banking system will start bus! ness with a total authorized capita of about $1UO,000,000 for all reserve banks, no matter how many insiitu tions the organization committee de cides to set up. This fact became ap parent when figures were made publh from all national banks responding t< the last call of the comptroller of thi currency, made March 4. The state ment giving these Asures' will ba tin last of the kind issued. Mississippi Bank Officials Indicted. Natchez.-Investigation into the al fairs of the First Natchez bank, whicl closed its doors on October 30, lilia resulted in the indictment here by Uv Adams county grand |ury of A. 0 Campbell, president; S. H. Lowenberg ilrst vice president, and lt. Lee Wood second vice, president of the def une institution on the charge of acceptini deposits after the bank was insolvent The grand jury is investigating Uv ravings department of the bank am other indictments ara expected. WILL Ll E FALLOW _.._ I OPERATIONS ON PENITENTIARY j FARMS ARE CURTAILED ON ACCOUNT OF LABOR. LATE STATE CAPITOL NEWS Review of The Latest News Gathered Around the State Capitol That Will of Interest to Our Readers Over South Carolina. Columbia. One day recently there were !St> ? prisoners in the stale pe? Hen Un ry ; and 57 prisoners on tim stale limns. ' O? Hie prisoners in Hie penitentiary I ino were nun and o<> women. All the prisoners employed on the stale ! farm were mon. Under normal conditions it requires ; about 1150 convicta to work thc 2,400 ? aeres ol" cultivated land at the state j farms in Kershaw and Sumter eouu- I ties. Much of the land will lie failow j this year. Practically no cotton will ! he planted at the state farm. The ) small foree of convicts will he used j to cultivate food crops exclusively. About GOO acres have been sowed in I whout and oats. Some corn has ttl- ? ready been planted and more will be | planted later on. As there ls not j enough labor available to cultivate the big cotton crop which the state farm has been planting for years, it ! will not bc grown this season. Thc ! penitentiary directors have disposed of the mules they do not need on the state farms. Tlie chair factory at the penitenti ary is turning about 55 rattan rockers per day which are sold in various parts of the South. FoTty male con victs and 12 female convicts arc em ployed in the chair factory. The ash and maple for the arms, frames and rockers of the chairs are shipped from the lumber mills In the moun tains. The rattan reed is imported from the West Indies through New York. All the parts of the chairs aro made on the premises from raw ma i terlal. Government Dam Completed. The wicket dam at- the government locks on the Congaree river is com pleted and will be ready for operation as soon as the coffer dam cribs are removed. The, government forces have a der rik Boat at Work liftingv the cribs now. After the wicket dam is in op eration, there will be three feet of water in the basin at the foot of Ger vais street. The government locks have long been ready for the passage of boats. The dam which the government has erected across the Congaree riv er is of the Chanoine type and waa in vented by a famous French engineer. It was first used successfully on the Seine and the Loire in France. The government has built a long chain of Chanoine dams on the Ohio river. The Black Warrior river is made nav igable up to the coal fields of Ala bama by wicket dams. Big Fertilizer Tag Sale. A total of $235.271.24 has boen re ceived from the privilege lax on the sale of fertilizers up to date, accord ing to figures from the office of State Treasurer S. T. ('arter. The amount received from this source up l.o this ; time last year was $201,933.40, and to the corresponding date in 1911, one j of the heaviest years, lt was $224, I 543.36. The total received from the fertilizer tax in 1911, a banner ye was $255,082.43, and us the receipts from the tax are greater this year to date than they were for 1911, it is be lieved the income from this tax will break all records this season. The fer ; tllizer tag tax goes to Clemson Col ' lege. Some New South Carolina Enterprises] Boyle Hardware Company of Char leston has been commissioned by the secretary of state, with a capital ol : $3,000. The petitioners ara S. M. . Boyle and B. A. Hagood. Merchants' Grocery Company ol ; Greenwood has been commissioned , with a capitai ol $25,000. The pet!? , tioners are lt. J. Cartledge, J. W, ; Coleman and J. B. Walton. Fire Will Not Stop Business. i H. J. Gregg, of the Hammond-Gregg - Company of Columbia, dealers in cot - ton bagging, said that the fire which 1 destroyed the warehouse of the firm ? on Blanding street recently would nol ? interfere with its business at all, as - new quarters would be taken inimed - lately and all orders would be filled 3 Tho stock of second hand cotton bag j ging in the warehouse was a total 3 loss. The building and its contents - were valued at between $7,000 and 3 $S,00C. They were insured. Instruct Militia at Charleston. A Joint encampment of instructlor ; tor field training of the regular armj and the state militia of South Caro lina, North Carolina, Georgia, anc ;? Florida has been ordered by tho wai department to be held in tho vicinity I of Charleston, S. C., from July 1 t( >, August 15 according to orders re I, ceived recently by Adjutant Genera t Moore, of South Carolina. Each stat? i- has a federal appropriation of $18,00( for the expense of the enmpaign. No r more than three regiments will be en ? camped at one time, it ls stated. { i Pago Inspecte Kleid Hospita!. Field hospital equipment <?*' tho Nat/ fional Qunrd of South Carolina, undei* command of Maj. J. H. l'ooro, was in spected recently hy Maj. Henry Page, Cnited States anny, and Capt. Allen J. Jervey, of the mod i cal corps of lilis siaie. The medical corps connected with ? ?ie militia of the state have been dis organized during the pant, two years hy tho establishment of tho field hos pltal, but an order has recently been issued by the adjutant general au thorizing the organization of a hos pital corps ID he attached lo each of :ho regiments. Cul. A. K. Legare has recently recommended the appoint ment of two Columbia doctors, N. Bruru Edgerton and Relton D. C.augh nmn, :.s assistant surgeons; and the iiii'*pi:al corps to be af...- lied to his regiment will be* organized and train ed by ?hem. Columbia hoing lite headquarters ol tho Held hospital, which is attached io the entire militia of ti:.' state and is n separate Organization, the rogi* mental detachment that h< being or ganised will bo trained Itt connection with Maj. Pnore's command and this combination, wittie relieving the Indi vidua] medical officers of much work, will create a friendly rivalry between the organizations, and al tho same time will 'place tho members in closer personal relations when on duty dur ing Ihe encampments. The duty of these li esp ital corps are not. confuted to the actual treatment of cases of illness in the camps, but they are theoretically ira hied tn all the necessary hygienic measures to he adopted tn the camps and by the men for their personal protection, and they are charged with the duty of seeing that such precautionary measures are carried out while on field duty. Certain members of the hospital corps, being specially quali fied for this duty, are charged with observing anl instructing the men in camp in the proper care, of their per sons and clothing, while others are in charge of the conditions surrounding i tho preparation and protection of the foods in the kitchens, and any breach of t?te rules laid down regarding the sanitary conditions are immediately reported and severe punishment met ed out. Four Companies Divide Business. Meeting a few days ago at the state house, the sinking fund commission awarded contracts for the. reinsur ance of 60 per cent, of the buildings owned by South Carolina. More than a score of bids were received by the commission. Following are the .ijucccssfuliJjom panies: Fireman's of Newark, New Jersey. I Southern States Fire Insurance Company of Greensboro, N. C. Southern Underwriters of Greens boro, N. C. Underwriters' Insurance Company of Greensboro, N. C. According to D. H. Means, chief clerk of the commission, the Joint bid of these companies, which was submitted by C. E. Mebann of Greens boro, N. C., was 30 per cent off tho regular premium. Gets Verdict of $7,000. A verdict of $7,000 wan given re cently in the court of common pleas in tho case of Maggie E. Kelly, as ad ministratrix of the estate of Robert L?. Kelly, deceased, against the Col umbia Railway, Gas and Electric Co. The case arose out of the death of Robert L. Kelly on the night of De cember 10, 1912. Tho complaint al leged that the street car was moving at a rapid speed, without adequate lights and without, giving proper alarm of tts approach. The complaint asked for damages amounting to $25,000. City Pays for Hydrants. J. A. Sumraorsett appeared before city council at its specisil session re cently and asked that the i -ty de fray the expense of placing new fire hydrants within the inclosure of tho state hospital for the insane and of repairing all the old fire plugs. After discussing the matter, council decid ed that it could not pay for such work and ?he resolution by Council man Stieglitz ordering thc town io pay the necessary expenses, waa adopted. Canning Club Directress Busy. Miss Dorothy^ Napier, directress of ' the girls' canning clubs in Richland ? county, working under the direction i 1 of the United States department of i 1 agriculture, Winthrop College and the -jColumbia chamber of commerce, has ; j boen at kev desk in lite office of tho .. -bamber about a month and a half. , j During this time she has covered the .?county, enrolled 112 girls in ll clubs, [ and Richland now ass more ambitious , girls in her canning clubs than any [ other county In the state. Several new clubs have been organized. Hearing on Freight Rate3. l Hearing on the petition for a read r Justment of freight rates in South . Carolina will he held before the rail I road commission April 15. The petl - tion was filed by members of the ? South Carolina Freight Rate Assoei ) ation. On the Hame date a hearing . will he hold before the commission I on the question of starch rates from j Charleston. The shippers hold that ) when Btarch is delivered at Charles* I ton by the steamship lines and reload* . ed on freight carsi tho intrastate ; freight rate should applj, ).