. i. . . ipp / ^ ".' THE SOUTHERN INDICATOR 4 ?i. v. VOL VIII COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 15th, 1913 NUMBER 18 _.-? .' ? _:-,-._ A. M. E. BISHOPS MEET IN COUNCIL At} Charleston-Bishop L. J. goppin Appointed to Fill acancy Resigned by Bish op Turner-Bishop Chap adle Fraternal Delegate to Gen'l. Con. M. E. Church, & gjSouth-Other Notes. The Bishops Council of the A. M. E. church was held at Char leston, beginning last Friday and clojsed Monday of this week. . All the bishops were present ? 3wi;th the exceptions of Bishops ,\Vm. B. Derrick, who was sick, lan'd J. Albert Johnson, who is in ?iSouth Africa. Many of the gen j^eral officers and other prominent '^ministers from all sections of the country were in attendance, j Much business of importance was ' transacted, i Bishop W. D- Chap of Columbia, was appoint .aternal" delegate to the Gen conference of the M. E. h South. hop H- M, Turner, resigned hop of South Carolina shop L. J. Coppin, D. D-, of e 2nd Episcopal Dist., wasgiv the oversight of the work in lith Carolina, until the meet g of th? Bishop's Council next ine At th?t council, the work ill be . given ' permanently to me bishop, io hold until the eneral Conference. Bishop Tur jvseemed to be visibly affect 'e^jhade his speech, re ork, and showed past turmoil grown ?eaviliy upon hivk. Bish op Turner, isj at present without a district, anld he said to press reporters and others, that he will write, travel, lecture and preach. Bishop Coppin, who comes to South Carolina, is well known, and well liked throughout the State. Among the men of Bishop Chappelle's District, who attend ed the Bishops Council, and vis ited Columbia, were: Rev. Char les R. Tucker, D. D., pastor of the A. M- E. church at Oklaho ma City,-Dr. Tucker is one of the foremost men in the South west, and is a prominent candi date for Episcopal honors; Dr. O. L. Moody, the president of ShorterfCollege, Argenta, Ark., Dr. Moody is young, well edu cated and progressive, he ad dressed the student-body of Al len University last Tuesday morn ing to the delight of all who heard him; ? Dr. W. T. Pope, the' Presiding Eider of the Sherrell District (Ark.) and editor of the Arkansas African Mdthodist - Dr. Pope is one of the ablest men in Arkansas, and Dr- J. G Rob inson, pastor of the A. M. E. church at Fort Smith, Ark. Dr. Robinson was the official repor ter of the Bishops Council -he is one of tho best known news paper men in the country. The leading: dailies in all parts of the country publish h i s articles withouit the changing of a sen tence. ; Dr. Robinson is a candi date lor the Editorship of the Southern Christian Recorder. Bishop Chappelle was the lead ing spirit at the Bishops Council, and it has been thoroughly dem onstrated that he will be to the new church in power and influ ence what Bishop Grant was in other days. Mrs. R. (). Jeffers and her friend, Miss Daisy Jackson of Asheville, left for their moun tain home last Thursday after a visit to Mrs. Jeffer's mother, Mrs- Henry Lindsey, Sr. AT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH "SOMETHING DROPPED" Mrs. Gracie Vincent, a former Columbian, but now of New York city, where she has resided a number of years, has set an ex ample of church loyalty which other people who, by change of residence, are. removed from the church in which their member ship is, could well afford to fol low. It was this way : The first of last December the Rev. Dr. R. W. Baylor, pastor of the Zion Baptist church, received an unsigned letter in which he was told that on the first Sunday in February 1913, "something would drop in Zion." Dr. Bay lor's wildest imagin?t ion gave no clue to the source or the mean- ? ing of the letter. So, deciding that it was all a practical joke, he let the matter drop. It was all .cleared up however when, during the last weeks in January, he received from Mrs. Gracie Vincent, whose member ship is yet in Zion, a beautiful individual silver communion set, valued at $100, with the request that he present it to the church on the first Sunday in February, 1913 and that the time of presen tation be made the occasion for the re-uni^n of the older mem bers of che church, those with whom she had been associated as a church worker. Acting on the suggestion, Dr. Baylor planned and carried out a great day at old Zion on the first Sunday in February. In the morning at 11:30 o'clock Dr. A. P. Dunbar.Jireac^ed au uuisua! I "ly strong sermon ; u: -Ju Dr. R. B. Hall, "the young man elo quent" who leads the hosts at the Union Baptist church, even surpassed himself in a sermon appropriate to the occasion. Then the deacons from all the colored Baptist churches in Col umbia entered from a rear room bearing the communion set, the gift of Mrs. Vincent. Dr. J. J. Durham then delivered an ad dress in which he made plain the appropriateness of the gift. At night, Rev. Dr. Baylor himself preached, urging his congrega tion to "let us therefore go on to perfection." When it is stated that Mrs. Vincent is a widow, is poor and a working woman, her gift to her church is the more remarkable for it reprepresents toil and sac rifice. And when it be stated as her pastor does state-that, in all the years of her absence, she has regularly paid her church dues, her example becomes the more worthy of imitation and emulation. HAIR IS WOMAN'S GLORY MADAME ELSIE C. NELSON who lives at 718 W, Blanding St. is also engaged in Hair Dressing. She took lessons in Washington, I). C. in 1906 from an experienced Hair culturer. "Hair i s wo man's glory." Why not get it before it is too late," Mrs. Nel son says, her hair in 190G was i too short to braid and had been j falling out for some time. She : began to work on her hair and ! other folks' also. Now her hair is long and in the up-to-date ! style. She believes in improve ment and is now taking lessons in Hair Culture from the Won derful Hair Grower Madame C. J. Walker of Indiana. Anybody who wants hair grown on tem ples, bald heads, who needs shampooing, or desiring long hair, will please write or call on Mrs. E. C. Nelson, 718 W, Bland ing St., Columbia, S. C. j REV. J. H. who was elected secretary of the 1 of the committee on reformator and elected secretary-trej South Carolina SOUTH CAROLINA UNION BANK : Has Opened Book of Sub- j scription. An Enterprise i ; Manned and Controlled by Negroes. Mr, Editor: At the recent session of the Race Conference held at Car-j; roll's Auditorium Columbia, S C. j E, J. Sawyer, Esq., Bishop W. D. Chappeile, Revs. Richard Car roll, C. C. Scott, J. H. .Johnson MVU. i *. ?$$$^w? r:^smM son and MGS&??. T. A. Williairk-? and J. W. Thomas, were appoint ed a committee to consider the matter of establishing a Banking i institution in the State of South i Carolina with headquarters at Columbia, S. C., and to formu late plans, etc., for the organiza tion of same. The report of the committee was as follows: "Your committee beg leave to report that they have given the subject mature consideration and that they heartily endorse the es tablishment of such an institu tion, believing as they do that the effort will at once command the confidence and enlist the co operation and support of a great number of our people in the va rious sections of our State who for years have been clamoring for an institution of this charac-1 ter, and, who are now looking forward to, and praying the en- j terprising, intelligent and pro gressive men of the race to give them a chance to show their in terest and race-pride by rushing) to their support." Your committee beg to recom mend: First. That we associate our selves together for the purpose! of carrying on the business of banking under the laws of the State of South Carolina, and that we do subscribe for the stock of the association hereinafter named and that we do enter into the following articles of association: Second. The name of this as sociation shall be THE SOUTH CAROLINA UNION BANK. Third. That the place where its banking house and office shall be located, and its operations of de posit and discount be carried on, and its general business conduct ed shall be at Columbia, S. C. Fourth. That the capital stock i shall be $20,0U0.00 divided into 2000 shares of ten dollars each; Twenty (20) per cent of the a mount subscribed for to be paid cash, or when called for, and shall constitute the first install ment; and, 20 per cent to be paid JOHNSON, Ministers' Federation, Chairman ?y for Negro juvenile criminals isurer of the proposed Union Bank, quarterly thereafter until the a mouiit subscribed for is fully paid." The committee's report was un animously adopted and the con ference pledged itself to stand by the committee in its further efforts for the furtherance of the enterprise, and as an evidence of its determination 207 shares of stock were subscribed-for. As this is to be the people's Bank-the committee decided to rtak4,par value of the s*ock small anembe payments ea*?y in ore i. in the South Caroliira^o.. ^ . b?hkl' The people therefore, tht .ughout the State are urged to unite themselves in this undertaking and write at once to Rev. J. H* Johnson, 2029 Marion street, Co lumbia, S. C. giving their name and address in full and tell him how many shares of stock they will take in order that they may have a part in this splendid en terprise. The men who consti tute the committee and are ask ing your co-operalijn, are men who have achieved something and have character and standing in the social, religious and busi ness world, and who are daily making sacrifices for the uplift of the race without thought of reward. And, now Mr. Editor, let me say for the encouragement of all that the committee on the 7th of February filed with the Hon. Secretary of State its declaration and petition for permission to open books of subscription to the capital stock of the association; that the commission was duly granted and books for subscrip tion to the capital stock of the association have now been open ed at the tailoring establishment of Mr- I. S. Leevy, 1221 Taylor street. All communications should be addressed to Rev. J. H. Johnson Sec.-Treas., 202?) Marion street, and prompt attention will be given. All newspapers as well as the ministers of all denominations and other persons of influence are requested to bring the matter to tlie notice of the people and urge their cooperation. Let those not in accord say nothing against it as this is an effort at union, harmony and cooperation. Yours for success, J. H. Johnson. Columbia, February 12th 1712. When you can't find who did it just lay it on the Negro. That's fashionable. DR. A. S. ORNE SPOKE TO 816 GATHERING Famous Slum Worker Made Appeal for Boys and Girls at Carroll's Auditorium. Dr. A. S. Orne, the "father of the juvenile courts" and one of the country's most famous "slum workers, addressed a large gath ering at Carroll's Auditorium Sunday afternoon in the interest of his life's work-the better ment of living and working con ditions for the young boys and girls of the qation. He is a most interesting talker and his work in many of the states has been productive of great good. In many places he has established homes for the boys and girls that weiv crimi nally inclined, and placing in these homes an environment for eign to that of the jail, in which the boy or girl of tender years not infrequently have as vj ail companions, the hardened crimi nal. The address in part is as fol lows : "At a meeting in Chicago J. T. Smith, London's greatest tem perance orator, said 'I have dis covered that the peril of your America today is a laxity of en forcing certain laws.' I replied that is not true and I know just what I am talking about, having carefully canvassed every class and condition of humanity from the humble home in the country to the time-honored White House Lat the capital and personally in r.spected. every poorhouse and and y?t'?rit most lawless age . history. The peril of our coun try tod?.y is a lack and laxity of parema! control, care and cul ture of children or Christian homes. Cod did know what He was doing when He created men and women told them to multi I ply and replenish the earth, fail ! ing to follow Divine directions, j Deut, ll, 18, 10, 21-29 has filled our otherwise fair land with charitable and correctional insti tutions. "One of the most startling crimes of the times was commit ted in New York city a few years ago. A young man of enormous wealth walked through a crowd ed assembly in an amusement re sort, to a table at which a man j was sitting, and, drawing a re volver from his pocket, shot i three times, killing him instant ly. So far as can be learned, not ja word was spoken on either side j nor was any gesture made by the i victim that could have provoked the act. Rumors were current, however, that the dead man, i who was a wealthy architect of some prominence, had been in I former years a friend and patron of the lady whom his slayer af terward married. It is suggest ed by the friends of the murder er that the crime was committed to avenge her wrongs and to vin dicate her from aspersions cast on her reputation. The princi pals in the affair may be dismiss ed with little consideration. The dead man's life is reputed to have been of a character that was like ly sooner or later to bring him to death. The murderer inherited his father's millions, which he j was squandering with utter reck I lessncss, and was living a life of i idle pleasure. Neither for the man who is dead nor for the man now in Matteawan is there need for sympathy. "The real cause for concern is the attitude of the public on the subject. It is reported that a Chicago lecturer, speaking in Kansas on the crime, said that the murderer should be acquitted and his remark was cheered by hundreds of women in his auni ence- The same sentiments ex pressed in New York and Phila delphia society and in the press, show that there was a similar drift in public opinion elsewhere. That is the most ominous feature of the case. It is an indication of lawlessness that bodes ill for the future. "Who would be safe if young men o f unregulated passions drew the inference, from the treatment of this criminal, that they might proceed to avenge some real or fancied wrongs by a pistol shot? To applaud an act so cowardly as to walk up to a man sitting peaceably in a pub lic place and shoot him without remonstrance or warning, is to raise a criminal to the position of a hero. It is a step backward in our social progress, a disgrace to our civilization and an insult to Him who said, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.' "This crime reveals a condi tion of society that should give the patriotic citizen serious con cern! Histary gives no warning so emphatic as that of the dan ger to a nation's life, that comes frpm depravity of this king a mong what are called its higher classes. It has been proved over and over agrin that the greatest peril to a nation is not its ex terior enemies, but in wicked ness and corruption in its own high places. When its aristocra cy and its wealthy citizens de vote their means to idle pleas ures and the . gratification '., i tj^e'r lust?, *hatv ation isf^i?' *L * 4r.E to4ts fail. \s thef?< ' prophet said, when he"na? w ex plain why a nation was Swept out of existence. 'Pride, fullness of bread and abundance of idle ness was in her and in her daugh ters, neither did she strengthen ? the hand of the poor and needy. They were haughty and commit ted abominytion; therefore, they were taken away.' " Concluded next week. THE BAPTIST STATE CON VENTION. The Executive Committee of the Baptist State Convention met at Zion Baptist church, this city Wednesday Feb. 12. Avery large number of the brethren were present and after transact ing other routine matters the fol lowing program was arranged for the convention which meets at Sumter, S. C.. Wednesday be fore the first Sunday in ?Tune 1013, with the Mt. Zion Baptist church, Rev. E. W. Dick, pastor. Introductory Sermon: Dr. G. W. Rai ford of Aiken, S. C. Doctrinal Sermon: Rev. D. F. ?Thompson of Greenwood, j Educational Sermon: Dr. G. A. j Goodwin of Springfield Baptist ? church, Greenville. Conventional Sermon: Rev. I. I W. Williams of Cheraw. I Saturday night: Dr. R. Kemp I of Charleston. ! Missionary Sermon: Dr. J. D. Brooks of Chester. ! Sunday afternoon: Rev. A. L. j Wilson of Society Hill. Sunday night: Rev. E. A. P. : Cheek of Columbia, S- C. Rev. J. C. White of Union is Secretary of the Trustee Board of Morris College and reports that the affairs of the College are in- good shape. Prof. Starks has made good from the very start and the Baptist brethren all over the State are rallying to his sup port. The Indicator is only $1 a year