The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, December 06, 1866, Image 4

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0 ' Scbedulo of 8ti mC m amp Dulles. I Exceeding ? . , . a (00 tons, and not ax- .A lo ? (hat upon a mortgage for the I II . it: * OH ADD tma AU Accidental Injuries to pi ets or contracts for gainst, areexempt fron Affidavits in suits or legal are exempt from stain] Agreement or contract, 01 meat 10 or inland bills For every sheet or pit noon whic''either of ti roua* 1 IMiK cecding WH) ou**? *? ltW0- Exceeding til 8TAMP U0T1K8. Cheok.?Bank arsons, tiok- Contract Bro insurance a- sale of any , a stampduty. exchange, r< proceedings of any kind p duty. by brokers her than do- Bach, for eac of ladiug.? of sale, see of paper Bill or ineint 10 same bhull contract f tons, o.OO i hii JO lom, 10.00 Ord? check, 2 cis ?" kcr's note or memorandum ot l'ass (oods or merchandize, p" Ml estate, or property P? or description issued E: or persons noting as W ill note or memorandum Ai lOcls fri jranduui of the sale or M or the s ile of slocks, [ 1 iouuI remaiuiug unpaid. r lor payment of money, if tlie iouuI ia $10 or over, 2 cci age Ticket uu any venaul from a irt in the U. State* to a foreign *rt not exceeding $85, 50 cei iceeding $15, and not oxcecding >, 1 00 ad for evtry additional $50, or aoiionul jNtrt thereof in exeeaa of ). 1 00 'an^age ti?kcta to porta in Itrilish FCWLE. its. Thnukfiil to our I its. otfor our n<< CARRIA El, FOSTES1 'atroiiN for pant Ihvo i*vioo? nn MnnuAictm .GEN,- BUGC I &Co. **?? we 'crs of* i* ji j HES, be written. It more than one appr agreement, or couti written upon on piece of paper, 6 ce ami every aUilitioi ueiit, agreement or Agrciiiuut, renewal of, ai original itiHtruineiit. Appraisement of value e for any other purpot uluwl of miner oil will 6 centa. bonds gnltl liaciucnt, or protuisaor aot hhiill be ritiea unit] le alici'l. or or buuker 'Ots lbr each of others < ml appraise- for each h contract tional par nine siauip as of audi an ilill or iiieui >r damage, or coutraut se, for each bauds, g nil ir in writ. coin, nroi lor silver bullion, co a, N y notes, or oilier seen- si le by brokers, bunks, I'us s, oil her lor the benefit l'ow >i on t eir owu account, tr tintlml tlolliirs, orfrae- "i l thereof, of lliu uidoii uL 'b ile or Goiitiitut, let I'ow ormolu in of I lie sale or in for tbe sale of stocks, at ;oltl or silver bullion. ie mssorv noios. or oilier ot art It A tun ica do not require a amp] jicr h Cltctks, er of Aitiruey, for (lie sale or ausler of ifiy utock, bond or .scrip lor t lie folleulion of any <livi ;nds or in^rosi thereon, 25 cei or of Aitfiiey or proxy for votij; at any elect ion fcr officer!* of ty incnrp-?uicd company or ?k>cty, except religions, charitable, r literary pcictie.s, or nublic cc IfOCIiiVI TITb ^AYS; WAG< %L /ds on a. ~r 1 - . a - ten, Assignment of a Lease, as original, and add upon i lie value or 001 transfer, according U Deeds. (See Convejri Assignment of Poliej i same stamp as origins (See Insurance ) Assignment of Mortgagi ?*? w-iuuim loum (See Mortgage. 1 5 cents. securities 8aniu stamp properly, itionul slump tirin or c nsulcrniion o( special ii > the rules oil tmukur, f< uioe.) or i'raclio at Insurance, amount o .1 iutrsuinent. Contract. (S Contrucl, ren ?, sumo stamp original i uir|?iu. -*1 writing, , not liis or lliuir own m made by any |icrmiii, l'?* loiupaiiy not paying a li tx as broker, bank, or l*ov itr cac'i hundred dollars, v nal pari thereof, of the 11 1'such sale or contract, G cents. I*??v ee Agreement.) p cwitl of, same stamp as [ usiriiuient, r j i """sninnl or ? wlicrctiy any lands, ten- r i?torics, 10 cei rer of Aitrney to receive or col>ct rent, '2o cci rer of Ailhicy to sell ami coney real esife, or to rcut or lease lie same, , 1. *or of Attoliey for any other pnrose, 60 cci I'ower of .V^rney or other papers elating lo a|.Iichi ions for bounties, i*rc*i nwi if pay, or pensions, or eceipl s tlnrtor. renin re no slsmn ::: j 0( I WE IIAVE co^ 118. M MM INECTED WITH OUR JlW?? ?IE 1 BUSINESS Bank Check, draft, or < stun of moncg dm* bank, banker, or trus eight or on demand, Wheu drawn upon nn,i or peraoipi, com pan ntions, for auy mi $10, at night or on Bill of Kxcliangc, (lulu order for the pay in en of money not cxcecdin winn flimt ikt uitrlti no . VIIICIIIN, ?rder fur any shall lie g n? upon ?ny furred, o t couipnny, til or vestc< 2 cents. purehaaet ' other person or person lies or torpor- direction, in exceeding or value ? demand, 1! cents- When the md) draft or and ?i t of any sum And for eve g$100,othcr- fractional p or ?i iut renin v until [runted. assigned, trans* l'ri r otherwise conveyed In i 1 in i In* pnrclinser or f m, or tiny oilier person I h, liy his, her, or llicir u , when I he consideration e loos not exceed 60 cents. I consideration exceeds t Iocs not exceed 1,000, 1 00 o ry nddii iount 5600, or I'm art thereof, in excess of c Set-, also,K arrant ??t" Attorney ] liiili1 ul \VI, or letters of a?lininst ration. were i lie estate :iii<1 efectsfororji respect of which such >rohaf\ror j-itcrs of n<ltuinisi ration .pplictl lorjhall he sworn or tleclar<1 not tu ?:p;t!i| (he vnllic of 1 txccctliugfll.lHHI for every nthli lonnl fractional part thercf, in cxceL .of "JlHMt, f?0 cc anissory line [Sec Hill of KxlialU'e. Iitiinl 1 IAJA. J^L?/A1A2A AN1) 11A VIN (J HKCEIVED ' LEA III KK, WE CAN FUE! AN .00. tgJJZ i SUPPLY OF BALTIMORE OAK JISH, II \RNESS, EQUAL IN 8TYL V MADE, NORTH OR SOUTH. TANNED HARNESS E OR QUALITY TO L ? Tilil w.6... V. any promissory note, or>in<luin, check, rect written or printed ev amount of money to t tnand or at a time <lc a sum uol exceeding 3 And for every addiiit fractional part thcr< of $100. Bill of Exchange, (Fort of credit drawn up in, VII MlMUIUIU.Ur I, III HI, or auy mctu- Conveyance? sipt, or oilier a deed, idence of au needs no h(> >e paid on do- Cnnvc^anjo? signaled, for a deed does 51W>, 6 cents. Credit, Letter )?al ?100, or Hills of Ext eof in excess Custom-house Custom house :igti) or letter try.) , bui payable Deed. (SeeCo f?U cents. 1 I lie ncknowletlginont. of c or proof by n witnewi, ti imp l> curlifioAto of ri'Cor<l of <1 not require a stamp. l*ru of. Same us Foicign c loinge. ii K iry. (See Entry.) <ini : Withdrawals. (Seo En* c r nvovance?Tm?i ti n >epo* t nop in nulliinl insurance ouipanicH, when policy ih su'ijcct i? duly, cxcn tcnewul oju note subject to same uiy ii8 an original note. >108'. of Nile, bill of exchange, t.ccpiunoe, qie rk. or drut'i, or any iiirinc protest, 20 cc i Claim Heed to lie stamped as a oiivcyanct* except win ii given as a clouse of a iiim I gage by tbe inort Wo liavo on hand an assort me ANL> COFFINS, ready made, or lpt. IIKKSK. which wc will send in i Our prices wo intend shall ho meat nil kinds of COUNTRY I'l A Ills. CARRIAGE AM) 111 of size* of Patent Aii Tight MKT Hindu (u order nt very short notice Kuncrnls. with a careful driver, when as Inw as we can possibly afford, aud tUDLCE, at market prices, iIjSO Foil HALF ' TRIMMINGS, TAINTS, OH.S, ALIC BURSAL CAflfc* Wc al>o hare a good requested i we will receive in p?JV 1 " I VARNISH, BOLTS, uuw ui, uitt unncil Sin singly, same rat oh ol land bills of exchange ry notes. If drawn in or more?for every bil where the mini made j not exceed $100, or ll in any foreign current And for every additio fractional part then of $100, [The acceptor or ncce ilcs, it" lirawu Ural't. Name f duly hh in- clmiigi). or promiKso- Endorsement sols of tlirce si ruiiieiil. I of cacti sot, Entry of any payable shall ohaiidixu n lie equivalent either for i ;y, 2 cents. housing, n mal $100. or value, oof iu excess Kxceeilitig $1' 2 cents. i' g i?00 in ' ntors of UIV ExcowIIb? i - ?/ Ias 1111 .-in > I Itili ui' lix- ? c of n??y negotiable in- g exempt. Iti*t good*. wares, or iner- g it any custom-lioii>e, c consumption or warn- lt?-c ot exceeding tplOO in o ll'i ccnis o >0, aud not exceed- p value, fill ceil I-1. n s.'iiill in vnlitii 1 41,1 111 i ii? iiiiirigiigiir in wuicii iifc it in ox-in|?t ; Inn if it remains ovclianls u.iy lio subject us an aroom cm or contract. :oipt for Htiistifrrion of any mortage or judgment or decree ot any ourt, exet iripts for tIjo payment of any sum I money ordebt due, or lor a draft r other in.-arimiotit given f r liic aymetit of money. exceeding ot being for satislacti n i f any li b w ts, u OCT 11 IVow lCnlerp south khnTmpc ASTUNU3, AXKS, IKON, NAII. FOWLEll, F< 23 riwo ! | >HTING I RANGES, FII <S| &c. DSTER & CO. tf IE BRICKS Ac. Jiill of Kxchungc. yr o pavuient of any nun drawn, or purporting in any foreign country ble in the United Stat fore paving or acceptii place thereupon a slaw the duly.] Dill of Lading or receipt charter party) for any chnnd ze, or effects to irotu a port or place ii rdcr for the Entry lor the t ti of money or mere hum to he driinii house, but pay a- G auger's tloiu e?, uiust, be? indorsement i ng the same, lion in aeki ip indicating tilmeut, I nan ranee, i I<i (other than iimouui filial goods, iner? Exceeding $ 1, bo exportu-l J&i.ttuo, t> the ITniioil I.V?n?,l >ir > '?? IMlUUf 1 III viili-lraw:il nl"anv goods ei li/.o from humid were- Kec 50 cent.-. Ken 1 rim, ex nipt. c upon a stamped obliga- m no W lodgment of its fill- She exempt. p fo.) Policy, when lite Tin I not exceed - "> cents t< 000, anil not exceeding War 50 cents W >r ^/uk miigugu or judgment ur decree of mrt. [So? Indorsement.] - cc cipis for the delivery ol properly, exei ieivill ol' Agreement, contract or linrtcr, liy irilcr or otherwise, line hi.imp us original instrument, lift's Ueiiirn on writ, ?r oilier rucess, exci si Deed, made lo so -lire a ilelrl, > be stamped as a mortgage. 'chouse Itceeipi.s, cxei rant of Ailuriiey aceoniimiivinir a AND >11NUFACTI R1NU DRl Pa^TT, WILSON <& IN?. Vi. tH Ivin^ tIij.i U1AIU.KSTON, 8. t The Propriotor9 arc ^outhornwrR. I ADAMS, D. V HOUSE, ? ? rkopkskd : BROS., C. 16, Broad Street, ) Nativ lMO\ & CO., BUSINESS AT TDEIR TAHTD, ; Charlestou, S. C.? iKtanthj on Hand ^ f A. Slates lo any loreign f Bill of Lading to any po North Auiorioa docs i stamp. Bill of Lading, domes!i requires no stamp, bin ui Sale oy tvnicli vessel, or an}' part the conveyed to or vested person or persons, w! siderntion shall not ex< V.TObA<lin?r ?*?'! ?? ore or place 10 cents. Insurance, ( \l: rt in British Policies or r lot require it the premium Exceeding $p c or inland, 60, Exceeding $ any ship or .Assignment reof, slmll be same stamp in any other Insurance, cc ten the eon- gumsi accid need $500, 60 cents. sous, do not ??', 1 4 HI Ix trine. Inland and Fire.) tl enewfals ol Uiu sniiui, if rt>i, i doc* not exceed .">111. Wril 1), and nut exceeding in J.~> cents ill "?(), .">0 cents. *< of policy of insurance in as original instrument. IV ml rai ts, or tickets a- *t eutnl injuries to per- at rc<|\^ire stamps. at >?.t or nolo requires no stamp if 10 bond or note is stamped. ^Iict's Iteuniis, ciei Is and other pr tress in tiny eiiinal or oilier suits eoiumeiieed by ? U S. or any State, exot Mliriitl documents. instruments, id pi pers is?ued by officer o! tiio ni'ed States liovo.nmrut, oxei Mirial itisirniin'tiis, d-u mucins, id papers is.itc.I by the oilieers of ly Slate, count v. town, or oilier .Vo meh rittrr/iri'f South of Phih nipt. Southern H ouxre <j<rr uj> their WE OFFKil AT KATES 'I l'AKE FAYOIIABLYWI VOUK I'lllt'ES. ALU CHEMICALS, MEDl "i,!- SIMCKS.&c., Til AT IMATKLY IJKLONi Ol'11 LINK ()K irlffj'hia. Will or I'alronugr t Lil(6Mt lllipr< I'll VT COM. Range's Orates, Mn 't'li VL'w Machines and Took ... Iron nnd Br ss. U I > I\ I (iS, Light PunipH, 2 ('INKS, nn.l Iron Pi iK(?1TI- Force l'ntr I 'I'ii Grent L iborHC - .Machine a "A W V H<t9 niK oved Patterns, rhle Man I lei*. Tinners' i. Plumbers' .Materials, leep well Force and Sheet Lead, Lead iping, Itailrnad 11'S. Also the Saving Washing tid IV r i n ir e r. ..avwwuiug yi/Wj aun u $1,000, Exceeding $1,000, for tionul amount of $500, al part thereof, Loud for indemnifying ai for (lie payment of auj ney, when (he money n covcrnblo thereupon i loss, W hon in excess of $1, $1,000 or fraction, T? ? n * cicccuiiig iiKUKe, agreeui $100. Contract lor every n?hli- ul' any luinl, , or fraction- thereof, wb CO cents. value is $;{o iy person for Where the r ' sun? of mo- cceds the mi ltiinau-ly re- lor eacli odd s $1,000, or lioual purl tl CO cents. Assignment 000 for each | as originnl ii CO ceuls. uo or cunsiii fin, memorandum, or m liu* hire, use, or rent cii leiieinent or portion 10 ere I he rent or retilul im I) jut milium or less, 50 cents ? cut or remi?l mine cxiii of $oOO jier annum, v-v itionnl $-00, or friic- I T ier?-of in cxci-s of JliH), 50 cents of lease, same slump iHiruuioni, Mini die val- nul eraiion of the transfer i.. .1. mii'i|)itl corp ji hi ion, in i !> * ox* r** >!' liiuciioti-t siricily helonsing i lifin in im-ir onliniiry goverui-niiil or in iinoip il capacity. cxeti >V. 3 >. MilNfor KSl'Ei "ITUi.l.Y :in 11 min* ? "? lo ilic pul i h it In- lits again coiiiihi iireil lliu rinniu<>: BusinesM, It-el* Iiiiiim-II well prepared iiinJ (11 ili SINKSS, AN KKKP ON HAND ONLY TH J3 ,.io vur Packages put ui Country Trade. N. A.l'KATT. f'hemisi to Into <\ c i Mining Itnrrau. L. W. W1 l* it VVII i?i --? i EF*X.. >" Order* attenii 0 I Mch 1 HARI (Successor* to S. BEST Souili East Corner K 5 to suit CHARLBi IMPOR . s.. Niter au?i Foreign & Dom LSON. Q ^ | ruTrrr .- J to irith Jhnjmteh.^pg * lj 1 *c CO., N IIAKT&Cu.) >i?"g A Market Streets, srojy, s. c., TEItS OP P icstic Hardware, i>onu ior uuo execution anco of duties of oftic Bond, personal, for seci payment of money. (Sei Bond of any description, . such as may be requii proceedings, or used in with mortgage deeds, ai wise charged in the So Bond or Note accompany requires no stamp if tl is stamped. But one or perform- it' Hie same e, $1,00. Conveyance irity for the Legal Doounic a Mortgage.) Writ, or otli other than which any * rgtl in legal I any court o . connection or equity, ml not other- Where the heilule, *Jo cents. writ, issued a mortgago or.I, is -1UO to mortgage Upon every i stamp in re- or cocimvii rate as a deed. (See ness ) hand ms: luMi icr original process by WAI uit is coiumeuced in ing I f record, either of law niav f?() cents. ||< amount claimed in a IN(i by a court not of rec- will or over. 50 cents. KOU joiilcssion of jiiilgnient, si IVir S HII i i?r ..wof i " ......... m nmt\ in 111' line, nun 11 mil) dispatch. lie lut* it / "".'/< xtock I. tit' evt'ijr iliiug t. 1 ,v found in mi -Iiiik'iii ut tin- kiml All articles til ' IK. will Lc kept <>:i liitinl, ihereby rt?ii< 11in^flt ulile lo supply i lie w itiiIc ut it11\ call on Itiin. is prepared to tin such work as HO , OUITKIIINi; AND KKPAIKtfO; work a Hi I soil, wholesale or retail, I. I'AXII. Ml work warranted, lol' NKAll TIIK Sl'AIII AN OFFIl'l IftI - ,u 11 Ih-puriiucni. pn. \ |?ri 1 II 5 r IN ? Um- UO BIN SON AC Nl who l)F vJ M.. Itctall Dei -bLILTLr-S, 311 11 n;c v . c?.t \rr i ^ m. ^ -* * i i BAR IRON, TIN A] ly i Will receive orders for slson, lar Saws, and GEO. il?? II ii<I ? Saw M O. 1>. Codix. 1). S iilci'N In March 1 'jiuissss, 1>iiu'u> *'oc t> JL V* U SD PLATED WAJITJS, R. HOE & CO S Circu- < PAGE & CO'E I'orlable I a chines. . Hart. P. Moroah. i If JAHTY & Cq." quired on papers, be placed on either, t the highest rate req either. Broker's Notes. (See Co Certiticute of Mea.sureiue of ntiituals, wood, coal, empt from stamp duty. Certificates of Measurem article, Certificates of Stock i^. at atuil com nan v , whiolt may cept in thos ?nd must be for tho writ uired upon suit has bc-n Writs or otln ntract.) from justice at or weight of interior or hay, ex- of record, Warrant oft ont of other inoutii of reu 5 cents. coed $100. i?y incorpor When the am OK i. cum - ..... ^V.?- . |'f 0 cunt's where tins lux of u ooiiiinenoetneni of S 1 )iui?l.) 60 cents. >r process on appeals ouiiriH or oilier conris N'atl nrisdiction to a court vs. 60 cents, ivtii listress, when (lac nt claimed docs iioi cx 26 cents I | lount clniuicd exceeds : ,"~mi I) I 1 I T.N IT. OFSOCTli ('AKOLINA SIWKT \NIU K(i DISTRICT. how I'. < I, ninl wifo, Small Hons Jiiiiiom llonloy, ami other*, Dclelnlan kin tVir hale til' Krai Kilutc of John II 1?-v dt'coAseil. apia'arinp in my *aii*faetion thai tcirs of I'llKltK RAM\(?K. tleocai nil..) Lnni.ii < if TKAVKI.UNd BA<? KI.\(; HTB } \rarit/ oj?pn$iie l"icforia C'liai lewlon, .Houlli C:s ls- J. 1$. HOItlNSON, en,1,0 WILLIS & cms led. S, &c. WlloloaJtlk iinvr, Hotel, urollna. COMMISSION A N KLS0N Corner of Atlantic OLM. r. FOG ARTY, \ 8. POO AllTY, j + < * A* 1 I 5 Grocers ND ' MERCHANTS. W harf & East Bay. Charleston,^ | 0. oriifioatcm of Profits, o Cticato or memorandum s an interest in the propi mutations of any incur} pany, if for a sum 110 $10 and not exceeiflng Exceeding ?50 and no $1,000, Exceeding $1,000, for tionnl $1,000, or frac thereof, t tvui.i ginnif r any certi. Letter* of Adm' Lowing an hate of Will.) srly or acou- Letter of t'rc< >oratedenin Exchange, ( it less ilinn Manifest fur c T?oO. 10 cents. clearance of it exceeding vescl or sh -T) cents. port : every addi- If the regish Miotial part ship, vessel, U5 cents. exceed 800 t( 00 cents, j nlM| inistmt ion. (Sec l'ro- i ,,,,,-1 1 _ lloln lit. Snnie as Bill of crarj Foreign ) t :t 111 nistom-house entry or lni>l> the cargo of any ship, com-, uautci, for a foreign j, js tlivis red toniiirgc of such lleiil or steamer does not Fcbr 1 no her liu-l>iii<l William tioa?clt, Anna ers, ami Iht husband Noah laimuslt rl Macraiy, Elijah Macraiy. Klisha ! f. John Mucrary, Washington Niacin ouii Mucrary, and Ktiielinc Noting and ami A ml 10 w Young, defendants hi I reside hcyoiid the limitm of this aha urileroil thai lliey do appear ami ohjec ion or sale of the Ileal Bat ate ol Ji ey, decease I, on or before the 8th daj uary next, or their consent to the si COMMISSION M E R I Ua- j lior j 'his virrnnf wj mm* i sua i #.??# tifri i to' ilui "i'''"1' to the purchase, sale . ,,( lo Foreign ami Domestic Ports, of llll0 Lumber and Naval Stores. IS, . , : Agents for BO YD Bli :II ANTS Uch 1 CHARLES BE E.V#V? AKU 1>K . iitk: Dan". sidos, Nk i R<u.r T d" CO'S Creenn A If. 6 iy, * LLOISE & ca, i Mfcirolimnrta, AL.KUS IN . , toulders, Smoked i v*.uiui;?uc. UCruiJU age or otherwise, and a titicatcs or document* any port warden, mari or oilier persons acting Ce'tdiuulc of Deposit of money in any bank or pany, or with any bar Hon acting us such, If for a sum aoi exceed For a sum exceeding $ Cer'ificates of any other tut! oi anin- Exceeding '! 11 oilier cer- ceding tiOO i i issued hy Exceeding 6( no surveyor* [These provi as such, 26 cents. voxels or s ijny sum of I ween ports * trust com- nnd British ? iker or per- Measures Ketu 26 cents. Memorandum < ing $100, 2 cents. Note. (Sej t 100, 6 cents. Mortgage of 1.a description I v. real or . I . *111 OO ions, anil not exIons, ;t 00 r <U> voino Ml Ions, 6 00 sinus do not apply to tcumbonts plying be- . of I lie United iSiitien Till 4orth America.] . . ' nd, exempt. * rd" Sale, or Ilroker's Seub Contract ) nds, estate, or proper- Bi ni*l'MI)llAl lu.rilul.l.. ' - lie iMiiei e?l ol record. veil under my hand litis 12th day of ! or, IKtitJ. J NO. KARI.K BOM All, O. S. 1 v l 'i 12 8l : STATE OF SOUTH CAROLU BQU IT Y?.SPARTAN BUBO D1STRK orn Parks, V Menders, and others, vs I Parks, and others. 11 for sale of Ileal Estate lo pay debts, Atlantic Wharf, Chnrlesto S" B. WILLIS, ALKX. ] ) ' Moli 1 ft II . " nruvfs 31 utl Met FOR SAX \X ^1^"'* "ffurs to I'll ' ? I lie |iiitilic, a tull and well a Si <><*Ic oi* 1 >r . WVl I) * n,8.0. FLOUR, RUT R, CHISOI.M LAlll), EGGS, SOI !L_ DLES, Llicinen 120 & 122 B V __ Consiynmcn J " . C. BELL01S, \ ri ijMcians and H BELL018, / ^ .xsoricd . '11 ??*M. W? wm.l.l uuguc*, TEH, CHEESE, ^P, STAHCU, CAN4c., &o. st Bay steet, Is Solicited. IAULE8TON, 8. C. o: ' 'ia than those specified, ? Charter, renewal of, sam on original instrument. Chnrtor Tarty for the olii ship or vessel, or stenn letter, memorandum, or ing relating to I lie ohm renewal or transfer the registered tonnage of si vessel, or steamer does lf?0 tons, RlflAiuiinfr 1 ftA t on o AI f> cents. movable wlm 10 stamp as in Hip nature personal bor irter of any for (lie pay in nor, or any corlnin sum other writ- $100, and not nor, or any Exceeding $.1 reof, if the 1,000, uch ship, or And for cvorj not exceed fractional pai $1.0u. 1,000, a/1 IT kiMov?r, a trust deed I T of a mortgage, or any ?_ Pi id given as security dcces ent of any definite <>r of T1 of money exceeding Ilisir L exceeding 500, 50 cents, tliis f >00, and nut exceeding k On 1 00 do nJ r additional $500, or Litis t thereof in excess of from 50 cents, taken appearing to my satisfaction ilmf Willi arks, itini the heirs Al lair <>f 1' I'm tscd, Defendants in this case. heirs iii I inntus I'nrks, dcceiw-d. lite el' Vndcr icl, reside from and without ihe liiniu Uaie, it is ordered, (in motion ol 1 ' < irlise, Complainant's Solictors, that tl pear and plcnd, answear or deinui Dill of Complaint wiihiu iliroo iiioh this date or judgment pro r njttso will i as to tliem. ain MEDICINES and PES ks, INCLUDING lftW Jars, Office Furniture '",nf; HGAX.13M. Ac , The Above stock of Goods are t quality, and is worthy ihentienti rornod, as they will bo sold at to " ,, more. 11! H Tlio floods are now open in th on Church street, next to Mr Ho ttmpc WC are strictly in the ,il) BliliSt arc rnitlilvil to 8iij?l>ly lb Mch 1 , Phials, 1L] ill of the best Millinery and on of all oon- .r? uvnr y(] cost and no ' 262 KING e brick block Onnosite Bi > .Merchant# thai iVoruion Hiutinfit, and ic trade at lowest prices, fi 1J Fancy Goods, >RK PRrCKS. [ STREET, lfain Street.. ~-'"O IVMO | in ccetling 300 tons, i mi uui ?* I upon eacn w 3.00 I of u inorfgagt ?Mignir.ont or transfer j, a stamp duly eqml (;0i T. STOBO FARROW, C. E. S. P n'ra Ofticc, Oct ft, 1800. 117?Uu i)K. L. M, OKI i Oct 18 8H MBALL. C1I4RLE81 tf j March 1 , 'ON? SO. CA. ? tt *