Earthly Hopes. BY VESTA If. crDWUBTIt. One by one, as stars set at night, Earth's brightest hopes depart, Though long they linger, uueaife their light, l'ainting life's landscape all too bright For the peace of the trusting heart. Thus one by one the-drops of bliss Leak oat from the silver oup. Leaving the stricken its emptiness, Or worse, the dregs of bitterness, Aa ? pledge for their trust and hope. Bored ones are leaving one by ono ; Youth and its gladness flee ; What is the nest when the birds have flown? When the fruit is gathered, the harvest done? What is the refuse to thee ? Thy days are passing one by one, For thy life-work what shall thou win ? For earth hast labored, for earth hast sown, Its flowers are withered, its beauty gone, And death is the wages of sin. Miscegenation in Wisconsin.?Last Friday the usual quietness of our Maiu treet was suddenly disturbed by the arrival of two oolorcd gentlemen from Lake I Mills, with a ?h iU tromnn liAn/vopnrtmcnts, presided over by a Federal officer. j v "Have you been in the rebel service ?" , ' he was asked. "Yes, sir," was the reply. c "In any buttles?" I "About eighteen pitched battles, sir." 0 "Kvcr killed any Yankees?" , "No sir: never ki'led any." "How do you know that?" "Well, I couldn't kill uny of them." "Why was that ?" "Because they were all in thorear spec- j i ulaiing; but 1 guess 1 slayed uboutathous j unci uutcn ana Irish." We did not learn 1*110(1107 the candor of tliis "rob'' scoured him a place or not, hut it certainly wa9 deserving of some reo , ognition.?Norfolk Virginian. | t\ Tho rose of Florida, the most beautiful of flowers, emits no fragrance; the bird of j Paradise, the handsomest of birds, gives 110 ^ song; tho cypress of Greece, the finest of trees, yields no Fruit. A Clyde, New York widower, with scv- u en children, was recently married to a ^ Rochester widow with five. Both parties were ipnonnt of the other's having chil ,r dren. 9 IANGES, FIRE BRICKS &c. ADAMS, DAMON tc C?., AVE REOPENED BUSINESS AT THEIR OLD STAND, 16, Broad Street, Charlestou, S. C.. And kerp Constant!>/ on Hand JOOKINO STOVES or niK Latest Improved Patterns, lunge's Gratos, Marblo Mauilcs, Tinners' Machines ami Tools, Plumbers' Materials, Iron ami I$r ??, ?locp well Force ami Light Pumps. Sheet Lead, Lead and Iron Piping, llailroad Force Pumps. Also the Great Labor-Saving Washing Much i no and Wringer. .1II Order* attended to with Dispatch. Mch 1 5 ly PHILIP FOGARTY COMMISSION MERCHANTS Corner of 'Atlantic Wharf & East Bay, P. FOGARTY, > , . a n 8. FOGARTY, / Charleston, 8 C. lynft for BOYD lillOS. $ CO'S Cream Ale. Mch 1 5 ly n. Ploming WILLIAMS & COVERT, (Formerly D. 11. Williams & Co.,) WHOLESALE PEALLRS IN lats, lap*, Straw and Millinery GOODS, NO. 122 MEETING STREET. Next door to Charleston Hotel. CHARLESTON, S. C. We also have a branch of our house in 'hurlottc, N. C., where we have a large stock f Hats, Caps, Straw and Millinery Goods. I. n. WILLIAMS, It. C. CALVERT. May 24 17 3m 3H ARLES BELLOISE & CO., (Da>Z2Z2L2223m, IIoJTOlhllin'iS, AND liL.VLK. 1 TRAVELLING RAGS, A<>. VJOC. KING STlJKF/r, Xenrly oj>f>oaite Victoria U?(rl% Climlcstoii, South Ctirollna. . I>. KOBISSON, A. NELSON. March 1 > ly ~ HART & CO., (Sneoe -or-t to S. N IIAKT CO.) iouth List Corner King Muiket Streets, CJI.l/tUJSTUX, >\ C , 1 Ml'ORTKKS OF foreign & Domestic Hardware, Cr i'LEKV, GUNS, $Alt IKON, TIN AND PLATED WAKES, Vi 11 receive order* for K. 1IOE & COTS Circular Saw*, and (iEO. PAGE \ CD'S Portable Saw Machines. >. I). Coiikx. D. S. 11AitT. P. Morgan. March 1 6 ly STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. William Bennett, Applicant, v*. 'ohn E. Casey, wife Mary, ami others, Bef's. 'ciition for sale of Ileal Estate of James Kennet t, deceased. I T appearing to my satisfaction that John E Case}', nil'I wife Mary, Mansol Moore, ami rife Sarah, tlefentlants in tliis case, reside without litis Suite : it is therefore ovilcred that hey do appear and object to the division or ale of the Ileal Estate of James Bennett, dc eased, on or before the 'J 1st day of Septew ier next, or their consent to the same will be ntcred of record. (iiven under my hand this 18th day of June, i. d., 18g0. J NO. EARLK nOMAR, o. s. i?. June 21 21 l)i:. W.T. KUSSEL, continue the practice of Medicine. IT Surgery, and (at his office) Dentistry OFFICE?over iif.ixitsii nuvo htork. Feb 15 ?'{ if SULLIVAN & WINSMITH, iTTOllNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, SPARTANBURG, S. C. OFFICE NEXT TO POST OFFICE. . P. St'LI.IVAN. J. C. WlSHMITII. W. MAGILL FLEMING, Attoi'iioy nt Law, [T"P1LL attend to nil business with wh ch W the citizens of SpnrlRnburg District ay favor him. office-oyer bookstore. Jnric 21 21 12m HUNT Ac BRO. ( Shipping, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, Acooiumodalion M'liarf, < J. U. UUST, Jn. } Charleston, S. C. ' (Formrrh/ of \E W/f ERR S. C.) \ :o i Promptly forward nil Merchandise consigned to us arriving in the City from v ' ini'iY O FOElfrS POTS 11V trill ( CMT* J lesion, S. ltnssel & Ellis, Wilniinglon, N. C.; Biglow & Sargent, Baltimore,; Lath bury. t Wiokci'slinm & 0<>., Philadelphia,, N. I,. Mo- ( Crcady ?V Co., New York ; Buy iV Walter, Boston ; I!. W. Garinany, Savannah, Ga.; G. R 1 Wilson, esq-, Norfolk, Va. ' Melt 1 5 Cm t WILLIS ". Milster RESPECTFULLY aniiMiinrcs to the public, , tint lie lias again commence*! (lie MTi lining*' Husinoss, and feels himself well prepared and qualified 10 do all kinds of Work in his line, with neat11 ess and dispatch, lie has a alork on luind, of evcrv tiling inn found in an establishment of this kind All articles of TIN 1\ AltK, will ho kept on hand, thereby rendering himself able to supply the wants of any who may call <>n him. lie is prepared to do such work as ROOK1M1. GUTTERING AND REPAIRING, lie will work and sell, wholesale or retail, LOU' FOR CASH All work warranted. SHOP NEAR THE SPARTAN 0FF1? E. Feb 1 1 tf C. C." HUG GINS T A I LO IX. I TTAV,N(J RET I* UN ED TO THE TOWN of I J-j[ Spartnnhnrg, lie takes occasion to inform ! h - triend-that 1 lie is prepared lo do work with I neatness and dispateli. lie respectfully a.-ks a share <>l puhli patronage, and pledges h s I best endeavors to give satisfaction to his cus1 toiners. | He may he found at his Shop in rear of J. l? \lt? III ill'S S'lORE, w here his customers w ill tind plate- of the latest fashions. Feb I 1 tf rI\Y 11 sORINO. ?j?:o: HAVING just returned from atrip North and W est, takes this method of informing I lit- former Patrons and Friends, that he is now prepared to fill till ordor- with neatness and < dispatch in the ?ery LATEST STYLES, as cheap as any one for Cash or Darter. My -hop is over the store of FOSTER & JIIDD'S, opposite the Court House. , The latest SPRING FASHIONS have just ' been received. WM. LOCK WOOD. . Feb 1 1 tf 1 FARROW & DUNCAN. A T T O K X K Y S AT L A W AND Solicitors in Equity, Jf?-iT Otlice in Prick Ruihling, upstairs, over , former (Mice of James Farrow. I , \Mlfl FAKUOW. 1). U. lU'NCAN. April 15 11 ly WILLI! MS~EVTNS & CHOICE, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, SPARTANBURG, S. C. Geo. IV. Williams, York villa, S. C. J.Vrt. II. Evins, William Choice. June 14 20 f>n? LAW COPARTNERSHIP. Having associated c. J. hi,ford, o Greenville, S. C , wiili me in the practice ( | otlaw for Spartanburg District, under the name ! 1 nn. t ! April;? 10 thnoi j DRY GOODS STORE 1 Toj?i?e & Smyth I WOULD respectfully inform the LADIES- T that (hey are now receiving their 1 SPRING STOCK, I CONSISTING OF Vhitc Long Cloth, Ilrowu Shirtings ami Sheetugs, Wliiio and Brown Linens, Merrimack*, tinoskciig, Schwttbcand American CALIC08, rarrniited fast colors. Jaconets, Cambrics ami 'ictoria Lawns. A complete and choice assortment of NeedleiVOKK and Linen Setts, Needles, Spool Cotton*. Yorking Cotton and Thread In every rariety _ j ALSO, a great assortment of ^ )RY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Liens audi hosiery, Bonnet and Lute-String. Ribbons,. I'll rend and Cotton LACKS and EDGINGS. Having been connected for a long time with> he Dry Goods business, we are confident ofi giving satisfaction ALSO, on hand a general assortment 08" iOOTS and SHOES. Tin Ware, Hate andCapev. ind a general assortment of GROCERIES, afe he UP TOWN SIX) ltK. I rTlEDK. TEI'PE, ALEX. n. SMYTHN. B. State Money Bought. April 2G 13 tf_ J NEW SPRING GOODS. 0 AE U.V.VE just received from Charleston, a rcsh supply of BOOTS, SHOES, PRINTS, ^ ind many other articles too numerous to aenion, which we offer at cheap rates. CALL AND SEE US. IS. It J. I* WOFFORD, No 4 opposite Court llouse. April 5 10 tt NEW GOODS. o Vl^E are now receiving a capital assortment II of GOODS, selected by a member of our irm in the Northern market. GENTLEMEN'S AND LADIES DRESSGOODS, LATEST STYLES OF 1 LADIES' HATS, S H O 3D S, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, fcarCALL AND KNOW OUR PRICKS..?* VAN DIVER, BLAKE & CO., May 21 17 it ]\ew Enterprise ! southkknImporting AND MANUFACTURING DIUJG ROUSE, PRATT, WILSON & BROS., IN <>. V2518 Kinp Srcct, CHARLESTON, S C. o The Proprietors are Native Southerners' .Vi< turh enterprise South of Philadelphia. Will Southern Houses give us their Patronage t WE OFFER AT RATES THAT COMPARK FAVORABLYWITH NEW YORK PRICKS. ALL DRUGS, CH KM1CALS, M K DICIN KS, Sl'K'KS.Ac., THAT LKGITIMATKLY BELONG TO OUR LINK OF BUSINESS, AND KEEP ON HAND ONLY TUB BBST fer Packagos put up to suit Country Trade. K. A.PRATT, Chemist to late C. S., Niter and Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, P. B. WILSON, Chemist to late C. S., Or Department. April 11 5 1 y 3Ioreliants Hotel. (EUhasflfioltoni, ? Cheapest and best Hotel u. the State. Transient Board, S3.00 day. Weekly " 14.00*$ week. March 1 6 tf ^V. ILLING, Millinert and Fanev ftnnda. AT NEW YORK PRICES. 262 KING STREET, Opposite llufain Street, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. March 1 6 If DRS. B. & J. L. WOFFORD OKF8ft TIIF.IU PROFESSIONAL SERVICKS to the citizens of the Village and surrounding country. One or both of us will t>e found constantly in the office at the STORE, luring the day, and at our Residence, opposite Wofford College (Church Street) at night. Feb 13 3 tf