The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, March 07, 1861, Image 2

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I ! I????I I I II I I JIL _I I.* . . _ . J II I ???1 I r/l f ff-'-iritliu I $mirtllll *"l?* Present Hflou. Fur ike Curoliuw SptrtNO. It i? wonderful wlint an amount of produce it j It wtu farther matured, and the flith of ADDitKSS U I . j V ' ' ; Lae? SnHMrviv tr?i? Uuumj;ui<he?l t?jr thepre- N*?iiviti.?t Tisxeuki, Feb. 18, 18tll. now n*ise?l id tbis ??>uunj I tier# *re uow ul| thewc thirteen Stales cxpreH*ljr pled^i d ? ?- * - .. . M . ' ' seven huudr d ami fly load* ?f corn. 1 , 1 .1 . . 1 Fi > . III?IMIftW 1 I Si! ? 'v " A. & VI.W J& <3 ?'? ?* ?! ? ?? ' ? Ol M? tmruM: Although I aui uuw iu tlii* what,, hav. flour and bacon wa,.i-,g ,r un,- | U#WI tU*K ,l ***** |H>rpetual. cox v as rio.i <N ^ v\x-?w? . viiv* - - v ?ti 1 uil ila^ fratu the baud 01 M 1.1 11 111 ie cli^'. amid ttiott a ml ice. but t? tew dar* kiucc jnirt fti ion nt t Kit: pUot. It will itku about n f he article* Of ( Oti federal inn I ti If |o? Attn J Mm i?. , I THiil'tdUJ', Jdilft'll MS?1? Ctilti, of tUe fair il iaxhiiri of 8mmm< i ;? ?1?j?? ? ? - *- i" ? 1 * * ' ' l""' Fluff Presentation. wm* Ui*liii?iu*li?:<i by thc)>retiiuu 10 Ik* L.iw-*<i'? turlt Yukiuusrrs, of 'sv.iutilul ting fr?ui tUe hauil oi \1im Iliiliio c Cliuiec, *nt uf ill* tu r li.mjihtv r* of fpitrian - ? ? Fur I tie Catoliim Sp*rtnu II Nashville, Tmskssle, Feb. 18. 1801. Mu Ut'iTwK : Aliiioupli 1 am Uuw iu Ibis *(,'? iljr, amid mo* and ice. but n tew ilayn hi hoc |'?t ;? 1'l I . _:?i. ?:i.i 1 - 1 ? I in wonderful what nn amount of produce ii* |( ( ' ruined in iln-t eouuirjr. Tbera are uuw uj| ^|K ;ii hundr d uiid tiliy cur load* of corn. | . at, oats, lm\. Hour uud Imcoii waning trans- j""* 4 i at ton at tliiu place. It will lako about a Tho u > 1. i.. ,?.i ,.ir ..i-.. ..iu i.- i ? c. -ii ran further matured. and the f litli <>f \\DD\X\ a?c thirteen State-; expretudjr pled^i d n/a^ed that it tthould be |H>rpetuul. ' irticleti ??f Con federation in 177S. uud _ i r . i ?. 1 Mol 11II I I ESS II.IN JtfUN S. PltKSTON emit lUHl i; ritoM nurru Carolina t? the iiupori io* i iriu.N or viuoinia, n urtAkk Hi, 18*11. ?b?ulti kw I n ;>?n??a of t 1 in i . baa* latitude* to lb* art* of mmrotfi*. Ami erbtlo, therefore, k mm hat all the eottroe* of the retcaee kept up to meet t be teeroawieg ache (iuterniMMt, it ?leo aiaafiheilw Col. JiMon II CMtmon. , Tiua gnuikuiioi wn?. elected * U< legate oti fht Secession ticket ia the oi ite V ouvcttuou 01 North Ct.ruiuv fivm the LHsti iel ootnpoftH ol Ruikeriord *.iH IV k Counties. lining * wirm nJ esrncst Advocate of the doctrine of seven on wecntutol leintio Irom tendering him our kasrljr eottg-it ulmious Uti.l expressing our joy *t In. ...... . .... A t. - ~ i bmg. I ho Hag is ol ?L>lu silk; un ouc *idv t I is the gu'l'iK-s ?r libiriy. resting upon a ( I soiiU Mliivid, wtlit ? il ig ol b'uu i lumiucit by a ^ hall inouu, pouring iu I gin tiu'l s '..anco upon , , ?! '? I pnluu-iio tree usitil ii bocaiuo uLUte v ; Willi il? cUulg.'itce. On tlic other si do, a large i I palmetto, t,rscn and tl mri-diiiig wiili a snake 5 savin-ling it. It ?? cdse I Willi gold bullion ? J Tito proseutstiou speech was ni.ulo bjr Major j( ....a , uni M9IVH, null 1IIIIUUIIU gl'Ullll Kl? """ her. and vegetation springing fuHli with ra j'(| >.diiy. i of course |>nI u|? ul the Charleston. ihei It course every out km** what it is in jail i:j> I I I h it hotel, where pit can get every thing ou wulil, iioin a brandy sin.v-ti to a canvass- (Ul|j met. duck, with u^i'vc* tmliilirimpiiliiWn in. say ce every body you wish to sec slid uot move iut uf your trucks Hut oh! that abominable I oig b.ll ' I is awful t > think of! 1 wonder I .. w .?/ VM ? M .. ?o J iivrv, mm JVI i 1111:i i I \ Sonli whuIh il alt. 1 >ou.? not litis sbow f,,r ori it advantage tbi* suction is to us, uud wo to tu'iun I |> t *s iio|t? you will In- cnnblcd to bold buck lite i h ti l 1 conn* lioiue. itt 1 wuut to m-u the | "v a | i;u?iic tnciii of u>e hght. If you do pitch in. sibltt, tc u?? ot i.iy riM in tin* <tkirniish. 1 will I |]le no more ?: pre* nt, for leu that you umy ' . rjrc me mtli miking loo ttiueli. Yours, ^ BENNETT. VK'** I ivrm \ t. uiviiinn 111 11 "'i, one or tne uei-iare<! objects ,(j0>\"YSI laiiiin^ an<l establishing the Cmisti- ^,,u niy ( wan to loriti a more perfect Union. Uovernn f dent ruction of the Union hy one or i tion ot i art only of the States be lawfully |>os ! the Union is less perfect than bcliir? ; !,',uc'"-d .. . . . i . i > I C.IUSI ( oustitution having lost tin- vital el- , , , of perpetuity. It follows lYotu these imp I rosu that no ^tate, upon its mere motion bur io ill wittily ,:o out of the I tiion, that re- i et ?'."kmi ? " i?.???? "? beet me of ium ; 1 li?\c the Uouor to pii'Wif' lu ^ IB.,uut'?t credential* aa (JoiiniiiH?loiier liooi the gaged i?bot lent of South ? aroliua to <h? their coufv lie people of Virginia. Ui? the*e cf< ik airier > being duly received by you I am in- j,y wuich t by my (Joveriimeul to lay before you, upvu iIimh ca which induced I lie Slate of SootJj which pun lo withdraw from the I'listed Stole*. | which artii me the |Ower* horetolore delegated by | ,kr to a gre ? Federal Government of the I uiicd ,jlu rXj,ort, America- 1 tunc one o groat importance i but ihete rtur* in wliieb tbey have been fail! be subject to ilie purrlnti of I'm*/. therefore. iuvented tduties pariial aud discriminating, lie wbole burden of the revenue fell wbo produced tbe art it-lei of eapert li un-d the uncle* of import, and :lee of import were consumed Miain'y, at eiU'ut, by those who produced a. The Slate of Caroline being at tbe t'tlie iur*t*W *n?rl?r- " ? ? r? - ?v ?? .?*.??? MUM ? VI VI uui VU I4VM3 s.tfOtuhleJ at ftii residence on Sauti-day night Ual. ncconipaa;* I by a buul of mujic, anil vied upon him for a spve*!i. 'I It* call wan sufficient to bring * iiu to the tealikule. Apposing, be taid that ho had jual emerged from * hot struggle?that our m <0-1*10 friends had battled inaniully?were willing to unite with iho Southern Confederacy. so they show*.I by l?sr votos that they wet* good and true < wuau 11. c.viii.4, un<l *a? well received. It w.m | | ; pertinent, well delivered, and vrell rtthed to s lite eec*el??n. lie *poke ?? " the critic, llieg> Holicitutlc oiI bo public mini open a the ia*ue* uuw about ripening, and the extra- , ordinary importance cncuiu.stiiiicvs were giv- j tug to the occasion. Coining I'roui a la*r diiiigh- ( ter <>l Carohtia. he urged eloquently. the prea- ( ervatiuu ol ita honor upou the battle field. The ? are hie k*: 1 it-ople dou'l (pii: travelling?the hotel IH aaie y o cu.-rinouV et0| \V?||. leathers HtiJ gold urc evidently in the r( .Hvfiid uit, mid civilian* must kiund a^ide for ^ lie military. It I wan a young uian I believe ^ ^ should join the military, if il was only to atmet tho atieiitimi of the ladies. God liless ,1(jj hem. for gold bullous and cp.-uiluls have great ^ , t tract ion lor them. Ilia astonishing how b<> |(| ( iMtuii.i .1 inrj.Y\iurii , solve* i'e mi" indebted lo tbc enterprising propri- ! '< of lite (Uiroiim tn for a telegraphic re- j M,,y ,V) t of President Liucii'ti't Inaugural. We! ^ up hi* address to suit. uttrHelrvt and ibe i r< Volii i-e wo have to spire in to-dtj's paper. Ite ' wo'^ eared, according lo custom, to make a short J f U ' r -an, an I take the o.ith proscribe I Uy the I '* "J1' addition It was not considered insr?s(irtv I IlaCtl'S IHAltl'rs i ?f l?!< ft 1 ft 1 ?i i a# ? ? I i???* ?. j ! ' * * ami ordinances tu effect arc Io? J void, and lliat sets of violence within ; ? i|ic (ate or States n^ain^t the authority of m*.ke a i nited States, are insurrectionary or ! rijjht of itionary. according to circumstance1. ' tld therefore, consider that in view of t [institution and the laws, the Union ti,L. ,u.ce iroken, and to the extent of tuy ahil- It will diall take enre as the Constitution it- consider tf?rcssly enjoins upon me, that the HIM" |'u loriuing i! ik tlutjr. 1 'Icstre lo announce ! of imports, nit it ib n<i part ui injr purpose. nor ii 0j ihi? By si ill of" my lioveruuicul, thai I shoulJ ia tbu ueCI a gmmnt 1 of,re you in p-??of of the reservation secession. My Government has as- cornel. 1 nit right iu ber iiwiitign capacity, an<l , aj,i?i ?pre .try here ih to recite tlie c iu-?* which 0*er tbe ti Jcciucd nutlicieul to enforce upon Uer gbapn in snity f exercisiug thai riglit. could uo I I be sufficient for tno to recall to your (jovcrmuei Alion a few historic tl facts, bearing of buil liuji relations of the -tales eotnpoeine the i > ir?t so opposed bjr the operations leui upun her, that she was lirivn tun; of iuterpoamg her ? :gi to arrest it, so far tut she was e*e- / 'his interposition, together with the id of llw priuoipls of free trs?le all ie wot Id. did arrest t!ie Lniquit/ in the wiiieli it was then presented. Is ungur b? the avowed policy, of the it to <ax one rectiou for the purpose ; up another. Hut so sucessful besl fr?nJ? in quiat or turbulent t.iuen. Having deirotei} some time to the cativaas. be fell raft ;uoU and worn down, and Wi.uld el oho with an invitation l?> tl.e cr<-wd 10 participate in 'j na refreshment#, which we* accepted and their appi eciat :ou ofibe toon nude uiantfcfei. e>??? The Inuuvural. W; have given all thu si>io? w? h??? t?.iliv ii Sucii a ceremony would h? an interesting T on*. even id linieit ul?prttioiiiid pence nn?l <pi.ui, but manning in ilirmiilsl ut it revolution which ? m.i> yo. c iui<oii itto grceu luri or oar sunny c ikiici onli ilie M<od u. ii? bmve nuns, it wan c oiis ot miic.i iiiiji' ri nii*! * ignifie nice j?s hi clinl j, leng.* oar uiuNi wi vui a< o .iiou We itund to-day uTendimhiwctl hy ivu 'link ami niijiry e cl u if, they standIVotii to trout, t<li wind* the ! *J s-gn il bl>w for joining tlie ibuk encounter fp it cailetl t-t uiout tuo tin} ot this aloiiu with I ,, i)jt <lrc??e<I up in a little brief authority ele t?,c| >iU-m aoine of our jurcuilaa. Why, giro boitiv || f ihetn a swortl, nnii slick a leather in their hj?r ap, they will strut about the oiiy ami scarcely olir >nde*centi to recognise their own iiad>ly. A^<?. Hw | owcver. briugs wisdom, atnl if t hoy 1 i\ c long |lell toiijth they will get over this pe tv vanity. 0|,j titer e?quiriiig ftoni all I met, of the pr<>?- t? t, cot* of the future, froui the General in com- wj,;| ilkllfl lltiun lit llm t\i?' ? .to 1 ? * ? * 1 ' . " i law* . wa? no special niiiicly or vx<'ili>iiiuiit. I (j| has ?#uie itile to nav ??*> >ut the apprchen- j jiC <m i at tlie South Kepti* lie ?n Administration. ; ^ tjj ptai-c, person il sec irity &o.; and sajrs tliut | | ;<<-i |( Iihyc no roas < u*blo oao-e for mi appro- I *ioiis. A little further oil. lie pu'b in an Q- j,, Chicago resolution, and I'i'otn that pin-ce. 1* ' contra ilk to the South like nothing ha 1 h-ij petie l iled nt le liujh in in wis Pretitli'itl, hut a little ir | pnse < .fthe l.iio.i lu; faithfully ex CUted | \**u he > iIiiiiii; this, I deem t.? i?;i;i4,?t ly a siurth' <lu'y ?mi luv |?art, and I J ueir-r i I .< .-form, it si I'.ir an jiraetieiha1 nil- h el ? ?'? ly rightful misters, the \i?-rican ?'*?"? un e, shill uithlmM the rcii liaite nr:ins w'ie ' ''l , , * , was rein * niie nuthurizm maimer, direct the Hiit'tlie 11V. 1 trust this will not be regit- 1 re. I! i a menace, hut as the ?leelare?l jnir igi-ranc if till- I llion. that it will e nn.fiIn- liliies Ml) Conf "deration. It will be re- | ready, iu ? ?.| that t lie American Colonies of Ureal j h td been i save by contiguity of territory. had no j j, jt b.*ci Boiumuuiiy of Uovertinient than they . tions, as m i the Cnlouie* of the Kast In its. They j ot the seci ite-l in the Ceowii of Ureal Britain. and | oilier. At ill union was dissolved, each Colony ( pent, mere ni?<i to its own mini-try, ?< completely , mcdiary pi y we e in different leguiu* ot I e Km- j t,, have bet Icing adjacent, nntl having idetiiicsl j latnauee o es, they uiet and consulted at different | n,e-e relai I Dlaci S. ill various 1 j9 . iu bucu uu extent h?tl it alk few ^?sare. beeu pushed; tm vmi .a accumulation* of capital; so vu?<ljr i ,iiiifuitod throughout its rami lie ee:ul/ to interweave the initialrioo lions ttluiwbl into the life of eucla cbauioa, manufactures, ship- ? hauls. b inkers ami in ml the interirauita, the Northern people seemed wmo almost nice*sarjr to the mainf the indu?trjr of the South. !> ' tions tiiey had crept into every v *r ?? ? . ? .w *" V to Mr LincoluN liKiiigUiftl to the people ot the dtt-L'nitjJ Slate*. lie 4..n't u.cra to know luuoh About, ty? Coa federal o S:etet of America. l:td Imi (tf l'ro.t><leHl, Jotf. U trit, We hope he will eoqwie b fore he seia hi* government too far U edvnncg of the tiinc, he might learn eeroetUing of what is up hy itn exchange with the Ciuirlcnou M.rcurj/t or the reeling of our paper to day would give some goueral and | in tv I'lcli li'iii. lie irn lw i we mi;;iil d> il ?? ; bec-uno mica hi llie I'nlinrtio. 11 o *pi>ko if' I lie motive* nliicn uijri'l in ilie il x-iiiliti.oa i f I ' ? I'Imti-hc-iI ilium; ol the rx-n.-nim which .in la peded ub lux repudiation ol li e li>|>?ruux win ;l 1 I riiood ?jf our iui1 lile.-i Uoulci^rniwi oi l no I North. They had dtMOcruletl ilus temple of " I liberty erected by ilie *.?mr nod ueinciiie 1 by a | the purest blond ol pitrinlintii: tliey bad p.?!!ur v led liio bin in* al winch our Iui h T-. worsuiped. hq I lc*iih? litem we luxd buili a new temple an.! forme t a new Union ? we desired liuti ilii? i v .... .. .... ,' .>11', in? i?-uimii-?iic<j ritui iiw little inl'orni iiion I obtu'.uril. ami irouu to .n. m 'u* lie conclusion ilint wo in S|Dtriauiiiirg were fljci, b ull ns wall bookcil u|> oil lliu subjccl its , lioj- juw ro in Cliiirlwion. Tlicrc are three Ibing-. I |,ln) in Ki?ii?ticil uboul. First, wo aic to lintc war c pi t boon its Lincoln cuu inaugurate the pro- '1,141 reilings Sccomily i lie volunteer forces will ot l.e callc<i Iroiu I lie up country to tuko Foi l 111 o miller, for they liavo nmrc than cnoltirh for lion; :t paisiouiiH* out-break ot a lew load- ; timttill njuri * who had gjne e*tr*y during the' ?1??titj? cring day* ol the litle Adinitiistt ation. A j violcn dijs' expcrionc-s will show him a tilling i be fit ik in the Chicago platform. which may pre- j I ho p title hii mite tint ? cily .accounted for in the , It >1 I, ign> al. lie goe? on : nluct'* fim.i/ceif. That the maintenance, i ;>voi- ! t , of the rights of t }? _ States, t-fpceial'y j v,,nd ri;',lit of each St tie, to order and cm- ' Iv <1* fernl utlli dial lit:-1 ti Itx'lt. Ill I I " i i ?i i i i i I C'llli'ti II tin* there rtot'il bo no : luoi sho-l or ( w>tl. wj,.^ hjo, ami there .shall he none, miles if j ui.ll?a reed ii|?<?u the n.ifi<ir> 1 authority er ?I ill. i nwer confided to me " ill he used to j ^"ul^ iveoj y aii'l pu?sess tlie property a ti 1 jy" jJ'?" beloti^iti^ to the tlowrnm nt, ami i t?. ect the duties and iuipo-t, hut bj- ' penitent what in iy he necessary for these oh- ; I'orming t l?l?P.? Will l?.i III* imniaiioi ? . --I' I ilo*? icieviceut ii guiivritlljr in Congress. aa of acknowl- made them niepcn lent powers. T.iey b gnu ilie began to ll i the mother country?ea<b Colony for n0 gre-u no to! ihe battles of l?c>iugtou ami llunk- fattened on n Ma*?aoluiscli*, and of Fort Moultrie, mat. with Carolina. and the burning of Norfolk, bloated po' ma. preceded the declaration of llieith tailoring ui 177b. The Colonies tlicu in Congress. j tary. The lay, declare 1 themselves free and inde- : wotch ungl States.and proceeded to act as such in man i'too? alliances wiih each other for their com- I century ha hi atilucut and loose economy, and selves so convenient to it, tnat ? link (heni to it ; ami tliejr grew id waxed so strong. a* thy fed and* i this sweating giml of the 8oulh, ilie insolence natural to sudden and wer, tiiey begun to ciaim thai tiie ouster was created for their tribuj have drawn from us sub* idee tit have glutted the avarice of a Horn.Mil. whicti, in one-quarter of a ve build d up powerful cities, rival. \u Apolo^jr. Wo male no apology tor giving iho oorreot? I adJreaa of the Hon. Jotiy 8. 1'kksion boior. thu Statu Convention of Virginia. W? have Ttoil U with much care ami attcniioc. j?nd %e heartily com uotul a to our read tra, aa a well prepared statement of the views ut South Carolina to her aiator State. N'n i"?n .1.1 ? new L'niou lie p.trjc mil, (but ibis new 'I leiupio cmit-ecrui. d to Liberty mid ludcpvu denes. ulnniLi be torever unpolluted. mid re- . intiiii iiii|>i'r.i?lialdc: ihni tio pnlitieal M uim I hltvi.M nrr nit upon it a ruins lie iHr red j * to ths ?i>prn|iri lie motto w.noli graced < lie in banner "J'ahHti noti tint pu i e,' and raid ibnt 1 , Ui'CcPit and empire do not c one uits<>ugii< tii it (| plumed victory walks by labor'n aid-? " lie I spoke of tlie gloiion* future wliicli awaited ii>. i if ws sic true to ouis.dir* an I the liable itit- | 1 p lei* w bii.'li btive so i*l.n i.iti -I. I"""'" " * ? ?' " tl'ol li-?t purpose already there. j- j 1 went down lo I lie wharf to ace the battery ^ (| nw being elected. It in about 1<?0 feci by (i'?, r ith tour port hole*, at which heavy c-mnou j* t(| re lobe placed They arc now putting in pal- j,lV leito logs lengthwise and crosswise, to pro- ><t.i set the men from the bulls of the fort. r*un- pre erst o nil about -JO feet thickness of these logs. I liry being soft don -spongy, it is supposed it * in ? Us own domestic institutions according jorec s ts own judgment, exclusively. isessen-; \\"|u.r to that balance of power on whicli tlie j au.. lection ami endurance of our politic?1 I s>, io depend an 1 w denounce the lawless ) asion l>V armed force ol the soil ol any i te or Territory, no mutter under what j ,x text, as atnoti^ the gravest ol crimes' , t,, now reiterate lln-se sentiments, an 1. | mav , luiiio so, | only press U|miii the i ubiie I .1. ' ... ... - ^ ..... nM.Kinru, lit UMll^ IJI * ' i- ai?i?l or nnioit*; the n ??j 1?* atiywh. re. '* "! " 1 * Mlltl HI* Vl* < hostility to the I i,itc<l State.h in ?i 'fiuiin it ri< r locality .hall he <*0 ureal awl citicieu'l l-Wil us to prevent Competent resi- ! minute*' citizen* f'rmi h.?!<linir tlio KciItuI : 1 ',c c "l" , there will he tin attempt to force j d.e"1 . 1 ii, ?!? * ?*? ioti? stranger* anion.; the people lor ! .,reS!,jv , hj -et While lite striet le^al ri^ht 1 lemon xt.f i i the (lov rinii' ut to enforce t? jottr 1 ..v*. mo power ironi wmcn they | ing tu we* >l*ed i hem selves. Tbey also instantly. ! WuilJ, at rally, Ik'^hii tu form independent civil } commerce, tiot?n. When these were completed a* ; grutiite sui y as circumstances would allow. and .vud yci. ?i od by their separate contributions "> it rs neve it in cause, as *ov?ie go ":i i indepen ' tlu-y were i rers, they formed u compact, in which I power froit reignty and independence was ex- J tuUre with Ice 1? red. As you may remember, gen- i up a dote I'm 1 am now reciting what i- present j sources ot memory, with a view to bring it to yutir teud nm to ill It the ncliekt mart* of the Old d burdening every sea with their ami wliiuh have covered tboir 1 I with palaces ami atuiiiog gardens. [range, auontolous as it may appear, rl.iu ess literally true, .that while hit- gather ng a 1 their wealth and t Hit* source, step by step, lalu* cum this aggregation there was going iruiined purpose to destroy these their powor ami giandure. 1 if f ^?l o- i? - l:**' - ? ."?/ this paper away carleaaly, if you bare no lime to read it to-day. it wltoroynu can lay your itanda on it in a inmate, an<l read it at jour laiaurj^ Dlwconflnucd. The 8otith ? nrolitn* lUilroad Company diaeoniinuo, after tho Hill inst., llio receiving and forwarding business. The company mil cv v ... fs r, >1 n. \y Willi stirring w .1 Js. Ii? urged a patriotic) and j unco n|troiiiii>itig ion to ]uinc.pic; that it I we lire to live lei us livu in the security ol law. ' i: we lite to die. let us rvnulm to die with tin* ' proud cotisolaiion of having u>r\ol tolho ut- i Icritn ?! the cause of the cgti!, tin cau.-u of out ' . c itttitry and iittr Go I. Clonn: witli ii gr.ceful compliment to the 11 fair ilnnor and n tilting tribute to the fidelity c and pitri itism of w uu its. . he h inner w is ilo- ' li'eel into the hands of t.'iipt. Seat, with an : rui t>e in ?io any harm with the xtie envit-m cannon halls. Thfy expect lo take whi l.c Lattery within a half mile of the fori and lien fink it to the boliotn ^ I lie water being very 1' ' hallow, from four to sis feci deep) then com- ' .etic to j isv upon the walls until they make n npeui.ip. when they will, l>y a vigorous and ' oaih.n d aW.-tok, easily lake the place without i !"' ' 1 i la W inch loss. Ill fro 11 I' li.? I ?': * _ . J I lit- eJ 'utiun tlie un-st c niclii-axe evi leuce ol ,j(, S j cli tlie case is su-cchlihlc; the |.nj>- j |., ;,u, i pence uml security ol no see ion ?ri to ' , n .my wise cn-l in^ercl l?y the ineuiiiii^ >ufji ? Ministration. I mil t<? .tii the pro | VV1|| ioii wl.ieh, c ;ist-,ciitly with thet'oii i i|,.. ution ami t!i" law*, can he oiveii, wili ,.Vl.r, heciTuUy given tu all the States, win n i'uily ilciiiainleii. I"r whatever cause, | i ci tilth tonne section :is in iin..ii..>r ' ki-n-j-t- in imo :itl(?tilj>l tn ( CJnrl ,(>r W'lH <1 l?o < ? iri ami s i tn>ari i it i i tlldUZll [ r-ic'iiMlilc uitii.i!. lint I am ill it tiil jtl^ , tii {iirrj*"! fur tin? time 11)?. u-r< ol j ,?li tins t:'i'- I'ln* 111 i U. tnl'-ss rt i ?. !!? .I. t>, iii?v | i 1 mi mil - t > fiiriii^licil in ;i!i parts ??nu*n * I nI hi. So 1";r .i- ; os'iMi-. tin' no ' ' sc V i i. . .. I "ri^in il iviilTi-, sijiiI! Ii ivo lis it o) por- ,|e fitrity wli! !i i- tn ist liivuralile t>? powrr*. !? ?iilit ari-1 r. 'I c:i >ri, 'i 1 c iMur-i- tiiei* tio 'iti*iiiv irtmiinn a.- 1 may recite it, you This. genii :?>\er what has certainly been running causes wni llic tniuds ot my people for years pait? j you. For hit. in iividu iliy, they couid tint carry , uonslsveliK ..nte-t lor indcpctid nee and sovereign- I Hon ot Air uni'ed in certaiii article*, which are j our polittci a the Artedet ot Conteder.ition. In I hem to up i.etos there is the reitenitiou of the! Lu go inns* tlccl 'raii iii nt the sovereignly and in fury, mad no of the parties to it. All right*, nil Wildest Ian all jnriMicttns. therein delegated, pro ' av?wid pu limn it inn upon llie uliiina e :?n<l J" 1 1 ... . v . > vim>v iv msiurjr? fintii. bringi me to tItc proximate cti it is my tiniMion to lay before 11 -arly thirljf year*, ibc people wt ibe Icliu. Slates nave a?<l ibc insi ituloan slavery in every form in which il connections with ilicin permuted proacli it. During all tb?t peril J, r? ul I notr people with a permute t ' e lend by tbo lutoxieaiioa of ibo licism. Lave associated witU tlie rposo ot effecting ibc abolition of uvnrtte cn ordinary cxjm n?e!?. Tliis new ar rangcmctit grow# out of the new tariff net of Goiigre^# of tnc Confederate Statu of tLo l&th February, ltd. Delegate frotu Rutherford. C Durham, Ll-q.. ol'lligii Hliual*, Sort It Carolina, has bteu elected a delegate to the Slate CoUTcot.oD in ilta= estate . -1-, v^ioia v? u;r IUIICM C<IIIU<J<II O II.i?t It i wou.d never be dishonored in his keeping. Concluding by p'acing it in the linnd* of Copt. I " Kial B. Senjr. who rrspoude i in appropriate ; language. The Captain pledged himself und | hi* tine looking corps never In suffer it to trail, I whether in pvneo or on tented field We give | bi'lotr the sub-iati;e of hi* rcuiuiki : Mil. Evinh: The beautiful tl ig presented to d?v to the Luwaon Fork Voliuiii.??<-? ' ___ r_. e ...... ....... ivn. Ull I U Mill JlOllll, I . ,j ol.ic ihr.'Ugll All..III.i, where 1 ha I the plea* ^ j. re of seeing Jell l>a\isand hearing him speak. I | )f course. b ing the first President of our glo ' w .j tous liulo Southern C. nfedorncy, I fcl'agrcat 0?' uteres! in what he said. Me in rather under j < ixvli'im height spare made, with rather a ' onc rsvobttl pleavim couu'coauce, has an eye that J?t, rould indicate s >mc humor, hut rather danger- j |.iw us to tamper with. The weathrr ?u? e?r%- i ?' here I i'hvrc is touch emir vewjf about the |V|lt ,, ivcrin^ up of fugitives from servo-.* or 1 ,,, , j.j ?r. The clause I n or road i- a* plainly U) ,.Vl Hen in the Constitution us any ot'ioi or,.i?, its pro\ isions: | < 11111*0 'No person held to service or labor in vj, vv State, under the laws thereof, escaping ' ,, > another, shall, in coiisfijuencc ol' ai?y pr i or regulation theie.n, be dis?-h irool } .... i. > < hi licatt <1 v t 1 l.? 1 .15??\v 1 ?i"!c-s cur- cr?iion.?. vpiits 111 1 o\> ricileo -1: kit ii |.t< , 1 . C 'IIIII< IIs loa'.oii or pIi.iii^i* tu Uo piujH-r; nun ' ration I v t\L-> all i cxip'lipy, my l)o?t ills- ' Iv, ?1V li !i will I"' ox 'H-intl ucconlin^ t?? cir- , Si.uea. .iimx's n?*(u-iliy ox>tiri'_'. an>l with :i 1 > rosnini < m l :t h ii.p of a poaoof ul solution of 4"'K' . ' , , 1 , whiclt v? itmnal (mil.ilt >. an I vr-turatten viiiuiIIs torn I sympathies an I a.?"ctitins. ^uion.*! 1! lli Ti1 :iri? l?>rs m>. it ..ii > .'"ii' ." I'lllCiOIIC r_> n ueiei.u ) of the parties. In llio < i>? S'-g^ ?' i*i> iieny wiiliUrH it liniuiti, ih it Guv- t murder an rerognnd tlir npeticy ut tlie Conic I- j mc. hit iii'kiiu?l(!<lgi!dlli? Sitipt eVvTiil- I 1. The iiiuiv ?as iwvtri'ijtn and 111 I??|>?'ii I* fix i the Fedem Four yearn later.the a'ivereipii parties u I unite id di-'ii'i-h'-d wiiii this league, on account legislation el inefficiency in rigard lo interests the slave .re C'Uiiliuin and idrtit .cal. The Slates c.udiiig tin resumed inctr original status ut M?p e ai a-crono. in-l ilie remedies proposed tor the .11 aucc iedcd V lit I lie Vrti.'lm- 1 iii - luun icariui mean* wlncii can i'ii to a subject race; arion uni 12 the cliai-tiiea of tneir programRepresentative* of then! people in il Legi-iaiure, acting on tnc same ea, have endeavored to shape the ot the Government so a* to ilcprite tvte* of political equality, *hjr ex#111 ironi nil iu>eie?i tu the Terriloriiii ot the Government. They have to (tie full extent. and have dc.reed m ^A?BlSOToK, March 1 ?The fight of the Al>olitiotnM* o*< r tii-e apoile i* btoumiag ties pc:it'e It is understood to night that Chun* end Cameron arc tor je.tcc. liuth will go into the Cabinet. Lincoln spoke la-*< night at n scieii-ido lie was vary prodigal in his blowing*. freely pro muring p?*Oc. happiness and t quul r glits. The loading Aboli,i ni?n arc In-ginning to talk o.lmiy of the 8ouilicrn Conietleinet. and to tii * it a>< agre?t reality. Nevnrthele-a a o l with oiiio ion* of inrxpress'bln gratitude , Coming from fair Lamia the product of her ; own workmanship, wo fool proudly interested i wiiii iih value an I ihc bigli d.'inny you desire 10 imparl lo il. 1'e assured. as I'aptain ?>l a Cor a, computed as 1 regard ilirm . ami as I j am sure will prove themselves in martial plains whenever I lie neca-i.ui presents itself? of at rung nerves and *tout_ beans, worthy of * iiifavorable, h i y?-i there was a large turn oui liV I military, fire companies ami ciiii<>n* pener- I su II v. to see and hear our great man for iln- tirr-i j 1 :iue. lie said ' (bat he was proud of the lion- vmi r of being selected a< firtrt President of the l"r 'oiithein ('oilfed racy, hut fell <lil!i<leni in ns- 14 l< timing the responsibilities incident to the sta- ,s ion. Not from fear of the eoii.-e?|neiioos, for thu.cvtr ihe\ might he, he w is willing to rirk 'U'| u Rui n tiTvivi'or moor, unt siiall he >le , . , ii i i ' .inotli ret ?i| on claim ol the flirty in w lio.n : ^ li siTvic or labor iii ?y bo <1jo." ! j ^ t is scarcely <|iivstioiicd that this pro | , mil was ii>t -nil--?1, by those wh > n. i I in ^ the reel tiiiiiii^ ?>t what wo oa!l fugitive ! ^. os, ami the intention of the law ? vcn, the l.i^p All members uf t'oii;jro-< ^ ar thoi^^uiipoit to tlio whole Cons;; , , ills, it ioij, to tins provision, as muoli as any o n , , - v I\?*l Ul J r \\ ho *< k to ?l?v?tr-?% the I n.u i at all jj,,'!' s. and ar?' jrlad of any pretext to do ! aioendin v < 1 i neither affirm or deny. but it "llivi out be -ueh, 1 need a I lre*? no word t?? | w?"'' ,,r To tho4 -, however. w'10 realty lo i" ! 1 * i . . < " I in ittiien mom. I not speak t> Ion: enter . J, ( ?>!i "o opavo a matter as the de>true. j t imc national fabric, wit it ail its bone- , piously j meiiini ic?, its liopi'.a? Would it of ill.n? ... > viiafoi iitiiiin re- j lit it there i tin* new compact. titnUT the itauuc ui led to the I ?lttutioti ol t ne l it.led Stales, and the 2. A ui ?j eiits thereto prop ifte.l by the S ales .11 Uuee no? o ly. In ihi it)"tt ut there i? uot one visum* oi 1 pitr t* * capable ot Ivcitig construed 111I0 alive piop< >r prexiT.pi ion of I It e mjvc>vi?|i \ and ( 10 pie vein ieuco of the contracting poo en Uu Ih^ht oft. r.iry, there i* mi express, pervading uteoce to 1 ih.t ie re.xcrviitioii 01 ail powers uot ex Cuntuuiiii (mntcl. Toe ?>1 le epi.ii and geniu> env lurnii *011 t.liilioii reditu tea itie 3 .v-rci lit) C'lttue.u -hull !><. uu luuic slave udtuill" ni^n. or.ty of the non ciaveholdia;* Statoa ill; re.'used to cat rv out tile ptoUe Constitution and tswi tu pro; not erty, hut have ma le sirin^em lawn 1.1.- execution of ibwe protiaiona. 1 iOic Si aim h ?ve utudc it a criui.nnl i lixrcute inepUineii |tru<iiiabn ol iho * hi. wiiicii Rive protection to a prop ii:itg. '>*>?>.imKi auiiually to the I ilie Country, on wiiicli rem a tho la. go majority <n ihcin arc ior w?r L.ncoln is tridvul^' b.ickmg d >wn since bis arrival he e Es Secret try Thomson's expo- e ol Buchanan an-l l|.?lt* the ttieino of convert .on round the lintc-ls to night. Tin* Twis rjr t* su'Kii g to Jay tinder tiio grah^Mtue. li wilt bo nip y to morrow. Th'Me is tin ituiui*ti<t iiw.trm of Yankee oflice rekcrs now in rhe c t.v How Lincoln tnoaus to satisfy them all is a problem. ( Sttrm i t1*?? " I lie glittering at eel of an v f-.c. thi> fl ?? rmb'e " mntio n* it i?. of the Inidi of (.'ariditta's d.tugli , cr*?i-liall iit-vji' trail. or its beauties be blviu- | ^ ia.icd b}- I lie Millie I acta of (he coip* to which \ou to d 13* iiilruMtd it. Living ax we do. j ^ wtlli.u sight of the battle field of t'owpcii". we would feel d ?diono. rd in robbing our L'i.-liict ol it* historic glorj, it in 11113' itciiI, or tinder any airrmnatiineca we should flee from its ?:? 1 ? it lis life, U'3 fvtiUUC and Iti.? saniil honor for 1 t>1*' in- liberty of hi* country, but from wont of , J milifirm ion* for the oflice." i!c idemied u ' 1 iii.?i atipy luiure for ilie South. did not dread wtu 1 1 tr(|(l r iif cotiser|iK neon. \N it It our product of j ^ ( lundrcd luilli lit. of dollm* hy our great staple-. ! (1 te cuuM buy Yank e *liip- enough in i no year ' |l(,M o capture lio ton. M<* given hint, if w.?r niuM > wa. onie, th'I it would not he conQu-d to our own na; it... i l otli?* |>r<i|i<?iM<jti then, ()nt slave*. wii < :'.s m it itiii t?_ mis >1 I his clui-i', >lu! ( ii i:v. r <1 ut>, their out * are uii lit- j u>. Now, i; they make tln? in 1 1''!" . , . , , CXI-i I .I it'.tipcr, i'liitl 1 im v not with nouny , iii u: a liin.ts tramc ai d |>.i>> a law I., " itis oi which t>. k.vj> o.) 1 that iin.itii 11> oath.' i In-iv in a il.llurciii'c ol opinion , lli.r iliis cliu-c sli.iul I hf enforce I by 1 ' ' ' iiiiial or I y State until ir'.tv; but surely i i<> ?. ><-< i ?aiii |>;iriM-iy way Wi i " ' W ill vnii h.tzirl j"i Hi'-ji T.ito I > III ? while tli re i> an\ |pi? - . ilitv that tiny -will >ii i?i" tin; il!? y 'U :Iy tV-on have n > r.-al p-riod.* hoc? W il: v"U. while tli?; certain , Nuilnng ii fly t<? ai ? greater than all the "u r i'ill ll\ I'm ii. ivi'.l v.-i the on.ii . I - iwnl JUS ill of v.? I'.Mi . nl a mi-vt;?lit* : \ 1 j ..eemllv >v | i bo c nifciit in th<- I ii.H i. it all oil ir.icti tiiti inal ri^lit-v oa t b. in lint tn I U ' ",l' <1*' t t :i:i i lis own mere rvg.-ttry in il.c <5 . il'o ui'< ul deputed and din.ted am tious. l uc iiurn ol' j> !>ej> ir >iuty. individually. in Je|t.-fidciii- 1 nou -I iv-1 i v:?:ions re*erva:ions, aud m iitfcrcni ' ?n*>eStoic of time, consented to ibik compact. i otij; aud i legitimate hu* since oectin od to change J .m, c i-e< li iiious to each other un-icr this com- j ilic*o ei?e)r? i lie cotit, t lie cont in,i? r meous t der mi contemporaneous c.m?ii ucii<>u, c?- 3 The c ot Virginia, hv Mr. M idti ui. holding Si 't i/cil hi your J m ingui-died f'r.-iddctil. S.aie. and f ti . i>t toe <"oh-iii ut ion, d dares i blc bv se cr ul' Cifil<MliuU vi' Incite nait? <>plc. In not one of tlie seventeen milling ?> ate* c.n a ciiiu-n of a J c.aitM jiioi.tI on lor but main propno p raou of cite citizen in Oovii viola'oil. anil in niiuj of i (lie violence l:u ri'Milnd in uiur- J | iiiz nanf not lc?* iltan fivemn iliwe ralei imvc luvnii ii a hlnveboluuig piocl iiiucii nniiinilation of iia peoniie i..-...r. .o T m ? ...... .w v ' ?> >r?<vn firry. wabhixoto*. March 1.?Tim War D?p?il ncnl received ili-<j>:Uch? ? t'r??ui Major AnUcrnoii on Thursday. fcehmary 28. I>.n flic Acting Adjutant nt flic othce h.-in not |>eimined any of !(> o intent* lo iuaH|iir?. Whether nonce of resignation in given o> not. is therefore Mill mailer f >r rtiilNIr and ennjceiQrt. iMr-j,ateh to L'/mrlutcn Courier. The Talue j>f dry goat* imported into New v..-1- .i ? uvnis mi l i(M*f II UllnUpporteil to 11 H deal It ifl i.cld oi bui i !e. i Our p iiluii Prra tl-lit b*? spoken his mint- I ? *ei injc sentiments a- to tlio result, should coer- ^ ciitit Ite practice I. lo deicnd tour flog ajt iinti tl.e enemy. whether lie he a HUek Republican or a Itited mil lier of the I'niled Slates. SouiIt 'anJlina has been in a Itaiico of all tlie Stales in declining her independent and and srpa'ate so\erritrnt v : ami u? r-i?* ? - - viiuu iuirv uic war iftt > Allien. 1 f|j;i nil mnkc the North feel the effects of .1 :it their ||?|| >n fireside*. thai we had tnkcu hold of the ' of I dough and must riot look back, that our eyes l?\ it list be 011 the future and our lieel onthc past, ativ ml pros* forward with rigour -tod energy, we Uit! riiuld overcome all oppt.siiiou; tliat the invi- , itiji fields of Mexico and South America were 1 -Vn be 011. a in t fie future, and that our territory, 11 '' tialth ami power would Jar .sunav. in iti- ?> 1 rJivi . I u . , * , it lnii ! uineroiice is in?t a vt r. m it ri.ii one, , ii i r i , * mi hi lie slave ist.> hi- shi i e Hue I'd I, it can lie , , , i : t UIVIK mi litlie cnii?i?|Uihici? tuliMii ir tuui ci-> w liieli autliur r v it is Juuc;aii<i ^li.uil 1 ' , , , tin? at one 111 any c?>e ikj c?uitenl that Ins Ii sha'I nuu iLent mi a lucnly uii-?i!i.-tan- i ' i tii i .> i vvr ,t,: ci.ii rivj'.i as tu Inivv it sliall he kcat. . it i ever t am, I i au\ law tltmu tins tin > of. n t^ltl .. .1 i V i i i ??t nu all the sale-u rj^ ol libcrtv known in ... , . . ^ . . . , minor I ll/eit and 1111 i11 in,? i iii i??.rn.l.i.. i... \ thru. tti it any ri Jit, pi tiuly ?vi it u 1 ' I I i " I v I tm'ir.ptl I t Mil tlftl" III. Il 14 I II It' III -I . 1 O 10.! Ill in.t- ll ijijiiiy. tlio i<it<ii tn iii.i?! i? j ^ tvilutfi. thiif ii jxivvcr cm r*\i<*'i t?? , .tituii.m itl.u*ity oi <l"ii:^? ih.<. 'i liiiik. il y?u |u?< iy. i >t .i iritinncf. in wU.diu ylrtin 1y " ? !r ii pr ?v",M<in of i!i'- t'on**ti.*uiio:i h < ? In "f* ''' >C"ti < 11 ji < I it It, flii* men* torco i '' * ',u " ... . t.o-> to II uifior.H ;i ii?:ijiiri!y su-nll ii jrivc u I u,( rL.3< f ?tt .<ii\ cli'.ii j written c iii?tit it mii- i i.? t mi c (.'on- ruiion ol ihe L intel Stales* a?- j Slate* Imv i?v ilie ?itD)iti.ii at the Stamen, given by 1 us sovereign cap * * * I?-.hat til* .ite* tlii'ii being llivpartirtlo tl<ec>u- ! civiliimim i il enn.| ac , una m i.icir > .-n-igi. c? ! I'i'e-eiu 'je i? toiluvru. ut 11if **siiy, inM tueie cuii : ? Ainert ibiinul above tbe.r mi'lionty In <i?f ile. ' etc*. In ton isi re?>rt. w.ietlier itn-c uipact nia.fe ?'"* upjtrov l? viuUiei, *?! ! eatui qnetitly. as pir I p |dc i, tn.*y iii.i' i (i.i'ius.'lvfs tiec dc. in llic j "?1 ut, * ijUiMiima as may b_- of s.iLic j mcnni'v o! r?' ? f?t riuitHMi I 1.-1- ? * **'''* - ? " -? vi uirav c rdu *-l to >urren?ler 10 lelons cnu>* i-viwiin, and one ot ?>Uiie* ic wluc.i cUiiu.? lUe tno.l a<lvunced i una rctioeno m bicli claims 10 l it- liie " rid Amcr cin i>rnli incut in | r.uc p ? , hv the hiomi suit mn de-ti its h.g n si cousltnwednuib-.r.tjr, reiiuf lot lit % u - ml?; and lftrgi :bu?ii< of Dii^ouut i lie wiioli ?>l iue iion stavei i*ve inoJ- y?m We offerings u> tbe ] John liixiwn kiii)|iiji?MCMlM. V<;nr. i? Coromodoro Vnn<l?: bill is seriously ill of Ml *f fee'ion ul iiii> iicurt. TbeOnun'y Court of Wjthf, V%., hn? rote 1 $ XiAJ lot ai inii g i be county. Caicctta Cottom.? Anlro noggin Com S*ny, nt Lewis.on. .Main.', h.ivc ju?t taken in vo bundled h.ile.? of cotton, received frotn 0*1outt*. t..- p. - * o->ncei iiiri, 1 pledge ilic liinnr aim) soldierly Tiriiie of each m in o?>iiipo?ing my t'ompanv, 10 return t) :a uivin)i<-<i by acn, or find with- ^ in its ^iikcalu Ji n wind.tig ultcoi." For encii of us 1 huw ruluiiit litis. lo oonclu.-ioii. Cup nin i?e*y placed tlic (lug j in the hand.* of StTgrniil Muigan, mid call* d " j upon Col. 'J'. O. 1'. A'oiiion, fill.i responded in ' a cliASie rtud Appropriate my 1a. We cannot ui- ' ' ur.' all jln* jplcttdors of our |>nsi in connection ' ",l1 riihihc 1 n-iiil >iHie> OuT?rniaii'iii. Uc ?nuM ;ivi? l.i> >> energies of In-ait, huilj .ui-l mind j1 " nilii' work -el lief?ro li in. n\e, !ii-> lit*- il nee- , n-. .. . . . , 111 I v ? V. IJiai w ?.-> al. lie c>?u I'll. Mr wwilcd . .. 10 li- .i-.-i linn- In* U ll.iw ciliici.?. 1 t.> ii i.-J Ml coilfl'ieiil, Ironi lll>- ni.'iii.fesiai in .a ot III I lie .lav, l.e w ul-1 line ilie assistance lii* Icor^la frier.-l* in i!.i? emei g*ncy. Aiui.l-i -a! uilucc 1, s?) lhal a free man be ii'>t in j'r c surrendered as a .-lave, ami ini^Jit . n i i -lu ll j ot (ii: Wi'-.l, at lilt', -ailie tuiie, In prnvi Ie law lor llie elif tree nent uf lliat clause ' . ., . . , . IIIIIIOI lie t nil-11 Min i ? Inch ^uiruitteos that , ^ ^ e citizens ot e.cli State .-Ii ill be entitled I , , , , . . an J Iil. privileges a.. I unuuinitus ul citizen.- , ' "tiiitri lie S 'Veral Males. ,, . I ?' " take I lie natli to-day with no men vv..?t lit. il illicit, iit i moral i> int uf view. ' By ;i revolution. Ir uertniiih woul 1, if i?rpr?te i ri^lit were :i one llut s leti u1,<* *>rw. .... .11 I i ???? ! *>< our caic Ail llio \ ital ri_?it* n. lerprsiii ilie.< :ire m> plainly a>.-uretl In them ^er .in t i. in. .llll Ili'^ati >.li, ^ 'l OaIIt? e> f 'liihitiond, in the ('on?titu:ioii. that groai pi >wr?ics never irise Von -etii nj tliein ' ul i I,- ? I ire. inn 0 or^anu' Lw oni never h- trained j,?sU.rtt. 1 tti'tiVlsltiii !? *- J in-iL: . - .? ..'( . IV iiitll IIIIT]IU1III>)II. ' * 1 " i.oln uf 'VuNieicDi magnitude.'*the in j *?- !*? ol th<-| r niMDt those quuiiou.i witieh involve , ' h.o'igb m rogit to o! the ?o?creignty it*e!t. find j il c ",:l1 " ' audio nt intuitu le to require its iii- j 1*11 ut?. *n 1 huoIi it /ire oi (heiiKelrcsdan- 1 decree tar u the greu purposes tor wuicj the con- containing i sv ,s e^t.ih.Khed; and utu >ng * '?{(,? conduct to urpobes we know there is expressed pnohc. just ice, right, equality, gci.ral wol- uisjovitics i tlio ble>j?i;ig< oi iihoi } lo us and our ! r,J 1 y. j lit instil mm |Ni|iutum, mi i u) larviie mu^t po- ^ r.i r>. ha; i<rvciu.mtJ fur jeua ? i>|i.cvn;i?iive* in the Kcjcrn. fieri i* IUr v >iitli ! o; lif/nnii eerili bcmreri I ami ilnvery This :? ilie .<oicaui, r diiga H* ??>ll?Citulo<i toi'ins nf % Si ate ; in* ir llii'vc inilliuii!* of |>u<>p'.c who ur iit.n- of ih? voiumMfc* of ihe Ue- Jj LiUiiiamt' until his i.f j? >plc, m iking in .ill lii? nitti unitiv of the le^isinli vc net htvc dec'ere J ilint ^ iitinn i?l itlnvp-v, a* It exists in the uk r lac fir .Mississippi.? \ flng of white gmon.l, a magnolia tr<e in she centre, n blur ficlJ in the under left hand Minor, with it white i.ti in the centre?tie tl.ig in tie finished wit li wi h % red bolder, uu I h red fringe at tbo exirctniij. ? m ? ? m ? The following, it is believed. will comjw>?e Line iln'n Cabinet ; Seward, t'la-e t'liiiuion. Montgomery, lilair. M. D. South, Wells and Bates. j i oik pi a synopsis of its merits, or speak in * , suigil-lo terns o! i'y beauties. It was (ieliTcr- ' cJ ni b eloquent power nntl cflpoi. Wxen wnTox. Mirch 2?l.nrpc n'tnhers of t'< <i.< Got run cnt mplnjeps Sou,l.cin fern- t n V n>? e iCrcuiH,IVOB u.o pre|?.?iitqj to H ii< ilon. Dudley A. M inn Ichtoh for Mou'gorn L cry iiin) Ni'tt Oi lcntis ihi? tuvitiiiift ;l 1 lio 6 C ICllll > Ol n. .r.n?.-,I --- oh of Artilleiy and ehnerti from tlie crood ol *'1' peciftior*. he tlrpnrlpil on tlie Montgomery run about 8 o c'.ork. A. M . iu a ?t>eo:al cat ^ n l iM-jiarod for i lie occasion. ' i 1' ( 1 left Aflnnia for this point about the Hnmo i su line ; I arrivcil thin morning. Everything I>o t here look* cold, blank nu I-lr. ary : snow ) t over-, the grouml, an 1 yet -I continue* f'l!. H in ml the face of man sotnr w hat corrostMiti I- v* t!i |];c. n-scTv.itii'iis, ami with no purpo?c to ' every -true lite I ons'itulion or laws hy 1 C(| a*,J hypocritical rules; all J while I d" , ipate, choose now to npeeily particular acts J0n_r11 'undress as proper to oe cnforccvl, 1 <!>? p,?.,-if 'est thit it will Ih; uiui h Siller lor all, i r i ? ' * h in j?in! private stations, , j |,. loi ui to tiol ahule l.y ail those acts which (. ^ oi i.n ojvuicil, t!i.,u to violate any of i i " "ii *i 111, till till I llll'llllll V III loVlil ' ; , - . v .v ...... v.. j On tli loll wliun nriy occur in j met I an-l 10 i .ii;n:>tratiou. .v.o lo>oi^ht can.?til its- ' people a nor any document of" re utonablc i contain express provisions far ail " nt * I l<re?.-rii. !" 'MU':'S- laci. iha .ill fugitive* fm.n labor !><> surrender- tlieexer nation il or b, State authority.' Tim '',l| 11 r itntion >i not eXpit-s?ly s.ty. May iv>- slavery in tin- Tiniiori. s alr rIO j , | Southern : i-. relation of the States' to each oilier, j forc , be 1 ou federation tormel ?>y them. the ofa p|kn t, I .S noli Ciirwliii*. '!n-?? n-lunw ihu? j,^vu .Jocb! 'croiguiv hii< never been ?t.cllrit t|,,xt ibee: ver been al.mated. mi<1 ib'i' it n im t Simps is ti i.itile. that ii lit" been by the insiiintion t? tliej n ?ve volunttirtly retruiiied ' *>ut j-(ire mey i of c ritiin specified functions, mi l r|_||t HUj , ?Hy be exercised u their through slliTtfry. n "established lorms. They, therefore , fbinily , that in ihe exercise ot their uiirc- (- nj amf| aAViH f! 'l.l v ???.! Sti e , is u .ff nee to fle | ??d the:*- * ire humid. hy die moal ?.to?-ed duty (fl oexterminate thai institution. They ir?d kud tc'ed upoa the dcvliratium itsleuec of shivery in the Southern Hi offence and a d inger to ihc social n of the Northern States, and thereire bound, by the uMinet of moral of self-preservations to exteruiiuat* impelled by these sacred dut'as to heir conscience- and hv th* - I'cr.aovAi. ?Henry Clrvelnod. Erq.. ho* reeigncd I)in poniiioii ax editor of the AuguviA C ni i'ulir>nati*t. Mr. Cli r.-lninl linn recnily received tlie appointment of Fttal Lieutenant iu ine regular army of Ueot-giiv TliA Uill 10 tli-coni ui'io t lie mail orrriee in tlk' ('fliileli'ran Snne> hf bollt liotixe.of ilws I'ongi onn a' Wur-hing oii, ami only n?-e?ln t. s nigBA:ara of liiv J're-u'ieiu 10 In-come a teir. . ) - K " ?! tier litis uioiumg. ?1 r<>j p-ng Gciinil t trow (lie rolls ilio Ar.ujt 101 treicue>-y. Over m i hnusati'l .Nuiiiieriicm hihI \N iv-trrn ! er* Hie pooling in every iliiy, and the city is "* [ already tuil. ' / It it hturil in the Cincinnati Cotnmtmo\ tliat I the iiii-iMi.-lii ition loner datid Jrum Georgia, was tne result <*f a t.o s played ou h su->footed Abiiliiiunmn* lit re. , ' i Ai'uihia. Marou *J.?Dispatches received ni i ' this o.ty t .>111 IVias. stdie iIihi t.'upi mi lliil . I i -I..--I ? - -i? > ? i.c oilier woi !<1 oo'.il niil oali ii! ii iug I ir |]|t. hi* U.i ctitcrcJ laigrly into the la:c c!. oiion I i?r the Convention. Tenno-M?. ini n c i' < n: ' in.i !1y a trading people i in- Vntikco* of t he Smi: h tim Uiil although llicy arc a high Oiii tl-* I poop" . lilt ml upon proper reflection, will give up the fit flesh pot* of Egypt,'' yet I hoy hesitate to take 'I"' ho filial step, Irotn a (|<>llur anil com view of I ho ice. It is said that oliicc holder* arc ili.iid |,r l> Vi lli 111 * mi f - t- - -l .11. ' ' . I If * .11. Iicoi t.) In* uiuoiist itutioiiul ,| , I is rii-vcii'v t\v ? wars smiv the fi -t ' . ? *> ! v u^r.ition ol a l itsiu. :it uiiu. r our > i , .... I oii>tituti<iii. IMiring tli.t jii-ri h1, ' en <lill r? lit ami ' .-ally ilist.n^ui^ii'.l ' , . r : i 1 v ii< h.ivt* in Mi.T.'^sn.n ailMiim?*ti ri <1 Kwciitiw lir ancli ol tin* t ??v< nnmiit v have ('oImIikMciI il through lu <I>JV 1 lis, uml ii?'i.t'i<iltv wuli Linit J , .11 .1 ' . i- - - - - oil-it Hut i.>! doos not o\oressiy say. ot ill n < 'uii'"- protect ?l aver, in tin- Tor- ' cvni it i ->' l!,e <'uii^til Jti.?u !uij not vx- ' w r." , l li.'M ilill . 1.1) <1 I' -1 lull- ol till-* C'lUni , ..* ' , . ! Lit COli all our .?t itut: > ootitmviirMos. ( divi.lo upon tin-in into majorities erty ami minorities. It tliu minority will nut Hnvm o.-oo, the majority inns', or the (5uv priiuipt ant oou.-o. TI lore is no otlior i lo Cllive lor continuing t ll > t InVi rium' it rnilioi \ - ? *"? ' principle je<s gin "t a sovereign S aicig govern itself i ^ 0, e, inr iJvin tli" dostrueti ?u ot a cnnpict 9 B ,jM h. en vitiated nous to become an initui- ft j ljC 4g T, ihey ha*e the rig it to abrogate ipaot. ?o tat1 u* concerns the selves, crumeni i K i? dangerous lo their happiness, lib- c ^ ihe safety , ligations I ig *?uuured to present these fuels and there obltj es to yoitr cotis,deration, 1 w.II proceed ihe tnstiit j tlte more prominent and immediate and ti .ale vliicti indu -e S,mi: Ii t arolin.i to librmrat? - ~J ?? "V ij; impulses of seir protection?After truest labor ami Hevotiou to tbe pur \ have suce.sied. by laige major it as u.iu siiivcliolduig Slates, in placing JS Kvecuiiv< power of the Federal Go*- 9 n the It otitis of those who ore pletfgir ohligtiiuus in Uotl?by their oblo the social institution* of man?by gallons nt self preservation?to place it i.>u of slavery in a course of certain t . > xtinciiou. That is, twenty millions of it -i ~ n"'?Tivo M < *t Oxrr. In (he r*?iAo Mills, Uvriuoi <>m ?f the m rh.i.en in | iJeimiil'f MmIiiJ it? H ..II '! tli'fi-'snt color*. hii<1 -Indue ul color*, to ing through onoe. Th.rc i? only one otukr like u iu itic tVtllili Bvrox Rii'flt.Fi hru.irjf *2'i.?T!ie hill appro print ti/ one hundred ilioiiwinil duller* lor ? ??.-? ivtiim-u i *j ?* uriiuiiiiJ ui lilt* I 0\h> (oiUtills t o .cm loM*iTciiicf Fori Uro?o or any ol the ? | UUtio riy lie .ntsseul lo ltiti^ol.l linr I. lacks nit .c ii iiC 'iiM'tils in jii'n.cot iim )> t |it'n|MT y on Uiiikm imafni. A collision is , a : Hill" III'III. tin- I'liiiiifH-s lirsrd from are Almost unani- r ni< ii- tor ifn iMon. , v j .VI siii'iM iiv. Mnroll'2?Congress n-lini u <1 > li.o Tv.iSi iiek-jtUi-i wiili lull jir.viligcs m [ nienilicis. io-<bi\. Tin-re it short session ; tli.a morning, ub ui s l e'luciioii uI'iai iff. ('.in- II ... . . vv. n.-xi, iui it- ?r i ii?ii ii mnjr * v ml Id carry before the people, n't hough ?rc.oi- ''_"v y in lavor ol it th< uim-Ivcs, and therefore nil of ' hem try to ?ce which can cntxl'-inn ii in the nr' congest term* I <b< hope Trnnmrr will >non | c-Con*i.lcr ihc matter, n11< 1 j"in u? in the ''' . ? . . , , , llin tiusglc Tor our tiirnia- no in the union ot the ,, ><>rili hut in the 11 it i < 11 of i In- South. If wut |>er ? lo come .die will he com pel I'd to piny her >art. She cannot remain niutid She mini inn i>i>r wr iireei ueiii, i . i i- ii*. Mi.Ill i enter upon tlu i.iiiii- t'i-k t'-r the hnet ... i . . , I! .1 n tiTIII t>| I Mil* yew's, UHtler ( ^ .it nii>l |.<* it mr dilVicultiiR Aihsiiip- . ; i of the federal I uit*ii, heretofore tie 11 ( I. is now iiiritiitl ililv attempt!.1 1 li i! I i . i .. ii i Irom t hi c?>n11 i i}. 1 it .mi i-i mi. i*i l.iw ,iii-l j is itiitmn, tho 1 nioii of these States is | etiiul I'm [a tuity is implied, if nut ( jj, irfssc-l. in the t' law of n.i- | K *" . . i" " ht-r online |tiir>cen <in inn' -?i l? or Ili<* other liiimity in -uch r i-i- will si-cede nthin " !? ? | iscsce, 111?in kv a precedent. .,MV n,,,( i hi turn will divide and rum tlieui; trie lone niiiioiity id tlwir imu ?ill wecile restrict them a it.n v it a in ij ritv refuses to l">l<l.n>r , , , , - .. C'lnic-i! it'r>?l< -l l?y sneli nun >r t> rur ine, why may tint any portion n! :? new iiivn. ill loruey, a year or two hence, arhitru- ' Fmiiee r? ~ |M-vi|Mr, HU eni lo (lie t?u.-iuuiiun uf the Lotted mono on cognition reliminary to tins siti?mfnl, I wotilil ItguiouH 1 .. a.seirly a* l he year IS?<iOtlhviufMwfesl I he vital i y ol I lie lirurritl lioverninenl w?* lo bound lo i ihe expansion of the slave- the clones Slates TlnU is v? ry evident in all the the docrei i ot ll.ui |ierioJ; nn<l hid Ihey been 'he nutiili lul U> ilie txli'hl dial mime hoped, even I era State ,e line iliai cut ott i lie pure have from South Car inijflii li ?ve projectod KuIkukI lo the Come will mini- uiif 01 me strongest Horern- J earth, are imj?e!led by a perfect reol' the m<n(t Mcrad *na powerful ob riiiCb 1mlI upon num. to exterminate utcro*:* of eight tnilliuoe of people, theui by contiguity of territory ene| 4 t political reiaim. In other word*, > iniuiftiintleil on the 6th Not,, wee ulstiou ot (be people of the Southm. Now. gen'lemon, the people of I oil hi. being :i portion of who. 4 nnthehun ot this decree, hail onlv I* noiiijj upi>ac<ii)i|iU'ie war looting Forts Si. l'h.lip and J.?ck*o? nil ilis Mississippi Hirer, r?awii ih?? iii'Ufo. to d.iy, utimiiiuniisdy. In thn debate, war was bi'lirrnl 10 he ineTiiable. - The C'duiibinds ordered hy Got. Drowi. at eexpeeled in Snvaim ill ihisweck Col. I'ichvil h<?o Un I* d S ales Consul a< VcriCr ii, ha reojj 13J ni? pj?i Col. John Ciininghiiin hns been appointed by n ? - , gross w?s in -e.Ti'i #?n?.o.i Hc-eml hours, aid ' c j he Again III CMI'tl (WflsKjII Ut lllglil. I 1 Kuiiluil. M ircli ? i'liiriy-soviTi Countic" jj liaic live*' lieurd lr?m. T%%? u?_> ate lour coin I rouiiso. iliiricPif Inr secession. and i liroe divy - J j ded. Tim rtiiHe will prob?l>'j go ag iin.-t Con- n tension by a stiiull majority. , , Tuf. I'AniMi. r.? Muj r \<ill* r. of the Mil- ! ' Icog villc Ko <>i ier. nit <>l<i politico! editor, mid ' 4 rlii't-ivd oh-riv?r, sjuiiksin l<igh lerum of n i'i?? u .vi ' ?.?! ? '" "" 1 tllll i her join the North in an attem|it to subdue 1 j}( lie South, who are her best customer*?her , r ( cut fli -.HU. who have a common intcre*t ami ,lli( !e?iiny w it It lier, or go with the South in the C>N j iwble ami jrenemm (struggle for ftticvlom "'"1 tnii < | Hiil right* There i* n > <loul?i )? my mi ml (t ], oivf the nti'l all the bonier Stale* Will go own* soli ually. So ?o?.n a* they ?ee t'tat no #oin|>ro- im ri?e or cottceniliin can in< lueV fh? Aeerc'lcil l?c iuI < imi rmiH nts It is .-af,. to as-, r? jI in) (liivi rutin lit |>i.>piT is. r Im I ?i'.m '' visiuii iu it- nr^ani | .w f.ip iis own ter nil.mi. Continue t.. execute all the i "" ii.v-- |?r>ivi.-i(.ii> nt i.ur national t'on.-ti i " ' '' ion an. 1 t lit- I iii.>11 will i inline f .rever ; 1 * ein-j iinpii? 11>!? t.i .!? -tr.iy n except hv ie action not | r>>\ i>I. I I">r in the ms'ru- new I nt it*.fir. A_r>in. n tin- I'lii't'l States j'vve not a tlovcrmneiit i.f.itn r. l.nt an asso 1 fit- .* _r i : precisely is | K>rt l< >>)H ol ntii.nn resent I ii I'M now claim lo iiiccils *" ' it' All wrh i ehcii-?li di-uaim sonti- gi^'rv *. arc ii ? v li' iu^ educated lo the OS- sUvui'v iMiijtcr ui <1 in- this. policy, there ?u? h perfect identity of inter. 1 J lt'MHl ??|' am 'ii p the Males to compose a tjov,.nil nion to produce harmony Only, and pretimii ni renewed Secession' (Mainly the tiuv ut if secession i? the essence >tl nnarehv Ii is alw >?; iitri iiesnp.-ake, and sent Virginia '< a~k the if ??f Tennean<i all of Kentucky, gleT Tlte a proper, alter she had given to nun- I have lint her North-wo-ilcni empire, I<> ilienou- 1 ere section. That might be ilie line. Tire have obae however, has lii-eu pushed far an to life in all this Southern seel inn of thai line of at chief acto ven tenth* of the acquistinns of the them iiiont. Hesi'lcs this, 1 would state, as they find t nary, that a Urge portion ot the reve- Uis ;S?M,0' the k? ivcrntueiit ot the b'liilvd States whiles dc avs beiiidriwn from .lit i..? <.i. ' *fet?nli?? mselves?is existence worth a strug. j ir answer in given in lli? ordinance I ilie honor to rubinit to you. 1 fore mewiseaud learned men, who 1 rved ami sounded the ways of human, ? iis ecordn, and many who hare been ] rs in some of its greatest scenes. I j if, in all I lie love of human society^ 1 sense parallel to this? South Carolina .] DO whiten, anil 41 Kt,?H>0 slaves. Tho . .'1 pend on their slaves for their order ||| utiTunior i'H*Ki>u.4, ?^i? :irier~iint*f d'-t iencrnl ft' tin tegular military forces of 8outb Curujiua. Tmk Loan of tub (Jo* kb.xmist?ave lenrn ti;e Kurop<viti mid Soiitlirrn Dirrrt Trad Iwjj C'>m|>4ny ot N?w Orlam* made nf>pl<cui >11 to lif.^ot.atf the nnlc of ei/lit million* of Itie boini* of t lio Oii.iI'o lerato Sintvi uf Antt r-c?. Wt- mrv i^ImU mim-o 1I10 dlrrct tradft in dnuiici-1 hit* og ibrw >u <1 The New Ot !< ? n* ... . > ' KVIUV* nj'j'UHiiiiit'mn, UI \ir. T< nmh< he viv* : I "So far aa intellect ninj jn-tify I hi- parallel, wo lui\? no lnMitiiiic_\ iii mivtng lliiil Mr. " Toombs will grace the State liepnriuiciit at j <1 Montgomery wi li a nearer appro eh to Mr a Htbaicr i|iuO nnv statesman ilmi could have ' been M'lwiC'l. in power nT analysis and co- j " , gency <> lessoning, they were in?l unlike? K , though we do nni |ireien.l lo for Mr. | w I Toombs a rink equal lo dial of Mr. \Vcb?lor, j ){ | hut only a ic*emhlanee, which is no small ered- ' 'Ihi04 io return, tlio question hike* another mil hnpe. Htnl nil they hurc to do ?* to consider tm-l rhoiher they will ho the tail end of it Northern H"' lovcriiiiioiil, vubji ct to h.- ruled and mined hv people who are unjust and liinaicd, having vl"' o power to resist, or como in us equ ?1* in our lorioua Southern Confederacy, with a people rlio have common interc-ds and a common ie-? Wr my. itnd who need their nasi stance in the ?ar ,,lit J , . . ...t i 1 "*i? "I Si;iti < in iIm* naliirn of nili.'ict ^ '" l rely. p.hi it. as a eonl i *el, he p ittienlarly ''"""1 ii;i'l hy |( ?s tli,in .iii In* paiii s who I 1< it.' (.): . pirty to a contract may 1 P'T"1' l.ito it bi.i.ik it, s.? to sp?'tik, t 111 iio?'S 11 ri fjuirc all to luwnilly r.sriinl it / eVcr .i'*'ii(|ii _? Iroin these oeiic.'.il principles, s?r? hy fill I this prop .siiiei, that in lo^il coin ati..11, the I n tei i-, perpetoil, conlir 11- *"* in < I... I.. ? . r.l I* li- '1*1 f It if 1 ~ ~~ ~ J ^ I I ijtiri v lifl'l in rwtraint by coii*<tiu- ' " * 1 I cl.? Ls .in 1 limit iti ?.)*, and always oi??s*ivol ;in i* tally <1< ii'n'r.ito cliin^rs of r< suit o ir opinions :iu I sontiin.-ni*, is lha on- of itio r ii* Ftovcrci^ri oi a free people. \\ ho- ?> *? loiii'tt it, dot's of iit'ceaMiy, fly to ;in- l,!i . , - J . imixirii or despotism. I ii.1 iiunitv is iiinpoa.... ' , In an I no ruler ot a minority, as a per- a Tor^, # nt atTJli^t'lliCllt wImi lv inadmissible; so ernnnm . .1 : ' io products that have btcn nece.ssary t?> ol people. >e the?e imports, were at one Iimt* fx- incut, tUi'l y an>l h?\e always nin n!j been. the Jocfw ihi I *Ihvc laliur, ami therefore. (Ik linrd^n I '* *1' creuoetlulie* opnu imports purchased extstenoe ? exports rutisi full upon the pro ucer, ) I have ppms also lo Ims the consumer of the causes wk ' 1 ol South I Jilinn to il is. it may he atate.l that ai , they w?vi <%r',y twri ?<| of the existence of this (io?- ttvi'tiMic, t, itie Northern people, from a \sr.elT From the _ ...... Willi a powreiTnUjor^^nitoil Govern- S i im( t by ihc nio*i I dunes, j it i ln? *l*vn y tiiu->l be ixierminateil. h . VirfnilMti in right, is justice, is I worth a mrngplo? M i tk<l icKlcdt in general term.'', the Jfl uclt diet .iicil i he a iton of I lie peap e H 'arolin.t Were they given in <i< lull, H ni l enihrwrc li*ir the hisimv ?>t thu for li'tlf the period of tie cxisteucv, 1 hc e- i->n ?>t the rounder ?- * - -... j... ..j % ? ? ? - mi oai r no 11 %} (j'gini/n lion in iii? Mii?|>i Vnllcy mid mi* Hpon u bn-ii-cl ci fil i n Europe. WV i?ri* I o it linn i cm tU Jtut.i'jtinlly in f.n limiting 14..- j ol WA,'.:?I.'/ 'B fhmrry M<nl, 'Ibl/i | I , ii. Ii i* not hnpoi.-ilile, however, thnt cvmf* ' inny !iii*<> lu t?'Vo ilic Sonilii'rn Secretary h '' liime in ?lipli>iuiiiit' <H>cit?"?i<?n not inferior to ,e tlini w.iioli Mr. Webster iio>|iiire l in his Inter .. : iii ( Im V'iIii'i |(ii1 -emuun. 'if iIim .Vn-irinn Em- | ; >?* > ." I n ;uui iu wii^ci rh-iiiisI tlit'Ui. 1 id'y wi l ' tirow of their shackle#, declare their iiitiepcti " tree, mid then join ui lie li t and hind, and , #<?ci nk their destiny with ft people whom they ' t>ol( end ? 'J **?* ll I * I I r J V 4M irif1 I II Mm IIM'II. I 110 ? ion is much ohlcr than thuCnhxtitutinii; llM'h) riis tonne) m I'.ict 1>\ ihe articles of h.h that i .?*? ?i? In li * I |r was matured ami #*>uii tin ed by the Pcclarstivn et lmiepcii- thum ve i-n 177<* t j' > ,.,r mi itiiijiiiiiy |ii iii(ji|iic, ail- iii ciiuor (lu.H)rtitiriiii in some form, in nil m?nuf>* s felt, 1 tin i?m?, forget 1U0 position it I Ly 8'?nii?, ill t ijucsnic to l-c iliH'Ulcil l.y Ml bAorcne bnt t? ? ill he 'M, enteral upon the intlu.HlriM of this hour, dure i4fi 2 eomiunoi, h it of ?g ictiltnre Siaich h u to tlit extent of *e!f mpjvrt. rhiumty on the pu ?rn fro:n 4 vx-jety nf> ?.t*.*? \' nn ; Ihot'ii g Mil tint 1. so ?'ioo'i^rnii?l oiliiifits. a barren nail, hi nt P? r< 'A ootiM m'i4|iiiMt 10 fimmurcn. hevlex <l?"?lfoy it 'root li trl-net np hi ilie |>nr? of fho ' ho<~V??t ifx-m nn tWCTMl i v Af i tie I'luifil H ? Im-oii Aito unitriiia. iifiiiiHcrinK ortoi t rl of lite lion ?oft\entv.tlinu Stale*. to roitifol ?il (be Kv'ltinl (iuVurnmiBi, irict, then to rutwilur, ?n<l now in ie inifreAjnf tbe *'> 'T H 1 H w'iV il?? i? I