The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, January 24, 1861, Image 4

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tmt-' I- % PS. ... - - - ' fcpgg? I II I I. ' ! In Xcw York. Wu iiuvi* trc^aenU> noticed this ^ In.ill's hci? nco iu trninimr vicious nml ' Miys 1m; w'shs t?? reach the "mind of yiitlc- horse," tulwluu lie umcc understands v i wiM you want will kindly vieM. % V % ho XIUM<>1{< 'I I... !/...</. /.?. . : .1 . r..n ?: ?^TTT-? ????I j i:i?*cllou ICelnriiM for 4'IerL., ==;'| I S~1 3~| r5 I c # WOO 1), EDDY CO. n'M.l11' I It l' 1vli ;iKvur di v i i tu mtti bii/u * I I ?I? J. M. a;lf?r4, 'j M AGIST KATE, ATTORN A AT LAW.' . , ?* W ' V* rHE SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, 1 D..I1, I 1 I *T f horses. IIis success in foreign con nod in the United States lias led us t< Ijrli ilie following tVoui the New Yor Si ever. Mr fiurey is eminently a trainer, and we rccouitueud one of his to ail lovers of a good horse? loss. Sotue pe?;ile will not know that 1'it'uo, tut the leading of the a At another liuie, with more room ?t " 'UCommand than this week, w>- shall fur > pub- our readers with a fuller description of k Ob- Karen's views and treatment of the h< horse- * ? Deutli ol'ii OilKl. prut- fi?IIowriur; extract Ironi a h -kind written on the death tl'a child is ful what consolation the living and isasbeautil rticlo, ! w ritten a< >t is true: . ..V If r If r* tll?: llMlin I our is a true copy of a letter received In uisli Mchoohiiu-tcr in that neighborhood: ' (' Mr as you area malt ??! nolens, I intend to ? arse, tor Aiy son in you; .-bull." 41 What do I consider the boundaries ^ ^ my country, sir exclaimed a Kentucki j j '4 Why, siv, on lite east we arc hounded ! . the rising sun?on the north by tlieaun hoie.lis?on the west by the procession "?! ? ? . & or I ? i ' *1 nr' liuXKS. I ! l-ii- i | | .a. lit, ?j>*/Vu,.b,ir*- ' m ~ og m I \\ eMu;r a j |, ?h.| ;,| <?" CC I s ;; Js |)| j 1^1 i?r:i Moduli's, I '_?s, (H .j j of ('atilivilltf, i j|| |?| Oil! f,:i mm mi .'.'in II I ii I I I L. IiU I I I. U| I'.iS CAPITAL 1'UIZK $ 7 0,0 0 0! Word,Eddy & Co., IVTanngors. 1 The .Malingers' Ollice arc located at \\ iliuingtoti, llcl.iwttrr, and St. bonis, Missouri. The following ina'/tii'u cut schemes will he drawn in public, under the Superintendence of ; Sworn Co ui in is-io no is, appointed by the (Jov- ' | cruor. ... - - - - - - ? - - Apt l> SOLICITOR IN HAS renioTed 11im Olfice fml^Hurcli Street ' to tlie utlii'c inljoiuiu^wlfi' Spniiau Ottiee, ' ] on in-' I'ubWc kSi|Uiir<*. . r All liiisim -x^njgKii-tl to 1^3 care will meet with |irouy^RUOT:ou. Feb 43 1 y REI,D & l UfiCAN. " A T T O 11 N i: Y S A* LAW AND 1 solicitor** is tyrirr, * a rumitaj uuu i\cws journal. Published ut <Jolumbia, South Carvliuat Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, i BY C1IAULKS F PKLHAM. tiiiii. Daily, ..... $0.00 r Tri-V/eekly, ' . . 4.00 Weekly, . . , . . 2.00 Puymentlnadvance Invariably.. illlis JnllltV VI ?: :._.us_ j and jl little relic Ii --?n will teach many n.>. oL' the horse are ermncoiU: wi;u good iu iii agcineiit and careful lion, in ;St of the cruelties we have \vi o?l in the Ulodking of horses will he lotted at ortcp. Those who have cw break this winter, had better give a attention to the subject, and see wh: wh ' 'l Wl'uf l'1'4 'iiotnin.r? '* l?ii.:!?t ail. t U ant in n niii^:?many vwni \v*t. r?i.iy. i * to-tla\. an i there urn ilows to l>o she?l atti'ii- (|lt. ii?*|?artur. s ol'ty-niorrow. Ami ran i tuiNs- woiitluivd dial |ilt>iiMa:it sunniiyr luom aban- shoultl beguile thoin into jioin^? Is lis to 0,irvo' ,',ul ,,ot wait lor the bin ami the noon Inn follow I ho lark ami 1 hersono over the ruin ot" the rainbow? it Can nor.Is. so beautiful. thov slmiil.l n , uic ?*<i*iMi*tx -ami on the south l?v the t 1 ra- i i ? >? J ol | lilt ' llll'llt. uore I jiir I i Xiis JiTiVi's its name from an I ml , word, si/iiil'} lug " heuulilul." iii"s Tin- beggars in I'm into are licensed. \ it a one begging without a license is punish rile11 The pioprietor of a hone mill adverti hear t' a* thoso sending their turn Ikiiics to ground will h attended to with puuelu; Hike .1 .I!-. lay N : 7'.! U.- 27 11 j >i??irs. I f>:;| li (J ?,.J I I5iving?ville, ot-1 20 01 s'i mil WilkW, tJ yj Vo?iiigs", O ; in ? on , U'alhe rl's, j 27! On o: i - I'urt I'rince, i 1 12 on o.'i C CK nii Springs, j 2".' 11 12 .*o sen "Injun's, ;;; | < i ns m lie ToUt-soif*. b\ ?Vo*s Aiu-hor, :{t or | ' Thorn's, ! ;;i I ;;| D ttoiHi, B.u(!y t'o's l<?!(ory, ! <>. .%.-><> !>, n> t'ii S.iltir \iiii m/jrr 17//<, IW)(I 7* .\TMi);:iifi-in intvuN i$\i.i.<?ts. s < ;,?n AL iMti/L uf ' $70?000 ! ! ! I Prize of " | 'i-j Prizes of 51 ! > j 1 ' j Ci.'i ?? 1^,'i ! I " 1 .?,(?<) > j ? H*I i "? ,, .*?.oi)o | ?;"> ' f?i? At SI'AltTAMtURU C. ll All busiuess j int|?*:stutl to thrtu lti hnw hikI Jvjuilv will j lie promptly attended to dilute next door I II ii'ly. Aguew Co. i j. r. hi:>:i>, u. r. iifxrix t April 12 6 _ ly i SULLIVAN, ELFO H D & W IN SMITH. J H.VVK ??< social < <! themselves for the pur- ^ j?o.->c <>f practicing law in the District ol ' Spartanburg. Any business intrusted to their ' curt' will rt'i'i ifi? .? _ ... VIUVMII^ Iipun HO ItJiia J year under (lie present proprietor, is rai.dly extending its circulation and influence, founded and conducted upon I lie principles of ilute Kights, it enjoys tlio reward of pubftn lonftdence and euligliieued approval. Kutirely ndependent in its management, it b&s stood villi unwavering confidence upon the soundness* nlcgrity and consistency of its principles. I'hrougli evil report, as well as through good, is voice has been heard iu defence of the rlQUALITY of the South; its counsels havo ho <lo'iu to make tho horse more useful eoinuieiiti tho article, as follows: The'l Horse Turner, Mr. limey on Saturday last struck his key n his oily. Froiu the lirst publicity i . ecuiiar system, wo have been in teres) " i iL.?oniiiiaUoti <?t hi-views, as tli cognise ke.d i.oatmeiit in the sttl-jnr ot amniais- -which no have alw.iy 1 We so Irui', "ainj juy e<?nieth in the luortiii Cioin^ in the morning !n glorious inori j ^ ?when tlie sky is nil in hoauty, and ' world is all hli>s; ere the tlews have iron i it ..I . heaven.or ttic stars ha\e ?r?>iie to m I; >\ ot Ins ... . . . , ml in hti' are-lii^in^.ninl the eiM?l wind: blowing, and the Hewer- are out that w:l 'ice' I 1 a' " !,m' a*e nevet . I in ruiii . .11>.I I lie shadows in aid willi erin ! lit* jWs.v l.i lit W...-I " l"" It ;i man "pursues a path," is tin: pi n"1!? supposed tn run away from liiin ? Ot vv *'u> thick ties' is n "lint1 ut' e induct ?" W Ln ' i 10 rlnck "runs down,*' docs it ever capsize lien P,.U7 What heavenly and earthly things d " a rainy day exercise the same intluei 14,11 upon? 'lh" sun and your hoots; foi 'M,n takes the shine out of both. (Jenny*. | o. o* ?t. .,7 .th > r i - y i 'mIi i I. 1? || it] i o.j li lt L'i 12 i I) | | * fl'.iilu'a | .. ;;| in S(l ".ft KU-I. 11.11, . I o ?] It- ( |?.l,elh. ! ; | | o >-, .I<*Iiii>oiiville, .| , u ** ,K,s Veriiuuvillo. ! (i | ?, ;;j lime-tone J*|?" *. -j ! .( 4) ?V! S|.; :nv 1 J. I (. :V; It ?' iv in h : >11 1 it M ,,| j j ;.| | J>04*0ll -l?l in;'*, r = ; f| i?| I 17"? ; 1.810 " 4 i [ I'M ' 1,(M> ( j '27,010 " 20 , i .<; " | 'J.-I'.'O lVi/o* runoiiii'in/ i.? ?1.171 .!i-7: ; , \11L1 I l'lllZli TO E VER V 2 TICKETS j , ili T k - ". JO; llilvii .ti"; yuurtcr.i ' ' j <*? ! ?ili? iti- < !' pui'ku^oM iii the Allow Scheme 1 will l?e miM at tin- toiluwiiig ruiCj, v. Inch is the . ! 1 : (Vriilicntc of piu-kujxo of JG whole i | tickets S'200 00 Office on the Public Square, adjoining the t sr.t nr.i.v office. C. 1*. SULLIVAN, Lauretta. t J. .M. HLFOItl). SjiaitanLurfc. i I. WIN'SMITH, Spartanburg. I Oct. 27 84 9m T <> VERNON, ATTORNLY AT LAW, \ 4 7" ILL I'll Al'TJJ'K in tin* I'in.uii 1 Ill iiiiii mm arc iur nr.^irU A."*' E to tbflT rui^a attempted to be put upou uh by a moioii:tl majority. pie Southern Guardian looks for support to* lie .Stale and section whose rights, honor and* interests it lias faithfully espoused and main*" allied. . a :o: M rile Southern Guardian Steam " I'rlntlo? EntubllMliment. Having recently ma<le large and choice adlition* to our JOK OFKK'I!. from itm !???? ? v?HT!U<fU. Our le iders arc n??t ignorant of tin cess : 4 which Mr. Kaixy acquires !i Mi-trria-jlr power over tin: horse. Wo It ked, a }rar or two since, cuts illusti i!*1 menus ami the mode ofcolnjiicriu :n'>st vicious and untamed animals, nil lias been said and published <> *u j cf, many still rem. in incredulous ii result w licit arc claimed tor dr. II , ( We luve >.?m< ti!??*-?? seen a little en js' _ liku :i casket h<r jewel-, all .thine l.\ j>_ | Ji itiei; hear- e; tn laiicholy with plume*, atiii" ! ^om,,.v !,s a ^lewn ?ami we hsve though i the'"s ' Wl> aecon party these a little t \fler w''? ''le ""?rnii?e. We have wnmli ii the w,,y ,'u'-v ' '',l' ,'M* ji( eatiiaje with the hi, ami I >\ it -e< ?!y i > , their la; s, th sleeper there liilleii in slut. u t .. i _...n.. tv-V fj-jn A {?a|?cr out *.ve>t m i!c??s the followi li'iu :t",1' "i!ri ?iu iif to it.4 nuimmm readers : 4 am! "r''' 1 toeiia'de u-1 t.? ui't ll.P.Mu-l. wit!i so not j"'? work on hand. there will henoj aj vav issued from the oltiee next \v< rk." red 44 A l:i4, 1 am i><> more." Mi-- Sii the Moore r> marked after t.iki.iif the Lri< 11 III) V?.\V. iil'< r \\ e should>hi vir no, t'>>u^h i. I . I (j; i ( ??i iki 'J: | ?' u'-.a-vilSe, | i u '*? li 5'v j.riiigs, | r,; i I, K II1L* S >l:iu*lr, | I',- (r ,V| .,ur I!?m tr.'li.-:n, < 1'. 1. ( ; I Ili-idriHe, j I . l< t JJi ?;iii.o>c a, I i j : _ i an j I la! Total, j| i 17 j 1 j | i :i Scr olula, or Kind's Evil. : : ? ">o " " " lit: ?jtt:irt.;r 71 7~? " " ? liO 37 ?7 si'Li^MMD w(;ni:3H0! TO 1JK DRAWN / i' 11 \\ i:nsrsit.\ v jx xo v/ '.r/sKi:. t'l.i * '.2 <lfiw> November 7, < iu r -"<11 -li i ? N "\ cml r. It, ! > ? >. t "lu?- i.v> \ vi :!i to r 'J I, Clus-* > >li i *.? N 'V'-iitbcr -w. l^GO. \T I M I* .. 1 ? ( >kkii i:?AW?t cmner of (.'ol. W. \\. j ' il \ IllllS ni!i!? liui.inifr. over I lie More of ' i'uiiip .v < (inrioii. .mil e (lie Palmetto ' limine. April 1- 0 ly 1 Wright A; l>rr, ATTOll.N li V 8 AT LAW, 1 OP.ieo in MiJ. 1. <??' ? P>rick Itiiililing. next I tor In IS ho v\ IMwai'ls' law oiiit-c, op Maim, Sj riafiliiirg. (*. II. .1. P. > i i .ilT, Sji'irlKiihnrg C. 11 founders in the con ill rv, wo nrc now prepared it do all kinds of Triiiting in as neat style and mi a:- favorable terms us uny otlice in the" Smith. The premium for the best specimen of Book Printing was awarded at the lmc Fair to the proprietor of the Southern Hunt nun. All coniiniinichliuns to be addressed to the , Southern CIunn/iuu, or to C. 1'. 1'ELllAM, Columbia, 8. C. V'ov 2'? S't? 4r * ij s lie iiiiiinutivi'M'fut thai 'iivVi iit iM? .'ttuit-i !!' a > - in i?:vr mi i-xliiiiitinu and i ui, itii- Mti'j ? . -l t i__?*.Ii r .111 i n; o iiw ! iii nit fit Ken . .iti: ii^ wltmii I UtH' 1 '1 11 Hi III' In! lii ?i 1U.; It. Il I >1 .111 ioim and proIV;- i u s 1 lit* s;- c ij.i ? in., at .Molo s t raf'Jcti were pfk'1 i:!y iiour I. :i ike \vii..t most would suppose iio vi ry ii.i.ur* of iiis oeoup.Uion, Air Ill-rtl " * n tiun i , 'fill'. '' 1*1"' I''1 t !*: ! W.I-. I T ill s;;c!i ;i in '?hi lli'' c:ir:. in irnliiu 1111111 limin' 111 I.M- . . ... 11 1 .111 ? 1 k 1 I . 1 ; \* r 1 11 111 v 1 .h with iii I . rilit 1 _ 1 Oill li i I * I lli lit : 11 1 I'll, l- ' iii liTiii^ . .r . i.*' 1 t :In .? 11. 1 .v-11 * 11 IIJMII . , I'll. .\rvi>r Iii- iii iv iH'.'ti 1 Inn I \\' .il an . 1 : 1 tiiUi' lli an i^i< r 111, .ni l .-Imt nut ! dm km'? ami tl.' I n in. xruui .. , l j.iill ill -i" IMIlt* l;|i- - t tlfVi-r Si'Cl . II. I I 1 , vim- n>i", ami :ti Iter virr. tlic'.jli in i lrioii l. 1 "" Tlu'r<> it a mm <1 .wn 111-.; wlm is -u lu >iii uii\ ??< ;ito <1 11 < i . ilia' Im Will in it 11. u,0 a i-li'i'k in lii? Iiiiii-i'. Ii 'r,in<r it 'i Si.i 1 m!i that i:iiinl \vlii? Ii i : it t? ' -vll'iii i . n -t tin- t! - lit it >!.- . > ii v. wlii I 11 Lj , | * #j I 11 * if t ' \\ V 'ill i * i ??; ; IUHI. Uii ji !?. its 'IT a<t i mnt 11 1?* in a ki_'i i' 11.T>:11 . tiiau III all *. w Ii ii i -; < i : it-. .1' I i ii ii " III III! till" lll> Ill' I.I ..I ll". " " ] i- t >11 titutional ?1.- i n t>n r>f tlic 1, I I, l>\ wlii'h tluxl !> oiik"> vitiated, w .k, . I ; > >r. !' >i : ::t ti < .iii'.ition, it '' J . v t'> b nr. 1 bur>t out ;a ?,i- i : v ; :: >>. . No ?>i i*-in i- free ; . 1 .'ii r i .w-. i r i ? wli i? it may i not <1 druy. '1 i e rofulous ; tint is variously ' . j cntt >1 by in ;; urial di* n . 1 ?\v living, di*J < : t y air, tilth i 1 til ".v 1 . . t <1 ;ir< \i> anil, 1 lib >'. : . b\ t1 ^ i> l i* i in. Whnti i \ r |> i , l I > ' . <-.1 . i.i \i. / is.j. in :.\ 1.1,1 i no 'j' i c K M T s: 78 SI M!:Li;S--ll bKAWN lSAM.OTd. ; I CaplLtl I'rS/.i' ??1" OOO. 1 , | - 7:, I - I. 77 , '.I " t i I'. './c <f ? | <; i . ii -' rt ? " f??j i-? !. _'? | ?.i " :;ij j : :: K\ : :: r-:i .i - I.. *>1111, Au?li-n?on l.\ II. I' Jan 46 I I'un'oiv ?Y WhitiM'r, A T T < > II N i: V S A T I. A W . 1 V r I I.I. i i* in iht* I '<#*i? i* ??r Spurtnu ' \v hnr^ :i!i?l n Ij'i'.niijg Districts. Ul i'lCK AT M'VI:T\v:il7.(i C. II. n< t Jl 1"l If i I v# is.s.a 4 i MAIL ?* SWITEl C4UOLI.M, In tlie Court of Common I'leaa. I>. 1. & L. TWITTY. | vs. J- Attiicliuicnt. E. M. I.ANE. ) It- <1. Vernon !: Dunenn. ITff"* Att'ry. mfrHKHFASthc plaintiff's on the ICth W il.iy of \pril. Til-.* their ieciaratton wfrninst the tloieiulaiil, who \:\a it is Miidlia iiiiwitil trout ui'l without the limits of this Stale, untl hasneiheuwi:e luir niiot iu y known within the name >y i- in tall atui slender ii - >11?<>t jiloasiuj and ^rntleiiianlv ",Ut (inn and resolute iit ill his imivi-iu a'Iio i'.itiious t 'rui^r, the iimst vie.mi l.m^Oruus horse in ali Jiurobe, vvhitl been suuduvd t>y air. llnrcy, was brought on to the stride wliioli had beded with units, si v dust ami hay an eireled with a suitable railing. Vv iili Vra- also I xhi'Uted the iMillde roll- imii , I ui 111.1 ( loatli run i >, i,,- 'real " P^1" ' I , ' . i tllOIV 1> 11 < I til>* l.|ilt "l .lit' I'll llli u >11 ii nor, . , i those \miiiij n>11 :11 t<> I i.-ii :i.\it-it lit 8. I , J . , , . winisc .iceciitaiii- v. ir .i i m t to :s nl"' ii i i ii. i . Iiim ; tlicrc slum .1 ! mou tiia son >. i Ii nl , j. . t Hi it sijjhs; ires! i I! o ;! *t I i.n; no !> nor c mi-.J.iit !,. . ili ws ami lirioht ila * i.inin ;. <1 on- . , . , , . . . roltl up the .villi.- robe; !av . -. I i .. ' , . loi oittcn to.; sin.***t11 iL m. ii lull / . * . . . . * . ..14 .1 * VI I IVVt. ! ;lj tiik *r ? or.m. .<>11, J. ( IIV Vtt.i. t \ i hinsr tlur - ivi - up H,,,i t ,<>' < ..a ii -r : ' ' N > in. ?' >n i ' llou i. irt, ijiht : : p i . j i -?- ' ..0". I ? i w .i 11 > . !- r ; \ i > i i tn .n> it ><t .vp i <I i >'(, . I | .? in w <1 ' i i .pi* it m I. !IV . , ' ' . .. . '. . 1. a ; nir? n > i" 1 : . . a ' . ; " in?li' 'I, it > ii - i > bo tic rati of . ' > Mj't, ' 1 c..'.! \ ' t". . . a.itio (t the 1 i:j >21 i 'i >'. I- i i .:.! ?i\ * , " . c.:i the 1 1 (.:' i i 'il . : . r, lii(! , ia 1 ; . ... .it i: ..t el t ; 1 ; in ; i \VI " ; ni;U Oil I . ( I . . 'l 111 1 I i .. v.: i h ' >. v: . i, iU; . m i It'.. iMof . - " I ' j.'? 44 1) | i.t. ' 1'ii/fx Aii) 'I'm ; to ." ..7s.' " T ' V.>1 '.> !' i >n.iru-i^ I t ? lilicttl hi |kogt'-t .ii the nl?oto Scheme, I l? lie ilniwo each lay, will bo Hohl at j tlio i hi . i - iii ; fit' >. wi.ii Ii i?the riskt.'crt i:.. ii'.o of 111 .f win ' i ici.i-i - I J'" i >4 .. .4 2C half * 7<?.O0 i " 4 4 44 ? i iju irter 44 > ! is o'iii in . Ti. k r . . i . i. t ir \ ti s. ii.noi'noy JlLarfcv. 1 LKX01R. C VLDWKLC. CO. N. O. I ' \ % ^ 1 I.I. i> in :i I <'H i : :i* a M of I lie (*.?n rt I < \ f l .: <i . jwrior, held At Co- 11 l Polk cot ntjr, ktnl at H cttdoroon villa, J t il ':i lei .!i c'liiruv. N i'. mil will ultctiii >* ] !', 1 liii-im- ; i: tiu.-ImI to bid cure ' in V.e+lci!? II i . J a". F;irr w, Sitnj>??>n ! j . John l'. ifirir, ov;., Sj. iriaubing li.. S r. upon whom ueopy uf iliv cifil dccltrtiion might Se served: 11 i? therefore ordered, That the said do appear and plead to the ?ai<I declarai<>n. oil or hifov' I ho 1 7tli day of April next, nrliieh will Ik; in t c year of our Lord one thun eight hundred and sixty-one ; otherwise inal and ah-olute j in I ^ineut will then bo given mil award -d again t him. J. i'.. TOLLES05, C. C P. April 10 7 4q /..! which he had worn before tauu < Ir. Karey. :Viucb curiosity was ura in the si^'tit of this umv lierv, but now Jul and beautiful steed, lit1 was used I iiinit the modus operandi of applying straps and cunt ruling the annual. it required no contest to lay Cruiser his side. Next was produce I a line an turn), with no vk-o, out winch I'roiti ubtlHit - i .. ??i i r- pillow, and It.- . \ n :lii' ... *| 111 * uanm nt. i>i" tii harp <>! _< I. and iliO fiit' limw with ite diadem >1 iij '* smile as y. it think tin \ it - c hi ii> .k<- t l' iiit'iiiMiv <>11. AII ('tonal _ it11?-1?< 11 waiting ahot! tint thtv.-lmM ??t" I'aVadise the eoiiiini; Irien 1 from !. >t.ut. upon Here Ihu glad lips* would quiver \< lar-c . , , , , 1 ttlirruish: the :?rl1:t eut > ui <\? tit j< / tin *, . . , an ! t:r?v; tile hr.iit \v ;;\ atnl \ (?'": I u i.'T ii ??> ,i!i iii nit. "I TIms ;i of li! i ...\ ! i . !.. .1 ;!st ; i). nil this vho (rend, !i ,t ft" - ?! < .i ?> ' in ..M.t (jtj j 1*1.13 " "II his l.i* "I. |ur I l lnnl'i wit her ! iTe, It W I ll ? ji . ? ;; ; . . , \ . 11 1 . . . v - . . i - .. i, . 1 a j if 11 a . mi. 1 u . ira ti i.i in?. ii .11 k. 1 j ' lint , but tli * ! :>'. for i fiowi r ?'> with* I \ at ' r ? ; < . ,j . ly \ t r tn.nit ; * {scroll ' y ?li rtlcra j ni r- . 11 1 ! r 1 I'll y i.ii* :.i the \ t Ml. ,'v t III '.i' I 1 V- . ll. ? t!. . y ' - v. .jic 'y iu thi* t>ci fuliiH co and ltuiny ii nil" . ?' . .1 I'n j . ' tin, \ s i . ; 1: :a 11 l'i'.'l. i ii. - ' i i) : > .u ii'! liv~ for trbitl you wi . i pure! numv tlut Lot ; ten iii w i is } "it v. It t >. 1. Pit.I ?h lii ; | cryo . -i llulvito, WI >U or QiuHon, on 10i hit of* i sen'l what i nrdi roi. by first ! : iii, "i ;.i'r witit tiif "-i lifmp. i li.itviy alter iIn- <lrnwiii>r. ? j riutt-.I 'if ; w < : t;oil i.i 'y lip <" .mini, .i.u.i-r:-. v\ ,.! 1'p - lit. \> !| :.ti .-\j 111 1 I. .1. I-1-" I iii 'i - wi"! | write tl'eir m i . ; i iin. uu'l ji.^r thtir Uiiiv, C rtn : . . i ,\i Ml '2 Iv V? I.urUvvooil, , r A 1 l.l) K , ry \S J iriOVf I til IV UV T Fo?Mit & I j[ oj p i-Me tli ' vju: ll<ni?e. Tliunk- I i.u .< r i t Ja\u. , i. it... i liijcrnl i-utionngi- j I >r tl ? t... urc. | .1. iv 7 _ 18 lf | ' L>. it. Slii'U.tii. 1 : ] In* Sfat?* <?1 South Carolina. In the ('iiurl of t'otuinuii l'leiuj. W. Mo-JKE, . f I vAti pkaenU 'J tol'.T. W YN'SK. ) Uolin, E.lw irils.S; Carlisle, PlfTn. Att'y. \7. ^ i 111::I! V - tin* plaintiff did. on tlic"">ib * f day of October, file lii* declaration L^ th dcfeii Ian!, who (an it if said) if at>.t iit fiittn u i tvituuiti th-1 limits of thin .State, , , 1 lt.l-s . 'i I* IHU* L ?!*L nmiiut jurav^vru a n.uu mini, i was excessively timid and uervou*. straps were ie*ddy applied, and adcr lute struggles the horse was lai I proWhile in this position, Mr. li. lepra IiiIk the head and turns if tonne side? .puds the entire body into new ruLtioi the ?stands, sits, and lios upoi b idy und between tht* loot of the an tilt me horse In ly understands that 1 "jV|' 1 | bin I ! i v. as tii> .-t.irs, ) j y?"i"- '?? I ho !a*t ?>e\v iiiuriiiitjr. I ho pool t.!l> i'l a j^u.oti 'i !i ri'iit - the toiupi'st Iroiii i!io live. ; > i -w : hi ' lv ailin g ilie breast ??i" nil a i_ V iav r. : 1 K" ;i in itlior bir i wi.h ori > <>t jrrii t' *h::- i "*? ttll |u|. |](.,f |n 1iIi: . W " '''' tlicn*. Ah! better i ?vv.iii I aw *\ li earth, than thus that ''ivy -'i ll.l bo <li " ' ii.l iiriilltnl tin* uni'i.l i> i I . 111" l\t!-? III' II nil Mill j 11* j ru> rful Oft hex n. -~ lie trove To it'll I lie 11 m - it lnM. 'o ' It IV I- lii? .1 t'l"' it I:. ill I ell ludr I i f wettrv toil iiul rife, aud i li- 11 j?*?l the vliri>tl:t? glorioua hu, in r I ii. 1; 1 o ? e i-rti i* lite. "?! . ? I i lie It'Ciin^ ' I oust i - mi -t r? ?n z in In. it nit :t Mil i.rr l_>in^ v. iiti|.| il ill tiie 1 ?:i i j (i?'|ii litix Imm;ii kiiuvvn Hi l.i' ra." 'it i I li in ! i . it qu r of all our j>- nr ?ful tu?; t ; , . : \ I ! ! t' . : n in. i l l it f; .. it. !U ? r : ; >Y. '.0 I i l 1 v isn : -:IV li.' . t . 1 , \ i ! v h i' lit .1 i.. '"Jr.;!: ' . . v.. Ij ill AYT.R ' p - ! E.\tract (!'nparilla, <' . 11111til 11 *> !) - i ' v c- ' !. !< :11 il. I I Ml | i i / < >! I.1. t iu"i? r t i I' '?l\ i?I>T i! -It i ..r.;r ? .t lit r jirwi i | 1 . Ii" n?" i". i in- : ?< <l.i\?. Oljt Sit.:;V !. "<i\v?, <":tj>ilal l*pi - .') >. ! < 11 :. 'Y < " i >i ., 1,.y : \> i- .*-! Il ilv' ? >?Q'i'irtoM ' . I. r- 1 .r I; >? t rl. 1<? lie i;u <i < I I . Won IV i:Dl?V \ I' ! . V. i: hii' >11, . ' or. \VOI?l> KI?IjV -t < < > ' 1 ? .V II I ? - .? .V l? I. I. I A I 1. (I 11 . j 14'Ot ..0 ? ? "frMv inn ihe citi/en* of ?T ." j i'-ia.i i . <n rn ilaSIIOi I iti M. irk^i-. ;i ? i . t. out. where he * will > |> t-l i i - *> .i!l w . niny iuvor 1 wi; li iiieir j. i. roi. i c. 1 J ia - 17 ly j ??. I1. Owen, r v :i i u n \ it i.:: t a i lo it, i \ 4 7 ?i L!> j n :i l.i- il.nii!. - ? J MIUW II W un* 11 ihe >.u .c >i?..?n whom a copy ot' the said de lar tiioii might be served: ll is theieiore;ordered, Thai the said defen- l I j tlx' raid declare- a ! te 2*?th day of October next, J L ?i will bo it the j ear < ! ,.ur Lord one thou land eight hundred nnd sixty-one: otherwise a and tthxjluU' judgment will then be given ' utd awarded autei hint. /j 'j. 15. TOU.E60X c. c. r. V Oct. 25 81 4q Jjg in i ne power ol l lie operator, tin I w i> i learns that he is its friend, ami that tli no cause for four '1 his done. the s ?re removed, ami the horse placed in tion to rise, and lo! it is a re.-uriection n-w life. Vic.', ferocity and uervou ire departed, like evil spirits cat flie utiioial now cheerfully suli uitst > !i ina in every part, is saddled, uiouuied ni-.jetted to rattle of the drum, era "*? ?/? " ru'!* Tiik Inn Kit I'm i.n< i.<ir NoiU't.K II huh.? 1 he Norlulk /)>> / /! >"/;, i???ti?* post- t|?. |l(i..iturn ut t raney ixl.itnl, <?.; wliie ' meiiior.ilile battle was hiu_ht hy \ irf iaus *.?\s: "ul- This little i l.iti 1 is >itn.i*. 1 a!.', it 11 | miles Ii*iiiii .Vurio'k, nil the -until; i.i :I" 1 ; *ilit 1 euiiiiti.iii is the tit" i' h ?'l " ii ' i' liK ?'i I ili\.*,?r *?l* t IIt I'.Hi?* ? 1 I I lit- iIII r . I I . II j v* for oil. 1 1. 11 j l.\ one :> ! I\vi . t AR- j ^ sick Holdiir .11 :li" hoepi mI at 4-:ri -. ji, , j ii-i'i ! i ?i" two lonir- . .lit?r s'rau to |t I water ttoin an !!'?vi>!i holy. 1 . wo :in- w?'iv? I lion li i: in hi .? v- u in!,, will m;o it." |jw living i ii'i-y. a Iyi'i?t ami ? r .i ' w Ilk . bn'li I. I* VII !; I ii, i I i , ' 'n ; \ i-f, tiit. t o' t i | i . r i.! ' ol I lo' :l !i l?? o 1 ' i . I I . \ V I I IP. ll i ; ' . . > n . ? . .* r\ J' . 1 i I ' : ' : i ' ' " . | ' * t\; . . ,1 " 'il r > ll ?'i ! ! > 1. -.-i t' i f i? -1 i" - ?1? '.I i 1 i i .f . !i f. .HI , I: : J . i\.. 1< . . . : . \ ; -.1 I : IV "' ' . i , .... i . r?' i f XV. >i 1.1 I\ j ; * * it. nit - S bo man t'<ir the j trill I i t'? \; fii c. 1>v idilri | ill; Jk-t II l . i,-.-" n.e Dravingi of Wood, Hildy & < ! it r i ? |' i -Lei in the New \ hi !? i ' | Herald, Now \?i'-< 'I mcnj New To k|i - .i . -i.' N<->\ \ . Kx*.r? and N? . , ,N. N . I 8*, '( ! i \ I ? .1 \ ^ .i ! !i illti t . * !' j 11. m.;v ? : tt%cr liaruv .i Ague*'*- : il.i i iv >i ? r.- orv. ! | J i n (i i>f. V. ?ii. '1\ c- ! si:i;r,r.n\ ? .? \ i i i K \ . at (iiv I 11 ci- i.i ; j in . -i i .' . i ii..-<; j .i * i? ii. 41. .. j, . . ?:ji tair-. j j i > ... i . I., i' K .4 . ij * A Ti: OF soi III ( AitOUXA f. In i?:? Court ot' Coai.iion I'icas. ft !. .. !.. i w i rn\ t 1 ^ Attachment. ;l. V lll'NoS. > ^ r bo, Ed#tnb .v Culidf, PUTs, Att'r. 1 \\" lib IKAo the |>hiiniiif ;i 1 on ilie loth 1 ? y il iv . t Oelniier, tile hi? lechirat ion ijjaiaist > I : ? sn . who its it is ?ai?lj is ah;il H'.OU III w l .."Ii: ill. l'li I . I v.. whip, &CM without the slightest i at apprehension ?may ho led abou . with a straw, ami indeed, will it ..;uy ioituw dr. K. without leading, .. nt i a I'mul attuoliiiielitibr its now t'r t tie thinl animal was a wild iior>0 South America, just iandod hum the ?od manageable only with the halter, i.v-ry attempt ol .Mr. Llarey to ban.I i < i.;t this creature Was violently 10-i 11' 1 ~ .\oi inlk. I he I'liiek!i'Hi-'1 to t v. .; ? t. I no .-.t* iii-i)-'! prior to tin- la-t \v..r - -(.I utile* iujj, ii | its location is in.!.. .Oi I 1 v iiiJi- octagon .lot on tlic wc-t. in I ?o lln emi l.iii.I. The oui'Miikni nt r beiitica* ( at was thro ii ii). J line, ISio. ai: 1 #hi|i, liiinl w 11it'll our .leu n I. ^ ' i t>: t nn orablo battleo| ( run.',' Islau I. t! .. "r j in.:. an innuendo iiionii'ii. ut >l tl. ... stt;il. ? il. . i'... .!. | l uHit |"?\ frty :i:i I <1 >Mn . ?: . I i i?j. ] It11.1~ .1 " i hey funikI !i>in <n! 1. with t|?. -w i' t II lulus :! (1 ;i !(.;- ..i 1, | vi I i l;.;.k "i uiu.ii lu ,.i \ ii 1 "III ,\f Pi| I, ' 1"' 7 /?? In. it i in t I lit ? < i ivt? ;l Jli; in- tlio ii ( c-s.iiir> ui lil?' :iti' 1 lit' W i ll.- tlir eu ll'l- villi l|l,'u- V i i V 111 -: 1 t IiU <*',ll\Vlll?> l*i?- .. uve | lie crsivi - t.<r tlt?* In u. - -> (ir; i f It.i-i i II ; I ' I I ;i ! V - j t. him. v. x . - V . . I ' :n . i i I 1 J i \ . 1 - i i .'ix. ? I t V l.\|\ . - I .1 . i i ' I'l I'l I I I ' j 1 " i . . .itt . I . : . . J.i. ' 11. 1 I ' : vi 1 ' I i ; i ill | . :i ! r i: i x .1 I'.i. -I ni! x x" <? i . *??. . u ... ? ' . I VI* ' i -1 ?. rs < > in, aa u s::! OCTOBER, ! >: (; H( >!C(i 1 A S i A l i. L? >iTKKY ; McKlNMEY & CO., MANAGEBS. \ 'i !' !!. z- ' ! / '?/ ' / / . y ; i ) iVc/v *. /f i / / / . | \ I . I V t 1,1.1'/!'. I .u iri.. i iy I l? *' i . * * it *. v % 1 ^ li i:.\ i i.-r, / \ P'CB w||li l>r. I. . VEKSON, ? * r 11 , \ / ? 1 I-C ?. I . \ r \ lIviHH, ! ! t'n ii .. < i, liikk i?ar.;*.?, !S|Mrt&ubur? ' i I II., S. ' . J.i?? 1'* 4'? ljr 1 iyn. t. lc. v;:jm 1 J i. . , I N : l>. :?t; i >..i r il> li . ii . v. .1: I . I.. \ I. 'I Wll ? thU ill.' 1 ! M uli'illi U COJ'V of till -u.a viel.iruiion in r' .. Ik- i ve.l: 1: i- i. ? . ! . >1. Tl at the - .M cb-frn- I ! j . : I j'ltf'.'t i tin* v.:.| (Iccl.ira- t . ii. u .<> iill day of O 'lolior o.'tt, i> lik-h w . i .ii il.c y ir ol our f-?j* tl ?.nc thou.11 i i... ;i . .in.i Mxfy .'Dr : <alurwi.i? Hull all.I -ti'mif iutijftiitlil will I lieu be given kti<] ii?..iilul :?g;?insi him. 1 J. 11. TOLI.ES0N, C. C. T. I !? ( >". ? ii rose Hti'l struck furiously ut I i? hen drew the oll siilo re . ucr-iso iliu lower tsiri oi ill i lie .11 ill.) W ll Hlil- l*i 1(41 1 I'M > - t< i>.in- i. , . .11 !?? ? * I ? . "! > ;.w :t i ' . i tt.i i J t. ' . v Vtjf i i i .ir>:i"'i, ii ' : .t. - iId '*> .. < .Oil. : < : .J . > . i) '11 1 I W I* 11 . '? I ?- I F i I nil V I'*! .'Ill I 'I I ?| ill >**H I I i I I v"* ^'r r> r w.ili tin.- ii: Ar-i'i-ii t !.? ..I. " it t'lv' till' - i icl i li ? nr ' I : I ; i- . u'1' > ,'ii. i ?v ii ? \x . > ?. ?fi i ': ?Kr' " i i.I i (l.< i>- I. .x t r?:i-jiii. I t<i i ' i '?.i i ? * 11 . > - i .if,';:. . . '1 i !, , ii " . ' I ' 1 , I if 111 > .' . . Ill I iMir.i"! Ilt'l III' - .'I~? ' till' I'M i!:. ?i i.i t 11:in I..IVM :l i . _ if 'i - 1 I. * I :JV- i n' $!;? ! 111--. if 1 : 11 .i i t" ili \ i?' ' || I'1 i'm| ,'i- .'.I l! 1m* li ' "i . . .It .i ' . it .11 : . i . i i ,11;i 1 \ I t!! . ; . . ' li-, i'1'i I i ,f?. 1 . :. ii' .it i . i . I !t 1 1 ". i ' , - i 1 i.i ..i iii in .t i 4 ~ * 4 " J. - V.X l> O . ?. Uj . J) f: ml til \ ..:-r c:a ' . ,* ?; .u, i ..i I . 1 . . \ i i 1.4 III, ' I * 1 ?, 4 \;U i 1!:? *? I \ *!i !.:* ! t . . . . \ kill III I III / ll l icliot.'i. O aly !!.' . v :iii 1 ;m l'r,.jvirlii' 1. . > i'.i be dim i i Sstui i "r t>i l_v : i.I \,r !. ''J. ' . i'Ha(i i ' . . ' ?. I . . I 'tli.HM (I, r 1 I - 'I. i i ' <1 u :i i(i; lit-i" ii, Iw ?. . lo bi irnwn Oafotar Si7, I*-!"". MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. J | : Lit j.roU -on. 1 ... U ? tf \'rr.*!0!? ? 2 2*?i11 i 11 ??* i v \ .; . -v. >.< ! ! .. m \m> si u i, I lit J"| :ill I I'M tl II *1 II * VK-illil} imi ii. i j ; -iIc 1 'ulit:c:( > ' iims-o. \ ..jr. U?-J-if. i t . Bubblier 4* ^<,u, WiTi ii MIL: !"! 1 ' -r^.. >? *q <2 The World Outdone! rH^?!K Mr.l'KMNK ck'l-<1 <4 InlXammai (or) !^\ilrjsator," which has cfu cic?l m> uim\ cuiet, ami alx ui which iLerc is a mm ii ?\ icn ut. imv on Mile 1 v JOl'.lt . i.'I'iy, in (hill pbtcc. ul K'.r Kulnoy un<l l.iui? fire* ?:h, l'?los. Srn-j raisin, D) H|>? |'M?, itnj KbtutuutiMU, it ban al-VH inOst tt-1? . i In! g i ii res ; i 'K i>l * !|< i i I i. .ill 1 :ii il.'l. il vva:- thiUli i?ili'l_, llnM ?>li It- K ?i.?-1 UUW IllUc lilt* IIHIse'eS, O.'tlif ..s iii^h as the iruim-i * head, i-.r e altuwed |nixli^iuuii Htroii^tli u'.t^e betore yielding, which mhui in d, and whi n n,i.-tr.ij>J?e<I Mood ?ji I he mounted anil n mounted a-wuuu ?*.it hack oJ the city. I I... I. .. - .1. ..! _ * r I 1 1 ' ' I ' I* I ' y . i? i .i i It c.i .?. v v.i.i , ..iii >. ! ; Imi'i i , |) ~ iin j > '.in i > i .t .( ' i i ; * '.I <1.1 .t-i 111M .1 i U * , > 111 .r, I .1 a",i | ,i-> u rvrr w.i? l!i<- ' 1 I: ! ?! . 'l",w in.I .i piiriinn >.l iii. iu iiii. .i . - . i A in11.- ?.\lifii-.. \v?. i ! i hi .!i i.i in >?> I *''0 j j?;iir ;iii'l ;i 1. w l". I . I \\ i . >-1? I-..',, m. I j j Wilt I In' |i i ?:i Ji- "t i I>. A ? i . . i . i i i in. !i i li i v. i_- : , :i .? . i i.) .?j ! r - 'ii .i> t w hi . t: i ! \ i iiiMtl buin^ iin >ti 'ii'- l n\ n i i'. k . ? i r i I: in Ii u i con t !. i . ' i mil r. II I I III !, l! . i 1. . if | jii li.iliiV, hiii : .mi (iiiij ! b) thti i!i 1' " | There's iwunolli ig iit n k'pfr r. - ! } ti. i(?;i I c inn i iii ... ii, "I ..It II" III III > . t j .. M I- .< >J>" 1 ? i 1 " > . v : . " i .. i ? y i '1 < ' ? ... ! I>- .; .1 I i i i . I i . . ' ' * I i.. | i) : ' . i .. . i r, <rtiti . .:? ' .. i, ? i . . . .' f . i. i. > . . i . . i i n ? i > i. . ; \ . i . . . . .v\ : i < . . ? . ' 1 1'. : of S i.i.ii. is r*,?_?> 1 ' lo.? .1 lit.i. 1 ? .<> M i?,o.;u I " iV'k?i is f?.ih?i* I " 4.into is 4.?>'.(t 1 " 8,(? ? is I * 'J.1HM1 is JJ.' !< !(l I 1 1,500 is 1..I 0 I'll. - f ,"~S H 1 - 1 1'iiios ol ^5,(ii..i \ Ni> N'uioilncliirer# ?i' .! > ' y. llepnirer!. j \ of ' v ?:. .> I wi.rk iniru.->u 1 i . ?.iii meet v.. ii , i :.| .ue > j 1 ! despatch. 1 .M hi. in I tf ' MATjR ESSES. ; VT Jo:: S UAKl'.KIl sir op, OVT Hardy's ' 1!;-. re, run nlways he found . ? i:i:^r !<>! i .*i??i* MAi i'KK.^fS, of nil nere. r i,? ( the jtoweK H< he,T< ihtthc Eanrbtoe. Strains, I \e . it irl* a* if l.y tile t.ittrli of S ttiajiic. 1 li-ive trucked. more or less. for tho S pi . :> year* with tiro uneUy . an 1 u<>\>lierejfl| iiuve I f.tind anything like ii?> <><]ua). It is a ' ir ihio iration, wholly ot *oy own dis- ! t ai i | 'ie.-iiy i" use according to SI hi *ll Mcam^uh' each ttle. 41 F01 site hy JO!;L E (iliUlifilON I Q. "DAVIS. Proprietor -I Hot ir>26, * York Post Office. 1 i nv ti ?i ."*?c iin L.Ii' ru m i \ W is #! .?(* tli'.rson no iiototio?w loi lilting, ki? k:n^ -ii ikitrj;, l tin owner Inni Mot to u> i:\oO shoo him I'm lour y I ao r lh'1) t i -,i ii l in hi wo h loii_' i I.ait I r- t protect iheumiiv hail a jioweri'r.l ui.l/./.l an I i halter *t i huekoh il on his iiokc, ami wmiM allov one TO ouch oj hutiol h.s nose. livci ? w.1.1 Mice Miiilly icsistcil. until n il )nit jii, i.v 1 i _ . . l m?I li : - rem irk ili it iii i *iii i' - ii- "ii i- i it ill'' in In* 1 n->"\ ?; \v. ' ii hi-: rurti ' mi c irs * J11 dir'-i-.'i -ii "i "i A i r> - t 1. ,ii i !i ujm'k, | nl '! j -r ! > ml ^ i ' 11 a?ii ' 1'' j i )l" ilu- iH-i i n iy i tin; 'i.wlr.c'.i '".i'} i tiii-11 ilri-:i li'il i i: u? t!: it !i.i!! I- , V ii" ivii : 11 ii .111 - J !i_y r..j-t Arthur i.iii . y :,t j i?r I'ort -iii'?uth. y the j i,, it vw i s .i' i ?o i.ii ii. ill. \\> iiniml i .-: :i ki iivf An i 11 iv. ho ciii'i ii i ? ? it, lilt - 11, i ii t 1 *1 * , ( I'iii.iu I .Ii lit in ! 1 i n'Oii i' i\ ; ur '1 i i A rt tin - "ill i *i i it ? | ... , , ? >!" iiiiitijr i i ? i. .i i . V? I' V. i" , -iHO t ' Will i' Tli - ' lift!i a i i. i Aycr's Cherry Pect oral, lull nil. l:\IIH II M . < .... >!-. ( . I.S. 11: " i? .:.**. hits*, I i t ' . ! I ? ill* I I ! I . . ? . ;ll' t' .a*, in :i..i < .1 .*.. ..* .1 the t I . It. I t j*'. . > I'inm milling i.? . . . wil l. in .i ir.v this M".\ rn. ' .Ji - !' I'i-ik< tlio 1 ! r i . ? ..i > i In* r? -!?: i u... <>t fin . \\ In.' i". . * 1 I.a!f ? 4. 1 ; *.* >' r 44 'J ? II, I .4 10 Tin: i;om? A I.I. ? :; I ! > .\ 4ii ...? HI. ANKS ON ii. . iii i-\ - iii in ri.ili, ami at xmxltfrai" ]?i if.". Fvb 1 f>0 tf ? 5si I^OIX4. lAiiM !!::.\YV(H:NS; ftUIUING,!; m *i*ii-i?* >i:^iilia IVojio, UflC.UP ?<; <> i* March 2'.? 4 tf 4 LI. p< r*oi?s inii c<l to tin* late firm of A ' I)! iN ,'v Ui'i'ilON. eiilicr V>_>- Note or V ?>.< berel?y lifted t.? in?ke iimne- J lintl* r.;iymi nt, or tin will be transferred to ?n t Ifricer for eonretK <>?t II .12?rf Kaot Ye Yot ' "en. i ii?s ii I'k.ii* mill Hit; \v11?I h hi- wo-i s'l whirling and taken "If his Hide tit delctice, Ul.d became so Colilusi { i allow the near forole/ to hcstra|>cd.\ h a x>) was a helploi*H three lc!?i;e.i |.r ^ t ^riMsljm,! t') floured was less the javviouMone, us lie hud been arc list < i i nulling in thnii r yea rs \|r. f* 3 cu.11 juried \>y ill-* owner not to allow Ii 'I - to /.'i hold ol htuit as he " iiuvi I Tll>: I OK V A ( ' 1 N A I I ' N . l"1 tilt! I Mil ?>1 ?" >. -IflliuT \ n:i i"l as A |u>v. > \t?ars > ! I, t:* <111 tin- hau l 1 .? < vIkm' j ry wtiiiiau wlif Im I ill.- tru < n\|M?r'? iiti.r. | t?,v wont wo! 1 tli.'oii^li tlu- ? \ii ihi ill.hi wi, in >i"il i!c- 1 fur -Mi t i Jii'N i'i 'i . : tail.- I t.i I it. 1'r.uii t i - ti n.- I >r .v 'was ir w is tlio oii-ltjin '? t itl.i 11 i!i M 'l"" a 1 iv 'it r> j ? ? inii in 1 . -i i an 1 1 1-?:vv 1: r lot mi. i I., ii.i t! > l? i i. . -i - - * t! n i'i.i. No \* .' } J .0 it, <>" I It n.i.iii Ik i .??< i wji 1)115 tr 1 j Aii i.i.iir li.i-il loV ll. 1" ll-iulfllt.' ljovo cull 1 chi-i1 *at 1 \ tiling 1x1 ] t 11 in s-, i. 11' iii?- nun ss kill-. luvti :tu t tnj j 'i . v, ti 11 ;ttu ..! ..lit (. ;. 'ii. ;ir I \ u v.. in hi mn, !i j-infill 11.\ >\vii . 1,. ' lm! .ii!; ;i In il vwil l l I1.111 t ll l> j' ii< I. I.i- 1. I.? ? . I i ; . ,li. .?< v ? I 1 ; ' ' - I : > , . ;t? i.' T I) ' v . t : , t j ? tl.r -t i i |! r . . I I II C.i ; : t .... fill i i . i i . . t II . I I .. I .. r. I'J J '\? 'i ar?"? Number i'! >1! V. .. .1 i iki? ; <> every We ine- ny au<l > : .i l..y in 7 > JCMRERS?lfl DRAWN li U.I.oTS! 1 priro of : : : : J*'J7,0<'0 1 !'i ire of : : : : r.dtH) 1 I'. ao .?f : : : : >.<h?<i 1 : : : : I'.UV r. , J ' f !. "> arc : : 7. oti Foil SAW. BY I I ll?r<:>, ii t'o., Sopl ** u r ign of thcAnvil. i) l J) B I T i K R. J >11. !'-l TI.KIS will - mi I tlio pri-nonf -fnsnn \ / it l'i\: ii/-v '!. . ?! MomIiy* :itil Tvii'?vli?j s ! I in each week, ni: I on -' ii : dajial iii^ ovnJ | :o, :i 'Ii- i - U >i ' ..." I ii. Forest, newr l' .1 i '< . i i Mills. 11 o i ill li-ve uiar.s ui . ra^H VT ft jreneriil .irtrimcul <1 Props. Me?li- j on.'-. : ee*ls, IVimrry, I'rusho, i'aint*. Hits, , limy b? foirt *t KliKR A HlilSITSH'S Anpist 2 22 tf n or I C e 7~ ^ F ^ AVIN? oe?l to lr?vr Sp:irtnnburff,. | | I . iK r tor l" my lint > AND l.OT tyinp ?>tv Lutirwus'treot, contalu'iny? 21 a<T<**, ? . It i 111 1 iv. " 1 I> " 1 . I. 1 >" K?'" \ hen hr li k1 ii?:< ii li;iii<ilotl, liii>ii i> " i by I.n |?r.ntra!lull mith si i. it '?ily t h?a Kti*ai?i A"it: rcuMVcl i. 'ill till! JI'IMCI till IN IIZ7.ll! .Ill I ll i - hen rcifi:>vt:<l trom his n? ?e, vh 11 ii.! sl i'.'i a^.iiii survvyin^ v;isr ?r i .HjK'i .. , Mr. 1 lurry i?j??'ii? ?1 Ins m m l limit his arm ti. twcoii his j.iws 1 in! in ii if v ii I* IV I a Urf liii/ill'l ; " ' " " ? I hiii<?t.. 1 ?>r hi i.iv *'i' v.icciiinti | - It'll tlio fill t il-? -111 W ' ^ till! Il ' ! i {'! wt'iv :i"tV nv t i llii'ii r. w5?. - i ' ii," r.Miiiiiiii-'l iiiMi'r'irtnl. i>i I'm <, liter Ii* lr>>!ii ? it ill |> >\ ll i l iiV- i .1 _ <1 1 . " i ,i ii ii :i 111 v ih'i't"' v icri n 11 i mi w i?> i,11 i i > .mi \u tin ii twenty y mis Ii y Ii i I -'ink lllllll ,J|) l|) ^ tllilll.ll I Ill'lV liei'll I III w?tl? , (los-inii oi' im*w tmiit'irv. Sw leu mi l> 1*171 -V * *" ' ' "* \l a tviiiriril l- nii of l't I2 ijii i ior <'n i ' in li iwr. m* , i , i ii I. l? ., i \ \ i ' ' I, W i ' i* t,.i* 1 .I - t \\.: 11 . ill .in .i - r ' l,; i* i i o iJwt.rtct \tiornov, having ?Dti ' lull t till tin i* i 1> <> - lt*n 1 l* nil .i ' ?in*vv tlti* li.ilIII' til ill | t' t 1 .11 ,i '' it ill! 81 If A I' I '> 11 . -I*? I I >w - : | Pisirii t At; rn y - Lilln* l> ?v, tiny | know t\ li it it is |o i. i.Iv 1. . I.. v i:r\i:rn n\ .r. :*. & ? o. t|, 1.?: \? i I I., x \ S S . i ii wii, \Mi. si ;:\ r.soN \ c<?. * i Ii >11. Wln>i .?!?: t?. .Inn;: l : if 1*?C c 'SSL o iil us i o ' r j # o #' v v i o i: si v. I I i ;7. > !' I ' > nro : : S.1M ?> I ' I'ii/i- t' I arc : : 4. "><>() 1 (i'2 I'rincs ?f 1?: ) ;'io : : 10,200 <?r : i I > i'li f 20 nr.- : : l.i> ?0 )< *? I'l ije- of 1*> arc : : 07<? "i 1 ii.-. - of 1 1 nrc : : <." ?> I ' . i l'i i < - of aro : : t",2'-'0 . . i i' . of arc : 1 '..V2'K> 1 11 l'i.,. - of 1 48,000 . .t>: V I - l?? III' Tl U HI. i'.ulli . i- a ilooji jiorcl. full fificn linn Nliigh. J??II N C. BE WIDEN. Sopt 1 27 * HA22 > 1} 'J j L i-'i & JD jj, 1. \ S ; 1\ >1. IJ. I. VXK X CO. IMroriTKISS .IN!) J OF Star" . rancy Dry Goods , i i ' i\ I >' I I. I > I Alt on ( In. rli Street, uy y i nt mn r for toiler t ithor, A. K. Smith r | > ticwlam, us I * Mil I] be absent for a abort *>. Titiii* t?<vb>i^abl#. : I.EE I.. SMITH. August SO 2t? tf Ti \un. " I VMINT \Tf'HE ' >U j ii 'A * jUU't as a Imubl these vario is {< : t~ of subjugation < 1 i? ihj warmest l>or-t <>| applause. 1 he a ' nfl > wtls entranced ami charmed Kir full hours. We could only wish tha wli i have (odo with this noliie animal hi witness this wonderful process of suial the horse, without the act of viol< to madden and enrage him. III.Il k. II <1 si i ille t? l 1*11?ii : " in i.'1111:1 i re.iiainel absolutely I roc 'run -mil -i iti'il for | wriil y yen I'm ii 11 it tin- |>i\n-t?c- ol v u 111 nation li;t' 1 been properly adopted. A m I wo den change limn llii' few |?r?*?M?ilii|T ye ' vs lion .Vl'.I,IM.)0 por'niis ?1 i< I annually ri'1' Sill lll-p.lK ill till' WO 111 at 1.1 mI.11' 1 '11 niiiji OOO in Kurope, ami when every (punter mice ? century saw l! ol hum.hi in ii carried oil by the lonle-t el distempers! ",V? . I.ittll: ! "_> -I fHIJ'l ' ?' It is til || II (I ",x truth. hi.sti'u-t Attorn \ Y? hut. what won "d he tho it Jolt do nut ti ll ;li I truth. "I laittll! l?"V ?I .-'l|jH?i' I ?houl I l"" - I to jail. >l l>i~tiirt Attiirncj Hut would u<>t <h ' iiunish you/ I ,lit.. It . V I ..11 \\ 11 ;s,l : \ 11.:: 1 i.. I 1 > .1/ F .S'/ /, I, s. f < '.iiil'i ... il. . i i< I . i. an i ?ilv. I ' .11 ' 11 . , ' cri ' i ?*?/ r'/ iin / i >< . .... .... \ I I \ .1. . ' I . ill. V I I X < III , .11 .1.. . .? 4'j \y "1 - C f . . ... .... < ??* ?" ?r- >.? i ! WHOLE TICKETS $5. mil iars fx 1 in ounr.RiNo ??:: rEH rmcATrs. I I'.m-Uxo the n."?i \\ to our oiI.Ir s for the lie!.. - hi lei.'.l, <>'! t' < ij t > f which l liev will ] f 1. tnv.v ii ie I I \ lir i til. Purchasers cin 1 h i\ t kvt.i < ti ling iii any figure it.ey u.ay <i , > Mguntc. The 1 -t of .liviwn numbers 'in,! prizes will he I ; ill.tKVl.t), >l.V. \ i >! i\. March 15 2 ly M. T. HcKINNEY, WiSOI.i^AI.!: AM) 1:1,2111, '"A iffi* TIP TO <7 , , - V V. J?l . V y SECOND DOOR EAST OF Ts'E COURT HOUSE, s r .1 /: t .1 x /; v /? a, n . c. S Hi L' ' ".? 11 * - AtlXIOUH IO ha vo ? ry fl kin?l of ivlhcsirc niat?n ^CT to- 1 til iii* att r?:i<>r? ?n? tlir " "Bf k. ' D 1 ?i 1.1 K," u now X I FIS ; & 11*l.viim., I July 12 If Dreigiale, m Pilis, torr!"?>. B xn i Uurtnjt tlic handlingot (tin various In Mr. llurey freely inlernuiijrles valuabli Mt met ion fir the proper treatment of animal while in the process olt ruining; liibitioo in strong eon trist his inaiia/en With the oi l violent method. Mr. H; iPSOS I > ill- ! 'l'utrirk,' sui 1 a judi^i*,''wlial doyouth o to Ilu; charge, ar?; yo i guilty or not ti 1: ; ex- 4,l\?itli ill it m a difficulty for your honor icnt tell, let alone myself. Wait till I Imur t artiy *vid?ne?." ......x ,.yj .-i i _'ii -a inn;<1.1 i s :i I ii I vcr*.ili*t. \i\y ? ? ty' j \ ,liuj. ( ! >-( I . i ivin 'l;t\ wit the following iiiiii i n<--mont: " 'l<?> < 1 <i ?>o iicconut ol'(lie (Katli of a tuiLy in if I family " Vi 1 i . r i' i ? 11 iiv i 111 ilu- pu pil.i inn. Ii i-i re |t pll I" I H' I lIlCIIIO I II i. illlpr vc lOlllj :ti I'll ii .1 \. I' i4*ii i ik i: i\ i:!ii>i.t nii\ " Ii i-. I I i ?:ili* li\ j KIM I Kit IIKIMTS1I ' No> I *"i if I'luiriuiu'tMitir-10 1 "tii . . i-cr> miin? <liHi<.if:, r Ilio tlr.iw\u > <iintinini?*Alii>Tt> :r??-i 1 cotiii l< nli:tl. , t . l< t 11 ??* - >! ('< rliiioiiti ?, It^ Mnil or l'.xjirc^"., t.i l<e tlirf t *' i MoK KV .V Co., Savannah, On. . 11 12 if , B. ({ucr.fs lad ! ' " ; il Jdly. jr.l'l' \UI*.t? from i!>? pur V > c Coil l?iv? | Oil. Tin* jrilifyinK "t F.mI hirer Oil m j llii- nto*t tlolii'Aic summoh r?> rewire ami retain tin* eat reinr<lv. Fur huImJ i v?v u * u j. b. ooonomvs , , > . ~" vtJKL'tfc , HD^H ? i u,vH' -. v? rul mouitift in Mobile, fi ii_. jAh,-^H professional eorvice* to tho atfti< te>i refer* to tho hundred* ? ' ? ores be In* v iihin tin- >*?( few years v? proof of his skill (he l real man 1 of the?e disrate*. Hunt mile, April "2?, 1^60. June 7-14-W flfl